Class 5 Social Worksheets

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The main events of India’s struggle for freedom are arranged at random.

Arrange them in the proper

sequence as a timeline of events.

1. Rowlatt Act was passed.

2. India comes under direct rule of the British crown after failed Indian mutiny.
3. Quit India Movement was launched.
4. The Sepoy Mutiny or the First War of Independence took place.
5. India became independent.
6. The East India Company acquired the Diwani of Bengal, or the right to collect revenues on behalf
of the Mughal Emperor, in Bengal, Bihar, and Orissa.
7. William Hawkins arrived at the court of Jahangir to seek permission to establish a British
presence in India.
8. Vasco Da Gama lands in Calicut.
9. Bengal was partitioned on Oct. 16, 1905
10. India National Congress was formed and held its first meeting in Bombay same year.
11. Jallianwala Bagh massacre took place
12. Dandi March took place from Sabarmati to Dandi in Gujarat

Year Event





Oct. 16, 1905



April 13, 1919


August 9, 1942

15 August, 1947
1. Describe the route which Vasco da Gama followed to reach India. (Specify where he began the
journey, what important ports or locations he crossed and where in India did he arrive)

2. Name the oceans Vasco da Gama crossed during his voyage to India?
3. Was the route followed by Vasco da Gama the same from Portugal to India and back from India
to Portugal?
4. How much time did Vasco da Gama take in his complete journey from Portugal to India and back
from India to Portugal?
5. Write down three reasons why the Indian sepoys in the East India Company armed forces were
not happy?
6. Write down few reasons that resulted in the Revolt of 1857.
7. New Names of the following places:

a) Madras b) Calcutta c) Masulipatnam

The above is the statistical information of Coronavirus in India.

1. What did you notice?

2. What are the measures taken by Central & State Government?

3. Do you think it is the only responsibility of the Government to bring changes in the Statistics of
Coronavirus in India? (Yes / No)

4. What are your duties as the responsible citizens of the country towards Coronavirus?
Create a poster on Coronavirus /awareness/Prevention/Safety etc…….

For Example:
Latitude and Longitude Puzzle

Help Line:

Absolute Location, Ninety , Northern, Poles,

Latitude and Longitude, Meridians, Equator , 0 degrees,

Southern, Hemispheres , Parallels , Degrees,

Prime Meridian.

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