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INT J TUBERC LUNG DIS 20(5):696–703

Q 2016 The Union

Solar-powered oxygen delivery: proof of concept

H. Turnbull,* A. Conroy,† R. O. Opoka,‡ S. Namasopo,§ K. C. Kain,‡¶#**†† M. Hawkes*‡‡§§

*Department of Paediatrics, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, †Department of Medicine, University of
Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada; ‡Department of Paediatrics and Child Health, Mulago Hospital and Makerere
University, Kampala, §Department of Paediatrics, Jinja Regional Referral Hospital, Jinja, Uganda; ¶Institute of
Medical Sciences, University of Toronto, Toronto, #Sandra A Rotman Laboratories, McLaughlin-Rotman Centre for
Global Health, Toronto, **McLaughlin Centre for Molecular Medicine, Toronto, ††Tropical Disease Unit, Toronto
General Hospital, Toronto, Ontario, ‡‡School of Public Health, University of Alberta, Edmonton, §§Department of
Medical Microbiology and Immunology, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada


SETTING: A resource-limited paediatric hospital in were treated with solar-powered oxygen. Immediate
Uganda. improvement in peripheral blood oxygen saturation was
O B J E C T I V E : Pneumonia is a leading cause of child documented (median change þ12% [range 5–15%], P ,
mortality worldwide. Access to life-saving oxygen 0.0001). Tachypnoea, tachycardia and composite illness
therapy is limited in many areas. We designed and severity score improved over the first 24 h of hospital-
implemented a solar-powered oxygen delivery system isation (P , 0.01 for all comparisons). The case fatality
for the treatment of paediatric pneumonia. rate was 6/28 (21%). The median recovery times to sit,
D E S I G N : Proof-of-concept pilot study. A solar-powered eat, wean oxygen and hospital discharge were respec-
oxygen delivery system was designed and piloted in a tively 7.5 h, 9.8 h, 44 h and 4 days.
cohort of children with hypoxaemic illness. C O N C L U S I O N : Solar energy can be used to concentrate
R E S U LT S : The system consisted of 25 3 80 W photo- oxygen from ambient air and oxygenate children with
voltaic solar panels (daily output 7.5 kWh [range 3.8– respiratory distress and hypoxaemia in a resource-
9.7kWh]), 8 3 220 Ah batteries and a 300 W oxygen limited setting.
concentrator (output up to 5 l/min oxygen at 88% K E Y W O R D S : pneumonia; oxygen; solar energy; hyp-
[62%] purity). A series of 28 patients with hypoxaemia oxaemia; child

PNEUMONIA IS A LEADING CAUSE of child (pulse oximeter oxygen saturation [SpO2] ,90%) of
mortality worldwide, causing over 900 000 deaths children with severe pneumonia requiring hospitalisa-
per year in children aged ,5 years.1 Countries in tion was 13.3%.9 Hypoxaemia is a risk factor for
Africa and Asia report 2–10 times more cases of morbidity and mortality in paediatric pneumonia,
pneumonia than industrialised countries, and the associated with a five-fold increased risk of death.10,11
majority of global pneumonia deaths.2–4 In Uganda In resource-constrained settings, oxygen delivery
alone, 21 000 children aged ,5 years die of pneumo- systems can lead to measurable improvements in
nia every year.5 The World Health Organization’s survival from childhood pneumonia. A study in Papua
(WHO’s) 2013 integrated global action plan for the New Guinea demonstrated a reduction in mortality
prevention and control of pneumonia and diarrhoea from childhood pneumonia from 5.0% to 3.2% (35%
aims to end preventable deaths from pneumonia and reduction in mortality) after implementation of an
diarrhoea by 2025.6 This mandate includes providing enhanced oxygen delivery system.12 Improving and
90% access to essential pneumonia treatment with expanding oxygen delivery systems could save up to
medications and oxygen therapy. 122 000 children’s lives per year from pneumonia.13
Hypoxaemia is prevalent among children presenting Oxygen is a lifesaving therapy for children with
with lower respiratory tract infection such as bacterial pneumonia and hypoxaemia; however, challenges
pneumonia, viral respiratory tract infections and remain in oxygen delivery globally. Two main systems
tuberculosis.7,8 In a recent systematic review of more of oxygen delivery have been implemented and
than 16 000 children in developing countries with evaluated in resource-constrained settings: oxygen
acute pneumonia or other lower respiratory tract cylinders and oxygen concentrators. Oxygen cylinders
infections, the median prevalence of hypoxaemia are ready to use, simple to operate and do not require

