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DMSF Murphy Scholar Pledge

 I will work my hardest at school and maintain good grades. I will make sure my homework is
always turned in and that I am prepared for tests and quizzes.

 I will seek help from my teachers and will take advantage of tutoring resources that my school
provides when I need it.

 I will promptly contact a member of the DMSF Education Department if I have below a B in any
of my core classes.

 I will attend all mandatory events, such as the Summer Opportunities Fair, college counseling
events, meetings with my school liaison, contract signing, service day and class meetings.

 I will fulfill all mandatory obligations, such as communicating with DMSF and submitting the
Better Than a Letter Survey every January 15 and June 15.

 I will engage in outstanding behavior at all times. I will represent DMSF in my school and
community in a positive manner.

 I will check the DMSF website and my email frequently to stay informed about all mandatory
events and obligations.

 I will stay in close contact with DMSF, and will promptly respond to any emails I receive from
DMSF. I will inform DMSF of any issues I am having, and will also share good news with DMSF.

Scholar Name (Print)

___________________________________________________________ ________________
Scholar Signature Date

309 West Washington St., Suite 700, Chicago, IL 60606

DMSF Parent Pledge

 Each spring I will apply for financial aid at my Scholar’s School, on or before the School’s
deadline for financial aid applications.

 I will provide DMSF with updated financial information (i.e. 1040s and W-2s) every

 I will make regular, timely payments toward my Scholar’s remaining tuition balance,
after taking into account the School’s financial assistance and DMSF’s payments, and
will also pay any supplementary fees, such as for books, uniforms, fundraisers, and

 If I am unable to keep up with my tuition payments, I will inform DMSF and the
School of my current situation.

 I will make sure that my Scholar is devoting adequate time to his or her studies.

 I will ensure that my Scholar engages in outstanding behavior at all times.

 I will make sure that my Scholar attends all mandatory events, and I myself will
attend events and meetings that DMSF deems mandatory for parents and guardians
(such as contract signing and certain college counseling meetings).

 I will promptly advise DMSF of any change in my family’s or Scholar’s contact

information (address, phone number, email address, etc.).

 I will positively represent DMSF at School and in the community, and will assist DMSF
by advising other parents in the community about DMSF.

Parent Name (Print)

___________________________________________________________ ________________
Parent Signature Date

309 West Washington St., Suite 700, Chicago, IL 60606

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