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TO: Enloe Magnet School Staff

FROM: Sarita Shaw

DATE: October 12, 2019

SUBJECT: Second Chance Breakfast

Enloe Magnet High School continues to grow into a learning environment where the
needs of all students are met to provide access to the excellent education that we offer. In our
efforts to continue providing such equitable practices into our school, we are implementing
Second Chance Breakfast into our morning schedule.

Many of our students have informed us that they are not hungry during the first breakfast,
and at times they arrive too late to buy breakfast. We understand nurishment to be important for
learning according to Mazlow’s hierarchy of needs. We want to provide an opportunity for all
students to eat breakfast, and eliminate hunger as a potential barrier to their academic success.
We hope this will empower students to stay on campus, remain attentive, and feel energized to
engage in a full day of learning.

The Second Chance Breakfast will extend the transition between first and second period
from six to ten minutes. Please encourage students to eat and provide a protocol in your
classroom for finishing their food and properly, throwing away their trash in a decent manner. I
encourage you to email me with any questions or concerns.

Thank you for your consideration and progress towards the best education at Enloe!


Sarita Shaw

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