Correspondence to: Michael Hawkes, Division of Infectious Diseases, Department of Paediatrics, University of Alberta, 3-
588D Edmonton Clinic Health Academy, 11405 87 Avenue NW, Edmonton, AL, Canada T6G 1C9. Fax: (þ1) 888 790 1176.
Article submitted 22 September 2015. Final version accepted 30 November 2015.
Solar-powered oxygen 697

bed paediatric intensive care unit (ICU) staffed by a

dedicated study nurse 24 h per day.

System design
The key performance goal of the system was to
produce oxygen reliably and continuously (purity
.85% at a flow rate of 5 l/min, adequate for the
treatment of up to two children simultaneously) using
solar power as the only electricity source. The
components selected to meet these goals included
photovoltaic panels to generate electrical energy from
sunlight using the photo-electric effect, a battery bank
to store the energy, a commercially available oxygen
concentrator to purify oxygen from the ambient air
Figure 1 Diagram of SPO2 delivery system. Numbered system and the electrical circuit accessories (charge control-
components are described in detail in the text, and included 1) ler, current inverter) to optimise the power harnessed
solar panels installed on the roof of the hospital ward; 2) a
charge controller to optimise power output from the array of and link the components compatibly.
solar panels; 3) a bank of batteries to store the energy; 4) a The SPO2 system consisted of the following
DCAC inverter to operate the concentrator; 5) a commercially commercially available products: 25 3 80 W solar
available oxygen concentrator; and 6) oxygen stream delivered panels (Solarworld, Freiburg, Germany), a charge
to patients via nasal cannula or mask. DC ¼ direct current; AC ¼ controller (FLEXmax 80, OutBack Power, Arlington,
alternating current; SPO2 ¼ solar-powered oxygen.
WA, USA), a bank of 8 3 220 Ah batteries (Ultra-
Power gel batteries, Victron Energy BV, Almere
any electricity. However, cylinders are very costly, and Haven, The Netherlands), a DCAC current inverter
their distribution and use is challenging.14 Oxygen (Victron Energy BV, Almere Haven, The Nether-
concentrators have proven an effective means of lands) and a 300 W oxygen concentrator (model 525
delivering oxygen and are significantly less expensive KS, DeVilbiss Healthcare LLC, Somerset, PA, USA).
than cylinders.15–21 Nevertheless, to operate, oxygen A diagram of the system is provided in Figure 1. The
concentrators require continuous and reliable electric- system components were purchased from and in-
ity, which is not readily available in many regions, stalled by Ugandan electrical engineers and techni-
particularly in resource-limited settings, where the cians (Ultratec [U] Ltd, Kampala, Uganda).
majority of pneumonia deaths occur.22 For the purposes of our study, which involved
To meet the demand for oxygen therapy in experimental methods for oxygen delivery, the ICU
resource-limited settings, in this study we investigate was also equipped with cylinder oxygen as a failsafe
a novel strategy: solar-powered oxygen delivery backup electrical supply with a fuel-powered gener-
(SPO2). This system uses free input (sun and air) ator.
and can be implemented in remote locations with
minimal access to an electrical power supply. Few System characteristics
studies have reported on the use of solar-powered The available hydroelectric grid power was moni-
oxygen delivery. One study from the Gambia has tored continuously over a representative 2-month
described the cost and practical experience of period using a data logging multimeter (Fluke 287
extending an existing hospital-wide solar system used Multimeter, Montreal, QC, Canada) connected to the
for lighting and support for other electrical equip- hospital circuit. The power generated by solar panels
ment to run an oxygen concentrator.23 was measured hourly over a representative 7-day
The objective of the present study was to design period (Fluke 287 Multimeter). The maximum
and implement an SPO2 delivery system at a resource- duration of the battery bank was tested by fully
limited hospital in Uganda for the treatment of charging the bank, disconnecting all input current
paediatric pneumonia. Here we present the system (solar panels and hydroelectric grid) and running the
characteristics and the results of a pilot study of 28 oxygen concentrator continuously at maximum flow
children with hypoxaemia treated with SPO2. rate (5 l/min) until failure. The power consumed by
the concentrator (load) was measured at the begin-
ning and end of oxygen therapy for all patients
enrolled in the pilot study described below (Fluke 287
Setting Multimeter). As a quality control measure, the
The study was performed at Jinja Regional Referral oxygen content of the output stream from the
Hospital (JRRH), Jinja, Uganda. JRRH serves six concentrator was measured at the beginning and
districts in mid-eastern Uganda under severe resource end of oxygen therapy for all patients enrolled in the
limitations. The SPO2 system was installed in a four- pilot study, using an oxygen analyser (Guangdong
698 The International Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease

Once off oxygen, the child’s SpO2 was then rechecked

every 4 h until discharge from the hospital. In
addition, a validated composite severity score, Signs
of Inflammation in Children that Kill (SICK),25 was
computed at each observation period (every 4 h
during hospitalisation).
Patient outcomes were categorised as death,
discharge without disability, discharge with disability
and transfer to another facility. The length of stay
among survivors was determined systematically. Prior
to discharge, the patient had to meet all of the
Figure 2 Electric power output from hydroelectric grid following standardised criteria: SpO2 over 90% for
measured continuously over a 64-day period (October–Decem-
ber 2014) at Jinja Regional Referral Hospital, Jinja, Uganda. 24 h breathing room air, afebrile for at least 24 h,
Frequent losses in power supply cause challenges to oxygen eating or breastfeeding well (not requiring intrave-
delivery by concentrators. AC ¼ alternating current. nous fluids), stable vital signs and absence of
respiratory distress.
Pigeon Medical Apparatus Co, Canton, China), for
each patient in the pilot study. Analysis
Data were analysed using descriptive statistics,
Proof-of-concept pilot study including Kaplan-Meier survival curves for time-to-
Paediatric patients presenting to JRRH with respira- event analysis. GraphPad/PRISM software, version
tory illness and hypoxaemia (SpO2 , 90%) were 5.0 (GraphPad Software, La Jolla, CA, USA) was
recruited. Study inclusion criteria were age ,5 years; used for data analysis. Longitudinal improvements in
pneumonia, severe pneumonia or very severe disease vital signs and disease score were modelled using
as defined in the Integrated Management of Child- linear mixed-effects models (R version 3.0.1, R
hood Illness;24 and hypoxaemia (SpO2 , 90%), Computing, Vienna, Austria).
measured using a portable pulse oximeter (Masimo
Rad-57e, Masimo Corporation, Irvine, CA, USA).
Pneumonia, severe pneumonia or very severe disease The Makerere University School of Biomedical
was defined as cough or difficulty breathing, with Sciences Research and Ethics Committee (Kampala),
the Research Ethics Board of the University of
chest indrawing or any of the following danger signs:
Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada, and the Uganda
history of convulsions, inability to feed, vomiting
National Council for Science and Technology (Kam-
everything, or lethargy or unconsciousness.24 Patients
pala, Uganda) approved the study.
were excluded if there was clinical suspicion of
pulmonary tuberculosis (infection control hazard),
lack of essential supplies in the hospital (e.g., blood RESULTS
for transfusion) requiring urgent referral or refusal of Adequacy of local power supply
parental consent. All patients received standard care
An alternative power supply for oxygen concentra-
for their underlying disease according to WHO tors is necessary in situations where the grid supply is
recommendations. This study also ensured standard- unreliable. We recorded 120 episodes of power failure
ised care for patients with respect to oxygen therapy, (measured output ,200 V lasting for .5 min) during
including quality-assured devices, well-maintained, continuous monitoring of the local power supply over
consistent power and quality single-use equipment a 64-day period between October and December
for oxygen delivery (masks, nasal prongs). 2014 at the JRRH. There was an average of 13
Measures of effectiveness included changes in vital episodes of power failure per week. The median
signs, composite disease severity score, recovery times duration of the power failures was 30 min (range 5
and outcome. Peripheral blood oxygen saturation min to 17.5 h); the cumulative proportion of time
and vital signs were measured before and every 4 h without adequate power supply during the measure-
during the administration of supplemental SPO2. ment period was 10% (Figure 2).
Need for oxygen was assessed by a standardised
protocol at least once daily. Each patient’s peripheral Characteristics of the solar-powered oxygen delivery
oxygen saturation was monitored for at least 15 min system
from the removal of the oxygen-delivering device The system was designed to run continuously
(nasal prongs, mask). If SpO2 dropped below 90% on (including at night time and on cloudy days) using
room air, oxygen therapy was restarted. If SpO2 solar energy alone, without any hydroelectric power
remained above 90% for at least 15 min, the oxygen input (24/7 ‘off the grid’ operation). The cost of the
was discontinued, according to WHO guidelines. system was ~US$18 000. Measured output from the
Solar-powered oxygen 699

