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Parashah 25
‫צו‬ Tsav Command

Torah Aliyah. 6:8 > 8:36

Torah Berakhot
1. 6:8-18
2. 6:19 – 7:10
3. 7:11-38
4. 8:1-13
5. 8:14-21
6. 8:22-29
7. 8:30-36
Haftará Berakhot
Haftará: 1 Shmu’el - 15:1 - 15:34

Haftará after Berakhot

Hebrew Phonetic Transliteration: English

ָָּּ‫בָּ ְרכּוָּאֶ תָּיהוה‬ Baruch et ‫יהוה‬ Bless is ‫יהוה‬, who is

‫הַ ְמבֹרְך‬. hamvorakh. blessed.

ָּ‫ברּוְךָּיהוהָָּּהַ ְמבֹרְך‬ Barukh ‫יהוה‬

‫לעֹולםָּועֶ ד‬. ְ hamvorakh le'olam Blessed is ‫ יהוה‬who
va'ed. is blessed now and

ָּ‫ברּוְךָּיהוהָָּּהַ ְמבֹרְך‬ Baruch ‫יהוה‬ Blessed are you ‫יהוה‬,

ָּ.‫ְלעֹולםָּועֶ ד‬ hamvorakh l'olam our Elohim, Sovereign
va'ed. of the universe, who
has chosen us from
Barukh atah ‫יהוה‬ among the peoples, and
ָָּּ‫ברּוְךָּאַ תהָּיהוה‬ eloheynu melekh given us the Torah.
ָּ‫אֱֹלהֵ ינּוָּמֶ לֶ ְךָּהעֹולם‬ ha'olam asher bakhar Blessed are you ‫יהוה‬,
ִ ‫אֲשֶ רָּבחַ רָּב‬ banu mikol ha'amim who gives the Torah.
v'natan lanu Torahto.
ָּ‫העַ ִמיםָּוְ נתַ ןָּלנּוָּאֶ ת‬
Barukh atah ‫יהוה‬
ָּ‫ָּברּוְךָּאַ תה‬.‫תֹורתֹו‬ noten haTorah.
‫יהוהָָּּנֹותֵ ןָּהַ תֹורה‬.


Parasháh: 25 - 6:8 - 8:36 ָּ‫צו‬-– Tsav - Command
Hebrew Phonetic English
Vay 6:8 ָּ‫וידבר ָּיהוה‬ 6:8 Vayedaber ‫ יהוה‬el- 6:8 And the ‫ יהוה‬spake unto
‫אל־משהָּלאמר׃‬ Moshe lemor. Moshe, saying,

Vay 6:9 ָּ‫צוָּאת־אהרן‬ 6:9 Tsav et-Aharon ve'et- 6:9 Command Aharon and his
ָּ‫ואת־בניו ָּלאמר ָּזאת‬ banav lemor zot torat sons, saying, This is the law of
ָּ‫תורתָּהעלהָּהואָּהעלה‬ ha'olah hi ha'olah al the burnt offering: It is the burnt
mokedah al-hamizbe'aj offering, because of the burning
ָּ‫על ָּמוקדה ָּעל־המזבח‬
kol-halaylah ad-haboker upon the altar all night unto the
ָּ‫כל־הלילה ָּעד־הבקר‬
ve'esh hamizbe'aj tukad morning, and the fire of the altar
‫ואשָּהמזבחָּתוקדָּבו׃‬ shall be burning in it.
Vay 6:10 ָּ‫ולבשָּהכהן‬
ָּ 6:10 Velavash hakohen 6:10 And the kohen shall put on
ָּ‫מדו ָּבד ָּומכנסי־בד‬ mido vad umijnesey-vad his linen garment, and his linen
ָּ‫ילבש ָּעל־בׂשרו ָּוהרים‬
ָּ yilbash al-besaro veherim breeches shall he put upon his
ָּ‫את־הדשן ָּאשר ָּתאכל‬ et-hadeshen asher tojal flesh, and take up the ashes
‫האש ָּאת־העלה ָּעל־‬ ha'esh et-ha'olah al- which the fire hath consumed
ָּ‫המזבח ָּוׂשמו ָּאצל‬ hamizbe'aj vesamo etsel with the burnt offering on the
hamizbe'aj. altar, and he shall put them
beside the altar.
Vay 6:11 ‫ופשט ָּאת־‬
6:11 Ufashat et-begadav
velavash begadim ajerim 6:11 And he shall put off his
ָּ‫בגדיו ָּולבש ָּבגדים‬ garments, and put on other
vehotsi et-hadeshen el-
ָּ ‫אחרים ָּוהוציא‬ garments, and carry forth the
mijuts lamajaneh el-
ָּ‫הדשןָּאל־מחוץָּלמחנה‬ makom tahor. ashes without the camp unto a
‫אל־מקוםָּטהור׃‬ clean place.
6:12 Veha'esh al-
Vay 6:12 ‫והאש ָּעל־‬
6:12 And the fire upon the altar
hamizbe'aj tukad-bo lo
shall be burning in it; it shall not
ָּ‫המזבח ָּתוקד־בו ָּלא‬ tijbeh uvi'er aleyha
be put out: and the kohen shall
ָּ‫תכבה ָּובער ָּעליה‬ hakohen etsim baboker
burn wood on it every morning,
ָּ‫הכהן ָּעצים ָּבבקר‬ baboker ve'araj aleyha
and lay the burnt offering in
ָּ‫בבקר ָּוערך ָּעליה‬ ha'olah vehiktir aleyha
order upon it; and he shall burn
ָּ‫העלה ָּוהקטיר ָּעליה‬
jelvey hashlamim.
thereon the fat of the peace
‫חלביָּהשלמים׃‬ offerings.


Parasháh: 25 - 6:8 - 8:36 ָּ‫צו‬-– Tsav - Command
Hebrew Phonetic English
Vay 6:13 ָּ‫אש ָּתמיד‬ 6:13 Esh tamid tukad al- 6:13 The fire shall ever be
ָּ‫תוקד ָּעל־המזבח ָּלא‬ hamizbe'aj lo tijbeh. burning upon the altar; it shall
‫תכבה׃‬ never go out.
6:14 Vezot torat 6:14 And this is the law of the
Vay 6:14 ָּ‫וזאת ָּתורת‬ haminjah hakrev otah meat offering: the sons of
beney-Aharon lifney ‫יהוה‬ Aharon shall offer it before the
el-peney hamizbe'aj. ‫יהוה‬, before the altar.
‫המזבח׃‬ 6:15 Veherim mimenu 6:15 And he shall take of it his
bekumtso misolet handful, of the flour of the meat
Vay 6:15 ָּ‫והריםָּממנו‬ haminjah umishamnah offering, and of the oil thereof,
ָּ‫בקמצו ָּמסלת ָּהמנחה‬ ve'et kol-haVay onah and all the frankincense which is
ָּ ‫ומשמנה ָּואת‬ asher al-haminjah upon the meat offering, and shall
ָּ ‫הלבנה ָּאשר‬ vehiktir hamizbe'aj re'aj burn it upon the altar for a sweet
ָּ‫המנחהָּוהקטיר ָּהמזבח‬ nijo'aj azkaratah le‫יהוה‬. savour, even the memorial of it,
unto the ‫יהוה‬.
ָּ‫ריח ָּניחח ָּאזכרתה‬
6:16 Vehanoteret 6:16 And the remainder thereof
‫ליהוה׃‬ mimenah yojelu Aharon shall Aharon and his sons eat:
Vay 6:16 ָּ‫והנותרת‬
uvanav matsot te'ajel with unleavened bread shall it be
bemakom kadosh eaten in the holy place; in the
bajatsar ohel-mo'ed court of the ohel-mo'ed of the
ָּ‫מצות ָּתאכל ָּבמקום‬
yojeluha. congregation they shall eat it.
ָּ‫קדש ָּבחצר ָּאהל־מועד‬
6:17 It shall not be baken with
‫יאכלוה׃‬ 6:17 Lo te'afeh jamets
leaven. I have given it unto them
jelkam natati otah
Vay 6:17 ָּ‫לא ָּתאפה‬
for their portion of my offerings
me'ishay kodesh
made by fire; it is kodashim, as is
ָּ‫חמץ ָּחלקם ָּנתתי ָּאתה‬ kodashim hi kajatat
the sin offering, and as the
ָּ‫מאשי ָּקדש ָּקדשים ָּהוא‬ veja'asham.
trespass offering.
‫כחטאתָּוכאשם׃‬ 6:18 All the males among the
6:18 Kol-zajar biveney
Vay 6:18 ָּ‫כל־זכר‬ Aharon yojelenah jok- children of Aharon shall eat of it.
olam ledoroteyjem It shall be a statute for ever in
me'ishey ‫ יהוה‬kol asher- your generations concerning the
ָּ‫עולם ָּלדרתיכם ָּמאשי‬
yiga bahem yikedash. offerings of the ‫ יהוה‬made by fire:
ָּ‫יהוהָּכלָּאשר־יגעָּבהם‬ every one that toucheth them
‫יקדש׃‬ shall be holy.

Parasháh: 25 - 6:8 - 8:36 ָּ‫צו‬-– Tsav - Command
Hebrew Phonetic English
Vay 6:19 ָּ‫וידברָּיהוה‬ 6:19 Vayedaber ‫ יהוה‬el- 6:19 And the ‫ יהוה‬spake unto
‫אל־משהָּלאמר׃‬ Moshe lemor. Moshe, saying

