Micro Gear Wheel

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Journal of University of Science and Technology Beijing

Volume 15, Number 4, August 2008, Page 480 Materials

Fabrication of micro gear wheels by micropowder injection molding

Haiqing Yin, Xuanhui Qu, and Chengchang Jia

School of Materials Science and Engineering, University of Science and Technology Beijing, Beijing 100083, China
(Received 2007-09-15)

Abstract: The micropowder injection molding technology was investigated to fabricate the microsized gear wheels on a conven-
tional injection molding machine. The feedstock comprised of carbonyl ferrum powder and a wax-based thermoplastic binder. Mi-
croinjection molding was fulfilled at about 423 K under 100 MPa. The heating system was applied to the die to improve the fluidity
of the feedstock and subsequently the cooling system was used to enhance the strength of the green compacts after injection by de-
creasing the temperature of the die. The gear wheels were realized successfully with their addendum circle diameter ranging from
800 to 200 Pm and with the center hole as small as 60 Pm.
© 2008 University of Science and Technology Beijing. All rights reserved.

Key words: micropowder injection molding; gear wheel; thermoplastic binder; heating system

[This study was financially supported by the Major State Basic Research Development Program of China (No.2004CB719802), the
National High-Tech Research and Development Program of China (No.2006aa03Z113), and the Program of the Ministry of Educa-
tion of China for Changjiang Scholars and Innovative Research Team in Universities (No.I2P407).]

1. Introduction Microparts with complex shape and small size, such

as gear wheels and spin nozzles, were obtained suc-
Recent years have witnessed the rapid development cessfully [1].
of microsystem technology (MST), which asks for the
microcomponents, for example, micromolds, mi- In this article, the microinjection molding process is
croparts for sensors, and accelerators, to be fabricated studied to manufacture micro gear wheels with an ad-
with high tolerance and accuracy. Some technologies dendum circle diameter less than 1 mm. The raw ma-
show their advantage of producing microsized parts in terial used is pure Fe.
some respects, such as lithographic process (LIGA),
micro cutting, laser ablation, and silicon etching. 2. Experimental
However, the application of these technologies is re- Carbonyl Fe powder was used in this experiment.
stricted because of the limited types of materials, high Fig. 1 shows the morphology of the powder. Most of
cost, and low efficiency. Micropowder injection the powders are in round shape with a mean size of
molding (P-PIM), a novel process to fabricate the mi- 2.3 Pm. The feature of the round shape combined with
crosized parts with a complex shape, therefore, the small size of the powders meets the requirements
emerges as an alternative to carry out the fabrication of injection molding of small parts because of the im-
of the microcomponents, in medium and large scale, at proved fluidity and capabilities of mold filling.
a low cost [1-10]. Two research institutes in Germany
have become the first to explore the relative research The binder in this case was a wax-based thermo-
and have obtained the financial support from the gov- plastic binder and its components contained paraffin
ernment and large enterprises. A variety of materials wax (PW), high-density polyethylene (HDPE), and
were involved in their research, including stainless stearic acid (SA), as listed in Table 1. Low molecular
steel 316L and 17-4PH, ceramics such as ZrO2, Al2O3, weight components and high molecular weight ones
Si3N4, TiO2, and Al3N4, and cermets such as WC-Co. were selected to form the binder of the thermoplastic
Corresponding author: Haiqing Yin, E-mail: hqyin@mater.ustb.edu.cn Also available online at www.sciencedirect.com
© 2008 University of Science and Technology Beijing. All rights reserved.
H.Q. Yin et al., Fabrication of micro gear wheels by micropowder injection molding 481

polymer. The low molecular weight components com- Although the micromold inserts of the gear wheels
prised of paraffin wax and stearic acid. Paraffin wax is were manufactured by an advanced silicon etching
usually used as the primary component to meet the process (ASE process) on a silicon slice, the ASE pro-
requirement of the flow characteristics and viscosity. cess, combined the inductively coupled plasma etch-
The addition of a small amount of stearic acid was to ing process, with a sidewall passivation process, was
improve the surface features of the powder and de- applicable to produce the mold insert of a high
crease the viscosity of the mixture. High-density poly- height/width ratio. The morphology and the array of
ethylene was chosen as the high molecular weight the mold inserts for gear wheels, with a diameter of
component to offer enough strength for the green the addendum circle ranging from 900 to 200 Pm and
compacts during the debinding process.  the depth of 200 Pm, are shown in Fig. 2(a), on one
Fe powder was then mixed with the binders to ob- piece of silicon slice. The center hole of the mold in-
tain a homogenous PIM feedstock in a torque rheom- sert with a diameter of the addendum circle of 900 Pm
eter plastograph mixer at 80 r/min for 90 min at 135qC. was 160 Pm. The size of the center holes decreases by
The powder loading was 56vol%. 20 Pm with decreasing the addendum circle diameter.
Fig. 2(b) illustrates a mold insert on the silicon pro-
duced by the ASE process, keeping the accurate shape
of the gear wheel. The mold insert with a diameter of
the addendum circle of 200 Pm, as shown in Fig. 2(c),
witnesses the limitation of the ASE process with un-
even wall and inaccurate shape. In this case, the heat-
ing and cooling systems are equipped around the in-
jection molding die. The microinjection process was
carried out on the conventional injection molding
machine of IN STAR CJ80E produced by Chende
Fig. 1. Morphology of the carbonyl Fe powder. Plastics Machinery Co. Ltd., China