mean 228C (range 11–328C) and 78% (14–100%),


Participant information
We piloted the solar-powered oxygen delivery system
among 28 children presenting to JRRH with hypox-
aemic respiratory illness between 10 September 2013
and 18 February 2014. Patient characteristics at
admission are shown in the Table.27,28 Health care
providers and users of the SPO2 delivery system were
six Ugandan nurses and one Ugandan medical officer.
They had no prior experience with solar-powered
oxygen delivery or electrical systems generally, but
had prior experience with oxygen concentrators. The
electrical wiring and equipment were installed such
that users did not need to perform any steps other
than turn on the oxygen concentrator. Anecdotally,
they found the system easy to use, particularly as it
required no knowledge or steps to operate other than
the use of the concentrator.

Solar-powered oxygen treatment

Figure 3 Solar power and oxygen purity of SPO2 delivery Patients were treated with oxygen for a median of 2.5
system. A) Output (power ¼ voltage x current) measured from days (range 7 h–7 days) until standardised weaning
solar panel array vs. time of day over a continuous period of 7
days. As expected, array output was highest during sunny criteria were met. The median power consumption of
daytime hours, and varied according to the angle of incident the concentrator over the period of hospitalisation
sun. B) The oxygen generated was measured at the beginning was 15 kWh (range 2.6–48) per patient. In addition to
(‘start’) and end (‘stop’) of oxygen therapy for 28 hypoxaemic oxygen, patients received antibiotics (ceftriaxone in
children treated with SPO2 over a 5-month period in a pilot 25/28, 89%), antimalarials (6/28, 21%) and antipy-
study. SPO2 ¼ solar-powered oxygen.
Equipment failure occurred in one instance. The
array of 25 80 W photovoltaic panels varied over the system failure occurred during a period of heavy
course of the day, as expected, according to the angle rainfall in Jinja, when cloud cover was substantial.
of incident sun (Figure 3A). The daily energy Two patients were using the concentrator simulta-
generated was median 7.5 kWh (range 3.8–9.7). neously (total flow rate 5 l/min). At the time of the
Compared to the theoretical maximum daily energy system failure, the concentrator had been running for
output (80 W per panel, adjusted for changing the 12 days (approximately 850 h) consecutively. The
angle of incident sun), the array efficiency was cause of the system failure was depletion of the
median 50% (range 27–66%). Periods with visible battery bank due to low solar energy input (cloudy
cloud and/or rain were associated with lower array skies) and high demand (12 days continuous opera-
efficiency (median 17%, range 0–43%) compared to tion of the concentrator). The action taken was to
sunny periods (median 55%, range 11–96%, P , switch the concentrator to grid power to continue to
0.0001). The battery bank could run the concentrator provide oxygen to the patients and to recharge the
at maximum output (5 l/min) for 69 h without an battery bank from the hydroelectric grid.
external power source (solar panels and hydroelectric
grid disconnected). Course in hospital and outcome
Measured throughout the period of the pilot study, We documented immediate improvement in periph-
mean power consumption by the oxygen concentra- eral blood oxygenation in patients receiving solar-
tor (load) was constant, at 320 W (standard deviation powered oxygen. Median oxygen saturation in-
[SD] 660 W). Power consumption did not vary creased by 12% (interquartile range 5–15%), com-
according to the flow rate of oxygen generated within paring measurements taken before (median 30 min)
the manufacturer-specified range (0–5 l/min). The and after (median 45 min) initiating oxygen (Figure
concentrator delivered up to 5 l/min of oxygen, and 4A). Administration of SPO2 was associated with