Vay 6:20 ָּ‫זה ָּקרבן‬ 6:20 Zeh korban Aharon 6:20 This is the offering of
ָּ ‫אהרן ָּובניו‬ uvanav asher-yakrivu Aharon and of his sons, which
ָּ‫יקריבו ָּליהוה ָּביום‬
le‫ יהוה‬beyom himashaj they shall offer unto the ‫ יהוה‬in
oto asirit ha'efah solet the day when he is anointed; the
ָּ‫המשח ָּאתו ָּעׂשירת‬
minjah tamid majatsitah tenth part of an ephah of fine
baboker umajatsitah flour for a meat offering
ָּ‫ָּבבקר‬ ‫מחציתה‬ ba'arev. perpetual, half of it in the
‫ומחציתהָּבערב׃‬ morning, and half thereof at
6:21 Al-majavat night.
Vay 6:21 ָּ‫על־מחבת‬ bashemen te'aseh
ָּ‫בשמן ָּתעׂשה ָּמרבכת‬ murbejet tevi'enah 6:21 In a pan it shall be made
ָּ‫תביאנה ָּתפיני ָּמנחת‬ tufiney minjat pitim with oil; and when it is baken,
ָּ‫פתיםָּתקריבָּריח־ניחח‬ takriv re'aj-nijoaj ‫ליהוה‬. thou shalt bring it in: and the
‫ליהוה׃‬ 6:22 Vehakohen
baken pieces of the meat offering
shalt thou offer for a sweet
Vay 6:22 ָּ‫והכהן‬
hamashiaj tajtav mibanav
savour unto the ‫ יהוה‬.
ya'aseh otah jok-olam
ָּ‫המשיח ָּתחתיו ָּמבניו‬
le‫ יהוה‬kalil toktar. 6:22 And the kohen of his sons
ָּ‫יעׂשה ָּאתה ָּחק־עולם‬
that is anointed in his stead shall
‫ליהוהָּכלילָּתקטר׃‬ 6:23 Vejol-minjat kohen
offer it: it is a statute for ever
kalil tiheyeh lo te'ajel.
Vay 6:23 ָּ‫וכל־מנחת‬ unto the ‫ ; יהוה‬it shall be wholly
ָּ‫כהן ָּכליל ָּתהיה ָּלא‬ 6:24 Vayedaber ‫ יהוה‬el- burnt.
Moshe lemor. 6:23 For every meat offering for
the kohen shall be wholly burnt:
Vay 6:24 ָּ‫וידברָּיהוה‬ 6:25 Daber el-Aharon it shall not be eaten.
‫אל־משהָּלאמר׃‬ ve'el-banav lemor zot 6:24 And the ‫ יהוה‬spake unto
Vay 6:25 ‫דבר ָּאל־‬ torat hajatat bimkom Moshe , saying,
ָּ‫אהרן ָּואל־בניו ָּלאמר‬ asher tishajet ha'olah 6:25 Speak unto Aharon and to
ָּ‫זאת ָּתורת ָּהחטאת‬ tishajet hajatat lifney ‫יהוה‬ his sons, saying, This is the law
ָּ‫במקום ָּאשר ָּתשחט‬
kodesh kodashim hi. of the sin offering: In the place
ָּ‫העלה ָּתשחט ָּהחטאת‬ where the burnt offering is killed
ָּ‫לפניָּיהוהָּקדשָּקדשים‬ shall the sin offering be killed
before the ‫ יהוה‬: it is kodashim.
Parasháh: 25 - 6:8 - 8:36 ָּ‫צו‬-– Tsav - Command
Hebrew Phonetic English
Vay 6:26 ָּ‫הכהן‬ 6:26 Hakohen hamejate 6:26 The kohen that offereth it
ָּ‫המחטא ָּאתה ָּיאכלנה‬ otah yojelenah bemakom for sin shall eat it: in the holy
ָּ‫במקום ָּקדש ָּתאכל‬ kadosh te'ajel bajatsar place shall it be eaten, in the
‫בחצרָּאהלָּמועד׃‬ Ohel Mo'ed. court of the Ohel Mo’ed of the
Vay 6:27 ָּ‫אשר־יגע‬
ָּ ָּ‫כל‬
6:27 Kol asher-yiga 6:27 Whatsoever shall touch the
bivsarah yikdash va'asher
ָּ‫בבׂשרהָּיקדשָּואשרָּיזה‬ flesh thereof shall be holy: and
yizeh midamah al- when there is sprinkled of the
ָּ‫מדמה ָּעל־הבגד ָּאשר‬
habeged asher yizeh blood thereof upon any garment,
ָּ‫יזהָּעליהָּתכבסָּבמקום‬ aleyha tejabes bemakom
thou shalt wash that whereon it
kadosh. was sprinkled in the holy place.
Vay 6:28 ָּ‫וכלי־חרׂש‬ 6:28 Ujli-jeres asher 6:28 But the earthen vessel
ָּ‫אשר ָּתבשל־בו ָּישבר‬ tevushal-bo yishaver wherein it is sodden shall be
ָּ‫ואם־בכליָּנחשת ָּבשלה‬ ve'im-bijli nejoshet broken: and if it be sodden in a
brasen pot, it shall be both
‫ומרקָּושטףָּבמים׃‬ bushalah umorak
veshutaf bamayim. scoured, and rinsed in water.
Vay 6:29 ָּ‫כל־זכר‬ 6:29 All the males among the
6:29 Kol-zajar kohens shall eat thereof: it is
bakohanim yojal otah kodashim.
kodesh kodashim hi. 6:30 And no sin offering,
Vay 6:30 ָּ‫וכל־חטאת‬ whereof any of the blood is
6:30 Vejol-jatat asher
ָּ ‫אשר ָּיובא ָּמדמה‬ yuva midamah el-Ohel
brought into the Ohel Mo’ed of
ָּ‫אהלָּמועדָּלכפרָּבקדש‬ the congregation to reconcile
Mo'ed lejaper bakodesh
withal in the holy place, shall be
lo te'ajel ba'esh tisaref.
eaten: it shall be burnt in the fire.
Vay 7:1 ָּ‫וזאת‬
ָּ 7:1 Vezot torat 7:1 7:1 Likewise this is the
ָּ‫ָּהאשם ָּקדש‬ ‫תורת‬ ha'asham kodesh law of the trespass offering: it is
‫קדשיםָּהוא׃‬ kodashim hu. kodashim.
7:2 In the place where they kill
Vay 7:2 ָּ‫במקוםָּאשר‬ 7:2 Bimekom asher the burnt offering shall they kill
ָּ‫ָּאת־העלה‬ ‫ישחטו‬
yishjatu et-ha'olah the trespass offering: and the
yishjatu et-ha'asham blood thereof shall he sprinkle
ָּ ‫ישחטו ָּאת־האשם‬
ve'et-damo yizrok al- round about upon the altar.
ָּ‫דמו ָּיזרק ָּעל־המזבח‬
hamizbe'aj saviv.

Parasháh: 25 - 6:8 - 8:36 ָּ‫צו‬-– Tsav - Command
Hebrew Phonetic English
Vay 7:3 ‫ָּכל־‬ ָּ ‫ואת‬ 7:3 Ve'et kol-jelbo 7:3 And he shall offer of it all
ָּ‫חלבו ָּיקריב ָּממנו ָּאת‬ yakriv mimenu et the fat thereof; the rump, and
ָּ‫ָּואת־החלב‬ ‫האליה‬ ha'alyah ve'et-hajeVay the fat that covereth the inwards,
‫המכסהָּאת־הקרב׃‬ hamejaseh et-hakerev
7:4 And the two kidneys, and
Vay 7:4 ָּ‫ואת ָּשתי‬ 7:4 Ve'et shtey haklayot the fat that is on them, which is
ָּ‫הכליתָּואת־החלבָּאשר‬ ve'et-hajeVay asher by the flanks, and the caul that
‫ָּעל־‬ ‫ָּאשר‬ ‫עליהן‬ aleyhen asher al- is above the liver, with the
ָּ‫הכסלים ָּואת־היתרת‬ haksalim ve'et-hayoteret kidneys, it shall he take away:
ָּ‫על־הכבד ָּעל־הכלית‬ al-hakaved al-haklayot
yesirenah. 7:5 And the kohen shall burn
‫יסירנה׃‬ them upon the altar for an
Vay 7:5 ָּ‫והקטירָּאתם‬
7:5 Vehiktir otam offering made by fire unto the
hakohen hamizbejah ‫יהוה‬: it is a trespass offering.
ָּ‫הכהן ָּהמזבחה ָּאשה‬
isheh le‫ יהוה‬asham hu.
‫ליהוהָּאשםָּהוא׃‬ 7:6 Every male among the
7:6 Kol-zajar bakohanim kohens shall eat thereof: it shall
Vay 7:6 ָּ‫כל־זכר‬ yojelenu bemakom be eaten in the holy place: it is
ָּ‫בכהנים ָּיאכלנו ָּבמקום‬ kadosh ye'ajel kodesh kodashim.
ָּ‫ָּקדש‬ ‫ָּיאכל‬ ‫קדוש‬ kodashim hu.
‫קדשיםָּהוא׃‬ 7:7 As the sin offering is, so is
7:7 Kajatat ka'asham the trespass offering: there is
Vay 7:7 ָּ‫כחטאת‬ torah ajat lahem hakohen one law for them: the kohen that
ָּ‫כאשם ָּתורה ָּאחת ָּלהם‬ asher yejaper-bo lo maketh atonement therewith
ָּ‫הכהןָּאשרָּיכפר־בוָּלו‬ yiheyeh. shall have it.
7:8 And the kohen that offereth
7:8 Vehakohen any man's burnt offering, even
hamakriv et-olat ish or
Vay 7:8 ָּ‫והכהן‬ the kohen shall have to himself
ha'olah asher hikriv the skin of the burnt offering
ָּ‫המקריב ָּאת־עלת ָּאיש‬
lakohen lo yiheyeh. which he hath offered.
‫לכהןָּלוָּיהיה׃‬ 7:9 Vejol-minjah asher 7:9 And all the meat offering
te'afeh batanur vejol- that is baken in the oven, and all
Vay 7:9 ָּ‫וכל־מנחה‬
na'asah vamarjeshet that is dressed in the fryingpan,
ve'al-majavat lakohen and in the pan, shall be the kohen
ָּ ‫נעׂשה ָּבמרחשת‬ that offereth it.
hamakriv otah lo tiheyeh.
ָּ‫מחבת ָּלכהן ָּהמקריב‬

Parasháh: 25 - 6:8 - 8:36 ָּ‫צו‬-– Tsav - Command
Hebrew Phonetic English
Vay 7:10 ָּ‫וכל־מנחה‬ 7:10 Vejol-minjah 7:10 And every meat offering,
ָּ‫בלולה־בשמן ָּוחרבה‬ vlulah-vashemen mingled with oil, and dry, shall
ָּ‫לכל־בני ָּאהרן ָּתהיה‬ vajarevah lejol-beney all the sons of Aharon have, one
ָּ Aharon tiheyeh ish as much as another.
Vay 7:11 ָּ‫וזאתָּתורת‬
7:11 And this is the law of the
7:11 Vezot torat zevaj sacrifice of peace offerings,
ָּ‫זבח ָּהשלמים ָּאשר‬
hashlamim asher yakriv which he shall offer unto the ‫יהוה‬.
7:12 If he offer it for a
Vay 7:12 ‫אם ָּעל־‬ 7:12 Im al-todah thanksgiving, then he shall offer
ָּ‫תודה ָּיקריבנו ָּוהקריב‬ yakrivenu vehikriv al- with the sacrifice of
ָּ‫על־זבח ָּהתודה ָּחלות‬ zevaj hatodah jalot thanksgiving unleavened cakes
ָּ‫מצות ָּבלולת ָּבשמן‬ matsot blulot bashemen mingled with oil, and unleavened
ָּ‫ורקיקי ָּמצות ָּמשחים‬ urekikey matsot wafers anointed with oil, and
ָּ‫בשמן ָּוסלת ָּמרבכת‬ meshujim bashamen cakes mingled with oil, of fine
‫חלתָּבלולתָּבשמן׃‬ vesolet murbejet jalot flour, fried.
blulot bashamen.
Vay 7:13 ָּ‫על־חלת‬
7:13 Besides the cakes, he shall
7:13 Al-jalot lejem offer for his offering leavened
jamets yakriv korbano al- bread with the sacrifice of
zevaj todat shlamav. thanksgiving of his peace
Vay 7:14 ָּ‫והקריב‬ offerings.
7:14 Vehikriv mimenu
ָּ‫ממנו ָּאחד ָּמכל־קרבן‬ ejad mikol-korban 7:14 And of it he shall offer one
ָּ‫תרומה ָּליהוה ָּלכהן‬ trumah ‫ ליהוה‬lakohen out of the whole oblation for an
ָּ‫הזרק ָּאת־דם ָּהשלמים‬ hazorek et-dam heave offering unto the ‫יהוה‬, and
‫לוָּיהיה׃‬ hashlamim lo yiheyeh. it shall be the kohen's that
sprinkleth the blood of the peace
Vay 7:15 ָּ‫ובׂשרָּזבח‬
ָּ 7:15 Uvesar zevaj todat offerings.
ָּ‫תודת ָּשלמיו ָּביום‬ shlamav beyom korbano 7:15 And the flesh of the
ָּ‫קרבנו ָּיאכל ָּלא־יניח‬
ye'ajel lo-yaniaj mimenu sacrifice of his peace offerings
‫ממנוָּעד־בקר׃‬ for thanksgiving shall be eaten
the same day that it is offered; he
shall not leave any of it until the

