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Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology (1994) 9, 366-372


Effects of an infusion of branched-chain amino acids on

neurophysiological and psychometric testings in cirrhotic patients with
mild hepatic encephalopathy
Third Department of Internal Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Toyama Medical and Pharmaceutical University,
Toyama, Japan

Abstract Psychotropic action of a branched-chain-enriched amino acid solution (Aminoleban) was

quantitatively and visually examined in six cirrhotic patients with mild hepatic encephalopathy (grades I and
11) using electrophysiological and psychometric methods. Neurophysiological effects of the amino acid
solution were observed by comparing topographic spectrum analyses of electroencephalography (EEG)
before and immediately after an intravenous 3 h infusion of the solution. The delta wave in the frontal
region diminished from 61 k 13 to 12 +4% (P < 0.01) and the alpha wave in the occipital region increased
from 1 1 & 3 to 51 f 11% (P < 0.01). Latencies of the P3 wave in visual evoked potentials, which were
* *
topographically recorded in the occipital region, shortened from 220 32 to 148 19 ms (P < 0.01).
Latencies of the P300 wave in event-related potentials, which were topographically recorded in the
centro-temporal region, shortened from 493 zt 81 to 360 5z 93 ms (P < 0.05). Topographic reaction pattern
of P300 was irregular toward the occipital or parietal region in cirrhotic patients. T h e EEG frequency power
spectrum, illustrated by the colour density spectral array of computer-aided polysomnography analysis,
clearly showed a gradual increase of the alpha wave spectrum and a gradual decrease of the delta wave
spectrum after initiation of the infusion. These immediate neurophysiological changes were confirmed by
improvement of quantitative psychometric tests including number connection test, reaction time to sound,
and digit symbol and block design tests of Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale.
From the results, it was concluded that branched-chain amino acids functioned as psychotropic drug for
cirrhotic patients with mild hepatic encephalopathy.

Key words: blood-brain barrier, branched-chain amino acid, hepatic encephalopathy, liver cirrhosis,
psychotropic drug.

INTRODUCTION We have already reported that branched-chain amino

acids infused to cirrhotic patients can be well transported
into the brain via the blood-brain barrier4 where detoxifi-
Prospective, randomized controlled trials of a branched- cation of ammonia takes place by supplying glutamic acid
chain-enriched amino acid solution in cirrhotic patients from branched-chain amino acids.5 Nine per cent of total
with hepatic encephalopathy have been extensively per- leucine infused to cirrhotic patients was taken up by the
formed with respect to improvement of malnutrition, brain.6 These results suggest that branched-chain amino
arousal effect of hepatic encephalopathy, and improve- acids may directly accelerate ammonia detoxification in
ment of survival rates.'** However, the results are still brain of cirrhotic patients and result in ameliorating
controversial at p r e ~ e n t ,probably
~ because the clinical hepatic encephalopathy.
backgrounds of cirrhotic patients studied and amino acid Quantitative and visual methods of medical electronics
composition of the test solutions have varied widely such as topographic (brain mapping) and polygraphic
among studies. Furthermore, many different protocols analyses were used to quantify directly the influence of
have been used, including control treatment and efficacy the intravenous infusion of a branched-chain-enriched
judgement. amino acid solution on brain dysfunction seen in hepatic
Correspondence: Akiharu Watanabe, Third Department of Internal Medicine, Toyama Medical and Pharmaceutical University,
2630 Sugitani, Toyama 930-01, Japan.
Accepted for publication 17 January 1994.
Branched-chain aa as psychotropic drug 367

encephalopathy. Visual evoked potentials (VEP) and The following examinations were performed immedi-
event-related potentials (ERP; the auditory P300) were ately before and 0-2 h after the end of infusion. The same
also analysed by colour topography. The quantitative examinations were performed only once in control sub-
psychometric tests were also performed to confirm the jects without infusing an amino acid solution (equivalent
changes of cognitive motor abilities. to the condition immediately before the infusion to
The present report describes immediate and direct cirrhotic patients).
psychotropic effects of a branched-chain-enriched amino Informed consent was obtained from the patients be-
acid solution (Aminoleban) in cirrhotic patients with mild fore performing these tests.
hepatic encephalopathy.

