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Go! Rafa! Go!

Emmanuel Ryan R. Gamlanga1, Mherwin F. Marindo1

1Department of Computer Engineering, College of Engineering

Polytechnic University of the Philippines

ABSTRACT own mobile phone. Therefore, this gives

Games with survival and rage elements mobile games an edge against other game
are entertaining. One would find them consoles. The portability of the mobile
enjoyable and, at times, frustrating to play. phone makes it that wherever you are, if
Currently, there are hefty amount of that your mobile has charge, you can play your
type of games available to be downloaded favorite games anywhere.
from Google Play Store, and seems to be
popular for different audiences. Mobile games have different genres,
ranging from puzzle, role playing games
The purpose of this study is to make such (RPGs), multiplayer online battle arenas
game that offers survival and rage elements. (MOBAs), massive multiplayer online role-
A game that users would find entertaining playing games (MMORPGs), idle games, etc.,
and frustrating to play. For this study, the available from online sources. Among these
proponents utilized the Agile model which is genres, there is one that can be said as one of
a methodology for improving the quality of the popular genres, rage games.
software and the overall development
process. The result and findings of the study Rage games are games that are designed to
revealed that the Go! Rafa! Go! game frustrate its players using its game elements.
successfully meets its objective of running From having hard mechanics to just plain
well on Android devices and on providing absurd difficulty, it has elements that makes
entertainment to its players. completing a level hard to beat. However,
this does not prevent players from playing
Keywords — Polytechnic University of the these games, it does the opposite. Instead of
Philippines, Bachelor of Science in Computer players turning their backs on such games,
Engineering, Android Game, Rage Game, the players are raring to make a go. Some
Platformer plays it because of the achievement of
completing it, and the others, just wants to
1. INTRODUCTION prove that they have the skills.
Games, from then until now, did not fail to
provide us entertainment. Whenever we 1.1 Background of the System
have free time or just have nothing to do, The researchers aim to make a rage game.
often we play games. A game that can provide frustration and
entertainment at the same time. A game that
Currently, in the modern society we live in, feels good if one were to beat it. This is
mobile games are the way to go. Almost where the proponents decided to develop
every person nowadays would have their the game called Go! Rafa! Go!.


Go! Rafa! Go! is a game with sixteen levels. 1.3 Significance of the Study
Each level requires Rafa, the game’s main The significance of this study is that the
character, to traverse the three platforms to game would be able to provide its players an
avoid getting too close to his enemies while entertaining experience. The difficulty of the
picking up the required amount of coins to game can also help the players improve their
advance to the next level. However, it won’t skills and enjoy competing with their friends
be easy as more enemies and obstacles or other players.
would be unlocked as Rafa advances levels.
The game ends when Rafa successfully Moreover, the study would also help the
completes all sixteen levels. researchers know more about Android game
development, thus improving the skills of
Go! Rafa! Go! would be made using Java the researchers and would be able to gain
programming language. The game would more understanding towards software
then be ported to Android, and for such engineering.
reason, the Integrated Development
Environment (IDE) that would be used is 2. METHODOLOGY
Android Studio. 2.1. Method of Research
In conducting this study, the researchers
1.2 Objectives used the Agile model. It is a process that
Entertainment consists of a detailed plan describing how to
The game should be entertaining to develop, maintain, replace, and alter or
its players and would be able to provide an enhance specific software iteratively. The
experience that will not let the players get researchers used this model because the
bored easily. game needs to be delivered rapidly and
needs to be updated occasionally, if new
Rage Game Element game elements needs to be added for the
The game should have a rage game entertainment of the game.
element that would give players pressure
and difficulty on completing the game. 2.2. Data Gathering Procedure
Data for the study were collected by
1.3 Scope and Limitation researching on rage game elements and on
The game would only be supported in the programming language used and its
mobile phones with Android operating structure.
systems and would target the general
audiences as its players. The game would be The proponents researched about the
about a character that would continuously essential elements for the game to be called
dodge enemies and obstacles. The character a rage game. This helps the researchers to
would have to traverse the transform to understand more the rage game genre and
avoid getting by hazards whilst getting the therefore, allows the researchers to come up
required coins needed in order to advance to with various idea on how the game and its
the next level. The game would be available elements would turn up. The proponents
to be played anywhere even without the use then researched about the programming
of internet. language to be used and how to develop an


android application using that programming makes it possible for them to not get bored
language. The IDE that was used was studied easily.
as well. This allows the researchers to be
more comfortable with the development 3.2.2 Rage Element
cycle, which allows the game to be rapidly The rage element of the game is based on
developed and be tested. its difficulty as the player progresses. Each
level, new or improved enemies or obstacles
3. RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS would toggle, therefore making it harder as
3.1 Images of the Game the player gets near to the final level. This
makes it so that levels near or on the final
level would pressure the player, for if the
player dies, the player should start all over
again from the beginning.

3.3 Survey Results

The survey results of the Go! Rafa! Go!
Figure 1. Go! Rafa! Go! main menu
game from the students and faculty/IT
employees regarding the game were
presented in the table below. The game was
evaluated in terms of functionality, usability,
compatibility and performance efficiency.

Table 1. Survey Results

Figure 2. Go! Rafa! Go! loading screen FUNCTIONALITY 4.56 A 4.01 A
USABILITY 4.57 A 4.11 A
4.54 A 4.15 A
Legend: Student (S), Faculty/IT Employee (F/IT),
Interpretation (INT), Strongly Agree (SA), Agree (A), Neutral
(N), Disagree (D), Strongly Disagree (SD)

Figure 3. Go! Rafa! Go! main gameplay This study was able to provide its players
with entertaining and frustrating experience.
3.2 Objectives of the Game The increasing difficulty of the game in each
3.2.1. Entertainment level makes the game more interesting and
The entertainment of the game mainly tougher to beat. However, this does not
relies on its gameplay. Its capability to make hinder its players to play the game. Overall,
its players keep playing it. The constant the rage game element of the game made the
dodging of obstacles makes it so that it has game more fun and entertaining to play.
that entertainment factor. Keeping the
players on constant pressure of a game over


4.1 Recommendation Mherwin F. Marindo is a 5th year Computer

The researchers of this study would Engineering student from the Polytechnic
recommend to other researchers that would University of the Philippines. He likes to play
pick up this study to improve the User games and basketball with his friends.
Interface (UI) of the game and possibly, Mherwin is playful.
improve its gameplay. This is to improve the
appeal of the game towards its players and
to keep the game more fun and tougher to

[1] Hill, Simon (2019). Games Rule The App
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[2] Greenslade, Amanda (2006). Gamespeak:
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[4] Conder, Shane, Darcey, Lauren (2010).
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Emmanuel Ryan R. Gamlanga is a 5th year

Computer Engineering student from the
Polytechnic University of the Philippines. He
is good in programming. Ry likes to play
games, have fun, and foreign novels in his
spare time.

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