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Siemens Power Academy

Exercise 1: Change the setting - group in dependence

of the current

Setting group B becomes active if all line currents drop below 5% of the rated
nominal current.
Otherwise, setting group A is active.

04 CFC-Exercises
Version: B 5_Page 1 Energy Sector © Siemens AG
DIGSI 4 Basic
Siemens Power Academy

Exercise 1: Change the setting group dependend on

Step 1: Enable the Setting Group Change Option
Enable the Setting Group Change Option in the Device Configuration.

04 CFC-Exercises
Version: B 5_Page 2 Energy Sector © Siemens AG
DIGSI 4 Basic
Siemens Power Academy

Exercise 1: Change the setting group dependend on

Step 2: Configure the Setting Group Change Option
Open the “Setting Group Change Option” (double-click).
Set parameter 0302 to “binary input“.

04 CFC-Exercises
Version: B 5_Page 3 Energy Sector © Siemens AG
DIGSI 4 Basic
Siemens Power Academy

Exercise 1: Change the setting group dependend on

Step 3: Allocation
Open the Configuration Matrix (“Masking I/O”). Bit 1
0 1
Bit 0

Assign the information item “>Set Group Bit 0“ 0 A C

to “C“ (source CFC !)

1 B D

Only “>Set Group

Bit 0“ changes
between A and B

04 CFC-Exercises
Version: B 5_Page 4 Energy Sector © Siemens AG
DIGSI 4 Basic
Siemens Power Academy

Exercise 1: Change the setting group dependend on

Step 4: Allocation
Assign the currents to “C“ (destination CFC !)

04 CFC-Exercises
Version: B 5_Page 5 Energy Sector © Siemens AG
DIGSI 4 Basic
Siemens Power Academy

Exercise 1: Change the setting group dependend on the

Step 5: Build the CFC program
Use the following function blocks:

Lower Setpoint: Q = ´Val < Limit´

This function block outputs a signal when the
measured value “Val“ drops below the specified limit
value “Limit”. It can only be applied in the
“MW_BEARB” priority class for measured values.

X1 X2
AND: Y = X1 * X2 (+)
X1 X2 Y
0 0 0
X1 1 0 0
Y 0 1 0
X2 & 1 1 1

04 CFC-Exercises
Version: B 5_Page 6 Energy Sector © Siemens AG
DIGSI 4 Basic
Siemens Power Academy

Exercise 1: Change the setting group dependend on

Step 5: Build the CFC program

04 CFC-Exercises
Version: B 5_Page 7 Energy Sector © Siemens AG
DIGSI 4 Basic
Siemens Power Academy

Exercise 2: Change the setting group dependend on time

After pressing the F1 key setting group B is active during the first 10 seconds.

Then, setting group A gets active again.

04 CFC-Exercises
Version: B 5_Page 8 Energy Sector © Siemens AG
DIGSI 4 Basic
Siemens Power Academy

Follow the CFC standard procedure!

1. Allocate necessary informations to CFC

2. Save the Configuration Matrix
3. Insert and name a new CFC chart
4. Draw the chart
5. Shift the chart in the proper priority class
6. Let the system verify the run sequence
7. Compile the chart
8. Save and download the parameter set

04 CFC-Exercises
Version: B 5_Page 9 Energy Sector © Siemens AG
DIGSI 4 Basic
Siemens Power Academy

Follow the CFC standard procedure!

1. Allocate necessary informations to CFC

2. Save the Configuration Matrix
3. Insert and name a new CFC chart
4. Draw the chart
5. Shift the chart in the proper priority class
6. Let the system verify the run sequence
7. Compile the chart
8. Save and download the parameter set

04 CFC-Exercises
Version: B 5_Page 10 Energy Sector © Siemens AG
DIGSI 4 Basic
Siemens Power Academy

Exercise 2: Change the setting group dependend on time

Step 1: Allocation of informations

Insert a new information item of the type “Internal Single-Point Indication” (Tagging)
in the matrix and assign it to the F1 function key and to CFC (destination CFC).

04 CFC-Exercises
Version: B 5_Page 11 Energy Sector © Siemens AG
DIGSI 4 Basic
Siemens Power Academy

Follow the CFC standard procedure!

