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Ashes April 2020

to Healing from the past.
Hope for the future.

Dear Saints, The last four meetings of the FICM

Discipleship Course were hosted by
Greetings saints! My Sheryl on Zoom meeting, including
things have changed, the Steps to Freedom in Christ.
since last month, Thank you Jesus for the technology
we have!
haven’t they? We are
now in quarantine.
Sheryl is offering you
a gift for her birthday.
“Experiencing God Through
His Names” is a 31 day
devotional book at a
COVID19 Quarantine price –
only .99 per copy! Church’s
annual mission conference.

April 1 was my birthday, and I am celebrating all month long. I

would love to share a special blessing with you. My publisher, Thanks to your generous donations, Sheryl’s ministry is able to sponsor three
Karen Porter at Bold Vision Books has generously lowered the women for additional FICM training through Community Ministry Freedom
price of this book that discusses thirty-one of the names of God. University (CFMU). Here are the resources they will study in the course,
It’s a quick read enabling them to help others resolve personal and spiritual conflicts.
and will help you GriefShare classes with the Mission
focus on God during at Kern County, Sheryl also hosts on
this time of social zoom meeting. Our classes will be
distance. Please completed this month, please prayer
for the women to stay connected to
email me for it or
God as they also are in isolation and
here’s the link. We’d quarantined.
love to have you join
us in our Facebook “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that
study group, just whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.”
Ministry matters. Ministry continues. Sheryl is
send me an email for thanking God for technology, Zoom meeting John 3:16
details. rooms, Skype, Facetime and of course, email.
Much love and prayers for each of you! Thank you for your
Quarantine. Social Distancing. COVID-19. These words have partnership and prayers,
now been added to our vocabulary and our daily habits to avoid
contracting or passing on a deadly disease. Changes, challenges, Sheryl You Are Lov
and chaos cannot prevent Easter’s message from being spread. ed
“Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty
We love becau
se He first loved
An Evening

In fact, it seems, through technology, now, there are more

1 John 4:19
with Sheryl
April 18, 202 Giesbrecht
0 • 5 to 8 P Turner

power.” Ephesians 6:10

MuSiC, MeAl
HoStEd By & MiNiStRy
CaTeReD KaYe CaMp

opportunities to share the Gospel and offer tools to strengthen

By TaHoE
TeXt YoUr
RsVp By ApRi
AdDrEsS L 1 To
AnD DiRe
We CaN’T CtIoNs To 661-204-7957
WaIt To FoLlOw
SeE YoU!

the Body of Christ. Sheryl’s “You Are Loved” event 4/18/20 has
been postponed until we are able to gather!
“For if, while we were God’s enemies, we were reconciled to him
through the death of his Son, how much more, having been
reconciled, shall we be saved through his life!” Rom. 5:10

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