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First Edition POST-TENSIONED BUILDINGS Design and Construction Dr Bijan O. Aalami Professor Emeritus, San Francisco State University Principal, ADAPT Corporation Ietrational Eaton Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data ‘Aalami, Bijan 0. Post-Tensioned Buildings: Design and Construction; International Editon Includes index. ISBN 978-0-615-02041-5 1. Reinforced concrete buildings. 2. Post-tensioning TAGEB.9.A 2014 624.1" = deat Library of Congress Control Number: 2019957604 Copyright © 2014 by Bijan O. Aalami Al rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or translated in any form or by any means — electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise — without the prior written permission of the copyright holder. ‘This books intonded forthe ue of preeeslonals competent to evatute the Signieance and linatons of ts contents, an who wil accept responsi fo the appliotion of the matoral contains. The publisher an author report the metrlcontandin the book a a attr of information, and heefore scam ay anal responsbty {or sopicaton of the sate principe, or the accuracy ofthe sources. The publsherauthor make no waranty regarding the recommendstons contained heron, ncladng waantes of accuracy, ually, oF safety, expressed imple te, mole warentie o merchariablty and fines fra particular purpose beyond etund ofthe purchase Price of ts book cover design credit Natasha Kramesaya Printed a Cina IS6N 978-0-615-22001-5 CONTENTS POST-TENSIONED BUILDINGS Design and Construction 1. waxooucnon 1, 12, 13. 2 rosr-rensio aa 22 23 24 25 PostTensioned Buildings Purpose and Outline Briet History of Post-Tensioning in Bullding Construction References NING Brief Description of Prestressing 21 Prestressing Options Distinguishing Features and Advantages of Post-Tensioning Construction Application of Post-Tensioning in Bullding Construction 23.1 Floor Systems ~Flat Slab Construction 232 Floor Systems -Beam and Siab Construction 23.3 Podium Slab in Low-Rise Buildings 234 Transfer Plates 235 — Mat/Raft Foundation 236 Industral Ground-Supported Slabs 23.7 Slab-On-Grade - SOG; Residential and Light Industral 238 Retrofit through External Post‘Tensioning 239. Post-Tensioning to Restore Geometry in Seismic Frame 23.10 Post-Tensioning in Walls 23.11 Post-Tensioning in Columns 23.12 Special Application of Post Tensioning PostTensioning Material and Hardware 241 Prestressing Stee! 242 Tendons 243 Stressing Equipment 244° Grouting Equipment Post-Tensioning Construction 25.1 Construction with Unbonded Tendons 25.2 Construction with Grouted Tendons 25.3 Marking and Recording of Tendon Positions ' wove 26 Economics and Material Quantities 261 — Material Quantities 262 Construction Cost ar Repair; etront Maintenance and Life Gye 46 2.7 Floors Reinforced with Grouted Tendons 2.7.2 Floor Reinforced with Unbonded Tendons 28 References 3 esicworconcnentrLooRs 31 General Requirements 32 Requirements of Design Procedure 33 ‘Concrete Design in Relation to other Materials 47 34 Design Characteristics of Post-Tensioning as Analysis and Design Process 35:1 Analysis and Design Steps 35.2 Structural Modeling 36 References. 48 4 pesicx conceers ano proceDunes 4a Principal Objectives 4411 Safety—Ultimate Limit State (ULS) 43.2 Functionality—Service Limit State (S1S) 413 Economy 414 Legality 42 Material 421 Concrete 422 Prestressing Stee! 423 Non-prestressed Stee! 49 43 Sizing 43.1 Support Spacing | 432 Slab Thickness 433 Beam Dimensions 434 Common Sizing Examples - 44 Durability 44,1 Exposure to Corrosive Elements 44.2 Flee Protection 443° Wear 45 Load Path ‘45.1 Prerequisites of Load Path 452 Strip Method 453° Slabasa Continuum 454 One-Way and Two-Way Systems Suructural Systems 46.1 Slab Systems 462 Slab Bands 463 Column Drops Capitals/Drop Panels, 464 Walle Slabs 465 Joist Slabs 466 Beams 46:7 Support Conditions; Releases a 468 Other Floor System Examples Loading ATA Selfweight 4.72 Superimposed Dead Load 473 liveLoad ATA Prostressing 475 Wind/Earthquake/Special Loads Prestressing 48:1 Load Balancing 48.2 Force election 483. Bffective Flange Width of FBeams 484 judicial Placing of Tendons 4.85 Average Minimum Precompression 486 —Hyperstatic Actions (Secondary Actions) 48.7 Constant Force and Variable Force Designs 488 Tendon Layou 489 — Post-Tensioning System Selection and Performance; Bonded/ Unbonded Analysis Options 49.1 Underlying Assumptions 492 Analysis Models 49.41 Simple Frame Method (SFM) 49.4 Equivalent Frame Method (EFM) 495 Finite Element Method (FEM) Serviceabilty Check; Serviceability Limit State (SLS) 4104 Load Combinations 4102 ACI318 Crack Control Stress Check; Non-prestressed Rebar 4103 EC2 Crack Control Stress Check; Non-presiressed Rebar 4.1044 TR43 Crack Control Stress Check; Non-prestressed Rebar 4.105 Significance of Allowable Stresses; Code Compliance Stiffness Assignments Post-Tensioned Buildings 410.6 Deflection Control 410.7 Vibration Control 441 Safety Check - Ultimate Limit State (ULS) “4:11 Load Combinations for Gravity Design 4.1.2 Hyperstatic Actions 4,13 _ Redistribution of Moments ALA Design for Strength ALLS Safety Against Cracking Moment 4116 Punching Shear 4LL7 One-Way Shear 412 Initial Condition; Transfer of Prestressing 413 References 5 sosters vor pascn oF A post-TENSioNED FLOOR 6 osrrmnstone> FLOOR DESIGN Step Step Calton 64 ‘Geometry and Structural System 62. Material Properties 63 Loads 64 Design Parameters 65. ‘Actions Due to Dead and Live Loads 66 Post-Tensioning 67 Cade Check for Serviceabilty 68 Corte Check for Strength 69 Cade Cheek for Initial Condition 610 Detailing 611 References 7 vosr-rewsiuneo tan vest: Sety Step alain 74 Geometry and Structural System 72 Material Properties 73 Loads 74 Design Parameters 75 ‘Adtions Due to Dead and Live Loads 76 Post-Tensioning 1 Cade Check for Serviceabilty 78 (Code Check for Strength Contents 79 Code Check for Initial Condition 740 Detailing TAL References 8 commures arricarion 0 Desten oF RCOR Pr BUILDINGS an Overview a2 ‘IM; Building Information Modeling and Structural Design Process, 3s Incegration of Suuctural Analysis in BIM a4 Approximation in Analysis 8s. Computer-Based Design Example 86 References Q soserenstone nn mutse-stone suILDINGS 94 Structural Impacts of Post-Tensioning in Mult-Story Buildings 92 Effects of Post-Tensioning on Column and Wall Supports 93. Precompression from Post-Tensioning and Restraint of Supports 93.1 ‘Temperature Effects 93.2 Precompression from Prestressing 94 References 10 srr vosss nm presraessincsteet | 101 Overview 102 Distribution of Stress | 103 Friction and Seating Loss Calculations 103.1 Stress Loss due to Friction | 1032 Elongation 10.33 _ Stress Loss due to Seating of Strand | 104 Long-Term Stress Loss Estimate 1041 Elastic Deformation of Concrete 104.2 Creep of Concrete 104.3 Shrinkage of Concrete 1044 + Relaxation of Prestressing Stee! 105 Examples 10.5.1 Friction and Long-Term Stress Losses of an Unbonded Post- ‘Tensioned Slab 4052. Friction and Long-Term Stress Losses ofa Beam Reinforced 2 EE EO OO Post-Tensioned Buildings with Grouted Tendons 106 Notations 107 References 11 sraucronat moosunc oF ros-rENstoNED TENDONS TL Structure! Modeling Reser of restressng Tendons 112 Structural Modeling Optons of Prestessing Tendon 1121. Moddlingof Tendon ax Applied Loading 1122 Medelingf Tendon as a ond Resting Element 1123 TendonMoling eter and Comparison 1124 ample 113 —efeences 42 secon vesicn ror neo 121 Bending Design Overview 12:2 Design Based on Strain Compatibility 123 Bending Design Based on Simplified Code Formulas 123.1 ACI318 Simplified Bending Design 123.2. EC2 Simplified Bending Design 13 worsrions 1A vara rsniss 15 invex ABOUT AUTHOR ‘ABOUT THIS BOOK ‘Over the lst 32 years, have heen involved inthe design and observation of post-ten ‘sloned project in more than 35 countries worldwide. | have also had the opportunity tomeet thousands of others whose work encompasses the design construction, review, land approval of post tensioned buldings and bridges. Through observing and discuss- ing concepts and design procedures with other engineers, | have learned a great deal; ‘this boolefemy attempt to organize the critical aspects of what have learned and pres fntit ina lucid and simple manner. Atthough the book is primarily written for practicing engineers who design post ten Sioned buildings, wil also serve those who want t learn more about the practice of post tensioning, Contractors building oficial, plan checkers, students, and researchers trill find the book of value. The topics covered are treated indepth and taken tothe point of practical application Post tensioning in building construction practice over halfa century old inthe US— {steatvely new ln many other arts ofthe word. In the US, the practice started and primarily developed as an “ar” ands stl greatly influenced by the early practic, When ‘Combined with the scence of engineering post-tensioningofes economic advantages land the potential of superior performance. These economic and performance advan tages have been the driving force inthe worldwide acceptance of post-tensoning. The US practice long withthe long history of satisfactory performance of post-tensioned bulldings, served a5 a guide forthe inital practice In other countries. However, the ‘worldwide practice developed and matured in diferent ways. Toa large extent, the Practice stil remains an “ar supported with diferent degrees of engineering science, ‘depending onthe country af practice. “Through my interactions with other engineers, I have come to understand the topics that we engineers master well and those that we often have conceptual dificulties in tither mastering or applying. In many instances, the dificult Is the result of the mate ial not having been taught a part of the course work ofthe underying engineering ‘legree of of not being well explained inthe available textbooks, For some engineers, thee dfculties coupled with thet lack of experience in post tensioning design andthe art” component ofthe practice has surrounded pot-tensioning witha halo of mystery and undeserved complet. ef miy hope that this book will remove this mystery. {have used pictures and dlograme ao wall a ext to explain the concepts and proce ‘ues. In parciclar, Ihave emphasized the topes that | have identified as stumbling blocks for many engineers have addressed these topics in several ways, at diferent locations inthe book. Some topics may appear obvious, even trivial to experienced de signers yet they are discussed in detall—then repeated, and repeated again. Repetition, ‘while inating an goa ong way in ensuring that a concep is understood, PostTensioned Buildings wil restructures. com Post-Tensioned Buildings “The book assumes a basi knowledge of conventionally reinforced concrete design Founded on this knowledge, the material presented covers the full range of post tensloning principles, including the principles nocessary for elicient design. The focus of the books on the science of engineering, rather than the “ar” of post-tn- ‘Gomi design; thus Ure is more emphasis on theultimate objectives of “service Sil and safety rather han strict adberence to local or traditional racic. The abjeaive sto benefits arger mmber of my colleagues as wellas plan checkers and ‘evlewers, and to make teaser tofollow a design and move through the approval ‘roses less painfully. Having mastered the basi concepts, it becomes easier to ac {ope that there is more than one way of designing a post-tensioned structure that tneets serviceability and safety requirements. ‘The parameters and bounds of design ate ultimately defined by bullding codes Commercial construction inthe US is governed by the international Building Code {iBC);theconerete requirements are based on ACI 318: Building Code Requirements forStructural Concrete, With respect to post-ensioned conerete, ACI 318 primarily feflects current design practice in te US; as with other aspects of ou ves, the AL ‘Sad requirements are heavily influenced by special interest, particulary those of the pose tensioning material suppliers. This becomes apparent when the AC re (Uidnents are compared to those of ether countries. Por example, the European ode C2! having to adress the interes ofa larger numberof counties, enloys cefeater component of engineering science. Where applicable, this book attempts {orsover the ples of ACT and EC2 sldeby side. The objective sto emphasize that {hone ls more than one way of arriving safe" and serviceable" design and that the designs under different codes canbe quit diferent. ‘The book comes in two versions: US edition and an Internationa edition. The Us edition uses Uh US system of units (1, i) that is common in US construction, ‘ous with the equivalent values in Stunits(N, a, Iteovers both ACI/IBC and EC2, ‘hich in alton to being mandatory in 2 large numberof European countries is being used more and more az bass fr other bullding codes The International edition ofthe book covers the same topics cording to oth ACI/ TBC and EC2 inthe SIS, mm) system of units In adtion, where applicable, tin ‘des the recommendations of "R43, PostTesioned Conerete Floors Design Hand book TRAd isa publiation ofthe UX Conerete Society that provides recommend ons for design and construction of pst-tenstoned buildings ‘Asecondgoal ofthis book ist adress the widespread use of software indesign We STongetnced to learn how to calculate deflections or determine the value ofthe ‘Moment at even section our software does itforus. The ability to do longhand eUliions of moments shears and dellections has become obsolete, jst 35 the Sbityto uve side rules became obsolete when hand held calculators were ntro- “Gaced. Many of us ely entirely on software: viewed asa back box — to provide us nth the values epee to accomplish our design tasks. Further, many of us have come ta place ou faith uly on the output ofthe “black ‘Dow in bur offic Ths development presents two issues Firs the design engineer Ty sul sesponsble for the design, The design must resulta serviceable and safe Structures tshould also be economical ‘Second the “lack boxes that are eurenty available are not al he same, While TpcReN ins 1206 vi ‘About This Book the input and output of diferent software programs may seem sia there ae igi Cant ferences in the assumptions, simplincations and procedure wed nthe internal ‘workings ofthe software. The former required sl of knowing how to calculate deflec- ‘ons and bending moments tas been replaced by the need to recognize the assamp- tions and procedures that a given software program uses in processing the input data, ‘aswell as the acuracy and reliability ofthe solutlons it produces Drawing on my experience extending over thre decades asthe lead engineerin the de ‘lopment of software fr the analysis and design ofconerte structures and specifically post tensioned concrete strctures—namely ADAPT "I have tried to shed light nthe book on several rteal aspects of sohware evaluation. 1 acknowledge that some readers may not have had cours in finite elements. Since finite element analysts forms the basis of concrete floor design a general understanding is necesary to evaluat the sutailiy of design software. 1 have therefore devoted 3 Section of the book to this top. In simple yet precise, words have explained the nie tlement concepts that design engineers need to know when using currently available design softrare. Ihave followed the explanation with examples that illstrate how dt ferent software packages may not go through the same internal steps and thus may not produce the sane results fora partiular set of input data, “The book includes two detailed, longhand numerical examples. One example s for 2 Column supported flor syste and the other f fora beam frame. The examples reflect Feal-fe conditions, and the ealclations are done according to both ACI and EC2 re- {gulrements The International edition also goes through the examples using TR43, In recent years there hasbeen much progress in Building Information Modeling (IM), However thre is sil a stumbling block when it comes to integrating the work of struc tural engineers into the otherwise smooth flow ofthe BIM proces. The problem arises from the necessity of having to crete an "analytical model from the architect's “physl- ‘alr model ofthe concrete frame. The BIM model reflects the actual geometries of 2 bulding = the physica” model. The practice of structural engineers to date has been to simplify the physical model to an analytical model crate from intersecting centro ‘al lines. Stching from the physical to analytical model disrupts the smooth low of Information through the BIM proces; the results ofthe structural analysis cannot be transferred diel to the BIM model. Section 82 of the book examines thls problem And offers afesibleand practieal solution. ‘While Ihave downplayed the requirement for longhand calculation of deflections and moment, cannot over-emphasive the importance of our first course instructural engl fering states —and the ally to draw a complete free-body dagram. Estimating ‘he applicable loads correct identiving 3 load path and making sure thatthe design ‘alues ae in‘statie equ with the applied loads go along way in structural de Sgncirrespective of how complex the structure is Likewise, tis important to think bout “ductility” Throughout the book, the emphasis for sat ison (0) selection of ‘in uninterrupted load path, i) state equisbrium ofthe applied loads with the design forces of the load path and (i) adequate duct. Satisfaction of these conditions will, Fesult na safe structure, even wien the design conflcts with the results of widely: Used analysis and design software ‘ver the course of one’s caret there may be specifi events often unforeseen, with Tong lasting effect. owe my love of posttensioning and lifelong commitment 01 F www adpsoficom Post-Tensioned Buildings two individuals ~ Philip French and Rene Friedrich After the 1979 revolution in Iran, T moved to Germany working at Darmstadt University. Philip anol college friend, was head ofa precast and posttenstoning frm in Hawalland arranged for meto meet Rene, vino was on his yearly ski trip to Switzerland. Ren, the US manager of VSL? Corporation, Jed me to post tensioning ly offering mea positon ia VSUs California headquarters. ‘The book benefited from the contribution of Ms. Roshni Malyakkal, an exceptionally {righ student and later long-tie colleague of mine at ADAPT Corporation, who has ‘gone through the material meticulously to verify its accuracy. |dedicatethis book my mother. ifelongteachor, who losther husband when she was 28, but devoted her life to hard work and single-handedly supporting and ensuring the tclucationof her three children. Lam also indebted my wife, Ingrid, whose unwaver Ing support Ihave enjoyed since 1958, Ke Bijan 0, Aslam alot unary 2014 ‘hie work was made possible through the ‘generous support of ADAPT Corporation lh il | i ult 1H Me t Your Partner Structural Concrete Design ‘ 5 VSL Comportion; wow CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION View ofa Post Tensioned Towerin Honolua 1.1 PURPOSE AND OUTLINE This book isthe culmination of over 30 years of ex perience in posttensioning, gathered through de ‘Sig practice, teaching observation, and close inter faction with post-tensioning designers worldwide, The book is an attempt to demystify post-ensioning and bring Is concepts and in-depth principles to the point of everyday practice on both common and PostTensioned Buildings complen structures, No attempt ks made to exhaust ‘he material on prestressing that is eadly alla inmany good texthooks, such as [Callie eal 1997; [Nawy 1997] Rather the focus ison what practicing fenginee's need to know inorder to produce 2 good ‘design orto evaluate an existing structure nike conventionally reinforced concrete, where the determination of design forces and the associated 42 reinforcement is fairly straightforward, successful posttensioning design requires a designer’ exper: nee and input beyond commonly availabe textbook formulas. Veteran posttensioning designers often refer tothe “art” of post-tensioning “design” a5 op- posed strictly to its underlying mechanteal theories Posttensioning design requires experience-based judgment from the designer before the mumber~ “Erunching ean start. This books intended to help the post tensioning engineer to develop or strengthen the required knowhow and experionce that Is pre- requisite of a good design. ‘This Chapter offers brief review of historical de ‘velopment of post tensioning in building construc: tion Chapter 2 describes the technique of post tensioning, with foous on the commonly available Systems and hardware, as well a the economics of ‘ost-tensioning and estimate of quantities, ‘Chapter 3 outines the design concepts and proce: tires for post-tensioned floor systems. Ie explains the steps for breaking athree-dimensional model of floor system into design strips forthe purpose of Its structural design or fs compliance with the go: trang building codes Te cavers both the in-service {Serviceabty Limit state—SLS)and/safety require: ments (Ultimate Limit tate—ULS),to determine the hhecessary reinforcement and the associated. deta Ing The outlined procedure is valid for both conven tionally reinforced and prestressed oor systems. "The procedure forms the bass of contemporary a tomated algorithins implemented in major design soltware chapter 4 reviews the items that you need to fully understand and master in order to achieve a good design [e's 4 compilation of diferent topic, each ‘hdressing one aspect of prestressing concept and design, The explanations unravel te ambit that eneraly surrounds the postTensioning desig. ‘Chapter 5 sts the 10 steps that you would follow, when you manually design a post-ensioned oor system ora beam frame. In Chapter 6, the basic concpts and procedures presented in Chapter 4 and the 10 steps for the Utsign « post-tensioned floor system suggested in ‘Chapter are brought together to elp you manually sign a column-supporeed two-way floor system. Unlike mose textbook, where simple examples are presente, the floor system selected for Chapter 6 Post-Tensioned Buildings {strtended to reflect the realistic conditions of com Sraction, where design parameters are oftentimes nether regular nor simple. The onghand calculation presented navigates through scenarios that you are Tie to encounter in design of rel structures, The Us ection ofthe bool follows the ACL 318/98¢ codes aswell asthe European code EC2, with the empha Sis an American system of units The international feito ofthe book includes additional design steps {sing TR, with emphasis on System of wits. White we recognize that today tew engineers are Tikal to design a floor system using longhand eal atin, the Information in Chapter 6 is essential to theunderstanding of design process. Ithelpsto bull up the necessary design skills as well as validation bf design obtained through automated procedures. In adaltion it provides a reference point for com parson of design outcomes using diferent building In Chapter 7 we design a beam frame, applying the procedure outed in Chapter 6 for design of two- ‘Way columneaupported floor system and, using the TO'steps outlined m Chapter 4 We fllow the same building codes used in Chapter 6 tn Chapter 7, we focus on erysaliing the differences between design ffs beam frame and tha ofa two-way floor system. Few engineers today are likely to engage in hand ‘akulaton for design of routine foor systems inthe vironments of consulting offices. Computer pro: ‘grams have universally replaced the hand calcul thos that use tobe common. Chapter B covers the Automated design of post-tensioned floors through presentation of the modeling and design of a post fensioned floor sytem, using leading commercially svillable softwares More and more often around the world, commer- lal and residential mutstory buildings are con Structed with pos-tensioned flor systems. In most tases, design engineers perform the post-tensoning ‘nalts by extracting each oor level ofa mult-sto- Fy building and testing the extracted flor in isola- tHon-The inpact of post-tensioningon the frame ofa ‘huli-story bllding is reviewed in Chapter 9. This Chapter addresses the changes in column and wall TRETIHBI1 14; temaioel Bung Coe CIBC 2012) 2 Bea ENION2 200 3 Fee, 208 ‘puller ADAPT Foc Pro Introduction reactions resulting fom the application of post-ten ‘Soning in the floors and diversion of precompres- ‘on into walls alang with a brie reference to effects bof flor shortening de to posttensiolng* Suess losses in prestressing tendons and allowance for them in design are base in design of postten- soned members, Chapter 10 offers lear outline of the sources of prestressing losses, long with a well fextabliched procedure for thir calculation. Several ‘numerical examples lustrate the aplication of the ‘The treatment of pos tcnsioning tendons for struc tural analysis has evolved extensively. From the Simple load-balancing procedure introduced in ‘arly 1960s to analytical modeling of tendons as ds- ‘rtized finite elements, there has been a signifcant leap inthe modeling and analysis of posttensioning tendons. apter 11 walks you through each stage fof development and presens te state ofthe art in tendon modeling and analysis. Design of a member for bending fs routine step in practically every posttensioning design. For completeness and bulding code-based protocols Chapter 12 Is devoted to design of post tensioned ‘membersin bending It covers the design aspects en ‘countered in practial structures, 1.2 BRIEF HISTORY OF POST-TENSIONING IN [BUILDING CONSTRUCTION Prestressing simply the application of forces tend ‘ngto bend and compress a concrete element Typ! cel, prestressing is applied in order to counteract the bending and tensile stresses which result fom ‘other Toads, The principle of prestressing is simple, ‘and is brifiy outlined in Seetion 21. A short out. Tin of the historical development of prestressing in building construction is piven in reference (Aslam, 2007) A. Barly Attempts: In 1872, PH. Jackson [Bilington, 2004}, a San Francisco enginer, obtained a patent for postensioning. He Inserted steel rods into ma- sonty unis and stressed them witha threaded de ice, He applied the counteracting forces corecty bu because of the properties of stelsavalable It 5 Spoeing oc nl the mitigation of hi adver im ctr ae eed in det nADAPTTNOS| and ADAPT Nea 13 1806, these forces did not remain effective for very long. is effor ors followed 18B8 by CW. Doeh- ring who obtained a patent in Germany for pre ‘trestng labs with metal wires. Because early stool hha a relatively low yeld stress (Fig. 122-1), none ofthese early attempts were successful Low intial Jacking stres, combined with high ereep and shrink age ofthe coneets, eroded the bulk ofthe prestess- Ing fore applied to the structure, leaving the see! practically ineffective ‘Adrwmate increase in the effective strose inthe pre Stressing strands afterall stress losses was the st ceiteal malestae in making prestressing a practical ‘proposition, Figure 124-1 illustrates the sigaficant fain in the efectvestrese of today’s most commonly tused strands in comparison teary steel. The same figure incudes higher strength strands that are _advally replacing the curent popular prestressing ‘Stalin bulldng construction, FIGURE 1.24-1 Stel Strength and Prestress Losses Practical Hardware: From 1926 to 1928, Fugene Freyssinetrecognined the eects of long-term stress losses in presresing and used anew high-strength steel to suecessfily construct prestressed members InFranceIn 1940, he introduced the well-known and vwelhaccepted Freyssnet system, comprised of con ‘al wedge anchors for 12 wire tendons (Fig, 128-1). Developments in high-strength sto, coupled with the invention of prestressng hardware, proved to be another eral breakthrough in the effective ap plication of prestressing, Although maay prominent 14 [a1View finteriorcone (6) Diagram ofanchorage ‘sembly Ficus 1201 reyssint’s Barly Anchorage Device trims: 3268) engineers - including Magnet in Begum, Guyon in France Leonhardtin Germany and Mikhlovein Rus ‘ia: contin to develop prestressing technologies, the fons of prestressing activity continue tobe it bridge construction and special structures. Early developers paid lite attention to opportunites of ost tensioning techniques in builing construction, Pos-Tonsoned Bullings: It was not unt the ft 960s andthe ntoducon of sla constr ton the tat plnerng einer eine he appletin of prestessng to elminat car andre ae terns in thin ft ab in uldings. While rei sd to these innovator forthe nedction St pressing te pip design instrament for {dng as pt forerdby TY Ln 1963) throu the concept of ad ann Tn ts baste form ad balancing allows the eninert ew the tect post tnsoing a etn nthe design Analodapedtosabeacesign comin ate. finer coud wel understand and handle (Pe 120 Jy'mhs economy made