Perspective in Theories of Personality: o Maslow o Rogers

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Claire’s Reviewer

| Theories of Personality 1

Perspective in Theories of
by a search for
meaning, but also
I. PSYCHODYNAMIC that negative
THEORIES experiences
– focused on the Key Figures: MRM/MPF
importance of early o Maslow
childhood experience “Meaningful life”
and on relationships o Rogers
with parents as “Psychological
guiding forces that Well-being”
shape personality o May “Freedom”
o Freud - The unique and
“Unconscious” long term
o Adler “Early tendencies to
Recollection” behave in
o Jung “Collective particular ways are
Unconscious” the essence of our
o Klein “Archetypes” personality
o Horney “Object- Key Figures: AM/T5
Relations” o Allport “Traits
o Erikson “Identity & Motives”
Crisis” o McCrae &
o Fromm Costa “5 Trait
“Relatedness” Dimension”


- “humanistic” - Behavior, thought,
(positive feelings and
psychology) people personality are
strive toward influenced by
meaning differences in basic
- “existential genetic, epigenetic
theorist” are driven and neurological
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| Theories of Personality 2

systems between o Skinner

individuals. “Conditioned
Key Figures: EB/BA responses/Shapi
o Eysenck “Brain ng/Reinforceme
structures, nt/
neurochemicals Observational
and genes” Learning”
o Buss “Adaptive o Bandura
Mechanisms” “Modeling/Self-
- Shaped by how we affective units”
think and perceive o Mischel “C-A-
the world. U”
Key Figures: o Kelly

Introduction to Personality Theory

PERSONALITY: a pattern of Deals with IF-THEN statements.
relatively permanent traits and Relies on speculation.
unique characteristics that give Five Parts of A Theory
both consistency and 1. set of assumptions.
individuality to a person's 2. a related set of
behavior. assumptions.
TRAITS: contribute to 3. assumptions, theories
individual differences in are accepted as if they
behavior, consistency of were true.
behavior over time and stability 4. logical deductive
of behavior across situations. reasoning.
May be unique, common to 5. includes qualifier
some group or shared by the testable.
entire species, but pattern is
CHARACTERISTICS: unique 1. Philosophy
qualities of an individual that -Means Love of Wisdom and
include attributes as philosophers are people who
temperament, physique and pursue wisdom through
intelligence. thinking and reasoning.
-“epistemology” or the nature of
THEORY: set of related knowledge
assumptions that allows 2. Speculation
scientists to use logical -Science is a branch of study
deductive reasoning to concerned with observation
formulate testable hypotheses. and classification of data and
with the verification of
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| Theories of Personality 3

general laws through the are asked lots of questions

testing of hypotheses. which they try to find
3. Hypothesis workable answers for. A
-An educated guess or good theory provides
prediction specific enough structure for finding those
for its validity to be tested answers.
through the use of the 5. Internally consistent: does
scientific method. not need to be consistent
4. Taxonomy with other theories, but must
-“taxis” order of things be consistent with itself. Will
-A classification of things also contain an operational
according to their natural definition-one that defines
relationships. units in terms of observable
-Science of determining and events or behaviors that can
naming be measured.
6. Parsimonious: when two
Psychology of Science: theories are equal in their
studies both science and ability to generate research,
behavior of scientists. be falsified, give meaning to
Investigates the impact of an date, guide the practitioner
individual scientist's and be self-consistent, the
psychological processes and simpler one is preferred.
personal characteristics on
development of his or her 6 DIMENSIONS FOR A
scientific theories and CONCEPT OF HUMANITY
research. 1. Determinism versus free
WHAT MAKES A THEORY 2. Pessimism versus
USEFUL? optimism.
1. Generates research: most 3. Causality versus
important criterion of a teleology.
useful theory. Theories 4. Conscious versus
generate descriptive unconscious
research which expands an determinants of
existing theory, and behavior.
hypotheses testing, which 5. Biological versus social
leads to an indirect influences on
verification of the usefulness personality.
of the theory. 6. Uniqueness versus
2. Falsifiable: theory must be similarities.
precise enough to suggest
research that may either Causality: holds that behavior
support or fail to support its is a function of past
major tenets. experiences.
3. Organizes date: useful Teleology: explanation of
theory should be able to behavior in terms of future
organize research data that goals or purposes.
are not incompatible with
each other. Reliability: the extent to
4. Guides action: guides the which it yields consistent
practitioner over the rough results.
course of day to day
problems. Example-teachers
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| Theories of Personality 4

