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Home Work
EE519-3/ Power System Analysis & Design

1. The line-to-ground voltages on the high voltage side of a step-up transformer are 200 kV, 35
kV and 40 kV on phases a, b and c respectively. The voltage of phase a leads that of phase b by
115° and lags that of phase c by 175°. Determine analytically the symmetrical components of

2. The line currents in amperes in phases a, b and c respectively are 600 + j100, 150 – j650 and –
350 + j500 referred to the same reference vector. Find the symmetrical component of currents.

3. A 33 MVA, 13.5 kV alternator with solidly grounded neutral has a subtransient reactance of
0.30 p.u. The negative and zero sequence reactances are 0.37 and 0.15 p.u. respectively. A
single line to ground fault occurs at the terminals of an unloaded alternator; determine the
fault current and the line-to-line voltages. Neglect resistance.

4. Determine the fault current and the line-to-line voltage at the fault when a line-to-line fault
occurs at the terminals of the alternator described in problem no. 3. The sequence network for
L-L fault is shown. Since the zero sequence network is absent, assuming (1 + j0.0) prefault per
unit voltage

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