could be used for up to two patients simultaneously. rapid normalisation of hypoxaemia and vital sign
Measured throughout the period of the pilot study, abnormalities (tachypnoea and tachycardia). Exam-
the oxygen purity was constant, at mean 88% (SD 6 ples of vital sign profiles of selected patients receiving
2.6) (Figure 3B). The ambient temperature and SPO2 are given in Figure 5A–C. The severity of illness
humidity in Jinja during the pilot study period were (SICK) score25 decreased over the course of hospital-
700 The International Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease

Table Characteristics of study participants 4C and D). Overall, 20/28 (72%) patients were
Characteristics n (%)
discharged from hospital, 2/28 (7.1%) were trans-
ferred to another facility and 6/28 (21%) died. For
Female sex 13 (46)
Age, months, median (range) 4 (1 day–3 years)
those patients who survived to discharge and were
not transferred to another facility (n ¼ 20), the
Fever before enrolment (last 48 h) 21 (75) median length of hospitalisation was 4 days (range 0–
Cough 23 (81) 29).
Difficulty breathing 25 (89)
Altered level of consciousness 2 (7.4)
Convulsions 4 (15)
Vomiting 5 (18)
Diarrhoea 5 (19)
Unable to feed/drink 9 (32)
This proof-of-concept study demonstrates that solar
Clinical examination
energy can be used to concentrate oxygen from
Weight, kg, mean 6 SD 7.31 6 3.2 ambient air and oxygenate critically ill children with
Temperature, 8C, mean 6 SD 37.2 6 1.0 hypoxaemia in a resource-limited setting. Although
Fever (axillary temperature .37.58C) 12 (43)
the WHO lists oxygen as an essential medicine, it is
Blood pressure, mmHg, mean 6 SD*
Systolic 100 6 14
not available in many hospitals in developing
Diastolic 53 6 11 countries.16,29,30 A 2012 survey of 12 African
Altered consciousness† 5 (18) countries found that only 44% of 231 health centres,
HR, mean 6 SD 161 6 25 district hospitals and provincial/general hospitals had
Tachycardia (HR .99% quartile)‡ 13 (46)
RR, mean 6 SD 61 6 15
access to oxygen on a continuous basis.31 In Uganda,
Tachypnoea (RR .99% quartile)‡ 15 (54) only 36% of facilities offering chronic respiratory
Saturation, %, median [IQR] 83 [73–85] disease services had oxygen, and a verbal autopsy
Hypoxaemia (SaO2 6 90%) 28 (100)
Deep breathing 26 (96)
study found that only 4% of children who died from
Nasal flaring 24 (86) pneumonia received oxygen therapy.32 SPO2 could
Intercostal retractions 25 (89) help address the significant gaps in oxygen availabil-
Subcostal retractions 27 (96)
Wheeze 3 (11)
ity by bringing oxygen therapy to the periphery,
Stridor 2 (7.4) where most pneumonia deaths occur.
Crackles on auscultation 13 (46) Methods commonly used to deliver hospital
Laboratory assessments oxygen in resource-limited settings include com-
Hypoglycaemia (,3 mmol/l) 3 (11)
Lactate, mean 6 SD 6.16 6 6.7
pressed oxygen cylinders and oxygen concentrators.
Lactate .2.0, mmol/l 16 (64) Cylinders require a reliable supply chain linking the
Methaemoglobin, g/l, mean 6 SD 3.3 6 3.5 oxygen production plant to the hospital, which may
pH, mean 6 SD§ 7.3 6 0.16
PaCO2, mm Hg, mean 6 SD§ 40 6 16
be compromised by poor road conditions, especially
HCO3, mmol/l, mean 6 SD§ 19 6 7.3 during the rainy season, costs of transportation and
Plasma base excess,§ mmol/l, mean 6 weak stock management.30,31 Fuel for transportation
SD§ 9.3 6 8.2
of oxygen cylinders to health centres distant from an
IMCI-defined severe pneumonia or very
oxygen plant represents an environmental cost of this
severe disease 28 (100) inefficient delivery method; in contrast, solar pow-
Malaria with respiratory distress 6 (21) ered oxygen uses ‘green energy’, with essentially a
HIV with pneumonia¶ 1 (10)
Other# 7 (25)
zero carbon footprint.
Oxygen concentrators purify oxygen from ambient
* Data available for 12/28 patients.

