Iz'u I @ Iz'u I @ Iz'u I @ Iz'u I @: Exam - Cgm-12

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NO. 179967
iz'u i=@Question Paper
òãðæðÚð - ¢òÃðèðçð, çðüòãðÏðñÐð ¦ãðü âðú÷¨îÑßäðñçðÐð (òãðæðÚð ¨îú÷À - 03)


iz'u i= esa Ik`"Bksa iz'u i= esa iz'uksa

¡òÏð¨îÃðÙð §ü¨î - 200 dh la[;k :----- dh la[;k :----
çðÙðÚð - 03ý00 ³ðü¾÷

Number of Pages in Number of Questions in

Maximum Marks - 200 Question-Paper:----- Question-Paper:----- Time - 03:00 Hours

ijh{kkfFkZ;ksa }kjk ¨îðâð÷/ Ððóâð÷ ckWy ikb.V isu ls Hkjk tk;

To be filled by Candidates by Black Ball-Point pen only
Examination Center Code
³ðú÷æðÂðð ý ÙðøüÐð÷ Ððóµð÷ òǦ ±ð¦ òÐðÇ÷áäðú÷ü ¨îú÷ ¡µ¶ó ÃðÜè ÑðÁ¨ÿîÜ çðÙð»ð òâðÚðñ èøü ÃðÆðñ £Ððçð÷ Ùðøü ÑðõÜó ÃðÜè çðèÙðÃð èõû.
ÑðÜóêðð ¨÷îÐÍ ªîÙðñü¨î
Declaration: I have read and understand the directions given below and totally agree with them.
¡ØÚðÆðóá ¨÷î èçÃðñêðÜ òÇÐðñü¨î
(Signature of Candidates)---------------------------------- (Date)-----------
¡ØÚðÆðóá ¨îð ÐðñÙð çðÙðÚð
(Name of Candidates)--------------------------------------- (Time)----------


1. çðØðó ÑßäÐð ¡òÐðãðñÚðá èøü. 1. All questions are compulsory.

2. òÐðÇ÷áäðú÷ü ¨îú÷ Øðâðó ØððüòÃð ÑðÁÿÐð÷ ãð çðÙð»ðÐð÷ ¨÷î çðñÆð-çðñÆð ÑßäÐð ÑðÅð ÃðÆðñ 2. Extra time of 10 minutes will be given for careful reading

ÑßäÐð-çðè-£ÃÃðÜ ÑðôòçÃð¨îð (QAB) Ùð÷ü ¡ðãðäÚð¨î Ñßòãðòæ¾ ¨îÜÐð÷ è÷Ãðô 10 and understanding instructions as well as for making

òÙðÐð¾ú÷ü ¨îð ¡òÃðòܨÃð çðÙðÚð òÇÚðñ ¸ðñ¦±ðñ. required entries in Question Paper and Question Cum

Answer Booklet (QAB).