Validity: the degree to which should be related, are in

an instrument measures what it fact related
is supposed to measure. o Divergent validity: tests to
o Construct validity: the make sure concepts that
extent to which an are supposed to be
instrument measures some unrelated are in fact
hypothetical construct. unrelated.
Three types of construct
validity are convergent,
divergent and discriminant.
o Convergent validity: degree
to which two measures of
construct that theoretically

Freud: Psychoanalysis (Psychodynamic Theories)

Freud's twin cornerstones

of psychoanalysis: sex and Hysteria: a disorder typically
agression characterized by paralysis or
Freud - insisted the improper functioning of
psychoanalysis could not be certain parts of the body.
subjected to eclecticism, relied Catharsis: process of
more on deductive reasoning. removing hysterical symptoms
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through "talking them out". No contact with reality.

While using catharsis, freud Strives to reduce tension
discovered the free association by satisfying basic
technique, which soon replaced desires.
hypnosis as his principal 2) Ego, or i: only regions of
therapeutic technique. the mind in contact with
Psychical analysis: freud's reality. Governed by the
approach which he later reality principle. Partly
termed psycho-analysis conscious party
Creative illness: condition preconscious. Can make
characterized by depression, decisions on all three
neurosis, psychosomatic levels.
ailments and an intense 3) Super ego or above i:
preoccupation with some form represents moral and
of creative activity. ideal aspects of
Freud's greatest work: personality and is guided
interpretation of dreams. by the moralistic and
(book) idealistic principles.
Two subsystems are
FREUD'S TWO LEVELS OF conscience ad ego-ideal.
1. Unconscious: all drives, DYNAMICS OF PERSONALITY
urges or instincts that are 1. Drives
beyond our awareness but - Trieb: freud's term to refer
that nevertheless still to a drive or stimulus within
motivate most of our the person.
words, feelings and actions. - Instinct. Drive or impulse. A
Originate from repression constant motivational
or phylogenetic force. Every basic drive is
endowment. characterized by: impetus,
Phylogenetic endowment: a source, an aim and an
inherited experiences that lie object.
beyond an individual's personal - Impetus: amount of force it
experience. exerts
Repression: blocking out of - Source: region of the body
anxiety filled experiences. in a state of excitation or
2. Preconscious: elements tension
that are not conscious but - Aim: to seek pleasure by
can become conscious removing that excitation or
either quite readily or with removing that tension
some difficulty. 2. Sex
3. Conscious: those mental - Libido: sex drive. Energy
elements in awareness at from the aggressive drives
any given point in time remains nameless
- Object: person or thing that
Two sources of serves as the means
preconscious: conscious through which the aim is
perception and unconscious. satisfied.
- Erogenous zones: genitals,
FREUD'S MODEL OF THE mouth, anus. Freud
MIND believed entire body is
1) Id, pleasure principal: invested in the libido.
completely unconscious.
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1) Primary narcissism: exaggerated character and

