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Name: Phys9-06-1

Exercise 6: Cardiovascular Physiology: Activity 1: Investigating the Refractory Period of Cardiac Muscle Lab Report

Pre-lab Quiz Results

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04/15/20 page 1
Experiment Results
Predict Question:
Predict Question 1: When you increase the frequency of the stimulation, what do you think will happen to the amplitude
(height) of the ventricular systole wave?
Your answer : c. The amplitude will not change.

Predict Question 2: If you deliver multiple stimuli (20 stimuli per second) to the heart, what do you think will happen?
Your answer : d. neither wave summation nor tetanus

Stop & Think Questions:

1. Watch the contractile activity from the frog heart on the oscilloscope.

Enter the number of ventricular contractions per minute (from the heart rate display) in the field below and then click
Submit Data to record your answer in the lab report.
You answered: 61 beats/min

Which of the following statements about the contractile activity is true?

You correctly answered: a. The smaller waves represent the contraction of the atria.

During which portion of the cardiac muscle contraction is it possible to induce an extrasystole?
You correctly answered: d. during relaxation

Experiment Data:
Post-lab Quiz Results
You scored 100% by answering 4 out of 4 questions correctly.

1. The amplitude of the ventricular systole did not change with the more frequent stimulation because
You correctly answered: a. a new contraction could not begin until the relaxation phase

2. Which of the following do you think contribute to the inability of cardiac muscle to be tetanized?
You correctly answered: a. the long refractory period of the cardiac action potential

3. Given the function of the heart, why is it important that cardiac muscle cannot reach tetanus?
You correctly answered: b. The ventricles must contract and relax fully with each beat to pump blood.

4. An extrasystole corresponds to
You correctly answered: c. an extra ventricular contraction.
Review Sheet Results
1. Explain why the larger waves seen on the oscilloscope represent the ventricular contraction.
Karena ventrikel berfungsi untuk memompa darah ke paru-paru serta ke seluruh tubuh (Sirkulasi Sistemik)
sehingga memerlukan kekuatan kontraksi yang lebih besar daripada atrium. Oleh karena itu, pada osiloskop
gelombang yang lebih besar menunjukkan kontraksi ventrikel.

2. Explain why the amplitude of the wave did not change when you increased the frequency of the stimulation. (Hint: relate
your response to the refractory period of the cardiac action potential.) How well did the results compare with your
Aksi potensial jantung memiliki periode refraktori yang lebih lama (tidak seperti otot skelet). Otot jantung tidak
mampu melakukan sumasi gelombang.oleh karena itu, amplitudo gelombang tidak berubah ketika frekuensi stimulasi
meningkat. Amplitudo dari kontraksi ventrikel tidak berubah seiring peningkatan frekuensi stimulasi karena kontraksi baru
tidak akan terjadi sampai muncul fase relaksasi. Hasil percobaan sesuai dengan prediksi saya

3. Why is it only possible to induce an extrasystole during relaxation?

Hanya sampai potensi membran istirahat kembali terbentuk dalam sel otot jantung dan dipertahankan hingga
depolarisasi berikutnya tiba, lalu ekstrasistol yang diinduksi dapat terjadi, yaitu selama relaksasi.
Saat setelah repolarisasi, depolarisasi sel-sel jantung dapat terjadi. Otot jantung tidak mampu bereaksi
terhadap stimulus apa pun sebelum kira-kira pertengahan fase 3, dan tidak akan menanggapi stimulus jantung
normal sebelum fase 4.

4. Explain why wave summation and tetanus are not possible in cardiac muscle tissue. How well did the results compare
with your prediction?
Karena ventrikel harus berkontraksi dan berelaksasi sepenuhnya pada pemompaan darah. Oleh karena itu sel-sel otot
jantung memiliki periode refraktori yang lebih panjang dan tidak mampu mensumasi gelombang dan tetanus.
Prediksi saya cocok dengan hasil percobaan.

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