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Corporation Law Reviewer a.

Name or the nature of business

itself is illegal, offensive,
Part 1- CORPORATIONS scandalous or contrary to
Types of Business Organizations
b. Names which are identical or
1. Sole Proprietorship- form of business resemble a BN already
organization with only one proprietary registered with the DTI, SEC,
owner CDA, IPO, FDA, DOLE or any
- A single person conducts under his other government office
own name or business name. authorized by law to register
- Neither a creature of statute nor names, as likely to cause
contract. The reportorial confusion or mistake in law to
requirements imposed on register names, as likely to
corporations or partnerships do not cause confusion or mistake in
apply to sole proprietorship the minds of the public taking
- Unorganized business owned by a into consideration the nature of
person; only his or his agent’s acts the business, product/service
binds the corporation. The handled, location/place of
individual proprietor is the only one business, dominant word, use
liable to his business debts; he is of descriptive words, and
the only one to share in the profits. spelling, sound and/or
- No separate legal personality from meaning.
its proprietor or its owner. c. Names composed of purely
- Only method of obtaining funds are generic or geographic words
personal contributions from the d. Names which by law or
proprietor or loans from financial regulation cannot be
institutions. appropriated
- Totally dependent upon the life of e. Names, words, or terms or
the proprietor. expressions used to designate
- A proprietor who does not register or distinguish or suggestive of
his business name as required quality of any class of goods,
under Act No. 3883 is subject to the articles, merchandise, or service
following prohibitions. f. Names or abbreviation of
a. He cannot use or sign the names used by the government
business name in connection in its governmental functions
with his business on any written g. Names or abbreviations of
or printed receipts or any names of any nation, inter-
evidence of agreement or other governmental or international
documents; organization
b. He cannot exhibit the business h. Names which are deceptive,
name or sign thereof in plain misleading or which
view misrepresents the nature of the
- The following names cannot be business.
used as business name
2. Partnership- when two or more persons e. Transfer of interest- corporate
bind themselves to contribute money, shares are freely transferable
industry, or property to a common without the consent of other
fund, with the intention of dividing the stockholders (unless there is a
profits among themselves. stipulation) while interest in the
- Registration with the SEC is partnership cannot be
necessary where the capital of the transferred without consent of
partnership is P3,000 or more. other persons.
- Mere failure to register with the f. As to liability of those who
SEC does not invalidate a contract compose- the liability of
that has all the essential requisites stockholders and members for
of a partnership. corporate obligations is limited
- Purpose of registration is to give to their investment while
notice to third persons. partners may be liable beyond
- A partnership may be distinguished their investment.
form a corporation: - Rights of succession- there is no
a. As to manner of creation- right of succession in partnership as
partnership is created by mere death of a general partner dissolves
agreement while the existence the partnership
of the corporation commence 3. Joint Accounts (Sociedad de Cuentas en
only from the issuance of a Participacion)- is present when there is
Certificate of Registration of the an arrangement whereby merchants
SEC or in proper cases, passage may interest themselves in the
of a special law transaction of other merchants,
b. As to the number of organizers- contributing thereto the amount of
even two persons may form a capital they may agree upon, and
partnership while a corporation participating in the favorable and
needs at least five unfavorable results thereof in the
incorporators proportion they may determine.
c. As to powers- a corporation is - Commonly called as “accidental
more restricted in its powers partnership”
because of its limited - As distinguished from partnership
personality while partnership is a. As to juridical personality- a
subject only to what may be joint account has no juridical
agreed upon by the partners. personality while a partnership
d. Authority of those who has a personality separate and
compose- there is mutual distinct from the partners
agency in partnership and each b. As to business name- no
general partner can represent commercial name common to
and bind the partnership while all participants can be adopted
stockholders are not agents of in joint accounts. A partnership
the corporation in the absence can adopt a partnership name.
of express authority c. As to management- the general
partners are all managers in a
partnership while in a joint - Either express or implied.
account, only the ostensible - The rights and obligations of the
partner manages and transacts parties are expressly provided for in