infants are primarily self by its obsessive and
centered, with their compulsive form. Example.
libido invested almost A woman hates her mother
exclusively on their own but shows it through over
ego. the top love for her mother.
2) Secondary narcissism: 3. Displacement: redirecting
when adolescents unacceptable urges onto a
redirect their libido back variety of people or objects
to the ego and become so that the original impulse
preoccupied with is disguised or concealed.
personal appearance 4. Fixation: when the
and self-interests. prospect of taking the next
3. Agression step becomes too anxiety
- To return the organism to provoking, the ego ay
an inorganic state resorts to the strategy of
4. Anxiety remaining at the present,
- a felt, affective, unpleasant more comfortable
state accompanied by a psychological stage.
physical sensation that 5. Regression: during stress
warns the person against or anxiety, reverting back
impending danger. to an earlier stage
Produced and felt only by 6. Projection: when too
the ego. much anxiety, the ego may
project unwanted impulse
- ego preserving. to an external object,
- Three types of anxiety: usually another person.
neurotic, moral and Paranoia: mental disorder
realistic characterized by a powerful
1) Neurotic anxiety: delusion of jealousy and
apprehension about an persecution.
unknown danger 7. Introjection: people
2) Moral anxiety: conflict incorporate positive
between the ego and the qualities of another person
superego. into their own egos.
3) Realistic anxiety: closely 8. Sublimation: repression of
related to fear. the genital aim of eros by
Unpleasant, nonspecific substituting a cultural or
feeling involving a social aim.
possible danger.
DEFENSE MECHANISMS - A. infantile- first 4 or 5
established by ego. Normal, but years.
can be taken to extreme. Three Phases of infantile: oral,
Repression, reaction formation, anal, phallic.
displacement, fixation, Male oedipus complex: when
regression, projection and an infant boy forms an
sublimation. identification with his father
1. Repression: forces and wants to be his father. He
threatening feelings into later develops a sexual desire
the unconscious. for his mother. Then wants to
2. Reaction formation: get rid of father to have his
identified by its mother.
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o oral phase: pleasure Castration anxiety: when a

through sucking Weaning is boy notices girls are different
the principal source of and believes they were bad
frustration during this and had "it" removed.
stage. B. Latency period: 4th or
o Emergence of teeth as a 5th year until puberty
defense against - From about age 5 years until
environment is called oral puberty—in which the sexual
sadistic instinct is partially suppressed.
o anal phase: satisfaction - It is believed that this may
gained through aggressive have roots in our phylogenetic
behavior and excretory endowment
function (sadistic-anal) C. Gentile period:
o occurs at about the second reawakening of sexual
year of life, when toilet aim during puberty.
training is the child's chief - Begins with puberty when
source of frustration. adolescents experience a
o If parents use disciplinary reawakening of the genital aim
training methods, a child of Eros, and it continues
may develop the anal triad throughout adulthood.
of orderliness, stinginess, D. Maturity: puberty
and obstinacy, all of which throughout life.
mark the anal character. Psychological maturity: a
o Phallic phase: boys and stage attained after a person
girls begin to have differing has passed through the earlier
psychosexual development, developmental periods in an
which occurs around ages 3 ideal manner.
or 4 years.
o For both genders, FREUD THERAPEUTIC
suppression of TECHNIQUES
masturbation is the Free association: verbalize
principle source of every thought that enters their
frustration. mind. 84. Transference:
o young children experience strong sexual or aggressive
feelings. Positive or negative,
the Oedipus complex =
that a patient develops toward
having sexual feelings for
their analyst during treatment.
one parent and hostile
Parapraxes: Freudian slips
feelings for the other.
95%: behaviors are
o The male castration
unconsciously determined.
complex breaks up the
Core consciousness: state of
male Oedipus complex and
not being aware or awake.
results in a well-formed
Extended consciousness:
male superego.
state of being aware.
o For girls, the castration
Dopamine system: id's
complex, in the form of
seeking or wanting tendencies.
penis envy, precedes the
The give me
female Oedipus complex, a
Opioid system: pleasure we
situation that leads to only
experience when id is satisfied.
a gradual and incomplete
shattering of the female
Oedipus complex and a
weaker, more flexible
female superego.
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A. Freud's Early Therapeutic chance accidents but reveal a

