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An inspiring playbook for success in the
emerging Project Economy

Robert Safian, The Flux Group

Full image with title with white text

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Most Influential Projects

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Most Influential Projects

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Most Influential Projects

• Hundreds of global leaders

• Thousands of possibilities

• Expert panel

• Part of PMI’s 50th anniversary

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Full image with title with white text

Presentation Title 11 MARCH 2020 6

Insert Video
#1: full launch

Presentation Title 11 MARCH 2020 7

Full image with title with white text

Presentation Title 11 MARCH 2020 8

10 Lessons of The
Most Influential

Most Influential Projects 26 FEBRUARY 2020 9


Most Influential Projects 26 FEBRUARY 2020 10



Most Influential Projects 26 FEBRUARY 2020 11

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Check it out at MIP.PMI.ORG

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Most Influential Projects 11 MARCH 2020 24
10 Lessons of The
Most Influential

Most Influential Projects 26 FEBRUARY 2020 26

Speed Creativity Inspiration

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Most Influential Projects | Lesson #1

Lesson #1:
Inspiration Begins With Action

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Most Influential Projects | Inspiration Begins With Action

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Most Influential Projects | Inspiration Begins With Action

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Most Influential Projects | Inspiration Begins With Action

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Most Influential Projects | Inspiration Begins With Action

“When you see a twinkle

in somebody’s eyes,
that’s when it’s time
to give them
some space”

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Most Influential Projects | Inspiration Begins With Action

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Most Influential Projects | Lesson #2

Lesson #2:
Speed Is Your Friend

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Most Influential Projects | Speed Is Your Friend

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Most Influential Projects | Speed Is Your Friend

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Insert video
#2: Live Aid

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Most Influential Projects | Lesson #3

Lesson #3:
Collaboration Is Unexpected

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Most Influential Projects | Collaboration Is Unexpected

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Most Influential Projects | Collaboration Is Unexpected

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Most Influential Projects | Lesson #4

Lesson #4:
Design An Outcome,
Don’t Be Hostage To It

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Most Influential Projects | Design An Outcome

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Insert video
#3: Star Wars

Most Influential Projects | Lesson #5

Lesson #5:
Minimum Viable Projects
Are Powerful

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Most Influential Projects | Minimum Viable Projects

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Most Influential Projects | Minimum Viable Projects

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Insert video
#4: M-Pesa

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Most Influential Projects | Minimum Viable Projects

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Most Influential Projects | Lesson #6

Lesson #6:
Deadlines Matter. So Does Iteration.

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Most Influential Projects | Deadlines + Iteration

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Most Influential Projects | Deadlines + Iteration

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Insert video
#5: Prius

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Most Influential Projects | Deadlines + Iteration

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Most Influential Projects | Lesson #7

Lesson #7:
Bravery Brings Hope

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Most Influential Projects | Bravery Brings Hope

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Most Influential Projects | Bravery Brings Hope

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Most Influential Projects | Lesson #8

Lesson #8:
The World Is Getting Smaller

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Most Influential Projects | The World Is Getting Smaller

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Most Influential Projects | The World Is Getting Smaller

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Most Influential Projects | The World Is Getting Smaller

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Most Influential Projects | The World Is Getting Smaller

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Most Influential Projects | The World Is Getting Smaller

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Insert video #6:
Seed Vault

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Most Influential Projects | Lesson #9

Lesson #9:
These Are Early Days

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Most Influential Projects | These Are Early Days

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Most Influential Projects | These Are Early Days

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Most Influential Projects | These Are Early Days

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Most Influential Projects | These Are Early Days

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Most Influential Projects | Lesson #10

Lesson #10:
Keep Your Eyes Open

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Most Influential Projects | Keep Your Eyes Open

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Most Influential Projects | Keep Your Eyes Open

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Most Influential Projects | Keep Your Eyes Open

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Most Influential Projects | Ten Lessons

1. Inspiration Begins With Action

2. Speed Is Your Friend
3. Collaboration Is Unexpected
4. Design An Outcome. Don’t Be Hostage To It
5. Minimum Viable Projects Are Powerful
6. Deadlines Matter. So Does Iteration
7. Bravery Brings Hope
8. The World Is Getting Smaller
9. These Are Early Days
10. Keep Your Eyes Open

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Check it out at MIP.PMI.ORG

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Insert video #7: WWW

Presentation Title 11 MARCH 2020 75



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