3. ÑßäÐð-ÑðÅð ÃðÆðñ QAB Ùð÷ü ò¨îçðó Øðó ÑߨîðÜ ¨îó Ñßòãðòæ¾ ¨îÜÐð÷ ¨÷î Ñðõãðá
3. Before making any entry on Question Paper and QAB
¡ØÚðòÆðáÚðú÷ü ¨îú÷ ¨ôîâð Ñðöæ¿ çðü®Úðñ ¨îó ¸ðñûµð ¡ãðäÚð ¨îÜ âð÷Ððó µðñòè¦
candidate should count and check the no. of pages and if
ÃðÆðñ ò¨îçðó Øðó ÑߨîðÜ ¨îó òãðçðü±ðòÃð èú÷Ðð÷ ÑðÜ ãðóêð¨î ¨îú÷ çðõòµðÃð ¨îÜ
any discrepancy is seen then invigilator should be informed
ÑßäÐð-ÑðÅð/ QAB ¨îó ÇõçðÜó ÑßòÃð ÑßðÑÃð ¨îÜÐðñ µðñòè¦.
immediately for another copy of Question Paper/ QAB.
4. ÑßäÐð-ÑðÅð ÃðÆðñ QAB Ùð÷ü çðÙðçÃð Ñßòãðòæ¾Úðñû ¨îðâð÷/ Ððóâð÷ ×ðñùâð Ñðñ¢áü¾
4. Each entry on Question paper and QAB should done with
Ñð÷Ðð çð÷ ¨îÜ÷ü.
Black/ Blue Ball Point Pen .
5. ÑßäÐðú÷ü ¨÷î òèÐÇó ¡Æðãðñ §ü±ß÷¸ðó ÑßðÞÑð Ùð÷ü Çú÷Ððú÷ü Ùð÷ü çð÷ ò¨îçðó Øðó Øðñæðñ Ùð÷ü
5. In Hindi/ English format of questions some minor spelling/
ãðÃðáÐðó çðü×ðüÏðó ¡Æðãðñ ¡ÐÚð Åðôò¾ èú÷Ðð÷ ÑðÜ ¦÷çðó Åðôò¾Úðú÷ü ¨îó çðÙð»ð ãð
other mistake in either one of languages will not be
òÐðÜð¨îÜÂð ¨îó ¡Ñð÷êðñ çÐðñÃð¨î çÃðÜ ¨÷î ¡ØÚðòÆðáÚðú÷ü çð÷ ¨îÜÃð÷ èô¦ ¦÷çð÷
considered objectionable as it is expected that candidates
ÑßäÐðú÷ü ¨îú÷ ¡ðÑðòÃÃð Úðú÷±Úð Ððèó ÙðñÐðñ ¸ðñ¦±ðñ. £¨Ãð ¨÷î çðüÇØðá Ùð÷ü being graduate can percept and understand that. No
¡ØÚðñãð÷ÇÐðú÷ü ÑðÜ ¡ðÚðú÷±ð ãÇðÜð òãðµðñÜ Ððèó ò¨îÚðñ ¸ðñ¦±ðñ. applications regarding the same will be entertained by the
6. ¡ØÚðòÆðáÚðú÷ü è÷Ãðô ÑðÜóêðñ ¨÷î ÇúøÜðÐð ò¨îçðó Øðó ÑߨîðÜ ¨÷î ¨÷îâ¨Úðõâð÷¾Ü, commission.

âðúù±ð ¾÷×ðâð , Ùðú÷×ðñ¢áâð Òîú÷Ðð, Ñð÷¸ðÜ ¡Æðãðñ ¡ÐÚð ò¨îçðó Øðó ÑߨîðÜ ¨÷î 6. Use of Calculators, Log Tables, Mobile Phones, Pagers and

çðüµðñÜ ãð ±ðÂðÐðñ ÚðüÅð ¨îð ÑßÚðú÷±ð ÑðõÂðáÃðý ãðò¸ðáÃð ÃðÆðñ ÇüÀÐðóÚð èø. any other type of communication or calculating devices are

7. ÜÒî ¨îðÚðá ¨÷îãðâð ÑßäÐð-ÑðÅð ¨÷î §üòÃðÙð Çú÷ Ñðöæ¿ú÷ü ÑðÜ ò¨îÚðñ ¸ðñ çð¨îÃðñ strictly prohibited and punishable.

èø. 7. Rough work can be done only on last two pages of

Question Paper
iz'u i=&r`rh; ¼bfrgkl] lafo/kku ,oa yksd iz'kklu½

¼mRrj dh 'kCn lhek&yxHkx 30 'kCn] vad&¿2×20À 40 vad½

¼izR;sd iz'u&02 vad½

iz'u&1 fla/kq lH;rk ds iru ds izeq[k er dkSu ls gSa A

Q.No1- What are the main Opinions on the decline of Indus Civilisation.
iz'u&2 ex/k ds mRd"kZ ds izeq[k dkj.k fy[ksa A
Q.No2- Write down the main causes of Magadh” rise
iz'u&3 ^v'kksd ds /kEe* dh izeq[k fo'ks"krk;sa D;k gSaA
Q.No3- What are the main features of ‘Ashok’s Dhamma’.
iz'u&4 ckS) /keZ ds izeq[k xzaFkksa dk uke fy[ksa A
Q.No4- Write down the main books of Buddhism..

iz'u&1 czg~e lekt ds izeq[k dk;ksZa dk o.kZu djsa A

Q.No -1 Describe the main works of Brahma Samaj.
iz'u&2 lkaMlZ gR;kdkaM dk o.kZu djsa A
Hkkx&2 Q.No -2 Describe the Saunder’s Murder Case.
iz'u&3 xje ny ds usrkvksa dk ifjp; nsa A
Q.No -3 Introduce the Extremist leaders.
iz'u&4 jked`".k fe'ku ds izeq[k dk;Z fy[ksa A
Q.No -4 Write down the main works of Ram Krishna Mission.

