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Powering the economy

Small footprint,
high performance
Design of an air-insulated switchgear substation based on new technology
Lei Jing, Hans-Erik Olovsson, Jianzhong Fan, Richard Thomas

As cities grow, so does their hunger for electrical power. To achieve

the necessary bulk transmission, the highest voltage level of a city’s
power supply is continuously changing: from 110 kV to 220 kV, even
reaching 500 kV in some mega-cities in China and other countries.
This calls for extra-high-voltage (EHV) substations to act as load hubs
in the city. However, such developments lead to a conflict between
substation footprint and power requirement. In general, the higher the
voltage level, the more power a substation handles and the larger the
area it needs. Such demands, however, conflict with typical limita-
tions that are prevalent in city areas. The shortage of land is the most
important among these and the huge investment cost is also a very
serious challenge. Furthermore, as an energy distribution center for
very many people, such a substation must perform with high
reliability and availability. All this underpins the case for a com-
pact substation, featuring reduced customer costs and a
smaller footprint while maintaining high availability.

38 Special Report Dancing with the Dragon

ABB Review
Small footprint, high performance

Powering the economy

T oday’s technology is making these

objectives attainable. Firstly, new
primary equipment permits a drastic
ly to install, not only because of the
large numbers of intelligent electronic
devices (IED) and computers, but due
load-hub substations located in the
city center. The demand for and value
of land is so high, that any compact
reduction in the footprint area. A rev- to the extensive cabling for measure- substation solution becomes attractive.
olution in circuit-breaker design led ment and control. One obvious approach is to use gas-
by ABB is allowing switchgear config- insulated switchgear (GIS), which
uration or even integration to be rede- However, in an urban substation, the would occupy only 30,000 m2 for the
fined, decreasing costs both in terms key factor is land-related cost. The same SLD as in 1 [1]. This will, how-
of land acquisition and equipment purchase is an integral part of this ever, be more costly than air-insulated
cost. Secondly, innovative optical sen- process, but is only the last step. Un- substations. According to China State
sors are replacing the traditional ex- like general commodities, land cannot Grid [1], a GIS substation requires
pensive and large current transformers be obtained with money alone. Safety, around 40 percent higher investment.
(CT). These non-traditional CTs are so environment, and noise are all factors Therefore, an alternative for the tradi-
small that they can be easily integrat- to be considered in the approval of a tional air-insulated switchgear (AIS)
ed with the breaker in the same cir- substation. The smaller the plot of substation, with less footprint and
cuit. Thirdly, the use of such sensors land, the less impact a substation has customer cost is required.
is an integral aspect of a digital sub- on its surroundings.
station. This not only enhances sub-
station performance, but also saves on 1 shows the single-line diagram (SLD)
Safety, environment, and
investment, eg, cables for secondary of a 500 kV substation [1]. In this sub- noise are all factors to be
instrument transformer circuits and for station, there are six 500 kV diameters considered in the approval
the control of circuit breakers, discon- (1½ circuit breaker scheme) and
nectors, and earthing switches. twelve 220 kV double busbar bays. of a substation.
In this substation, all primary equip- The technology solution
In an urban substation, ment is so large that often an area of Applying new technologies, ABB can
the key factor is 60,000 m2 is used 2 . Obviously, it is design AIS substations with reduced in-
land-related cost. difficult to find a suitable location for stallation cost and a smaller footprint.
such an installation in the city.
Traditional air-insulated substations New circuit breaker
Utilities must meet huge construction The fast-increasing power demand, A section view of a 500 kV bay is
and installation costs when investing however, makes such substations in- shown in 3 . The diagram shows that
in a substation. Obviously, primary dispensable. Plans of the Beijing elec- the disconnectors take up most of the
equipment, such as transformers and tric power company see a 500 kV dou- space as each circuit breaker needs
circuit breakers, are very expensive, ble-ring network around the city be- two disconnectors for safe isolation.
especially when these are for extra ing completed in 2010. This will fea-
high voltages. Further, the substation ture 10 substations (each for 500 kV With the modern and well proven SF6
automation system (SAS) is itself cost- and 2600 MW). These include four circuit breakers (CB) of the self blast

1 Single line diagram (SLD) of a typical 500 kV substation 2 Layout of a typical 500 kV substation using air-insulated switchgear

Special Report Dancing with the Dragon 39

ABB Review
Small footprint, high performance

Powering the economy

and/or puffer type, ABB now can of- tion for Combined is integrated in the locked in the open position, fulfilling
fer an alternative that provides oppor- breaking chamber. There are no addi- the disconnecting function require-
tunities to both simplify substations tional contacts or other components ment and maintenance on adjacent
and save space. A new disconnecting for the disconnecting function in the parts of the switchgear or network
circuit breaker (DCB), named “Com- SF6 breaking chamber. When the cir- can be carried out. Further, eliminat-
bined”, has been developed and man- cuit breaker contacts are in the open ing the air-exposed disconnector con-
ufactured [2]. The disconnection func- position, they can be mechanically tacts also provides for lower mainte-
nance and higher switchgear reliabili-
ty. Disconnecting CB requirements are
specified in the IEC standard
3 Section view of a 500 kV 1½ diameter
62271-108 4 .

With the modern and

well proven SF6 circuit
breakers of the self blast
and/or puffer type,
ABB now can offer an
alternative that provides
opportunities to both
simplify substations and
4 Disconnecting circuit breakers with two a and one b breaking chamber save space.
a b

DCBs can save not only equipment

cost, but also reduce the footprint and
related construction costs while in-
creasing availability. A layout compar-
ison between conventional and Com-
bined 145 kV based switchyards is
shown in 5 .

