Pensamiento Caja Negra Parte 2

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This work covers the second part of the great book Black Box Thought, from the
first 7 chapters we were able to appreciate great stories, and these last 7 chapters
are no exception, since it is a book that, through analysis, stories and casuistry, It
shows us the great advantages of telling and learning from failures, hence its
name. What is a black box? As we know, it is the device that preserves the
conversations of the crew on the airplanes and records the technical indicators of
the airplanes. What is it for? In the event of an accident, it is the starting point to
understand what happened and what is more important, the aviation sector is a
sector that makes public the findings in the black boxes and what has allowed us to
constantly learn from retrospective errors , maintain a positive learning. curve with
respect to errors.
On the contrary, Syed proposes a different reality, with enormous costs for
humanity as a whole: the reluctance of science and medical practice to recognize
errors in their practice and, therefore, the lack of feedback to avoid errors.
The book that is tackled perhaps without many expectations is surprisingly
interesting and leaves us with those who read, the basic teachings that can be
applied at a commercial and personal level.
The logic of failure, cognitive dissonance, the complexity of the confrontation, small
steps and giant leaps, the blame game and the creation of a culture of growth;
They are the chapters of this excellent book.
Is it easy to consolidate a corporate culture or personal growth based on the
analysis, dissemination and learning of our own failures? We are sure that yes, and
Matthew Syed also shows us statistics that identified him.

Chapter 8.- “Scared Straight / Landed”

Scared Straight / Terrified, Chapter Eight. In 1978, seventeen teenagers from New
York and New Jersey were taken to Rahway State Prison, which is one of the most
important detention centers in the United States. On the way to enter the young
people were joking, being conceited and more within the group of teenagers there
were fourteen men and three women but all had something in common, since they
had all had problems with the law, among crimes such as car theft, robbery and
drug trafficking, shoplifting. During that time most of the crimes that were carried
out in the United States were committed by these young people. The violations
began to increase. More than half of the serious crimes committed in the United
States were committed by minors.
The teenagers were channeled to prison and that was not something that mattered
much as they continued to take it as a simple joke, and this was a serious problem
facing this country. The visit that these teenagers had was part of a program to
reduce crime, this program showed teenagers what life was like in prison, being in
high security cells 24 hours a day to get them to improve their behavior. The
program was devised by the inmates themselves so that the teenagers thought
before committing any crime.
Politicians queued to praise the program. Countless columns were written in the
newspapers. Social commentators extolled Scared Straight's strategy. The
misguided boys were put face to face with the consequences of their actions. It
was the kind of brief and effective treatment that all critics of the system had been
crying out for. It was an overwhelming deterrence. During the week of March 5,
1979, Shapiro's documentary was screened in two hundred large cities. The
following month he won the Oscar for best documentary. Scared Straight could be
seen throughout the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, Australia and
Norway. The judges, the workers of the reformatories and other experts assured
that it was effective. The data seemed to confirm it. In words, from George Nicola,
a juvenile judge who worked a few kilometers from Rahway, in New Brunswick:
When you study the program and analyze the statistics, I have no doubt that the
Rahway State Prison youth awareness project is surely the most effective and
cheap deterrent in the entire prison sector in the United States, 182 But then it
turned out that there was a considerable problem with the program. Did not work.
More rigorous analysis shows they laugh later than the boys who visited the
It is often the people who want to hide their mistakes that perpetuate closed cycles.
The same happens when they fail their mistakes instead of facing them. But there
is a third way to eternalize closed cycles: the biased interpretation. This was the
problem that prolonged the bleeding that medieval doctors practiced. They seemed
to have accurate information about what worked and what didn't. Either the patient

