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Department: Navigation on sea routes

"Problems of healthy nutrition in maritime"

Performed by:
Cadet of 2nd course
Yegorov N.A.

Checked by
Teacher of English
Osipova M.A.

1. Modern food trends onboard merchant ships.
2. Cook
3. Daily routine and navigational watch. Barbecue
4. Calculation of calories and PFC. Fibers.
5. Shop. Plain carbs. Alcohol.
6. Advices.
Modern food trends onboard merchant ships

There are a large number of different companies in the modern world. Each
of them has its own rules, its own orders. So, when a sailor signs a contract, he
agrees to the terms and conditions that the company sets to him. The sailor agrees
to the food on the ship that the company offers him. In this article I will reveal the
problems of healthy nutrition on the merchant ships.

Nutrition differs from ship to ship. There are additional opportunities in

different positions. For example, the captain may ask the cook for an additional
portion of food, even if it is not specified in the schedule. The captain seldom takes
this opportunity, but it has a place to be (имеет место быть).
The company spend the same amount for each crew member on the vessel.
That amount is usually $7-10. In crew a daily expenditure can be from $140 to 200
a day or from $4200 to 6000 a month for 20 people. Firstly, it is a quite small
amount, and secondly, this money is managed by the captain and he decides which
products will be ordered. So if the captain is dishonest, he can save(сэкономить)
money or give up completely some products. This strongly affects the diet on the
However, sometimes the maritime company decides in advance
what(which) products will be delivered on the ship, itself orders through the agent
products where food is cheaper. Therefore, if a ship enters Asian countries, it is in
the company's interest to buy products there.
The next reason which affect on the ship’s food is the Captain 's nationality.
So, if Captain is Russian, there will be Slavic dishes on the ship, such as borsch,
pelmeni, potatoes. If the captain is Asian, the crew members will eat rice 2 times a


The cook is the main person whose duty is to preparing food. The Steward
usually helps cook to prepare for food intake by setting the tables and washing
The cook usually gets up early, at 4 o 'clock ship time(там какая то
аббревиатура есть «судовое время»), to have time to cook breakfast for the
entire crew. He has to feed everyone, eat himself, clean up and prepare for lunch,
and after- for dinner. It also makes it easier for him to work when he makes some
preparation of food for the next day. So he doesn't have to get up early.
There is a possibility of a situation, when there are 2 cooks which relieve
each other for some months. When one of them is working on the ship, the other is
on vacation at home.
Since MLC 2006 came into effect in August 2013, shipowners, crewing
companies, and (УТЦ) have been slow to embark on basic tasks to properly train a
ship 's cook. Flag States and ports should also admit guilt for failing to carry out
proper checks on board - whether the ship 's cook actually meets the new
standards. Today, the ship 's cook must understand the importance of food
preparation for all crew members on board the ship.
The qualification of the cook affects on the quality of the cooked food
directly. Cooks can be divided into 4 generalized categories - Filipinos and other
Asians, Hindus, Slavs, Georgians.
If your cook is from Soviet Union, you may or may not to be lucky. They
already have experience working in canteens on the shore. Therefore, you should
expect really Russian food with inherent attributes, namely the frequent presence
of potatoes.
Cooks from Georgia are inherent in cooking fat but delicious food. These
can be different varieties of meat, as well as hinkali, harcho and different types of
Filipino cooks are usually known for their love of rice and fish. Therefore, if
there is such a cook on your ship, the fish will be in your food nutrition 1-2 times a
Let's take a look about the bread onboard the ships. Almost on every ship
there is stove in which cook can oven the bread. However, this is usually done only
by Slavic cooks. Foreign cooks are lazy to do it, so they order frozen bread. It is a
long baguette that can be stored in a refrigerator for a long time. When the cook
needs to use this bread, he cuts it and puts it in the oven for a short time. It swells
and gains the taste of the new baked.

Daily routine and navigational watch. Barbecue

The meal schedule onboard is as follows:

7:30- 8:30 – BREAKFAST
10:00- 10:30 – COFFEE TIME
11:30- 12:30 – LUNCH
15:00- 15:30 – COFFEE TIME
17:30- 18:30 – DINNER
On ships usually for breakfast the crew has yogurt, roasted egg with bacons,
oatmeal, jam, hercules porridge. On weekends, the cook can make pancakes.
For lunch, the crew has soup and second course dishes. Soup can't always be
on the ship. It depends on the cook. The second dish is usually in the form of rice
with meat, pasta-in flotation, porridge, buckwheat, potatoes. The meat is usually
fried or baked.
For dinner, the crew eats similar to lunch. And how more lazy the cook, the
worse the food will be.(чем ленивее повар, тем хуже еда)
Also it is important to talk about what to drink. The vessel always has access
to fresh water, but seafarers also have all kinds of juices and soft drinks. But soft
drinks is paid. Juices on the ship are very cheap, but sometimes they diluted with
water. The main problem is that it's not enough. For 5 people, 5 tetrapac is given,
which is about 200 ml or 1 glass per person. What if you want more? What if
someone drank more? Then the latter remain without juice. The highest officer is
allowed more in terms of water. Even the same captain can drink 1 tetrapack of
juice and no one will tell him anything.
Now it's worth saying about the navigational watch. They affect the food
intake of some officers directly.
The 3rd officer keeps watch from 8 to 12 AM and from 8 to 12 PM
The 2nd officer keeps watch from 12 to 4 AM and from 12 to 4 PM
The chiefmate keeps watch from 4 to 8 AM and from 4 to 8 PM
The 3rd officer gets on meals normally. I mean, he is having breakfast till
watch, having lunch after it, and having dinner in his free time.
The problem is with the 2nd officer. Because of his shot down regime, he
usually misses breakfast because he sleeps after night watch. The cook seals his
breakfast with a phalanx, and he gets breakfast as he wakes up. A second officer
chooses for breakfast or lunch. He has dinner in his spare time.
Chiefmate has his breakfast after his morning watch and has lunch in his
spare time. For the dinner, he usually asks 2nd officer or 3rd officer to relieve him
for 20 minutes so that he can eat his meal.
Biological clocks are also an important factor affecting digestion. This is a
time when the body is already used to getting up. On some vessels due to the
transition between the oceans, a may occurs a disorder. So it's harder to get up at
the right time for officers for watch, and it's harder to take food. For example, for
morning meals, heavy carb are desirable, which will give energy throughout the
day. However, for a person who has a clock "inside" shifted by 5 hours, this meal
will feel like lunch, so it will be more difficult to digest.

Also, it's worth talking about barbecues. Some companies do not have a
barbecue. So captain desides when will be the barbecue. Nowadays, he have a
trend, when the company strictly regulates the information that enters the Internet.
For example, if a seaman posted on the Internet a photo of a barbecue on a ship,
where it is prohibited, the captain risks to be fired. That's why the captain has to
fully trust his team. So the captain may stand on his own, or do, what company
Barbecue directly affects on the mood of the crew. In order to reduce the
impact of interpersonal conflicts, it is necessary to carry out barbecues.
The barbecue usually features with meat. It could be baked piglet, shashlik,
baked chicken. Cook prepare for barbecue in advance. The feast usually occurs
from 6 to 10 PM. Officers who relieve each other on the watch can only partially
attend. All on joys, delicious food, the music sings loudly, and if the weather
allows, crewmembers make a mini pool. Alcohol is drunk very often on a ship at
the expense of ship money, unless a dry law is established.

Calculation of calories and PFC. Fibers

The first problem which I am talking about in the article is the problem of
counting calories. In 90% of cases, what we eat on board - these calories do not
count. It doesn 't count how many calories were eaten in a day, it doesn 't count
how many calories were eaten for some certain meal.
Various scientific studies have proved that a healthy man weighing 80 kg
should be consumed 2800-3400 calories per day. These calories can be represented
- 2700 grams of cottage cheese
- 2500 grams of rise
- 2000 grams of potatoes
- 1700 grams of chicken meat
- 1300 grams of pork
- 900 grams of cheese
- 550 grams of fried nuts
For example, a large number of seamans, especially ratins, like to sit in the
evening, drink alcohol and eat nuts. However, people can 't stop. They eat a
handful, and one more and more. And so they can eat up to 5,000 calories per day.
It should be taken into account that excess calories that remain will turn into
fat. Approximately 800 calories turn into 100 grams of fat.

The next problem that is important is the BFC. Proteins. Fats.

Carbohydrates. For the normal body function, it will be ideal to have such
30% proteins
30% fats
40% carbs
We need proteins as a building material for our muscles. It affects on the
catabolism of muscle tissue, or rather slows it down. To maintain the amount of
muscle that is available at the moment, the average sailor should eat about 120-150
grams of protein per day. This requires that a protein be present in each portion of
the food. It can be eggs or cottage cheese for breakfast, meat for lunch, and for
example, Greek yogurt for dinner. Mostly, some products are able to exict onboard
the ship, so seamans do not get enough of this important component.
Fats are essential to our cardiovascular system. It has been scientifically
proved that consuming enough fats reduces the risk of heart diseases. Many
seafarers who are 50 and more years old, arthrosis of the leg is a disease associated
with joints and pain in muscles. Because of this, a large number of seafarers finish
their careers before the age of 60.
Carbohydrates are necessary because they are the main element of our
energy. They contribute to our saturation, affect on our performance in a direct
way. If a person takes an insufficient amount of carbohydrates, he will feel tired,
sleepy, he will have everything "fall out of his hands," and in some situations it can
be deadly.

Separately, it is worth to talk about the problem of fiber deficiency. We need

fiber to better absorb food without constipation.
Fiber is also carbs, but bounded together into dietary fibers that are digested
heavier than simple sugars (glucose, fructose and others). Two types of food fibres
are isolated - digested and non-digested. Digested fiber helps to reduce cholesterol,
helps control blood sugar levels, provides a long-term sense of satiety. Undigested
creates a volume in the stomach, which reduces appetite and makes it easier for a
person to lose weight. Fiber makes the intestine work actively, is a means of
preventing constipation.
In terms of detail, it improves the performance of our digestive system,
increases the amount of energy consumed from products, which contributes to the
reduction of overweight, which is a problem for most of the officers of the ship.