business in his own name and their agreement called a trust
under his individual liability. agreement
d. As to parties in cases- in a joint - Trust business is an activity resulting
account, only the ostensible from a trustor-trustee relationship
partner—the person carrying (trusteeship) involving the
on the joint business—can be appointment of a trustee by a
sued and is liable to persons trustor for the administration,
transacting with the former. In holding, management of funds
partnership, all general and/or properties of the trustor by
partners may be liable even up the trustee for the use, benefit or
to the extent of their personal advantage of the trustor or of
properties and may therefore others called beneficiaries
be sued by third persons. 5. Joint Venture- an association of persons
- Duty to liquidate is imposed on the or companies jointly undertaking some
manager. If the manager failed to commercial enterprise
comply with his statutory duty to - Generally, all contribute assets and
account the proceeds of the share risks
partners, the partners are entitled - Requires a community of interest in
to file an action to compel the performance of the subject, a
accounting, and the payment of right to direct and govern the policy
their respective shares of the connected therewith, and duty,
capital invested, together with which may be altered by agreement
damages. to share both in profit and losses.
- In case of the liquidation of a joint - Formed for some temporary
account, the sale of the firm assets purpose; governed by the law of
is necessarily uncertain and partnerships
eventual because the selling price - Corporations may enter into joint
that may be obtained from the venture agreements. The contract
property and effects that comprise or agreement need not be
such assets is uncertain. The price registered with the SEC provided
received should be allotted in the that the joint venture will not result
same proportion as that fixed in the in the formation of a partnership or
contract for the division off the corporation.
profits and losses 6. Cooperatives- is an autonomous and
4. Business Trust- a legal relation whereby duly registered association of persons,
one person called the trustor, conveys a with a common bond of interest, who
property to another for the benefit of a have voluntarily joined together to
person called the beneficiary. The achieve their social, economic, and
person whom confidence is reposed as cultural needs and aspirations by
regards the property is called the making equitable contributions ot the
trustee. capital required, patronizing their
products and services and accepting a - Limited liability rule, was to a
fair share of the risks and benefits of certain extent applicable.
the undertaking in accordance with - Upon the passage of the
universally accepted cooperative Corporation Law, those that were
principles. already in existence were allowed
- Governing law- The Philippine to continue as such.
Cooperative Code of 2009 (RA No. - The purpose of the Philippine
9520) Commission in repealing this part of
7. Syndicate- group of people who come the Code of Commerce is to compel
together to work for a common aim. commercial entities thereafter
-commonly encountered among organize and incorporate under the
insurance companies who may be Corporation Law, unless they
underwriting a large risk or banks that should prefer to adopt some other
are lending a huge amount. form of partnership.
- Syndication is the practice of dividing - Continued to be governed by the
investment risk between several laws that were in force prior to the
persons on order to minimize individual passage of the Corporation Law.
risk - No longer allowed to extend its
8. Corporations- to be discussed further term because extension was not
allowed under the Corporation Law.
3. Unincorporated Associations-
Other business organizations organization of persons that do not
claim to be a part of a corporation
1. Homeowner’s Associations- non-stock, - By agreement, may perform acts
non-profit corporation registered with not contrary to law, morals, good
the HLURB, or one previously with customs, public order or public
theHome Guaranty Corporation, or the policy
SEC, organized by owners or purchasers - Applicable rule would depend on
of a lot in a subdivision/village or other the circumstances
residential real property located within - Entities without separate juridical
the jurisdiction of the association personality.
- Includes awardees, usufructuaries,
legal occupants and/or lessees of a Advantages of a Corporation
housing unit and/or lot in a
1. The capacity to act as a legal unit
government socialized economic
2. Limitation of or exemption from,
housing or relocation project and
individual liability of shareholders
other urban estate; or
3. Continuity of existence
underprivileged and homeless
4. Transferability of shares
citizens in the process of being
5. Centralized management of Board of
accredited as usufructuaries or
awardees of ownership rights.
6. Professional management
2. Sociedad Anonima- approximation and
7. Standardized method of organization
has an affinity with, but not exactly the
and finance
same as a corporation.
8. Easy capital generation.
Disadvantages of a Corporation FACTS:

1. Prone to double taxation Benguet Consolidated Mining Co. was organized

2. They are subject to greater in June, 1903, as a sociedad anonima in
governmental regulation or control conformity with the provisions of the Spanish
3. A corporation may be burdened with an Law. Balatoc Mining Co. was organized in
inefficient management if stockholders December 1925, as a corporation in conformity
cannot organize to oppose with the provisions of the Corporation Law (Act
management No. 1459). Both were organized for mining of
4. Limited liability of stockholders may at gold and their respective properties are located
times translate into limited ability to only a few miles apart in Benguet. Balatoc
raise creditor capital capital stock consists of one million shares of
5. It is harder or more complicated to the par value of one peso (P1) each.
6. The owners or stockholders do not
participate in the day-to-day When the Balatoc was first organized, its
management. properties were largely undeveloped. To
improve its operations, the company’s
committee approached A. W. Beam, then
1. HARDEN V. BENGUET CONSOLIDATED president and general manager of the Benguet
MINING CO. Company, to secure the capital necessary to the
development of the Balatoc property. A
contract was entered into wherein Benguet will
DOCTRINE: A sociedad anonima is something (1) construct a milling plant for the Balatoc
very much like the English joint stock company, mine, of a capacity of 100 tons of ore per day,
with features resembling those of both the and with an extraction of at least 85 per cent of
partnership is shown in the fact that sociedad, the gold content; (2) erect an appropriate
the generic component of its name in Spanish, power plant. In return, Benguet will receive
is the same word that is used in that language from Balatoc shares of a par value of P600,000.
to designate other forms of partnership, and in
its organization it is constructed along the same
general lines as the ordinary partnership. The total cost incurred by Benguet in
developing Balatoc was P1,417,952.15. A
certificate for 600,000 shares of the stock of the
In section 75 of the Corporation Law, a Balatoc Company was given to Benguet and the
provision is found making the sociedad anonima excess value was paid to Benguet by Balatoc in
subject to the provisions of the Corporation Law cash. Due to the improvements made by
"so far as such provisions may be applicable", Benguet, the value of shares of Balatoc
and giving to the sociedades anonimas increased in the market (from P1 to more than
previously created in the Islands the option to P11) and dividends enriched its stockholders.
continue business as such or to reform and Harden, the owner of thousands of shares of
organize under the provisions of the Balatoc, questioned the transfer of 600,000
Corporation Law. shares to Benguet with the success of the
and giving to the sociedades anonimas
previously created in the Islands the option to
continue business as such or to reform and
W/N, assuming the first question to be organize under the provisions of the
answered in the affirmative, the Benguet Corporation Law.
Company, which was organized as a sociedad
anonima, is a corporation within the meaning of
the language used by the Congress of the The provision in Section 75 of the Act Congress
United States, and later by the Philippine of July 1, 1902 (Philippine Bill), generally
Legislature, prohibiting a mining corporation prohibiting corporations engaged in mining and
from becoming interested in another mining members of such from being interested in any
corporation? other corporation engaged in mining, was
amended by section 7 of Act No. 3518 of the
Philippine Legislature, approved by Congress
March 1, 1929. The change in the law effected
HELD: by this amendment was in the direction of
liberalization. Thus, the inhibition contained in
Having shown that the plaintiffs in this case
the original provision against members of a
have no right of action against Benguet
corporation engaged in agriculture or mining
Company for the infraction of the law supposed
from being interested in other corporations
to have been committed, we forego any
engaged in agriculture or in mining was so
discussion of the further question whether a
modified as merely to prohibit any such
socieda anonima created under Spanish Law,
member from holding more than fifteen per
such as the Benguet Company, is a corporation
centum of the outstanding capital stock of
within the meaning of the prohibitory provision
another such corporation. Moreover, the
already so many times mentioned.
explicit prohibition against the holding by any
corporation (except for irrigation) of an interest
in any other corporation engaged in agriculture
or in mining was so modified as to limit the
A sociedad anonima is something very much
restriction to corporations organized for the
like the English joint stock company, with
purpose of engaging in agriculture or in mining.
features resembling those of both the
partnership is shown in the fact that sociedad,
the generic component of its name in Spanish,
is the same word that is used in that language
to designate other forms of partnership, and in 2. BENGUET CONSOLIDATED MINING CO.
its organization it is constructed along the same V. PINEDA
general lines as the ordinary partnership.