died after treatment, or was still alive, It was a test in sight of But how to interpret
these tests? As we have seen, doctors, convinced of the wisdom of figures like
Galen, believed in the power of bloodletting. When a patient died, it meant he was
so sick that not even bleeding could cure him. But when he survived, the
effectiveness of the treatment was confirmed. Think about how many success
stories must have been circulating in the medieval world: terribly sick people, on
the verge of death, to whom they were bleeding and surviving.
 Conclusion
This case is one of the most extensive since it talks about two different tests that
were carried out on people, one was the one that was done to adolescents who
committed crimes in the United States and the other was an experiment that would
be carried out on people sick, and how it would be done and that it is not only to
apply the medicine to apply it but also to have tests and possible reactions that
they could have.
But most real-world failures are shrouded in a fog of ambiguity. What seems like a
success may be a failure and vice versa. And this, in turn, is a major obstacle to
moving forward. After all, how can you learn from failure if you are not sure of
having failed, how you can evolve without a clear selection mechanism, as
mentioned in the chapter, the website of a company has been designed and that,
consequently, increases sales This can make you think the new. Web design has
led to the increase. One fact has preceded the other. But how can you be sure,
maybe sales have gone up because a competitor has broken, interest rates have
gone down or because it has been a rainy month and consumers have bought
online. Not for the website. In fact, it is very possible that sales would have risen
more if the website had not been changed.
In many ways, Scared Straight was ahead of its time. Unlike most social programs,
which did not collect any type of data, sent questionnaires and compiled statistics.
But, in the same way as medieval indentations, statistics that come from
observation do not always provide reliable data. Often the item against factual
must be taken into account. If we could not be harming people without even
realizing it.

Chapter 9.- “Marginal Earnings”

The plot begins with a team of runners from the United Kingdom who were going to
compete in the south of France. It was a warm morning and the riders went to the
quipo bus silently as they watched the new day, a few hours after the start of the
16th Tour 2014 stage, the strongest endurance test that exists.
On the Team Sky bus everyone was expectant. The runners had just put on their
equipment. Coaches reviewed the race maps. Half an hour before the race began,
Nicolas Portal, one of Team Sky's sporting directors, began his usual talk before
the races. He highlighted the importance of the stage and warned the runners of
the difficult sections of the route. While doing so, photos of hard bends and steep
slopes were passed on the bus screen. When he finished, a man at the end of the
vehicle had kept quiet, began to speak. He had a shaved head, black glasses and
a strong personality.
Ultimately, success depends on being among the escaped. The previous
afternoon, Brailsford had been teaching the entire operation of Team Sky. They
saw the trucks, the team bus design and the minute algorithms they used to record
the performance of each cyclist. It was the opportunity to take a look at the
backstage of one of the most admired projects best managed in the world of
sports. Brailsford's success is legendary. When in 1997 he joined the track cycling
team as an advisor, the team was rather mediocre. But in 2000 Britain won a gold
medal in the time trial. In 2004, a year after the technical director was appointed,
Britain won two gold medals. In 2008 they won eight gold medals and, at the
London Olympics, in 2012, repeated this extraordinary brand. So much, something
even more remarkable was happening. Track cycling is a competitive modality, but
the most prestigious is professional road cycling. Since the Tour de France was
created in 1903, he had never had a British winner.
It seems easy but in philosophy, marginal gains have become one of the most
popular concepts not only in the world of sports, but in many other areas. It has
been the basis of business conferences, seminars and has even been discussed in
the armed forces.
Many British disciplines have incorporated a direct marginal profit. It is important to
understand the meaning of marginal gains by analyzing the most important
challenges facing the world today. This is what a group of pioneer economists did
in the impoverished regions of Busia and Teso in western Kenya. As Tim Harford
points out in his book Adaptate, economists wanted to know if giving away
textbooks in schools would improve student grades. Intuitively, they were pretty
sure it would be. In the past, the results obtained in the observation had been
good. Schools - those that received books used to have students with better
grades. However, economists wanted to be sure, so they filled out a PCA end.