Shop. Plain carbs. Alcohol

There 's a shop on the ship. It is called "Slop Chest." This shop is run by a
captain. This store exists for the needs of the crewmembers. Each crew member
can buy different food. Usually, on vessels where it is possible to drink alcohol,
alcohol is on sale there. Different snacks such as chips, nuts, dried seafood, sof
drinks are also sold there. Cigarettes are also sold there on some ships.
There is a certain order of how to order something for personal
- Crew member report to 3rd officer, that he wants to order something;
- They fill in(или fill out, как заполнять бумаги) papers, which is then
kept by the captain;
- A crew member receives products but in a limit of 100$ per month;
- When ship call in(at) port, the product repository is sealed and the
captain must complete a customs declaration for these products;
Also, Captain indicates in monthly report how much each crew member
spent the money, and then they are deducted from seaman’s salary.
The problem is that it is not appropriate for the crew to eat this food. Many
seamans allow themselves to drink alcohol and eat peanuts after a working day.
Meanwhile, peanuts are a very calorie product and contribute to gain weight. Since
there is no further activity, these excess calories go into fat.

There is also problem of replacement of carbohydrates with simple

carbohydrates (sugars).
Simple carbohydrates are glucose and fructose. In normal form: these are
substances easily and quickly digested by the body. If you need to recharge
quickly, they fit best. It 's the fastest source of energy.
Complex carbohydrates are starch and glycogen. They are digested for a
long time as they consist of a chain of simpler carbohydrates, which means that
they can power you for longer. They are contained in potatoes, meat, nuts, cereals,
legumes and plant fibres.
You 're full of simple carbohydrates. The body reacts and spits out insulin,
which accumulates sugar to muscle tissues. It is normal. But if it remains
unnecessary, the hormone orders the liver to recycle it into fat and put it on your
sides or stomach.
Overweight is only the tip of the iceberg. In addition to obesity, simple
carbohydrates lead to metabolic syndrome: arterial hypertension and increased
blood sugar levels. This contributes to cardiovascular disease, diabetes and even
some forms of cancer.

Alcohol is a colorless alcohol-containing liquid that has a calming and

overwhelming effect on the central nervous system. It is used inside mainly in the
form of beer, wine or strong drinks. Its symptoms are the constant need for alcohol,
mental, somatic and neurological disorders, reduced physical activity, reduced
mental capacity, and personality degradation.
In small doses, alcohol has the effect of a stimulant that helps relieve muscle
tension and relax. But the problem is that not all crew members can keep up with
low doses of consumption. If the dose of alcohol increases, its effect becomes the
opposite. Alcohol in large doses has the effect of a depressant who oppresses the
psyche, weakens the will of the person, and causes the loss of interest of the person
in his life.
The harmful effects of alcohol affect all systems of the human body
(nervous, blood, digestive). Nowadays, it is proved the harmful role of alcoholism
in the development of acute and chronic diseases.

(для начала хочется сказать что вообще эти правила и советы
описаны для идеальной ситуации где нет влияния внешних факторов и
эти советы осуществимы. На большинстве судов большинство этих
советов сложно соблюдать, однако хочется донести правильные мысли)
 You should count how many calories you have eaten in a day and how
many calories you have eaten in a certain meal. Using different tables or programs
(for example for IOS "Fat Secret") you can count how many calories and how
many BFC you ate and make some conclusions. Tt will be difficult to start,
however the food on the ship is similar, and the portions are also similar.
Therefore, it will be enough only to count certain dishes and simply fill in a table
for yourself.
 Weigh products on scales, on your own or on a galley's scales. Some
crew members may think you're crazy, but you 'll be healthy and they won 't.
 It's better to take heavy carbohydrates in the morning. They 'll give
energy for the whole day. And in the evening, you should switch to higher protein-
containing food.
 If you have the opportunity to study the composition of products, and
if you have a choice of products, you can report about the inappropriate products to
the cook or captain and consider another alternative.
 You should count how many simple carbohydrates you eat per
day(sugars). Almost all finished products on a ship, which are purchased as a semi-
finished product, consist of a large amount of simple carbohydrates. It will be
better to avoid such type of food.
 Count your fiber. If you just have provisions on board, eat more
vegetables and fruits, and if they are ended- then there should be canned vegetables
on board, especially carrots.
 If you have the opportunity and the money to go to the supermarket on
the shore, do not miss out it. The features of your vessel should also be taken into
account. For example, if you have small amount of fiber on the ship, buy lettuce
leaves, onions, spinach, radish, cabbage and put in the ship 's refrigerator.
 Drink alcohol in small volumes. Systematic alcohol consumption
slows metabolism and increases your appetite.
 Avoid some seasonings. They increase appetite and a person eats
more than they need, leading to obesity.

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