Inside Debt: U.S. Markets Today Chart of The Day

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Build America bonds TODAY’S TOP STORY: Ratings agency Moody's gave an emphatic
Click on the chart for full-size image thumbs-down to Europe's efforts to resolve a debt crisis, slashing Ireland's
credit rating as EU leaders took no new action to prevent market turmoil
spreading. For more please click here

TREASURIES: Treasuries prices climbed, with long-dated bonds lead-

ing the way after the Federal Reserve bought long maturities as part of its
program to keep interest rates low to help an economic recovery.
The Fed bought $2.030 bln in Treasuries maturing from August 2028 to
May 2040, helping the 30-yr bonds advance 1-27/32 in price, its yield
falling to 4.43 pct from 4.54 pct.
10-yr notes rose 28/32 to yield 3.33 pct from 3.43 pct late on Thursday.
5-yr notes rose 13/32 to yield 1.95 pct and 2-yr notes were up 3/32 to
yield 0.61 pct.
2-10's part of the yield curve flattened by 7 bps while 2-30's flattened by
8 bps.

FOREX: The euro declined for a second straight week against the dollar
and may extend losses after a multi-notch downgrade of Ireland's credit
The popular bonds have gained an increasing share rating affirmed the severity of the euro zone debt crisis.
of munis. Euro slid to a two-week low around $1.3133, with near-term support
seen at $1.3104, its 200-day moving average on EBS. The euro was
TODAY’S TOP NEWS last down 0.42 pct at $1.318. On the week, the euro was down 0.2 pct,
although for the month of December, it was up 1.4 pct so far.
Irish debt downgraded as EU eschews crisis action Euro hit a record low against the safe-haven Swiss franc around 1.2720
on EBS. It was last at 1.2792 francs, down 0.14 pct. Euro fell 0.5 pct to
Grab bag of goodies in Obama's $858-bln tax plan
110.65. The dollar was 0.07 pct weaker against the yen at 83.94 yen.
SEC sends more subpoenas in mortgage probe-
sources CORPORATES: Corporate bond spreads were mixed on a new view
that the economy would do better next year amid growing concerns on
U.S. House to vote to extend government funding - the euro zone debt crisis.
Hoyer The CDX.IG-15 index was unchanged at 86 bps.
U.S. faces tough future without Build America Moody's downgraded Ireland by five notches to Baa1 from Aa2.
Bonds ConvaTec Healthcare sold $745 mln of senior unsecured notes.
U.S. growth prospects look firmer as year end nears STOCKS: The S&P 500 closed slightly higher to cling to a two-year
Investors prep for rise in toxic U.S. home loan sales high, while investors predicted a pause in the days ahead, when volumes
are expected to dry up and after a 5 percent gain so far in December.
Euro zone in trade surplus rises in October Dow dropped 0.06 pct to 11,492.67, S&P gained 0.09 pct to 1,243.95
EU agrees to longer bond maturities, haircuts-draft and Nasdaq rose 0.21 pct to 2,642.97.
UK banks told must restrain bonus payments The VIX index earlier fell 10 pct and hit its lowest level since April. It
was last down 7.59 pct.
Oracle and RIM rose 3.94 pct and 1.62 pct respectively.
ECON WATCH Barclays dropped 2.11 pct, KeyCorp climbed 4.08 pct and Regions Fi-
FOR MONDAY DECEMBER 20 nancial rose 1.79 pct.