possible hy pom ensonin 2nd he Smplctyoftnd balancing allowed paneer ingenjinwrs an contactors to de the roth ostenoningconsovcson he US Basic load balancing is described in detall in Soe tion 48.48, Simpy itis based on the premise that salve and bending effects exerted on a member from arestessing cin be decoupled and analyzed Separtely, followed by superpestion ofthe effects fof each. Further the prestessing force is assumed. ‘onstan over the fall Tength ofa tendon ronal, the levaton ofthe member centroid with respect tthe Tine of aton of precompression Force remains un chang alonga member's length Post-Tensioned Buildings Refer to Fig. 120-1. Part (a) of the figure shows a remit of uniform thickness subjected an ap- plied dead load [1} and posttensianed witha co {Unuus tendon, In Part (0) of the figure the tendon is assumed to have been removed from the mem her and replaced with an equivalent load (2). The ‘suivant lad i equal to the free the tendon was tering upon the member, when it was in place n or (the net fe load (1) mins oad (2) is Feud load used i combination wii Ueionel tnethods for design of the member Note that the Concentrated forces resulting from discontinuities inthe tendon [see load (2) are transferred directly to the supports and donot affect the member. The Avil load P shown in part (B) of the figure results ina uniform compressive stress (precompression) ‘hich ie added to the effects of ending to complete the stress analysis Amajr drawback in simple lad balancing outlined STbove was its limitation to slabs of uniform thie. hess. Real floor systems often feature members of {ferent thickness, and can nce changesin eleva tion beam and slab construction, another geomet Fie features that violate the base premise of constant o. nate ooTeReeest (orga secure” — ~~ 3 4 ; =a (mene wth tian FIGURE 1.2¢-1 Simple Load Balancing Viewing the PostTensioning as a Reduction in Dead Load (P80) Introduetion| FIGURE 1.2¢-2 View ofa Design Strip with Non ‘Uniform Geometry 129} eccentricity of line of precompression with respect toa member’ centroidal axe, Figure 12C2 illus teatesa desig strip from a Moor slab, where changes inthe centroal ars ofthe member along its length Invaldat the applleation of simple load balancing Extended load balancing. introduced by Aslam [alam 1990] and detailed in Chapter 4, generale Ines the application of "oad balancing” to practical Mor systems. Briefly, extended load Balancing cov fers the analysis of prestressing members where the distance between theline of precompression id the members centrodal ais is not constant. In effet, the extended load balanelng among other features accounts for changes in thickness ofa post-tensioned member Refer to Fig, 1.2C-3. Part (a) ilustrates a poste sioned member of non-uniform thickness. In Patt (@) the tendon is assumed to be removed and re Placed with equivalent loads that consist of dstib- ‘ted uplift frees due tothe parabolic tendon pro file and concentrated axial loadsa the ends ofthe tendons. Lack f alignment of the axial forces results in adltional ending of the beam In art (0 ino er to maintain the premise of decoupling of axial And bending effects, a moment i Introduced a the ‘change in member geometry (step in the member). Tn part (the vertical forees trom tendon geometry (Gand the moment() introduced atthe change in member geometry (2) result n reaction atthe Sup ports (3) Note thatthe concentrated loads result- moment due tothe change in geometry affect the member reactions at supports (3). The concept and procedure is explained n greater detail in Chapter 4 15 D. Early Design Tools, Detailing and Field Pro- cedures: The introduction of personal computers in 1980s led tothe developmen of first-generation software chat mimicked the prevalin longhand el ulation having been based on isolated treatment of fesign strips” as outlined In Chapter 3. Widespread availability and ease of use of such analysis and de ‘Sign software, such as PTdatat and ADAPT, led toan accelerated growth of posttensioned tulding ‘The computational know-how and tools were rein Force by the introduction of practical mono-strand hardware for stressing and anchoring single strand tendons~a necessity forthe tin slab constuction advanced by Edward K, Rice, founder of Aas Pre Sressing Corp. Other important factors inthe adop tion and wide use of post-tensoning are develop- ment of extruded plasticcoated tendons, zation ofthe PostTensioning Insitute (PTH) pioneered by etn Prsiss | (2) Otigalstucture servocl ae (8) Tendon moved « io (€) Moment de to change n geomet ) Copeeeaea t (6) Hypersatic indeterminate) eacbons FIGURE 1.2C- lustration of Extended Load ‘landing Sata Dat Icoponte, Huntington each CA 1 ADAPET ww ape com 18 a Prszos (a) Paperarapped 1955-1970 ae @ ® ph-Proah Met was "uta ee (bj Piste sheath ypes 1860 poser (c) Encapsulated - PT recommended ys 1985 lance ses smn te (@) Becticaty slated tendon 1982 FIGURE 1.2D-1 Developmen of Single Strand UUnbonded Tendons in USA (Courtesy Nor Shpac Clifford Fryermuth, and the developrent of Fryer tnuth’s many educational seminars Is the US and publications and guidelines on postiensoning in building construction Figure 1.20-1ustrate the development of mono strand unbonded tendons inthe US, flowed in Fig, 4L2D-2 by sample ofa modern extruded and encap Slated stressing device for #corrosir-resitant ap plication, , Modern Design Tools: Integration with BIM: Automation inthe design process, fom inception to ‘onstruction, ba culminated inthe development of Bib (Building information Modeling). As expounded In Chapter 8, BIM attempts to intograte the entirety Post-Tensioned Buildings FIGURE 1.20-2 Example of Single Strand ‘Corrosion Resistant Encapsulated Anchorage (F130) of design and construction into single seamless process with expablty af information inter mong the partepating trades and processes. BIM posed a major challenge to the seamless Integr tion of structural engineers" work into the remain fer of building information package. The extraction bf information from a 3D construction model 12E-1) tothe structural engineer’ idealized analy sis model (Fig 126-2); to be used for analysis and Gesign, and he subsequent transfer of structural de ‘Sin information back tothe AD construction model isa formidable challenge. Recent developments in Structural engineering. and. software technology have met the challenge and suecssflly resolved the tbstace through the introduction of virtual analysis Space a8 outined in Chapter 8. Propelled by BIM, the modeling and integrated de ‘Sign ofa building asa whole is Ukely to be the pre ferred choice in major construction. For the design bf post tensioned loors and beam frames, the appl- ‘ation of design tools based on isolated design strips twill continue As expounded in Caper 3, the same does not apply to post-tensioning, unlike conven: tionally reinforced concrete, where unique and au tomated designs can be achieved once the geometry, houndary conditions, material properties and loads tre known, For post tensioning to achleve econom Cal designs and reach its opamization, the design engineer's knowledge and experience along with Specific pte are requied. To dat, software based tn design strips such as that shown in Fig. 12E-2 provide the optimization not available through the Integrated 3D design tools Introduetion| 1 (a) Physi model othe strustare (Reni P1315) (©) Analytical model othe strate dupiaing the yc festures (ge 31b) (6 Deformation cotou atu ound (ae (4) bison of so peste from the analysis ofthe | Isto) tire builing (Edge P1316), | FIGURE 1.26-1 Mult Story Building and ts Analytical Model for Structural Analysis (331) FIGURE 1.2/2 Tendon Layout and Deformation of Single Level Extracted from the Entire Building Model (ees 2) 18 1.3 REFERENCES ‘alam, B. 0, (2007), “rte! Milestones in Develop iment of Post ensioned Buildings” AC, Conerete Is ternational October 2007, pp 52-52 Aslam, 8.0, (2006), “Impact of Restrain Cracks on ‘Sevictabilisy and Safety of Post Tensioned Floor Ss tems” ADAPT Corporation, Technical Note TN224, ‘worwadapteotecom, Sep 20065 pp. Aalam, B. 0, (1990), “Load Bolancing—A Compre hensive Solution to Past Tensioning” Structural Jour- ‘al, AC}, November-December 1990, pp 662-670. ‘ACI 318-14, 2014), “Bulng Code Requirements for Serutaral Concrete (ACT 318-14) and Commentary’ “Amerian Concrete Institue, Farmington Hil, Mi 48531, wwconcreteorg ‘ACL 340-11, (2011), "Bllding Code Requirements for ‘Structural Concrete (AC 318-11) and Commentary” Amerizan Concrete Institute, Farmington Hill, Ml ‘46391 ww.concreteong 503 pp ADAPT TW 302, (2008), “Computation of Design Vo tueat Design Sections Using Fite Elements” ADAPT Corporation, wwwaaptsoncom, p, 9 Post-Tensioned Bullings Billington, D. P, (2004), “Historical Perspective on Prestressed Concrete PC| Journal, an-Feb, 2008, pp 14530. Colin MP, and Mitchel, D, (1997), "Prestressed Con ‘rte Structures” Response Publications Canada, pp. 766, european Code EC2, (2004), “Furocade 2: Design of Conerete Structures—Port T-1 General rules and ‘ules for buildings” Buropean Standard EN 1982-1- 12004, 9G, (2012), “International Building Code” Whiter, A90601, vowwleesaears, Lin, (ue, 1963), "Load-Balancing Method for Design and Analysis of Prestesced Concrete Struc tures ACI Journal Proceedings, 60, No.6. Nawy, E.G, (2997), Prestressed Concrete Fundo ‘mento! Approach” Prentice Hall, International New Tersey, 3rd ed. 938 pp. “TRE, (2005), “Post.Tensioned Concrete Flors Design Handbook The Concrete Society Camberey Surrey. UK waeweonereteorguk pp 110, CHAPTER 2 POST-TENSIONING View ofa Post Tensioned Building (Soe) 2.1 BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF PRESTRESSING Posttensioning sa method of prestressing concrete whereby the prestressing tondonsare pulled and an- ‘horedafterthe concrete that they are embedded has ‘developed sulficlent strength, Prestressing concepts fand the underlying theoretical background have been filly covered tna numberof good textbooks. Leonhard 1968] covers the early works, collins and Mitchell (Coins etal, 1997] offer an in-depth and comprehensive coverage ofthe subject. The book by Ed Nawy [Nawy, 1997] is a good university course texton the subject. 2.1.1 Prestressing Options ‘Quoting fom Colin ea the basle concept of re Inforced concrete, or both prestressed and on-pre stressed construction, stat ste! reinforcement is Placed in those locations ofastructire where tensile “Xresses are Ilkely to accu In prestresved concrete PostTensioned Buildings ‘onstruction, highstrength reinforcement is used. “This reinforcements tensioned prior tothe applica tion of external leds, This Intl tensioning ofthe reinforcement precompresses the surrounding con- fete, giving tte lt to resist higher loads prior tocracking "| ‘A. PostTensoning: There are two types of pre- stressing: post tensioning and pre-tensioning.Post- tensioning was developed fst. In post-tnsioning, the concrete is cast with a ductor sleeve that ere- es a vold for the post tensioning stel (Fig. 2.1.14 1a). The post-tensoning stel is elther placed in ‘he duct oF sleeve before the concrete i eas, o in sorted through it atervards. After the conerete has falned adequate suength, a stressing jack pulls the Steel strand while reacting against the body of the ‘conerete member The tension inthe steel imparts Sn esal compresdon In the surounding conerete, ‘Once the force in te steel reaches its design value, sw Fstructurescom 22 the tendan is anchored against the body of conerete, locking af the tension inthe steel and the compres son nthe conerete ‘overtime, a ration ofthe initial fore in the con- crte inst eto both ereep and shrinkage ofthe onerete and relaxation In the prestessing steel ‘With tocays material and practices, che oss ranges {rom 10% to 1596 of the initial stress, The sources nd computation of stress losses are detailed in ‘Chapter. In practice, post-znsioning is rarely configured asi strate in Fg, 2.1.14-Ta. Because the prestressing force fs not applied until the concrete has cured, the tendon ran be profiled as shown in part (¢) ofthe figure, Frofling the tendon provides an additonal benefit because the tendon tends to straighten under thetens.on and thus apliesIateral- upward—forees to the cencrete. The tendon profile canbe designed 0 that ks lteal frees counteract the loadls~such 4s selfweight—that the post-tensioned member i fapectd to cary (pat ofthe igure), 2B, Pre-tenstoning: Practical application ofp soning was developed by the German engin mtg vi Pre 1a Tendon sessing corpetcn 2) Tendon fisting sete en a es 5 [0 Polo postensining Basics of Postensioning Construction FIGURE2.1.14-1, Post-Tensioned Buildings Se (a) Tentring of restressng ste n stessig bed foe casing conte = I. (2) Casing of concrete rund tensioned see (€) Release of stands tom sessing bed casing storing of marber Basics of Pre-Tensionng Steps FiguRE 2118.1 Hoyer [Hoyer E1938]. As ilstrated in Fig2.1.18-1, the prestressing see! Is iest stressed and anchored Against external bullheads (para); concrete shen ‘ast over the stressed steel (part b). Once the con- rete has developed adequate strength the tendons Srereleased from the bulkhead. The tendency ofthe Stretched tendons to shorten precompresses the concrete (pare In the majorly of pre-tensioning applications, the strested tendons are straight Occasionally, the pre stressing stelle forced down (barped) at one or ‘more locations ang ts path to create amore struc ‘ually advantageous profile. 2.2 DISTINGUISHING FEATURES AND ADVANTAG- ES OF POST-TENSIONED CONSTRUCTION In ation to the direct economic advantages of posttencioning that cin be achloved through sav- Ings in construction cost and maintenance, post-fen sloned constriction has several addtional avan- tages when compared to conventionally reinforced lteratives This Section reviews some of the in portang features of post tensioned construction. ‘Use of Les Stoel to Provide Safety: Lower Over~ ‘ll Carbon Footprint: The markedly higher tensile ‘trongth of prestestng steel currently used in con Post-Tensioning struetion provides four and haftimes the capacity of the stel tured for conventional reinforcement (Fg. 224-1). Consequently, replacing the conventional reinforcement required for strength with post-te- ‘Soning can reduce the weight ofthe reinforcement byover four times. Note that the 4.5 times advantage |S achioved using grovted (bonded) systems, For unbonded systems, the ratio In savings i from 3.4 tot times'—stil a significant advantage especially ‘where reduction ina buldig’s carbon footprint sa oncern. Hayek and Khali address the structurale Mcleny of Post-Tenstoned buildings from a sista Ablity perspective in reerence [Hayek eta, 2012}. Later inthis Chapter, te diferences between the bonded and wnbonded methods of post-tesioning onstruction ae explained, PTs200 209 2 wal ] 100 a Prete ‘ie 4 1s steel ‘Stress - Strain Diagrams FIGURE?2.24-1 Strength Values of Prestressing and Conventional Stel B. Use of Less Steel through Eliminating Rein- forcement for Shrinkage; Temperature and Dia phragm Action: Building codes require a minimum mount of reinforcement in slabs to contol shen age and temperature cracking’ The reinforeement iit be distributed uniformly throughout the sab, ta spacing that Is typically betwoon one and one fand one-half mes the thickness of the slab. This re ‘ulrementhasled tothe common practice of provide ‘nga mesh of reinforcement over the entire slab. At Dag sed on ACL 318-1; the rat ier iter bing ces The ahakage, and temper reinforcements 0602 ‘mcs he cont cone seston (ACT 31611 Seton 7-12) 23 {a} View ofa conventionally reinforced lb (P38) (b) View ofa pose enstoned tab (F139) FIGURE 2.28.1 Views of lab Construction ‘est, only a fraction ofthe mesh reinforcement ean ‘be considered when designing the floor system for trongth, Nether a mesh nor closely spaced bars are required in a posttensioned slab, The precom- pression imparted by the tendons spreads rapidly throughthe slab from theanchoragesandissuficient to prevent cracking rom shrinkage and temperature ‘changes? Figure 228-1 compares a conventionally Feinfored slab witha posttensioned sab Seismic forces generated bya flor’s mass must be distributed to the structure’ ateralforee-esistng ‘system, such asthe shear walls, seismic frames, and falumns. The oor system acts asa dlaphragin to transfer these forces to the members that support 70 i precompresion considered adequate 0 met inked epee elec (ACI SIE 11 Seton 712) 24 the floor In addition to generating frcas at each level, the foors participate in the distribution of the sesml forces from one level tothe next among the lateral forceresisting members of a concrete frame. The level-tolevel redisenbution of seismic forces, a well asthe distribution of seismic forces fgenerated by a floors mass at each level, requires a floor system to act asa diaphragm. Bulling codes* require a minimum area of reinforcement tobe dis- tributed throughout slab in both directions so that the slab will have the necessary in-plane strength for iaphragm action The precompression provided by ‘por-tensioning tendons under service conditions Is {generally more than the minimum reinforcement re ‘ured for diaphragm action? Unis eliminating the Fequirement for added reinforement © Thinner Slabs—Equals Less Concrete: Once span length exceeds a threshold value of about 16 ft (Gm), a posttonsioned slab will be approximately ‘one-third thinner thana reinforced conerte slab ée Slgned forthe same loading, The reduction in thle hess means les concrete materials required fr the Slab as well as for supporting columns, walls, and foundation, tn addition to reducing material costs, posttensioning thus signieanty reduces the car bon footprint a the construction, D, Longer Spans: Post-tensloned slabs ean span fteater distances than conventionally reinforced "labs ofthe same thickness In addtion to providing larger open spaces, the longer spans allow a reduc ‘ion in the numberof supports, wath associated sav. ‘ngs. The following igure (Fig 2.2D:1) schematically represents the comparison ofa conventionally rein forced concrete frame with one that has been post- tensioned. The figure highlights the advantage of us inglonger spans and thinner slabs. E. Simple Forms; Elimination of Beams: In many ‘ise, judicious application of post tensioning ca Slow beams tobe eliminated Flatslab construction, iustrated in Fig 2 2-1, reduces the cost of forming. Inthe US forming costs can be as much as one-third ofa loo system's cost simplification informing Is thus a great advantage F Ability to Better Span Irregular Support Ar- rangements: Todays architectural aspirations, cou- led with improved material properties and advances Post-Tensioned Buildings rss (are Pr FIGURE 2.2D-1 Conventionally Reinforced and Post-Tensioned ConeretePrames—Span and “Thickness Comparison fn structural analysis and design, produce daring floor layouts with large open spaces, 25 well a > ‘regular arrangement of supports and plan geomet. Posetensioned fat las that donot have to rely on the beam-and-slab framing common in convention ally reinforced concrete are particulary adaptable to Irvegular geometry. Figure 22F- isan example of ‘nropular post tensioned slab constructed in Florida. G, Lighter Concrete Frames; Lower Seismic De- ‘mand: A post-tensioned concrete fame is generally ‘onethitd lighter than a comparable conventionally FIGURE 226-1 Beamless Fat lab Construction Using Pos-Fensioning (34) {0 Plan showing rela suppor layout wiout beams “ase (©) View often ayou 1355) FIGURE 2.2F-1 Example ofan regular Floor Geometry and Support Layout (data Pum USA) reinforced desig when the supports and founda tions take advantage of the lighter oor system, However in some cases, the post tensioning enters the design through "value engineering” after the onstruction contact Is awarded. The value eng neering may nt take fll advantage ofthe reduction ‘of weight achieved by converting the slabs to post tensioning because todo so would require redesign ing the columns, was and foundations. Greater ben cts achieved when the construction is designed to be posttensioned from the star, and the entire Framing Is designed In recognition of the reduced flor weights. In california, builders often use lightweight conerte for the floor systems, and regular concrete forthe columns and walls. This combination can reduce the ‘weight ofa bullding by one-half~a major advantage Ineeyions ofhigh selmi sk HL Shorter Concrete Frames: Reduced sab tice nest and elimination of beams result in shorter ‘oor-tooor height, and consequenty, reduction Inthe total height ofa building (Fig. 221-1). For a typical twenty-five story residential building, this {inallow another floor tbe added withoutnereas” Ing the building height. Alternatively there isan ad- ‘vantage to reducing the frade surface and its cost. A Sruetural design beneft ora shorter bullding is that thelever arm forthe overturming moment created by selmic or wind forces is small 1. Greater Ability to Resist Concentrated Forces: (One ofthe salient properties of post-ensining is ‘hat When stressed, a tendon exerts force on the suture. When the building isin servic, the post- tensioning acts as an active load sytem inthe same sense as other loads such as dead and veloads. The applied force from post-tensioning is generally com figured to counteract the externally applied forces, ‘thus reducing their undesirable effects. Consider the appliation ofa column as shown in Fig 22-1 When ‘conventionally reinforced concrete is used the slab ‘needs to deflect and crack before the reinforcement beneath concentrated load is mobilized to resist the effects ofthe load. Ina post-tensioned slab, the tendons ean be profile to apply an upward fore in an amount that, when combined with the procom- Dresson from the tendons, wil counteract the ap- ay Re (Pr igure 220-1 Reduction in Helght Resulting fom “Thinner Floors and Elimination of Beams 26 (a) Bae pate fst columns planed on FT lb 58) Post-Tensioned Buildings (6) Stee! rames planted on postensioned slab (1368) FIGURE 2.21 Concentrated Load Supported on Post Tensioned Slab pled force without undue deflection and without he heed for local cracking, This 8 why posttensioning Is viewed as “active” reinforcement versus conve tional enforcement bars which are viewed as "pes ‘Sve reinforcement. When a change in occupancy from one level tothe next ells for different arrangements of eolumns on Afferent levels, the active free of posttensioning fan be used to effectively handle the load transfer in the slab from the columns that terminate from te framingabove. Inthe framing of te office bulldngin Fig, 221-2, the steel columns shown are posiion=d to sult the layout ofthe afice space above, while te (2) oie ting constructed wit steel Faming on pow tenstoned la (P1375) space below is ld out for vehicle parking. Fat slab onstruction with column drops was used to handle the requtement: the columns below are fewer in umber, farther apart, and arranged to sult an opt- ‘mum parking layout fing application ofthis concept is sen in rans= fer plate construction inthe fyers of eommercat bbullings, where multiple levels of superstructure are supported ona slab that rests on a few supports to provide open space (Fig. 2213) J. Reduced Deflections: Floor systems reinforced ‘hth post tensloning generally deflect lees than com: (by Level belo the te ame superstructure turing Support arangerent for paring (#137), FIGURE, 2.21-2 PT Slab Between Parking Level and Office Levels Above Afford Rearrangement of Columns to Sut Each Occupancy Grvin Pra Sa ate al Post-Tensioning {a} Top view transfer plate 1405) (6) Underside view of teaser pate (1408) FIGURE 221-3 Analysis Model ofa 25 m Thick (8 2°) Transfer Plate, Supporting Mult-Lvel Tower Over an Open Foyer (isc: couey ol rein) parable conventionally reinforeed designs reduced {Seflection has been one ofthe driving forces in the Increased use of post tensioning inthe US. There ae ‘wo reasons for the reduced deflections First, much ‘of loading on a concrete floor is sell-weight Pose tensioning can be designed to provide an upward force that balances a igh Faction ofa floor’ slf weight—thus reducing the net dowmwatd free that ‘causes deflection, Second, borause cracking canbe Feduced, or even eliminated, pstensioned Noors have greater fenualstitiness than comparable rein forced concrete floors inservice K. Reduced Cracking: Because ACI 318 imposes 2 Tow limit onthe allowable in-service tensile stresses, two-way post tensioned floor slabs designed using ‘ACL 318 wil be essentially crack free under service conditions. When using the European Code EC2, the designer selects the extent of allowable cracking and a “design crack width’ based onthe anticipated In-service conditions of the floor system, The de- signers choice becomes the amount of eracking and design crack width, as opposed to the elimination of tacking that results when using ACI 318, L Improved Resistance to Water Penetration: ‘The conerete used commercially for construction af buildings, ehether conventionally reinforced ot prestressed, is not watertight. Additives to concrete mix and/or other measures are necessary If ingress of water isto be avoided. Post tensioning provides 2 greater resistance to water penetration, however because post tensioned slabs have ewer cracksthan conventionally enforced loos. M. Perception and Acceptability of Vibration: Vi bration i a serviceability consideration. Within @ ‘certain frequency range (mostly between 4andBH2), Tao aoe bration coupled with hgh acceleration (01-0396 of gravitational acceleration), can be perceived by occupants and experienced as undesirable (ADAPT "7H 200, 2010} Foot all on large areas supported on thin slabs can trigger unacceptable vibration; cack Ing wil exacerbate the problem because It lowers the natural frequency of the sib. Posttensioned slabs are generally thinner than thelr oaventionally Feinforced counterparts and have longer spans thus they are more prone to unacceptable vibrations. Hewever, two benefits of postensioning help tO reduce the susceptibility of post-tensioned floors to ‘tjectionable vibration. One sa reduction in weight (sass) because the slabs ae thinner and he others, ‘larger relative stiffness because there iless crack ing. Both ofthese features help to increase the natu fal frequency of vibration and inprove the design. Or the other hand, the longer spans used in post tensioned structures tend to lower the natural fre- ‘quencies and aggravate the perception of vibration. Fer these reasons, the vibration of posttenioned. slabs under fot fal should generally be investigated were spans are relatively large. 