Parasháh: 25 - 6:8 - 8:36 ָּ‫צו‬-– Tsav - Command
Hebrew Phonetic English
Vay 7:16 ָּ‫ואם־נדרָּאו‬
ָּ 7:16 Ve'im-neder o 7:16 But if the sacrifice of his
ָּ‫נדבה ָּזבח ָּקרבנו ָּביום‬ nedavah zevaj korbano offering be a vow, or a
ָּ‫הקריבו ָּאת־זבחו ָּיאכל‬ beyom hakrivo et-zivjo voluntary offering, it shall be
ָּ‫וממחרת ָּוהנותר ָּממנו‬ ye'ajel umimajorat eaten the same day that he
vehanotar mimenu offereth his sacrifice: and on the
ye'ajel. morrow also the remainder of it
Vay 7:17 ָּ‫והנותר‬ shall be eaten:
7:17 Vehanotar mibesar
ָּ‫מבׂשר ָּהזבח ָּביום‬
hazavaj bayom hashlishi 7:17 But the remainder of the
‫השלישיָּבאשָּיׂשרף׃‬ ba'esh yisaref. flesh of the sacrifice on the third
Vay 7:18 ָּ‫ואםָּהאכל‬
day shall be burnt with fire.
7:18 Ve'im he'ajol ye'ajel
ָּ‫ָּמבׂשר־זבח‬ ‫יאכל‬ mibesar-zevaj shlamav 7:18 And if any of the flesh of
ָּ‫שלמיוָּביוםָּהשלישיָּלא‬ bayom hashlishi lo the sacrifice of his peace
ָּ‫ירצה ָּהמקריב ָּאתו ָּלא‬ yeratseh hamakriv oto lo offerings be eaten at all on the
ָּ‫יחשב ָּלו ָּפגול ָּיהיה‬ yejashev lo pigul yiheyeh third day, it shall not be
ָּ‫והנפש ָּהאכלת ָּממנו‬ vehanefesh ha'ojelet accepted, neither shall it be
mimenu avonah tisa. imputed unto him that offereth
it: it shall be an abomination,
7:19 Vehabasar asher
Vay 7:19 ָּ‫והבׂשר‬ and the soul that eateth of it
yiga bejol-tame lo ye'ajel shall bear his iniquity.
ָּ‫אשר־יגע ָּבכל־טמא ָּלא‬
ba'esh yisaref vehabasar
ָּ‫יאכל ָּבאש ָּיׂשרף‬ kol-tahor yojal basar. 7:19 And the flesh that toucheth
ָּ‫והבׂשרָּכל־טהורָּיאכל‬ any unclean thing shall not be
‫בׂשר׃‬ 7:20 Vehanefesh asher- eaten; it shall be burnt with fire:
tojal basar mizevaj and as for the flesh, all that be
Vay 7:20 ‫והנפשָּאשר־‬ hashlamim asher le‫יהוה‬ clean shall eat thereof.
ָּ‫תאכל ָּבׂשר ָּמזבח‬ vetum'ato alav venijretah
ָּ‫השלמים ָּאשר ָּליהוה‬ hanefesh hahi 7:20 But the soul that eateth of
ָּ‫וטמאתו ָּעליו ָּונכרתה‬ me'ameyha. the flesh of the sacrifice of peace
offerings, that pertain unto the
‫יהוה‬, having his uncleanness
upon him, even that soul shall be
cut off from his people.

Parasháh: 25 - 6:8 - 8:36 ָּ‫צו‬-– Tsav - Command
Hebrew Phonetic English
Vay 7:21 ‫ָּכי־‬
ָּ ‫ונפש‬ 7:21 Venefesh ki-tiga 7:21 Moreover the soul that
ָּ‫תגע ָּבכל־טמא ָּבטמאת‬ bejol-tame betum'at adam shall touch any unclean thing, as
ָּ‫אדם ָּאו ָּבבהמה ָּטמאה‬ o bivhemah tme'ah o the uncleanness of man, or any
ָּ‫אוָּבכל־שקץָּטמאָּואכל‬ bejol-shekets tame ve'ajal unclean beast, or any
ָּ‫מבׂשר־זבח ָּהשלמים‬
mibesar-zevaj hashlamim abominable unclean thing, and
asher ‫ ליהוה‬venijretah eat of the flesh of the sacrifice
ָּ‫אשר ָּליהוה ָּונכרתה‬
hanefesh hahi of peace offerings, which
me'ameyha. pertain unto the ‫ יהוה‬, even that
Vay 7:22 ָּ‫וידברָּיהוה‬
ָּ soul shall be cut off from his
7:22 Vayedaber ‫ יהוה‬el- people.
‫אל־משהָּלאמר׃‬ Moshe lemor.
Vay 7:23 ‫דבר ָּאל־‬
7:22 And the ‫ יהוה‬spake unto
7:23 Daber el-beney
Moshe , saying,
ָּ ‫בני ָּיׂשראל ָּלאמר‬ Yisra'el lemor kol-jeVay
ָּ‫חלבָּשורָּוכׂשבָּועזָּלא‬ shor vejesev va'ez lo 7:23 Speak unto the children of
‫תאכלו׃‬ tojelu. Israel, saying, Ye shall eat no
7:24 VejeVay nevelah manner of fat, of ox, or of
Vay 7:24 ָּ‫וחלבָּנבלה‬
ָּ sheep, or of goat.
ָּ‫וחלב ָּטרפה ָּיעׂשה‬
vejeVay trefah ye'aseh
lejol-melajah ve'ajol lo
ָּ‫לכל־מלאכה ָּואכל ָּלא‬ 7:24 And the fat of the beast
tojeluhu. that dieth of itself, and the fat of
7:25 Ki kol-ojel jeVay that which is torn with beasts,
Vay 7:25 ָּ‫כיָּכל־אכל‬
ָּ min-habehemah asher may be used in any other use:
ָּ‫חלב ָּמן־הבהמה ָּאשר‬ yakriv mimenah isheh but ye shall in no wise eat of it.
ָּ‫יקריב ָּממנה ָּאשה‬ ‫ ליהוה‬venijretah hanefesh
7:25 For whosoever eateth the
ָּ‫ליהוה ָּונכרתה ָּהנפש‬ ha'ojelet me'ameyha.
fat of the beast, of which men
7:26 Vejol-dam lo tojlu offer an offering made by fire
Vay 7:26 ָּ‫וכל־דםָּלא‬
ָּ bejol moshvoteyjem la'of unto the ‫ יהוה‬, even the soul that
velabehemah. eateth it shall be cut off from his
7:26 Moreover ye shall eat no
manner of blood, whether it be
of fowl or of beast, in any of
your dwellings.

Parasháh: 25 - 6:8 - 8:36 ָּ‫צו‬-– Tsav - Command
Hebrew Phonetic English
Vay 7:27 ָּ‫כל־נפש‬ 7:27 Kol-nefesh asher- 7:27 Whatsoever soul it be that
ָּ‫ָּכל־דם‬ ‫אשר־תאכל‬ tojal kol-dam venijretah eateth any manner of blood, even
ָּ‫ונכרתה ָּהנפש ָּההוא‬ hanefesh hahi that soul shall be cut off from his
‫מעמיה׃‬ me'ameyha. people.