Instead of delivering the textbooks to the schools that needed them most, which is
the usual practice, randomly separating a set of schools into two groups: one
received the free textbooks and the other, no. Now suffered a treatment group and
a control group. It was time to know if books were good for anything. When the
results arrived they were both blunt and it took time. Students who receive free
books do not perform better than others. The test results in the two groups of
schools were almost identical. This response transcendently intuition and the data
specified in the observation. But this is what randomized tests usually do. The
problem was not the books, but the language in the writings. English is the third
language for most children living in the remote lands of Busia and Teso. They had
to work hard to understand something.
 Conclusion
In this chapter we have analyzed the small steps that can be taken when detecting
minimal failures. Marginal gains as a philosophy depend on the ability to learn from
small things, often latent weaknesses. The great innovations of technology, science
are things that have changed the world completely.
In the opening pages of this book, we have focused on the failures of two sectors
in which security is essential: aviation and health. We have analyzed the reactions,
attitudes and investigations that were made. Now, let's briefly study success and
the reactions that cause it. By shedding light on how things are done well we can
know more about why they are done badly. What is true in the field of systems is
also reflected in the individual field.
In fact, this framework explains one of the deepest paradoxes of modern
psychology. It is proven that experts with thousands of hours of experience can act
with almost miraculous precision. Chess masters can instantly calculate an
accurate move. The best tennis players can predict where the ball will go even
before its opponent has hit it. Experienced pediatric nurses make immediate
diagnoses that are then confirmed without exceptions.
It is very easy to lie on the couch and develop great theories to change the world.
But often the intuitions you have as human beings are wrong. The world is too
much to solve problems from the couch. The only way to be sure is tested in ideas
and programs realizing that we are often wrong.
Throughout this chapter, two different cases were shown that leave great learning since it
is used in the same method for everyone learning engineering problems first. But in case
the problem is complex to form that the strategy will not be optimal.

Chapter 10.- “How Failure Generates Innovation”

The tenth chapter of the book begins by telling us about James Dyson and the
wonderful discovery he made. Dyson had been cleaning his house as he was
constantly doing with his vacuum cleaner, however he realized that it was losing
power as time went by, then Dyson who was very curious and always wanted to
know why things and deal with them chose to open her vacuum and realize the
problem that was in her. The problem was that the vacuum from the first use began
to deteriorate, the dust caused the filter to clog and therefore the vacuum lost
power. Dyson decided to do something about it and it was like on one occasion he
was able to observe a cyclone (a cone-shaped device that changes the dynamics
of the air flow and separates the dust from the air thanks to a centrifugal force).
Dyson immediately developed a cardboard cyclone and applied it to his vacuum,
so the filter did not clog and worked perfectly in the device, it was a discovery that
many would consider obvious but for Dyson in his time it was an important
discovery that benefited him With significant gains.
It is here that we find the main theme of the chapter because, as shown in the case
of James Dyson, what could be considered as "failure" was the fact that the
vacuum cleaner lost power and thus could discover its innovation in the apparatus.
Problems and failures must exist all the time so that creativity and innovation can
arise within the inventors, because they always look for ways to solve a problem (in
this case a failure) to improve their life and that of the people. Many inventors over
the years have found a way to solve various extremely common problems that a
person can go through all the time and yet not realize the obvious solution that is in
front of their eyes, by for example the ATMs that were invented by John Shepherd-
Barron while taking a bath, thinking about the problem he had that day of not being
able to find cash at another time that was not the time at which all banks were they
are open or also the case of the body belt, invented as a result of the problem that
people faced when applying it in their car for some repair, because the
conventional adhesive tape caused the paint of the vehicle to peel along with the
tape .
Frequently, we do not take into account the aspect of the creative process and
focus on the moment of epiphany, it is for this reason that creativity is so ethereal.
The defects of existing technology is what forces humans to think so that those
devices work differently as in the case of Dyson and his vacuum cleaner. Many
times to be creative you must have ideas that have nothing to do with each other
as Dyson did, he related the vacuum that is an appliance that is used in homes
normally, however it could relate to the cyclone that is I found in the sawmill, that is,
no relation one artifact with another, this is the way in which people can develop
their creative ideas thinking in a different way. There is talk of an experiment that
was done to students in which they related colors with extremely everyday and

banal things like blue with the sky and green with the grass, but when they were
asked to find another way to relate it it was like everyone they can become more
creative, this is how the innovation method works.
 Conclusion
It is really interesting how the ideas to invent some totally new good can arise as a
result of the failures that human beings or other products that already existed can
commit, inventions can solve very simple things that we face every day and in
which sometimes we exert a small effort (which is why we do not give them enough
importance), however it is an effort that we exert, the solutions are often very
simple and can generate great economic and intellectual benefits for their inventors
and for people. That is why human beings should be more analytical and look for
ways to make those little efforts we make every day even easier to do so, perhaps,
to create an invention that revolutionizes and changes the way of seeing and doing