ET Indicators Unit Reuters Prior C & E: U.S. crude oil futures ended modestly higher on economic opti-
02:00 DE Producer prices mm % 0.3 0.4 mism after two closely watched indicators showed the recovery gathering
02:00 DE Producer prices yy % 4.5 4.3 steam, outweighing worries about euro zone fiscal debt.
04:00 EZ Current acc. nsa bln - -9.2 U.S. crude oil gained 0.40 pct to $88.05 per barrel.
04:00 EZ Current acc. sa bln - -13.1 Gold rose 0.37 pct to $1,375.5 an ounce.
04:00 EZ ECB Net invest flows bln - 7.0 Reuters-Jefferies index was up 1.03 pct to 320.62.
08:30 US National Activity Index ind - -0.28
08:30 CA Wholesale trade mm % 0.8 0.4  For MARKET SNAPSHOT click here
JP BoJ starts 2-day Monetary Policy meeting  For NEXT UP click here
 For DEEP DIVE click here
INSIDE DEBT December 17, 2010



1-Mo Bill 0.065 0.03 0.066 -0.018 DJIA 11498.15 -1.10
3-Mo Bill 0.115 0.105 0.117 -0.016 NASDAQ 2648.60 11.29
6-Mo Bill 0.175 0.165 0.178 -0.003 S&P 500 1245.53 2.66
1-Year 0.295 0.275 0.300 -0.007
2-Year 99.789 99.820 0.610 0.078 COMMODITIES
3-Year 99.273 99.305 0.998 0.141 PRICE CHANGE
5-Year 97.289 97.336 1.953 0.359
NYMEX 88.1 0.4
7-Year 97.281 97.328 2.682 0.656
BRENT 91.3 0.2
10-Year 94.109 94.172 3.328 0.828
SPOT GOLD 1377.1 6.6
30-Year 97.484 97.547 4.402 2.172
PALLADIUM 739.5 3.0
IR SWAPS <19901>
2-Year 20.25 24.25 0.80 0.83 CLOSE CHANGE
REPURCHASE AGREEMENTS 3-Year 25.75 29.75 1.25 1.27 Jan-11 99.67 0.00
G/C MORTGAGE REPOS 5-Year 19.50 23.50 2.14 2.15 Mar-11 99.59 0.02
O/N 0.310 O/N 0.300 7-Year 13.75 17.75 2.81 2.81 Jun-11 99.48 0.05
2-Week 0.290 2-Week 0.290 10-Year 7.75 11.75 3.40 3.39 Sep-11 99.34 0.07
1-Month 0.290 1-Month 0.300 30-Year -30.00 -26.00 4.10 4.08
3-Month 0.300 3-Month 0.350
U.S. Interest rate swap—yield curve FUTURES
O/N 0.300 10:00 AM
CBOT 5 yr 118.67 0.52
2-Week 0.310 3:00 PM 0.250
CBOT 10 yr 120.42 -1.28
1-Month 0.310 0.244
CBOT 30 yr 121.31 -2.09
3-Month 0.340


BID ASK BID ASK Euro 1.3171 1.3174
O/N 0.220 0.240 - - Sterling 1.5507 1.5512
1-Month 0.260 0.320 0.174 0.184 SM JP Yen 83.87 83.90
3-Month 0.290 0.390 0.177 0.187 Open 0.2200 Swiss Franc 0.9687 0.9690
1m 0.2624
6-Month 0.450 0.550 - - High 0.2500 Can Dollar 1.0111 1.0116
3m 0.3421
12-Month 0.780 1.050 0.242 0.252 Low 0.1200 Mexico 12.4085 12.4136


2-Year 0.625 28/12/2012 12.25 9.25 0.725 2-Year 0.375 28/12/2012 13.25 10.25 0.735
3-Year 0.75 18/12/2013 20.75 17.75 1.2 3-Year 0.875 28/10/2013 12 9 1.112
5-Year 1.625 26/10/2015 25.25 22.25 2.2 5-Year 1.75 10/09/2015 19.5 16.5 2.143
7-Year - - - - - 7-Year - - - - -
10-Year - - - - - 10-Year 3.75 27/03/2019 1 -2 3.334
30-Year 6.625 15/11/2030 24.5 21.5 4.645 30-Year 6.25 15/07/2032 25.5 22.5 4.655