Table 1. Components and their viscous properties of the thermoplastic binder

Components Content / wt% K0 / (Pa˜s1) E / (kJ˜mol1) Tk / K
Paraffin wax (PW) 63 0.009 4.4 332
Stearic acid (SA) 10 0.007  347
High density polyethylene (HDPE) 27 420 33.0 423
Note: K0 viscosity at a reference temperature T0; E activation energy for viscous flow; Tk melting point of the components.

Fig. 2. Mold inserts of the micro gear wheels on the silicon slice by the ASE process: (a) close-up view of the mold insert
with different sizes; (b) mold insert with a diameter of the addendum circle of 800 Pm; (c) mold insert with a diameter of the
addendum circle of 200 Pm.

lows [11-12]:
3. Results and discussion
K=K0exp[(E/k)(1/T1/T0)] (1)
Thermoplastic binders were successfully applied in
many cases to increase the mold filling capacity of where k is the Boltzmann’s constant. In this experi-
various kinds of powders [1, 3-4, 6, 8]. The viscosity ment the binder is the mixture of wax, polymer, and
of a thermoplastic binder (K), whose behavior is ther- stearic acid. Therefore the viscosity of the binder
mally activated, decreases with temperature and de- mixture can be calculated by the logarithmic additivity
pends exponentially on absolute temperature T as fol- rule [3]:
482 J. Univ. Sci. Technol. Beijing, Vol.15, No.4, Aug 2008

ln(Kb)= ¦ Wi ln K i  (2) K under a pressure of 100 MPa. In view of the diffi-

culty in molding resulting from the small size of the
where Ki is the component viscosity available by Eq. mold insert, the heating system was applied to the die
(1), Wi the mass fraction component i, and n the num- to enhance the rheological characteristics and decrease
ber of the components. In this case, the viscosity of the viscosity of the feedstock during this process. The
the binder mixture at the injection temperature of 423 temperature of the die was adjusted to 353 K. Because
K, calculated by Eqs. (1) and (2), is 7.83 Pa˜s. This of the poor thermal conductivity of silicon and the
value is smaller than 10 Pa˜s, which is the upper limit accumulated heat from the melted feedstock as well as
of the viscosity of the pseudoplastic flow for the the heating system, the cooling system was subse-
binder mixture. From this point, therefore, the quently applied around the silicon slice to decrease the
wax-base thermoplastic binder in this experiment temperature of the green compacts immediately after
meets the theoretical requirement as a binder of PIM. mold filling. Fig. 3 shows the top view of the green
The injection molding process was fulfilled at 423 compacts of different sizes with a height of 200 Pm.

Fig. 3. Top view of the green compacts of different addendum circle sizes molded at 423 K under the pressure of 100 MPa.
Diameters of the addendum circle and the corresponding center hole are: (a) 800 and 140 Pm; (b) 700 and 120 Pm; (c) 600
and 100 Pm; (d) 500 and 80 Pm; (e) 400 and 60 Pm; (f) 200 and 20 Pm, respectively.

The forming of the gear wheels, shown in Fig. 3, ge of the gear with the circle diameter of 200 Pm to
proves that it is feasible to keep the shape of the gears such an extent that the profile of the gear becomes
intact and accurate when the diameter of the adden- fuzzy, which attributes to the poor strength of the
dum circle is as small as 400 Pm. Also a conclusion green compacts and the coarse surface of the insert
can be drawn that the binder meets the basic require- wall. The strength of the green compacts can be im-
ment of micropowder injection on its viscosity and proved effectively by appropriate design of the cool-
strength. However, serious damage occurs on the frin- ing system on the mold and decreasing the tempera-
H.Q. Yin et al., Fabrication of micro gear wheels by micropowder injection molding 483

ture of the compacts before demolding. The improved plastic binder mixture. The temperature and pressure
sample, by decreasing the temperature of the heated of mold filling were optimized as 423 K and 100 MPa,
mold and prolonging the holding time after injection, respectively. The cooling system was testified to be
is shown in Fig. 4. The fringe of the gear, however, valid to cool and harden the green compact to improve
still does not conform entirely to the designed pattern. the intactness of the compacts in the P-PIM process.
Accordingly, the roughness and accuracy of the mold The shape of the gearwheels was kept accurate when
insert surface become one of the key factors to influ- the diameter of addendum circles was greater than 400
ence the final quality of the microparts. Only after the Pm. The center hole maintained its cylindrical shape
roughness of the inner wall of the mold insert is im- when the diameter was as small as 60 Pm. The quality
proved, can the completeness and accuracy of the of the mold insert was found a key factor to influence
green compacts be guaranteed. the final quality of the parts.

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