Chapter 11.- "Flight 114 of Libyan Arab Airlines"

talks about flight 114 of libyan arab airlines, which on February 21 at 1:54 p.m.
Israeli radars pick up the signal of a commercial plane that flies over the Gulf of
Suez and penetrates the Israeli war zone, the plane was destined for Cairo but this
has departed 150 kilometers of its route, so something strange was happening.
Israeli commanders are convinced that it is not an ordinary passenger plane, but
that it is carrying out a military mission with the explicit consent of its enemies in
The pilots or Israelis ordered the Libyan plane to land at Rephidim base before I
can reach the center of Israel this was done by balancing the plane and
transmitting the signals by radio however the plane ignored so it follows its
Direction to Israel.
The Israelis were almost certain that it was a hostile plane, probably without
passengers on board, they should force it to land more than anything to prevent
other incursions of the same type.
At 14.08 they make the decision to shoot the ailerons of the plane but still defy the
instructions to land, finally at 14.10 the phantoms shoot at the base of the wings,
forcing them to descend, the pilot almost manages to make an emergency landing
on the desert, but after sliding for 600 meters it hits a dune and explodes.
Lybian Arab Airlines Flight 114 was, in fact, a perfectly ordinary passenger flight
that went from Benghazi to Cairo, had involuntarily deviated from the route and
was flying over Israel's war zone.
Of the 113 pardons that were part of the crew, 108 died in the accident.
Clearly this was a shock to the whole society and the Israeli military commander
was blamed for a terrible tragedy.
But for the Israelis it was more shocking since they discovered that this plane had
no terrorist intention, it was a plane full of innocent passengers on vacation and the
Israeli air force was responsible for a devastating tragedy for the world.
 Why did the plane not want to land? Why did they continue in that direction?
In this chapter we analyze what is the psychology of guilt, because this is a very
common reaction to failure and events of any kind, we tend to dramas to another
person when something does not work out or goes wrong.
Blaming is closely related to errors that occur in sectors where security is key, such
as aviation and health.

Guilt is a subversion of the narrative fallacy, a profound simplification generated by
the bias of the human brain and this has subtle but measurable consequences that
undermine the ability to learn.
External pressures encourage people to suppress vital information to adapt, that is,
fear of being blamed.
Guilt is a feeling as powerful as it is complex, because of its origin and also
because of the multiplicity of psychological factors with which it relates and
The feeling of guilt is, in general, accompanied by unpleasant emotions such as
sadness, anguish, frustration, helplessness or remorse, among others, and
repetitive and unproductive thoughts; and it works in a different way according to
its temporal origin. Thus, we can feel guilt for:
* Something we did or didn't do (past)
* Something we are not or are doing (present)
* Something we are going to do or not (future)
 Conclusion
Guilt is a mechanism in which, from an act or omission, we make a moral judgment
of our behavior (even of our thoughts) and rule that we have made a mistake and
should have a punishment.
The feeling of guilt arises from a subjective process, that is to say, it is determined
by our interpretation and assessment of the facts, such as what happened to plane
114 that everything was a confusion and innocent people died through this act.
In conclusion, the impulse to learn from mistakes is the same one that longs for a
culture of justice, we have the responsibility to learn from failures instead of getting
hooked, in order to favor sincerity and prevent guilt in a preventive way.
Guilt can be normal and is only an indicator of an underlying disease when feelings
become excessive, occur at all times and interfere with everyday life.

Chapter 12.- "The Second Victim"
In this case we are going to focus on the culture of guilt, and this will be
exemplified mainly by one of the saddest cases, the death of Petter Conelly, a 17-
month-old baby, from Harigey to North London in 2007, at which the press referred
to as "he drinks P". Who died at the hands of his mother, her boyfriend and his
brother, since he lacked care and was mistreated, the aggressors 15 months later
were found guilty and sentenced to prison.
But the media did not focus their accusations on the detainees, but on those who
were supposed to have protected the baby's integrity and who had not been
prosecuted, and those who were supposed to protect Petter were the social worker
and Director of social services. Thanks to the newspaper el sun, who published his
photographs and number asking if you knew them, I get thousands to call and
support the request to fire them, but this was not there, they were attacked and
After this tragedy, it was widely believed that the service of social workers would
improve, "the idea is that, although the punishment is excessive in a specific case,
it will make everyone else stand firm and take responsibility." But what really
happened was chaos, thousands of social workers abandoned their profession, a
lot of money had to be invested in bringing out workers, those who continued had
an excessive workload, and also had to protect themselves from any future
situation. Trying to increase discipline and responsibility when there is no culture of
justice has precisely the opposite effect. Moral mine, promotes defensive attitudes
and conceals vital information.
Another case discussed in the chapter to exemplify and understand the culture of
guilt, is the incident called <November Oscar>, which tells us about one of the
most experienced British pilots who was tried for doing or that he He believed it
was his duty under circumstances of great pressure. Flight B747-136 G-AWNO,
had taken off from Barein and, upon arriving in European airspace, the crew knew
that the time of the London airport was appalling, since a thick fog had reduced
visibility to a few meters beyond . The pilot was obliged to do what is called an
instrumental landing which implies many safety protocols and rules to be followed
which demarcate the captain if something goes wrong.
What they did not count on is that the autopilot did not receive the two signals to be
able to specify the correct landing maneuvers, the plane carried 255 passengers
on board, when they were about to arrive at the first landing, they almost crashed
into a hotel and aborted the mission thanks to the prompt response of the pilot, so
he decided to take control of it, and managed to land without any problems and