1. Allocate necessary informations to CFC

2. Save the Configuration Matrix
3. Insert and name a new CFC chart
4. Draw the chart
5. Shift the chart in the proper priority class
6. Let the system verify the run sequence
7. Compile the chart
8. Save and download the parameter set

04 CFC-Exercises
Version: B 5_Page 12 Energy Sector © Siemens AG
DIGSI 4 Basic
Siemens Power Academy

Follow the CFC standard procedure!

1. Allocate necessary informations to CFC

2. Save the Configuration Matrix
3. Insert and name a new CFC chart
4. Draw the chart
5. Shift the chart in the proper priority class
6. Let the system verify the run sequence
7. Compile the chart
8. Save and download the parameter set

04 CFC-Exercises
Version: B 5_Page 13 Energy Sector © Siemens AG
DIGSI 4 Basic
Siemens Power Academy

Exercise 2: Change the setting group dependend on time

Step 2: Save the allocated information

Save the allocated information.

04 CFC-Exercises
Version: B 5_Page 14 Energy Sector © Siemens AG
DIGSI 4 Basic
Siemens Power Academy

Follow the CFC standard procedure!

1. Allocate necessary informations to CFC

2. Save the Configuration Matrix
3. Insert and name a new CFC chart
4. Draw the chart
5. Shift the chart in the proper priority class
6. Let the system verify the run sequence
7. Compile the chart
8. Save and download the parameter set

04 CFC-Exercises
Version: B 5_Page 15 Energy Sector © Siemens AG
DIGSI 4 Basic
Siemens Power Academy

Follow the CFC standard procedure!

1. Allocate necessary informations to CFC

2. Save the Configuration Matrix
3. Insert and name a new CFC chart
4. Draw the chart
5. Shift the chart in the proper priority class
6. Let the system verify the run sequence
7. Compile the chart
8. Save and download the parameter set

04 CFC-Exercises
Version: B 5_Page 16 Energy Sector © Siemens AG
DIGSI 4 Basic
Siemens Power Academy

Exercise 2: Change the setting group dependend on time

Step 3: Insert a new CFC chart

Open the folder named “CFC”, insert a new CFC chart, give it a “good” name and
open it.

04 CFC-Exercises
Version: B 5_Page 17 Energy Sector © Siemens AG
DIGSI 4 Basic
Siemens Power Academy

Follow the CFC standard procedure!

1. Allocate necessary informations to CFC

2. Save the Configuration Matrix
3. Insert and name a new CFC chart
4. Draw the chart
5. Shift the chart in the proper priority class
6. Let the system verify the run sequence
7. Compile the chart
8. Save and download the parameter set

04 CFC-Exercises
Version: B 5_Page 18 Energy Sector © Siemens AG
DIGSI 4 Basic
Siemens Power Academy

Follow the CFC standard procedure!

1. Allocate necessary informations to CFC

2. Save the Configuration Matrix
3. Insert and name a new CFC chart
4. Draw the chart
5. Shift the chart in the proper priority class
6. Let the system verify the run sequence
7. Compile the chart
8. Save and download the parameter set

04 CFC-Exercises
Version: B 5_Page 19 Energy Sector © Siemens AG
DIGSI 4 Basic
Siemens Power Academy

Exercise 2: Change the setting group dependend on time

Step 4: Draw a CFC chart
The TI
uns only in
Use the TIMER block. PLC or
PLC1 !

R => Timer Reset Q=(S+T2) * T1 * R

S => Timer Start QT1= T1 * R
QT2= T2 * R

QT1 T1 T1

QT2 T2 T2

Delay Prolongation
T1 and T2 timer function Q is delayed by T1 Q corresponds to S prolonged by T2

04 CFC-Exercises
Version: B 5_Page 20 Energy Sector © Siemens AG
DIGSI 4 Basic
Siemens Power Academy

Exercise 2: Change the setting group dependend on time

Step 4: Draw a CFC chart

Insert a TIMER
block via
Drag & Drop.

04 CFC-Exercises
Version: B 5_Page 21 Energy Sector © Siemens AG
DIGSI 4 Basic
Siemens Power Academy

Exercise 2: Change the setting group dep. on the time

Step 4: Draw a CFC chart

Connect the input “S“ (Start TIMER)

to the information “Start“ (configured to F1)

04 CFC-Exercises
Version: B 5_Page 22 Energy Sector © Siemens AG
DIGSI 4 Basic
Siemens Power Academy

Exercise 2: Change the setting group dep. on the time

Step 4: Draw a CFC chart

Set the value for the timer “T1“ to 10000 ms.