DOCTRINE: Benguet Mining has no vested right

In section 75 of the Corporation Law, a to extend its life. It is a well-settled rule that no
provision is found making the sociedad anonima person has a vested interest in any rule of law
subject to the provisions of the Corporation Law entitling him to insist that it shall remain
"so far as such provisions may be applicable", unchanged for his benefit. Had Benguet Mining
agreed to extend its life prior to the passage of Benguet Mining, it should be allowed to be
the Corporation Code of 1906 such right would reorganized as a corporation under the said
have vested. But when the law was passed in Corporation Law.
1906, Benguet Mining was already deprived of
such right.

Whether or not Benguet Mining is correct.
Benguet Consolidated Mining Company was
organized in 1903 under the Spanish Code of
Commerce of 1886 as a sociedad anonima. It
was agreed by the incorporators that Benguet HELD:
Mining was to exist for 50 years. No. Benguet Mining has no vested right to
In 1906, Act 1459 (Corporation Law) was extend its life. It is a well-settled rule that no
enacted which superseded the Code of person has a vested interest in any rule of law
Commerce of 1886. Act 1459 essentially entitling him to insist that it shall remain
introduced the American concept of a unchanged for his benefit. Had Benguet Mining
corporation. The purpose of the law, is to agreed to extend its life prior to the passage of
eradicate the Spanish Code and make the Corporation Code of 1906 such right would
sociedades anonimas obsolete. have vested. But when the law was passed in
1906, Benguet Mining was already deprived of
In 1953, the board of directors of Benguet such right.
Mining submitted to the Securities and
Exchange Commission (SEC) an application for
them to be allowed to extend the lifespan of To allow Benguet Mining to extend its life will
Benguet Mining. Then Commissioner Mario be inimical to the purpose of the law which
Pineda denied the application as it ruled that sought to render obsolete sociedades
the extension requested is contrary to Section anonimas. If this is allowed, Benguet Mining will
18 of the Corporation Law of 1906 which unfairly do something which new corporations
provides that the life of a corporation shall not organized under the new Corporation Law can’t
be extended by amendment beyond the time do – that is, exist beyond 50 years. Plus, it
fixed in their original articles. would have reaped the benefits of being a
sociedad anonima and later on of being a
Benguet Mining contends that they have a corporation. Further, under the Corporation
vested right under the Code of Commerce of Code of 1906, existing sociedades anonimas
1886 because they were organized under said during the enactment of the law must choose
law; that under said law, Benguet Mining is whether to continue as such or be organized as
allowed to extend its life by simply amending its a corporation under the new law. Once a
articles of incorporation; that the prohibition in sociedad anonima chooses one of these, it is
Section 18 of the Corporation Code of 1906 already proscribed from choosing the other.
does not apply to sociedades anonimas already Evidently, Benguet Mining chose to exist as a
existing prior to the Law’s enactment; that even sociedad anonima hence it can no longer elect -
assuming that the prohibition applies to
to become a corporation when its life is near its in its application to business charters,
end. protecting businesses and corporations from a
great deal of government regulation.
Trustees of Dartmouth Coll. v. Woodward, 17
U.S. 518 (1819) Non-impairment clause

Facts of the case The non-impairment clause is contained in

Section 10, Article III of the Constitution, which
In 1816, the New Hampshire legislature
provides that no law impairing the obligation of
attempted to change Dartmouth College-- a
contracts shall be passed. The non-impairment
privately funded institution--into a state
clause is limited in application to laws that
university. The legislature changed the school's
derogate from prior acts or contracts by
corporate charter by transferring the control of
enlarging, abridging or in any manner changing
trustee appointments to the governor. In an
the intention of the parties.[29] There is
attempt to regain authority over the resources
impairment if a subsequent law changes the
of Dartmouth College, the old trustees filed suit
terms of a contract between the parties,
against William H. Woodward, who sided with
imposes new conditions, dispenses with those
the new appointees.
agreed upon or withdraws remedies for the
Question enforcement of the rights of the parties.

