Soal UTS-Nursing Family 2020 (Inter)

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Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta

Jl. A. Yani Tromol Pos I Pabelan Kartasura Telp (0271)717417, 719483 Fax. (0271)715448
Surakarta 57102

Mid Exam 2020

Faculty : Health Science
Departement : S1 Internastional Nursing class
Day /
Subject Nursing Family Concept April 2020
VI Jam ke
Penguji Abi Muhlisin, M.Kep. Time 70 mnt

Instructions :
- Read prayers before tackling the task .
- Answer the questions clearly and concisely
- Do the easy first
- Do it yourself .

Problem :
1. One of the main duties of a nurse is to provide nursing services in the form of nursing care to
individuals, families, communities in improving health, disease prevention, disease
treatment, health restoration and promotion of community participation in the framework of
self-reliance (independence) in the nursing / health. Explain the purpose of the independence
mean . ( 25 points )

2. To pursue the role of the family in improving the health status it is necessary to know the
types of families . There are 12 types of traditional families that include extended family and
blended family. Describe each of the two types of families. (20 points).

3. There are several phases of the relationship between health care to families in the
community, one of which is phase inisisai . Explain what is meant initiation and nursing
activities in this phase . (25 points ).

4. Head of families, Mr. A (45 years old) , works as a chicken farmer, Mrs B had a wife (35
years ) , and has 4 children : boys first child (22 years old) adoption , both male child was
born prematurely and died, the third woman (20 years old) was married and her husband
opted to stay in one house , the last female child had died due to illness. Determine ...............
- Genogram . (15 points).
- Type of Family . (5 points).
- Stage of development of the family (10 points).


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