04 CFC-Exercises
Version: B 5_Page 23 Energy Sector © Siemens AG
DIGSI 4 Basic
Siemens Power Academy

Exercise 2: Change the setting group dep. on the time

Step 4: Draw a CFC chart

Connect the output “QT1“ (HIGH applies for as long as the T1 timer is running)
to the information “>Set Group Bit 0“

04 CFC-Exercises
Version: B 5_Page 24 Energy Sector © Siemens AG
DIGSI 4 Basic
Siemens Power Academy

Follow the CFC standard procedure!

1. Allocate necessary informations to CFC

2. Save the Configuration Matrix
3. Insert and name a new CFC chart
4. Draw the chart
5. Shift the chart in the proper priority class
6. Let the system verify the run sequence
7. Compile the chart
8. Save and download the parameter set

04 CFC-Exercises
Version: B 5_Page 25 Energy Sector © Siemens AG
DIGSI 4 Basic
Siemens Power Academy

Follow the CFC standard procedure!

1. Allocate necessary informations to CFC

2. Save the Configuration Matrix
3. Insert and name a new CFC chart
4. Draw the chart
5. Shift the chart in the proper priority class
6. Let the system verify the run sequence
7. Compile the chart
8. Save and download the parameter set

04 CFC-Exercises
Version: B 5_Page 26 Energy Sector © Siemens AG
DIGSI 4 Basic
Siemens Power Academy

CFC - Continuous Function Chart

(IEC Standard 1131 = High Flexibility)

4 priority classes for various tasks

PLC (Fast PLC)
Blocking protection functions
Few modules only
Automatic start after change-of-state at the input
PLC1 (Slow PLC)
Most frequent priority class (e.g. for TIMER applications)
Automatic start after change-of-state at the input
SFS (Switchgear interlocking)
Verifying the switchgear interlocking
Automatic start like PLC plus when activating a control command
MW (Measured value processing)
Configuring and comparing measured values
Implementing additional protection functions such as “Reverse power (ANSI
32)” and “Power factor (ANSI 55)”
Automatic start every 600 ms

04 CFC-Exercises
Version: B 5_Page 27 Energy Sector © Siemens AG
DIGSI 4 Basic
Siemens Power Academy

Exercise 2: Change the setting group dep. on the time

Step 5: Shift chart in the proper priority class

Open the Run-time Editor

To change the priority class: Grab your “good name” folder (by left mouse
key) “ and drag & drop it into the desired priority-class folder p menu (Shift
+ F11).
If you want to prepare
the NEXT CFC chart
inserted to run under
another priority class
then first select the
desired priority class
then click on “edit”
then “predecessor for
insert position” and
then “ok”

04 CFC-Exercises
Version: B 5_Page 28 Energy Sector © Siemens AG
DIGSI 4 Basic
Siemens Power Academy

Follow the CFC standard procedure!

1. Allocate necessary informations to CFC

2. Save the Configuration Matrix
3. Insert and name a new CFC chart
4. Draw the chart
5. Shift the chart in the proper priority class
6. Let the system verify the run sequence
7. Compile the chart
8. Save and download the parameter set

04 CFC-Exercises
Version: B 5_Page 29 Energy Sector © Siemens AG
DIGSI 4 Basic
Siemens Power Academy

Follow the CFC standard procedure!

1. Allocate necessary informations to CFC

2. Save the Configuration Matrix
3. Insert and name a new CFC chart
4. Draw the chart
5. Shift the chart in the proper priority class
6. Let the system verify the run sequence
7. Compile the chart
8. Save and download the parameter set

04 CFC-Exercises
Version: B 5_Page 30 Energy Sector © Siemens AG
DIGSI 4 Basic
Siemens Power Academy

Exercise 2: Change the setting group dependend on time

Step 6: Let the system verify the run sequence

Obviously, you don’t have to change the run

sequence as the TIMER is the only block
running in the chart.

Changes must, however, be made if several function blocks are

placed – and some of them are maybe in the wrong order…

04 CFC-Exercises
Version: B 5_Page 31 Energy Sector © Siemens AG
DIGSI 4 Basic
Siemens Power Academy

Exercise 2: Change the setting group dependend on time

Step 6: Let the system verify the run sequence

In this case, the run sequence must be changed

as the TIMER has the number 2 in the chart, i.e.
it will be executed after the OR block.