Topographic analysis of cerebral electrical

PATIENTS AND METHODS activity (brain mapping)
A 20-channel EEG machine (EEG-4418; Nihon Kohden
Kogyo Co., Tokyo, Japan) was used with a signal pro-
Patients cessor (Type 7T 18, Nippon Denki Sanei, Tokyo, Japan)
Six patients with cirrhosis of the liver (five men and one and a telemeter of polygraphy (WEE-6124, Nihon
woman, 50-70 years old, average age 59.0) and five Kohden Kogyo Co) for recording EEG data from Fpl,
control subjects without liver dysfunction (three men and Fp2, F3, F4, F7, F8, T3, T4, T5, T6, C3, C4, P3, P4, 0 1
two women, 48-68 years old, average age 57.2) were and 0 2 . Disc electrodes were placed according to the
examined in the present study (Table 1). 10-20 International System. Linked earlobes were used
Each patient with cirrhosis was assigned a clinical as reference. The other detailed procedures were de-
grade based on the Child-Pugh scale' from the clinical scribed previo~sly.~ The spectra were divided into four
and biochemical data; four were grade B and two grade C. different bands: delta (0.5-4 Hz), theta (4-8 Hz), alpha
All patients were studied as inpatients of Toyama Medical (8-12Hz) and beta (12-32Hz). The alpha band was
and Pharmaceutical University Hospital and had histolog- subdivided into three ranges: alpha 1 (8-9.3 Hz), alpha 2
ical evidence of liver cirrhosis. Five patients had oesoph- (9.4-10.6 Hz) and alpha 3 (10.7-12 Hz). Topograms were
ageal varices, and two had peviously documented expressed as two-dimensional colour maps using a signal
episodes of clinical encephalopathy. processor for topography (Topography System 71 1, Nip-
At the time of entry into the study, all patients were pon Denki Sanei).
classified as grade I or I1 of the encephalopathy scale;8
grade was assessed by two attending doctors in terms of
altered sleep rhythm, slow and slurred speech, altered Visual evoked potential
affect, constructional apraxia or psychiatric manifesta-
tions. Electroencephalography (EEG) topographic and The VEP to unpatterned flash stimuli (flashlamp at a
polygraphic analyses, and quantitative psychometric tests distance of 30 cm from the eyes) was recorded from the
were carried out during 0-2 days after patients had been midline occipital area, Oz (international 10-20 system,
admitted because of mild hepatic encephalopathy. They with a central Cz, reference electrode).1° Each eye was
were treated by low-protein diet during these test periods. stimulated separately (the other eye was covered) and at
No patient had gastrointestinal bleeding within 2 weeks least two stimulation series were recorded for each eye.
prior to the admission. The responses were recorded with an X-Y plotter, and
Control subjects were selected from inpatients with the latency to the first positive wave (Pl) and the
non-hepatic disorders such as gastric and duodenal ulcers, following potentials (N2, P2, N3, and P3) were mea-
colon polyps, and non-specific colitis (Table 1). sured. Topographic analysis of P3 wave latency was
performed as described above.

Infusion of a branched-chain-enriched amino

acid solution P300
Aminoleban (Otsuka Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd, Tokyo, The P300 wave was elicited using the auditory oddball
Japan) was used as a branched-chain-enriched amino acid paradigm."J2 The subject's task was to push a button as
solution. The solution contained 40 g amino acid per quickly as possible whenever the rare low tone (1000 Hz,
500 mL vial, and each vial contained 14.2 g of branched- 20%) occurred and to ignore the frequent high tone (2000
chain amino acid (4.2 g valine, 5.5 g leucine and 4.5 g Hz, 80%). The EEG was recorded at Pz referred to the
isoleucine); 0.9 g of aromatic amino acid (phenylalanine mastoid (time constant 10 s, low pass filter 35 Hz, sensi-
and tryptophan); and 0.5 g of methionine. No tyrosine tivity 7 pV/mm). Electroencephalography recording in
was included. The molar ratio of branched-chain amino each trial began 200 ms before stimulus onset and lasted
acid/aromatic amino acid was 37.1 to 1. This solution was about 1 s after stimulus presentation. The P300 was
infused intravenously via an anticubital vein for 3 h by defined as the first positive-going peak after the N100-
means of an infusion pump (Atto AC-2110, Atto Corp., P200-N300 complex between 250 and 500ms after
Tokyo, Japan) to cirrhotic patients with hepatic encephal- stimulus presentation. Topographic analysis of P300
opathy. wave latency was performed as described above.