Technique - Freud used a very person's unconscious intentions
aggressive technique whereby
he strongly suggested to What Makes a Theory
patients that they had been Useful?
sexually seduced as children. -
He later abandoned this 1. Generates Research
technique, with a belief that he 2. Is falsifiable
may have elicited memories of
seduction from his patients and
3. Organizes Data
that he lacked clear evidence 4. Guides Action
that these memories were real
B. Freud's Later Therapeutic
5. Is Internally Consistent
Technique - Goal: uncover 6. Is Parsimonious
repressed memories through
the free association and dream
analysis = to strengthen the
ego - Transference: strong
sexual or aggressive feelings,
positive or negative, that
patients develop towards the
analyst during the course of
treatment - Negative
transference: form of hostility
must be explained to the client
to overcome resistance to
treatment C. Dream Analysis -
manifest content (conscious
description) from the - latent
content (unconscious meaning
of the dream that lies hidden
from the dreamer). - Nearly all
dreams are wish-fulfillments,
although the wish is usually
unconscious and can be known
only through dream
interpretation. - Dreams that
are not wish-fulfillments follow
the principle of repetition
compulsion and often occur
after people have had a
traumatic experience, now
called a post-traumatic stress
disorder. - To interpret
dreams Freud used both dream
symbols and the dreamer's
associations to the dream
content. D. Freudian Slips -
slips of the tongue or pen,
misreadings, incorrect
hearings, misplacing of objects,
and temporary forgetting of
names or intentions are not
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Adler: Individual Psychology (Psychodynamic


-Optimistic View of people -Style of life flavor of a

-Gemeinshaftefuhl (Social person’s life
Interest) or feeling oneness -4 to 5 years’ old
with humankind -Teleology future oriented
1. People motivated mostly by (Fictional Finalisms)
social influences and by Factors in
striving for success and Maladjustment/Abnormality
superiority 1. Exaggerated physical
2. People are largely deficiencies overly
responsible in shaping their concerned with selves
personality 2. Pampered style of life –
3. Present behavior is shaped lies at the heart of most
by people’s view of the neuroses, weak social
future interest/ parasitic
4. Psychologically healthy relationship with parents
people are usually aware of 3. Neglected style of life –
what they are doing and unwanted, abused and
why they are doing it mistreated (paranoid
and suspicious)
Striving for Success or
-Final Goal People are
motivated by social
influences and striving for
superiority and success
-Creative power places people
in control of their lives
-Impetus to success blessed
with organ inferiority (our
only motivation for future
-Striving for Superiority
Personal Superiority over
-Striving for success
motivated by social interest
-Organ dialect deficiencies
express direction of
individual goal
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Jung: Analytical Psychology

Overview of Jung's States, Jung became
Analytical Psychology disenchanted with Freud's
Carl Jung believed that people pansexual theories, broke with
are extremely Freud, and began
complex beings who possess a his own approach to theory and
variety of therapy, which
opposing qualities, such as he called analytical psychology.
introversion and From a critical
extraversion, masculinity and midlife crisis, during which he
femininity, and nearly lost contact
rational and irrational drives. with reality, Jung emerged to
become one of the
Biography of Carl Jung leading thinkers of the 20th
Carl Jung was born in century. He died in
Switzerland in 1875, the 1961 at age 85.
oldest surviving child of an
idealistic Protestant Levels of the Psyche
minister and his wife. Jung's Jung saw the human psyche as
early experience being divided into a conscious
with parents (who were quite and an unconscious level, with
opposite of each the latter further subdivided
other) probably influenced his into a personal and a collective
own theory of unconscious.
personality. Soon after Conscious
receiving his medical Images sensed by the ego are
degree he became acquainted said to be conscious. The ego
with Freud's thus represents the conscious
writings and eventually with side of personality, and in the
Freud himself. Not psychologically mature
long after he traveled with individual, the ego is secondary
Freud to the United to the self.
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Personal Unconscious realize or accept our shadow.