Active MBS 15YR Wrightson ICAPSM Chart of the Day

FNMA 4.0 102.1700 102.1800 3.214
FHLMC 4.0 102.1730 102.1770 3.211

Active MBS 30YR

FNMA 4.0 98.2920 98.2960 4.195
FHLMC 4.0 98.2200 98.2200 4.246
GNMA 4.0 99.3020 99.3060 3.997

INSIDE DEBT December 17, 2010


Irish debt downgraded as EU eschews crisis action Grab bag of goodies in Obama's $858-bln tax plan

Ratings agency Moody's gave an emphatic thumbs-down to U.S. President Barack Obama's $858 billion tax package is a
Europe's efforts to resolve a debt crisis, slashing Ireland's credit grab bag of goodies for investors, the affluent and workers, but
rating as EU leaders took no new action to prevent market tur- the richer you are the more you get.
moil spreading. The top 20 percent of taxpayers will see a 5.7 percent boost in
Moody's cut Ireland's rating by a stunning five notches during a after-tax income, while the bottom 20 percent get a 3.7 percent
EU summit meant to restore confidence in the euro zone by boost, according to the Tax Policy Center, a think tank.
creating a permanent financial safety net from 2013 and vowing A tax on gifts typically paid by the wealthy will stay at 35 per-
to do whatever it takes to protect the euro. cent, its lowest rate since the Depression, instead of rising as it
Moody's cut Ireland's rating to Baa1, three notches above junk, would have under current law. A couple with two children and
with a negative outlook from Aa2 and warned further down- cash income of about $300,000 saves about $8,000 by extend-
grades could follow if Dublin was unable to stabilize its debt ing the current rates, compared to what they would have owed if
situation, caused by a banking crash after a decade-long prop- the rates expired, according to the Tax Policy Center.
erty bubble burst. The blow to investor confidence came as the These figures, however, do not include the breaks on invest-
27 leaders failed to agree any specific measure to stop conta- ment income. The law freezes for two years the top two income
gion spreading from Greece and Ireland, which have received tax rates at 33 percent and 35 percent, preventing a jump to 36
EU/IMF bailouts, to other high-deficit countries such as Portugal percent and 39.6 percent where they had been headed. To be
and Spain. Leaders spurned calls for immediate practical steps sure, the low and middle income groups do benefit. They'll see
such as increasing the size of a temporary bailout fund or allow- a cash boost from cuts in the payroll tax -- which fund the Social
ing it to be used more flexibly to buy bonds or open credit lines Security retirement system -- with the rate trimmed from the
before troubled countries are shut out of the credit markets. current 6.2 percent to 4.2 percent. The wealthy also get that
benefit, but the payroll tax is not imposed on income above
SEC sends more subpoenas in mortgage probe-sources $107,000. Extension of the $2,500 college credit and another
child tax credit will help lower income groups more, as they
U.S. regulators have opened a new line of inquiry in their mort- phase out by income. Eight million students take advantage of
gage foreclosure probe and are asking big Wall Street banks the college credit, according to the White House. Two big boons
about the beginning stages of mortgage securitization, two for business are a new write-off of 100 percent of investments
sources familiar with the probe said. immediately and prevention of the dividend rate from jumping to
SEC launched the new phase of its investigation by sending out 40 percent. For an interactive graphic on taxes, deficit and fiscal
a fresh round of subpoenas last week to big banks like Bank of stimulus, click here