23 APPLICATION OF POST-TENSIONING IN BUILDING CONSTRUCTION Pesttensloning was frst used for slabs inthe US in ‘he mig-1950s. Most post-tensioned slabs construct- fe at that time were associated with the lftslab ‘mathod of construction; post-ensioning was intro: ‘ced to save the weight, defection, and cracking problems that arose with conventionally reinforced Ii-sabs: Since then, posttensioned slabs have be came a major element in the construction of oor Systems ofall types of commercial and resident buildings. In thetr most popula form, namely wo> vay Mat slabs, they have been proven eo perform ‘ll and be economical for both high= and low-rise 28 ‘buldingsPost-tensioning Is widely used in the US; §n selected other areas, such as Panama Clty, Pans tha almost all ofthe significant buildings are post ‘tensioned, Figure 23-1 shows one of the highest “concentrations of post-tensoned buildings in 3 ety shine FIGURE23-1 Panama Cty, Panama, Practically all Notable Bulldings ave PostTensioned (F340) Post-tensioning is aot United to building construc tion However gente scope ofthis ook the fallow Inglists conned t examples of ts use in buildings, 23.1 Floor Systems—Flat Slab Construction Flat slabs area typeof construction wherein a Noor resists the applied loads without beams; the slab Ise is the primary structural element ofthe floor ‘system A fat slab can Include steps, openings, and Toca thickenings around the columns, such 35 eo umn drops, drop panels, o slab bands. A computer ‘model of 2 typical iat sla n a mult-story bullaing [Sshown in Fig 2.3.1-L In most optimum design for residential and commeretal bulldings, at slabs have FIGURE?2.3.1-1 Partial Plan of Tendon Layout ofa ‘Water Tanke Roof (igre ow column drops count Shown tr rine pease 518) spans between 26 and 33 f (8 to 10 m) The load resisting characerlstics and the structural features ‘off slabs are discussed further in Chapter 3. A. Application in Regions of High Seismic Risk Buildings constructed with post-tensioning are par ticularly well suited for regions of high-sesmiczisk because of thelr lower welght and height, and the Improved diaphragm action that results from the precompression Figures 23.141 and 2 iistrate {hese of post-trsioningin San Francisco and other reglons of Califia that ae expose tothe highest Sefsmie risks in the US Posttenstoningis not imited to high-rise buildings. ‘The flowing (Figs 2314-3 and 4) are several Amples of tid-se buildings im San Praeisco and lter high selsmic- sk eons of California, FIGURE 23.14-1PostTensioned Building at 301, Mission Stree, San Francisco, California P42) Post-Tensioning . Application in Regions of High Wind Forces: ‘Where high wind forces such as hurricanes govern the lateral force-ressting design ofa bullding post tensioned bulldings have performed well Fora FIGURE 2.3.14-2 W-Hlotl San Francisco, California 388) Figure 23.14 Ocean Vila Apartments, Southern California 346) 29 FIGURE 2.3.14-3 Red Lion Inn, Modesto, Cliforala re) FIGURE 23.1B-1 Pos-Tensioned Building ‘Constructed to Resist Wind Forces 240 abounds with examples of post-tensioned high-rise Buildings designed to resist extreme wind forces (fig. 2318-1. € General Building Applications: Posttensioned blldings need not be located in high seismic or high wind regions fo be economleal and perform well, There are numerous successfl apllations in di ferent environmental and loading conditions, from the harsh weather conditions of Saud) Arabia and the Persian Gul to the mild and pleasant environ ‘ment of Buenos Aires, Argentina Figures 23.11 fand2 ate examples in Norway and London. FIGURE 2.3.1C-1 Post-ensioned Building Astund (Worway} Cantilovering over Promenade (353) FIGURE23.10-2 Post Tensioned Building Girig Loner 350 Post-Tensioned Buildings 2.32 Floor Systems—Beam and Slab Construc- When the aspect aio of slab panel exceeds two it isotten more econamical to use beanvand:slab con Struction rather than alt slab. The parking struc ture layout commen inthe US lends itself 0 such ‘onstruction; Pigute 232-1 is an eample. Other ‘xamples are lusoated in Figs 232-2 and 232-3 The parking structare in Fg. 232-3 Is constructed ‘with'an unbonded post tensioned beam and slab "System and is located a the Sa Jose International ‘Airport (San Jose, California), in one ofthe highest Selemicrisk regions of the country. One criterion forthe selection of the construction scheme was the FIGURE 2.3.21 View of Rostam Parking Structure (e333) FIGURE Interior View ofa Beam and Sib Parking Strutue (San Franlsco Airport; 356) Post-Tensioning FIGURE 2.32-3 San ose California International Alrport Parking Structure 357) City of San Jose's requirement thatthe building re ‘main functional subsequent to the anticipated “big” farthquake inthe San Francisco Bay Area the intent ‘was to construct a fal tht could be used for the Uistibution of medica ad fod supplies. The struc ture has performed extremely well to date it with ‘ood the 1989 Loma Prieta earthquake (Aalam, et 21,1990] unscathed 2.3. Podium Slabs in Low Rise Bulldings ‘frequent practic in the US for buildings up to five level is to fake advantage of the ability of post ten soned slabs to resist concentrated loads from the posts-and walls ofthe upper levels without requiring 5 support immediately below each load. This app tation — refered to asa podium slab — is common ‘in buildings where the lowest level willbe used for parking oF retal applications which require a sup port layout that i illrent from the residential or fe levels above Figure 233-1 shows a posttensioned podium slab supporting four levels of lghtframed superstruc ture under construction. Figure 233-2 shows a Eompleted structure, in which the upper lovels rest ona por tensioned lb that forms the cling ofthe sround-level etl shops. Im adation wo the building superstructure, a podium slab may suppare a landscaped psza with changes imelevation and high landscaping lads, making the configuration of such slabs more comple. The flex bility of posttensoned Nat slab construction allows ‘ven the most complicated geometry and loading bbe handled with relative ease; in addition, the thin ner slabs and absence of beams prove an advantage ‘where height imits area concer. Three-dimension al modeling of the geometry and post-tensoning ot FIGURE 2.3.31 Low Rise Bulling with PostTensioned Podium Slab under Construction FIGURE 23.32 Low Rise Building Construted on ‘Top ofa Post Tensioned Podium Sab. The Podium Sab Spans the Retall Space on the Ground Lavel (God Calo 0) tendon layout i generally necessary for complex podium sis, to beter estimate the force distelbue {lon and arrveat an optimum design. Figure 233-3 llurtrates the computer model ofa podium slab with irregular geometry. 2.3.4 Transfer Plates ‘Where open space Is required at the ground floor level of highrise bullding, one sludon Isto ter minate the supports of the upper floors on slab referred to aa transfer plate The transfer plat re ‘elves the loads from the column and all supports ofthe superstructure, and transfers them to 3 li FIGURE2.33-3 Three Dmensional Computer Modi of Podium Slab for a Low-Rise Building (36) Prssss ‘rane plate FIGURE 2.3.41 SymbolieView of Application ofa "Transfer Plate ited number of generally widely spaced supports. A symbolic representation ofa transfer plats shown infig. 2246-1; Fig 232 hows an eample wherea transfer plate was used tospan a viaduct Figure 2.3.49 ustrates the appleation ofa transfer plate ine bilding in Macae. The more than 80-sory Dullding resting ona 35 » (116°) post tensioned transfer plate with column drops that bring the total sab thickness to 55m (18) atthe support. “The computer model generated forthe analyst and design ofthe slab shows the large number of walls ‘Tensioned Bulldings FIGURE?2.3.42 View of Transfor Pat that Siraddlesa Viaduct (ew Yor P42) FIGURE 24-3 Transfer Slab of Service Apartments Im Macau (Courtesy of rsne HK 362), from the superstructure terminating onthe transfer ‘late with only afew, widely-spaced supports below (ig.234-9) FIGURE 234-6 Computer Model of Service Apartments in Macau (rene HK ADAPT Carp 7385) ‘To facltate the construction of this transfer plate, which as located over 30 m (98) above grade; ‘o-layer construction was used, Te bottom Im ( 5°) thick layer was east first and designed to cary ‘he weight ofthe upper 2.5m (82°) layer. The com bined thickness was designed to resist the from the tower above As inlested in Fig 2.345, the post tensioning tendons ofboth the lower and upper layers were installed before the lower layer was east and stressed Figure 234-6 shows a technician se- ‘ting one ofthe ducts forthe mul-strand tendons forthe 35 m (11 6") transfer plate 235 Mat/Raft Foundation When the allowable bearing pressure is not ad- equate to resist peak stresses below walls and cl- tums, but the total area ofthe sol below the foot prin ofa structures large enough to resist the total Toad, a mat/ratt foundation can bea viable solution FIGURE 234-5 Transfer Plate Showing Both the ‘Lm Bottom Layer Tendons andthe Full Height "Tendons 35) 23 FIGURE 2:46 Technician Adjusting a Post Ten soning Tendon for the Full 3m (11° 6°) Height 88) FIGURE 234-7 Construction View of Transfer Plate 1.5 m(S ft) Thick (Comes esi Gl ADAPT Jabal oe SA: F366) ‘A mat foundation ia slab of mostly uniform thick: ness that offen extends over the structure's entre Footprint ts function is to distribute the loads, so ‘that the sol pressures reduced to allowable values, tion of postensioning. ln conventionally reinforced concrete construction, ‘when the mut/fafe thickness is not adequate, the Toad from ahve doesnot distribute adequately over ‘the entire mat surface. If the concentration of pres. sure below the loads exceeds the allowable bearing pressure (Fig. 235-1), the mat thickness must be Increased to achieve adequate distribution of the 244 yey (0) Comennaty ercet eee ea eal (€)Postiensoned mat FIGURE 235-1 Load Transfer of Conventionally Reinforced and Pos-Tensioned Met Foundations FIGURE 2.35.2 PostTensione Mit Found (Goer ow ny gas P3) Post-Tensioned Bulldings lover a larger area (Fig. 23.510. A well-designed posttensioned mat can be as much as 40 percent thinner than a reinforced concrete mat designed for thesame loads. Examples of post tensioned mat foundations using lunbonded tendons are shown in Figs. 235-2 and 3; {an example using grouted tendons i shown in Fig 2354 FIGURE 235-3 PostTensioned Mat Foundation Using Unbonded Tendons (736) load (Fig, 235-10). Fora thiry-stry bulding de pending on the support coniguraton the required ‘at thiknes nthe San Francisco Bay Are? can be Es lgh a 8 to 10 Te (24-3 m). Altornatively,f the tmatispost-tensloned the tendons an be configured to counteract the applied loads anc distribute them 7 Pari nth ae sd the Bast et seiko a Bay Ma, FIGURE 235-4 Example ofa Mat Foundation in KSA sing Grouted Tendons reine Cale 7368) FIGURE 236-1 Industrial Foor Slab with Storage Stacks Served by Porklit Trucks {Coury ADAP Meso P77) Pos-tensloned mat foundations can be highly eco nomical Besides reducing the slab thickness andthe amount of reinforcement required, posttensioned Foundations require les excavation and hauling 2.36 industrial Ground:-Supported Slabs In industrial storage areas, such asthe ones shown In Figs 236-1 and 2, forklifts are used to stock and retrieve loads from mult-level stacks, A fat, crak free floor surface i of paramount importance forthe Safe operation of forklifts Joint less post tensioned Industral grounsd-suppored slabs ean be used to provide the smooth ride necessary fr fort and ‘other loading equipment. conventionally rinfored induerial lah, hosdo being subject to potential shrinkage cracks, cannot accommodate the changes in the underlying soil with the fexbilty ofa posttensioned alternative. ‘The formation of racks in conventionally reinforced slabs as shown in Fig. 2.3.63 can mpalr the smooth perationofloading equipment ona sab surface. Construction ofa postensioned ground-supported Industral sia involves preparing he upper layer of FIGURE 2.362 View ofan Industrial Warehouse ‘ith Multilevel Storage Stacks Served by Forklift Trucks 0272), FIGURE 236-3 Example of Conventionally Reinforced Industral Fooe Sib with Extensive (rackingte372) ‘the underlying soll toa desig-spected bulk modu- lus, cavering it with two layers of paste sheets (Fig 236-4), and dividing the slab area into segments. ‘The post tensioning tendons are then lak out (Pig 2465) the comerot eran for each segment and the tendons ae stressed An important contebur tion ofthe plastic shets i the reduction of reton between the slab and the underlying soil when the tendons are stressed, To prove continuity of pre ‘compression across the eanstruction joints the te ‘dons mustetther be overlapped atthe joints or made Continuous across the Joint by couplers or interme dite stressing anchorage devices. Figure 23.65 is fin Industrial complex witha post tensioned oor. FIGURE 2.364 Industrial Foor Foundation Being Prepared with Friction Reducing Moisture Brvier er) Figure 2.36-5 industrial Building Provided with a Post-Tensioned Ground Supported Slab (Ges eens P29) 23.7 Slab-on- Grade SOG; Residential and Light Industrial ‘The largest application of post tensioning in bull: ‘ng construction inthe US is forthe foundations of residential and ight industrial bulngs on expansive ‘Soils Over balfthe tonnage of post-tensioning strands ‘used in the US is for such foundations; the next most ommion application isn building construction (Fg 237-1), Tradtonaly, in most other parts of the ‘worl the primary apllation of post ensioninghas been in brkge construction flowed by special ppl cations, and finally resident and commercial bul Ings. However this rapidly changing as contractors Post-Tensioned Buildings Earthwork, Bridges Grade Buildings Misc FIGURE 2.2.7-1 Typical Tonnage Breakdown of Post-‘Tensioning Application in the US (376) and owners become aware ofthe advantages ofusing post tensioning in buldings. Post tensioned slabs-on-grade (SOG) ate often used in regions where variations In seasonal moisture Coupled with expansive clays result in signicant Seasonal changes inthe volume ofthe sol as shown nig. 237-2 Figure 237-8 ustrates the diference between the permanent differential settlement caused by con Solidation ofthe underlying soll, and the seasonal Change in soil volume at the perimeter of the slab Light buildings typically have shallow foundations ‘hatare susceptible to volumetric changes inthe sup- FIGURE 2.37.2 Example of Expansive Sol Subject. to Seasonal Changes in Volume 2577) Prsseo Deslocement ‘e seasonal centr it FIGURE 2:37 Sustained and Seasonal Movement ‘of Foundation on Expansive Soil rss (6) Edge it Structure Interaction With Expansive Soi ‘and Change in Moisture FIGURE 2.3.74 Impact of Expansive Sol Movement ona Building 2ar porting sol post tensioned SOs canbe designed ta limit te effects of seasonal changes on these build ‘ngs by limiting the foundation movernent. The ob- Jective is generally to limit the deformation inthe ‘Mrueture to an amount that does ot impair ts ser- eat, ‘The two extreme contions fr alight bulding on ex- panshe soll are lustrated in Fg, 2:37-4 and 237. Center it (more properly called edge-drop) occurs when loss of moisture eases the soil around the pe Fimeter ofthe sia to subside; tis i Mustated in Part (a) af the figure. Kale IR occurs during the wet Season, when the nrease in moisture content caise= the sll around the perimeter ofthe slab to swell Sil ‘movement between the two extreme conditions can tteced "(100 mm}, Such conditions are nat uncon ‘mon n parts of Texas, Colorado and California ‘The profets geotechnical engineer must determine ‘estimated vale for these movements For the edge Ie condition, the engineer must design the sab to resist the expected uplift For the center it cond ton, the engineer mustalso estimate how fain rom the slab edge there is likely to be a separation be- tween the slab and the soll and design the slab to ceantlever over this distance Ls son cap ORT TO WET (@) CENTER LIFT EDGE LOAD SOIL GaP WET TO DRY < (o) EDGE LIFT FIGURE 2.37-5 Extreme SOG Design Conditions ren) 248 Ie should be noted that thre is considerable dis ‘agreement within the profession a to the underly- ing engineering concepts and appropriate practices for SOG design (Marte, 2013]. The design is best to be based on base engineering fundamentals using ‘he displacement values. ‘The preferred construction practice in California fs 2 slab of uniform thickness wth a shallow perim ‘ter beam (Fig. 23.76. n other parts ofthe coun try, thinner slabs combined with interior beams are toed (Fig 237-7) In both design, the primary re- inforcement is generally limited & post tensioning FIGURE?2.3.7-6 Example ofa Post‘Tensioned SOG Ready tobe Cast, California {oman rons ae 08 in (199200 othe orm hho wh pert bears 2 (30m) fepand 10 (2a mm) wie P27) FIGURE 237-7 Example ofa PostTensioned 'SOG Foundation in Texas. (sip 4mSinthck(100¢ 10mm) Beane 2 1581380 Sm aputendon 4005s (2001500) 8) Post-Tensioned Buildings tendons as shown inthe furs —there is nether a mesh or any other reinforcement inthe sab. Now Dresteseed reinforcing bars must be added at dis: ‘continuities, however ‘An alternative sometimes used In California i the ‘wall slab! This option uss a single 05° (13 mm) Straight strand in each wae stem (Fig 237-8). The ‘ods below the waffles are considered to accommo- tate the expansion of the underlying sil better; the ‘ibs provideauded sifiness, 2.3.8 Retrofit through External Post‘Tensloning Posttensioning has been used effectively to correct both strength and deflection deficiencies in bull Ings Posttensioning distinguishes isl rom other alternativer~such as externally applied synthetic fibers and metal strips—in several respects. In ad- dition to adding strength, post tensioning applies force to the structure and affects it In-service cond tion for example by reducing deflections —a unique feature thatsyntheti bers and metal strips cannot ‘fer In addition, when post-teasioning Is applied Jsiciously, Rs active force can reconfigure the prob- able fallre node of a structure, thus enhancing the Structures evel of safety, The following offers an ex ample for exch application. A. PostTersioning Counteracts Deflection and Provides Strength: The schematic ofFig 23.8A-1 I lustrates te basi principle of how an externally ap- plied pos-tenstoned tendon can be used to exert an {pata force and radce the defection of member et LY FIGURE 2.37-8 Post-Tensioned Wat Slab Foundation Systema Corey of ONC, alters 7380) Post-Tensioning ‘This typeof aplication distinguishes ise rom the alternative of externally applied synthetic fibers in that ereduces in-service deflections and ean lose or reduce existing cracks | ‘A notable application of externally applied post tensioning isthe retrofit ofthe seven-story parking structure at Pier 39 in San Francisco [Aalaml eta 1969), (Figs 238A2, and 4) where posttensioning ‘was used fo restore the in-service requirements of the structure and provide the strength necessary to comply with the governing code. The unbonded oan (tment Pet (0) Aplin of externa post tensioning FIGURE 2.3841 Deformation and Strength Corre: ‘lon Through Externally Applied PostTensioning sng fIOURE 23.842 Pler 39 Faking Structure ‘eral pled tendon (an rnc cara P21) (0) bo ver ses ao DETALLS OF RETROFIT FIGURE 23.8A-3 Tendon Deviator and End Block etal (Per 39 Parting Src Sn Fanci) strands used for the retrofit were galvanized and feneased in precast hollow members to provide fire protection (Fig. 2:38A-4). The detall of the devia {orsand the end block for svessingare shown in Fi 23043, 1, Retrofit through External Post-Tensioning to ‘Change Failure Mode: The active force” of external ‘post-ensioning canbe used to enhance the strength fxpacty of a Noor system, and bring tito comple lance withthe prevailing bullding code. The concept rests on mobilizing more ofthe existing reinforce rent ina floor system to resist design loads thas ‘been successfully applied to retrofit lors that are deficient in strength [Aalamt etal, 1995). The con ‘cepts described nex followed by an example of ts ‘pplication, ‘Atypical Noor layout ofa parking level constructed Using a column-supported two-way floor system Is shown in Fig. 2388-1. With increasing load, the structore wil develop the fulure mechanism shown n2388-2a and. Tae applied load wil be resisted byimernal moments developed along the hinge ins 8 shown, There wil be cracking along these hinge lines, at the top ofthe slab aver the columns and at 2.20 FIGURE2.38A-4 External Tendon fora ‘Continuous Beam {Per 39 aig tuts Sn Fr: 85D) the bottom ofthe slab a the mi-polat between the foumns. This flure mechanism draws Is resis- tance fom the reinforcement that crosses the hinge lines but does not mobilize the reinforcement paral lelto the hinge lines Hence, the resistance oly uses halfothe reinforcement in the sab By providing the right amount of externally applied force along the coum lines, at the midpoint be- tween columns (marked by Xs in Fg. 2388-20) it iS possible to forte the slab ose the reinforcement Inboth directions prior to fallure. The mobilization bf reinforcement in both directions prety Increases ‘he load- resisting capacty ofthe flor syste. Inthe ferample discussed next, extemal post-fensioning ‘vas used to achieve this objective Figure 2.3.83 shows the plan ofa podium slab, and the formation of strength crack port its retrofit. Due to an error the slab was designed without any allowance forthe four-level superstructure that the Slab was intended to support During construction of the superstructure, the Noor slab exhibited large de fections, accompanied by racking as shown Inthe figure, The lation and formation athe cracks were ‘clear indication of inadequate strength. By instal {ng externa tendons below the slab along the col- ‘um lines, and pofiing them as show Inthe con “struction details of Fi, 2388-4, the right amount of feral forces were generated to fore the failure mode ofthe flor fou a "one-way" configuration (part a Fig. 2380-2) toa "wo-way" configuration show in the sate gure. The avalable reinforce Post-Tensioned Buildings 13963 Partial Plan of @ Column-Supported Slab FIGURE 2.38841 Typical Support Layout ofa Two ‘ia Paring For Slab Preiss (0) Secon (6) Pan mecharsm of rotted fur mode FIGURE 2.3.88-2 Failure Mechanisms ofa Two-Way Floor System before and after the Application of Externally Applied Retrofit Forces Post-Tensioning mzog1stm View of Reflected Celing, Showing the Location of Strength Cracks (Pac Jahon, Gd, atria) FIGURE 23.083, “D0 (6) NeaL exevaTON Menninger ; peste shade jam wae oer (sth (b) TYPloaL TENDON DEMATOR ETAL SCHEMATIC OF EXTERNAL TENDON AT COLUMN LINE Figure, 23.88-4 Details of Externally Applied PostTensioning 221 ‘ment in the slab proved tobe adequate once the al ‘ire mode was changed” 239 PostTensioning to Restore Geometry in Seismic Frames In regions of high seismic risk, such as much of Caltornia, buildings are designed to undergo post laste deformation his helps disipate the selsmic teneray and reduces the demand on resistance trom ‘he bullding’s frame. While buildings ae designed to prevent collapse under anticipated seismleforees, they are expected to sustain damage. Observations from the 1994 Northldge earthquake in Southern California revealed that multi-story buildings that have experienced post-latic deformation may not return to thei original plumb position. The residual ‘tin the bullding can cause both operational and maintenance problems, Post-tensioning can be used asa means of restoring a building closer to its original postion after post (b) spaced frare-gap opening \ ere sitar dont (€) Energy dssipating element aocoss te int ‘Model of Alignment Restoring Mechanism. FIGURE 2.39-1 Model of Frame with Corrective PostTensioning 7 Goan of De Marr Grgrian, MGA, Cdl, CA 222 PISser FIGURE 239-2 idealized Mustraton of EnerRy Dissipation at joints Heel ME Ee ErEEz2 PH i207) FIGURE 239-3 Paramoutt Building {Sen france PS) clastic deformation oman earthquake, Thsis done by directing and controlling the postelastic defor ‘atin to designated locations, and using the force ‘Or presresing tendons to restore the building ots ‘original plumb poston FIGURE 2.3 9-4 Detail ofthe Beam-Column Joint 0384). igure 229-1 llustrates the concept Consider three “zinc, rigid members assembled to form a frame. ‘Tae connection is achieved through an elastic ele Inn stretched through an oversized tube and an Thored at the outer face ofthe vertical members (Pare) A horizontal free F wil displace the frame (Shown in Part (6) ofthe igure. The applied Force {S counteracted by the extension and increase in forcein te elastic element Once the external force F {Eremved the tension nthe elastic element will ‘ore the frame tt orginal geometry. Because the Serta between the members opens and closes as the fore varies (Part) a device canbe placed st theinteface toabsort part the energy and reduce {he displacement. The energy-dissipating character Ist of the device are generally ofthe form shown tn Fig. 2392. Figure 239-3 shows # building in San Francisco fst was constructed using the above concept, [En UBekirk, 2002), The designated selsmic frames of fe bung ae made up of precast conerete mem bers A muft-strand unbonded tendon was passed hrough an oversized duct cast nto te cones uf uc Beam; the tendon was stressed and anchored Stee outer end ofthe corer columns functions ‘she elastic clement designed to restore te frame 12 fs original position, afer a lateral displacement "Energy dissipation a the joint is provided by rebar {hav extend through the beam-colamm interface: the Febar is debonded over a aistance on either side of the interface (Fig 239-4). The postlasticeneray [Ssipaton is intended to belied to these desig rated bars. Post-Tensioning (4) Paty assembled frame 307) 223 (0) cos up offre showing tendon duet iran FIGURE 2.39.5 Parking Structure Frame with Geometry Restoring Feature ‘The concept has been used in several parking struc: ures constructed in California. Figure 239-5 lustrates the frame of a parking structure with this Aisplacement-restoring feature 2.3.10 Post-Tensioning in Walls, Application of posttensioning in walls Is not com mon, However where the lateral (horizontal forces long the length ofa wall are large andthe vertical fala force fs not adequate to prevent a wall from fcesive tension and possibly overturning. post tensioning along the height of the wallin the vertical Aircon ean be used to reduce tension and keep the ‘wal in postion. Such scenarios are likely to Be ap Pllcable in regions of hgh seismic risk, Application Df post tensioned wall s discussed in [Perez et al, 2004, Stevenson eta. 2008} 2.2.11 post tensioning in Calms Fosttemsning reduces te axial apc f 2 cl tn Hone pest tenon ony Beef wen ‘eum to be subjected sigan be Ing ants design wil be governed y the hen effects of the applied loads. : Preensioing\s often used to counteract the sress- {5 that develop in precast colurans or piles during ‘ransporation and instalation. 2.3.12 Special Applications of Post-Tensioning iiong span exkibitton halls tension structures, and Shell structures often feature tensioned cables in fone form or another There special applications are beyond the scope ofthis book 24 POST-TENSIONING MATERIAL AND HARD WARE Posttensioned buldings are constructed with the fame materials that are used for conventionally re Inforeed conerete buildings, along with post-ten ‘Sioning tendons and the hardware associated with placing stressing, and finishing the tendons. Figures Bee through 24-3 show typleal examples of post tensioning in building construction “The materials and equipment unique to postten sloned construction are: 4 prestressing stel, ypleally seven-wire strand, fneaved nether a ductor sheathing ‘anchorage devices, consisting ofan anchor block (plate) and wedges: anda device forthe dead endif the tendon lsstreszed atone end only; ‘tendon support rebar or chairs to create the de sien profile of the tendons at instalation, {pocket formers to create a recess atthe edge oF Surface ofthe conrete member forthe nose ofthe stressing jk 224 FIGURE 24-1 Post-ensioned Sab Reinforced with (routed Tendons, Ready to Receive Concrete wsisria Post-Tonsioned Buildings 4 astressingjaks and ‘& agrouemixer and pump (fr bonded systems). There aretwo types of post tensioning tendons: “un bonded” and “bonded” als referred to as “grouted™ IWatendon isto be unbonded, the prestresing steel {coated with acorreson inhibiting grease, andthen encased ina plastic sheathing. The grease minimizes the retionatstressing and in combination with the “sheathing provides longterm protection the ste. Ifa tendon isto be bonded, the strands are placed inside a duct that vl be presse injected with aco tmentitious grout afer the strands are stressed. The trout bonds the prestresing steel to the surround ing concrete and also provides corrosion protection to the stool. The two tendon systems differ widely in design, construction and response tothe applied load However both canbe designed and constructed tomeet the code, or design-stiplated serviceability and safety requirements Figures 24-4 shows the components ofan unbonded post tensioning system. The reference [Keley, 2003] Aiscuses the componentsofanunbonded:endon in. — | ‘eta. Figure 24-5 isa schematic view ofan unbonded ten Gon that extends through a construction Joint. The figureshows adead end anchorage, an anchorage for intermediate stressing, and the anchorage for stress Post-Tensioning FIGURE 24-4 Components ofan Unbonded Post. Tensioning System e140) (0) Pestiensoned slab sitgome fm gone ae = a Tuedentaseeby sede ssi Sau ery 225 Figure 247 shows examples of typlal anchorage devices used in sla system construction 2.41 Prestressng Stee! Virwally all prestressing steel currently used in bulling constriction is in the form of seven-wire stand (Fup 24.11), Strand is avalable ina range ‘of nominal diameters and several strength grades The two most common strand diameters are 0.5 in (1227 rm} al 0.6 in (15.2 mm). Hallinch (12.7 ‘m) strand is prefered by most installers fr bull ing construction; its ightr and more flexible, and thus easier to place Ie is also more economical for {hin slabs (15 In; 100 to 130 mm sab thickness), ‘where the design i governed by the minimum spac FIGURE 24-2 Post-Tensioned Slab Reinforced with ing athe slab edge. The intermediate stressing can (2 Detas of post ening tendon ‘Unbonded Tendons Ready to Receve Concrete alsotake place with spelt couplers. Te interme: (Courtesy of GRANDISTRUCTURE SSL Nay-P142)—— inte anchorage allows the tendon tobe stressed at the construction join after the concret forte ist — Slab segment has gained suiient strength. Long tendons are often stressed at intermediate anchor tages to avoid excessive prestress losses due to Fc ton during stressing, Tendons longer than a speriic Teneth! must be stressed at both ends unless they are stressed a¢ an Intermediate anchorage. When tendons are stressed atboth ends, each end wil have S stressing-end anchor (aso referred to as live or seiveend anchor) FIGURE 24-5 Assembly of Unbonded Mono Strand Post Tensioning System Figure 2446 shows a slab being constructed with bonded tendons. The two box-like structures near the center of the pleture, referred to as stressing pans, il eeate Bloc-outs to provide access tothe trond for stressing, The tendons terminating these block outs are partiaHength tendons that do notextendall the way tothe slab edge (0) Dead end anchorage of aft duct (P1488) FIGURE 24-3 Mult-Strind Construction fora Department Store, Dubal fell (courte ofrepsine Gal PL) 1 se eston 487 FIGURE 24-6 Groute System Construction in Progress KPA) FIGURE 24-7 Stressing and Dead End Examples of a Flat Duct Grouted System 226 ing of tendons stipulated in ACI 318 Although 0.6 In: (15.2 mm) strand is use Tess frequently inthe US, some Installers consider it more effiient—be- cause fewer strands are required the installation ‘ost is lower, Strands smaller than 05 tn (12.7 em) fre typically only used to repair unbondel tendons instead of replacing the tendon, Its sometimes pos- sible to extract the damaged strand from the sheath- Ing and insert x small ameter strand. “The ings and properties of common strands are Ist ton Table .4.