with the applause of all passengers. But no one imagined what would happen next,
because the pilot had disregarded the security protocols and could have caused
one of the largest disasters on the continent, so they put him on trial and after 18
months the jury decided he was guilty for not follow the rules, regulations and
almost cause a disaster to the southwest of London.
This incident that took him to trial and hurt him for not having the support he
believed he deserved, the last trip of this great pilot was the one that would lead
him to death after all, the last thing he knew about him was that he left from his
little house in Wokingham without saying anything to his wife. He drove for 9 hours
to a beach 15 km from where he was born in Scotland, near the RAF leuchars
base, the place where he flew a plane for the first time and knew what he would
love most in life. He connected the end to a hose to the exhaust pipe and the other
introduced it into the car through the window, shortly after he died asphyxiated and
left no explanation as to why he did it.
 Conclusion
This has been one of the shortest chapters in the book, but certainly with more
meaning and that lets you see cases that actually happened and that you fail to
understand the actions that people took against others, there is no limit to make
others feel bad and you only focus on what you think is right, but what really
happened is not analyzed. Throughout this book we have been able to learn about
human behavior in different situations and that it will simply always be easier to
blame someone else or find thousands of justifications for events, it is part of the
self-defense of the actions that a person possesses human.
However, when feelings of guilt are added to an unjustified accusation of
criminality, people can be taken to the extreme, as happened with the pilot, to
whom their accusation to do what was their duty and pay the lives of more than
200 people, led him to a feeling so desperate to take his life for believing himself
guilty of a tragedy that did not happen and because he was condemned as if he
were a criminal when he was actually a hero.
Several studies show that professionals suffer from stress, agony, anguish, fear,
guilt and depression, as happened in the first case, the power of the media is very
large and if they use it for issues such as the case of the baby P, it is even more
because they destroyed the lives of 2 people who did their job and were accused
of a murder that they did not do but the society instead for a publication
condemned them being that the real murderers were the relatives who mistreated
the baby that led him to death, then whose fault it was, who killed him or a simple
social worker.

Chapter 13.- “The Beckham Effect”
This effect was based on soccer player David Beckham, who has been one of the
best soccer players in the world, has been recognized for having scored multiple
goals in extremely important leagues, his strengths were always to kick fouls and
center to the area, however, this did not happen overnight, but rather he tried hard
to have those results, his mother says that since he was little he spent hours in the
yard of his house doing dominated again and again , trying all the time, without
even a break, his dream since childhood was to be a footballer, it was simply his
passion, so no matter how many mistakes he had while trying to dominate the ball,
since that of small did not stand out for being a good footballer, so to speak simply
and simply he didn't have the talent, he dedicated himself incredibly and put all his
body's effort into training, since even after spending hours in his yard, he he used
to train with his father to train one more, the result of his efforts were that after not
being able to even keep the ball 5 times, after six months of entering hard, in one
afternoon he achieved 2,003 touches to his ball, people were amazed at this great
feat, even when Beckham had a normal training people approached him to
observe how great it was, this fame that formed led him to be in the best leagues
and to be ranked as the best for years, where Despite being there and growing up,
he kept trying to train and do his best, as if it were something new for him.
The Beckham effect refers to the fact that in order to succeed it is not necessary to
be born with talent or be intelligent, rather it is based on learning from mistakes
and being persistent, to achieve great results, especially at the point that when
learning from mistakes Let's not blame others, but learn to be responsible for them,
since accepting them makes us wise and mature people able to reflect on them
and improve.
In 2010 the Michigan State University selected a group of people to whom I put
electrodes on the head to measure their electrical fluctuations in the brain, with this
study they wanted to observe what happened to the brain when someone made a
mistake, in the end It ended up dividing the group in two in the Fixed Mindset,
which are those who believe they have basic quality, such as intelligence and
talent, that is what allows them to more easily achieve certain actions, and on the
other hand there were people with the Growth Mindset who are those who believe
that they can improve their basic skills with effort, already during the year the
University realized that those who have a fixed mentality when presented with a
limitation, simply gave up because they did not believe that their ability was
enough, while the growth-minded ones, they were wrong but they still didn't give up
and kept trying ndolo, so if we had to pigeonhole David Beckham in a serious
mindset of growth, since he from an early age tried hard and did not blame others

