4832 Concept Map

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Concept Mapping
4832 Nursing Care of Children and Families

Maranda Hall

P. Schuster, Concept Mapping: A Critical Thinking Approach, Davis


Step 1. Write the key problems the patient has based on the data collected. The key
problems are also known as the concepts. Start by centering the reason for seeking health
care (often a medical diagnosis). Next, list the major problems you have identified based
on the assessment data collected on the patient.


Key Problem #7 Key Problem #1 Key Problem #6

Anxiety r/t … Impaired Gas Exchange Fatigue r/t
Change in Schedule r/t Seizures
Unfamiliar surroundings Increased secretions Disturbed sleep pattern
Lack of sibling interaction O2 saturation 94% Unfamiliar surroundings
Pain Dyspnea Irritable
Inconsolable crying Pallor Crying
Confined to room d/t Nasal flaring Anemia- Hgb 9.1
isolation precautions Diminished Lung Sounds Ferrous Sulfate
Non- productive cough
O2 Nasal Cannula 0.5L
Hgb 9.1

Key Problem #2
Key Problem #8 Reason For Needing Health Care: Acute Pain r/t
Knowledge Deficit r/t Seizure Disorder -Ear infection
New medications Acute Respiratory Infection Crying
Signs and Symptoms of Influenza (corona Virus) Irritable
Infection Ear Infection IV site
Isolation Key Assessments: Lung Sounds, Pulse Generalized body aches d/t
Spread of Infection Ox, Respiratory Rate, Capp Refill, Corona virus
Safe environment r/t Hydration/Dehydration- Skin Turgor, FLACC pain level 5
seizure disorder Heart Rate, Safe Environment, Pain Acetaminophen prn q4-6h
Assessment Ibuprofen prn q4-6h

Key Problem #5 Key Problem #3 Key Problem #4

Fluid Volume Deficit r/t Risk for Injury/Fall r/t Risk for Infection r/t
Anorexia Seizure disorder Visitors
Decreased Intake Developmental Age- Siblings at home
Poor Skin Turgor increased activity Developmental age- lack of
Dry mucous membranes Caregiver fatigue- pregnant knowledge of handwashing
Increased insensible loss mom of 3 other children and puts objects in mouth
due to Increased RR of 32 Side Effects of seizure Ear Infection Acquired
I/O- decreased output medications while in Hospital
K+ level 5.9 Keppra PPE
D5 NaCl 0.9% infusing at Clonzapam Isolation precautions
40ml/hr Exposure to Corona virus
Neutrophil Band – 0

P. Schuster, Concept Mapping: A Critical Thinking Approach, Davis


Step 3. Draw lines between related problems. Number to prioritize problems. LAST-
label the problem with a nursing diagnosis.

Step 4: Identification of goals, outcomes and interventions.

Step 5: Evaluation of Outcomes
Problem # ____1___: Impaired Gas Exchange
General Goal: Patient will demonstrate improved ventilation and adequate oxygenation

Predicted Behavioral Outcome Objective (s): The patient will……

Have decreased secretions, clear lung sounds and decreased Dyspnea on exertion
on the day of care.

Nursing Interventions Patient Responses

1. Auscultate lung sounds 1. Diminished Lung sounds

2. Promote Fluid Intake 2. Decreased Viscosity of secretions
3. Monitor Oxygen Saturation 3. Increase from 94% to 100%
4. Admin 02 as ordered 4. Increased O2 and ease of Respirations
5. Elevate HOB/sit w/parent 5. Improved Lung Expansion
6. Encourage ambulation 6. Secretion Clearance
7. Suctioning PRN 7. Improved Gas exchange

Evaluation of outcomes objectives: Patient demonstrated an increase in activity w/o SOB, secretions are less
viscous and decreased in amount and lung sounds are less diminished. Oxygen Saturation improved from
94%- 100%

Problem # _____2_____: Acute Pain

General Goal: Patient will have a reduction in Pain level on FLACC scale from 5 to 3

Predicted Behavioral Outcome Objective (s): The patient will……

Have reduced irritability and increased level of comfort
on the day of care.

Nursing Interventions Patient Responses

1. Assess Pain level 1. Pain level of 5 on FLACC scale

2. Admin analgesics as ordered 2. Patient received medication
3. Pain reassessment 3. Pain level of 3 on FLACC scale
4. Provide Distraction TV/toys 4. Patient showed a decrease in irritability
5. Comfort Techniques/ warm cloth 5. Patient showed an increase in comfort
6. Parent at bedside 6. Parent was able to comfort the child
7. Monitor VS/HR and BP 7. HR and BP in normal range

Evaluation of outcomes objectives: Patient demonstrated a decrease in irritability as noted by an increase in

consolabilty, pain level was decreased from a 5 to a 3 on FLACC pain scale and patient appeared to be more
comfortable and was able to fall asleep.
P. Schuster, Concept Mapping: A Critical Thinking Approach, Davis

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