Table 1 Clinical features of cirrhotic patients with hepatic encephalopathy (grades I and 11) and control subjects without liver dysfunction

HBsAg/HCVAb/blood Serum Serum Plasma BCAA

History of transfusion /alcohol/history bilirubin albumin Blood ammonia concentration Child & Pugh
No. Age/sex disease (years) of ascites/encephalopathy (mg/dL) (g/dL) (ClgIdL) (pmol/L) BCAAIAAA Coma grade classification Diagnosis
Control subjects without liver dysfunction
1 56/M 0.1 -l-l-l+l-l- 0.6 3.6 ND 368 3.5 GU
2 61/M 0.4 -l-l-/+l-l- 0.9 4.1 ND 318 2.9 CP
3 68/F 1.2 -I-1-1-1-1- 0.6 4.6 ND 413 3.4 GU
4 48/M 0.3 -1-1+1-1-1- 0.7 3.9 46 400 3.1 DU
5 53/F 0.2 +l-l-l-l-l- 0.8 4.2 51 351 3.0 NC
Mean fs.d. 0.44 k 0.4 0.72k0.13 4.1k0.4 370+ 38 3.2 k0.3

Cirrhotic patients with hepatic encephalopathy

6 63/M 2 +l-l-l+l-l+ 1.2 3.0 110 180 0.7 I1 B - HCC
7 50/M 6 -1-1-/+1-/- 0.9 3.6 90 129 1.5 I1 B - HCC
8 60/M 7 -l+l-l-l-l- 1.1 3.1 83 98 0.8 I C + HCC
9 53/F 10 -l+l+l-/-l+ 1.8 2.9 76 96 0.5 I1 C + HCC
10 58/M 5 -l+l+l-l-l- 0.7 3.3 64 141 1.0 I B - HCC
11 70/M 4 +1-1-1-1-/- 0.9 3.3 58 130 0.9 I B - HCC
Mean ? s.d. 5.6k 2.7 1.10k0.38 3.2 ? 0.3** 80+ 19 129k31** 0.9 f0.3**
**P< 0.01.
HBsAg, surface antigen of hepatitis B virus; HCVAb, hepatitis C virus antibody (CIOO-3); BCAA, branchedchain amino acid (valine + leucine + isoleucine); GU, gastric ulcer;
DU, duodenal ulcer; CP, colon polyp; NC, non-specific colitis; HCC, hepatocellular carcinoma; ND, not determined.

Branched-chain aa as psychotropic drug 369

Computer-aided polysomnography analysis (132 k 2 6 ms in control vs 220k 32 ms in cirrhosis,