-1,Prestresing strand used inthe US must conform to ASTM A 416/416M "Standard Speciation for Uncoated Seven-Wire Strand for Prestressed Concrete" To qualify for use the strands ‘must pats specified stali strength, elongation, and fatigue test, ASTM A 416/416M allows strand with lther 250 (1720 MPa) or 270 ks! (1860 MPa) Guar= fnteed Ulimate Strength; 250 ks strand was com ‘mon atone time but currently almost al strand used for posttensianing i 270 ksi (1860 MPa). Higher strength strand i avallable but considerably more fxpensive than 270 ksi (1860 MPa) strand and thus notoften used COver time, a stressed strand will “eax” slighty, this reduces the tension i the strand and thus the ‘precompressian imparted to the coneretesutround- Inga posttensionng tendon. Prestrssing strand is specklly treated during is manufacturing process thereat low-relacation” strand. This minimizes the felasation that wil take place while the strand in Service The long-term loss of stress in a strand in place s about 46 ‘The mechanical properties ofthe strand are shown con the stands mil certificate, For design purposes, “TABLE 2.4.1-1 Material Properties of Common Prestressing Strands (7110) Post-Tensioned Buildings (0) Soven wie sand te snoaneg Jf EY = corrosion intng (0) View oftendon LUnbonded Tendon FIGURE 24.1-1 Section ofa Seven Wire Strand ‘nd Tendon the stress-strain relationship and modulus of elastic: ltyrecommended bythe Canadian CPCI [CPCL, 1987) and shown in Fig 2441-2 are the values commonly teed inthe US. 242 Tendons ‘A Tendon Sheathing and Ducts: Figure 2420-1 Shows cross-sectional views of typical unbonded find grouted tendons The sheathing used for an wn- bonded tendon Is required to provide watertight en ‘iserent forthe coating. The sheathing is typically ‘extrded over the strand; this isthe most econom ‘alway of producing a watertight encasement, Most Sheathing ts 0050 fn. (1.3 mm) thick high-density polythene (HDPE). 1 pETSTSAY Seton 1.24, no maxim pein silted BCD Seven wire strand, f= 27005 (1860 MPa) She designation USS 05 (3) 06,05) “Nominal ameter in rim) a5(i27) | 06 (15.24) | Nomina linear mass Ibe (kama) | 0'53(0.75) | 0.74(2.108) Nominslsres Ay, ira’) 0.153 (88.7) | 0247 (400) [O7fovAgs KIRN) 2892 1285) | 41.00(0823) OBfpady, —k(KN) 3305 1463) | 46.90(2083) {Fudge KIND 31 (183.6) | 58512604) So i” 10 ‘0 ei 4. t 4 cn9 000s 9019 acNS MD ams 00a wey FIGURE TypealStess-Strain Curves for 7-Wire Prestressing Strands (Grud FIGURE2.4.24-1 Cross-Sectional Views of Typical Slab Tendons ‘The ducts for grouted tendons can be elther metal orpastic, Metal ducts are typically made from 0:30 Gis rmm (0.01 to 002 in) eck galvanized sheet ste with arger size ducts requiring thicker walls, ‘The duct used for ordinary slab applications is yp cally fist and sized to hold between two and five ‘strands, placed side by sie as shown in part (0) of Fg. 24.201 Fla stel ducts are generally 6 m (ap rox. 207) long; the round steel ducts used in beams And applications such as transfer slabs are longer and more feuble (se Section 25.2) FIGURE 24.2A-2 View of Plaste Duets for Slab Construction (P30) (0) Section Ww FIGURE 2.4.28-1 Components ofthe Basi Unbon ed Single Strand 0.5" (13 mm) Anchorage Device Plastic ducts (Rg, 2424-2) are more recent Plastic duets ae expected to replace meal ducts where di ability sof prime concern B. Anchorage Devices: east one end of tendon rust exit at the edge or surface ofthe concrete to Drovide access for stressing, The other end ofthe 2.28 tendon can either be a dead end (fixed end, or its Cconfiguted o bea second stressing end Figure 2428-1 shows the basie components ofthe fnchorage device commonly used for unbonded Sytems~-an anchorage plate and a set of wedges, Although the sume anchorage assembly Is used for both the dead end and the stressing end ofthe ten don the dead end anchorage fs typlealy attached to the strand inthe shop, when th tendon is fabricat- fd the stressing-end anchorage snot attached unt thetendon ie stressed ‘Anchors are typically sand castings made of duc: tile (cast om, Ductile iron Is spedied In erm of its minimum mechanical properties. Although tis brie compared to steel, tis considerably stronger ‘than other types of as ion, [6] Lveend corrosive (Pte) Post-Tensioned Buildings. ‘The standard wedge configuration is a two-piece truncated cone, machined with annular ndges (Crest) om the inner surface. After machining the wedges are case hardened (heat-treated) to create hard surface layet This allows the teeth to grip the strand effective but leaves the interior sof enough that the wedges can conform tothe Role inthe a ‘hor esting Anchorage devices intended for use in aggressive ‘vironments are required to be protected against orrosion, The anchorage assembly is typically en- designed to fapsulated ina plastic coating Chat provide watertight cover of prestressi hections Between the components ofthe encapsul tion system must remain watertight sehen subject to hydrostatic pressure of 1.25 psi (9 KPa) which isapproximately equal to hydrostatic head oF 3 Post-Tensioning FIGURE 2428-3 Example ofan Anchorage Device fora Fla Duct fonded Tendon (Courtesy POL, Tad PO) (0.9m), The components are required to havea pos lie locking connection; systems relying ona friction connection between component are not allowed Figures 24.28-2a show standard anchorage devi Tora non-aggressive environment Figures 24.28: 2eal show encapsulated anchors for an aggressive ‘environment Structures are considered tobe in an !ggresive environment If they are exposed to dele Ing enemas, seawater or saeladen ar (4) Dead end corrosive P1536) FIGURE 24,28-2 Examples of Anchorage Devies of Unbonded System in Non-Corrosive and Corrosive Environments (a)TWo-sTRAND sysreMt 229 “The anchorage plates for groute slab tendons are ‘yplelly made from the same material that is used for unbonded tendons—ductle (cas) Iron—but they vary in shape and size acording tothe number bfstrandsinthe tendon. The wedges ars the same as those used for unbonded tendons ack strand in a routed slab tendon is sessed and anchored in ial Figures 2428.3 and 4 show examples of peal an ‘horage devices for bonded tendons used in slabs Mono and Multi Strands: A mone strand con- struction ison, in which each strand individually Stressed and seated. In multi-strand construction, the strands of an entre tendon are stessed at the same time and seated together Multistad tendons are primarily used in bridge construction Their ap plication in ing constriction typically eed to special condition, suchas transfer plates, tans- fer beams, and slab bands, where loals are much higher than s common for residential or commercial eeupancies Figure 24.2C-1 compares mono-stand and mult strand tendons; Fig 2422 shows ay example of mult-strand tendons being in building construc ton, The tendon shown in part (b} of Fg 24-24-15 4 mono-strand system, even though ithouses more than one strand since each of the strands s pulled And anchored individually, 2.4.3 Stressing Equipment ‘The hasie eompnnente of the equinment sed for stresingare: tb FoursTenNo svstEM FIGURE 2.4.28-4 Examples of Anchorage Devices for Bonded Tendons Used in Slab Construction (erusnees) 2:30 : we ISCO (a) Seven wre strand (by Urbonded tendon + get ho (c)Mutistnd routed tendon FIGURE 2.4.2¢-1 Esmple ofa Mult and Mono: Sernd Tendon FIGURE 24.2¢-2 Example of Application of Mult ‘Strand Post-Tensioning in Building Construction ro) + aram (alo calledajack to apply the acking force & ahyerauc pressure pump; pressure gauge calibration charthat converts the pressure rea ingon the gauge tothe force applied tothe tendon, * Post-Tensioned Buildings FIGURE24.3A-1 Equipment for MonoStrand ‘Stressing F158), A. Mono-Strand Stressing Equipment: Figure 2143.Al shows a mono-strand stressing jack Mono ‘Stand jacks are light and can be handled by one per Son. The stressing operation is automatic; once the Jack has engaged the strand; the operator can move safe distance sway while the tendons stressed and the wedges are seated. Most jacks have hydraule power seating capability ‘when the pump is sritched to "retract? the seating plunger in the nosepice ofthe jak extn forward ‘wedges and reduces the amount they are pulled in Wen the jacks disengaged. ‘The elongation ofthe strand is measured after the stressing equipment is disengaged. This provides 2 protection measure against rupture of concrete and Uistocation of the jack during the stressing opera Another item to note bs thatthe mono-strand jacks ‘ome in two configurations. The sample shown in Fig 2.-34-2 rides on the strand inthe case of I termediate stressing or rides on the strand exten: Sion for end stressing In the alternative the strand is threaded through the Jack. The former offers the ‘vantage that iecan bese to stress astrand atany Point along the tendons length thus enabling "inter mediate stressing 1, Multi-Strand Stressing Equipment: In elt Strand construction, all ofthe strands in a vendon fre stresed atthe same time, Jacks with different Post-Tensioning [a aces oer stand (P1593) (by Strand thread though sek (P59) FIGURE Jacks for Mono-StrandStessing stressing capacities are required, depending onthe umber of strands in the tendon, Most mlte-strand Jacks are relatively heavy and must beheld in post Non by a cane during stressing (Fig, 2438-1) 2.44 Grouting Equipment ‘When grouted tendons are used, grouting equipment fsrequired. The grouting equipment consists ofthe & grout mixer: and rot pump, Grouting equipment come in diferent capacities. depending on te volume of grout that i required. Figure 244-1 shows a grouting machine 2.5 POST-TENSIONING CONSTRUCTION Construction practices for post tensioned buildings ‘ry greatly among diferent contractors and ier. Entpar ofthe word In what lows, he emphasis is placed on practices that are fay common, For onstruction with enbonded tendons, the foes Is the peace tthe US Consruction practices nthe UStave mated over more than al acemry th 2 ack record of thousands of pst tensioned bul. ings in satisfactory sevice For groute tendons, the bull fhe snformaton rele othe practice nthe Nidal East and Asi wher in recent years 3 boom in bulding constuction wsing routed tendons hat taken place fe 2.5. Construction with Unbonded Tendons Figure 25:11 shows the reinforcement layout of FIGURE24:3B-1 Example ofa Mult-Strand essing Jack Held in Postion bya Crane (e160) FIGURE 2.4.41 View of Grouting Equipment (162) 232 Noor sla constructed with unbonded tendons. Asi Tustrated inthe figure, the common practice It or tt the tendons in orthogonal divecuons In one di fection, the tendons are banded together and placed Bong the column lines. In the other direction, the tendons are distributed parallel to one another and ata en spacing as muchas practical “The reinforcement consists of prestessing tendons and mnonprestresed reinforeement (rebar); there fare also support bars that are used to positon the tendons atthe reqlted profil The sequence of con struction is detaled next A. Fabrication and Delivery of Tendons: On most project, the tendons are prepared and placed Using Installation (shop) drawings that are prepared by the post-ensioning supplier The greased and plas {sheathed single strand tendons are eut to length inthe shop and fited with afixed-end anchor unless they wil be stressed at both ends. Each tendon is FIGURE 25.11 View ofa Flr System Reinforced with Unbonded Tendons (Ps) Identiti withcalorcode painted onthe anchorage or sheathing (Pig .5.14-3). The color codes are rel- frenced on the installation drawing to show where the tendon shouldbe placed. The tendons are then bundled and delivered tothe jobsite (Fig. 25.14 4, On large projets, col of greased and sheathed Strand may alsa be provided: the strand canbe cut the length required there have been changes to the ‘onstruction or stressing locations such that fabri tated tendon snot long enough (Fig. 25.18-2) ‘Tendons that wil be stressed at construction joints as wells the sib edge are typically delivered with Post-Tensioned Buildings. FIGURE 25.1A-1 Tendons are Cutt Sie; Provided ‘with Dead End Anchor; Grouped: Tagged, and Delivered to fb Site P02 the intermediate anchorage dvice already in place (Fig, 2514-4) Intermediate stressing Is used inthe Sor long tendons, to avoid excessive friction loss This sexplained further ia Chapter 4 Section 43 8, Placement of Non-prestressed Reinforcement Non-prestessed reinforcement whose placement will not interfere with the Insalation of the ten thos s placed first. The objective is to avold having to thread tendons throug rebar. Work starts with placing the column drop reinforcement, where re fuired (Fig 25 1-1. Inadition one heavy bar (17: 2m is placed om ether side af the drop or col tum support, where there ino column drop. These '.1A-2 Strand Delivered to Sit in Coll Post-Tensioning FIGURE2.5.1A-3 Shop FubricatedTendons are Color-Coded and Tagged (904) bars provide support for the banded tendons (part ‘bof the figure), and the tp reinforcement over the support Figure 2518-2 shows the installation of the frst sroup of tars—the top bars over the supports. The fop bars in the direction ofthe distributed tendons (orthogonal tothe banded :endons) are placed fist {pars aandb), They aeths the bottom ayer of top bbarsatthe support The brs inthe orthogonal ree tion wll be placed last. ‘The short bars along the clum in in part (a wil, be ralsed on chairs to create the tendon profile re ‘juired forthe banded tendens over the column line, Punching shear reinforcenent comes in different forms, including sterups shear bands, and stud als [a) Column drop reifrcement (405) IRE 2.5.14-4 Anchors fr Intermediate Stress Ing are installed in he Shop (05) (ee Chapter Section 1) fstudrallsare used they rust be placed prior to other reinforcement (Fig 255.18-3) Stirups and shear bands donot necessar~ iy need tobe placed before other reinforcement Next, the support bars forthe distributed tendons fare placed (Fig 2.5.18-) Unik the short bars used forthe tendons in the banded direction, the support bars forthe distributed tendons are generally con ‘inuous The #6 [12 mm) bare are placed at 8 to (900-1200 mm) intervals and ate supporied by chairs thatraise the tendons tothe heights shown on the installation drawings [At mispan, "sla bolsters used instead of sup port hats A slab bolster isa plastic trip ith Sup port legs that provides the minimum 0.75 in. (20, mm) cover tothe tendon required a the low point. = (0) Heavy bars on wo ies oF suppor 07) FIGURE 25.18- Installation of Rinforcementin Column Drops 234 (0) Top bars over support with column drop (09) FIGURE 25.1B-2 Bottom Layer of Top Reinforcement over Supports is Placed in Direction of DistibutedTendons (4) Sud rails enforcement (431) (b) Installation of shes reieforeament (P12) FIGURE 25.1B-3 Delivery and Installation of Punching Shear Reinforcement For eaze of installation, the tendon low points typl- cally set at midspan even if the loading is such that ‘nother location would optimize the design 1 bottom bats (postive moment reinforcement) are required, they are placed next. Bottom bars in the distributed tendon direction should be dis tuted uniformly and staggered by 12" (300 mm). (Fi 2518-5) [At interior spans, each third bar i extended tothe ‘supports, This adresses a provision of ACL 318-11" that requitesa percentage of bars t be extended to the supports if they are necessary forthe strength requirements of the cde. Otherwise, bars do not need to extend othe supports. However, where bot tom bars are require, for conventence of construc 1 ACI3IN-AT Sexton 189.43 FIGURE?25.1B-4 Support System for Distributed Tendons 415) tion, the bar extension othe supports practiced by most engineers respective whether this is neces ‘Sted for strength requirements (6) Bota bass at intel spans (P44) (by Pottombarsstexterior spans (P45) FIGURE 2.5.18-5Posioning of Botom Bars. Every Fourth Bar Extends to Support at Interior Spans and Every Third at Exterior Spans FIGURE 25.1C-1 stressing Ends atthe lab Edges one) Bottom bats inthe banded direction can ether be Aistibuted unifornly or grouped along the column lines below the barded tendons. Tendon installation: The bulkheads atthe slab ees are marked to show where the anchorages shouldbe placed and holes are drilled fr thetendon falls. The stressinganchors and pocket formers that will create the stressing pockets are then positioned and secured to thebulkhead (Fig. 25.13) ‘Thetendon bundles are broughtt» postion, unrlled and placed according tothe instalation drawings. ‘The dead-end anchors ae placed about 2" (50m) in from the bulkhead and the stressing-ends ofthe tendons are place over the opposite bulkhead and ‘ut te length if neessary. Nex the sheathing Is re FIGURE 2.5.1¢-2 Tendons are Unrlled and Paced oan) FIGURE 2.5.1C-3 Dead Ends are Positioned 2° (60 mi) fom te Bulkhead (ra) Post-Tensioning Post-Tensioned Buildings ‘moved from the stressing end of each tendon, and the stand Is threaded through the stressing-end a chorage device Figures 25.1C4theough 7 tlustrate ‘the remainder of operations in tendon instalation. D, Inserts and Conduits: Conduit and duct fr the clectrical data and inserts for plumbing, and other fictares wil need to be accommodated within the reinforcement layout. Tendons and nonprestressed Teinforcement are moved to clear the postion of Inserts, where necessary. Figure 25.1D+1 isan ex ample of inserts, and Fig. 25.10-2 shows elcteal Sand data condits Inthe US isnot common top ide large and oversized openings tna slab foreach ‘aly, such as bathroom plumbing, Openings are ‘generally created tothe sie required. Occasionally, ondiults for electrical work or plumbing become ex cessive (Fig. 2510-3), {by Tendon ar lined up wit the anchorage deve, Tea to be ct and treads through (120) FIGURE25.10-4 (@) Live ends are secured to the bltbead and provided witha urstingretsorement (P43) FIGURE2.5.1D-1 Inserts for Plambing andl Other alti 25) FIGURE 25.1¢-6 Postioning of Grouped Tendons FIGURE 25.1¢-5Tendons are secured In Position ‘over the Supports (P42) “and Height to Support Bars (20) {6} Minimum of wo tendons ver suppor (P23) (0 Distributed tendon placed parallel (2) FIGURE 2 5.1C-7 Distributed Tendons are Placed, with Misimum of Two Strands over Each Suppor. FIGURE 25.10-3 Crowded Placement of Hletrical and Data Conduits ina Thin Slab (e427) 2ar E. Inspection Prior to Placing Concrete: Once ev cenythngisin place, and the Noor sready forthe con ‘rete, members ofthe construction team will walk the project to make sure that thelr wore is properly posttoned ad secured (Fig. 25.1E-1 Depending onthe location ofthe project, adational Inspections may be required before apermitto place ‘onerete wil be issued, Asan example, the fllowing ‘elles the practice in City of Palo Alto (California) (0 Tee structural engineer responsible forthe de ‘ign of the slab must walk the slab, “observe™ the Iayout and details of the reinforcement, and Issue a letter stating that based on his or her opinion, the Tnyout meets the general concept of design, recog zing that there can be deviations from the design ‘drawings due to speifiesitecondtions FIGURE 25.10-2 Electrical and Data Conduits Inslab e125) FIGURE 25:16-1 Inspection by Trades involved Prior to Placing of Conerete (7420) eee ee ee eee ee eee eee eee eee ene ee eee ee 238 (i) A trained and certified technician from an inde pendent “Inspection Agency” hired and pad by he ‘ne, must inspect the reinforcement layout in de: tailcomparefeto the structural documents, report ‘each deviation to the structural engineer and have the deviation either corrected by the contractor or bbtain the structural engineer's written approval of the varance; and issue a etter of passing the Inspec: (a) Once these two letters are Issued, the Cty In Secor wl yal the project, review the letters and ote any cofrecions he or she deems necessary. fro forections need to be made, the Cty Inspector will Sigh off on the permit to place concrete Final Cleanups Using strong magnet, the form is Swept to collect ioase nll wires, and ater pieces of metal (Pig. 28.2F-1) High-pressure irs then used to blow off any dust or debris that has gathered on theforms and around the enforcement (Fg. 2.5.1F- FIGURE 2.5.1F-1 Forms Swept with aStrong Mag- nett Collet Loose Nals and Wire (#29) (4) Concrete pumped and consolidated (431), ras) Post-Tensioned Bulldings 2), In hot weather, the form may be dampened with Slight spray of water before the concrete s place . Placing of Concrete: Concrete is pumped or de- Tivered by bucket of bugay, consolidated, and fin- fished to the required tolerance, ready to receive the floor covering (Pig 25.16-) H, Exposing and Preparing Stressing Pockets: OGynders taken from the delivered concrete are tested to ensure thatthe concrete has gained the ‘Srength required for stressing, The standard post tensioning anchor i sized such that tendons can be fully stressed wien the conerete reaches strength of 2000 psi (12.8 MPs) However asa precaution, most engineers require 2 minimum cylinder strength of $300 pst (20 MPa) fr stressing ‘Typlelly stressing Is done two to three days after the coneets is placed, Ideally the concrete wil be FIGURE 25.F-2 Air Pressures used to Blow out Loose Debris 430) (b) Concrete ftnished witha surface (©) Rotary travlriswsed fora saath surace (P43) FIGURE 25.1G-1 Placing an Finishing of Conerete Post-Tensioning 239 (0) Excess concrete chiseled off (Pocket formers ae removed (P46) e9) FIGURE 25.1H-4 Preparation of Tendon Tal for Stessing (@)Wedgesareused tosnchorstrands (0) Wedgesaresnsertednan-— (¢mploment used to hammer the (east) Shore cstng (0) wedge it poston (P35) FIGURE 25.211 Insertion of Wedges for Tendon Anchorage east oma Friday eo that wl gain enough stengtt toallow stressing onthe following Monday. ‘The bulkheads are removed to expose the edge of the concrete, excess concrete around the stressing pockets is chipped of and the pocket formers are Temoved (Fig 2518-1 to expose the strand alls for ‘marking snd stressing 1 Preparation for Tendon Stressing: Taking a pair ‘of wedges from 2 supply box (Fy. 251-1a),atech- flan positions the wedges inside the cavity of the Anchorage casting (Fig. 25.11-1b). Using an imple- iment that fits over the strand (Fig, 25111), the ‘echncian hammers the wedges into the cavity, mak- ing sure that hey are pushed tothe same depth ‘The stressing operation Invalves (9) gripping the ‘exposed tendon tall (i) applying a predetermined tensile fore tothe strand (ti) anchoring the strand an (x) measuring the elongation ofthe strand. If the elongation correlates correctly with the jack (Wy MeAsuRIG TENDON ELONGATION FIGURE 2.5.1-2 A Datum Mack i Sprayed on the ‘Tal End of Strand The Marks Used for Measurement of Blongation (96) 240 Post-Tensioned Buildings. {a Removalof grease rom tendon (0) Spraying datummarkoa—_(¢) View of datum mars on tendon nea) tendon end ‘ais (rees) FIGURE 25.113 Preparation of Tendon Tail for Stressing ing force, the stressing is considered satisfactory. To measure the elongation, the strand tals marked at 2 fixed distance from the face ofthe member. Asin dicated in Figs. 2511-2 and 3 typically a wood block ombined with spray paint wed to make this ret rence lin, The wood block reduces error due the Tocal unevenness onthe slab edge ‘The strand tail is wiped clean of excess grease before fis marke so tht the mark can be made dearly, this also minimizes the Mkeinood of sippage during stressing (Fig 25 113) J. Stressing Operation: Strands ae stressed to 80% Of thele guaranteed imate stength (0p, re fgardless of whether oF not this results in stresses ong a tendon that may not conform tothe limits set inthe cde, Prior to 2041, fACI 318 specified values for maximum allowable stress in strand at anchor age where tendon Is seated; and the maximum a Towablestress anywhere slong the length ofa strand As part of the installation dacuments, the stresses along each tendon ate caleulated and reported (a) Sess eauipmentanderew (45) Im the US, tendons are generally only stressed once tothe maximum spectied fore, particularly in bull ing construction.” However in many other countries, itl common to stress the tendons 20% ofthe spec ied value the day after the concrete x cst, followed Iythe balance ofthe force ata later date ‘The stressing crew commonly consists of thre indi vials (Fy 25.1}-1) One technician operates the Fcwile a second technician operates the pump and fbserves the gauge to monitor the aplied force The (@) Elongatio measurement by inspector (43) FIGURE25.1}1Stressing Equipment, Crew.and 7 lagation Measurement Post-Tensioning ‘hird individual isan independent inspector who is ‘charged with observing the stressing operation, med Surin and recording the elongations and noting any {inal events that occur during stressing The inspector enters the measured elongations of teach tendon on form and notes whether any me ‘uted elongation deviates from its calculated value by more than a specified percentage. The specified percentage fr US. projects generally 7% buts up {o 10% in several other countries, Figure 25.1)-2 I lustrates the measurement of elongation fora strand that ents the slab edge at an angle. The elongation ‘should be measured on accuracy of 1/6" (3 mm). ‘The wedges may crack during stressing (le. 25.1) 3). This is acceptable ifthe misalignment between ‘the two wedge halves does not exceed 1/8" (3 mm} Approval of tressing Records and Finishing of ‘Tendons: The measured clongations are sent othe engineer of record for his other review and appro al Tt the deviation between the measured and cl ‘lated elongation for a particular tendon does not ‘exceed the specified tolerance, the stressing for that tendon is considered tobe satisfactory I measured tlongations deviate mote than the speced toler fnce the engineer must uses his or her judgment in deciding whether to seceptthe stressing The dect Sion is based on the percentage of measurements, that devlte fom the calculated elongations andthe importance ofthe affected tendons with respect to thelr location inthe structure, The elongations for FIGURE 251}-2 Measurement of Elongation of Strand that Exits the slab at an Angle (P45) 241 FIGURE 25.1}-3 Cracking of Wedges at stressing (res) endons shorter than about 30 ft (10 m) tend to be tof tolerance more than th elongation for longer dons; bacause the elongation selfs fay srl the tolerance for acceptance is extremely smal Ir the record nits entirety doesnot appear satsic tory, the engineer of record wil etur the report 0 ‘the post tensioning installer for explanation and/or ‘correction ACI 318" allows 29 of tendons tobe lost. Instressng before requiring an investigation regard ing the use and possible remedy" Engineers tpi cally equate the "2% taal loss of free” ofthe code to under-alongation ofa numberof strands in each “design member” since i has the equlvalent impact of force los on the member The hteral interprets tion of the wording ofthe cade isnot practical for real structures; engineering judgment is use to in terpret the wording 1. Stripping of Forms and Re-Shoring: After all ci the tendons are stressed, che forms ae stripped andthe sib ls re-shored to allow work to stat on the next flor Re-shoring generally involves placing Supports at each one-third or one-fourth point long tach span (Figs. 2.1L-1 and 2): gven che time Lag. Involved In getting the stresing records approved thisis generally done before the tendon tals are cut. Resshoring Is only necessary if the slab will need to support the weight of construction above it Other wise e-shoring snot necessary fora pos-tensioned Mor system once the tendons have been stessed-— unlike conventionally reinforced concrete. 