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Review Article ISSN: 2320 5091 Impact Factor: 4.018


Rajni K. Gurmule1, Swati R. Lanjewar2

Assistant Professor, Dept. of Rachana Sharir, Shri Ayurveda Mahavidyalaya, Nagpur, Maharashtra, India
Assistant Professor, Dept. Rognidan and Vikruti Vigyan, L. N. Ayurved College, Bhopal
Bhopal,, Madhya Pradesh, India


Ayurveda is an eternal science of life. Physician should have proper knowledge of anatomy and physiology for
proper treatment of any disease. In Ayurveda this anatomy and physiology is described in Sharira Sthana of vari-
ous Samhitas.. Anatomy of female genital organs is also described in Samhitas in context with Stri Sharira. But it
is present in sparse way. So in present study there is an attemp
attemptt to collect all references regarding anatomy of Stri
Sharira from various Ayurvedic Samhitas and texts in a cohesive manner and their correlation with modern sci- sc
ence anatomy. It will help to understand concepts and terminologies regarding Stri Sharira with wit respect to modern
terminologies and explore the knowledge of Stri Sharira.

Keywords: Ayurveda, Sharira Sthana, Stri Sharira

Sharira, Female reproductive system

Ayurveda is an ancient science. It is defined as sysys- precisely.(2) In Ayurveda, word “Sharira” encom-
tem which uses inherent principles of nature, to help passes anatomy along with physiology. The science
to maintain health in an individual by keeping one’s which pacts with body (Sharira) including all the
mind, body and spirit in perfect equilibrium with systems and their physiology are called as
nature. Ayurveda is Sanskrit term which is comprises “Sharira”. Aacharya Sushruta has said that Vaidya
of two words, “Ayush” and “Veda”. Ayush means (physician) should have Sharira
Sharir Rachnatmaka
life and Veda means knowledge science.(1) Ay-
wledge or science Dnyana of every organ for curing any kind of dis- di
urveda mainly consists of eight branches. There is ease from the root. In Ayurvedic Samhitas,
Samhitas there are
detail description regarding each branch of Ay- many refinances of several organs of female repro-
urveda. Acharya Sushruta has cited that every ph phy- ductive system. Aacharyas have described Stri
sician should have knowledge of all branches of Ay- Sharira by numerous views. But this matter is exten-
urveda so that it will help himself in diagnosis and sively distributed in different texts and parts. There
treatment of any kind of disease. For treating any is very much controversy with respect to concept of
disease, one feels need of knowledge of knowing Stri Sharir at present epoch.. In present study, we
pathology of that disease. But before that physician have made efforts to collaborate these references and
must have proper cognizance about the anatomy and study Stri Sharira by modern point of view so it will
physiology of that specific organ involving in di dis- help to expound the concept of it in present era.
ease so that he can treat that disease seamlessly and
Rajni K. Gurmule & Swati R. Lanjewar: Literary Revivew Of Stri Sharira From Various Ayurvedic Samhitas