7:28 Vayedaber ‫ יהוה‬el- 7:28 And the ‫ יהוה‬spake unto

Vay 7:28 ָּ‫יהוה‬
ָּ ָּ‫בר‬
ָּ ‫ויד‬
Moshe lemor. Moshe , saying,
7:29 Daber el-beney 7:29 Speak unto the children of
Vay 7:29 ‫דבר ָּאל־‬ Israel, saying, He that offereth
Yisra'el lemor hamakriv
ָּ‫בני ָּיׂשראל ָּלאמר‬ et-zevaj shlamav ‫ליהוה‬ the sacrifice of his peace
ָּ‫ָּאת־זבח‬ ‫המקריב‬ yavi et-korbano ‫ליהוה‬ offerings unto the ‫ יהוה‬shall
ָּ mizevaj shlamav. bring his oblation unto the ‫יהוה‬
ָּ‫קרבנו ָּליהוה ָּמזבח‬ of the sacrifice of his peace
‫שלמיו׃‬ 7:30 Yadav tevi'enah et offerings.
isheh ‫ יהוה‬et-hajeVay al-
7:30 His own hands shall bring
Vay 7:30 ָּ‫ידיו‬ hejazeh yevi'enu et
hejazeh lehanif oto the offerings of the ‫ יהוה‬made
ָּ‫תביאינה ָּאת ָּאשי ָּיהוה‬
tnufah lifney ‫יהוה‬. by fire, the fat with the breast, it
ָּ‫את־החלב ָּעל־החזה‬ shall he bring, that the breast
ָּ‫יביאנוָּאתָּהחזהָּלהניף‬ 7:31 Vehiktir hakohen may be waved for a wave
‫אתוָּתנופהָּלפניָּיהוה׃‬ et-hajeVay hamizbejah offering before the ‫ יהוה‬.
vehayah hejazeh le-
Vay 7:31 ָּ‫והקטיר‬ Aharon uVay anav. 7:31 And the kohen shall burn
ָּ‫ָּאת־החלב‬ ‫הכהן‬ the fat upon the altar: but the
ָּ‫המזבחה ָּוהיה ָּהחזה‬ 7:32 Ve'et shok hayamin breast shall be Aharon 's and his
‫לאהרןָּולבניו׃‬ titnu trumah lakohen sons'.
mizivjey shalmeyjem.
Vay 7:32 ָּ‫ואת ָּשוק‬ 7:32 And the right shoulder
7:33 Hamakriv et-dam shall ye give unto the kohen for
ָּ‫הימין ָּתתנו ָּתרומה‬
hashlamim ve'et-hajeVay an heave offering of the
mibeney Aharon lo sacrifices of your peace
Vay 7:33 ָּ‫המקריב‬
tiheyeh shok hayamin offerings.
lemanah. 7:33 He among the sons of
ָּ ‫את־דם ָּהשלמים‬
Aharon, that offereth the blood
ָּ‫החלב ָּמבני ָּאהרן ָּלו‬
of the peace offerings, and the
ָּ fat, shall have the right shoulder
for his part.
Parasháh: 25 - 6:8 - 8:36 ָּ‫צו‬-– Tsav - Command
Hebrew Phonetic English
Vay 7:34 ָּ‫כיָּאת־חזה‬ 7:34 Ki et-jazeh 7:34 For the wave breast and the
ָּ‫התנופה ָּואת ָּשוק‬ hatnufah ve'et shok heave shoulder have I taken of
ָּ‫התרומה ָּלקחתי ָּמאת‬ hatrumah lakajti me'et the children of Israel from off
ָּ‫ָּמזבחי‬ ‫בני־יׂשראל‬ bney-Yisra'el mizivjey the sacrifices of their peace
ָּ‫שלמיהם ָּואתן ָּאתם‬
shalmeyhem va'eten otam offerings, and have given them
le-Aharon hakohen uVay unto Aharon the priest and unto
ָּ‫לאהרן ָּהכהן ָּולבניו‬
anav lejok-olam me'et his sons by a statute forever
ָּ‫לחק־עולם ָּמאת ָּבני‬
beney Yisra'el. from among the children of
‫יׂשראל׃‬ Israel.
7:35 Zot mishjat Aharon
Vay 7:35 ָּ‫זאתָּמשחת‬ umishjat banav me'ishey 7:35 This is the portion of the
ָּ‫אהרןָּומשחתָּבניוָּמאשי‬ ‫ יהוה‬beyom hikriv otam anointing of Aharon , and of the
ָּ‫יהוהָּביוםָּהקריבָּאתם‬ lejahen ‫ליהוה‬. anointing of his sons, out of the
‫לכהןָּליהוה׃‬ offerings of the ‫ יהוה‬made by
7:36 Asher tsivah ‫יהוה‬ fire, in the day when he
Vay 7:36 ָּ‫אשר ָּצוה‬ latet lahem beyom presented them to minister unto
ָּ‫יהוה ָּלתת ָּלהם ָּביום‬ moshjo otam me'et beney the ‫ יהוה‬in the priest's office;
ָּ‫משחו ָּאתם ָּמאת ָּבני‬
Yisra'el jukat olam
ledorotam. 7:36 Which the ‫יהוה‬
ָּ‫יׂשראל ָּחקת ָּעולם‬ commanded to be given them of
‫לדרתם׃‬ 7:37 Zot hatorah la'olah the children of Israel, in the day
laminjah velajatat that he anointed them, by a
Vay 7:37 ָּ‫זאתָּהתורה‬
ָּ vela'asham velamilu'im statute forever throughout their
ָּ‫לעלה ָּלמנחה ָּולחטאת‬ ulezevaj hashlamim. generations.
ָּ‫ָּולמלואים‬ ‫ולאשם‬
7:37 This is the law of the burnt
offering, of the meat offering,
and of the sin offering, and of
the trespass offering, and of the
consecrations, and of the
sacrifice of the peace offerings;

Parasháh: 25 - 6:8 - 8:36 ָּ‫צו‬-– Tsav - Command
Hebrew Phonetic English
Vay 7:38 ָּ‫אשר ָּצוה‬ 7:38 Asher tsivah ‫ יהוה‬et- 7:38 Which the ‫יהוה‬
ָּ‫יהוהָּאת־משהָּבהרָּסיני‬ Moshe behar Sinay commanded Moshe in mount
ָּ‫ָּצותו ָּאת־בני‬
ָּ ‫ביום‬ beyom tsav'oto et-beney Sinai, in the day that he
ָּ ‫יׂשראל ָּלהקריב‬ Yisra'el lehakriv et- commanded the children of
ָּ‫ָּליהוה‬ ‫קרבניהם‬
korbeneyhem ‫ליהוה‬ Israel to offer their oblations
bemidbar Sinay. unto the ‫ יהוה‬, in the wilderness
of Sinai.
Vay 8:1 ָּ‫וידבר‬ 8:1 Vayedaber ‫ יהוה‬el-
8:1 And the ‫ יהוה‬spake unto
Moshe lemor.
Moshe , saying,
8:2 Kaj et-Aharon ve'et-
Vay 8:2 ָּ‫קחָּאת־אהרן‬
ָּ banav ito ve'et 8:2 Take Aharon and his sons
ָּ‫ואת־בניו ָּאתו ָּואת‬ habegadim ve'et shemen with him, and the garments, and
ָּ‫הבגדים ָּואת ָּשמן‬ hamishjah ve'et par the anointing oil, and a bullock
for the sin offering, and two
ָּ‫ָּפר‬ ‫ָּואת‬ ‫המשחה‬ hajatat ve'et shney
rams, and a basket of
ָּ‫ָּשני‬ ‫ָּואת‬ ‫החטאת‬ ha'eylim ve'et sal
hamatsot. unleavened bread;
ָּ‫ָּסל‬ ‫ָּואת‬ ‫האילים‬
‫המצות׃‬ 8:3 Ve'et kol-ha'edah 8:3 And gather thou all the
hakhel et-petaj Ohel congregation together unto the
Vay 8:3 ‫ָּכל־‬
ָּ ‫ואת‬ door of the Ohel Mo’ed of the
ָּ‫העדה ָּהקהל ָּאל־פתח‬ congregation.
‫אהלָּמועד׃‬ 8:4 Vaya'as Moshe
ka'asher tsivah ‫ יהוה‬oto 8:4 And Moshe did as the ‫יהוה‬
Vay 8:4 ָּ‫ויעׂש ָּמשה‬ vatikahel ha'edah el-petaj commanded him; and the
ָּ‫כאשר ָּצוה ָּיהוה ָּאתו‬ Ohel Mo'ed. assembly was gathered together
ָּ‫ותקהל ָּהעדה ָּאל־פתח‬ unto the door of the Ohel Mo'ed
8:5 Vayomer Moshe el- of the congregation.
ha'edah zeh hadavar
asher-tsivah ‫ יהוה‬la'asot. 8:5 And Moshe said unto the
Vay 8:5 ָּ‫ויאמרָּמשה‬
congregation, This is the thing
ָּ‫אל־העדה ָּזה ָּהדבר‬ which the ‫ יהוה‬commanded to be
‫אשר־צוהָּיהוהָּלעׂשות׃‬ done.


Parasháh: 25 - 6:8 - 8:36 ָּ‫צו‬-– Tsav - Command
Hebrew Phonetic English
Vay 8:6 ָּ‫ויקרבָּמשה‬ 8:6 Vayakrev Moshe et- 8:6 And Moshe brought
ָּ‫ָּואת־בניו‬ ‫את־אהרן‬ Aharon ve'et-banav Aharon and his sons, and
‫וירחץָּאתםָּבמים׃‬ vayirjats otam bamayim. washed them with water.

Vay 8:7 ‫ויתןָּעליוָּאת־‬

ָּ 8:7 Vayiten alav et- 8:7 And he put upon him the
ָּ‫הכתנת ָּויחגר ָּאתו‬
hakutonet vayajgor oto coat, and girded him with the
ba'avnet vayalbesh oto et- girdle, and clothed him with the
hame'il vayiten alav et- robe, and put the ephod upon
ָּ ‫המעיל ָּויתן ָּעליו‬
ha'efod vayajgor oto him, and he girded him with the
ָּ‫האפדָּויחגרָּאתוָּבחשב‬ bejeshev ha'efod vayepod curious girdle of the ephod, and
‫האפדָּויאפדָּלוָּבו׃‬ lo bo. bound it unto him therewith.
Vay 8:8 ָּ‫ָּעליו‬
ָּ ‫ויׂשם‬ 8:8 Vayasem alav et- 8:8 And he put the breastplate
ָּ ‫את־החשן ָּויתן‬ hajoshen vayiten el- upon him: also he put in the
ָּ hajoshen et-ha'urim ve'et- breastplate the Urim and the
‫התמים׃‬ hatumim. Thummim.

Vay 8:9 ‫ָּאת־‬ ָּ ‫ויׂשם‬ 8:9 Vayasem et- 8:9 And he put the mitre upon
hamitsnefet al-rosho his head; also upon the mitre,
vayasem al-hamitsnefet even upon his forefront, did he
ָּ‫על־המצנפת ָּאל־מול‬
el-mul panav et tsits put the golden plate, the holy
ָּ‫פניו ָּאת ָּציץ ָּהזהב ָּנזר‬
hazahav nezer hakodesh crown; as the ‫ יהוה‬commanded
ָּ‫הקדשָּכאשרָּצוהָּיהוה‬ ka'asher tsivah ‫ יהוה‬et- Moshe .
‫את־משה׃‬ Moshe.
8:10 And Moshe took the
Vay 8:10 ָּ‫ויקחָּמשה‬ 8:10 Vayikaj Moshe et- anointing oil, and anointed the
ָּ‫את־שמןָּהמשחהָּוימשח‬ shemen hamishjah Mishkan and all that was therein,
ָּ ‫את־המשכן‬ vayimshaj et-haMishkan and vayekadesh them.
‫אשר־בוָּויקדשָּאתם׃‬ ve'et-kol-asher-bo
vayekadesh otam.

Parasháh: 25 - 6:8 - 8:36 ָּ‫צו‬-– Tsav - Command
Hebrew Phonetic English
Vay 8:11 ‫ויזָּממנוָּעל־‬
ָּ 8:11 Vayaz mimenu al- 8:11 And he sprinkled thereof
ָּ‫המזבח ָּשבע ָּפעמים‬ hamizbe'aj sheva upon the altar seven times, and
ָּ pe'amim vayimshaj et- anointed the altar and all his
ָּ‫ָּואת־הכיר‬ ‫כל־כליו‬ hamizbe'aj ve'et-kol- vessels, both the laver and his
kelav ve'et-hakiyor ve'et- foot, to lekadesh them.
kano lekadesham.
8:12 And he poured of the
Vay 8:12 ָּ‫ויצקָּמשמן‬
8:12 Vayitsok mishemen anointing oil upon Aharon 's
hamishjah al rosh Aharon head, and anointed him, to
‫וימשחָּאתוָּלקדשו׃‬ vayimshaj oto lekadsho. lekadesh him.
Vay 8:13 ָּ‫ויקרבָּמשה‬
ָּ 8:13 Vayakrev Moshe 8:13 And Moshe brought
ָּ‫את־בני ָּאהרן ָּוילבשם‬ et-beney Aharon Aharon 's sons, and put coats
ָּ‫כתנת ָּויחגר ָּאתםָּאבנט‬ vayalbishem kutanot upon them, and girded them
ָּ‫ויחבש ָּלהם ָּמגבעות‬ vayajgor otam avnet with girdles, and put bonnets
ָּ ‫כאשר ָּצוה ָּיהוה‬ vayajavosh lahem upon them; as the ‫יהוה‬
‫משה׃‬ migba'ot ka'asher tsivah commanded Moshe .
‫ יהוה‬et-Moshe.
Vay 8:14 ָּ‫ויגשָּאתָּפר‬
8:14 And he brought the
8:14 Vayagesh et par bullock for the sin offering: and
ָּ‫החטאת ָּויסמך ָּאהרן‬
hajatat vayismoj Aharon Aharon and his sons laid their
ָּ ‫ובניו ָּאת־ידיהם‬
uvanav et-yedeyhem al- hands upon the head of the
‫ראשָּפרָּהחטאת׃‬ rosh par hajatat. bullock for the sin offering.
Vay 8:15 ָּ‫וישחטָּויקח‬
ָּ 8:15 Vayishjat vayikaj 8:15 And he slew it; and Moshe
‫משהָּאת־הדםָּויתןָּעל־‬ Moshe et-hadam vayiten took the blood, and put it upon
ָּ‫קרנות ָּהמזבח ָּסביב‬ al-karnot hamizbe'aj the horns of the altar round about
ָּ ‫באצבעו ָּויחטא‬ saviv be'etsba'o vayejate with his finger, and purified the
ָּ‫המזבח ָּואת־הדם ָּיצק‬ et-hamizbe'aj ve'et- altar, and poured the blood at the
ָּ‫ָּהמזבח‬ ‫אל־יסוד‬ hadam yatsak el-yesod bottom of the altar, and
hamizbe'aj vayekadesh it, to make
vayekadeshehu lejaper reconciliation upon it.