America, Citigroup, JPMorgan Chase, Goldman Sachs Group
and Wells Fargo, the sources said. The SEC's subpoenas focus U.S. House to vote to extend government funding - Hoyer
on the earliest stage of the mortgage securitization process,
said the sources, who requested anonymity because the probe The House of Representatives will vote on a measure to extend
is not public. The sources said the SEC is asking for information government funding through Dec. 21 to avoid a government
about the role of so-called "master servicers" -- specialized firms shutdown, House Democratic Leader Steny Hoyer said.
that oversee the selection and maintenance of the large pool of The Senate is still negotiating a measure that would extend
home loans that go into every mortgage-backed bond. current fiscal year funding beyond Saturday at midnight, when
One of the sources said the SEC is seeking information about funding expires.
the role banks had in mortgage securitization. The regulator is Lawmakers have failed to pass a budget for the current fiscal
also looking at the role trustees for the trusts that issued the year, which started Oct. 1, and thus have extended last year's
mortgage-backed securities had in monitoring the performance budget to fund the operation of everything from nuclear subma-
of the underlying loans. rines to national parks. Senate Democrats had hoped to pass a
detailed, $1.1 trillion spending bill to cover the rest of the fiscal
U.S. faces tough future without Build America Bonds year, but they abandoned that effort on Thursday night in the
face of unified Republican opposition.
U.S. state and local governments face a surge in borrowing Republicans want to extend current funding through January,
costs after lawmakers refused to renew the federally subsidized when they will take control of the House and hold a larger num-
Build America Bonds program used to fund projects and create ber of seats in the Senate.
The $2.8 trillion municipal bond market also faces depressed U.S. growth prospects look firmer as year end nears
prices and greater volatility due to the loss of taxable BABs,
which made up more than a quarter of all new municipal debt The U.S. economy is gathering steam as the year draws to a
sold this year and which have been largely attributed with re- close, boosting optimism about prospects in 2011, according to
starting stalled municipal credit markets. measures published by two separate economic research firms.
Issuers like California receive federal rebates equal to 35 per- The Conference Board's measure of leading economic indica-
cent of the bonds' interest costs. And most issuers hoped the tors jumped 1.1 percent in November, the biggest rise since
program, which debuted in April 2009, would be extended for a March and the fifth straight monthly gain.
year or two beyond its Dec. 31 expiration. But an extension Separately, ECRI said its gauge of future growth rose to its
failed to make its way into a tax bill passed by Congress this highest level since May. It was the latest evidence of steady, if
week. As prospects for a continuation of BABs dimmed over the erratic, improvement in the economy's prospects after a sum-
last few weeks. Separately, legislation laying out how the U.S. mer lull. U.S. GDP grew at a 2.5 percent annual rate in the third
government will fund surface transportation projects could pro- quarter, but that was not enough to bring down the jobless rate,
vide a vehicle for bringing Build America Bonds back after they which rose to 9.8 percent in November. Still, the rosier outlook
expire at the end of this month. from key indicators offered a bright spot.