242 FIGURE2.5.1L-1 Re-shoring of Flat Slab Consteuction (P47) IM. Cutting the Strand Tails and Finishing of Ten dons: Once the stressing records are approved by the engineer of record, the tendon tals can be cut find the stressing pockets canbe filled. For protec: tion against corrosion and fire, strand tails are cut toprovide a minimum of (25 mm) cover from the face ofthe concrete, There are four methods of cut ting strand tails (0) flame cutting (1) rotary abrasive Sal) hydraulic shears: and (0) plasma cutting Flame cutting with oxyacetylene gas {s the most Commonly used method. The lames directed at the Strand tal about 4” (20 tm) behind the wedges (Fig 25.1N-1), The heat generated has not been ob- ‘Served to impalrthe performance ofthe wedges and anchorage easing, However, asa precaution against {a} Fame tact strand a P44) Post-Tensioned Buildings FIGURE 2.5.1L-2 Re-shoring of Beam and Slab CConstracton 4) setting fire to the formwork, flame cutting isnot al Towed in certain parts Rotary abrasive saws typcally cannot be used for Imonostrand construction because they cut the ‘rand tal uh withthe face of the concrete as Shown in Fig. 25M-2, This does not provide the 1 {in (25 mm) minimum clear distance between the strand end and the face ofthe concrete required for fire and corrosion protection. Hydraulic shears such as the pocket shear (25.1.3) have a cutting nose that fits nto the stressing pocket: the blades inthe eutting nose shear {he tendon tal just behind the wedges. The process Js fast and provides a clean cut of the stand tall However di to the cost ofthe equipment, hydra: ae 0) Flame ca sed strand ond (450), FIGURE 25.1M¢-1 Cutting oF Strand Tall, Using Flame Post-Tensioning FIGURE 25.1M-2 Cutting of Strat Tl, Using Abrasive Saw (P51) lic shears are typically ony used if Mane cutting Is prohibited Plasma cutting through electric curren is another option for cutting stand tal If plasms euting wil heused, oversized pocket formers are required—the stressing pockets need be larger than istypeal ol low the equipment’ grip to extend int the sress- Ing pocket (ig. 25.164), IN. Securing Stressing Pockets: Excess material from the stressing pocket is removed (Fg, 251-13) and the strand tall is protected with an ant-orr ‘Sve spray (Pig251N-1b). I'he tendonis an encap- Slated system for aggressive envionnent, a cap filled eth protective greases ited ovr the end of the strand (Figs 251N-Le and a) Depending onthe (a) View ofpockeshear F452) FIGURE ?2.5.1N-3 Cutting of Strand Tal, Using Pocket Shear 243 hhandware used, there are several options fr capping the anchorage device for added protection of the wedges agunst corrosion ‘The stressing pocket filled with astif non-srink rout and finished ae lustrated in Fig. 2.5.12, ‘Tere is more in construction of unbonded post tensioning than detalled in the description covered herein. Other items, such as eare in tendon layout {o follow the desig-speced profile and avoiding ‘harp changes in curvatures proper positing of the Stressng anchors; and cleaning of the anchor cavk tiesto make sure the wedges wil seat correct are Among the eral steps. 2.5.2 Construction with Grouted Tendons Many ofthe steps in construction with grovted te dons, such as stressing and recording elongations, fare similar to those deserbed in Section 25.1 for Unbonded tendons. Therefore, the focus of the fl Towing wil be the steps that are unique to grouted tendons Figures 2552-1 through -4 show slabs that are rel forced with grouted tendons. The fist 2 project in the Middle East. Apart from the grouted tendons, tho things are notable, First, the tendon spacing i essentially the sate in both directions. When using metal duets, this practice is encouraged, since flat metal duets are nota flextble as unbonded tondons- Flatmetal duets cannot really swerve to follow col lus thatarenotallgned or avoid openings or other ‘obstructions The maximum change o angle on plan (b)Pocker shear in operation (F455) 244 Post-Tensioned Buildings (0) lama cuter (6) Cuting strand tll using plasma etter (455) ‘ose FIGURE 25.1M-4 Cutting of Strand Tal Using Plasma Cutter (b)Acorreson inhibiting spray, suchas Zinc bhved gavaniaer esd fo added protection esr) (a) Bucess materia removed fom ree Bock rs36) (a) The cap ishameered (crewed) () grease caps sedo cover the exposed metal (P58) a z imposion 45) FIGURE 25.1N-t Preparing Recess Block to be Seed Off Post-Tensioning (6) Strinkage compensating ro ont the rece bck (6 » (0) Waters splashodint therees Blockasing2 brush ‘easy (a) The recess finished of witha smooth surface in ine with once la P26) FIGURE 2..1N-2 Finishing and Sealing of Stressng Pockets Is typically limited to 100, n onder to avoid buckling or collase ofthe duct. The other tem of note in the Trstewo figures isthe bottom mesh. Often, the mesh 'snot required by design, but it is nevertheless cus- tomary to sei in many Middle East countries. I ‘most eases, in particular atthe upper levels of ulti- ‘ory buildings, the benefits of mesh reinforcement do not justi ts cost, and the environmental impact fon excessive use of material, Ils alo noteworthy ‘hat bottom mesh increases the downward deee ‘lon dueto shrinkage Not all tendon layouts using grouted tandons with fit metal ducts follow the bidirectional equal spac- ing shown in Fi, 252-1. However, it more common than the banded/distributed layout shown In Fig. 252.2 Figure 252-8 shows a similar project in the US ‘where its more common to tse plastic dicts for ‘routed tendons. tn addition bottom mesh enforce ment i seldom used nthe US, The igure shows the slab ready for concrete “Thetypical contruction sequence with grouted ten dons sas follows: ‘A Material Delivery and Tendon Preparation B Installation of Non Prestressed Reinforcement (Tendon Installation D Inspection Prior to Pacing of Concrete £ Placing and Finishing of Conerete F Preparation for Tendon sessing G Partial Tendon Stessing Hi ul Stressing and Validstion of Stressing Records 1 Stripping of Forms and Re-Shoring 2.48 FIGURE 252-1 Slab Reinforced with Grouted “Tendon Using Metal Duct (P16) FIGURE 25,2-2 Grouped/Distributed Tendon Layout (rsa) J. Cutsing of Tendon Tails and Finishing ofStressing Pockets K Grouting [A Material Delivery and Tendon Preparation: Practices vary with respect to tendon fabrication. ‘Some contractors prefer to have the stand cut t9 Tength and the deat ends formed or attached in the Shop. The strand is then delivered to the job site, Dune according to where it wil be placed. Ake ratlvely the strand canbe delivered as a cil that ut to length on site. Te practice also depends on ‘ohether rigid sheot metal or somewhat flexible cor gated duets are used Figures 2524-1 and 2 show duct and coils of strand fare delivered to te jobsite. The strands can be rushed through the ducts before the tendons are Installed (Fig 2524-3). However, the more cot zon practice with Nat duets sto place the ducts in Post-Tensioned Buildings FIGURE 252-3 Slab Reinforeed with Grouted “Tendons Using Plastic Ducts (Cures St P70) FIGURE 252-4 Tendon Layout of Heavily ‘Loaded Slab Using Grouted endons ‘the owe spacing the tendons in he dstiboted veto refles the ben desig oad of ab position before pushing the strand through them {igs 2524-1. In particular when using corrugated het its eases to place the duet estan then push the strand trough. (Figs 2524-5 and 6) ‘The strand atthe fixed end of the tendon wil x: tend out of the duct the bond between the exposed Sirand and the conerete provides some anchorage forstressing butthe strand mustalso be mechanical: Ip anchored. There are several ways to provide me Chanical anchorage The most common is the onion Shaped configuration shown in Fig. 2524-9. Figure 252A" shows the device that is used to create the ‘Onion shapes anchorage. Other types of fxed-end nchorages are shown in Fig 25.283, Post-Tensioning tle of Flat Ducts Delvered to Steves) FIGURE 2.24.2 Rare Strands and Ducts re Deli ‘ered to the Sie for Tendon Preparation(?163) FIGURE 25:24: Strands are pushed through the Ducts, Preparing the Tendon for Installation 170) FIGURE 25.2A-4 Strand is Pushed into an Installed Duct (171) 2524-5 Bundle of corrugated Ducts Ready for Installation P1723) Figure 252A-6a Empty Fexible Ducts are Placed In Position r172) 2.48 FIGURE 2.5.26 Strands are Fushed into Pos: ‘oned Duets (75) (0) Dead endusing metal strip (175) Post-Tensioned Buildings Figure 25.27 Device Used to Form Onion Shaped Dead Ends (11) (0) Single anchorage castings et as anchorage dee 31) FIGURE 25.20 Examples of Alternative Dead Ends Installation of Nonprestresséd Reinforcement alike the US, where the non-pestessed and pre Sressing reinforcement are typcally placed by the fame rev allowing coordination between the work, {in many other countries the twp are placod by d= ferent trades. The non prestressed reinforcement is placed frst as much a5 praetal. Often the work farts with placing a bottom mash, even though it is generally not requlred by design when using ACI 316/1BC. The mesh may be as ight as 6 mm bars at 150 mm spacing (W4.3 @ 6” oz) but the common ‘option is 12 mm bars spaced 250 mm on center (H4@i2" oc) Inthe US, itis neither required bythe building codes, hort common practice to pice a bottom mesh in posttensioned slabs whether the tendons ate bond: (itor unbonded. One reason a mesh isnot necessary {Sthe low limit imposed by ACL318 forthe hypothet- fea extreme fiber tensile stresses, coupled with the requirement of minimum precompression. Inthe Furopean Code, E2,"theresneitheranabso Tite imiton allowable tensile stresses, norarequire- tment for minimum pre-compression (see Chapter 4, Section #103 for deals). European Code designs fre based on probable crack widths, for which a mesh is benefical Tendon Installation: Once most of the nonpre ‘Sressed reinforeement isin place, the tendons are threaded through. Often, due to congestion of na prestressed reinforcement the threading of tendon Fecomes an arduous task, Figure 252C1 shows Sab with nonprestressedreinforeament in place where the posttensioning eres starting to install the tendons. ECD EN 19921-12004 Post-Tenstoning FIGURE 25.2A-9 Most Common Dead End ‘Configuration (74) FIGURE 25.2C-1 Tendon are Threaded through Installed Non-prestressed Reinforcement. (Oar alana e178) ‘Where relnforcement congestion at the slab edge rakes it diffu to place the anchorages, the teh done can be stressed from the surface ofthe sla, Figures 2520-2 and 3 show stressing pans used to Drove access to the tendons from the top of sla. The pans must be positioned so that there fat east, 900 im (3 f) clearance behind the anchorages for the stressing jack ‘There must be bursting reinforcement behind both the stressingend anchor andthe fixedend anchor (ig. 25.202 and} Dac pcs should be provided wth s sleve and taped to prevent concrete paste entering the duct (ip 25205), " Live end anchorage devices were installed fist and Secured in poston. The stressing recess atthe face 2.49 of concrete Is often created by Styrofoam shaped to Ft the anchorage face (Fig. 25.2C-6). The jolnt be tween the Styrofoam and the anchorage casting Ist be taped to prevent cement paste rom getting Into the casting Individual chairs are used to rise the tendons to thelr design profile. Once tendons are placed accord: ing to the instalation plans technlclan vurles the required chai height along the length ofthe ducts, Chairs are typically placed at Im (40") spacing along the tendon (Fig. 25.267 and 8). The legs of the chars are pulled spart to provide the right chair height Once adjusted, the chairs feet are nailed to the form ‘The tendon ducts ae pierced atthe high points and provided with vent tes tet the at escape as the Aluctsinocted with grout. The opening around the tube fs taped to prevent concrete paste from getting Into the duct and causing problems during stress Ing, Vents and grout inlet tubes are provided at the stressing and dead ends (Figs. 25.209 and 10). D. Inspection Prior to Placingof Concrete: In most Jurisdlctons, inspections of both the tendons and non-prestressed reinforcement before concrete Is placed are mandatory. However, based on author's experience, the practices notalways asdetalled and ‘igorous as tien California. Often, the construction documents vest the responsibility for quality contrat fn the post tensioning supplier, whois charged with tnsuring thatthe tendons are placed according the Installation dravtings and stressed propery. From FIGURE? 5.26-2 Close up ofa Stressng Pan at Top of Member (#180) Post-Tensioned Buildings Post-Tensioning aa 2-50 cune 25.205 Tope at Spe ee FIGURE 2.5.2D-1 Rough Handling of Ducts in Place Results in Dt Collapse and Damage (495) FIGURE 2 56-3 Row of tressing Pans Nextt Wall ‘en FIGURE 25.26-6 Pocket Former fr Stressing using “Tape Over Styrofoam (EPS: F185) FIGURE 25.2D-2 Local Collapse of Duct fom FIGURE 2.5.2C-9 Air Vent Tubes are Provided at Rough Handling (76) Tendon Ends (A: 0190) such as damaged ducts may not be detected, Buckle ‘ducts can eesult in large fiction loss and incom plete grouting ofthe tendon. Figures, 2520-1 and 2 how examples of damage caused by rough handling ofthe ducts “The steps in clearing the formwork of debris and pre pating ft forthe concrete placement are similar to FIGURE 2.5:26-4 An-Bursting Reinforcement be those described forunbonded tendons in Section 25.1 ind Anchorage Device 83) E Placing and Finishing of Conerete: Concrete is pumped fo locaton and consolidated. Where a flor {st be covered by stone or tes, n antiipation of pplication ofa layer of mortar prior to placing the floor over the surfaces not inshed Matand smooth (figs. 2526-1 and 2526-2), the author's experience, in most countries its not ‘common to have an independent agency for quality contol Avisit by a representative ofthe building de partment prior to placing conerete may be required, Buritis often # formality rather than 2 detailed Checking snd approving af the reinforcement lay FIGURE25.20-7 Requted Chair Helghts are Seenadequacesualycontrol meansthat problems Marked alongthe Length of Each Tendon P98) FIGURE 25:2¢-10 Provision of Air Vents a High Points (Tint 95) FIGURE 2.5.2E-1 Placing of Concrete (e182) FIGURE 25,26-2 Surface is Rough Finished in A= ticipation of Mortar and Tile/Stone Topping Ps3) FIGURE25.2F-1 Anchorage Device Ready tobe ‘Stressed (190) Post-Tensloned Buildings f Preparation for Tendon Stressing: Once the Concrete reaches the strength required forstressing, the material used to create the stressing recesses Is Temoved and the debris is cleared from the recess block to expose and position the strand ends for Stressing Where pans arth tp surface the concrete were used, the pans and the exposed surface of an- ‘horage casting are cleared of concrete paste, Figure 2526-1 shows an anchorage device and strands ready tobe stressed. 6G, Tendon Stressing The strands are stressed one ata time regardless ofthe number of strands in the dee Stressng of strands within a duct sequenced to minimize the ikelIbood of retting (abrasion) be- tween the strands. Some contractors use Jacks that Fequirthe strand wo be threaded through the device (Gig. 2526-1) Wherea tendon has tobe stressed at the top of member, ack witha bent nose is use (Fig. 2526-2). justification forthe use ofthis jack Sle, compared fo Jacks that rde on top of strand is that honded tendons are not stressed at interme diate anchorages the way unbonded tendons are. ‘Where continuity of force ie requlred, ether cou plers or ovelappingtendons asstown in Fig 2.2G- Bare used, Since the strands ate loose within the duct, hey are fig sresed to between 20% to 2596 of ther inal Sressng force to eliminate the slack The strand is then stressed to fll force and the elongation is measured, The elongation associated withthe sec: fond stressing must correlate to the diference in the ‘Stressing force between the nil an final stressing In many applications, tendons are stressed to be: tween 20% and 2596 of thelr design force the day ltr the concrete is ast to reduce shrinkage cracks. ‘The Balance of the design force is applied afer the concrete has gained the strength specied for stress: Ing The benefit of two-stage stressing in the reduc: tion of shrinkage cracks Is debatable. The practice isnot customary inthe US, despite the fact that US projets generally feature far Iss pon-prestessed Feinforeement. The practice posibly developed be: ‘use ofthe need to do an inital stressing to eli ‘ate the slate the strand, ‘The strand tals are marked fr elongation measure- ments asing the same procedures that are xsed for Cinbonded tendons. Elongations are usually mea- ‘red after the strand is anchored Post-Tensioning FIGURE 25.26-1 Stressing Operation at Member Edge (P185), FIGURE 25.26-2 stressing Operation at Member top Surface (196) FIGURE 2526-3 Intermediate Stressing ata Co struction Joint through Overlapping Tendons st2) 253 FIGURE 255264 Stressed and Anchored Strands Using Donut Barel 19%) Figure 2.5.26-4 shows a threestrand tendon that has ust been stressed donut (brtl) anchors were used to anchor the stands. H, Validation of stressing Records: The stressing records must be approved before the tendons are ‘routed. The responsibilty for observation of the Sessing process, record keeping. and approval of the records varies fom region to rgion- Often, the pest-tensioning supplier i charged with the task of Fecord keeping. In many’ counties, variations be tween the ealclated and measured clongations up 110% are deemed acceptable.” [stripping of Forms and Re-Shoring: Once the sessing records are approved, the forms can be "eipped, and the floor reshored, Re-shorng is gen- eraly necessary ifthe slab ls going tobe used to sup port the weight of construction above uttingof Tendon Tals The tendon tals are yp aly cat with abrasive rotary saws Unlike unbonded. tendons, where the stressing pockets ae small and shallow, the stressing recess fora bonded tendon i femeraly lang enough thatthe saw ean cut the tal [ist behind the wedges. This provides the cover re- ‘tired for fire and corrosion protection K-Tendon Finishing and Grouting: Next the stress Ing ecesses are sealed off with a si grou to avoid letkage ofthe liquid grout that wil be pressure In fected nt the ducts (Fig 252K}, 1 RLSTR recommends 7 254 [A grout mixer and pump are used to prepare and inject the grout (Fig, 2522) For better quality control, bags of pre-mined grout are typically use. ‘Samples ofthe mised grout ae taken for qualtycon- tro. The grout is pumped into the duct through an Insertion tube at one end of tendon. The vents a the high polnts are used to monitor the progress of the routing Once grout with acceptable consistency fomes out ofa vent (Fg. 252K3),the vents tied to force the grout down the duct. The vents are ied off In sequence down the tendon when grout with ac- {eptable consistency comes out When grout comes ‘outthe vent atthe farend othe tendon, the grouting ‘sconclided. 2.533 Markingand Recordingof Tendon Positions itisa gond dea to record the ss-lastalled location of the tendons, incase becomes necessary to madly the structure inthe future Marking the tendon loca: tions helps to identify where repatrs or driling wil ‘equlr special precautions. |A. Marking of Tendons on Finished Floor: One ‘way to mark the tendon locations i to spray paint the locations on the formwork before the concrete ‘ast; the pine marks wil be transferred to the slab Soffit Figure2.53A-1) Another option shown in Fig 2534-2 is to paint the tendon lorations on the slab Soft after the forms are removed, Photo/Video Recording of Reinforcement: An ternative to marking the slab soffit s to record the postion of reinforcement through photographs tnd or videos and file the records as part ofthe as- built documents of the construction. Recording the tendon positions is an investment at the time of ‘contraction that may prove extremely valuable iit Subsequently becomes ecessary. 224 ECONOMICS AND MATERIAL QUANTITIES ‘The benefits of post tensioning and the economics ‘ofits construction vary greatly indifferent parts of the world. In Northern Callfornia, some conerete contractors prefer a post tensioned alternative to the corresponding reinforced concrete design re fardless ofthe span and configuration the cost per fon of post-tenioning in places almost the same as honprestressed reinforcement, and the poster Sioned alternative will use lass material. In contrast, in South Korea, the cost of post-ensioning in place fs several times that of non-prestressed reinforce Post-Tensioned Buildings FIGURE 2.5.2K-1Stessing Pockets are Sealed Off ‘to Avoid Spilling at Grouting (7201) FIGURE2.5.2K-2 Grout Mixer Using Pre-mixed Bags (e202) FIGURE 2.5.2K-3 Grout is Allowed to pill Out ofa Vent to Check ts Consistency Prior to Locking it O1F (020%) Post-Tensioning (6) Spray paint om form tw point region of ‘endon(2053)| FIGURE 25-341 Idetifiation of Tendon Location through Spray Paint on Soffit ment: In part because the labor costs are consider: ably lower than in California and the strand cost is higher However post-tensioned alternative may be selected for other reasons, for example the architec tural layout or the fact that post tensioned construe- tion will take less time “The following isa general overview of estimated re Inforcement quantities for common residential and commercial bulldings Labor requirements and con- Structon practice inthe US. arealsobrefly covered Cost comparisonsoften refer tographssuchasthe one {n Fig 26-1, where the economy ofa post-tensioned slab versus a conventionaly reinforced slabs shown 235 function of span length. A span of about 7 (23, fis viewed asthe crassover point between the two ‘options, While a relationship suchas shown nthe ‘ure isvalid, compliance with different building codes And local practice can override the general ase Asan ‘example, when ACI 318s used fr the design ofa cl- umn Supported lor system, a minimum amount of Drestressing is required, based on the ross-setional -Reometry of construction "In adaltion, ACI 378imits the spacing of tendons" Theirs requirement means that there Ia minimum span length for which a pos. tensioning tendon can be fly utilized the seeond ‘means tha ther ea minimum slab thickness for fll, FF ACLSIS.1 minn /A Section 18.124 ACL318-1 tendon spacing Seton 18.124 (0) impression of tendon Jean at abs (P2058) tization of post-tensioning. These requirements do ot exis nthe corresponding European cade, C2” These and other requlrements, such as allowable stresses mean that design quantities ae often afune- tion ofthe bulldingcode-In alton tothe design re- quirements governed bythe applicable building code And engineering principles, local perception of "good practice” can ply a significant role n the quantities ‘commonly used For example, a relatively heay bot- tom mesh wed for post-iensloned slabs inthe KSA, (Kingdom of Saud Arabia) buta mesh s generally not ke FIGURE 2.53A-2 Smt of lab is Painted to Show ‘the Location of Tendon (Moria P208) SEEN 120K) 256 soatn) Span Versus Cost FIGURE 26-1 Relationship between Construction ‘Cost and Span for PostTensioned and Conventionally Reinforced Flor Systems ‘used inthe US This greatly influences the quantity of hom prestressed reinforcement in 2 posttensioning Alternative, and hence its competiveness versus the Comparable reinforced concrete design. ‘There are several features in post-tenloned floor ‘ystems that lead to thelr seletion as construction Of choles, regardless ofthe cost ferences between f post tensioned slab and its conventionally rein forced alternative (See Section 2.2), In adtion the material labor, an other inberent advantages Aiscused eariey the increase speed of construc: tion and simpler forming means there i faster tur fover of forms this teduces the amount of formwork quired andleads toa more cost effective construc tion Likewise, the reduction or even elimination of ‘beans, and simplifications in the geometry of the Mor system through selection of aft soit ead to f reduction inthe cost of forming and overall com Struction, Although these considerations are central to overall cost they are not covered inthis sein: the focus ofthis section s"material quantities” 2.61 Material Quantities |. Practice and Project Examples: The quantities Covered consist of concrete, pestressing strands, Sind non-prestressed reinforcement (rebar) The va tes quoted ae the minimum amounts required by tffcent design using the governing buling codes, ‘The reinforcement used for engineering detailing is reported separately. Post-Tensioned Buildings Post-Tensioning 257 Inthe US, the long tradition of post tensioning com ‘TABLE 2.614-1 feinforcement Quantities for lors ofa Multistory Hotel 113 struction has resulted in a greater awareness and a ry Hotel (rats) familiarity of design engineers and contractors with Concrete Tin (180 mm) es posttensioning: ths, along with a relatively clear a3 pa oe and expllet building coe, means that design and Ps ‘construction practices are well matured. Reinforce | Rebar (6.34 Kg/m2) (26.85 Kg/m2) ‘mont is generally specified and placed “where need Post ‘085 psf 0 0 to meet the requirements. Ifa design does not ‘Tensioning (4.15 Ke/m2) 0 foliow this criterion, the post-tensioning contractor twill generally have the work re-designed by an ex: Pevienced post-tensioning engineer. AS a reste Eineers ar aware they should take fll advantage of the material specified fr construction, ‘the quantiles used forthe posttensioning alterna: tiv, alongwith the values of the orginal reinforced concrete sia. ‘The quantiles requlred for code compliance are deterministi. These are shown inthe graphs o fo- lowing gures for the codes covered. The quantities for structural detailing depend on the complet of the projet the judgment ofthe designe, and local practice regarding what constiutes "good struc {ural detalling” The practice varies widely in differ tent countries, The quanes given in Table 2.6.1D-1 Elsewhere, where posttensioning is emerging a5 & prefered choice, the construction is sometimes Inisture of conventionally reinforced concrete and postiensioning practices Floors are reinforced as TP'they were conventionally reinforeed, and then post ignsioning fs added. Ts, a large amount of on-prestresed reinforcement is used in ation {o pasttensioning tendons. The base reinforcement is mostly inform of a heavy bottom mesh—and at times, bth atop and bottom mesh (Fig, 2614-1) The total weight of posttensoned and non-pre strested reinforcement in the ost-tensoned ater. native ts 2.15 pat (10.49 kg/m2) compared to 55 pf (2684 kg/m2) Inthe reinforced concrete slab. ‘Thus the conversion to post-tessioning reduced the total welght of eisforcement (combined PT and re- bat) by over 25 times. Due to hghlabor cost the i place unit price of PT and reba are fry similar, $0 the savings were significant, even without inluding the reduction in volume ofthe concrete For the multisory bulking of Fig, 26.142, con- structed in Hawai in 2009, typcal quantities forthe floor would be: {Asan example the quantities fora project value en- fineered and constrUctd by Suncoast Post Tension" Ere given In Table 261A. The project i atypical tmul-story hotel constructed in the US with 26 (8 fm) spans, supported on columns and shear walls tnd designed secording to ACI 348. The tale lists Slab shickness: 6 n (150mm) "© Post Tensioning 0.70 pst (34 e/m2) Rebar 10 psf (488 kg/m) 2B, Base Quantities for Code Compliance This Sec tion covers the requirement ofthe International Building Code (18C 2008) anc the European Code 2 (EN1992-1-1:2004), Since the IBC conereta re ‘quirements are derived from ACI 316, the results fompare 82 t ACL 318. ‘The quantities used in each construction derive fcom two requirements, First. tis the reinforce: ‘ment to comply with the in-service (S15) and sfe- 'y (ULS) requirements ofthe applicable code. This Finforcement Is by computation, Second ti the reinforcement for "structural dealing” This isthe "einforcement commonly usee for crack control at Aiscontinutes long the permeter of a slab and similar conditions, where enforcement is added for improved performance ESE FIGURE 2.6181 View ofReinforcement na Floor ‘System Ready to Receive Coneret (Ber F208) FIGURE2 614-2 Mult Story PostTensioned ‘Building in Hawai 209) 2 ‘he reinforcement totals fe topical Moors. Tey do 3 Senna Pos Teo Mouton mestenstpnm inden eth on pss eee eee eee eee eee rere eee 2.58 reflect the US practice for common residential and ‘commercial ullings- Forcomparison among the diferent options arefer- fence lor is selected. The quantities ae calculated for the reference flor using diferent load values land bung codes, The rests ae compile Info Towing graphs ‘The geometry and tendon layout ofthe reference floors shown in Figs. 2618-1 and 2. Interior spans are 9.00 m (28'6"} long: exterior spans are 7.50 m {2468) long stab hikes s 200 mm Binh}; col trans are 600 mm (23 6) square. Other parameters bf the reference floor are std in Section C In ation to selfweight, the Noor Is subjected 0 four diferent values of superimposed dead load ($01). For each value of SDL, the Noor is analyzed fn designed for fe values of uniformly distributed live lod (LL). In each Instance, the design ts hased fon the minimum smoune of prestessing that satis- fis the in-service stress requirement ofthe respec: tive codes—ACI 310 yplally governs the minimum Fequirement Non-prestressed reinforcement isadd- fe where reared to meet the other seviceabily equirements and the wllmate strength (ULS) load “The reference floor system was designed for the fo lowing load values: upon pan pam fim po pe (0) Plan of for sytem (spans 9m: 29° 6°) Post-Tensioned Buildings. 