Edu 280 Assignment 2 Updated

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Danielle Blum

Dr. Joni Flowers

Edu 280

February 28, 2019

Assignment 2: Lesson Plans

Concept: Cultural Traditions

Fact: Nearly every region of the world has influenced American culture, most notably the

English who colonized the country beginning in the early 1600s.

Generalization. The United States is one of the most culturally diverse countries in the world.

The cultures of Native Americans, Latin Americans, Africans and Asians have all helped shaped

the U.S. culture.

Lesson Plan 1: Cultural Traditions

Cultural traditions for Kindergarten with a learning objective of being able to recognize

and describe how families have both similar and different characteristics. I would teach this

lesson by reading a book called All Families Are Special by Teresa Flavin and Norma Simon. I

would then ask open ended questions such as how is your family special? I would then chart all

of my student answers on chart paper.

I would send home with the students a template that consisted of simple questions on

how about their family; family traditions, where are they from and if and how they celebrate any
holidays. The students may bring along with the template something that represents their family

traditions; food, artifact or a photograph. The students would explain to the class about their

family traditions and I would be there to assist them if needed.

Lesson Plan 2: Cultural Differences

Cultural Differences for First Grade with a learning objective of that all students will be

able to learn more about their cultural backgrounds as well as of other cultural backgrounds, will

be exposed to different nationalities, cultures and will become more globally aware. I would start

off the lesson by the book A Ticket around the World by Natalia Diaz and Melissa Owens. I

would then show the students a map of the world and ask them to recall the different countries

the character visited and mark them on the map as the students recall.

I would then hand out a map worksheet for the student to take home to their families and

mark where they are from. The students would also need to find out some information about

their culture; such as traditional dance, traditional clothing, music or food. The students can

bring in these artifacts or pictures to show off what they have learned about their culture and

where they come from on the globe. We would then mark on the class map where each student’s

cultural comes from.

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