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Lauren Farney

Dr. Critchfield
January 19, 2020

Professional Dispositions Assessment

Indicate your level of agreement with each statement listed below using the response
scale of 1-5. Use this assessment to inform your Professional Dispositions Statement.
1 = Strongly Disagree 2 = Disagree 3 = Undecided 4 = Agree 5 = Strongly Agree
Professional Dispositions Criteria 1 2 3 4 5

I believe a teacher must use a variety of instructional

strategies to optimize student learning.
I understand that students learn in many different ways.

I demonstrate qualities of humor, empathy, and warmth.

I am a thoughtful and responsive listener.

I assume responsibility when working with others.

I believe that all students can learn.

I believe it is important to involve all students in


I believe the classroom environment a teacher creates

greatly affects students' learning and development.

I view teaching as an important profession.

I understand that teachers’ expectations affect student


I view teaching as a collaborative effort among educators.

I understand that students have certain needs that must be

met before learning can take place.

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I am sensitive to student differences.

I communicate caring, concern, and a willingness to

become involved with others.

I am punctual and reliable in my attendance.

I maintain a professional appearance.

I believe it is my job to create a learning environment

conducive to the development of students’ self-confidence
and competence.

I respect the cultures of all students and am sensitive to

cultural norms.

I honor my commitments.

I treat students with dignity and respect at all times.

I am willing to receive feedback and assessment of my


I am patient when working with students.

I am open to adjusting and revising my plans to meet

student needs.

I communicate in ways that demonstrate respect for the

feelings, ideas, and contributions of others.

I believe it is important to learn about students and their


I believe a teacher should be professional, compassionate, understanding, caring,

flexible, honest, fair, and genuine. I believe a teacher should use a variety of instructional

strategies along with materials to meet the various needs of their students. Understanding the

needs of one’s students’ is vital as well as showing continued support as it will help each student

to feel they have value and have the ability to learn. I believe an educator should be sensitive,

respectful, and understanding of a student’s culture/cultural norms. I believe it is important to

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learn about students’ interests, family backgrounds, and educational background. I believe a

teacher should be able to receive constructive feedback and be willing to collaborate with fellow

educators. It is imperative for teachers to support and work alongside each other to better one

another and their students. A teacher has a large responsibility to create a safe learning

environment where students feel comfortable to express themselves and learn. Dressing

professionally while on the job communicates that a teacher cares about what they are doing and

shows parents, fellow co-workers, administration, and their students that they are prepared to

educate and see this task as a priority. When a teacher dresses professionally, it communicates to

a student that they are important and that the job of teaching them is taken seriously. Punctuality

is just as important. It is a characteristic of professionalism and sets an example for students to

follow. A teacher is on-time when they are early.

My professional disposition statement provides a framework of foundational principles

for me to implement in my teaching career. The self-assessment is a more detailed set of

principles that fit within the framework of my professional disposition statement. It provides an

honest evaluation of how I am carrying out the guidelines laid in the dispositions statement.

Throughout my program of study, I have grown in my knowledge of professional dispositions

greatly. It has given me a foundation and a direction for how to build my teaching philosophy. I

have learned the importance of collaboration and showing that I truly care about meeting each

students’ needs and showing I care about them as individuals and their education. For instance,

during practicum I saw the importance of taking time to listen to individual students and their

needs and making sure they do not get overlooked in the daily running of the classroom. In

addition, during my first two weeks of student teaching I have gone to multiple meetings and

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common planning time with my mentor teacher and this has confirmed how vital collaboration is

among teachers and administration to clarify long-term goals.

The Model Code of Ethics and professional dispositions are closely intertwined. Both

focus on the importance of the students and the profession as well as being committed to each.

Professional dispositions and ethics are both vital to ensure an educator is doing their job

properly and in a professional manner. The Model Code of Ethics provides guidelines for what

an educator should not do in their profession and the professional dispositions provide a set of

principles to follow. I am committed to applying these guidelines to my profession as a teacher.

To improve my teaching, I will set a goal for myself to always arrive early and to be more open

to constructive feedback. I will strive to support the committed team of teachers and staff already

in place at my school.

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