The unconscious refers to those A second hurdle in achieving
psychic images not sensed by maturity is for men to
the ego. Some unconscious accept their anima, or feminine
processes flow from our side, and
personal experiences, but for women to embrace their
others stem from our animus, or
ancestors' experiences with masculine disposition.
universal themes. Jung divided Other archetypes include the
the unconscious into the great mother (the archetype
personal unconscious, which of nourishment and
contains the complexes destruction); the wise old man
(emotionally toned groups of (the archetype of wisdom and
related ideas) and the meaning); and the hero, (the
collective unconscious, or ideas image we have of a conqueror
that are beyond our personal who vanquishes evil, but who
experiences and that originate has a single fatal flaw).
from the repeated experiences The most comprehensive
of our ancestors. archetype is the self; that is,
Collective Unconscious the image we have of
Collective unconscious images fulfillment, completion, or
are not inherited ideas, but perfection. The ultimate in
rather they refer to our innate psychological maturity is
tendency to react in a selfrealization, which is
particular way whenever our symbolized by the mandala, or
personal experiences stimulate perfect geometric figure.
an inherited predisposition
toward action. Contents of the Dynamics of Personality
collective unconscious are Jung believed that the dynamic
called principles that apply to physical
archetypes. energy also apply to psychic
Archetypes energy. These forces include
Jung believed that archetypes causality and teleology as well
originate through the repeated as progression and regression.
experiences of our ancestors Causality and Teleology
and that they are expressed in Jung accepted a middle
certain types of dreams, position between the
fantasies, philosophical issues of causality
delusions, and hallucinations. and teleology. In other words,
Several humans are motivated both by
archetypes acquire their own their past experiences and by
personality, and Jung identified their expectations ofthe future.
these by name. Progression and Regression
To achieve self-realization,
One is the persona-the side of people must adapt to both their
our personality that we show to external and internal worlds.
others. Progression involves adaptation
Another is the shadow-the dark to the outside world and the
side of forward flow of psychic energy,
personality. To reach full whereas regression refers to
psychological adaptation to the inner world
maturity, Jung believed, we and the backward flow of
must first psychic energy. Jung believed
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that the backward step is age as times when people may

essential to a person's forward acquire the ability to attain
movement toward self- self-realization.
realization. Stages of Development
Jung divided development into
Psychological Types four broad stages:
Eight basic psychological types (1) childhood, which lasts from
emerge from the union of two birth until adolescence;
attitudes and four functions. (2) youth, the period from
Attitudes puberty until middle life,
Attitudes are predispositions to which is a time for extraverted
act or react in a characteristic development and for being
manner. The two basic grounded to the real world of
attitudes are introversion, schooling, occupation,
which refers to people's courtship, marriage, and
subjective perceptions, and family;
extraversion, which indicates (3) middle life, which is a time
an orientation toward the from about 35 or 40 until old
objective world. age when people should be
Extraverts are influenced more adopting an introverted
by the real world than by their attitude; and (4) old age, which
subjective perception, whereas is a time for psychological
introverts rely on their rebirth, self-realization, and
individualized view of things. preparation for death.
Introverts and extraverts often Self-Realization
mistrust and misunderstand Self-realization, or
one another. individuation, involves a
Functions psychological rebirth and an
The two attitudes or integration of various parts of
extroversion and introversion the psyche into a unified or
can combine with four basic whole individual. Self-
functions to form eight general realization represents the
personality types. The four highest level of human
functions are development.
(1) thinking, or recognizing the
meaning of stimuli; Jung's Methods of
(2) feeling, or placing a value Investigation
on something; Jung used the word association
(3) sensation, or taking in test, dreams, and active
sensory stimuli; and imagination during the process
(4) intuition, or perceiving of psychotherapy, and all these
elementary data that are methods contributed to his
beyond our awareness. theory of personality.
Jung referred to thinking and Word Association Test
feeling as rational functions Jung used the word association
and to sensation and intuition test early in his career to
as irrational functions. uncover complexes embedded
in the personal unconscious.
Development of Personality The technique requires a
Nearly unique among patient to utter the first word
personality theorists was Jung's that comes to mind after the
emphasis on the second half of examiner reads a stimulus
life. Jung saw middle and old
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word. Unusual responses