4 Superimposed Dead Load (SDL) 1 t0 3 KN/m2: (208060 psf) {Live Land (LL) 200 kN/m2:(40 to 100 psf) “The comparison was caried out forthe commonly Used bonded and unbonded post tensioningsystems Teach cat, the typical construction parameters, as etal in Section 26-1, were used. The same ten {fon layout was used forall conditions. Because the Spans were the samein both directions andthe load= ing was uniform, the same number of tendons were Feared in each direction (Fy, 26-1B-2).In practice, fenrdons are typically banded over the column lines {none direction nd uniformly dlstruted Inthe or thogonal direction. Whether tendon are banded in fone direction and distributed inthe other direction, fr distributed in both directions does not impact the required material quantities. However, banding the tendons in one direction considerably simplifies thee instalation. ‘Te tendon profi forthe Interior spans is shown in Fig 2640, The tendon cover isthe same for both ‘bonded and unbonded systems, but the distance to the centroid ofthe strands i diferent because the fiyts used for bonded tendons are lager than the ‘sheathing used for unbonded tendons For the lower values of load, continuous tendons from ove end ofthe structure to the other end were (0) 30 vew ooo stam FIGURE2.6.18-1 Flor System Selected for Reference Floor (°210sb) Post-Tensioning FIGURE 26.182 View of Tendon Layoutin Sib 211) audequate, For he higher lad values tendons had 10 beside inte exterior spun to est the alowable An average precompresion of 125 psi (0.84 MPa) ‘was specie forall eases, based on the require ents of ACI 318." EC2 does nt esre a minimum precompresson but, the same tendon layout and Drecompresson was used for both cases to allow ‘comparison of quantities ‘A notable feature inthe comparative quantities is 4 specif ACI requirement" for grouted ystems, ramely thatthe nominal design moment (Ma) ofa ection reinforced with growed tendons met be preter than cr equal to 12 times its racking mo ment (Me). OM SLM (sp 2.61841) Depending onthe slab geometry and loading, non- prestressed reinforcement may need to be aed to Increase the moment capac (‘racking moment rebar”) Interesting EC2 has a similar criterion for beams reinfored with unbonded systems. EC2 re ‘hires the nominal design capacity (My) ofa beam Feinforeed with unbonded tendonsto be greater than regalo 1.15 times ts cracking moment (M) For bonded systems with ow values of fading the ACTrequlrments of) racing moment rebar com Ded withthe lowlimiton allowable tense stresses ad (i) the minimum lee of average procompres Sion resle in more nomprestressed reinforcement than the Eurozenn Code, BC2 at gr load values, Towever theft that allowable stress inthe ten dns athe Ue renter under ACL 318 resus in 2 acai, Sesion 1.124 # ACl ks ssn 982 259 ie ‘2am 40n) a Somers) (2) Unbonded tendon geomety ‘a Asta) ier 130) (6) Grouted tendon geomety FIGURE2.6.18-3 Tendon Profile of Reference Flor less non- prestressed reinforcement than EC2 Figures 2610-4 and illustrate the amount of el forcement in relation tothe applied load for the ref rence sab, ‘The generally higher amount of rebar required for tunhonded stems compared tothe rebar required fara comparable grouted system is due to the ACL ‘318 minimum reinforcement requirements for un- bonded systems. ACI 318 does not requlre 2 mini- ‘mum area of nan-prestressedreinforement for bonded systems The inital higher amount of rein forcement for bonded systems at low values of load stems from the regultements for cracking moment yebar discussed above; the cracking moment re ‘quirement applies to routed systems only At higher {Values of loads, he larger amount of post tensioning Svalable provides the necessary margin of safety ‘against cracking moment. Hence, there sles need for supplemental nor-stressed reinforcement. The Fequirements of the two codes are discussed In renter detal in Sections 4.10 and 4.11 Figures 2.6.18-6 nd 8-7 show the quantities of post tensioning and nonprestressed reinforcement used eM reer eter ee are TE EE EEC EEEEEEHEE 260 _ 8 FIGURE26.18-4 Quantities Based on ACI 319 for Reference Floor Reinforced with Unbonded or routed Systems. For detailing add ‘15 kg/m? (0.30 ps) (oe FIGURE 2.6.18-5 Grouted Post Tensioning Quantl- ties forthe Reference Floor (962) forthe grouted and unbonded systems forte range bf superimposed and lve load values analyzed Data and Parameters of Reference Slab: The Inaterial properties, post-tensloning systems, and ther Input data for the analysis ofthe reference Moor system are listed below: Post-Tensioned Buildings concrete: Weight = 2500 kam (150 pt) Specified strength at 28 days = 34 MPa (5000 psi) Modulus of Elastty= 29,958 MPa (8,030 ks) Poisson's ratio= 0.2 PostTensloning: MATERIAL Low rlaation, seven wite strand ‘Strand nominal diameter = 13 mm (05) Strand Area = 99 mm® (01520) Modulus of Elstcty = 200000 MPa (29,000 ksi) (Guaranteed ultimate stength (fy) = 1860 MPa (270, Seating oss = 6 mm (0.25 In) Tonge term sires Toss» 75 MPa (10.8 ksi) LUNBONDED SYSTEM ‘Tendon diameter (greased and sheathed) = 13 mm (053m) stressing ‘Angular tition coetiient, = 0.07 ‘Wobble Friction» 0.0046 rad/m (0.0014 rd) {GROUTED (BONDED) SYSTEM Duct depth = 20 am (0.79 in) Distance of duct centeoid to centroid of strand (2) = 3mm (0.128) stressing “Angular friction coefficient, = 0.20, ‘Webbie reion coecient, K= 0025 rad/m (0.0076 vad) cover Nonprestressed Reinforcement Interior span top and bottom cower = 20 mm (0.79) Exterior span bottom cover = 40 mm (157 8) DPrestessing Tendons Interior span top and bottom cover «20 ram (0.79 (0mm (L57 in) ‘Tendon Profiles Interior spans = reversed parabola with inflection points on either end at 0.1 times the span length terior spans = exterior end—simple parabola inte: ior end-—reversed parabola wit the Inflection point [£04 times the span lng low point at midspan, Post-Tensioning 261 4s ee on 1 om FIGURE 26.18-6 Quantities of Prestressing (PT) and Non-prestressed Reinforcement Using Bonded (Grouted) Tendons(rs240) see capa: tai ose ng FIGURE 2.6.18-7 Quanties of Prestressing (PT) and Non-prestressed Reinforcement Using Unbonded Tendons r»200) 262 ECTS Post-Tensioned Buildings ‘TABLE 26.1041 Non-stressed Reinforcement for Detailing 12) 1 Tm h/t ] Description [one-way Twoaway | One-way | Two-way Tenforing behind anchorage devices |g 9 coe | 00s | Shrinkage nd crack contol bar ra Py (2 Shem as | tas | oa | [a [TrmsteeCopenings penetrations, [ase | o19 | oxo | 004 4_| Suppor ste fr tendons os7_| a7 | oz0 | 038 5 [Colmmeapiats 08 om 6 | Completing beam rebar age™> 7a f = | aa0 | | Toul ast_|aei_| 094 | oot Notes: Notincluded are reinforcement which may be necessary to resist wind/seismi loading (rag And chord bats), closure strips, and construction jon. St2mm bars at banded tsndons £2 mm bars at im spacing (#4x6-3" @ ‘20m (#4 @ 42") spacing, continuous with lap for distributed strands or Y-0° 00), 726 mm (248) continuous bars top and bottom of beam cage plus one 16 mm bar (#5) atm: helghtofstem, where no rebar ep Analysis and Design Tool ‘ADAPTPT version 2012 was used to optimize the design 1. Reinforcement for Detailing: In adition tothe Feinforeement ealelated for code compliance, a Certain amount of relnforcement is aed at (0) ds- Continues such as reentrant corners, steps and ‘openings to control cracking, and (W) where relo- forcement is needed to distribute or direct the ap: plied loads to the lod path envisaged hy the design Sngineer The amount of reinforcement needed for {etaling depends on the compleaty ofthe structure. ‘Tale 2610-1 provides a rough estimate for com Imo residential and commercial buildings the val- ties apply to both unbonded and grouted construc ton systems 262 Construction Cost ‘The buleof the constrtion cost ofa post-tensioned Noor consits of material fel labor and equipment management, engineering, and administrative costs tv essential the same a¢ fr a conventionally rein forced sab, The uni costo each of the primary com 3 ADAPTPT 2012, 18 ADAPT. Boo Pr, 2012, wr adapt com ort by analysis ponents of material fel labor and equipment aries rat from country to country and within the same unt fom region to region. The following ist pro= Wiles costs for a typieal post tensioned lor system Constructed in Northern Californian 2013: ‘A. Unit Cost of Material: The approximate cost of Material delivered and placed fora typical midrise building construction project in Northern California {ar Follows” st of rebar, purchased, bent, and placed (60 ks 1420 MPa} $1.05/lb; $231 /¥e Cost of prestessing material, Including hardware, placing and stressing: $2.70/Ib $5:94/k3. ‘otal cost of construction of onerete floor ncn forming labor and concrete, but excluding rebar and post testing: $582/C¥, 762/83. For normal projects, contractors generally carry 20,000 sf (1,858 m2) of forming and break projet into pours ofthis sie, using.aerew that places both homprestressed reinforcement and. prestressiny, For most bullings, the construction cycle typical Iy one weeke This includes stripping and re-shoring ‘acs efor Fal of 2013 wonargocoerte com Post-Tensioning the previously cast concrete; moving the forms to ‘ext pour and instaling them; pacing rebar and pre- resting tendons, performing quality control and any required inspections, placing the concrete, and ‘ressng the tendons. Ideally the concrete is placed fon Thursday afternoon or Friday morning so that It has developed enough strength to allow the tendons tobestrested on Monday 1, Unit Cost of Labor: Labor costs vary more than ‘material and equipment cost rom country to oun ‘tryand rgion to regen. Ia regions ofhigh labor ests, the benefits ofposttensioned structures include: Labor ‘Less reinforcement, which results in lower labor costs for handling and placing ‘© Simplifeation in construction, which reduces the cost of labor for forming ‘Shorter construction ye ‘Asan example of productivity and labor cost, con ‘sider the following conerte for slab that was con Stricted in San Francis (Fig. 2620-1). The slab area foreach level was 17,672 sf (1,642 m), Once the forms were set up, the reinforcement and post tensloning Yor each floor were placed in four days by elght technicians. On average, each technician placed 552 sq (51.5 mt) of reinforcement (PT and ronestressed) each day. RETROFIT; MAINTENANCE; AND (Questions often stse regarding the ease of repairing or remodeling a posttensiond floor system. This Includes whether I is even possible to dtl holes or FIGURE 2.6.28-1 Slab ready to Receive Concrete (Couteny ehion eninger eters aes 213) 263 ‘make new openings in a posttensioned slab. The ‘her snswers "yes tis both possible and practical However, anytime a modification involves removing ‘portion ofa slab and cutting rebar or prstressing {eons the work has tobe engineered, regardless fof whether the floors conventionally reinforced or pos-tensioned. Theloss ofload-bearing capac re Sling from the removal of concrete and rinforeing ‘eds tobe evaluated, and necessary compensated for When the slab Is post-tensioned, there are adal- tional considerations, particulary ithe slabs ein- foveed with unbonded tendons. 2.74 Floors Reinforced with Grouted Tendons ‘When a slab is reinforced with grouted tendons the procedures for repair or remodeling are similar to those fora conventionally reinforced slab and the ‘sie precautions app, The prestessing ste is bordel tothe concrete surrounding it in the same war that non-prestessed reinforcement is; once it Service, the prestressing steel fanctions much Uke hot-prestressed reinforcement. Nevertheless, there fsresome important funcional ferences. Im particular, atthe strength limit state (ULS), pre stresing strand is capable of developing three to tore than four times the fore of notpestressed ‘elsforcement ofthe same cross sectional area. Thus ‘iting a prestressing strand can be more detrimen- fal than cutting a rebar of comparable size ifthe design relies onthe ful tength ofthe cut strand. erause the strand carries more force, i requires 4 longer length than a rebar of comparable size to de- volp its fll strength. Asa result, the loss of effec- LUveness ofthe strand extends ver alonge distance fron the location of the ct. Incdditon bonded prestressing strand provides ‘1o- ‘a precompression that is beneficial to crack miti> {ston this precompressionislosa section of the Standisremoved. However, cuttingabonded strand does not entirely eliminate (ts orginal contribution to the precompression in the floor system. The pre ‘onpression from each sand Is dspersed into the Sab when the strands stressed; onee the tendon is sravted, the precompression is locked into the floor Stem, When a tendon is cut there will be local Feduiction in precompression, as indicated in Fig 2.714, but the precompression imparted from the Femainder ofthe strand wil romain. Furthermore, "ince thee is generally more than one prestessing: EERE RECESSES 264 (t) Bonded tondon severed at a pont (6) Unbonded tendon severed ata point FIGURE 27.1-1 Loss of Precompression from a Severed Tendo strand ina sla, the os of precompression from one Stand does not eliminate the precompression in the for, even adjacent wo the location of the cut. 2.7.2 Floors Reinforced with Unbonded Tendon ‘When dealing with grouted tendons, it isnot nee essary to restess and re-anchor a strand that has (G) View of lor system and starwell opening(es78) FIGURE 272-1 Stairwell Opening Created at Cente ofa Post-Tensioned Panel Sn Fans cute SG) Post-Tensioned Buildings ben cut. The grout that is injected into the duct, ‘nee hardened locks the force into the tendon, In Contrast, when an unbonded strand is eu, It loses {tlorce along its entire length Thus ts contribution to both the serviceability and safety ofthe structure Fscompletly ost. In adition, nike with a grouted tendon, the cut tendon’ contribution tothe precom pression inthe floor system wil be lost over the en- tie length ofthe tendon (Fig. 27.1-1e) “The los of force and effectiveness ofa tendon over its emir length require that the contribution of tach tendon be ily evaluated and, where neces Say, compensated for in the repair or retrofit. The humerous buildings constructed with unbonded post-tensioning im the US over the lst sity years Include many examples of post-tensioned floor re modeling projects, These ange from the creation of Shnall openings tothe removal of ertialy large sec- ‘ons ofthe eo. ‘The repse/retofit procedure generally consists Of exposing the affected tendons; carefully cutting them restressing them and re-anchoring them at the face ofthe cut. The sequencing ofthe work may ‘ary depending onthe number of tendons that need to be cutand te location ofthe mew opening or the repairs. As withthe repair and rehabilitation of any ‘other typeof lor system, the work shouldbe done liya crew that specializes n similar structures. Asan example of extensive remodeling of a flor ‘Siem reinforced with unbonded tendons, consider the remodeling atthe Hult Business School in San Francisco engineered by Simpson Cumpertz & He (6) View of pening showing anchored tendons (P19) Post-Tensioning (3) Densely spaced tendon yout ofthe ginal oor system (P21) (0) Piano oor ste showing he pasion of steal opeingretd inthe mle otal anal (215), FIGURE 272-2 Creation ofan Opening (14x11 1h; 44x3.5 m) in the Middle ofa Central Panel get" The clsely-spaced tendons in both directions posed a special challenge wien it was necessary to fut a large 14.5115 1 (4443.5 m) opening for 2 ‘new stairwell in the middle of centeal panel 30x27 £8 (0.1448.23 m). Nevertheless, the work was done success, Figure 272-1 shows the new opening, The floor system was a wafl slab (Fig, 27.222), reinforced In both directions with one tendon in each wae stom, Part (b) ofthe figure shows the position ofthe ‘pening in the central panel To create the opening, the tendon locations were identified and each tn don was exposed, ca, restressed and reanchored atthe fae ofthe new opeaing by a firm specaliing in posttensioningrepai.” Figures 2.7.23 and illustrate other examplescofma- Jor retrofit ofa post-tensioned floor. Fgure 272-3 Shows the removal fconcretet expose the tendons 3 SIMPSON GUMPERT? & HEGER, San Fania Guid Scag wow schwagerais com 265 FIGURE 27.23 Removal of Concrete around ‘Tendans (P80) FIGURE 27.2-4 Tendons ate De-stesced and Re anchored at the Edge ofan Opening (40), for an opening, Figure 272-4 shows the cut strands espsitoned tthe edges of the new opening ready tobe restressed and reanchored once the concrete for the strip around the rew opening is cast From the standpoint of structure's serviceability and safety, the loss ofa singe strand either inadver- {ently oF by design is usually not ential Structural analysis for the effets cfa lost tendon often dem ‘onstrates that the structure has enough redundancy that can lose one or more tendons without com promising its intended performance. I tis neces- Sary to replace a lost strand, one option is to extract the damaged portion ofthe strand and rethread the sheathing witha smaller diameter, but higher ‘Strength strand. The new strand is coupled tothe e isting strand and the tendon is re-stressed If only 2 short length of new strand i required, tis typically eee eee ee eee eee eee ee eee ee eee ee eee eee 2.66 possible to use a strand ofthe same diameter asthe brginal strand rather than smaller strand, a8 long fs the sheathing that the strand willbe threaded ‘rough snot damaged, ‘There continues tobe considerable discussion that Noor slabs constructed with unbonded tendons do not lend themselves to extensive re-modeling which Feauires new openings tobe made in the sab. How fever experience accumulated in the US from numer: ‘us floors reinforced with unbonded tendons and ‘Successful major repairs are testimony ofthe ability ‘ofthis type of eostruction to handle the challenges ofextensive remodeling. 2.8 REFERENCES alam, 8.0, and Cheginl, M, (2995), “Structural Retrofitting of Cast-n-Pace Parking Stractaes" Pro ‘ceedings ofthe Third National Conerete and Mason- Fy Enginering Conference, San Francisco, CA, June, 1995, pp. 639-660 {alam 0, Barth RG, Napior Kand Pu. (1990), “Earthquake Performance of Unbonded.Pose-Ten Sioned Buildings, San Francisco Fardhquake 1989," Post‘Tensioning institute, Phoenix 16pp- Aalarl, BO, and Swanson, D. (1989) “Tnnovative Rehabilitation ofa Porking Structure” American Con tote Insite, Journal of Concrete International, February ‘ACI 348-11, 2011), “Building Code Requirements for Strutural Concrete (ACI 316-11) and Commentary” American Concrete Iastiute, Farmington Hill, MI ‘A8331,, 503 pp. ACLASCE Committee 423, (2007),Speifications for UUnbonded Single Strand Tendon Materials and Com mentary” ACL423,7.07, American Concrete Institute, Framingham, ls, Mt ADAPT TN 290, (2010), "Vibration Design of Concrete Floors for Serviceabil”” ADAPT, wwadaptsot com, p20 Post-Tensioned Buildings Collins, M. P, and Mitchel, D, (1997), “Prestresed ‘Concrete Seructures Response Publications, Canada, 765 pp. (PCr, (1987), “Metric Design Manual, Precast and Prestresed Concret,” Canadian Prestressed Con rte Institute, Alberta, Canada. Englert, R. &, (2002), "Design-Constructon ofthe Paramount—A_39Story Procast Prestressed Con Crete Apartment Building” PCl Journal, Jul-Aug 2002, ppse-7 uropean Code EC2, (2004), "Burocade 2: Design of Concrete Structres-Part 1-1 General rules and Fules for buildings” European Standard EN 1992-1 12004. Hoyer. (1939), “Tanger und Patten” Berlin, Der Stleenbeton, Otto Elsener Verlagsgosellschaf, Beton arma. 136 pp. Hayek C and Kalil S, (2012), “Structural ficiency from a Sustainability Perspective” PT Joural, Dec 2012, pp. 20-26 Kelley, 6, (2003), "A Guide to the Components ofan Unbonded PoseTensioning System. Concrete Inter- national, American Conerete Institute, Deol, Ml Fanary 2003, pp. 71-77 Leonhardt, Fit, (1964) Prestressed Concrete, De- ‘Signond Construction Withelm Ernst &Sohn, Berlin, Muenchen, 677 pp. Navy, E.G, (1997), Prestressed Gonerete, A Fundo mental Approach” Prentice Hall International, New Jersey, 3rd ed, 938 pp. Pere f, Pessk, Sand Sas, R, (2004), “Selsmic Design of Unbonded Past Tensoned Precast Concrete Wall with Vertical Join Connections” PCl Journal, Jan-Feb 2004, pp. 58-79. Stevenson, M, Panlan, lk, Korojk, M. and Mat, D. (2008), “Pest Tensioned Concrete Ws and Frames Jor Seismic Resistance--A Case Study of David Brower (Center Structural Engineering Assocation of Cal fornia Convention Proceedings, pp 1-8. CHAPTER 3 DESIGN OF CONCRETE FLOORS PostTensioned Tower; Ocean Heights (Cones ct P99) 3.1 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS, ‘The primary concerns ofa structural engineer are the set, serviceability and economy of the struc- tures he or she designs Safety i understood asthe structure's ability to withstand code required loads Without excessive damage or injury. Serviceailty fs achieved ifthe structure performs as intended throughout its expected life span, Economy is taken to mean the structure's owners feel that both its short and long-term costs are reasonable Legality ofthe design procedure, defined as com- pllance with appliable bullding codes, i also iat. PostTensioned Buildings portant Iti not always easy to establish however, particularly for post-ensioned structures. Bullding odes tend to follow, rather than lea, practice with respecttopost-tensloning, Much of whats currently Considered appropriate practice for posttensioned design snot incorporated into the codes yt. ‘8.2 REQUIREMENTS OF DESIGN PROCEDURE ‘An important issue which is offen overlooked by code developers is that, unless design procedures fre arly simple and expedient, they wil not be ad- ‘opted by design professionals: This canbe important ‘when a design profesional s asked to evaluate and srr Pstrctarescom 32 selec from differen structural slternatives. ‘An example within the fed of concrete design ithe tse of posttensioning In building construction. & ‘number of consulting enginers are reluctant to se Toct a post-tensoned alternate, because the design may require more time and effort than a conven: tional eaneretestcture, although a post-tensioned iterative may be more economical and have supe ‘or performance. ‘The challenging part of automating the design of buldings constructed with conerete has been the flat sab Noor systems: In most cass, skeletal mem: bers such asbeams, columns, and frames made from them can rely be automated for analysis and de Sign Concrete buildings are rarely limited to skeletal members however the floor slabs ae typically si hifleat portion ofthe bullding and its desig, ‘This chapter reviews concrete sla design concepts nd presents te method for automating the dee et both rented and posensoned eoneete balldings Te mtd presented eliminates man of the prblems aot th se iterated design tecnert bulls A povede or selection ft and useing othe aot of enoreeeet 53.3 CONCRETE DESIGN IN RELATION TO OTHER. MATERIALS The following example highlights the principal fea tues that distinguish concrete desigh from other types of design, to better highlight te differences, the example considers two materials: concrete, and tess each of which has distinctive feature in terms St design. Although the example s hypothetical ei Tustates how material properties affect desigh re quirements and procedures (Aalami et al, 2005, Zoo} ‘The focus of the following i on: Determination of toad path in resisting applied forces ‘2 Determination of “design values for which re Sistance need be provided: and Differentiating fester of "analysis process or concrete Moors Figure 33-1 shows a partial plan ofa plate or slab tunder uniform loading, We reviw the design ofthe farea surrounded by Supports A, B and C marked Post-Tensioned Buildings Prs2i0 {design region FIGURE 3-1 Pata Plan of Roya Structure spesign Region” The objective Isto satisfy the ser- viceabiliy and safety (strength) requirements ofthis region A.Glass; Consider frst glass plat. The serviceability ‘ofthe lass plte determined by acceptable defer tion ts safety ks mieasuredbytheload that causes ito ‘ck Cracking acurs when the tani stress athe Surface reaches value that isa material property of the lass. lass lan extremely rile materia: once racking nied ew spread and cause fale ence the design procedure consists of 4 Estimatingthe deflection under service oad: and & Determining the load at which the maximum tensile stress reaches the cracking strength of ass For serviceability desige deflections can be estimat~ fed using approxinate methods based onthe plate's trometry, support conditions, material properties End service loading, As nated above, however, fail tre occurs when the stesea¢ any polat onthe plate Teaches the cracking strength ofthe lass. In order to dgetarelale estimate ofthe lass plates safety both fhe location ofthe maximum stress and the stress value intelation tothe applied loading need to be ‘determined accurately “The geometry and supports ofthe gas plate must be Tnodeled accurately sincethey det affect the mag ritude of maximum stress. Ip most cases the actual Toad path must be determined elther analytically or feperimentally Approximate methods based on a5- Sted load pats ill ot produce accurate results ‘The need to acuratly determine the stress at a Design of Concrete Floors point in onder to ensure the safety of glass plate is ‘what diflerentites the response of glass under ‘easing load from that of the other materials. Lo fl stresses caleulated by rte clement analyst are Sensitive to the numberof mesh divisions andthe accuracy ofthe fine element formulation. In order to determine the value of stress pont ver’ Tine finite element mesh and an appropriate formulation ss be used, ‘To arrive at safe design the following information ‘srequired ‘Location governing the design: This isthe loca tion, where maximum stress occurs. The location is fotlnovna-prot tis determined bythe easier Sponse ofthe pate under the applied loads, te mate "al properties and support conditions. The manner in which the applied load is transfered to the sup portis referred toas “oad path Inthis ease the oad path is determined bythe response ofthe structure to the applied load The location and magnitude of the maximum stress are the characteristics of the siruetur, 38 opposed tothe choice ofthe designer ‘To determine the location, designers have to analyze the structure. Typically a finite element plate analy sis is performed. The structure is subdivided into a fine mesh, suchas ustrated in Fig, 32A-Lb and ana Iyoed to determine the Toeation of maximum stress Magnitude governing the design: From a est nite element analysis the probable location of max rou stress can be estimated. Let the maximum lo {ation be point A shown in Fig. 3:38-Ta, Nex, necessary to validate the reliably ofthe solution value obtained from the analysis, Sines local stresses de subject to detals of dstretization ofthe nite lemen cells atthe lation, the solution has € be valiated The validation of the solution takes place by select Inga fine finite element mesh at the location of i terest, and obtaining new solutions. This iterative process of mult-sotion has to be continued, unt {he diffrence in value ofthe stress between succes. sive iterations atthe locaton of interest diminishes ‘The solution is then converged. In short, he solution ‘obtained forthe “desig” value has toe validated hough muti anaes, wth progessvel fer Im summary, n desig of glass plate (2) the “ood Path" is determined by the response of the str 33 Prseny (0) Possible locations of © support (6) Disrseton (7217) FIGURE 34-1 Glas Pate and ts Diseretiation for Local Stress Analysis ture; (i the “eritcl location” that governs the de sign is generally not known a-prion by the design engineer eis determined through the response of ‘he structure. And, (I) the solution has toe val dated through maitiple analyses, when using rie ‘dement method (FEM) 'B. Concrete: Consider a concrete slab, such a5 the region representing Roya bsleony i Pl 338-1. The Gesign engineer's st sep i ely to decide, ( ‘whether the reid reinforcement wil be placed st thebottom ofthe slab spanning between support- fing walls A and B (Fig. 3.38-1D) (4) or place the reinforcement over wall (Fig, 338-1) and design thebaleony asa cantlever The process ofenvisaging ‘reinforcement layout bythe engineers the assign ‘ment of 3 “load path” forthe slab to resist applied forces, Unlike the