Blantyre Coma Scale , 5.27
air through selective adsorption of nitrogen using

Normal range of vital signs from Fleming et al.28 aluminum silicate sieve beds.14,16,19 They can provide
Data available for 6/28 patients.

Data available for 10/28 patients.
a reliable source of oxygen for many years, with
Down’s syndrome (n ¼ 2), diarrhoea and dehydration (n ¼ 2), congenital minimal service and maintenance,33 and are more
heart disease (n ¼ 1), birth asphyxia (n ¼ 1) and neonatal sepsis (n ¼ 1).
SD ¼ standard deviation; HR ¼ heart rate; RR ¼ respiratory rate; IQR ¼
cost-effective and user-friendly than cylinders.34
interquartile range; SaO2 ¼ arterial blood oxygen saturation; PaCO2 ¼ partial However, concentrators require a constant uninter-
carbon dioxide; HCO3 ¼ bicarbonate; IMCI ¼ Integrated Management of
Childhood Illness; HIV ¼ human immunodeficiency virus.
rupted electrical supply, which may not be available
in resource-poor settings.21,35 We observed that, at a
high-level referral hospital in Uganda serving a large
isation (0.11/day, P , 0.0001) following initiation
catchment area and treating often critically ill
of solar-powered oxygen therapy (Figure 4B). After
children, power failures averaged 13 episodes per
commencing oxygen therapy, the respiratory rate week and lasted a median of 30 min, with some
decreased by 10 breaths/min (95% confidence lasting as long as 17.5 h, which is unacceptable for
interval [CI] 3.2–17, P ¼ 0.004) and the heart rate concentrator-based management of patients in need
decreased by 23 beats/min (95%CI 16–31, P , of continuous oxygen therapy for survival. Lack of
0.0001) over the first day of admission, based on access to electrical energy is a problem in Uganda and
estimates from linear mixed-effects models (Figure many countries; a recent systematic review looking at
Solar-powered oxygen 701

Figure 4 Vital signs of patients treated with SPO2. A–C) Longitudinal profiles of SpO2 (dotted line), HR (dashed line) and RR (solid
line) of three illustrative patients, together with the flow rate of SPO2 (grey area). SPO2 ¼ solar-powered oxygen; SpO2 ¼ peripheral
blood oxygen saturation; HR ¼ heart rate; RR ¼ respiratory rate.