Did the New Hampshire legislature

unconstitutionally interfere with Dartmouth
International Express Travel And Tour Services
College's rights under the Contract Clause?
Inc. vs Court of Appeals
343 SCRA 674 [GR No. 119002 October 19,
The Contract Clause (Art 1, Section 10, Clause 1) 2000]
prohibits states from violating contracts with
Facts: On June 30, 1989, petitioner International
private or public corporations. In a 6-to-1
Express Travel and Tours Services Inc., through
decision, the Court concluded that the Contract
its managing director, wrote a letter to the
Clause applies to private as well as public
Philippine Football Federation through its
corporations. The Court held that the College's
President Henri Kahn, wherein the former
corporate charter qualified as a contract
offered its services as a travel agency to the
between private parties, with which the
latter. The offer was accepted. Petitioner
legislature could not interfere. The fact that the
secured the airline tickets for the trips of the
government had commissioned the charter did
athletes and officials of the Federation to the
not transform the school into a civil institution.
South East Asian Games in Kuala Lumpur as well
Chief Justice Marshall's opinion emphasized
as various other trips to the People’s Republic
that the term "contract" referred to
of China and Brisbane. The total cost of the
transactions involving individual property rights,
tickets amounted to Php449,654.83. For the
not to "the political relations between the
tickets received, the Federation made two
government and its citizens."
partial payments, both in September of 1989 in
The founders of Dartmouth, the court ruled, the total amount of Php176,467.50. On October
contracted with the trustees for the perpetual 4, 1989, petitioner wrote the Federation,
application of the funds provided by the through the private respondent a demand letter
founders. The decision had far-reaching impact requesting for the amount of Php265,844.33.
On October 30, 1989, the Federation, through R.A. 3135 and P.D. 604 recognized the juridical
the project gintong alay, paid the amount of existence of national sports associations. The
Php31,603. On December 27, 1989, Henri Kahn power to adopt a constitution, raise funds,
issued a personal check in the amount of acquire property, etc. indicate that the
Php50,000 as partial payment for the associations may acquire juridical personality.
outstanding balance of the Federation. However, such does not automatically take
Thereafter, no further payments were made place by the passage of the laws. Before a
despite repeated demands. Hence, this petition. corporation may acquire juridical personality,
the state must give its consent either in the
Issue: Whether or not private respondent can
form of a special law or a general enabling act.
be made personally liable for the liabilities of
Before an entity may be considered as a
the Philippines Football Federation.
national sports association, such entity must
Held: Yes. A voluntary unincorporated recognized by the accrediting organizations –
association, like defendant Federation has no Phil. Amateur Athletic Federation (R.A. 3135)
power to enter into, or to ratify a contract. The and Dept. of Youth and Sports Development
contract entered into by its officers or agents on (P.D. 604). Therefore, the federation is not a
behalf of such association is binding or, as national sports association within the purview
enforceable against it. The officers or agents are of the laws and that Kahn is personally
themselves personally liable. responsible for the obligation.