In this case, click on

“Options” and then on
“optimize run sequence”.

04 CFC-Exercises
Version: B 5_Page 32 Energy Sector © Siemens AG
DIGSI 4 Basic
Siemens Power Academy

Follow the CFC standard procedure!

1. Allocate necessary informations to CFC

2. Save the Configuration Matrix
3. Insert and name a new CFC chart
4. Draw the chart
5. Shift the chart in the proper priority class
6. Let the system verify the run sequence
7. Compile the chart
8. Save and download the parameter set

04 CFC-Exercises
Version: B 5_Page 33 Energy Sector © Siemens AG
DIGSI 4 Basic
Siemens Power Academy

Follow the CFC standard procedure!

1. Allocate necessary informations to CFC

2. Save the Configuration Matrix
3. Insert and name a new CFC chart
4. Draw the chart
5. Shift the chart in the proper priority class
6. Let the system verify the run sequence
7. Compile the chart
8. Save and download the parameter set

04 CFC-Exercises
Version: B 5_Page 34 Energy Sector © Siemens AG
DIGSI 4 Basic
Siemens Power Academy

Exercise 2: Change the setting group dep. on the time

Step 7: Compile the CFC chart

Compile the chart.

04 CFC-Exercises
Version: B 5_Page 35 Energy Sector © Siemens AG
DIGSI 4 Basic
Siemens Power Academy

Follow the CFC standard procedure!

1. Allocate necessary informations to CFC

2. Save the Configuration Matrix
3. Insert and name a new CFC chart
4. Draw the chart
5. Shift the chart in the proper priority class
6. Let the system verify the run sequence
7. Compile the chart
8. Save and download the parameter set

04 CFC-Exercises
Version: B 5_Page 36 Energy Sector © Siemens AG
DIGSI 4 Basic
Siemens Power Academy

Follow the CFC standard procedure!

1. Allocate necessary informations to CFC

2. Save the Configuration Matrix
3. Insert and name a new CFC chart
4. Draw the chart
5. Shift the chart in the proper priority class
6. Let the system verify the run sequence
7. Compile the chart
8. Save and download the parameter set

04 CFC-Exercises
Version: B 5_Page 37 Energy Sector © Siemens AG
DIGSI 4 Basic
Siemens Power Academy

Exercise 2: Change the setting group dependend on time

Step 8: Save the parameter set

Close the chart and save the parameter set.

04 CFC-Exercises
Version: B 5_Page 38 Energy Sector © Siemens AG
DIGSI 4 Basic
Siemens Power Academy

Follow the CFC standard procedure!

1. Allocate necessary informations to CFC

2. Save the Configuration Matrix
3. Insert and name a new CFC chart
4. Draw the chart
5. Shift the chart in the proper priority class
6. Let the system verify the run sequence
7. Compile the chart
8. Save and download the parameter set

04 CFC-Exercises
Version: B 5_Page 39 Energy Sector © Siemens AG
DIGSI 4 Basic
Siemens Power Academy

Follow the CFC standard procedure!

1. Allocate necessary informations to CFC

2. Save the Configuration Matrix
3. Insert and name a new CFC chart
4. Draw the chart
5. Shift the chart in the proper priority class
6. Let the system verify the run sequence
7. Compile the chart
8. Save and download the parameter set

04 CFC-Exercises
Version: B 5_Page 40 Energy Sector © Siemens AG
DIGSI 4 Basic
Siemens Power Academy

Exercise 3: Change the setting group dep. on the time

and the current
Normally, group A is active.
Group B is active:
during the first 10 seconds after pressing the F1 key
if all phase currents drop below 5% of the rated nominal
Combine the solution from exercise 1 with that from exercise
2 by using the following block:

OR: Y = X1 + X2 (+)
X2 Y
X1 X2 y
0 0 0
1 0 1
X1 0 1 1
X2 1 1 1 1

04 CFC-Exercises
Version: B 5_Page 41 Energy Sector © Siemens AG
DIGSI 4 Basic
Siemens Power Academy

Exercise 3: Change the settings group

Solution - Allocation
Connect the two charts via an additional internal single-point indication:
Chart “I < 5“: Priority class “MW_BEARB“ Chart “10s after start“: Priority class „PLC1_BEARB“


t t

Insert a new internal

single-point indication
in the matrix and
allocate it to CFC
(destination and
04 CFC-Exercises
Version: B 5_Page 42 Energy Sector © Siemens AG
DIGSI 4 Basic
Siemens Power Academy

Exercise 3: Change the settings group

Solution - CFC
1 Chart “I < 5“ (priority class “MW_BEARB“):

2 Chart “10s after start“ (priority class „PLC1_BEARB“):

04 CFC-Exercises
Version: B 5_Page 43 Energy Sector © Siemens AG
DIGSI 4 Basic
Siemens Power Academy

Exercise 4: Time control 1 (2) – Simple switching


When F1 is pressed, LED1 is lit for 5 seconds.

Then LED2 is lit for 15 seconds.

04 CFC-Exercises
Version: B 5_Page 44 Energy Sector © Siemens AG
DIGSI 4 Basic
Siemens Power Academy

Exercise 4: Time control 1 (2) – Simple switching


2 Priority class: PLC1 (slow PLC)

04 CFC-Exercises
Version: B 5_Page 45 Energy Sector © Siemens AG
DIGSI 4 Basic
Siemens Power Academy

Exercise 5: Time control 2 (2) - Flashing

A LED flashes when F1 is pressed.

It goes off when F2 is applied.

04 CFC-Exercises
Version: B 5_Page 46 Energy Sector © Siemens AG
DIGSI 4 Basic
Siemens Power Academy

Exercise 5: Time control 2 (1) - Flashing


2 Priority class: PLC1 (slow PLC)

04 CFC-Exercises
Version: B 5_Page 47 Energy Sector © Siemens AG
DIGSI 4 Basic
Siemens Power Academy
Exercise 5: Time control 2 (alternatively 2) - Flashing

04 CFC-Exercises
Version: B 5_Page 48 Energy Sector © Siemens AG
DIGSI 4 Basic
Siemens Power Academy

Exercise 6: Power Direction

A new dynamic symbol (arrow) on the default display of the device is to
indicate the power direction.

04 CFC-Exercises
Version: B 5_Page 49 Energy Sector © Siemens AG
DIGSI 4 Basic
Siemens Power Academy

Exercise 6: Power Direction

Solution - Allocation
Allocate the required measured value “P=“ (power) to the destination CFC.

Create an internal double-point indication required

to indicate the power direction on the default

04 CFC-Exercises
Version: B 5_Page 50 Energy Sector © Siemens AG
DIGSI 4 Basic
Siemens Power Academy

Exercise 6: Power Direction

Solution - CFC

Evaluate the power direction by using the blocks “UPPER_SETPOINT“ and

Use “BUILD_DI“ to create the previously defined double-point indication “P-

04 CFC-Exercises
Version: B 5_Page 51 Energy Sector © Siemens AG
DIGSI 4 Basic
Siemens Power Academy

Exercise 6: Power Direction

Solution - Display Editor

Create 3 static symbols to visualise

the states shown below.

Create a dynamic symbol of the

type “Symbol” to be filled with the 3
static symbols.

Place the dynamic symbol on the

default display and connect it to the
new double-point indication.

04 CFC-Exercises
Version: B 5_Page 52 Energy Sector © Siemens AG
DIGSI 4 Basic
Siemens Power Academy

Exercise 7: Interlocking expansion

Expand the default interlocking conditions:

The switch commands for the circuit breaker, isolating switch and
grounding switch are only admitted if
no “SF6-Loss” indication is present

04 CFC-Exercises
Version: B 5_Page 53 Energy Sector © Siemens AG
DIGSI 4 Basic
Siemens Power Academy

Exercise 7: Interlocking expansion


1 Allocate “SF6-Loss” to CFC as destination.

04 CFC-Exercises
Version: B 5_Page 54 Energy Sector © Siemens AG
DIGSI 4 Basic
Siemens Power Academy

Exercise 7: Interlocking expansion

Feedback of devices: Interlock conditions:

Breaker DP

Disc.Swit. DP

EarthSwit. DP
52 Close IntSP
52 Open IntSP
You have to expand the Disc.Close IntSP
already existing chart in AND
the priority class SFS Disc.Open IntSP
(Interlocking). AND
E Sw Open IntSP
E Sw Close IntSP