MATERIAL AND METHOD the surface of perineum and its apex is at the line
1. Literary study of Stri Sharira from various Ay- joining of the obturator and anal fascia.(13) Com-
urvedic Samhitas and texts in detail. menter Kaviraja Gangadhar has mentioned
3. Correlation of Ayurvedic Stri Sharira with modern “Bhaga” as “Strilingam”. According to Vaitaran,
science. Basti lies below the Bhaga and Garbhashaya lies
above it.(14) It can be considered as pubes. Aacharya
REVIEW OF LITERATURE Sushruta has specified the definition of Bhagandara
Literary review of Stri Sharir from Ayurvedic Sam- Vyadhi. As per him, Bhagandara Vyadhi takes place
hitas and texts is as given below - in Bhaga, Guda, and Basti due to Daran of these
Yoni places.(15)
The word Yoni is obtained from “Yuj” Dhatu. It Yonikarnika
means to link or join. Aacharya Sushruta and Aacharya Dalhana has elucidated two Peshies
Aacharaya Vagbhata have defined the shape of Yoni which are called Yonikarnika. These are present lat-
as “Shankhnabhyakruti”.(3)(4) That means it is con- erally on the Yonimukha (one on each side). These
stricted at its commencement, dilated in the middle are circular.(16)
and narrowed near its uterine extremity. It is consist Vishikhant - Aacharya Sushruta has used the word
of three Aavarta in the inner side. These are like “Vishikhanta” while describing the procedure of
ridges or rugae. Garbhashaya is located in third labour.(17) He has said that Sevika should massage
Aavarta of Yoni. According to Aacharya Kashyapa the Vishikhanta from inward to outward direction.
shape of the Yoni should be “Shakhatakruti”. Also, Aacharya Dalhana has elaborated this term more
he has stated the various anomalies regarding the specifically by saying it as Apatyamarga.
shape of Yoni.(5) Vagbhata has used the word Yoni Apatyapatha - Apatyapatha can be considered as
for describing Stri-Janendriya (female genitals).(6) vaginal canal or Yonimarga. According to Aacharya
Also Yoni is considered as Apatyapatha that is va- Sushruta Apatyapatha consist of 4 Peshies. Out of
gina by him.(7)While describing Chikista of Garbha- these, 2 Peshies lie on inner side of it and two lie
pata, he has mentioned to put the Pichu of various outside on the Mukha which are circular. The
Aaushadhidravyaat Yoni. He called Yoni as Garbha- Peshies which lie outside on the Mukha can be con-
shaya in some contexts.(8) Bhavprakasha has used sidered as Yonikarnika as per Dalhana.
the word Manobhavagara for Yoni and Manobhava- Peshies in Stri Sharira
garmukha for Yonimukha in Garbhaprakaran. Ac- Females have 20 extra Peshies than male. Out of
cording to him, 3 Nadies are present in Manobhava- these, ten Peshies are present in Stana of both sides
gara namely Samirana, Chandramukhi and Gauri (5 Peshies on each side of Stana) which enlarge dur-
Nadi.(9) The main Nadi is Samirana Nadi ing puberty and pregnancy. Four Peshies present in
In this way, Aacharyas used the word Yoni as per Apatyapatha which has been described as above.
requirement for different meanings. Three Peshies are present at Garbhachhidra and
Bhaga remaining three are present where Shukra and Aar-
Amarkosha has given the synonyms for Yoni as tava enters the Garbhashaya. Among these three
Bhaga.(10)Dalhana has quoted that Yoni is similar to Peshies, two are present at the entrance Aartava and
the Bhaga. According to him Parinaha of Yoni is 12 one is present at the entrance of Shukra in the
Anguli.(11) Aacharya Charaka has said that Bhaga is Garbhashaya.(18) Vagbhata has also explained the
12 Anguli.(12) By the definition of Bhaga, given by same.
Madhavnidana, Bhaga can be considered as ischio- Shroni
rectal fossa. Base of ischiorectal fossa is directed to

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Rajni K. Gurmule & Swati R. Lanjewar: Literary Revivew Of Stri Sharira From Various Ayurvedic Samhitas