for his mistakes rather he learned from them and it was only what he did the best,
since he In itself he did not have the talent but with care he was able to develop
skills that even people with football talent did not have.
 Conclusion
In summary during this chapter with teaches that the Beckham Effect, which tries
to show the Growth Mindset that helps us face obstacles and challenges more
positively, emphasizes that we should all cultivate more of this mentality, since that
we have grown and developed in a culture that is too conformist, and that makes
us think that we must have the skills or the ability to perform an activity, however
the Beckham Effect makes us believe the opposite since it encourages us not to
let's give up no matter how desperate we are to make mistakes, rather it tells us
that we should try harder and learn from them because if we are mature enough to
accept them, because if we do we will be able to develop skills that we did not
have idea, even that dedication could lead us to success as we will progress faster
if we accept failure and learn from it.

Chapter 14.- "Redefining failure"
In this last chapter the author mentions how throughout the book he has been
comparing large fields of study where he can perfectly appreciate how failure is
seen but especially as throughout humanity great authors have wanted to give him
a great meaning to failure and it is that more than a stagnation they see it as a way
of evolving that helps to grow as people, since always taking 10 in the exams does
not really learn since we stay in a stagnation.
One way in which the level of failure is measured is by means of a survey and
psychological tests that are carried out by country where it is shown that in Japan
people are afraid of failure something totally opposite to the United States,
demonstrating that in the same way when trying to flee The failure is to be more
cautious and make better decisions, also in another study on mathematics China
and Japan turned out to be the first places since in these Eastern countries it is
essential to have this knowledge something very different with respect to the
United States and England where the People from an early age think that they are
not made for numbers and what they should do for something else that has nothing
to do with them.
Self-limitation also influences how we see failure because sometimes we
unconsciously do things to justify our failures. It shows that we want to blame
external factors before accepting our mistakes.
In the chapter he shows us an example of overcoming that was what happened to
the famous footballer Beckham when by provocation his team went to penalties
and lost after that he received many criticisms, here he would think that his career
was going to end but everything happened On the contrary, since in reality if I
improve and one of the best players in the world was cataloged, this demonstrates
how we see things and how we deal with them, since that is what life is all about.
 Conclusion
The failure as mentioned in the book people can take it positively or negatively
since being in a situation where we have to make decisions terrifies us to think that
something can go wrong here is where it comes in, we will face those challenges, if
we block and no longer advance or if we decide to learn about that life lesson and
keep growing. The human mind is a whole universe because it even protects you
when you feel in danger but it is a matter of each person how to handle all these
obstacles. In chapter 14 he mentions how in each region of the world one thinks
differently but that each one hurts to function or not, since for example in Eastern
countries children are taught to live with mathematics and what they are special for
life, while it is European countries and in America it is totally opposite since the

students when they have to choose a university career prefer careers that have
nothing to do with mathematics what can be a mistake since all people are capable
in Different way to learn this science.
Another example that he showed in the book is that of the Beckham player where,
due to an error, your team lost and for a long time it was being notified and blamed
by the fans or by the people of the country that it represents, it could have caused
it to block and fail more but instead he showed them that it was only a mistake and
what are the things that happen in life the obstacles that must be managed to keep

