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GOOD WELD HOT WELD HANG-UP i Mn TCO ein Yt (lassie Gomi TI |AGOODWELDstows aneven fh wih AHOTWELD produces exessve flash —“ACOLD WELD does notcompltty fxm HANG UP caused by ining rig fod neght around the stu. Tefiash_spreadout beyond the area ofthe Mash rourd the sud weld nds Mash ad lung de to por centenng ofthe sud Should apear ret shin ana ow fer, with excessive spate and hohtmay e owt willapear cl or nthe fee, oor algment ofthe st ‘atin the ase materi Thee Undergo he st Consierable singers maybe sen coming trom the the base mater 60 much TA ‘ould be fl fash around the ud burn tvoughwi abo be presen onthe wel: Prevertatvermeasues nude preducesitiecr a lash, heels no erbnery wthoutundercit Thebur-o base mater Toprevertahotweld,_‘IRTeaSing me, Power beth. Tsmay _pentaton tothe base material undereut in fates good measure of weluslty decease te, power o both ss bah iteaton of not enous ‘he wea anda weidheeht that soo er, Scan be checked by cng an ung, very lunge seting et Te achive 2 more consent wel, the td ‘ast the gn setngs or bet resus. il Ccunispacedinthe Pressngihetrgger —Aferatengtine’s Gun withdrawn Cerrecpostion ard MRsthestudof te fished, the man fom the weldes themainsprngisworkandcretesan sping pines the stud ferule esti Slghiycompressed. beeing the stud Sudo the pel of broken away and Before production welding with Ave ove the tus and manly oF parsoarsetup gvenaeendtype of mechanical bending the toa. For fic athe bogiving cf cachdoy ore trended tus, te torque tet shal be Stee at Shits reduction, testing shall be subst for the bend est peformed onthe fst two studs that or ase Welded. The test ude shalbe val Mare occurs inthe weed sone of 2 smn ondshould exit Nash orind ether tu the procedure salle re = the fl periphery of te stu, Corrected andtwo more tus welded and - ‘ested Altona test wel shout be Inacttento visa examination, te test cotinved nt wo consecutive suds are shalleonistofberdingthe studs ater” testedand found t be satan. The theyaealowed col to an ange of resus othe testing should be acceptable approxinaely 30 rom hel oral aes pr tcontruaton withthe roducton bethersrkngthe studs wih sharimer—wodingoF thes. ‘BEND TEST ‘TORQUE TEST 2 plang a pipe or atver suitable hllow ~~ : \\ AA 4

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