indicate a complex. Critique of Jung
Dream Analysis Although Jung considered
Jung believed that dreams may himself a scientist, many of his
have both a cause and a writings have more of a
purpose and thus can be useful philosophical than a
in explaining past events and in psychological flavor. As a
making decisions about the scientific theory, it rates
future. "Big dreams" and average on its ability to
"typical dreams," both of which generate research, but very
come from the collective low on its ability to withstand
unconscious, have meanings falsification. It is about average
that lie beyond the experiences on its ability to organize
of a single individual. knowledge but low on each of
Active Imagination the other criteria of a useful
Jung also used active theory.
imagination to arrive at
collective images. This Concept of Humanity
technique requires the patient Jung saw people as extremely
to concentrate on a single complex beings who are a
image until that image begins product of both conscious and
to appear in a different unconscious personal
form. Eventually, the patient experiences. However, people
should see figures that are also motivated by inherited
represent archetypes and other remnants that spring from the
collective unconscious images. collective experiences of
Psychotherapy their early ancestors. Because
The goal of Jungian therapy is Jungian theory is a psychology
to help neurotic patients of opposites, it receives a
become healthy and to move moderate rating on the issues
healthy people in the direction of free will versus determinism,
of self-realization. Jung was optimism versus pessimism,
eclectic in his choice of and
therapeutic techniques and causality versus teleology. It
treated old people differently rates very high on
than the young. unconscious influences, low on
uniqueness, and
Related Research low on social influences.
Although Jungian psychology
has not generated large
volumes of research, some
investigators have used the Carl Jung “ANALYTICAL
Myers-Briggs Type Indicator to PSYCHOLOGY”
examine the idea of
psychological types. Some -No.1 and No.2 Personality
research suggests that 1. Extraverted Self –
extraverts and introverts childhood (False)
have different preferences in 2. Introverted Self – middle
their choice of partners. Other life (True)
researchers have reported that -Levels of Psyche
personality type is related to 1. Conscious
academic performance and Ego- center of
success. consciousness
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Self-center of personality -Less emphasis on biological,

2. Personal unconscious – more on social (Interpersonal
repressed and forgotten Relationship)
experiences (unique- -Maternal intimacy, nurturing of
individual experiences) Mother
3. Collective unconscious- -Prime motive of behavior:
ancestral past of all Human Contact and
species (same for all Relatedness
species) -Young children 4-6 months’ old
4. Archetypes- ancient or (Drives: Hunger, sex and so
archaic images from forth)
collective unconscious -Psychic Life of the Infant
o Persona – personality a. Phantasies – psychic
shown to the world representations id
o Shadow – negative side unconscious id instincts
o Anima – emotion, (Good and Bad)
irrational side of men b. Objects – humans have
o Animus – logical and innate drives or instincts
rational side of women -Positions
Test of Courage 1. Paranoid Schizoid
1. Realization of Shadow Position (3 to 4 months)
2. Acquaintance with Anima – a way of organizing
and Animus experiences that
o Great mother – fertility, includes both paranoid
destruction and rebirth feelings of being
o Wise old man – wisdom persecuted and a
and meaning splitting of internal and
o Hero – powerful person external objects (Good
who vanquish evil; tragic Breast and Bad Breast).
flow/weakness – Egos’ perception of the
o Self – “The Mother of all world is Subjective and
Archetypes & The fantastic
archetypes of all 2. Depressive Position (5 to
Archetypes” inherent 6 months)
tendency to move – feelings of
towards growth anxiety over
 process: Self- losing a loved
Realization object coupled
 end Goal: with a sense of
Individuation guilt for wanting
 MANDALA – ultimate to destroy that
symbol of life object constitute
 YIN YANG – symbol of -Psychic Defense Mechanisms
opposing elements of 1. Introjection – infants
psyche / Balance fantasize taking into their
(Anima and Animus) body those perceptions
and experiences that they
Melanie Klein “OBJECT- had with the external
RELATIONS THEORY” object (Mother’s Breast)
2. Projection – fantasy that
-Adapt the Instinct theory of one’s own feelings and
Sigmund Freud impulses actually reside in
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another person and not plays a leading role in