INSIDE DEBT December 17, 2010


Investors prep for rise in toxic U.S. home loan sales EU agrees to longer bond maturities, haircuts-draft

Trading in toxic mortgage loans will likely jump in 2011 as more EU leaders have agreed to try to lengthen the maturities of new
banks unload the assets, with large investors such as The Car- sovereign bond issues and have confirmed private investors'
lyle Group joining others already entrenched in the market, in- involvement in the future euro zone rescue mechanism, a draft
vestor sources said. summit statement showed.
Industry chatter has volumes nearly doubling in 2011 to about The draft confirmed that the permanent euro zone rescue
$20 billion, according to Jason Kopcak, head of whole loan trad- mechanism, to be launched in mid-2013, would open the possi-
ing in New York at Cantor Fitzgerald, which brokers the sales of bility of private sector investors taking a loss in the event of a
distressed assets. While volumes represent a fraction of the 5 sovereign debt restructuring.
million of troubled home loans, a pickup would be a meaningful It said all new bonds issued in the euro zone from June, 2013
step in resolution of the housing crisis, analysts say. would carry collective action clauses (CACs) which allow a
As sellers offer steep discounts and the loans are not tied up in specified majority of bond holders to overrule minority ones
bonds, buyers say they have greater flexibility for work-outs when seeking a debt restructuring deal with the sovereign.
such as short sales or deeds-in-lieu of foreclosure, or to fore- The draft added the CACs would be modeled on existing ones
close. in the United States and Great Britain.
But with a housing bottom in sight, opportunities are attracting It also confirmed that any debt restructuring process would be in
new players to the "non-performing loan" market dominated by a line with current practices of the IMF.
few investors, which include Arch Bay Capital and Kondaur
Capital. Private equity firm Carlyle Group has recently shown its UK banks told must restrain bonus payments
hand in funding trades, or bidding directly, two sources said.
Britain fell in line with the rest of the EU in introducing the
Euro zone in trade surplus rises in October world's toughest bank bonus curbs as politicians and the BoE
stepped up pressure on lenders to rein in payouts.
The euro zone's trade surplus rose in October even though ex- FSA published an updated remuneration code that will affect
ports grew marginally slower than imports, data showed, boding 2,700 financial firms it regulates from January just as the 2010
well for the next trade contribution to economic growth in the last bonus round is underway.
quarter. The BBA responded by saying the sector contributes chunky tax
Eurostat said the seasonally unadjusted trade surplus of the 16 revenues to the UK treasury and the country's banks should not
countries using the euro with the rest of the world rose to 5.2 be put at a competitive disadvantage to rivals outside Europe.
billion euros ($6.92 billion) in October from a downwardly re- There were no major surprises in the revised code, but it ce-
vised 2.6 billion surplus in September and a 4.8 billion surplus in ments a shifting mood.
October 2009. Both exports and imports growth slowed in Octo- Lawyers saw some wriggle room, however. As with the CEBS
ber compared to the previous month, but still remained strong rules, staff at low-risk firms like small banks and building socie-
with exports up 20 percent against the previous year and im- ties could escape the more draconian rules.
ports up 21 percent. In September both grew 22 percent year- Britain's ruling coalition sent out mixed signals. The deputy
on-year. Adjusted for seasonal swings, the trade surplus was prime minister warned banks the government will not remain
3.6 billion euros in October, up from 2.0 billion in September as neutral if banks fail to cut this year's bonus payments or in-
exports edged 0.1 percent lower month-on-month while imports crease lending to small companies.
fell 1.3 percent. Data showed that in the January-September Separately, Nationwide Consumer Confidence index fell 7
period the euro zone's biggest economy Germany was the main points to 45 in November, its fourth consecutive fall and the
export engine producing a trade surplus of 113.5 billion euros, lowest since March 2009.
up from 97.9 billion in the same period of 2009.

Americans not so optimistic about 2011, poll says Four out of five people said jobs in their communities are hard
to come by, and two out of three say jobs in their line of work
Americans are ringing out 2010 on a worried note, feeling grim are difficult to find, it said.
about the job market, the cost of living and their retirement sav- Almost half said they or someone in their household has been
ings, according to a poll released. without a job and looking for work in the past year.
Three-quarters of those surveyed are dissatisfied with national Nevertheless, two-thirds of working people said their employers
conditions, and nearly half fear the economy will take a long are in excellent or good financial health.
time to recover, according to the poll by the Pew Research Cen- While 57 percent said it is difficult to afford the things they really
ter for the People & the Press. want, 40 percent said it is easy.
Nearly nine in ten describe U.S. economic conditions as poor or Two thirds said it is difficult to save for retirement.
fair, it said. However, the number of people calling conditions Asked to assess their personal financial situation, 40 percent
fair, rather than poor, has risen slightly since October. said fair, 30 percent said good, 23 percent said poor, 5 percent
Looking ahead, 55 percent think 2011 will be better than this said excellent and 2 percent did not know.
year, and 31 percent say the coming year will be worse. About a quarter said they owe more than they can afford on
That's more pessimistic than a year ago, when 67 percent credit cards and other non-mortgage debts.
thought 2010 would be better than 2009, it said. The national poll was conducted Dec. 1-5 by telephone among
Almost half, or 48 percent, said it will be a long time before the 1,500 adults. The margin of error was plus or minus 3 percent-
economy recovers, while a third predicted it will recover soon, age points, Pew said.
the survey said.