previous example of las, this ‘ase the load paths assigned by the design enginocr. Diflerent engineers may select different load paths. uteach con conciude witha safe stucture, Net the Force demand on the slab resulting from the selected load path must be determined, Ae this tage, che design engineer is likely to select a “nite ‘width’ ofthe sab, for which the design moment and “hear wil be determined Fr the Balen example, ‘sing the option of placing reinforcement at bottom, ‘the selected width islkel tobe the width ofthe bal ‘ony. The balcony wil be viewed as a“design sti" txtending between the walls Aan 8 for which the design moment willbe determined ot mi-lengthbe tween Aand B fora “design setion” with the nite ‘width equal to the width ofthe strip a4 ecetey (a) Paral pian y z 8 i 1 yt: (0) Span betweon was sien (©) Cantlover over ‘hand wall Modeling Options ofa Plate Region FIGURE 338-1 The underiying reason behind the Nexbilty in se- Ieetion of fad path for eerete labs isthe abilty fof a concrete section to crack and undergo a finite mount of rotation prior to fale. This a rele: ton ofthe setion's ductity. Cracking results in re tistibution of demand values to locations in slab, were resistance iz available. In order to mobilize the assumed lad path and redistribute the load re ‘Sstance ina loot, the slab must possess a minimum Acti. ll major building codes ensurea minima fluesity by contelling the mount of eiforcement ina section, such a effectively limit the depth of the neutral assim bending. Figure 330-2 sa schematic for response ofa typical reglan ofa post-tensioned beam designed for ben ing according to ACI 318. Pare a) of he figure shows the rotation (W) of the beam section with increas ing moment. usteates that the beam continues to bend past the elastic Limit of ls reinforcement. The ability ofa section to deform beyond ts elastic limit without fallre defines ts duty. The ratio of the ultimate curvature, Wu, tothe curvature at ist Sel Py, gives a tneasure ofthe ductility ofthe se tion, The ductity cab be expressed by m="%,/%, Post-Tensioned Buildings “Through restrictions imposed on the depth of new talons (0) (Fig 238-20), major bulding codes en Sure that sections designed in bending possess ad equate ductility Pare (8) ofthe figure ustrates the {luce ratio (mn) of atypical design based on ACI- 5316, withthe vale ofthe neutral axis. Most major Dulldng codes restrict the depth of neutral axs(€) tovalues that donot exceed 05d. In the example of Roya balcony, the computation of the design moments straightforward. Fora complex fgeomesy, ith regular support layout, is likely {hat similar tothe glass plate example, FEM will be the analysis processor t@ determine the design val ties This fs the trend with Increased reliance on BIMe technology, where seamless integration among rhitect” and other bulding trades’ drawings and data are becoming the norm. Unlike the glass exam ple, recent developments in FEM technology enable Eesign values for concrete flor to be determined ‘witha good degree of accuracy () using a relatively onrse mesh and (iJ one analysis ony as opposed to tulip anaiyses necessary for validations ofresults {nthe ease of las plate Figure 338-3 illustrates n pare (2) fine mesh cou pled with multiple analysis runs for the glass option (b) DUCTILITY AND REINFORCEMENT FIGURE 338-2 Ductile Response and Design Requirements of Member in Bending (47) ‘Boling Information Modting Design of Concrete Floors ann part (b) a sutable mesh fora single analysis for 2 concrete slab, The underlying reason ls that for Bass plate, the design is based on the stress value ta "point whereas for concrete, tis based onthe “total value” ofan action (moment et) over a design section having finite width The “otal valu" is the Intagral ofthe forces as opposed to lcal stress at "pot for gas. {eis important to note that the coarse discretization suggested for concrete design is only valli the FEM used for analysis is explicitly formulated toex- tract “integral values of force solutions over finite lengths of design sections. This requirement Is fur ‘ther expounded in Chapter 4, Section 495, 1m summary, the primary design eriteria forthe con crete plate are: () deflections andl rack widths must berwithin acceptable limitsunder service conditions, and (i) slab must not collapse under code stipulated factored ads. Using the load path designation, fllowed by analy sis and design of design sections concludes with the mount and location ofthe primary reiforcement. ‘The determination of petmary reinforcement, how ever i fllowred by “structural detailing” The “true tural detaling” lls the design procedute by en suring that 4 Thelaad path envisaged by the engineer can de velop at lads equal to, oF greater than, coe stpt Tated values: and Local eracking at discontinuities is controled Referring back to Roya balcony in ig, 338-16 the slab Is modeled as a cantilever supported by wall C Thisload path requires "primary" top bars aver wall Cas shown, As pat of "Structural Dealing” top bars wil be placed over walls & and B for crack eotrol The figure shows detallng bars over wall 8 ony Figure 3.38-4a shows an example of "structural De alg” for development ofthe la path ths y= tne 3 concentrated loading is distributed over the Width ofthe assumed load path by distribution tet Placed below the load. The added reinforcement ensures thatthe load path between walls A and B ill materialize as envisaged by the designer. Note, ower tha although this type of reinforcement i equied for both safety and serviceability, t might ‘ot be refected in the outcome of many automated lesign methods, since 3 number of such schemes (a) Discretion or glass plate (P217) (©) Discretion foe oneretesia (218), FIGURE 3:30-3 Disretization Options for Glass Plateand Concrete Slab p-botombes — prssri xn corcoand A (2) Bars for load distbution ea sh ge \ arena comer (6) Crack contol bars FIGURE .38-4 Two Examples of ‘Structural Detaling 36 report “toa!” amount of reinforcement for 2 design ‘section and leave the distribution to the designer “The reinforcement shown in par (b) ofthe igure is example o 'structral detailing" for crack contol “The detailing that represents the bottom bas shown in ig. 338-5 ith the bar sie, number, length and location of individual bars to be placed inthe slab a5 shown in (oi is eferred to a8 "Construction De Ealing Another example of "Construction Dealing” Js the selection ofthe correct lap splice, hooks, and bar bending details as Mustrated In part (b) of the figure ln North America, “Construction Detailing” is shown, tmabrication (shop) drawings generated by the ma terials suppliers. “Strucual Dealing” onthe other hand, is done by the design engineer and is shown fn the structural drags. In many other parts of the world, however there fs no distinetion Between Structural Detain and Construction Detailing Un ike the practice in Nort Ameria the drawings gen trated bythe design engineers also reflect the Con ‘struction Detaling, ‘The following general conclusions can be drawn about the desigh af eonerete oor systems 7 iM tegt uu sg22 (2) este stibten of moments" ui soa om seon22 (2) Design cbt of raments FIGURE 338-6 Elastic Distribution and Design Moments Post-Tensioned Buildings Terie wan cn (ecto rd oy a (or cngutanon tp day (0) Detling ot primary reine poste * (8) Barbonding and sping ‘Construction Detaling FIGURE 338-5 Examples of Construction Detling 4 Forconeretedesign, the engineer must designate {oad path in order to determine te reinforcement. ‘This is unlike the glass alternative, where the load path must be determined by analysis, The load path flesignation leads tothe magnitude and layout o the primary renforeing bars that define the resistance fleveloped bythe slab, Often, there is more than one possible load path. The lod paths that are selected make up the skeleton of the structural stent of thebulding ‘& ‘Saetyofconerte design i not sensitive toca stresses Aran example, the distbationof moments Aletermined fom elastic theory wl be similar tothe schematics of ig 338-63. The simplified, equivalent ‘moment shown In Fig, 330-6b is generally used for feinforcement calculations, however. The reinforce- ‘ment necessary for strength in each direction is that ‘Poquire to resist the total moment, he the integral below the moment curve, For safety ofthe structure, the yout ofthe reanfocement Is typiely tert falas long a the bars ae within the region corre Sponding to the moment they are designed to resis. This is based on the premise that failure follows the formation of hing line an the hinge line will mo blize all ofthe reinforcement that ross Design of Concrete Floors (a) lab enforced wth anbonded tendons (6) Sab reinforced with routed tendons (Tehran) FIGURE 34-1 Views of Post Tensioned Floors (219) (0551) ‘Ths highlights another feature of conerete design, namely the total moment is used for design. The Aistibution ofthe moment snd local values ofthe moment are not erica This feature places concrete fata gest computational advantage since total (in tegral) values of the actions are not as sensitive to finite element diserezation 35 local values. Finite clement software is generally formulated to satisfy Static equim, regardless ofthe density of the mesh used to discrete the structure. A coarse mesh tives essentially the same "otal" moment over a de Signsection as afine mesh, This observations based tn the premise thatthe finite element formulation Used is specially developed to propery determine ‘he “total values as is commonly used for design of ‘concrete members (see Chapter 4, Section 495), 34 DESIGN CHARACTERISTICS OF POST-TEN: (ONING “The need to designate a “lad path” was identified 23s one ofthe characterises that diferentiate com {rete design from pase pate desig, Posttensioned concrete design (Fig 3-41) adds another layer of Complexity that requires additional engineering Judgment and input. Consider the example of Fi 3.30-La, in which the sinh region Is assumed 0 span. between alls and B.A post tensioned design al- temative of thie gion is shown in Fig342. The gan is reinforced with post tensioning tendons between valls A and Br the post tensioning is sup Dlemented by mil steel as shown, In adtion to selection of load path, whieh in this case itis designated 38a one-way slab spanning be tween walls hand 8, to additonal assumptions are Fequired to complete the analysis. These are gener ally grouped into () tendon profile and (1) amount ‘of prestressng. Tendon profile defines the shape of tendon along its path. Tendon profile includes the tistance between the center of tendon and controld ‘ofthe slab along the tendon length. The amount of prestressng can be expressed in ifferent forms uch a the numberof stands, or the force provided by presttesing.Typialy, the amount of nonpre tendon Prsaze re 4 « slab eige real 8 (Eom (@) Plan tendon wal A met Tae (0) Elevation 1-1 FIGURE 34-2 Display ofa Tendon Layout Option a8 stressed reinforcement required in addition to pre ‘Mressng tendons will depend on what s selected for ‘sted parameters. Ina nonprestressd floor, determination ofthe re- (ulredecinforcement ify routine, ance the load path determined. The results in terms of required Felaforcement willbe essentially the same, road Tees of the designer's experience or inclination, In 2 posttensioned floor, however, the engineer has Considerable latitude when selecting the amount of prestressing and the tendon profiles Depending on the enginee’s assumptions and what he/she uses as ‘design eitera diferent designs wil esl ‘Acro observation hat fora en geometry. tater properties and loading there wil bea i fle dai outcome for conventional enorced Feet such athe one shown fn ig 343s How vero th post censoned eran (prt bo te {gure depending onthe design engineer's entry ‘lu ssumpton or ()prestressing ore and) rofle/shape there resus a maltad of desis We at designs can meet the minum requ iets ofthe gurerning cove, they cma ere metal gunner ih ener heen pos ensening desig are iy to aves {nore economia outcomes This eas to he recog- mitt tht thor ea opinion” aspect Inde $ignot post tensioned members hats abvent inthe Conventional reinforced counterpart. Compote programs wiih optniation features become be Eckl indesign pos-tenstoned members 3.5 ANALYSIS AND DESIGN PROCESS {35.1 Analysis and Design Steps “Te design process for concrete lors is summarized Inthe lve chart (Fig. 351-1. There are fur steps {structural modeling (1) analysis; (i) design, and {iy stractual detain Te structural modling step overs the designation ofload pats. Theanalyssstep fletermines the aeons (emoments and shears) that tach lod path mst resist. The design step gives the Sea of reinforcement required foreach designated Toad path ta resist the computed actions. And, inal, tstractural dealing step the yout of thereinforce- ments defined, Strcturaldetaiingalso specifies the Iational steel that is not determined by computa~ tion, but considered necessary for crack control of {istibation af aplid loads 352 Structural Modeling Bee eee ee eee ee eee ete eee eee eee ere ee eae a Post-Tensioned Buildings. rebar Prss2t (a) Nonprestressed beam @ tendon A erin ape? foce? neha (b) Post -tensioned beam FIGURE 34-3 Design Information Required fora PostTensioned Member and Conventionally Reinforced Alternative Structural modeling includes the designation of toad paths This defines the structural sytem to be an Fae The stractural modeling also includes the det inition of how design values for reinforcement and stress check are to be determined, The structural modeling Is followed by “analysis” at which stage the numerical values associated withthe “structral modeling” ar computed. The following explains the Sructural modeling Structural modeling starts with the designation of the load paths. The load path designation is com: if the selbwelght and aplied loading at every mis assigned an explicit load path that leads twa support. “The strip method of load path assignment requires Aividing the oor into suppor lines generally in two forthogonaldirecons. Each support ine has its own tributary area The support lines indicate the as- ‘Sumed load paths; a support line, together with ts tributary area, isrelerredtoas2“design strip” For most structures selection of he load paths is es- ‘stnlly independent of the analysis method. Consider 2 piel floor (Nahid or) fom a mul-story build ingith columns and walls above and below a shown infig, 3252-1 The following deserbes the structural ‘modeling ofthe floor and istrates the procedure for Design of Concrete Floors FIGURE 3.11 Overview of Design Process Selecting load paths and design sections. {A Define outline of floor slab and supports: As 2 first stp, the engineer defines the slab edge and ny openings, steps or other discontnultis. Next, he/she identifies the location and dimensions of the walls and columns supporting the Noor. The sup ports for this example are shovn in Fig. 35.281. Noe that, beams are considered as part ofthe floor system rather than the support system, They are therefore modeled and designed contiguous and in conjunction with the oor slab. B. Define Support lines: The engineer then deter- ‘mines a series of support lines in each of the two principal directions. Typically these are line joining adjacent supports along which an experienced engi- ‘oer wl natively plage relnforeement ig 33.25 2 showsthe suppor lines labeled A through, inthe Xediection (Fs naka designated line of support) Fig 8.5.28-3 shows the five support lines, labeled 1 through 5 in the Veiretion fa floor sytem is highly ivegul Le the columns ae significant ofset rom one another the suppor. nes may bees abs The eter for section fre the same asin a regular sab, however. The sup or lines ae the lines along which an experienced Structural enginer is key to place the primary re- Inforcement for resisting the gravity load ‘The creation of support ines Joining the physiealo- cation of supports is critical Many provisions ofthe bullding codes such as minimum reinforcement, re- late to cheeks specifi to support” or“span" Detall- Jngof reinforcement aso dapends onthe position of suppor, and support width Selection ofa support Ine slongtheline ofzupportsthatalso includes each ‘physical support affords the dentcation of “pan And "support for code compliance Define Tributary Areas and Design Strips: Typ- ically the midpoits between support lines are used to designate the tributary areas for each support Iine. The midpoint are joined to dent the Dound- aries ofthe tributary Fig, 3.5.28-b shows the sup- por lines the Xdirecion Points 8 and 9 would be ‘sed to determine the boundaries for the tributary ‘of supportlie 8, for example. The tributaries forthe sign strips in the Yeirection are hatched in Pg 35.2C-1 Pgure 252C2 shows the suppor lines in ‘the Yeirection with their associated inbutary areas. ‘While the selection of support lines along the line ‘of supports is central tothe identifistion of design ‘rips for code compliance, the tributary associated ‘with each support ne need not necessarily extend {Whalf the distance between adjacent support ines ‘The delineation of design strip widths can be aust ‘edtosutthe design based on engineering judgment, ‘rother construction restrictions. Asan example, (OF the same floor an alternative design strip selection based on straight lines is discussed in 3.5.24. Note that the modeling retains the support ines, bt im plies the allocated tbutary delineatons D. Design Sections: Design sections are typically awn across each design strip at the locations FIGURE'35.2-1 3D View of Nabi Floor (P472) ner re eee ree re eee eee reer ees 340 Post-Tensioned Buildings prsazt risa ® ® © © Ee oA (0) esigmton finest Spain Diectn (otineo Suppo Deen (a bemarcation eins for Tatas FIGURE 35.28-1 Nahld Floor an the Initial Steps in Structural Modeling FIGURE 35.20-1 Design Strips in XDiretion (e533) ‘where the integrated actions on the desig strip are greatest There is no limit to the number of design Seetons that ean be specified. Note that, the maxi rum design actions inthe flld may not e atthe Indpoint af the spans. In addition, peak design ac tions for the strength and serviceablity checks may notoccur atthe same location Figute3.82D-1 shows Selected design sections fortwo ofthe design strips in the X-tretion, For hand calculations, where de Sign sections will be linited in number and possibly based on engineering judgment, design sections are ‘yplelly limted to those a the face-ofsupport and Imidspan a shown in Fig 35.201 When using an automated desig,» larger sumer of design sections are made along each span, in oF er to capture the maximum value of design actions, ‘thus providing a more appropriate layout for there: ‘quired reinforcement (Fg 3.5:20-2) Analysis Methods: In the analysis step, there Sponse ofthe floor tothe applied loads determined, “The Noor’s response Is used to arrive atthe ations that each ofthe design strips nee to resis. There Lx FcuRE 3262 Dag stpen itn are two basie methods of analysis, amely "Frame Analysis” and “Finite Blement Analysis” The frame analysis scarred out ether using Simple Frame” fr"Equvvalent Frame” £1, Frame Analysis: In both the Sima and Equiva- len frame options, each design strip is extracted from the floor and re-constructed with appropriate support conditions and loading to creat an approx rated frame model [ACI 18-11]. Each design strip Isanalyzed as an independent stctral system. iso Tated fom the adjacent design strips. Consider design strip B, shown as aseparate entity tpl (Fg 1828-1) and in elevation (Fig. 35.28. 2), For plane rame analysis, the strpis straightened long tsline of suppor asilustratedin Fy 3526-1 (b). Phe span length thus corespords tothe sant distance between adjacent supports. Note thatthe tributary widths may vaty over a single span. To Simplify the analysis, these varying tHbutary lines fre yplaly idealized as straight boundaries (Fg. '35.26-1c. Usually, the dealized wibtary is chosen to be conservatively lager than the actual tbutary- De LL a DESIGN Tx Been FIGURE 35.20-1 Selection of Limited Design Sections (P55) Ie the change in tributary width in any given span varies by more than 20% it may be worthwhile. ‘model he tributary as a series of steps to reduce the ‘inforcemont quired. Additional approximations maybe necessary for other non-standard conditions In the Simple Frame Method (SFM) the stiiness ofthe isolated frame is based strictly on the ros Sectional geometry of ts parts as Mlustated in Fig S28 tc ond Fig 252E2. The Equivalent Frame Method (EFM) features a modification in the sti ness ofthe members that is Intended to beter ap proximate the bill nature of the response ofthe tnt floor system that Is lost in the unidirectional ‘modeling ofthe design stp. The dferentating de- tallsof the two schemes are expounded in hapter 4, Section 492 2, Finite Element Analysis. As noted above, fe ther the Simple Frame Method or the Equivalent Frame Method is used, each design strip must be tstracted from the floor system and analyzed as a plane ame, With the Finite Element Method (FEM, Theeatire floor ean be analyzed at onetime, “The Finite Bement Method (FEM) ishased onthe meer rere ere ee eee eee Post-Tensioned Buildings FIGURE 3.5.20-2 Software-Generated Multiple ‘Design Sections (222) sion ofthe structure into sal pieces (elements) ‘whose behavior is formulate! to capture the local Fesponse of the structure (Fu. 3528-3). Each ele- tment’ definition Is based on ts material properties, ‘geometry, location in the structure, and relation- Ship with surrounding elements. The mathemat fal assemblage of these elements into the complete Structure allows for automated computation of the Fesponse ofthe entire structure, FEM inherent in Corporates the biaxial behavior ofthe flor sytem ‘when determining the actions inthe for. the information required for geometry, loading and boundary conditions isthe same forthe Sipe Frame the Equivalent Frame and the Finite Element methods The first two methods are more approx: ‘mate than the Finite Elemert Method. However all Ihre yeld lower bound (sa) solutions. Generally the EFM results slower column moments ‘The results ofan FEM analyss must be processed 35 “design strips” and “sign sections for code stip lated servceabily and strength checks, however As withthe frame methods, the design strips ae based ‘on the assumed load paths. The design strips donot ‘ed tobe selected before the analysts hough. Figure Design of Concrete Floors tLe (@) DESIGN STRIPIN PROTOTYPE plete ts plot “Lassa! (©) STRAGHTENED DESIGN STRIP e (@)IDEALIZED TRBUTARY FOR DESIGN FIGURE 5.2E-1 Extaction and Idoalization ofa Design trip (ase) 5.28.3 illstrates two examples of floor system ds- ‘retization fr finite element analysis, sing adaptive ‘quadrilateral wll proportioned ite element calls. Not all the finite element formulations ae the same and deliver the same results, Neither extraction of design values from a ite element analysis fellows ‘Sunique procedure: Depending onthe formulation Toranalysisand post processors for determination of (op Dicrtenion of hi or (223) FIGURE 35.2F-2 Elevation of Design Strip for Analysis (P67) sign values, such as moment and shea, diferent ‘values lle reported. Chapter 8 offers a discussion ‘on this opie F Determination of Design Actions: To evalu ate the code compliance of each design section for its in-service (SIS) and safety (ULS) conditions the design actions on each desig section will be cle Inte. When using the frame method of analysis, the solution direty gives the total value of each ofthe ‘etions that a design section has to resist However, the raw solution from a finite element analysis gives the values ofthe ations atthe node ofthe nite ‘ment cells scattered over the entire Noor system. The fesign values foreach design section have tobe ex tracted from the solution atthe nodes. Refer to Fig. 35:2F1. I ystrats the top lft of Na- hid floor shown in Fig, 35.202. Pat (a) ofthe Mg- tire shows the associated design strip and design Section Desig sections ate atthe face of the cok {inn support and at close interval along the span. ‘The background to part (0) is contour of moments about the VY ais. The highlighted curves athe face (0 lscetntion of Shams (SA P2248) FIGURE 5.2E-3 Examples of Flor Sytem Discretization for FEM Analysis a4 Wy HITT] HA LLLLTT I I (2) View of design tins (P97) Post-Tensioned Buildings ‘DESIGN STRIP La comounssrasnannreras (ny iran of moment longed desig setons nthe nmge aes (98) FIGURE 3.5.2F-1 Patil Top Left Plan of Nah Floor of the support and midspan shove the distribution ‘tthe moment along the respective design sections. For design and code compliance, the distributed val {her of actions along each ofthe design sections has to cach be integrated to ts resultant that ats on the ‘sign section The values (559, 258) shown in part {i} of te igure, each s the integral sum) ofthe as- Seated distribution ofthe moment In general the outcome ofthe distribution of actions from a FEM analysis on a design section can be re tluced tn six resltants, three forces and three mo= ‘mens all expressed atthe centroid of the design Section. Figure 352F-2 is an example of a design Section, showing ts geometzy and the centroid at ‘nbich the reslfant ofthe distributed actions will, be expressed for design and code compliance check. Note that the resultantofthe actions on design see- omis a force that ats ata point in space "A" For the purpose of design, the force Rin transferred to the centroid of the design section at O and resolved Jno ts she components. In yeal structures, design section wil not slays be in Shape of simple rectangles Steps cut-outs. sab bands and beams reslt ina more complex geometry Ss cxempliid in the figure, However, regardless of the complenity of the geometry, the distribution of the actions on each is reduced othe six items a the respective centroid for design. Options and details for the determination of design section forces are ven in Section 495. 6. Design: At design stage, the imegrated values of the actions atthe centroid of each design section are pple tothe entte geometry ofthe respective se tion for both the serviceability (SES) and strength {HLS} requirement fhe respective balling codes ‘This includes the determination of farthest fiber Stress values for erack contol, minimum code re tgired reinforcement, ax wel as reinforcement for Stength ofthe section For example, the moment used forthe determination rsa ‘Six camenents factions at cand of adesin section FIGURE 35.2F:2 View of Design Section and As sorlated Forces Design of Conerete Floors ofthe cade-intndd farthest fiber stresses and rel forcement at each design secon s the ares (integral) ofthe moment distributions shown in Fig 352F1 At the face ofthe interior support, the design moment Is Myy ~ 559 left (757-89 kN). AC design stage, this integral value sapped to the gross ross setional geometry ofthe design setion fo determine the by Potheica! stresses for code compliance. Likewise factored integra value applled tthe entire cross ction to clelate the requited reinforcement Ii recognize that the computed value is hypothetical” "nf when used in eonjuncton suit the code recom. ‘mended limits is deemed to result na "sericeble” Moor sib, The stresses ata point ina floor system wil be diferent. At many points the local stresses wil be higher In Concrete Societys Technical Report [TR43, 2005}, theres an option of olectng hal the width of the tributary’ ad se with higher values of allow: able stress. Howaver since the outcome ofthe code ‘heck it worked out to be the same there is no ap- pprent advantage inthe application ofa desig snp tlleren from Ue total with 1H, Remarks on Design Strip Configuration: The breakdown ofa floor system into design stip de- stribed in the preceding is based on the require: lo) Sqae eg cts (40%) 315 ments of building codes for serviceability limi tate (SUS) and ultimate imi state (ULS) checks. Foran texample the stress check for SLS Is based on 2 by. pothetical extreme Aber valve that = derived fro the forces ina slab applied tothe slab width that is ‘vlbutay ta suppor lin; the amount of minimum reinforcement tobe placed over a support is based (on the cross-sectional area of sab thats eibutary toa suppor line. These and similar provisions lead to the necesity of using design values that are de- rived fom "supporlines” and the associated trib taries” The combination leads to the breakdown of flor system ito “design strips” The breakdown ‘fa floor system ito design sips tha do not 35- Sociat witha suppor line and ts tibutary does not lead! to proper check for code compliance: However, the subdivision ofa Noor to strips that closely match the tributary 1 considered acceptable, provided the modeling covers the entire floor surface (Fix $35,241} The latter follows the practice of design "kripsthatare extracted from lor system and ana Iyzed insolation, where the strips ae idealized into ‘Strnght edges, The subivision ofa Moor system into ‘design strips with parallel edges and parallel design sections is neceptable (Fig 33.241), (besa den secs (P4990) FIGURES 5:21 Option for Greaton of Parallel and Square Design Strips and Design Sections 46 £2. REFERENCES alam, B.0. (2005), “Structural Modeling and Anal: Jsisof Concrete Floor Systm ACL Concrete Interna: tional Dee 2005, pp. 5 ‘Alam Bijan, 0, and Kelley, Cal S. (2001), “Deion 12 Concrete Floors ith Particular Reference to Post Torsoning” Post-Tensioning lsttute, Phoenix, AZ ‘Technical Note 11, Jan 2001, pp. 16 eee reer PETER E CECE Post-Tensioned Buildings ‘Act 348-11, (2011), “Building Code Roquirements for ‘Suetural Concrete (ACI 318-11) and Commentary” ‘American Concrete Insitute, Farmington Hill, Mt ‘48351, wwwcconerete.og. 503 pp. “TRA3, (2005), "Pos Tensioned Concrete Floors Design Hondbook: the Concrete Society Camberley, Suey, UK woewconerteonguk. 