13 health care facilities in sub-Saharan Africa found (sitting and eating) over days, and ultimately dis-
that 26% of health facilities reported no access to charge without disability, occurred in the majority of
electricity, and that only 28% of those facilities with patients. This favourable clinical course in most
electricity access reported reliable access (range 15– patients indicates the potential utility of SPO2, even
49%).22 In Uganda, in a national survey in 2007, only among patients with advanced disease. Nonetheless,
19% of government hospitals and 40% of private six patients in this study died despite the administra-
facilities had electricity routinely available during tion of quality-assured oxygen. This likely reflects the
service hours or a backup generator with fuel.36 severity of the underlying disease, and this study is
The baseline characteristics of patients in our pilot limited by the lack of a comparator (control) group
study reflect a cohort with severe cardiopulmonary against which to gauge the efficacy of SPO2 delivery.
compromise and guarded prognosis. Immediate Ethical considerations of course prohibit a compar-
improvements in SpO2, resolution of vital sign ison with placebo (no oxygen treatment). We are
abnormalities over the first 24 h, recovery of function currently conducting a randomised controlled trial

Figure 5 Improvement in vital signs associated with SPO2. A) Peripheral blood oxygenation
increased after initiating SPO2 therapy by a median 12% (range 5–15%, P , 0.0001). Dashed lines
link data from each individual patient. B) Composite SICK severity score decreased after initiating
SPO2 therapy (P , 0.0001). Dashed lines link data from each individual patient. C) RR decreased
over the first 24 h of admission following the initiation of SPO2 therapy by 10 breaths/min on
average (95%CI 3.2–17, P ¼ 0.004). Trend line corresponds to fitted LME model through individual
repeated measurements on the cohort. D) HR decreased over the first 24 h of admission following
initiation of SPO2 therapy by 23 beats/min on average (95%CI 16–31, P , 0.0001). Trend line
corresponds to fitted LME model through individual repeated measurements on the cohort. SPO2
¼ solar-powered oxygen; SpO2 ¼ peripheral blood oxygen saturation; SICK ¼ Signs of Infection in
Children that Kill; RR ¼ respiratory rate; HR ¼ heart rate; LME ¼ linear mixed-effect.
702 The International Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease

(RCT) comparing SPO2 delivery with standard be necessary to implement an SPO2 delivery system
delivery using compressed oxygen cylinders, under sustainably.
the hypothesis of non-inferiority.37 This study will
provide context for the high mortality in this critically
ill patient population in a resource-limited hospital.
The SPO2 system was successful in harnessing solar Solar-powered oxygen delivery is feasible in a
power to drive an oxygen concentrator. The system resource-poor paediatric hospital. This exciting ad-
was engineered and assembled using locally sourced, vance over existing oxygen delivery modes warrants
commercially available components, which are likely further study, and we are currently conducting an
available worldwide. Although this technology has a RCT of SPO2.37 Development and scale-up of a
high initial capital assessment, the operating costs for prototype that can supply oxygen to the numerous
maintenance and use are low, due to the freely hospitals across Africa and Asia with high pneumonia
available input: sun and air. Routine maintenance of burden and poor access to oxygen are needed.
the oxygen concentrator (e.g., periodic replacement
of filters, humidifier bottle, compressor gaskets) Acknowledgements
incurs costs, estimated at US$51 per month in a The study was supported by a ‘Stars in Global Health’ Award from
previous study.23 The system components have an Grand Challenges Canada, Toronto, ON, Canada.
Conflicts of interest: none declared.
estimated life of 20 years (solar panels) and 5 years
(batteries), and could therefore be used to treat
numerous patients prior to replacement. We designed References
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Solar-powered oxygen i