At the time of reading the entire book, a conclusion could be generated that gives
an explanation or reasoning to each topic that could be discussed in the reading.
As a first point, it can be seen that the doctrines that the human has created over
time have been polished or even eliminated thanks to the constant evolution of the
whole, some could be of minds too closed or even, of possible thoughts that they
thought they were good, so they clung to what was already established without
being able to access any outside opinion. But from the ancient Greeks it was when
all this changed for the better in the whole world, generating that change for good
and being able to evolve as the society we are today.
It should be noted that within all this is cognitive dissonance, which causes
dissonant tests to be reformulated or overlooked, so it would not allow the progress
or updating of any ideology of a specific subject. But again, thanks to the Greeks,
this was ruled out.
All of us benefit from a rich intellectual legacy thanks to all the theories seen over
time, so it makes us think that the fact that these have been modified in some way
or another, we are certain that they are correct and it is only enough to be able to
apply them to the current contexts so that they can function as it should be.
In some of the stories of science it shows that the basic analysis of the book is
reflected in some of the most significant trends in human history. Religion was
thinking fixedly about the natural world. Knowledge was something revealed from
above instead of being a process in which you learn from mistakes. For this reason
so little progress was made, not only for decades, but for centuries.
Science in its best version has a different strategy that is based on the idea that
you still have to learn a lot, there are still many truths to discover and therefore, this
leads to the development of many more things that can help us in different life
Currently we have several theories about any field of science, from the movement
of the planets, to how man was created, but not as such one that studies the
behavior of man, which strengthens that learning from mistakes is a great
advantage, above all, since, without this, we would not learn any of it and we would
continue to commit them, what is intended is that this behavior that was at some
time be modified without the need to constantly resort to it.
Better ways should be devised for trial and error to be effective thanks to controlled
experiments and other tools, and to strengthen our will to achieve success.

Markets, like other evolutionary systems, are an antidote to our ignorance. They
are not at all perfect and require the intervention of governments so that they can
function, in the long term cognitive dissonance yields to an irrefutable proof of
failure: bankruptcy. Social conformism greatly limits experimentation, as well as
criticism and dissension instead of being dangerous to the social order, they are
basic for those who do theories, generate new ideas to drive what creativity is.
 Conclusion
My personal conclusion about this whole book is that the more one refuses to learn
from the mistakes we make throughout life, the more we will be blinded of how to
do things better, keep in mind that every action one does It counts for better or
worse, depending on it, as applied. We face daily to make a mistake of something
we do not know, but in turn, we can make it better to be able to progress and take
into account that you can give a certain solution without the need to affect third
parties, it is better to know how to recognize our mistakes, analyze the situation
and be able to cope with everyday problems.

In this work, it is the sequel of the first work where it contained the first 7 chapters
of this book, in this installment reference is made to the last 7 including one last
one that refers to the end of the book. These shorter chapters in the book, but
certainly with more meaning and that lets you see cases that actually happened
and that you fail to understand the actions that people took against others, there is
no limit to make you feel bad others and you only focus on what you think is right,
but what really happened is not analyzed. Throughout this book we have been able
to learn about human behavior in different situations and that it will simply always
be easier to blame someone else or find thousands of justifications for events, it is
part of the self-defense of the actions that a person possesses human.
It has been a thoughtful and valuable book that the author makes known to us, and
that not only bases it on great cases of success or failure, since we go from
doctors to politicians, war, businessmen, airplanes and airplanes to then land on
oneself and begin to think what we have done so far and that we have learned a lot
from that, what pride has allowed us to achieve, etc.
Learning from failures is almost a cliché. But it turns out that, both for prosaic and
profound reasons; one of the great obstacles to human progress has been
precisely the inability to learn from mistakes. Health is only one aspect of a long
and rich history of evasion. Accepting this could not only transform health, but also
the world of business, politics and many other areas. A progressive attitude
towards failure is the pillar to achieve success in any institution.
It may be worthwhile to make it clear that nobody wants to fail. We all want to
succeed: entrepreneurs, athletes, politicians, scientists or parents. But at the
collective level, at a level of systemic complexity, we will only achieve it when we
admit our mistakes, learn from them and create a space in which, in a way, failure
is something "safe."

As we begin in the first part, we will end with an excellent phrase from the author:

"Authentic ignorance is not the absence of knowledge, but refusing to

acquire it."


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