P < 0.01; Table 3). However, the observed prolongation
The polysomnographs were recorded for 10 h on mag- of latencies of other peaks, even including N3 wave, was
netic tape according to the method of Horita et a1.I3 After not significant (data not shown). Visual evoked potential
feeding the EEG data into the computer, the average following the infusion of Aminoleban showed that the
frequency power spectrum was calculated in the range latency of P3 wave had become significantly shortened
from 0.5 to 16 Hz with a resolution of 0.5 Hz at every 20 s (from 2 2 0 t 32 to 148+ 19 ms, P < 0.01). The topo-
by using the fast Fourier transform. The EEG frequency graphic observation revealed that P3 latency of VEP
power spectrum was shown on a screen by the colour recorded in the occipital region normalized following the
density spectral array. infusion (data not shown).
The latency of the P300 wave in ERP was significantly
prolonged in cirrhotic patients with mild encephalopathy
Quantitative psychometric tests (350+52 ms in control vs 4 9 3 f 8 1 ms in cirrhosis,
P < 0.01, Table 3). However, significant prolongation of
The following quantitative psychometric tests were per- N300 wave latency was not observed (data not shown).
formed as described previ~usly.'~ Number connection
The P300 wave shortened significantly from 493 t 8 1 to
test (NCT) was performed by using one standard pattern, 360 t 93 ms (P < 0.05) following the infusion. Topo-
showing randomly arranged circles, numbered consecu- graphic observations of P300 showed a reaction pattern in
tively from 1 to 20. Reaction times against light (red) and the centro-temporal region of the control subject but
sound can be measured in ms using an apparatus of irregular reaction patterns toward the parietal region were
reaction time (G 1355 Model RT-6, Gerbrands Co., MA, observed in the cirrhotic patients (data not shown). The
USA). Two performance subtests of Wechsler Adult infusion of Aminoleban induced topographically the
Intelligence Scale (WAIS), block design test and digit shortening of P300 wave latency.
symbol test, were used as a measure of the visual spatial
motor functioning and a test of motor speed and accuracy,
respectively. Pol ysomnography
The EEG frequency power spectrum, illustrated by the
Statistical analysis colour density spectral array of computer-aided polysom-
Data are given as meants.d. The significance of the nography analysis, before and after the infusion of amino
differences between the means was calculated using acid to cirrhotic patients, showed a gradual increase of the
Student's t-test, and P < 0.05 was considered significant. alpha wave spectrum from 1 6 f 4 % (before infusion) to
5 6 k 11% (4 h after the start of infusion; P < 0.01;
Table 4), and this effect could already be observed 1 h
RESULTS after the start of infusion. The maximum effect was
observed 4 h after the start of the infusion (1 h after the
Topographic analysis of EEG spectrum stop of infusion). The slow wave spectrum gradually
decreased 30min after the start of the infusion of the
In encephalopathic patients, a significant decrease in the branched chain-enriched amino acid solution. The maxi-
alpha power spectral density was observed diffusely but mum effect was observed in the 3rd hour of the infusion
particularly in the occipital region (Table 2). Delta power (immediately before the end of the infusion; 65 f 12%
spectral density increased diffusely in cirrhotic patients before the infusion vs 10 f 3% at the end of infusion,
with encephalopathy, and marked changes were observed P < 0.01). The slow wave gradually reappeared 1 h fol-
in the frontal region as well. lowing the discontinuation of infusion, and an apparent
An intravenous 3 h infusion of Aminoleban resulted in decrease of the alpha wave and increase of the delta wave
the diffuse diminution of the delta waves and in the were observed 2 h following the end of infusion.
apparent diffuse increase of the alpha waves. The alpha
waves in the occipital region significaritly increased from
l l k 3 to 51 +11% (P<O.Ol), and the delta wave in the Quantitative psychometric tests
frontal region significantly decreased from 61 f 13 to
12k49'0 ( P < 0.01). All tests among five items of quantitative psychometric
Dynamic changes of the EEG spectrum induced by the test were abnormal in cirrhotic patients compared to
infusion of Aminoleban were shown as a subtraction those in control subjects (Table 5). However, number
topogram (data not shown), suggesting the direct and +
connection tests (from 136 21 to 90 t 15 s, P < 0.05),
immediate efficacy of a branched-chain-enriched amino reaction time to sound (from 3 9 8 t 59 to 297k51 ms,
acid solution for mild hepatic encephalopathy. P < 0.05), digit symbol (from 2 8 k 8 to 45 k 7 points,
P < 0.05) and block design tests (from 2 2 + 7 to 3 6 t 8
points, P < 0.05), were significantly improved within 2 h
Visual evoked potential and event-related after the end of infusion to cirrhotic patients with mild
potential encephalopathy. Blood ammonia concentrations were
insignificantly decreased from 108 f 30 to 86 + 20 pg/dL.
The latency of P3 wave in VEP was significantly pro- The grade of encephalopathy was improved in all
longed in cirrhotic patients with mild encephalopathy cirrhotic patients 0-2 h after the infusion of branched-
370 K. Higuchi et al.

Table2 Topographic distribution of alpha and delta power spectral density at the different scalp areas in control subjects and
cirrhotic patients with hepatic encephalopathy (grades I and 11),and alterations of the spectral density before and after the infusion of
branched-chain-enriched amino acid solution to cirrhotic patients

Frontal Temporal Parietal Occipital

(% distribution)

Control (4 cases) 42f12 45 f 10 4 6 k 12 6 0 f 15
Cirrhosis (5 cases)
Before infusion 15 f 5t +
10 2* 13*5* 11 f 3*
After infusion +
40 12** 43 f8** 40 f6** 51 f 11**