Parasháh: 25 - 6:8 - 8:36 ָּ‫צו‬-– Tsav - Command
Hebrew Phonetic English
Vay 8:16 ‫ויקח ָּאת־‬ 8:16 Vayikaj et-kol- 8:16 And he took all the fat that
‫כל־החלב ָּאשר ָּעל־‬ hajeVay asher al- was upon the inwards, and the
ָּ‫הקרבָּואתָּיתרתָּהכבד‬ hakerev ve'et yoteret caul above the liver, and the two
ָּ ‫ואת־שתי ָּהכלית‬ hakaved ve'et-shtey kidneys, and their fat, and
ָּ‫חלבהן ָּויקטר ָּמשה‬
haklayot ve'et-jelbehen Moshe burned it upon the altar.
vayakter Moshe
‫המזבחה׃‬ 8:17 But the bullock, and his
hide, his flesh, and his dung, he
Vay 8:17 ָּ‫ואת־הפר‬
8:17 Ve'et-hapar ve'et- burnt with fire without the
ָּ‫ָּואת־בׂשרו‬ ‫ואת־ערו‬ oro ve'et-besaro ve'et- camp; as the ‫ יהוה‬commanded
ָּ‫ואת־פרשו ָּׂשרף ָּבאש‬ pirsho saraf ba'esh mijuts Moshe .
ָּ‫מחוץ ָּלמחנה ָּכאשר‬ lamajaneh ka'asher tsivah
ָּ ‫ יהוה‬et-Moshe. 8:18 And he brought the ram
for the burnt offering: and
Vay 8:18 ָּ‫ויקרב ָּאת‬ 8:18 Vayakrev et eyl Aharon and his sons laid their
ָּ‫אילָּהעלהָּויסמכוָּאהרן‬ ha'olah vayismeju hands upon the head of the ram.
ָּ ‫ובניו ָּאת־ידיהם‬ Aharon uvanav et-
yedeyhem al-rosh ha'ayil. 8:19 And he killed it; and
‫ראשָּהאיל׃‬ Moshe sprinkled the blood
8:19 Vayishjat vayizrok upon the altar round about.
Vay 8:19 ָּ‫וישחט‬
Moshe et-hadam al-
ָּ‫ויזרק ָּמשה ָּאת־הדם‬ 8:20 And he cut the ram into
hamizbe'aj saviv.
‫על־המזבחָּסביב׃‬ pieces; and Moshe burnt the
8:20 Ve'et-ha'ayil nitaj head, and the pieces, and the fat.
Vay 8:20 ָּ‫ואת־האיל‬ lintajav vayakter Moshe
ָּ‫נתחָּלנתחיוָּויקטרָּמשה‬ et-harosh ve'et-hanetajim 8:21 And he washed the inwards
ָּ‫את־הראשָּואת־הנתחים‬ ve'et-hapader. and the legs in water; and Moshe
burnt the whole ram upon the
8:21 Ve'et-hakerev altar: it was a burnt sacrifice for
Vay 8:21 ָּ‫ואת־הקרב‬ ve'et-hakra'ayim rajats a sweet savour, and an offering
ָּ‫ָּרחץ‬ ‫ואת־הכרעים‬ bamayim vayakter made by fire unto the ‫ ; יהוה‬as the
ָּ ‫במים ָּויקטר ָּמשה‬
Moshe et-kol-ha'ayil ‫ יהוה‬commanded Moshe .
hamizbejah olah hu
lere'aj nijoaj isheh hu ‫יהוה‬
ָּ‫הוא ָּלריח־ניחח ָּאשה‬
ka'asher tsivah ‫ ליהוה‬et-
ָּ‫הוא ָּליהוה ָּכאשר ָּצוה‬ Moshe.

Parasháh: 25 - 6:8 - 8:36 ָּ‫צו‬-– Tsav - Command
Hebrew Phonetic English
Vay 8:22 ‫ויקרבָּאת־‬
ָּ 8:22 Vayakrev et-ha'ayil 8:22 And he brought the other
ָּ‫ָּאיל‬ ‫ָּהשני‬ ‫האיל‬ hasheni eyl hamilu'im ram, the ram of consecration:
ָּ‫המלאים ָּויסמכו ָּאהרן‬ vayismeju Aharon and Aharon and his sons laid
ָּ ‫ובניו ָּאת־ידיהם‬ uvanav et-yedeyhem al- their hands upon the head of the
rosh ha'ayil. ram.
8:23 Vayishjat vayikaj 8:23 And he slew it; and Moshe
Vay 8:23 ָּ‫וישחטָּויקח‬
Moshe midamo vayiten took of the blood of it, and put it
ָּ ‫משה ָּמדמו ָּויתן‬
al-tnuj ozen-Aharon upon the tip of Aharon 's right
ָּ‫תנוך ָּאזן־אהרן ָּהימנית‬ hayemanit ve'al-bohen ear, and upon the thumb of his
ָּ‫ועל־בהן ָּידו ָּהימנית‬ yado hayemanit ve'al- right hand, and upon the great
‫ועל־בהןָּרגלוָּהימנית׃‬ bohen raglo hayemanit. toe of his right foot.
Vay 8:24 ‫את־‬ ָּ ָּ‫ויקרב‬ 8:24 Vayakrev et-beney 8:24 And he brought Aharon 's
ָּ ָּ‫בניָּאהרן‬
ָּ Aharon vayiten Moshe sons, and Moshe put of the
ָּ‫הדם ָּעל־תנוך ָּאזנם‬ min-hadam al-tnuj oznam blood upon the tip of their right
ָּ‫הימנית ָּועל־בהן ָּידם‬ hayemanit ve'al-bohen ear, and upon the thumbs of
ָּ‫הימנית ָּועל־בהן ָּרגלם‬
yadam hayemanit ve'al- their right hands, and upon the
bohen raglam hayemanit great toes of their right feet: and
vayizrok Moshe et- Moshe sprinkled the blood
hadam al-hamizbe'aj upon the altar round about.
Vay 8:25 ‫ויקח ָּאת־‬ saviv.
8:25 And he took the fat, and
ָּ‫ָּואת־האליה‬ ‫החלב‬ 8:25 Vayikaj et-hajeVay the rump, and all the fat that was
ָּ‫ואת־כל־החלב ָּאשר‬ ve'et-ha'alyah ve'et-kol- upon the inwards, and the caul
ָּ‫על־הקרב ָּואת ָּיתרת‬ hajeVay asher al- above the liver, and the two
ָּ‫הכבד ָּואת־שתיָּהכלית‬ hakerev ve'et yoteret kidneys, and their fat, and the
ָּ‫ואת־חלבהן ָּואת ָּשוק‬ hakaved ve'et-shtey right shoulder:
‫הימין׃‬ haklayot ve'et-jelbehen
ve'et shok hayamin. 8:26 And out of the basket of
Vay 8:26 ָּ‫ומסל‬ 8:26 Umisal hamatsot unleavened bread, that was
asher lifney ‫ יהוה‬lakaj before the ‫יהוה‬, he took one
ָּ‫המצותָּאשרָּלפני ָּיהוה‬
jalat matsah ajat vejalat unleavened cake, and a cake of
ָּ‫לקח ָּחלת ָּמצה ָּאחת‬
lejem shemen ajat oiled bread, and one wafer, and
ָּ‫וחלת ָּלחם ָּשמן ָּאחת‬ put them on the fat, and upon the
verakik ejad vayasem al-
ָּ ‫ורקיק ָּאחד ָּויׂשם‬ right shoulder:
hajalavim ve'al shok
ָּ‫החלבים ָּועל ָּשוק‬
‫הימין׃‬ Aliyot

Parasháh: 25 - 6:8 - 8:36 ָּ‫צו‬-– Tsav - Command
Hebrew Phonetic English
Vay 8:27 ‫ָּאת־‬ ָּ ‫ויתן‬ 8:27 Vayiten et-hakol al 8:27 And he put all upon
ָּ‫הכלָּעלָּכפיָּאהרןָּועל‬ kapey Aharon ve'al kapey Aharon 's hands, and upon his
ָּ‫כפי ָּבניו ָּוינף ָּאתם‬ vanav vayanef otam sons' hands, and waved them for
‫תנופהָּלפניָּיהוה׃‬ tnufah lifney ‫יהוה‬. a wave offering before the ‫יהוה‬.
Vay 8:28 ָּ‫ויקחָּמשה‬ 8:28 Vayikaj Moshe 8:28 And Moshe took them
ָּ‫אתםָּמעלָּכפיהםָּויקטר‬ otam me'al kapeyhem from off their hands, and burnt
ָּ‫ָּעל־העלה‬ ‫המזבחה‬ vayakter hamizbejah al- them on the altar upon the burnt
ָּ‫מלאים ָּהם ָּלריח ָּניחח‬ ha'olah milu'im hem offering: they were
‫אשהָּהואָּליהוה׃‬ lere'aj nijo'aj isheh hu consecrations for a sweet
Vay 8:29 ָּ‫ויקחָּמשה‬ ‫ליהוה‬. savour: it is an offering made by
ָּ‫ָּויניפהו‬ ‫את־החזה‬
fire unto the ‫יהוה‬.
8:29 Vayikaj Moshe et- 8:29 And Moshe took the breast,
ָּ‫תנופה ָּלפני ָּיהוה ָּמאיל‬ hejazeh vayenifehu and waved it for a wave offering
ָּ‫המלאים ָּלמשה ָּהיה‬ tenufah lifney ‫ יהוה‬me'eyl before the ‫יהוה‬: for of the ram of
ָּ‫למנה ָּכאשר ָּצוה ָּיהוה‬ hamilu'im le-Moshe consecration it was Moshe '
‫את־משה׃‬ hayah lemanah ka'asher part; as the ‫ יהוה‬commanded
Vay 8:30 ָּ‫ויקחָּמשה‬ tsivah ‫ יהוה‬et-Moshe. Moshe.
ָּ‫משמןָּהמשחהָּומן־הדם‬ 8:30 Vayikaj Moshe 8:30 And Moshe took of the
ָּ ‫א‬ mishemen hamishjah anointing oil, and of the blood
‫אהרן ָּעל־בגדיו ָּועל־‬ umin-hadam asher al- which was upon the altar, and
ָּ‫בניוָּועל־בגדיָּבניוָּאתו‬ hamizbe'aj vayaz al- sprinkled it upon Aharon , and
ָּ ‫ויקדש ָּאת־אהרן‬ Aharon al-begadav ve'al- upon his garments, and upon his
banav ve'al-bigdey vanav sons, and upon his sons'
ָּ ‫בגדיו ָּואת־בניו‬
ito vayekadesh et-Aharon garments with him; and
et-begadav ve'et-banav vayekadesh Aharon , and his
Vay 8:31 ָּ‫ויאמרָּמשה‬
ָּ garments, and his sons, and his
ve'et-bigdey vanav ito.
ָּ‫ָּואל־בניו‬ ‫אל־אהרן‬ sons' garments with him.
ָּ‫בשלו ָּאת־הבׂשר ָּפתח‬ 8:31 Vayomer Moshe el- 8:31And Moshe said unto
ָּ‫אהל ָּמועד ָּושם ָּתאכלו‬ Aharon ve'el-banav Aharon and to his sons, Boil the
ָּ‫אתו ָּואת־הלחם ָּאשר‬ bashlu et-habasar petaj flesh at the door of the Ohel
ָּ‫בסל ָּהמלאים ָּכאשר‬ Ohel Mo'ed vesham tojlu Mo’ed of the congregation: and
oto ve'et-halejem asher there eat it with the bread that is
besal hamilu'im ka'asher in the basket of consecrations, as
Aliyot tsiveyti lemor Aharon I commanded, saying, Aharon
uvanav yojeluhu. and his sons shall eat it.