iz'u&1 NRrhlx<+ esa dYpqfj;ksa dk iru D;ksa gqvk A

Q.No1- What led the Kalchuris of Chhattisgarh to decline.
iz'u&2 1857 dh Økafr esa ohj ukjk;.k flag dk D;k ;ksxnku gS A
Q.No2- What is the contribution of Veer Narain Singh is the Revolution of 1857.
iz'u&3 jruiqj ds egkek;k eafnj dk D;k egRo gS A
Q.No3- What is the importance of the Mahamaya Mandir of Ratanpur.
iz'u&4 cSfjLVj Nsnhyky dk Lora=rk laxkz e esa D;k ;ksxnku gS A
Q.No4- What is the Contribution of Barrister Chhedilal is the Freedom Movement.

iz'u&1 laoS/kkfud mipkjksa ds vf/kdkj dks le>kb;sA

Q.No. 1- Explain the Right to Constitutional Remedies.
iz'u&2 Hkkjr ds jk"Vªifr dk fuokZpu fdl izdkj gksrk gSA
Q.No. 2- What is the Procedure of election of India's President?
Hkkx&4 iz'u&3 *U;kf;d lfØ;rkokn* dks le>kb;s\
Q.No. 3- Explain the Judicial Activism.
iz'u&4 Hkkjrh; lafo/kku esa of.kZr ekSfyd vf/kdkj ,oa jkT; ds uhfr funsZ'kd rRoksa esa varj Li"V dhft,A
Q.No. 4- Explain the difference between fundamental rights and directive principles of State policy given in Indian

iz'u&1 yksd iz'kklu ds egRo dks le>kb;sA

Q.No. 1-Explain the Impotance of Public Adminstration.
iz'u&2 lq'kklu dk vFkZ Li"V dhft,A
Q.No.-2 Explain the meaning of Good Governance.
Hkkx&5 iz'u&3 ckg~; izHkqlRrk ds fo"k; esa vki D;k tkurs gSa\
Q.No.-3 What do you know about external Sorereighty?
iz'u&4 LorU= ,oa fu"i{k U;k; ikfydk dks le>kb,A
Q.No.-4 Explain independent and impartial judiciary.
iz'u i=&r`rh; ¼bfrgkl] lafo/kku ,oa yksd iz'kklu½

¼mRrj dh 'kCn lhek&yxHkx 60 'kCn] vad&¿4×10À 40 vad½

¼izR;sd iz'u&04 vad½

iz'u 5& jktk d`".knso jk; ds 'kklu dh izeq[k fo’ks"krk;sa fyf[k;s A

Q.No5- Write down the main features of the Rule of Raja Krishna dev Rai.
Hkkx&1 iz'u&6 ;wjksfi;uksa ds vkxeu Øe ,oa egRo dks js[kkafdr djsaA
Q.No6- Underline the Chronology and importance of European’s arrival.

iz'u&5 Hkkjrh; jk"Vªh; dkaxzsl ds mnkjoknh usr`Ro dh fo'ks"krk;sa fyf[k;s A

Q.No -5 Write down the features of Moderate leadership of Indian National Congress.
Hkkx&2 iz'u&6 caxky ds Lons'kh vkanksyu dh izeq[k ?kVuk;sa fyf[k;s A
Q.No -6 Write down the main events of Swadeshi Movement of Bengal.

iz'u&5 NRrhlx<+ ds izeq[k iqjkrkfRod vUos"k.kksa dk ifjp; nsa A

Q.No5- Introduce the main archeological excavation of Chhattisgarh.
Hkkx&3 iz'u&6 NRrhlx<+ esa dchjiaFk ds foLrkj dks iznf'kZr djsa A
Q.No6- Exhibit the expansion of Kabirpanth in Chhattisgarh.

