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Dated: 4th March 2019 Course Work Sheet # 3 Spring 2019

 Attempt all questions on A-4 sheets.
 Submit the worksheet within due date, after that no submission will be accepted.
 Do not copy any answer, if found you will be marked zero.
 No direct solution will be accepted.
 Last date of submission : 18th March 2019 at 1130am
 Maximum marks : 2 marks
(CLO-2: C-3 Applying) (PLO-2: Problem Analysis)

Q1. Determine the mode of the following frequency distribution:

Groups Freq
0-5 8
5-10 12
10-15 25
15-20 23
20-25 14
25-30 25
30-35 10
35-40 9

Q2. Determine the Geometric and Harmonic means for the following two series:

A: 15, 10, 3, 0, 14, 25

B: 15, -10, 3, 16, -12, -17

Q3. Calculate the following from the given below data:

D2, P8, P20, P60

Groups Freq
0-5 8
5-10 12
10-15 25
15-20 23
20-25 14
25-30 25
30-35 10
35-40 3

Q4. The weights of 100 individuals in kilogram are given by the following frequency
Determine the arithmetic mean, median and mode.

Weights in Kilo Freq

75-80 2
70-75 8
65-70 17
60-65 19
55-60 23
50-55 16
45-50 9
40-45 6

Q5. The mean of one component series consisting of 20 items is 24.5 . the number of
items in the second component series being 30 , find out the mean of the second
component series if the combined mean is 25.6.

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