Innovative sensors
Besides the disconnector, the tradi-
tional CT (current transformer) also
occupies a lot of space in 3 . Howev-
er, new sensing technology makes the
alternative solution possible.

5 Space requirement of 145 kV substation (traditional) a compared to

the same functionality achieved with the “Combined” breaker b
77 m
54 m

50 m
49 m

Disconnecting facility, to be used in

case of maintenance or failure of DCB

Disconnecting Circuit Breaker

40 Special Report Dancing with the Dragon

ABB Review
Small footprint, high performance

Powering the economy

6 ABB FOCS measuring principle a , installation b , two conventional Hall effect dc current transducers for 400 kA c and the measurement coil d .
a b
Sensor Control cubicle (optional)
Orthogonal linear electronics Sensor head
x Left and right
light waves Current carrying
circular light
Light source, detector, Optical Fiber Retarder
signal processor

FOCS Controller y Current

x conductor

ΔφF Sensing Fiber

ABB PowerLINK Current- Sensor
PRFIBUS DP depending fiber cable
Analog outputs phase shift

c d

Innovative sensors are beginning to unit, the digital values can be trans- cable is then also replaced by the net-
replace regular CT in recent years. mitted to bay level IEDs via the fiber work, resulting in a more reliable and
Fiber-optic current sensors (FOCS) optic network, replacing the large cost optimized SA system.
present an excellent alternative [3]. amount of copper cables. Figure 7a
Using the Faraday Effect, FOCS can represents the technical evolution of Layout reconfiguration and
easily measure the current with a fiber SA from Process (bottom ) up to optimization
optic loop placed around the conduc- NCC (top) from conventional (left) Based on the new technologies above,
tor. The resulting simple installation is to intelligent (right). Figure 7b shows the substation footprint can be re-
shown in 6 . Another benefit is the the architecture of IEC 61850 based duced by more than 50 percent, while
smaller footprint compared to the SAS, which is the concrete implemen- at the same time increasing its avail-
large electromagnetic CT. tation of the intelligent system in ability and reliability.
Figure 7a . For a three-phase power
Additionally, in respect to digital sig- line, at least three groups of measur-
nal processing, FOCS can interface ing cables are eliminated with the
Using the Faraday Effect,
with process-level devices in a substa- intelligent system. Furthermore, as FOCS can easily measure
tion automation system (SAS). Conse- there is no magnetic saturation in the current with a fiber
quently, the IEC 61850 process bus FOCS, one set of FOCS can be used
(-9-2) concept can be implemented, for both monitoring and protection, optic loop placed around
reducing need of secondary cabling or even metering. In this way, further the conductor.
and simplifying construction and com- cabling can be saved.
missioning work. Moreover, the use of DCB not only
Moreover, if an intelligent breaker permits the disconnector to be elimi-
IEC 61850-9-2 application IED, compatible to IEC61850-9-2, is nated, but also allows the busbar
As mentioned above, FOCS can trans- designed and embedded in the circuit topology to be improved. Since the
fer all measured values in digital for- breaker, the control will use the same maintenance interval for a Combined
mat.Thus, if a FOCS is applied with fiber-optic network with current and DCB is 15 years, the replacement of
an IEC 61850-9-2 compatible merging voltage sensing function. The control double by a sectionalized single bus-

Special Report Dancing with the Dragon 41

ABB Review
Small footprint, high performance

Powering the economy

7 Digital substation configuration

a SAS evolution b IEC 61850 based SAS

Technology Overview SCADA Cigre 2008 ABB Substation

conventional modern modern intelligent intelligent EMS
DMS Automation
(retrofit) (retrofit)
Network level
RTU RTU RTU IEC61850 based SA-System
Station Station gateway MicroSCADA
bus bus
Station level Station RTU560
RTU RTU Interbay RTU Interbay computer
parallel, bus bus RTU REL670
and HMI
caling IEC 61850-8-1
Bay level 380 kV 20 kV REF615

parallel, parallel,
hartwired hartwired feeder
caling caling Process terminal
Bay control Bay protection
Process level
IEC 61850-9-2

8 Traditional switchgear layout with disconnectors and circuit breakers 9 Switchgear with disconnecting circuit breakers (DCB)

132 kV 132 kV

Line Transformer Transformer Line

Line Transformer Transformer Line

bar system is justified without avail- Switching ahead Lei Jing

ability being compromised. Compar- An air insulated substation can be ABB Corporate Research
ing the layouts in 8 and 9 , it can be designed to be more reliable and cost Beijing, China
seen how busbar and related discon- efficient by introducing new equip-
nectors are eliminated, simplifying ment and technologies. The use of a
the layout. combined disconnecting circuit break- Hans-Erik Olovsson
er as primary equipment opens the ABB Power Systems
opportunity for greatly improved Västerås, Sweden
The use of a combined efficiency in substation construction,
disconnecting circuit operation and layout. The innovative
breaker as primary current sensor together with an intelli- Jianzhong Fan
gent interface enables the implemen- ABB Power Systems, HVDC
equipment opens the tation of the IEC 61850-based process Beijing, China
opportunity for greatly bus protocol.

improved efficiency in Richard Thomas

substation construction, ABB Power Products
operation and layout. Ludvika, Sweden

In addition, because FOCS and an

intelligent interface are used, the
[1] 500 kV Substation Typical Design, China State
cable and related auxiliaries can
be done away with, resulting in a [2] DCB Buyers and Application Guide, ABB
much simplified control setup and [3] Bohnert, K., Guggenbach, P. A revolution in high
simplifying connections to the dc current measurement. ABB Review 1/2005,
primary equipment. 6–10.

42 Special Report Dancing with the Dragon

ABB Review

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