04 CFC-Exercises
Version: B 5_Page 55 Energy Sector © Siemens AG
DIGSI 4 Basic
Siemens Power Academy

Exercise 7: Interlocking expansion

2a Modify the interlock condition “52 Close” on the page “A1”:
No SF6-Loss
to the other interlock

52 Close IntSP
SF6-Loss SP

2b Modify the interlock condition “52 Open” on the page “A2”:

52 Open IntSP
No SF6-Loss

2c Modify the interlock condition “Disc.Close” on the page “A2”:

Disc.Close IntSP

No SF6-Loss

04 CFC-Exercises
Version: B 5_Page 56 Energy Sector © Siemens AG
DIGSI 4 Basic
Siemens Power Academy

Exercise 7: Interlocking expansion

2d Modify the interlock condition “Disc.Open” on the page “A2”:

Disc.Open IntSP

No SF6-Loss

2e Modify the interlock condition “E Sw Close”/”E Sw Open” on the page “A2”:

E Sw Close IntSP
E Sw Open IntSP

No SF6-Loss

04 CFC-Exercises
Version: B 5_Page 57 Energy Sector © Siemens AG
DIGSI 4 Basic
Siemens Power Academy

Exercise 8: Create new interlocking conditions

Create the new interlocking conditions for closing the...

Breaker: “Disconnector=ON“ AND “Earth switch=OFF“

Earth switch: “Breaker=OFF“ AND “Disconnector=OFF“
Disconnector: “Breaker=OFF“ AND “Earth switch=OFF“

Opening the switches should be possible in non-interlocked state!

04 CFC-Exercises
Version: B 5_Page 58 Energy Sector © Siemens AG
DIGSI 4 Basic
Siemens Power Academy

Exercise 8: Create new interlocking conditions

Solution - Allocation

04 CFC-Exercises
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Siemens Power Academy

Exercise 8: Create new interlocking conditions

Solution - Assign a release condition

04 CFC-Exercises
Version: B 5_Page 60 Energy Sector © Siemens AG
DIGSI 4 Basic
Siemens Power Academy

Exercise 8: Create new interlocking conditions

Solution - CFC
Use the following block to evaluate the feedback information (double-point indication)
of a command:

DI to BOOL: Y = ´VAL = IS_ON & IS_OFF´

This block checks a double-point indication for the

states ON, OFF, “00“ or “11“ and produces a signal
as the result.

y = 1, if ... { 00

04 CFC-Exercises
Version: B 5_Page 61 Energy Sector © Siemens AG
DIGSI 4 Basic
Siemens Power Academy

Exercise 8: Create new interlocking conditions

Solution - CFC This module issues a HIGH
signal at the output y if the Release conditions for tripping
disconnector is closed. the circuit breaker:
“Disconnector=CLOSE“ AND
“Ground switch=OPEN“

This module issues a HIGH

signal at the output y if the
ground switch is open.

04 CFC-Exercises
Version: B 5_Page 62 Energy Sector © Siemens AG
DIGSI 4 Basic
Siemens Power Academy

Exercise 9: Controlling via the function keys

The circuit breaker (2-pole CLOSE, 1-pole OPEN) is to be
controlled via the function keys: F1=Close, F2=Trip. Trip
Use the following blocks to create a command and a double-
point indication:

BOOL_TO_CO The switch command is specified via the parameters

ORIGIN, PROP, VAL and TIME and is tripped via a signal
at the Trig input.
ORIGIN origin of the cause
PROP general command properties
TIME output time for the command
VAL switching direction (ON or OFF)

BUILD_DI This module transforms two input signals into one

double-point indication. The double-point indication
consists of the 2 bits VAL_OFF and VAL_ON.
TYP_DP_I defines the type of the double-point
indication: with distinction of “00“ and “11“ or without.

04 CFC-Exercises
Version: B 5_Page 63 Energy Sector © Siemens AG
DIGSI 4 Basic
Siemens Power Academy

Exercise 9: Controlling via the function keys


F2 Trip IntSP
F1 Close IntSP Q0 F-Key CF_D12

04 CFC-Exercises
Version: B 5_Page 64 Energy Sector © Siemens AG
DIGSI 4 Basic

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