C A D R E : Un hôpital d’Ouganda aux ressources limitées d’oxygène à 88% [6 2%] de pureté). Une série de 28
pour le traitement des pneumonies pédiatriques. patients ayant une hypoxémie (âgés de 3 mois à 3 ans)
O B J E C T I F : La pneumonie est une cause majeure de ont été enrôlés et traités avec l’oxygène à énergie solaire.
mortalité des enfants dans le monde. L’accès au Une amélioration immédiate de la saturation en oxygène
traitement salvateur par oxygène est limité dans de du sang périphérique a été documentée (amélioration
nombreuses régions du monde. L’objectif de l’étude a été médiane þ12% [fourchette 5–15] ; P , 0,0001). La
de concevoir et de mettre en oeuvre un système de tachypnée, la tachycardie et le score de gravité composite
distribution d’oxygène à énergie solaire. de la maladie se sont améliorés au cours des premières 24
S C H É M A : Etude pilote de démonstration de faisabilité. h d’hospitalisation (P , 0,01 pour toutes les
Un système de distribution d’oxygène à énergie solaire a comparaisons). Le taux de létalité a été de 6/28 (21%).
été conçu et piloté dans une cohorte d’enfants atteints Le délai médian de récupération pour s’asseoir, manger,
d’une maladie hypoxémiante. sevrer l’oxygène et quitter l’hôpital a été de 7,5 h, 9,8 h,
R É S U L T A T S : Le syst ème a consist é en panneaux 44 h et 4 jours, respectivement.
solaires photovoltaı̈ques de 25 3 80 W (fourniture C O N C L U S I O N : L’énergie solaire peut être utilisée pour
quotidienne de 7,5 kWh [fourchette 3,8–9,7]), en concentrer l’oxygène de l’air ambiant et oxygéner les
batteries de 8 3 220 Ah et en un concentrateur enfants atteints de détresse respiratoire et d’hypoxémie
d’oxygène de 300 W (fourniture jusqu’à 5 l/min dans un contexte de ressources limitées.

M A R C O D E R E F E R E N C I A: Un hospital pediátrico de 5 l/min de oxı́geno con una pureza de 88% [6 2%]).
referencia con recursos limitados, en la ciudad de Jinja Una serie de 28 pacientes con hipoxemia participó en el
de Uganda. estudio (de 3 meses a 3 años de edad) y recibió
O B J E T I V O: La neumonı́a es una de las principales oxigenoterapia con el dispositivo de energı́a solar. Se
causas de mortalidad infantil en todo el mundo. El puso en evidencia una mejora inmediata de la saturación
acceso a una oxigenoterapia salvavidas es limitado en de oxı́geno periférica (mediana del cambio þ 12% [entre
muchas regiones del mundo. El presente estudio tuvo por 5% y 15%]; P , 0,0001). La taquipnea, la taquicardia y
objetivo desarrollar y poner en práctica un sistema de la puntuación de la escala compuesta de gravedad de la
aporte de oxı́geno que funciona con energı́a solar, para el neumonı́a mejoraron a las 24 h de la hospitalización (P
tratamiento de la neumonı́a de los niños en un hospital , 0,01 para todas las comparaciones). El ı́ndice de
con recursos limitados en Uganda. letalidad fue 6 de 28 (21%). La mediana del lapso de
M É T O D O: Fue este un estudio preliminar de eficacia de recuperación hasta poderse sentar fue 7,5 h, hasta comer
un nuevo sistema de oxigenoterapia que funciona con fue 9,8 h, hasta la retirada del oxı́geno fue 44 h y 4 dı́as
energı́a solar, en una cohorte de niños aquejados de una hasta el alta hospitalaria.
enfermedad que provoca hipoxemia. C O N C L U S I Ó N: Es posible utilizar la energı́a solar con el
R E S U L T A D O S: El sistema consistió en 25 tableros propósito de concentrar el oxı́geno del medio ambiente y
fotovoltaicos de 80 W (con una potencia de salida ofrecer oxigenoterapia a los niños con insuficiencia
diaria de 7,5 kWh [entre 3,8–9,7]), ocho pilas de 220 Ah respiratoria e hipoxemia en un entorno con recursos
y un concentrador de oxı́geno de 300 W (salida hasta de limitados.

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