iz'u&5 *lwpuk dk vf/kdkj* D;k gS\

Q.No. 5- What is the "Right to Information.
Hkkx&4 iz'u&6 **yksdiky** dh vko';drk ,oa egRo ij izdk'k Mkfy,A
Q.No. 6- Explain the necessity and importance of "Lokpal"

iz'u&5 Hkkjrh; lafo/kku eaas of.kZr ekSfyd vf/kdkj ,oa ekSfyd drZO; eas varj Li"V dhft,A
Q.No.-5 Explain the difference between fundamental Rights and fundamental duties given in Indian Constitution.
Hkkx&5 iz'u&6 ;Fkk---------------------------------------------------------
Q.No.-6 -----------------------------------------------------------------

¼mRrj dh 'kCn lhek&yxHkx 100 'kCn] vad&¿8×5À 40 vad½

¼izR;sd iz'u&08 vad½

Hkkx&1 iz'u&7 Hkkjrh; lH;rk esa ckS) /keZ dk D;k ;ksxnku gS A

Q.No7- What is the Contribution of Buddhism in Indian Civilisation.

iz'u&7 xka/khoknh vkanksyuksa ds izeq[k ifj.kke Li"V djsa A
Q.No -7 Explain the main effects of Gandhian Movements.

iz'u&7 NRrhlx<+ ds lruke iaFk dh izeq[k f'k{kk,a fyf[k;s A

Q.No7- Write down the main teachings of the Satnampanth of Chhattisgarh

Hkkx&4 iz'u&7 vPNs usr`Ro ds vko';d xq.kksa dh ppkZ dhft,\

Q.No. 7-Discuss the essential qualities for good "Leadership".

iz'u&7 Hkkjr esa dsUnz ,oa jkT;ksa ds e/; iz'kklfud laca/kks dh foospuk dhft,
Q.No.-7 Discuss the Administrative relations between the Centre and State’s in India.
iz'u i=&r`rh; ¼bfrgkl] lafo/kku ,oa yksd iz'kklu½

¼mRrj dh 'kCn lhek&yxHkx 250 'kCn] vad&¿20×2À 40 vad½

¼izR;sd iz'u&20 vad½
¼bl [k.M esa fofHkUu Hkkxksa ls dqy 03 iz'u fn, tk,axsA
¼;s lacaf/kr iz'u i= ds dqy 05 Hkkxksa esa ls fdUgh Hkh 03 Hkkx ls gks ldrs gS½ vH;FkhZ dks buesa ls dksbZ 02
mRrj nsus gksaxsa½

iz'u&8 HkfDr vkanksyu dh izeq[k fo’ks"krk;sa fyf[k, A
Q.No8- Write down the main features of Bhakti Movement.

iz'u&8 NRrhlx<+ esa egkRek xka/kh ds vkxeu dk o.kZu djsa A
Q.No 8- Describe the arrival of Mahatma Gandhi in Chhattisgarh.

iz'u&8 Hkkjr ds loksZPp U;k;ky; ds laxBu] {ks=kf/kdkj ,oa 'kfDr;ksa dk o.kZu dhft,A
Hkkx&5 Q.No.-8 Describe the Organisation, jurisdiction and Power's of "Supreme-Court" in India.

¼;Fkk %& ;s iwNs x, iz'u 'ks"k Hkkx 02 ,oa Hkkx 04 esa ls Hkh gks ldrs gSaA½


¼mRrj dh 'kCn lhek&yxHkx 500 'kCn] vad&¿40×1À 40 vad½

¼izR;sd iz'u&40 vad½
¼bl [k.M esa fofHkUu Hkkxksa ls dqy 02 iz'u fn, tk,axsA
¼;s lacaf/kr iz'u i= ds dqy 05 Hkkxksa esa ls fdUgh Hkh 02 Hkkx ls gks ldrs gS½ vH;FkhZ dks buesa ls dksbZ 01
mRrj nsuk gksxk½

iz'u&9 Hkkjr foHkktu ds izeq[k dkj.kksa dh leh{kk djsa A

Q.No -9 Review the main causes for the Partition of India.

iz'u&9 Hkkjr esa fuokZpu vk;ksx ds laxBu] 'kfDr;ksa rFkk dk;ksaZ dk o.kZu dhft,\
Q.No. 9-Describe the Organisation, Power's and function's of Election-Commission in India.

¼;Fkk %& ;s iwNs x, iz'u 'ks"k Hkkx 01] 03 ,oa Hkkx 05 esa ls Hkh gks ldrs gSaA½

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