INSIDE DEBT December 17, 2010

DEEP DIVE Commentary and Analysis

Key components of Obama's tax bill Extends a 45-cent-per gallon tax credit for ethanol for one year
and a 54-cent tariff on imported ethanol. Cost: $7 billion.
The U.S. Congress approved an $858 billion tax deal between Revives for 2010 and extends a research and development tax
President Barack Obama and the Republicans that will boost credit to 2011. Cost: $13 billion for two years.
the economy but add to the budget deficit.
Following are key components of the bill. All cost estimates are FACTBOX
from the congressional Joint Committee on Taxation and for a End of U.S. stimulus plan and municipal bonds
10-year period unless noted.
When the U.S. Congress passed the $814 billion economic
INDIVIDUAL INCOME, INVESTMENT TAXES stimulus plan in 2009, it included a bevy of measures to help a
Extends tax rates for all income groups, including the wealthiest municipal bond market that froze at the end of 2008 begin func-
2 percent, which Obama had originally opposed. tioning again.
Cost of keeping tax rates for the middle and lower income When the stimulus plan ends on Dec. 31, many of the munici-
groups: $127 billion. Cost to retain the top two income tax rates pal bond market measures expire.
Obama originally opposed: $61 billion. Here are the most notable ones:
Keeps capital gains and dividends taxed at a top rate of 15 per-
cent. Obama and Democrats had sought a 20 percent top rate. Direct-Pay Bonds, taxable debt which pay states, local govern-
Cost: $54 billion. ments and other bond issuers federal rebates.
Repeals certain limitations on deductions for high-earning indi- The biggest program was Build America Bonds, intended for
viduals. Cost: $21 billion. infrastructure projects and paying a rebate equal to 35 percent
Extends a $2,500 annual college tax credit, favored by Obama, of interest costs.
for two years. Cost: $18 billion. Recovery Zone Bonds paid a higher subsidy of 45 percent and
Extends a $1,000 child tax credit, which phases out at higher could be issued by areas hit hard by the recession. There was a
incomes, for two years. Cost: $72 billion limit on how much issuers could sell, and so they had less im-
Boosts earned income tax credit, which benefits low-earning pact than BABs.
working individuals. Cost: $12 billion School construction bonds, capped at $11 billion, provided a
rebate close to 100 percent. These were introduced as tax
ESTATE TAX credit bonds, which give investors credits on their taxes in lieu
Obama conceded to Republican demands on the estate tax -- of interest payments, and later changed to the direct-pay model.
35 percent after a $5 million individual exemption.
That level was originally pitched by Republican Senator Jon Kyl. Small issuer limit for bank-qualified bonds
Obama and Democrats had wanted to renew the tax at 2009 The limit on how many bonds issued by small communities and
levels of 45 percent rate with a $3.5 million exemption level. The nonprofits that banks could hold was temporarily raised, boost-
estate tax expired this year. Cost: $68 billion. ing demand for the debt.
UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE Alternative Minimum Tax exemption
The bill extends long-term unemployment insurance for 13 Interest paid on private-activity bonds, which are issued to fi-
months, without a requirement that it be paid for immediately as nance facilities that fall out of the purview of typical public
Republicans have demanded. works, was exempted from calculations to determine if a bond-
Two million people by the end of the year will lose their benefits holder had to pay the Alternative Minimum Tax.
if the benefits are not extended, according to the National Em-
ployment Law Project, a workers' rights group. Federal Home Loan Banks
Jobless benefits usually expire after six months, but since the Federal Home Loan Banks, a group of cooperatives helping
recession took hold in 2007 Congress has voted to extend them provide financing for economic development and housing, were
for up to 99 weeks. allowed to issue letters of credit for tax-exempt debt, creating a
Cost: $57 billion, according to the Congressional Budget Office. source for guaranties after the municipal bond insurance indus-
try broke down.
The bill amends the alternative minimum tax by indexing it to
Diffident investors miss silver linings in U.S. economy
inflation to prevent more than 20 million middle-class taxpayers
from getting hit with the tax, intended to ensure the wealthy pay
By Krishna Kumar
some income taxes.
The signs of a stronger U.S. economic recovery keep multiply-
Cost: $137 billion.
ing, and yet diffident investors appear more fixated on the well-
EXPENSING FOR BUSINESS known negatives surrounding the economy -- high unemploy-
Lets businesses of all sizes write off investments faster in 2011. ment and a moribund housing market.
This benefits capital-intensive companies the most. To name a few: U.S. retail sales rose for a fifth straight month in
Cost: $21 billion. November, the October trade report pointed to an improving
export picture, the ISM manufacturing survey has posted good
PAYROLL TAX CREDIT gains, continuing jobless claims are near a two-year low and
Employers and workers each pay a 6.2 percent payroll tax, consumer confidence at a six-month high.
which funds Social Security. The bill lowers the rate for workers So the surprise, at least in the first half of 2011, could be for a
to 4.2 percent for one year. stronger-than-expected U.S. recovery leading to a sustained
The Social Security Trust Fund would be paid back by a transfer rise in the dollar as well as U.S. stocks.
of general funds. Markets may finally move away from the schizophrenic risk on/
Cost: $111 billion. risk off trading mentality, instead rewarding countries with good