Parasháh: 25 - 6:8 - 8:36 ָּ‫צו‬-– Tsav - Command
Hebrew Phonetic English
Vay 8:32 ָּ‫והנותר‬ 8:32 Vehanotar babasar 8:32 And that which remaineth
ָּ‫בבׂשר ָּובלחם ָּבאש‬ uvalajem ba'esh tisrofu. of the flesh and of the bread
‫תׂשרפו׃‬ shall ye burn with fire.
8:33 Umipetaj Ohel
Vay 8:33 ָּ‫אהל‬
ָּ ָּ‫ומפתח‬
ָּ Mo'ed lo tets'u shiv'at 8:33 And ye shall not go out of
ָּ‫מועד ָּלא ָּתצאו ָּשבעת‬ yamim ad yom mel'ot the door of the Ohel Mo’ed of
ָּ‫ימיםָּעדָּיוםָּמלאתָּימי‬ yemey milu'eyjem ki the congregation in seven days,
ָּ‫מלאיכםָּכיָּשבעתָּימים‬ shiv'at yamim yemale et- until the days of your
‫ימלאָּאת־ידכם׃‬ yedjem. consecration be at an end: for
seven days shall he consecrate
Vay 8:34 ָּ‫כאשרָּעׂשה‬
ָּ 8:34 Ka'asher asah you.
ָּ‫ביום ָּהזה ָּצוה ָּיהוה‬ bayom hazeh tsivah ‫יהוה‬
la'asot lejaper aleyjem. 8:34 As he hath done this day,
so the ‫ יהוה‬hath commanded to
8:35 Ufetaj Ohel Mo'ed
Vay 8:35 ָּ‫ופתחָּאהל‬ do, to make an atonement for
teshvu yomam valaylah
ָּ‫מועדָּתשבוָּיומםָּולילה‬ you.
shiv'at yamim ushmartem
ָּ‫שבעת ָּימים ָּושמרתם‬ et-mishmeret ‫ יהוה‬velo 8:35 Therefore shall ye abide at
ָּ‫את־משמרת ָּיהוה ָּולא‬ tamutu ki-jen tsuveyti. the door of the Ohel Mo’ed of
‫תמותוָּכי־כןָּצויתי׃‬ the congregation day and night
8:36 Vaya'as Aharon seven days, and keep the charge
Vay 8:36 ָּ‫ויעׂשָּאהרן‬ uvanav et kol-hadevarim of the ‫ יהוה‬, that ye die not: for
ָּ‫ובניו ָּאת ָּכל־הדברים‬ asher-tsivah ‫ יהוה‬beyad- so I am commanded.
‫אשר־צוה ָּיהוה ָּביד־‬ Moshe.
‫משה׃‬ 8:36 So Aaron and his sons did
all things which the ‫יהוה‬
commanded by the hand of

Blessing Before the Haftarah
Hebrew Transliteration: English
‫ָּיהוה‬,‫ברּוְךָּאַ תה‬, Baruch atah, ‫יהוה‬, Blessed are you ‫יהוה‬
Eloheynu King of the
‫ינּוָּמלֶ ְךָּהעֹולם‬
ֵֽ ֶ ‫ֱֹלה‬
ֵֽ ֵ ‫‚א‬ Eloheinu melech
universe, who has
chosen good prophets,
ָּ‫יאים‬ִ ‫רָּבנְ ִב‬
ִ ַ‫אֲשֶ רָּבח‬ asher bachar binvi·im
and who was pleased
ִ tovim,
with his words that
ָּ‫הָּב ִד ְב ֵריהֶ ם‬
ְ ‫וְ רצ‬ v’ratzah v’divreihem were spoken with
hane·emarim truth ...
‫הַ ֶנאֱמ ִרים‬
be·emet. Blessed are You, ‫יהוה‬,
‫בֶ אֱמֶ ת‬. who chose Torah,
Baruch atah, ‫יהוה‬, Mosheh Your servant,
habocheir baTorah, Your people Israel and
uvMosheh avdo,
ָּ‚‫ָּיהוה‬,‫ברּוְךָּאַ תה‬ prophets of truth and
uvYisrael amo, righteousness ...
ָּ,‫הַ בֹוחֵ רָּבַ תֹורה‬
uvinvi·ei ha·emet
‫‚ּובמֹשֶ הָּעַ ְבּדֹו‬
ְ vatzedek.
ָּ‚‫ּוביִ ְׂשראֵ לָּעַ מֹו‬
‫ּובנְ ִביאֵ יָּהאֱמֶ תָּו ֵֽ ֶצ ֶדק‬.


Haftará: 25 1 Shmu’el 15:1 - 15:34
Parasháh: 25 ָּ‫ – צו‬Tsav – Command
Hebrew Transliteration: English
1Sa 15:1 ָּ‫שמואל‬
ָּ ָּ‫ויאמר‬ 15:1 Vayomer 15:1 15:1 Shmu’el also
ָּ‫אל־שאול ָּאתי ָּשלח ָּיהוה‬ Shmu’el el-Sha'ul oti said unto Sha’ul, The ‫יהוה‬
ָּ‫למשחך ָּלמלך ָּעל־עמו‬ shalach ‫יהוה‬ sent me to anoint thee to be
ָּ‫על־יׂשראל ָּועתה ָּשמע‬ limshachacha lemelech king over his people, over
‫לקולָּדבריָּיהוה׃‬ al-amo al-Yisra'el Israel: now therefore hearken
ve'atah shma lekol thou unto the voice of the
1Sa 15:2 ָּ‫כה ָּאמר ָּיהוה‬ words of the ‫ יהוה‬.
divrey ‫יהוה‬.
‫צבאות ָּפקדתי ָּאת ָּאשר־‬
15:2 Thus saith the ‫ יהוה‬of
‫ עׂשהָּעמלקָּליׂשראלָּאשר־‬15:2 Koh amar ‫יהוה‬
hosts, I remember that which
ָּ ‫ ׂשם ָּלו ָּבדרך‬Tseva'ot pakadeti et- Amalek did to Israel, how he
‫ממצרים׃‬ asher asah Amalek le- laid wait for him in the way,
Yisra'el asher-sam lo when he came up from Egypt.
1Sa 15:3 ָּ‫עתה ָּלך‬ baderech ba'aloto
ָּ‫ָּאת־עמלק‬ ‫והכיתה‬ miMitsrayim. 15:3 Now go and smite
‫והחרמתם ָּאת־כל־אשר־‬ Amalek, and utterly destroy
ָּ‫לוָּולאָּתחמלָּעליוָּוהמתה‬15:3 Atah lech all that they have, and spare
vehikitah et-Amalek them not; but slay both man
vehacharamtem et-kol- and woman, infant and
ָּ‫יונק ָּמשור ָּועד־ׂשה ָּמגמל‬
asher-lo velo tachmol suckling, ox and sheep, camel
‫ועד־חמור׃‬ alav vehematah me'ish and ass.
1Sa 15:4 ָּ‫ָּשאול‬
ָּ ‫ וישמע‬ad-ishah me'olel ve'ad-
yonek mishor ve'ad-seh 15:4 And Sha’ul gathered the
ָּ ‫את־העם ָּויפקדם‬ people together, and
migamal ve'ad-chamor.
ָּ‫מאתים ָּאלף ָּרגלי ָּועׂשרת‬ numbered them in Telaim,
ָּ 15:4 vayeshama Shaúl two hundred thousand
et ha’am vayifkedem footmen, and ten thousand
1Sa 15:5 ‫ ויבאָּשאולָּעד־‬batelaim matayim elef men of Judah.
‫עירָּעמלקָּוירבָּבנחל׃‬ ragli va’aseret alafim et
ish Yehudah. 15:5 And Sha’ul came to a city
of Amalek, and laid wait in the
15:5 Vayavo Sha'ul ad- valley.
ir Amalek vayarev
Haftará: 25 1 Shmu’el 15:1 - 15:34
Parasháh: 25 ָּ‫ – צו‬Tsav – Command
Hebrew Transliteration: English
1Sa 15:6 ָּ‫שאול‬
ָּ ָּ ‫ויאמר‬ 15:6 Vayomer Sha'ul el- 15:6 And Sha’ul said unto the
ָּ‫אל־הקיני ָּלכו ָּסרו ָּרדו‬ haKeyni lechu suru redu Kenites, Go, depart, get you
ָּ‫מתוך ָּעמלקי ָּפן־אספך‬ mitoch Amaleki pen- down from among the
ָּ‫עמו ָּואתה ָּעׂשיתה ָּחסד‬ osifecha imo ve'atah Amalekites, lest I destroy you
ָּ ‫עם־כל־בני‬
asitah jesed im-kol- with them: for ye shewed
beney Yisra'el ba'alotam kindness to all the children of
ָּ‫בעלותם ָּממצרים ָּויסר‬
miMitsrayim vayasar Israel, when they came up out
Keyni mitoch Amalek. of Egypt. So the Kenites
1Sa 15:7 ‫ָּאת־‬
ָּ ‫ ויך ָּשאול‬15:7 Vayach Sha'ul et- departed from among the
ָּ‫ עמלק ָּמחוילה ָּבואך ָּשור‬Amalek
‫אשרָּעל־פניָּמצרים׃‬ bo'acha Shur asher al- 15:7 And Sha’ul smote the
peney Mitsrayim. Amalekites from Havilah until
1Sa 15:8 ָּ‫ויתפׂש ָּאת־אגג‬
thou comest to Shur, that is
ָּ ‫ מלך־עמלק ָּחי‬15:8 Vayitpos et-Agag over against Egypt.
‫העםָּהחריםָּלפי־חרב׃‬ melech-Amalek chay
ve'et-kol-ha'am 15:8 And he took Agag the
1Sa 15:9 ָּ‫ָּשאול‬
ָּ ‫ויחמל‬ hecherim lefi-jarev. king of the Amalekites alive,
ָּ‫והעם ָּעל־אגג ָּועל־מיטב‬ and utterly destroyed all the
15:9 Vayajmol Sha'ul
ָּ‫הצאן ָּוהבקר ָּוהמשנים‬ people with the edge of the
veha'am al-Agag ve'al- sword.
meytav hatson
ָּ ‫ולא ָּאבו ָּהחרימם‬
vehabakar vehamishnim 15:9 But Sha’ul and the
ve'al-hakarim ve'al-kol- people spared Agag, and the
‫החרימו׃‬ hatov velo avu best of the sheep, and of the
hajarimam vejol- oxen, and of the fatlings, and
1Sa 15:10 ‫ָּדבר־‬
ָּ ‫ ויהי‬hamelajah nemivezah the lambs, and all that was
‫יהוהָּאל־שמואלָּלאמר׃‬ venames otah hejerimu. good, and would not utterly
destroy them: but every thing
15:10 Vayehi devar that was vile and refuse, that
‫ יהוה‬el-Shmu’el lemor. they destroyed utterly.
15:10 Then came the word of
the ‫ יהוה‬unto Shmu’el , saying,