within one’s body. shaping
3. Splitting – keeping apart a. Basic Hostility –
incompatible impulses unsatisfied need for
(Good and Bad Breast) safety and
4. Projective Identification – satisfaction
split off unacceptable b. Basic anxiety –
parts of themselves, feeling of being
project them into another isolated
and finally introject them
back into themselves in a Defenses:
changed or distorted form 1. Affection
-Internalizations 2. Submissiveness
A. Ego – one’s sense of self 3. Power
reaches Maturity 4. Withdrawal –
B. Superego emotionally attached
o emerges earlier in life from others
o not an outgrowth of  classi
Oedipus complex fied
o more harsh and cruel as
C. Oedipus complex neuro
o Earliest months of life; tic if
genital stage (3 or 4) only 1
o Children fear of defen
retaliation from their se
parent for their fantasy met.
of emptying the parent’s More
body than
o Children retaining 1 is
positive feelings toward norm
both parents al.
o Serves the same need
Neurotic Trends
for both genders to
establish a positive 1. Moving toward –
attitude with the good or compliant manner
gratifying object and to 2. Moving Against –
avoid bad or terrifying aggression
object 3. Moving Away – detached
Karen Horney Erik Erikson “POST-
Striving for: Stages of Psychosocial
a. Power – dominate
others 1. Infancy
b. Prestige - Basic Trust Vs. Mistrust
c. Possession – deprive Basic Strength: Hope
others Core Pathology:
- Culture not anatomy is Withdrawal
the reason for gender 2. Early Childhood
differences Autonomy Vs. Shame
- Culture and early and Doubt
childhood experiences Basic Strength: Will
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Core Pathology: 3. Humans are

Compulsion ultimately alone but
3. Play Age cannot tolerate
Initiative Vs. Guilt isolation
Basic Strength: Purpose People separated from nature (Basic
Core Pathology: Anxiety)
4. School Age stripped off of powerful instincts
Industry Vs. Inferiority
developed the facility to reason
Basic Strength:
Competence forces us to solve dichotomies
Core Pathology: Inertia
5. Adolescence Existential Dichotomies
Identity Vs. Identity
Confusion HUMAN NEEDS:
Basic Strength: Fidelity 1. Relatedness – union
Core Pathology: Role with another
Reputation a. Submission
6. Young Adult b. Symbiotic
Intimacy Vs. Isolation Relationship – give
Basic Strength: Love and take
Core Pathology: c. Love – only route
Exclusivity to become untied
7. Adulthood with world
Generativity Vs. In Love, two
Stagnation people become
Basic Strength: Care one yet remain
Core Pathology: two. -Erich
Rejectivity Fromm ♥
8. Old Age 2. Transcendence –
Integrity Vs. Despair urge to rise above a
Basic Strength: Wisdom passive and
Core Pathology: Disdain accidental existence
3. Rootedness – to feel
at home (legacy:
- Humanities separation 4. Self-identity – to be
from the natural world aware of as a
- Human dilemma separate identity
people separated from 5. Frame of
the natural world, but orientation – road
acquired the facility to map to make their
reasons / questions way into the world
about life - Object of Devotion
- Existential (goal in life)
Dichotomies - Burden of Freedom
1. Between life and results of basic anxiety/
death feeling of being alone in
2. Humans are capable the world/ has freedom
to achieve self- but no one cares
realization, but life is MECHANISMS OF
too short to reach it. ESCAPE
Claire’s Reviewer
| Theories of Personality 17

1.) Authoritarianism 3. Thinking/ reasoning/

– give up thought
independence and
 Masochism 1. Necrophilia – love of
 Sadism death, war and terrorism
2.) Conformity – give (career: Law
up individuality to enforcement
join a group or 2. Malignant Narcissism –
association preoccupied with
- Positive freedom free oneself; hypochondriasis
but not alone. (preoccupation with
Spontaneous activity health), Moral
(preoccupation with
A. Non-Productive guilt), neurotic claims
1. Receptive – source of 3. Incestuous symbiosis –
all good lies outside extreme dependence on
self, receive things: mother / surrogate
complaint (Mother Fixation)
- Family: Syndrome of Decay –
Controlling in possess all three
nature personality disorders
2. Exploitative –source Syndrome of Growth –
of good lies outside, love, biophilia, positive
but aggressively take freedom
what they desire
- Driven by
Carl Rogers “PERSON
personal gain
3. Hoarding – save what
have been obtained Basic Assumptions:
- Sees
world/person as 1. Formative tendency –
possessions tendency for all matters,
- They lived in the both organic and
past inorganic to evolve from
(conventional) simpler to complex
4. Marketing – see forms.
themselves as 2. Actualizing tendency –
commodities tendency within all
- Sees world as human to move toward
completion or fulfillment
of potentials.
- Sell their self “I
a. Maintenance – similar
am as you Desire
to lower step of
Maslow’s Hierarchy of
- No permanent
- Includes basic
B. Productive
need (food, air and
1. Work
2. Love
- Tendency to resist
Biophilia – Passionate
change and seek
love in all that is alive
the status quo.
Claire’s Reviewer
| Theories of Personality 18