Aacharyas has given the variance between Strishroni nancy. Some of this Avruddha Aartava helps in for-
and Purushshroni. Strishroni Pramana is equal to mation of Apara and some helps in development of
Purusha Uraha Pramana. Strishroni is wider than breast.
Purushshroni. Stri Uraha Pramana is equal to 18 Vagbhata has also prearranged the definition of Aar-
Anguli and it is equal to Purusha Kati Pramana.(19) tava. As per him, the blood which excretes for 3
In modern science, this can be termed as pelvis. days from the Garbhakoshtha is called as Aartava(25)
Asthi and Sandhi in Stri Shroni Commenter Arundatta has given the definition of
According to Aacharya Sushruta Strishroni has 5 Shuddha Aartava. As per him, the blood from Yoni-
Asthi. These are as follows – marga expels out at regular interval. This expelled
 Two Nitambasthi are present on each side of blood is called as Aartava.
Shroni. These Nitambasthi are called as Kapalasthi. During every month, menstrual bleeding occurs gen-
Other Asthi present in Gudpradesha, Trikpradesha, erally at fix period. If there is failure to conceive by
Bhagpradesh.(20) The Sandhi present in between the a lady then ovum excretes out along with menstrual
Asthi is of Samudga type blood which is called Aartava as it is excretes from
Aarvtavaha Strotasa. It can be considered as Ba-
As per Aacharya Charaka, Shroni consist of 3 Asthi. hipushpa. On the other hand, if ovum takes part in
Out of these, 2 are present in Shroniphalaka and one fertilization, thereby leading to formation of embryo
is present as Bhagasthi.(21) then it is can be called as Antapushpa or Bija. In this
Marma way Aartava can be categorized as per its physiol-
Aacharya Sushruta has enlightened Marma present ogy.
in pelvic region of female in Chikista Sthana. These Shuddha Aartava Lakshane – It is like hare blood,
are eight in number. These are Sevani, Laksharasa. It does not have fowl smell. It does not
ShukravahStrotas, Phala, Guda, Mutraprasek, causes discoloration of clothes. It is easily wash-
Mutravaha Strotas, Yoni, and Basti. These should be able.(26)
protected while performing any operative proce- Garbhashaya
dure.(22) In this way, these Marma have more impor- Nirukti of Garbhashaya - As per Vachspatyama, it is
tance in Stri Sharira according to Ayurveda. the Garbha-aadhar Sthan that is it is place which
Aartavah Strotasa gives support to developing foetus. He has given the
Aacharya Sushruta has described mainly two types synonym as Garbhashayya for Garbhashaya.
of Strotasa. These are Bahirmukhi Strotasa and Synonyms for Garbhashaya –
Antaramukhi Strotasa. He has described 9 Bahir- VipulStrotas – While describing genesis of organs
mukhi Strotasa and 11 pairs of Strotasa which are Aacharya Kashyapa has labelled Garbhashaya as
called Yogavahi Strotasa or Antarmukhi Strotasa Vipulstrotas
common in both male and female. But he has added Kukshi – Aacharya Charaka has explained the Gar-
3 more Strotasa in female viz. 2 Stana and 1 Ra- bha Utpatti in detail in Sharira Sthana.(27) He said
jovaha Strotasa or Aartavavaha Strotas.(23) He has that Kukshi is nothing but Garbhashaya in which
expressed Aartavaha Strotasa Viddha Lakshane and formation and development of Garbha takes place.
their Moolsthana. Moolsthana of Aartavaha Strotasa He has also used the word Antkukshi for it. Aacharya
are Garbhashaya and Aartavavahi Dhamnya. Vid- Vagbhata used both the words Garbhashaya and
dha Lakshane are Vyandhtwa (sterility), Maithuna- Kukshi as a site for Garbhautapatti.(28)
sahishnuta, and Aartava-nasha.(24) During pregnancy Kshetra - Aacharya Sushruta has also called the
Aarvtavaha Strotasa becomes Avruddha that is it Garbhashaya as “Kshetra” in Sharira Sthana.(29)
gets block. So there is loss of menses during preg-

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Rajni K. Gurmule & Swati R. Lanjewar: Literary Revivew Of Stri Sharira From Various Ayurvedic Samhitas

Garbhakoshtha - Aacharya Vagbhata in Astangsan- Aacharya Sushruta has described Aarvtavaha Stro-
graha has called the Garbhashaya as Garbhako- tasa Moolsthana as Garbhashaya and Aartavavahi
shtha, in Sharirasthana of Samhita.(30) Dhamnya. Also he has described its Viddha Lakshne
Dhara - Sharangdhara has also called the Garbha- such as Vyandhtwa (sterility), Maithunasahishnuta,
shaya as “Dhara”.(31) and Aartava-Nasha. In present era, fallopian tubes
Phala and Phalyoni – Dalhan has used the words are cut during the procedure of tubectomy leading to
Phala and Phalyoni in context with Garbhashaya sterilization in females. From this, fallopian tubes
Also there are various synonym for Garbhashaya can be considered as Aartavavahi Dhamanya.
such as Kalala, Jarayu, Ulba. Garbhashaya is one of the Aashaya which is present
Position and shape of Garbhashaya only in female. It is the Moolsthana of Aartavavaha
Aacharya Sushruta has described the position of Strotasa. It is the main site of conception of Garbha.
Garbhashaya as it lies on the Parshwa of Basti This Garbhashaya is nothing but the Uterus.
while describing Ashmari Chikista.(32) He has also Aacharyas have given the shape of Garbhashaya as
stated that Garbhashaya lies between Pittashaya and RohitMatsya Mukhakruti. It can be elaborated as the
Pakwashaya and Garbha resides in it.(33) Vagbhata RohitMatsya has constricted mouth, and wider belly
has given same position of Garbhashaya as that of above. Uterus is also wider in above in the form of
Sushruta. Also in Shariraa Sthana, he has men- fundus and it has constricted lower part in the form
tioned position of Garbhashaya in Tritriya Aavarta of cervix. This shows the micro-observation of
of Yoni and he has described its shape like that of Aacharya at that era though they didn’t have proper
RohitMatsya Mukha.(34) Bhavprakasha has also tools for the study.
given the shape of Garbhashaya as that of Rohit- Aacharya Sushruta has given the position of
Matsya. Like RohitMatsya, Garbhashaya has con- Garbhashaya in relation with Basti and Pak-
stricted mouth and wider belly above. Other washaya. Grossly, this Basti can be taken as Blad-
Aacharyas also have defined the shape of Garbha- der. Commenter Gananatha Sena has described the
shaya same as above. Pakwashaya as Malashya as a part of Bruhadantra.
Antargatphalama Also Sharangadhara has also described 7 Aashaya
Dr. Ghanekar, commenter of Sushruta Samhita has similar to that of Aacharya Sushruta. But he has said
elaborated the term, Antargatphalama in his com- Malashya inspite of Pakwashaya as per Aacharya
mentary. As per him Antargatphalama can be called Sushruta. Malashya can be considered as rectum
as ovary. Dalhana and Bhavprakasha has correlate it which is part of large intestine. In this way, he has
with “Garbhashaya”.(35) Also Haranchandra, com- given the position of Garbhashaya in accordance
menter of Sushruta Samhita considered Antargat- with bladder and rectum. As per modern science
phalam as fallopian tube. also, the uterus lies between bladder and rectum.
This also denotes the minute reflection of Aacharyas
DISCUSSION though they had lack instruments for learning.
Word Yoni can be used in context with whole female As per the role of Aartava Strotasa described by
genital system. Aacharya Vagbhata used the word Aacharya Sushruta in his Sharira Sthana chapter
Yoni with reference to Apatyapatha that is only va- number 4, Aarvtavaha Strotasa can be considered
gina. Aacharya Dalhana has used the word Vishik- as uterine vessels as these have major role in men-
hanta for Apatyapatha. This Apatyapatha can be struation and development of foetus.
considered as the vagina as per modern science.
Yonikarnika described by Dalhana can be called as
labia majora as mentioned in modern science.