Control (4 cases) 7 f I* 6f2 6+3* 3+1*
Cirrhosis ( 5 cases)
Before infusion 61 f 13* 5 5 f 18* 47+11* *
43 9'
After infusion 12-t4** +
10 3** 9 -t 3** 7-t 2**
tP < 0.05, *P < 0.01 (control ws before in cirrhosis), **P < 0.01 (before in cirrhosis ws after in cirrhosis). After = immediately to 2 h
following the end of infusion.
Values are mean -t s.d.
Table 3 Latency of P3 wave in VEP and P300 wave in ERP in
control subjects and cirrhotic patients with hepatic encephalop- accentuated in encephalopathic cirrhotic patients as com-
athy (grades I and 11), and alterations of the latencies after the pared to the actual levels in the cerebrospinal fluid.4
infusion of branched-chain-enriched amino acid solution to When the branched-chain-enriched amino acid solution
cirrhotic patients is infused to cirrhotic patients with hepatic encephalopa-
thy, the Vpre values of branched-chain amino acids are
VEP ERP increased and those of aromatic amino acids conversely
P3 P300 decreased. Our previous experiments of leucine decar-
(ms) boxylation in the cell-free system also showed the close
relationship between accelerated metabolism of leucine
Control (4 cases) 132 f26 350 f52
Cirrhosis ( 5 cases) and ammonia metabolism in the brain. l5 Furthermore,
Before infusion 220 f32* 493k81t we already reported the ammonia detoxification by accel-
After infusion 148f 19** 360 f 93* erated oxidation of branched-chain amino acids in the
brain of rats with acute hepatic f a i l ~ r e .RSssle
~ er ~ 1 . ' ~
+P < 0.05, *P < 0.01 (control ws before in cirrhosis). reported that a rapid decrease of ammonia levels in the
* P i0.05, **P< 0.01 (before in cirrhosis ws after in cirrhosis). cerebrospinal fluid was obtained by the infusion of
After = immediately to 2 h following the end of infusion. branched-chain-enriched amino acid solution to cirrhotic
Values are mean fs.d. patients with hepatic encephalopathy. These results sug-
gest that branched-chain amino acid metabolism in the
chain-enriched amino acid solution. Four patients com- brain is closely linked to the detoxification of ammonia in
pletely recovered from encephalopathy (grade 0). the brain.
In the present study, the immediate and direct neural
effects of branched-chain-enriched amino acid solution
DISCUSSION (Aminoleban) was neurophysiologically confirmed by
comparing the results of quantitative and visual methods
T h e predicted velocity of branched-chain amino acid of medical electronics such as topographic and poly-
transport into the brain (V,,, nmol/min per g) is markedly graphic analyses, and quantitative psychometric tests.

Table 4 Time-course of delta and alpha wave frequency of EEG polygraphy before, during and after the infusion of branched-
chain-enriched amino acid solution to cirrhotic patients with hepatic encephalopathy (grades I and 11)

Before During infusion After infusion

Time interval from the start of infusion (h) 0 1 3 4 5

Alpha 16+4 38+ lo** 48+ 13** 5 6 f 11** 3 5 f 10*

Delta 65+12 54+ 12 10 5 3** 15+8** 40+ 11*
Values are percentages. *P < 0.05, **P< 0.01 (before YS after the start of the infusion).
Values are mean sad.(five cases).
Branched-chain MI: as psychotropic drug 371

Table 5 Quantitative psychometric tests, blood ammonia and grade of encephalopathy in control subjects and cirrhotic patients with
hepatic encephalopathy (grades I and 11), and changes of these before and after the infusion of branched-chain-enriched amino acid
solution to cirrhotic patients

Reaction time (ms) WAIS (raw score) Grade of encephalopathys

Number connection test(s) Light Sound Digit symbol Block design 0 I I1
Control (4 cases) 43t10 276+62 261+46 65k10 42k6
Cirrhosis (4 cases)
Before infusion 136 f21* 436&91* 398+59t 28f8* 22 f7* 0 3 3
After infusion 90-t 15* 321+58 297-t51* 45+-7* 36 k 8* 4 2 0
tP c 0.05, *P < 0.01 (control ws before in cirrhosis patients). * P < 0.05 (before in cirrhosis ws after in cirrhosis).
After = immediately to 2 h following the end of infusion.
*Number of patients corresponding to each grade of encephalopathy.
Values are mean fs.d.

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