INSIDE DEBT December 17, 2010

DEEP DIVE Commentary and Analysis

growth prospects. omy's struggles over the past three years that they may not be
With the perennial problems in Europe, the euro emerges as the seeing the recovery building momentum, similar to how Asia's
obvious candidate to buy the dollar against, with the Japanese rebound from its crisis in 2003 was initially missed.
yen offering the next best choice. For euro/dollar in the medium term, this week's failure to sus-
The good U.S. data, combined with the extra stimulus that the tained a break above the 38.2 percent retracement of the
budget deal is expected to generate, analysts have been busy $1.4283-1.2969 decline should lead to consolidation in a
revising up GDP forecasts to show growth of more than 3 pct $1.3165-1.3500 range.
for 2011. There's a very slim chance of euro/dollar reaching $1.3625, the
The nascent recovery in the United States comes at a time 50 percent retracement, before heading lower to test $1.2969,
when the major emerging market economies seem to be gaining the November low, en route to the August/September lows at
a second wind. Data published by China last weekend showed $1.2585-1.2642.
impressive growth momentum in November. Only a move above $1.3786, the 61.8 percent retracement and
The spectacular rise in U.S. Treasury yields recently seems to the Nov. 22 high, would spark a retest of the November peak at
affirm this point, with 10-year yields having soared more than a $1.4282.
percentage point from the October lows to as high as 3.568 In the longer term, as the euro holds below $1.4371/4470 -- the
percent. 76.4 percent retracement of $1.5141-1.1875 slide and falling
But instead of attributing the rise as a natural outcome from an downtrend line -- the euro has every chance of breaking under
improving economic outlook, investors have grasped for other the $1.1875 low of 2010 and trading towards $1.1100/1300.
explanations. Investors still skeptical of the U.S. economy and the dollar may
They point to the lack of budget discipline in the United States chose to sell the euro against the Australian dollar, which cuts
leading to a widening of the deficit, inflationary fears due to the risk of a sustained U.S. downturn.
loose monetary and fiscal stimulus and fears the Federal Re- The Australian dollar is a natural beneficiary of a growing global
serve may not be done with quantitative easing after QE2. economy, thanks to its links to China and its burgeoning trade
While these explanations appear plausible, investors may be with India.
better off in simply accepting the fact that the U.S. economy is The euro/Aussie downtrend looks to be well-entrenched in
indeed on a mend. 2011.
Though the Fed statement on Tuesday left policy setting un-
changed, there was a modest and cautious upgrade to the eco- -- Krishna Kumar is a Reuters FX analyst. The views expressed
nomic prospects. are his own --
Investors have been so burned by the financial crisis and econ-

INSIDE DEBT is produced by Reuters in partnership with ICAP.

(Compiled by Pronita Naidu and Mowna Ravikumar in Bangalore)

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