What Happens When X Equals To Zero or X Is Not Zero?

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Terminal Number
Do the following problems. Save you answer in word document and attached to EXERCISE 6A in

1. Type the below for- loop command into MATLAB. How many times will the starred
line of the previous example be executed? What are starting point, increment (step)
and ending point of this loop?
Total number of loops:

Calculate the sum S of elements ai =√2i-1, i=1, 2, ..., until the sum will exceed 20. Type
in the following code and examine the output.
S=0; % Initial assignment for sum to be able to check condition
i=1; % first value for i is 1
while S<20 %condition to check
S=S+sqrt(2*i-1); % recurrent formula for S
i=i+1; % next i
number_of_loops=i-1 % do you know why i-1?
S % shows the final value

2. What is wrong with the following code? Type it in MATLAB to check the error
% This code assigns the value of x to zeroValue only % if x
is zero
if x=0
zeroValue = x
> What happens when x equals to zero or x is not zero?

3. Verify that the code below is correct by checking with a positive, negative and zero
value of x. It will be faster to run the code from a script M-file.
> Why don’t we need to check if x is actually zero when assigning it to zeroValue?

% If x is negative, assign value of x to negativeValue

% If x is positive, assign value of x to positiveValue
% If x is zero, assign value of x to zeroValue

if x<0
negativeValue = x
elseif x>0
positiveValue = x
zeroValue = x

4. Use a for- loop to print out the square of integers from

1 up to %maxValue.
maxValue = 10;
for num = % ** increment num from 1 to maxValue **
    num % this line simply prints num
    square = num^2 % this line prints the square

5. % Use a while- loop to print out the square of integers

from 1 up to maxValue.
maxValue = 10;
while % ** num is not bigger than maxValue **
    num % this line simply prints num
    square = num^2 % this line prints the square

6. % Sam gets paid compound interest at a rate defined at 5%

per annum.
% Calculate his resulting investment each year and after 10
% Change the rate on the 8th year to 5.75%
rate = 0.05;
investment = 5000;
for year = % ** increment the year from 1 to 10 **
    if % ** year is 8 **
       rate = 0.0575
    year % this line simply prints the year
    investment = (1+rate)* investment % compounding function

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