Haftará: 25 1 Shmu’el 15:1 - 15:34
Parasháh: 25 ָּ‫ – צו‬Tsav – Command
Hebrew Transliteration: English
1Sa 15:11 ‫ָּכי־‬
ָּ ‫נחמתי‬ 15:11 Nijamti ki- 15:11 It repenteth me that I
ָּ‫המלכתי ָּאת־שאול ָּלמלך‬ himlajti et-Sha'ul have set up Sha’ul to be king:
ָּ‫כי־שב ָּמאחרי ָּואת־דברי‬ lemelech ki-shav for he is turned back from
ָּ ‫לא ָּהקים ָּויחר‬ me'ajaray ve'et-devaray following me, and hath not
ָּ ‫ָּאל־יהוה‬ ‫ויזעק‬
lo hekim vayijar li- performed my
Shmu’el vayiz'ak el- commandments. And it
‫ יהוה‬kol-halaylah. grieved Shmu’el ; and he
1Sa 15:12 ָּ‫שמואל‬
ָּ ָּ‫וישכם‬ cried unto the ‫ יהוה‬all night.
ָּ‫לקראת ָּשאול ָּבבקר ָּויגד‬
15:12 Vayashkem 15:12 And when Shmu’el
Shmu’el likrat Sha'ul rose early to meet Sha’ul in
ָּ ‫לשמואל ָּלאמר‬
baboker vayugad li- the morning, it was told
Shmu’el lemor ba- Shmu’el , saying, Sha’ul
‫ויסבָּויעברָּוירדָּהגלגל׃‬ Sha'ul haKarmelah came to Carmel, and, behold,
1Sa 15:13 ָּ‫ָּשמואל‬
ָּ ‫ויבא‬
vehineh matsiv lo yad he set him up a place, and is
vayisov vaya'avor gone about, and passed on,
ָּ ‫אל־שאול ָּויאמר ָּלו‬
vayered haGilgal. and gone down to Gilgal.
ָּ‫ברוךָּאתהָּליהוהָּהקימתי‬ 15:13 Vayavo Shmu’el 15:13 And Shmu’el came to
‫את־דברָּיהוה׃‬ el-Sha'ul vayomer lo Sha’ul : and Sha’ul said unto
Sha'ul baruch atah him, Blessed be thou of the
1Sa 15:14 ָּ‫יאמרָּשמואל‬
ָּ ‫ו‬
l'‫ יהוה‬hakimoti et-davar ‫ יהוה‬: I have performed the
ָּ ‫ומה ָּקול־הצאן ָּהזה‬
‫יהוה‬. commandment of the ‫ יהוה‬.
ָּ‫וקול ָּהבקר ָּאשר ָּאנכי‬
15:14 And Shmu’el said,
‫שמע׃‬ 15:14 Vayomer Shmu’el
What meaneth then this
umeh kol-hatson hazeh
1Sa 15:15 ָּ‫ָּשאול‬
ָּ ‫ויאמר‬
bleating of the sheep in mine
be'oznay vekol habakar
ears, and the lowing of the
ָּ‫מעמלקי ָּהביאום ָּאשר‬ asher anoji shomea.
oxen which I hear?
ָּ‫חמלָּהעםָּעל־מיטבָּהצאן‬ 15:15 Vayomer Sha'ul
15:15 And Sha’ul said, They
ָּ‫והבקר ָּלמען ָּזבח ָּליהוה‬ me'Amaleki hevi'um
have brought them from the
ָּ‫ָּואת־היותר‬ ‫אלהיך‬ asher chamal ha'am al-
Amalekites: for the people
meytav hatson
spared the best of the sheep and
vehabakar lema'an
of the oxen, to sacrifice unto
zevo'aj l'ָּ‫ יהוה‬Eloheyja the ‫ יהוה‬Eloheyja; and the rest
ve'et-hayoter we have utterly destroyed.
Haftará: 25 1 Shmu’el 15:1 - 15:34
Parasháh: 25 ָּ‫ – צו‬Tsav – Command
Hebrew Transliteration: English
1Sa 15:16 ָּ‫ויאמרָּשמואל‬
ָּ 15:16 Vayomer 15:16 Then Shmu’el said
ָּ‫אל־שאולָּהרףָּואגידהָּלך‬ Shmu’el el-Sha'ul heref unto Sha’ul , Stay, and I will
ָּ ‫את ָּאשר ָּדבר ָּיהוה‬ ve'agidah lecha et asher tell thee what the ‫ יהוה‬hath
‫הלילהָּויאמרוָּלוָּדבר׃‬ diber ‫ יהוה‬elay halaylah said to me this night. And he
vayomer lo daber. said unto him, Say on.
1Sa 15:17 ָּ‫שמואל‬
ָּ ָּ‫ויאמר‬
15:17 Vayomer 15:17 And Shmu’el said,
Shmu’el halo im-katon When thou wast little in thine
ָּ‫ראש ָּשבטי ָּיׂשראל ָּאתה‬
atah be’eyneyja rosh own sight, wast thou not made
ָּ ‫וימשחך ָּיהוה ָּלמלך‬ the head of the tribes of Israel,
shivtey Yisra'el atah
‫יׂשראל׃‬ and the ‫ יהוה‬anointed thee
vayimshajaja ‫יהוה‬
king over Israel?
1Sa 15:18 ָּ‫ וישלחךָּיהוה‬lemelech al-Yisra'el.
ָּ‫ָּלך‬ ‫ָּויאמר‬ ‫בדרך‬ 15:18 And the ‫ יהוה‬sent thee
15:18 Vayishlajaja
ָּ ‫והחרמתה‬ on a journey, and said, Go and
‫ יהוה‬badarej vayomer
ָּ‫את־עמלק ָּונלחמת ָּבו ָּעד‬ utterly destroy the sinners the
lech vehajaramtah et- Amalekites, and fight against
hajata'im et-Amalek them until they be consumed.
1Sa 15:19 ‫ָּלא־‬
ָּ ‫ ולמה‬veniljamta vo ad-
15:19 Wherefore then didst
ָּ‫ שמעת ָּבקול ָּיהוה ָּותעט‬kalotam otam.
thou not obey the voice of the
ָּ‫ָּותעׂש ָּהרע‬ ‫ אל־השלל‬15:19 Velamah lo- ‫ יהוה‬, but didst fly upon the
‫בעיניָּיהוה׃‬ shamata bekol ‫יהוה‬ spoil, and didst evil in the
1Sa 15:20 ָּ‫ָּשאול‬
ָּ ‫ ויאמר‬vata'at el-hashalal sight of the ‫? יהוה‬
ָּ‫אל־שמואל ָּאשר ָּשמעתי‬
vata'as hara be'eyney
15:20 And Sha’ul said unto
ָּ‫יהוה בקול ָּיהוה ָּואלך ָּבדרך‬. Shmu’el , Yea, I have obeyed
ָּ ‫ אשר־שלחני ָּיהוה‬15:20 Vayomer Sha'ul the voice of the ‫ יהוה‬, and have
ָּ ‫ את־אגג ָּמלך ָּעמלק‬el-Shmu’el asher gone the way which the ‫יהוה‬
‫עמלקָּהחרמתי׃‬ sent me, and have brought
shamati bekol ‫ יהוה‬va’
Agag the king of Amalek, and
elej baderech asher- have utterly destroyed the
shlajani ‫ יהוה‬va'avi et- Amalekites.
Agag melech Amalek
ve'et-Amalek hejeramti.
Haftará: 25 1 Shmu’el 15:1 - 15:34
Parasháh: 25 ָּ‫ – צו‬Tsav – Command
Hebrew Transliteration: English
1Sa 15:21 ָּ‫ויקח ָּהעם‬ 15:21 Vayikaj ha'am 15:21 But the people took of
ָּ‫מהשללָּצאןָּובקרָּראשית‬ mehashalal tson uvakar the spoil, sheep and oxen, the
ָּ‫ָּליהוה‬ ‫ָּלזבח‬ ‫החרם‬ reshit hajerem lizboaj chief of the things which
‫אלהיךָּבגלגל׃‬ le‫יהוה‬ Eloheyja should have been utterly
baGilgal. destroyed, to sacrifice unto the
1Sa 15:22 ָּ‫שמואל‬
ָּ ָּ‫ויאמר‬ ‫ יהוה‬thy Eloheinu in Gilgal.
15:22 Vayomer Shmu’el
ָּ ‫החפץ ָּליהוה‬
hajefets le'ָּ‫ יהוה‬be'olot 15:22 And Shmu’el said,
ָּ‫וזבחים ָּכשמע ָּבקול ָּיהוה‬
uzvajim kishmoa bekol Hath the ‫ יהוה‬as great delight
ָּ‫הנה ָּשמע ָּמזבח ָּטוב‬ in burnt offerings and
ָּ ‫ יהוה‬hineh shemoa
sacrifices, as in obeying the
mizevaj tov lehakshiv voice of the ‫ ? יהוה‬Behold, to
1Sa 15:23 ָּ‫כיָּחטאת־קסם‬
ָּ mejeVay eylim. obey is better than sacrifice,
ָּ‫מרי ָּואון ָּותרפים ָּהפצר‬
15:23 Ki jatat-kesem and to hearken than the fat of
ָּ‫יען ָּמאסת ָּאת־דבר ָּיהוה‬ rams.
meri ve'aven utrafim
‫וימאסךָּממלך׃‬ haftsar ya'an ma'asta et- 15:23 For rebellion is as the
1Sa 15:24 ָּ‫אול‬
ָּ ‫ויאמר ָּש‬ devar ָּ ‫יהוה‬vayim'aseja sin of witchcraft, and
ָּ ‫אל־שמואל ָּחטאתי‬ mimelej. stubbornness is as iniquity and
ָּ ‫עברתי ָּאת־פי־יהוה‬ 15:24 Vayomer Sha'ul
idolatry. Because thou hast
ָּ‫דבריךָּכיָּיראתיָּאת־העם‬ rejected the word of the ‫ יהוה‬,
el-Shmu’el jatati ki-
‫ואשמעָּבקולם׃‬ he hath also rejected thee from
avarti et-pi-‫ יהוה‬ve'et- being king.
1Sa 15:25 ָּ‫ ועתה ָּׂשא ָּנא‬devareyja ki yareti et-
ha'am va'eshma 15:24 And Sha'ul said unto
ָּ‫את־חטאתי ָּושוב ָּעמי‬
bekolam. Shmu’el , I have sinned: for I
‫ואשתחוהָּליהוה׃‬ have transgressed the
15:25 Ve'atah sa na et- commandment of the ‫ יהוה‬, and
jatati veshuv imi thy words: because I feared the
va’eshtajaveh l'‫יהוה‬
ָּ ָּ. people, and obeyed their voice.
15:25 y vuelve conmigo para
que adore a ‫יהוה‬.