b. Enhancement – need 2. 4 Processes Governing

to become more, to Observational Learning
develop and to a. Attention – attend to
achieve growth that person
-Self-Actualization the b. Representation –
tendency to actualize the patterns must be
self as perceived in symbolically
awareness represented in
-Actualization tendency memory.
refers to organismic c. Behavioral production
experiences of the individual – produce the
that is refers to the whole behavior
person; conscious and d. Motivation – most
unconscious, physiological effective when
and cognitive. learners are
-Organismic self beyond a motivated to perform
person’s awareness or not the modeled behavior
owned by that person
Enactive Learning
-Self-concept aspect of one’s
being and one’s awareness Every response a person
that are perceived in makes is followed by
awareness some consequence
-Ideal Self one’s view of self as (satisfying/dissatisfying)
one wishes to be - Complex human
Awareness – Symbolic behavior can be learned
representation of some portion when people think about
of our experiences and evaluate the
Levels of Awareness consequence of their
1. Ignored and denied behaviors
2. Accurately symbolized - 3 Function
3. Distorted form (Consequences of
-Positive Regard person Response):
develops a need to be loved, 1. inform us of effects of
liked or accepted by another our actions
person 2. motivate our
-Positive self-regard anticipatory behavior
experience of pricing or 3. serve to reinforce
valuing one’s self behavior
Barriers to Psychological Triadic Reciprocal Causation
Health Behavior
1. Conditions
-Unconditional positive

Albert Bandura “SOCIAL Personal Factors

LEARNING/COGNITIVE (cognitive, affective and Environmental
THEORY” biological events factors
Observational learning
- Chance Encounter
1. Modeling – core
unintended meeting of person
observational learning.
unfamiliar to each other
- Involves cognitive
process not just mimicry
or imitation.
Claire’s Reviewer
| Theories of Personality 19

- Fortuitous Event an - Use of language

environmental experience that - Egocentric
is unexpected and unintended - Does not understand the
- Human Agency essence of principle of conservation
humanness. 3. Concrete Operational (7
Core of Human Agency to 11 years’ old)
1. Intentionally - Seriation
2. Forethought - Reversibility
3. Self-reactiveness - Bound to the concrete,
4. Self-reflectiveness physical reality of the
-Self efficacy how people act world
in a particular situation 4. Formal Operational (11
depends on the reciprocity of to onwards)
behavioral, environmental and
cognitive conditions. Harry Stack Sullivan
- “people’s belief in their “INTERPERSONAL THEORY”
capability to exercise - Personality develops in
some measure of control social context without
over their own other people, humans
functioning and over would have no
environmental events” personality
- Contributes Self-Efficacy: - Levels of Cognition:
1. Mastery Experiences 1. Prototaxic Level –
2. Social Modeling earliest and most
(Vicarious primitive experience
experiences) of infants
3. Social Persuasion 2. Parataxic Level –
4. Physical and assumes cause and
Emotional States effects relationship
-Proxy Agency indirect control between 2 events
over those social conditions occurred
that affect everyday living coincidentally
- Downside: too much on 3. Syntaxic Level –
the competence and meaningful
powers of others, people interpersonal
weaken their sense of communication
personal and collective
-Collective Efficacy people
shared belief in their collective
power to produce desired result

Jean Piaget
Stages of development
1. Sensorimotor Stage
(Birth to 2 years’ old)
- Coordinate sensory
- Lack concept of Object
2. Preoperational Stage (2
to 7 years’ old)

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