110 pp. CHAPTER 4 DESIGN CONCEPTS AND PROCEDURES This Chapter presentsthe concept nd procedures that form the basis of the design practice of ‘onerete floors - with particular reference to post tensioning. Ie reviews the information you need, ndarelikelyte draw upon, when youdesignetther 2 conventionally reinforced, oF pesttensioned floor system. The information provided in this Chapter is applied to the longhard numerical ‘examples offered in Chapters 6 and 7 41 PRINCIPAL OBJECTIVES ‘The principal abjetives of mos designs are safer, serviceability, economy and Keeping the design ‘within the bounds ofthe legal requirements PostTensioned tilings PostTensoned Building under Construction (Us: 7500) 4.1. Safety - ultimate Limit state (ULS) Safety is established by. Mlustrating that the designed floor can withstand. the code stipulated overload without collapse. Clearly, 2 soundly designed structure may fal or sustain Aisproportonate damage, under excessive and Catastrophic loading, not envisioned in its code- based design. Nene, "safety" and damage ae aot absolute, Safety isa guarante ofa defined level of frst tauve mithin the range ofloading speiied ‘nthe applicable code ‘oestablish “safety” it is sufficient to demonstrate that under all of the code stipulated loading conditions the structure can develop an ‘uninterrupted Toad path ~ from the point of wwe structures com 42 oad application to the foundation ~ capable of “sustaining the applied lod and al corresponding actions generated in the structure, Towatds this tft, the common design procedure for safety Simstoensute wo criteria-that thee exists aload path tha Is adequate and t would be mobilize. ‘he adequacy of a load path 16 achieved by suring tha at any poi lng is Tength, the iow path ean withstand the actions clested rib point In design procce, adequacy is armed for oly one snes ol thy geerly referred to a» the “structural {pate "The eninecrselected load path is 2 lesignatet” syst nthe sense hat the natural tend pth fa for maybe diferent om the path ‘lee by the engineer Te designated fod fat may provide an acepable design 50 Tonos Te engineer cn demonsrate aad. From standpoint of savings in_materal, a ‘ruetue’s natural oad path, commonly known 3s netural (late) response,canleadtoan economical Aesign. However other considerations, such as Selection of construction techaique, or design procedure, may fvor alternative oad paths. While the natura load path i of acadamic interest and helps to form a sound engineering judgment is neither require fora successful structural design, hor itis commonly practiced, ‘to ensure safety, the designated load path must evelop on demand, Should thematual load path fa floor system reflected in the initial elastic Fesponse to loads proves inadecuate, the ensuing Cracks are deemed to re-diott the loads to the paths, where resistance Is provided, The ability fa structure to crack, deform, and re-direct (redistribute) the actions is a characteristic ofthe structure’ duc. A central part ofthe engineer's work in conjunctionwith a designated fond path, is to ensure that the structure has adequate ductility. fn concrete design, ductility Is achieved by Controlling the reinforcement isa design section, Using code specified limits, the design engineer ensures that te reinforcement is adequate, and that it yelds well before crushing of eonerete in fompresson. Early yielding of relnforcement esults in loss of local stifiness and diversion of flemand fr resistance to other regions ofa Door system. Scare ere eee eee aes Post-Tensioned Buildings “The procedure forthe selection of load path for oor systome fe detalled in Chapter 3 4412 Functional ~ Service Limit tat (S1) “To netomat oa desig general refered tres “ervey nthe langage of bung odes. Theprimary premise ofsericesbiy that ‘thon in ue the stactare ees te fneinaliy apetaions of ts user and requires reasonably tow malntenanee overs expected span tems fener checked ensure the serviceabilty ofa Toor sah are {A Deflection; Deflection i contrlled fr () the amor of occupants, (i) the proper operation Sf atations much a counter tops and oor. Safi) to avd. damage. to nonsiitra members that are ely tobe afleded due to ‘eunte deformation Deecion contol also Strvesto maintain an oceans perception that Siar safe: Anxcestvelsogg oor may hdermive te confidence of Rs ocupans 35 © Ae adequacy oth safety agin even when the Stracare mest safety requremen’s Cracking: Cracking ca Be unsighty ifiis Mise, wide and etenave. Conte cadking tay ais expose the rerreement to crrsie Themen anor led ese. femal ie the mpresion of poor workmanship truer speaks and inadequate sft. Cracks ona generally compromise the safety of Toor system proved a dean requirement oF strength sre met, Durabiliy: Depending on the focation amd tage the for sate design mat eet ie expenamgy vf she sutures Sever of the important fats lfeting the durabity of the suture are the selection of materi Concrete over proved othe enforcement the ‘Snerete's density and compost, the presence Sfrcucks and expose to corrosie cements ‘her uing ost tenstoning drab ean also be Mere by eteroration sf mpropery sleet nd executed post tensioning components D. Vibration: Improperly designed tong spas, foupled wth inagoate stnss may fed fou batons that are perceived Dy occupants nd considered undeniable. Hoe wbraton is ontrlled to be within the acepable range tf'pereepion and objection of @ oor systems secapans[ADAPEAN20, 2013] Design Concepts and Procedures Fire resistivity: Depending on its function, a floor system must withstand a minimum, code spected lapse of time = expressed in hours ~ of diret exposure to fre prio to fallure. Minimum ‘member dimensions for fre endurance, and Cover to teinforcement are the primary means of controlling the fire resistivity of a concrete ‘member Maintenance, carbon Footprint: With increased awareness and emphasis on environmental concerns, and ‘ustalnabilty. of our activites, the “carbon” footprint of the material used in construction is ‘becoming a design consideration. In parts ofthe ts a requirement for a building permit to qualify for a "GreenPoint” rating that reflects the environmental impact of the construction ‘materials sed, including energy saving efforts 4.12 Economy (Construction cost, maintenance and the useful life ofa structureare important fctorsin determining design's economic achievement. Economie ecisonsarealsonfluencedbylocal practic, local valabilty of construction materials, equipment and labor, and. the contractor's expertise in ‘onstruction technology. Consequent an attempt to optimize a design for minimim material usage alone, without consideration for these other factors, is usually not the most rational approach, All Inclusive Integrated economle solutions which Consider the entre cost factors ofa construction Aare becoming more feasible through applieation of Bin, 4.1.4 Legality 1m the gious environment ofthe United Sats, Prudence demands that design efforts be inline with applicable building codes and common bulding practice 3 much as practical. However, for posttensioned.bullding ‘constuction, this obvious recommendation might not be a simple task o follow. Unlike many other examples of innovative ‘onstruction technology, the trent practice ‘in posttensioning design has not yet been Tally implemented into prevaling_ building codes, is deficiency is most likely due to the unique ‘environment in which the technology evolved. A PostTensioning in USA: The development of Posttensioning in building construction in the 43 Unite States in the early 50’ was the effort ofa handlul of pioneers in bulldng construction. The technology” was not based upon the results of ‘concerted research forts nor regimented studs. Rather, the technology evolved from the empirical Inowiedge developed by innovative engineers, as construction proceeded. Many aspects of the Dractis were extensions from conventionally Feinforced counterparts and intuition ofthe easy ‘esigners. Confidence on vliity of practice was Gerived from the construction seeming fulfilling its objectives, as oppesed to necessarily having ‘been based on Scientific or engineering principles. Subsequent research at the universities validated ‘many aspects of the practice. Numerous post tensioned projects were constructed, before work ‘onthe respective code” and technical publications ‘were initiated, The code and publications have mostly lagged behind industry practice ever since ‘While workonthe published material andthe code areinprogress, they donot yet cover all the critical aspects ofthe current practice in design of post tensioned building structures. The innovation in design hardware an construction has continued and ate helping to Keep this industey competitive. In short, when it comes to posttensioning design, there isa notable gap between what i reflected Inthe bullding code and viewed by as Tegal” and the “standart of practice” and more Important, > what can be supported by sound “engineering, prinlples" BL PostTensioning and Euro-Code: The ‘emphasis ofthe Euro-Code EC2' son the general regulrements and design principles, as opposed ofbullding structures As such, Is more dificult than ACLS18 for typical design engineers to comfortably navigate through EC2 and conclude ‘wih 2 detailed design. Section 4.10.3 ofthis book provides a detailed flow chart for design of pos tensioned floor systems using EC2 provisions. 42. MATERIALS. ‘This section covers the materials that are commonly used in construction of post-tensioned "suchas ity of ato At, in aloria BIM ling Information Moding acisi6-t1 + BC2(EN1992-11;2008) buildings, including. transfer plates and mat (fat) foundations. The objective is to list the ‘ange of cominonly used materials intended to [ust engineers In their first selection of design parameters. Detailed: material information is Evilale in text books [Nawy 2000; Collins et at 2000}. Inthe lllowing where arange of values are sted. the recommended choiceisshown in square brackets, hus (1 42.1 Concrete Gplinder 28-day strength (6) pi: (28 40 MPa) Weight (W) = 150 pct (24025 kN/m?) Modulus of Elasticity 'P Using ACISI®E=W'S33V7 = 3834 to ‘4696 si (26435 MPa to 32378 MPa) 4 Using BC2, B= 2210 x [fae * 8/1019 = 28080 35220 MPa Creep Cosfcint= 15 1925 (2) UUkimate Shrinkage value = 400 to 550 micro strain i400) Poisons at 4000 vo 6000 2002 (02] 4.22 Prestressing Steet {A Strand: seven wie; low relaxation Guaranteed Ultimate Strength = 270 st; (1860, MPa) 4 More common: nominal diameter -05n (1200 Sian) [03 n; rn fective area 0193192 (09 mma) + Less common: nominal dlameter-0.6in(15mm) Etfectiveaea 0.217 nz (140-150 mm2) 140 m2] Modulus of lastity = 19000 ks (200,000 MPa} B.Unbonded system: ‘Angular coeficient of riction, = 0.07 Wobble coefficient of Friction, K = 0.0014 rad/ft (0.0046 rad/mm) Eerie force after all lossest = 175 ksi (1200, MPa) . Bonded (Grouted) System: Using corrugated forflatsheet metal ducts ‘Angular coefficient of retin, Wobble coefficient of tition, (0.0046 rad/m) Erfective force after all losses? © 163 ksi (1100 MPa) 25 0014 rade nee eee ee Post-Tensioned Buildings b.stressing Jacking force = 0.75 ~ 085 times the ultimate strength (035) [anchor set (wedge drawn) = 1/4in (6mm) 4.23 Won-Prestressed Stee! Yield stress = 60 ks (420 ~ 460 MPa) (460 MPs) Modulus of elasticity = 29,000 ksi (200,000 Pa) sastZiNg {Asa general rule to take fll advantage of post- ensioning. the geometry ofa structure, such as Slab thickness, and support spacing is est to be elected such that the mimnurprestresing quirements of the code would not govern the ‘enign, An economies design one for which the Feinforcement provided is necessary in ts entirety to mect the “strength requirements of design In many Instances, the amount of prestessing and the supplemental non- prestressed reinforcement necessary for service condition exceed. the ‘rength requirements of design Such designs do ot fully utilize the entre reinforcement fr the Safety check ofthe structure 43. Support spacing In an optimum design the combination of the provided prestressed and nonprestressed Feinforcement ie fuly lize to meet the strength Fequirements of design (ULS). The bes ratio of prestressed to. non-presresed_ reinforcement however varies rom countrys country depending fm the relative feplace cost per unit weight of tach, Depending on the country, the unit weight os rau of prestressing. 10 non-prestressed feelin place varies from 1:1 t0 4:1, making it impractical to arrive at 8 universally applicable ‘sing parameters, Im general common residential and commercial building designs benefit from the following ‘optimum dimensions © where 28 200 mm ene strength suse tividette tinder strength by 8 « Forstessing lengths deserbed in Chapter 6 Section > otras lengths described in Chapter 6, Seton Design Concepts and Procedures. For solid slabs: 4 Inerior span length = 26 to 33 fe (80 10.) 4 Exterior span length = 20 0 26 ft (608m) ‘The addition of overhangs lads to an economical increase of exterior span lengths. 43.2 Sab Thickness For flat slab floor systems supported on columns, wel established gulelines for selection of slab thickness are the PT] recommended span/depth ratios (PTL1985] reproduced in TABLE 4:32 1 Where vibration is not a critical criterion, such a5 In parking structures thinner slabs may be selected. Excerpt from a similar table [TRA3, 2005) Is reproduced in Table 432-2. other ‘recommendations are available inthe literature of post-tensioning hardware supplies. ‘Where perceived vibration is not critica, such as n parking structures, a slab thickness of 4.5 in (214 mm) for 2 17 (5.18 m) span giving a span to depth ration fjust over 45 has been used sceessfuly 443.3 Ream Dimensions TABLE 4212-1 also includes recommendations for beam dimensions. Beams. are generally economical, wien the aspect ratio of @ panel fexceedstwo, For panels with smaller aspect ato fat slab construction, or fat slab in combination ‘with sia band (Setion 46.2) are generally more economical. For example, in parking strututes with a layout common in the United States parallel beams are Iypically spacedi7-21 f (5 to 65m) and span 60 to 65 f (18 to 20 m, For thls layout, the panel aspect ratios ae typealy between 3.5 to 4 Depth = 30 to 36 in (760 to 915 mm); span dept ratio approximately 20 to 25. ‘Width = 14 to 16in 355 t 405 mm) .Abeam depth of 30 in (762 mm) Is more common. ‘The geometry of typical parking structure frame in the USA using beam and one-way’ sab construction illustrated in Fl 433-1 4.84 Common Sizing Examples ‘Trefollowing figures iastrate samples ofcommon dimensions for buildings snd parking structures using at lab constuction. 444 DURABILITY 4.4.1 Exposure to Corrosive Elements Corrosion protection is achieved through a ‘combination of one or more of the following items: (i) cover to postensioning tendons, (i) ‘width control of probable cracks, (i) selection fof appropriate posttensioning system, (7) Feinforeement coated with protective fn (epoxy tated), and (v) compostion and placing of onerete. The following covers the first three items listed, 441.1 Cover to Reinforcement: Concrete cover sed as protectlon for reinforcement against weather and other effects, t= measured from the concrete Surface to the outermost surface of the ‘eel or presuresing duc. Where surrups enclose the longitudinal reinforcement or prestressing ‘duets, such as in beams, the minimum cover specified isto the outer surface ofthe stirrup. ‘Theminimum specified cover depends on whether the concrete surface is “exposed to weather” or not. "Exposure to weather” means direct contact ‘TABLE 4.3.2-1 Recommended Span/Depth Ratios (1124) Continuous ‘Simple spans spans Roof | Floor | Roof | Floor ‘One-way solid slabs so] 45 | 45 | 40 “Two-way sald slabs (supported on columns only) Beams 35 30, | 30 | 26 45-48 | 40-45 ‘Note: The above ratios may be inreased iealculations verify that deflection, camber, and vibrations are not objectionable. ‘TABLE 43.22 Recommended Span/Depth Ratios [R43, 2005} cr25) Fra powed oad Span/depin rat tevjnt | pst | me spanct3m pee apatoe wats [5 100 36 * Minimum drop panel mension span/3 on pln catending ot les than of sub thikness below ot Prsze9 83 “B2Im / Serva 1p, 08 508 mn) Nol: oor a aight 95 (280 m0 100" (3.05) (sn iam tyson Beam spacing 18-6 (564mm) FIGURE 4333-1 Geometry ofa Typical Parking ‘Structare Frame in USA to both moisture and temperature changes; not Fist temperature changes Slab and beam softs fre not considered as “exposed unless subjected to “wetting” ineuding condensation, Also, if “atemative methods of cortesion protection ate provided the minim cover requirements may bewaive. ‘Table 44..1-1 lsts the minimum cover for prestressed slabs. (a) Typical or plan of Dest Tower (So Fanci) (b) typical Moo of Tages Tower (84) FIGURE 4.341 Floor Plan Examples of Contemporary Post-Tensioned Muli-Story Buildings 44.12 Crack Whdth Control: Several major bulding codes, such as EC2 specify a design crack ‘wii otto be exceeded when the structure's Service The"design crack width is selected based. fon te likely exposure f the member to corrosive ‘lements (Table 4.4.2-1). The following excerpt from the European Code ilustates the concept. 4 Cracking shall be limited to an extent that wil ‘not mpi the proper funetioning oF durability Df the structure oF eause its appearance to Be unacceptable +22 BY 1992-12004, Section 73.1 Design Concepts and Procedures erat et oe (sheerion (Pan sa 8828730) ition) {€ Sedion rough slab FIGURE 434-2 Typical Dimensions of Post Tensioned Beam and Slab Parking Stracture Frame in USA Cracking Is normal in reinforced conerete structures. subject to bending and shear, torsion or tension resulting from either direct loading or restraint or imposed deformations. 4 Cracks may be permitted to form without any attempt to contol their width, provided they {donot impair the unetion ofthe structre Ec2 further stipulates that foreach design a limiting crack width, w,. (herein referred to 35 design crack width} that accounts for the funetion and the amblent environment of the structure, as well as costs of limiting cracking, shouldbe established, ‘The "design crack width” Is the average width of cracks that are likely to form, a8 opposed t0 the maximum abserved width The design fora fen crack with accounts for the partclars of concrete material and the applied frees when the structure is in-service. ‘TRA recommends the following crack widths, epending on the post-tensioning system selected Iespectiveof the structure expose 5 coo mn (2) Slevaton: ransverse direction WH) - 4 ol (c) Elevation: ongtainal secon FIGURE 4.3.43 Typical Dimensions ofa Post ‘Tensioned Flat Slab Parking Structure inthe USA [Th ges splays te deen sips) ‘a0 4 oaer FIGURE 4.244 Pan ofa Parking Structure in Croatia (Goureay BOR Gost) > TR4s, Tle 3, section 84 ‘4 For grouted beams and one-way systems up °0 02mm 4 No specification forunbonded tendons 44413. Selection of Post‘Tensioning System: In ‘tditiontoother measuresof corrosion protection, Shch that are intended for use In non-corrosive environments and (i) those that are permitted for use in corrosive environments. The system sed for" noncorresive environments allows limited lengths of strand ;t be lft unprotected beyond that provided by concrete cover wtitcres the systom intended fr the corrosive ‘nvironments, also referred to a5 “encapsulated mgt, requires thatthe entire strand, and ‘wedges tobe covered with a protective material Figures 44.13-2and 44.3-Zare examples othe ‘oo systems Prseos S300 paring sa) (7300 FIGURE 43.45 Layoutof Parking Structure in Kallata Specially for the United States, the geographical mibient environment is treated using the chart propose by carl Walkers, (Carl Walker 1998} [Asan ctample, the map shown In Figure 4413 3 divides the United States into ive zones, Getermined by the presence of deicing salts, oF Sire salts from oceans. Structures in Zones ti find CCl (coastal chlorides) shouldbebulttomeet Siter durability requirements than those needed for structures in Zones Il, and CCL, Zones CC and CCl are not specific othe United State. They ppl tall locations, The remainder of the ones, Rowever depends on the fealty of a building nd the environmental weather conditions not impacted bythe vicinity oan ocean or sea, 4.42 Fire Protection ‘The fre resistance is defined as the period of ‘exposure to a standard fire, before «| member Collapses under a predefined, sustained applied Toading, The deals of the standard test and citer ae given in [ASTM-E119-83], Minkmarn mens post tensioned members, required to meet various fire enduranee requirements, are a function ofthe typeof steet tne, the type of concrete used, the amount of ver provided t reinforcement, and in the case foheams-the beam idth The engineer may either {sete recommended covers glven in ACI-23/1BC 2012 and reproduced herein, or demonstrate by Calculation tht the cover and reinforcement used re adequate for the specie design parameters rs for “TABLE Minimum Covert Reinforcement for Prestessed Floors!(726) Minimum | Minimum Member and Condition cover cover im inch _| ‘Concrete castagnnstand permanently exposedtoearth [75 | 30 Concrete slabs and joists exposed earth or weather a | 10 Concrete not exposed to weather orin contact with | ground: (abs and joists 20 075 (Wi) Beams primary reinforcement 38 15 (Gi) Tes and stirrups 25 | acta, Section 77 Design Concepts and Procedures FIGURE 4.4.13-1 Brampleof Appation ofa post-tensionng System in Use it a "No Enerosie”Enronment 01) FIGURE Example of Appllation of posttensioning System in Use na "Corrosive" Environment (502) 40 selected. The computational procedure for the ‘erfeation of cover to reinforcement and its mount other than those stipulated in the bulling odes is referred to as the “rational approach” ‘The rational approach fr justifeation of adequate fire resistivity detalled inthe PTL manual [PTI Design Manual, 1981], A. Minimum Cover: Thecurrent recommendations for rebar cover, required to achieve various fire ratings, ae given in TABLE 44.241 fr slabs and ‘TABLE 44.242 forbeams [(BC 2006]. A concrete member is categorized. as clther “restrain” Gr tunrestrainedt The background the tlassifation is as follows, Where re occurs se in temperstre of slab soffit tends to expand the member and push against the surrounding, parts, The restraint of the surrounding tends *0 form compressive foes on the heated portion, ‘The thrust from the constant of surrounding members acts near the bottom ofthe sab, where heat is most The addtional compressive force to the bottom layer of a slab enhances a slab’ strength. At the same time, ris in temperature of feinforcement and prestressing lowers the yield Stress of each and leads to los of strength OOnthis premise, thelnterirspansofa oorsystem, and exterior spans that are bound by heavy beams te considered-restrained” Exterior spans of lot ‘Slabs which are not provided with a heavy beam ‘or wall long the outer boundary ofthe Noor are ‘considered “unrestrained” “TABLE 44.1.2-1 Exposure Classification and Suggested Design Crack Width BC2 (mm) r127} ‘members ‘hunbonde Exposure class | members with ‘Quasi-permanent load cor Reinforced members and prestressed Sustained load combination) Prestressed members with sdons | bonded tendons smibination | Frequent oad combination (Total load combination) [xo.xer | 04 XCz XG xc4_| on XDI. XDZ ISH oa ——_ a2 Decompression Note: For 0, CL exposure asses cack wih to guarantee acceptable appearance Inthe may bereaved Note 2: or these exposure clase, ination decompression shouldbe checked under the gus permanent combination of oad 35 no nance ondary and this tse been of appearence conditions is it 410 DURABILITY RECOMMENDATIONS BY LOCATION THES FIGURE 44.133 Map of Durability Zoning of US (rs) B, Minimum Member Thickness: Por slabs, fire resistance is generally” achieved. through the selection of a minimum thickness for the rember and an adequate concrete cover to the einforcement, ‘The minimum slab thickness equirements for various fre ratings are Sminatied in TABLE 44.28- 6. Design Charts for Fire Resistivity: Sample charts fr fire resistivty design or investigation re given in Figs 44.20-1 through 44.20-3. The frst two charts express the percentage loss on the orignal characteristic values of prestressing Steel and concrete at higher temperatures. The [ast charts give the temperature of reinforcement for diferent covers and durations of standard fre. "The application ofthe chats is described in partD ofthis Section. D. Four Steps of Fire Resistivity Design or Investigation: The steps in design for agen re resistivity oF investigation are eee errr etTenr creer eer Tt Post-Tensioned Buildings Step 4: Select the required number of “hours” for fre resistivity. In mast cases, is two hours Step 2 For the selecte! hours of fire resistivity, andthe cover to teaforcement, ead the temperature of prestresing steel and fehar from the desig chars in Section C (Fig. 44.26). step 3: For the temperature of reinforcement ditained from the previous step and from the graphs of reduction in strength (ig 4426-1), determine the reduced Strength of the heated reinforcement Step 4: With the reduced strength values from step. 3, calulate the reduced design Capacity of the member and compare it with the original design demand to determine the sfey ofthe member 443 Wear Where the surfaceofa slab, asinparking structures, is subjeet to trac but is not provided with a protective topping, and where tere is kelIhood of freering, a good practice sto provide national 410 mn (2/8 fn) aver to the slab for wear and irregularities in construction. The contribution of thie "wear thickness to the structural strength of ‘he slab is generally disregarded, Figures 44.3: 8 nd bilustrate examples of tw diferent parking Structures, where lrreglartes In workmanship and lace of protective wear have exposed the post-tensioned tendons 4stoaD rani 45:1 Prerequisites ofa Load Path ‘The steps in election ofa load path for design fof floor systems are detailed In Chapter 3. “TABLE 44.241 Suggested Conerete Cover fr Prestressed Slabs (71205) Restrained or unrestrained | Aezreeate type | for aver thine in (A fire endurance of prestressed slabs ee sh | ahr Tarbonate Unvestsined | _Sieeous i Carbonate Restrained | Sileous weight ssc) | 2060) ors) | 105) | 1252) Figure 44.2-A1 shows the partial plan ofa on the restrained and unrestrained defini flor system and the required fire cover, based ions above and a two-hour ire resistivity. Design Concepts and Procedures. TABLE 4424-2 Suggested Concrete Cover for Post Tensioned Beams (1120s) Restrained or unrestrained ee ‘Cover thickness for fie endurance. en) thr [Zhe [ahr | 4h Carbonate Siiceous Lgheweighe Unrestrained 3 (200) 175(48) 150 (38) 25 (6) 20180) 45014) 25(68) | 30(76) Carbonate ‘ileeaus Lightweight Restrained 12305) 17s (44) 150 (3) 200s) 17st) 2s(6n) 20181) ‘ote Beep Rom terminal ung Code 2006; Tae 720303) Te shall be permitted to interpolate the values given FIGURE 442-A1 Plan Bottom Cover for Fire Resistivity ‘The following Section covers the conceptual background, and its application to conditions ‘The prerequisites of sae design are: (0) There shall be an uninterrupted load path, from the point of aplication ofa loa, to where the oad isressted, such asa support for foundation Uthe distribution of forees along the designated Toad path shall be in static ‘equilibrium with the applied loads; and (Gi) thesteuctue shall have adequate ductity, to deform on demand, and to redistribute ‘he internal forces, in onder to develop the resistance provided along the Toad path selected at ts design in stop (), Seloction of load path - also referred to as ‘structural system ~ is central step in design. tempat a La ‘sotavnghat 200 oa epee F Tensile Strong ofa Prestressing Stoel ‘at High Temperature FiGuRE $4201 Stesan04 feng tng er 4 TT Hea a wT egoes Conte Compressive Siengih of Concrote ‘at High Temperatures FIGURE4.4.20-2

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