Haftará: 25 1 Shmu’el 15:1 - 15:34
Parasháh: 25 ָּ‫ – צו‬Tsav – Command
Hebrew Transliteration: English
1Sa 15:26 ָּ‫ויאמרָּשמואל‬
ָּ 15:26 Vayomer 15:26 And Shmu’el said unto
Shmu’el el-Sha'ul lo
ָּ‫אל־שאול ָּלא ָּאשוב ָּעמך‬ Sha’ul , I will not return with
ָּ‫כי ָּמאסתה ָּאת־דבר ָּיהוה‬
ashuv imaj ki ma'astah thee: for thou hast rejected the
ָּ‫וימאסך ָּיהוה ָּמהיות ָּמלך‬
et-devar ָּ‫יהוה‬
ָּ word of the ‫ יהוה‬, and the ‫יהוה‬
‫על־יׂשראל׃‬ vayim’aseja ָּ‫יהוה‬
ָּ hath rejected thee from being
king over Israel.
miheyot melech al-
1Sa 15:27 ָּ‫ָּשמואל‬
ָּ ‫ויסב‬
Yisra'el. 15:27 And as Shmu’el turned
ָּ ‫ללכת ָּויחזק‬
about to go away, he laid hold
‫ויקרע׃‬ 15:27 Vayisov Shmu’el upon the skirt of his mantle,
lalejet vayajazek and it rent.
1Sa 15:28 ָּ‫ָּאליו‬
ָּ ‫ ויאמר‬bichnaf-me'ilo vayikara.
ָּ ‫שמואל ָּקרע ָּיהוה‬ 15:28 And Shmu’el said unto
ָּ‫ממלכות ָּיׂשראל ָּמעליך‬
15:28 Vayomer elav him, The ‫ יהוה‬hath rent the
ָּ‫היום ָּונתנה ָּלרעך ָּהטוב‬
Shmu’el kara ָּ‫ יהוה‬et- kingdom of Israel from thee
‫ממך׃‬ mamlejut Yisra'el this day, and hath given it to a
me’aleyha hayom neighbour of thine, that is
1Sa 15:29 ָּ‫ וגם ָּנצח‬unetanah lere’aja hatov better than thou.
ָּ‫ יׂשראלָּלאָּישקרָּולאָּינחם‬mimeka.
15:29 And also the Strength
‫כיָּלאָּאדםָּהואָּלהנחם׃‬ 15:29 Vegam netsaj of Israel will not lie nor
1Sa 15:30 ָּ‫ויאמרָּחטאתי‬
Yisra'el lo yeshaker velo repent: for he is not a man,
yinajem ki lo adam hu that he should repent.
ָּ ‫עתה ָּכבדני ָּנא ָּנגד‬
ָּ‫עמיָּונגדָּיׂשראלָּושובָּעמי‬ 15:30 Then he said, I have
‫ והשתחויתיָּליהוהָּאלהיך׃‬15:30 Vayomer jatati sinned: yet honour me now, I
atah kabedeni na neged pray thee, before the elders of
1Sa 15:31 ָּ‫ָּשמואל‬
ָּ ‫ וישב‬zikney-ami veneged my people, and before Israel,
ָּ ‫ אחרי ָּשאול ָּוישתחו‬Yisra'el veshuv imi and turn again with me, that I
‫ליהוה׃‬ vehishtajaveyti le'‫יהוה‬y may worship the ‫יהוה‬
Eloheyja. Eloheyja.

15:31 Vayashov 15:31 So Shmu’el turned

Shmu’el ajarey Sha'ul again after Sha’ul ; and Sha’ul
vayishtaju Sha'ul l'‫יהוה‬. worshipped the ‫ יהוה‬.

Haftará: 25 1 Shmu’el 15:1 - 15:34
Parasháh: 25 ָּ‫ – צו‬Tsav – Command
Hebrew Transliteration: English
1Sa 15:32 ָּ‫שמואל‬
ָּ ָּ‫ויאמר‬
15:32 Vayomer 15:32 Then said Shmu’el ,
Shmu’el hagishu elay
ָּ‫הגישו ָּאלי ָּאת־אגג ָּמלך‬ Bring ye hither to me Agag
ָּ‫עמלק ָּוילך ָּאליו ָּאגג‬
et-Agag melej Amalek the king of the Amalekites.
ָּ‫מעדנתָּויאמרָּאגגָּאכןָּסר‬ elav Agag And Agag came unto him
ma'adanot vayomer delicately. And Agag said,
Agag ajen sar mor- Surely the bitterness of death
1Sa 15:33 ָּ‫ויאמרָּשמואל‬
ָּ hamavet. is past.
ָּ‫כאשר ָּשכלה ָּנשים ָּחרבך‬
15:33 Vayomer 15:33 And Shmu’el said, As
ָּ‫כן־תשכל ָּמנשים ָּאמך‬ Shmu’el ka'asher siklah thy sword hath made women
nashim jarbeja ken- childless, so shall thy mother
‫יהוהָּבגלגל׃‬ tishkal minashim imeja be childless among women.
vayeshasef Shmu’el et- And Shmu’el hewed Agag in
1Sa 15:34 ָּ‫ָּשמואל‬
ָּ ‫וילך‬
Agag lifney ָּ‫יהוה‬ pieces before the ‫ יהוה‬in
ָּ ‫הרמתה ָּושאול ָּעלה‬ Gilgal.
15:34 Vayelej Shmu’el 15:34 Then Shmu’el went to
haRamatah veSha'ul Ramah; and Sha’ul went up to
alah el-beyto Giv'at his house to Gibeah of Sha’ul.
15:35 And Shmu’el came no
more to see Sha’ul until the
day of his death: nevertheless
Shmu’el mourned for Sha’ul:
and the ‫ יהוה‬repented that he
had made Sha’ul king over

Haftarah Blessing, After
Hebrew Transliteration: English
ָָּּ‫ברּוְך ָּאַ תה ָּיהוה‬ Baruch atah, ‫יהוה‬ Praised to you, ‫יהוה‬
ָּ ‫ָּמלֶ ְך ָּהעֹול‬ ֵֽ ֶ ‫ֱֹלהינּו‬
ֵֽ ֵ ‫א‬ Eloheinu, Melech Eloheinu, King of the
haolam, tzur kol universe, Rock of all
ָּ ‫עֹול ִמ‬ ָּ ‫צּור ָּכל ָּה‬ haolamim tzaddik creation, Righteous
ָּ ַ‫ָּבכל ָּה‬ ְ ‫צַ ִּדיק‬ b’chol hadorot, HaEl One of all generations,
ָּ‫האֵ ל ָּהַ ֶנאֱמן ָּהאֹומֵ ר‬ hane-eman, haomeir the faithful Eloheinu
v’oseh, ham’dabeir whose word is deed,
ָּ ‫רָּּומקַ י‬ְ ֵ‫ָּהַ ְמ ַדב‬,‫וְ עֹ ׂשֶ ה‬
um’kayeim, shekol whose every command
ָּ‫ָּּדבריו ָּאֶ מֶ ת‬ ְ ‫שֶ כל‬ d’varav emet vatzedck. is just and true.
‫ו ֶ ֵֽצ ֶדק‬.
Al ha Torah, v’al For the Torah, for the
haavodah, v’al han’vi- privlage of worship,
ָּ ַ‫ָּוְ ע‬,‫עַ לָּהַ תֹורה‬ im, v’al yom for the prophets, and
HaShabbat hazeh, for this Shabbat that
ָּ ַ‫ָּוְ ע‬,‫העֲבֹודה‬ shenatata lanu ‫יהוה‬ You, ‫ יהוה‬Eloheinu,
ָּ ַ‫ָּוְ ע‬,‫יאים‬
ִ ‫הַ נְ ִב‬ Eloheinu, lik’dushah have given us for
ֵֽ ‫ָּשֶ נ ַ ֵֽתת‬,‫הַ שַ בתָּהַ זֶה‬ v’lim’nuchah, l’chavod holiness and rest for
ul’tifaret. honor and glory: we
ָּ ֵ‫יהוהָָּּאֱֹלה‬
thank and bless You.
ָּ ‫דשהָּוְ ִל ְמנּוח‬ ָּ ‫ִל ְק‬ Al hakol ‫ יהוה‬Eloheinu,
anachnu modim lach, May Your name be
ָּ ‫בֹודָּּול ִת ְפ ֵֽאַ ֶַָֽר‬
ְ ‫לכ‬. ְ
um’var’chim otach, blessed forever by
yitbarach shimcha b’fi every living being.
ָָּּ‫עַ לָּהַ כֹלָּיהוה‬ kol chai tamid l’olam
va-ed. Baruch ata, ‫יהוה‬,
Praised to you, ‫יהוה‬,
ִ ‫ָּאֲנַ ְֵֽח‬,‫ֱֹלהינּו‬
ֵֽ ֵ ‫א‬ m’kadeish HaShabbat. for the Sabbath and
ָּ,‫ָּּומב ְר ִכיםָּאֹותְך‬,‫ְך‬ְ ‫ל‬ its holiness.
ָּ ‫ָךָּב ִפיָּכ‬
ְ ‫ְךָּש ְמ‬ ִ ‫יִ ְתבָּ ַר‬
ָּ ֶ‫ידָּלעֹולםָּוע‬ ְ ‫חַ יָּת ִמ‬
ָּ ָּ‫ברּוְךָּאַ תהָּיהוה‬
ָּ ‫ְמקַ ֵּדשָּהַ שַ ב‬


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