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Rajni K. Gurmule & Swati R. Lanjewar: Literary Revivew Of Stri Sharira From Various Ayurvedic Samhitas

CONCLUSION 10. Ayurvedacharya Pandit Damodarsharma Gaud,

There is scattered description of Stri Sharira in dif- Parishadya Shabdarth Shariraram, Shri Baidyanatah
ferent Ayurvedic text. But in correlation with present Ayurved Bhavan Ltd., Nagpur – 1979, Pg. no. 135
11. Ayurvedacharya Pandit Damodarsharma Gaud,
era, Aacharya has described almost all organs of
Parishadya Shabdarth Shariraram, Shri Baidyanatah
female genital system. Garbhashaya described by
Ayurved Bhavan Ltd., Nagpur – 1979, Pg. no. 135
them is uterus. Yoni word can be used in relation 12. Ayurvedacharya Pandit Damodarsharma Gaud,
with whole female reproductive system or vaginal Parishadya Shabdarth Shariraram, Shri Baidyanatah
fold as per condition. Apathyapatha or Vishikhanat Ayurved Bhavan Ltd., Nagpur – 1979, Pg. no. 135
can be considered as vagina. Aartavvahi Dhamnya 13. Ayurvedacharya Pandit Damodarsharma Gaud,
words are used for fallopian tubes. Bhaga described Parishadya Shabdarth Shariraram, Shri Baidyanatah
in Ayurvedic texts can be correlated with ischiorectal Ayurved Bhavan Ltd., Nagpur – 1979, Pg. no. 135
fossa. Aartavaha strotas has relation with uterine 14. Ayurvedacharya Pandit Damodarsharma Gaud,
vessels. Shroni word can be used for pelvis. Aand Parishadya Shabdarth Shariraram, Shri Baidyanatah
Ayurved Bhavan Ltd., Nagpur – 1979, Pg. no. 135
and Phala indicates ovary. Thus this overall study
15. Kaviraja Ambikadutta Shastri, Sushruta Samhita,
shows the microscopic view of Aacharyas at that
Chaukhamba Sanskrita Sansthana, Varanasi, reprint -
olden epoch instead of having deficiency in re- 2009, Nidansthan, 4/4, Pg. no. 317
sources for collection of knowledge. 16. Ayurvedacharya Pandit Damodarsharma Gaud,
Parishadya Shabdarth Shariraram, Shri Baidyanatah
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IAMJ: Volume 6, Issue 8, August - 2018 1725

Rajni K. Gurmule & Swati R. Lanjewar: Literary Revivew Of Stri Sharira From Various Ayurvedic Samhitas

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Source of Support: Nil

Conflict Of Interest: None Declared
How to cite this URL: Rajni K. Gurmule & Swati R.
Lanjewar: Literary Revivew Of Stri Sharira From Various
Ayurvedic Samhitas. International Ayurvedic Medical
Journal {online} 2018 {cited August, 2018} Available

IAMJ: Volume 6, Issue 8, August - 2018 1726

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