In attempting to prove the juridical existence of

the Federation, Henri Kahn attached to his
motion for reconsideration before the trial
court a copy of the constitution and by-laws of PHILIPPINE OVERSEAS TELECOMMUNICATIONS
the Philippine Football Federation. CORPORATION v. SANDIGANBAYAN, GR No.
Unfortunately, the same does not prove that 174462, 2016-02-10
said Federation has indeed been recognized and
Facts: POTC is a private corporation, which is a
accredited by either the Philippine Amateur
main stockholder of PHILCOMSAT, a
Athletic Federation or the Department of Youth
government-owned and controlled corporation,
and Sports Development. Accordingly, we rule
which was established in 1966 and was granted
that the Philippine Football Federation is not a
a legislative telecommunications franchise by
national sports association within the purview
virtue of Republic Act No. 5514, as amended by
of the aforementioned laws and does not have
Republic Act No. 7949, to establish and operate
corporate existence of its own.
international satellite communication in the
Thus being said, it follows that private Philippines.
respondent Henri Kahn should be liable for the
On 22 July 1987, the Office of the Solicitor
unpaid obligations of the unincorporated
General (OSG), on behalf of the Republic of the
Philippine Football Federation. It is a settled
Philippines, filed a Complaint for Reconveyance,
principle in corporation law that any person
Reversion, Accounting and Restitution, and
acting or purporting to act on behalf of the
Damages, docketed as Civil Case No. 0009,
corporation which has no valid existence
against Jose L. Africa, Manuel H. Nieto, Jr.,
assumed such privileges and becomes
Ferdinand E. Marcos, Imelda R. Marcos,
personally liable for contract entered into or for
Ferdinand R. Marcos, Jr., Roberto S. Benedicto,
other acts performed as such agent.
Juan Ponce Enrile, and Potenciano Ilusorio
(collectively hereinafter referred to as A perusal of the instant Complaint, docketed as
"defendants"). Civil Case No. 0009 dated 22 July 1987, reveals
that it was filed against private individuals,
From Civil Case No. 0009 sprung other cases: (1)
namely, Jose L. Africa, Manuel H. Nieto, Jr.,
Injunction; (2) Mandamus; and (3) Approval of
Ferdinand E. Marcos, Imelda R. Marcos,
the Compromise Agreement.
Ferdinand R. Marcos, Jr., Roberto S. Benedicto,
On 1 March 1991, POTC and PHILCOMSAT filed Juan Ponce Enrile, Potenciano Ilusorio.22
separate complaints for Injunction with the Nowhere was POTC and PHILCOMSAT
Sandiganbayan against the Republic to nullify impleaded in the Complaint.
and lift the sequestration order issued against
Failure to implead POTC and PHILCOMSAT is a
them for failure to file the necessary judicial
violation of the fundamental principle that a
action against them within the period
corporation has a legal personality distinct and
prescribed by the Constitution and to enjoin the
separate from its stockholders;24 that, the filing
PCGG from interfering with their management
of a complaint against a stockholder is not ipso
and operation, which the Sandiganbayan
facto a complaint against the corporation.
granted on 4 December 1991 through a
Resolution. The basic tenets of fair play and principles of
justice dictate that a corporation, as a legal
On 23 January 1995, however, this Court, in
entity distinct and separate from its
Republic v. Sandiganbayan (First Division), G.R.
stockholders, must be impleaded as
No. 96073, 240 SCRA 376, January 23, 1995,
defendants, giving it the opportunity to be
reversed the Sandiganbayan Resolution and
heard. The failure to properly implead POTC
ruled that the filing of Complaint for
and PHILCOMSAT not only violates the latters'
Reconveyance, Reversion, Accounting and
legal personality, but is repugnant on POTC's
Restitution, and Damages, docketed as Civil
and PHILCOMSAT's right to due process.
Case No. 0009, was filed within the required 6-
"[F]ailure to implead these corporations as
month period.
defendants and merely annexing a list of such
Issue: whether or not the failure to properly corporations to the complaints is a violation of
implead POTC and PHILCOMSAT as defendants their right to due process for it would in effect
in Civil Case No. 0009 is a fatal jurisdictional be disregarding their distinct and separate
error. personality without a hearing."25 As already
settled, a suit against individual stockholders is
Held: YES. Section 26, Article XVIII of the not a suit against the corporation.
Constitution mandates that if no judicial action
has been filed within six (6) months after the
ratification of the 1987 Constitution,21 the writ
Proceeding from the foregoing, as POTC and
of sequestration shall automatically be lifted. In
PHILCOMSAT were not impleaded, there is no
the case at bar, there was no judicial action filed
longer any existing sequestration on POTC and
against POTC and PHILCOMSAT. There has
PHILCOMSAT.26 The sequestration order over
never been any appropriate judicial action for
POTC and PHILCOMSAT was automatically lifted
reconveyance or recovery ever instituted by the
six (6) months after the ratification of the 1987
Republic against POTC and PHILCOMSAT.
Constitution on 2 February 1987 for failure to
implead POTC and PHILCOMSAT in Civil Case
No. 0009 before the Sandiganbayan or before
any court for that matter.27 To recite Section merely a distribution of the assets of the
26, Article XVIII of the Constitution, if no judicial corporation which has ceased to exist for having
action has been filed within six (6) months after been dissolved. This is apparent in the minutes
the ratification of the 1987 Constitution, the of dissolution attached to the document. Not
writ of sequestration shall automatically be being a conveyance the certificate need not
lifted. Note must be made of the fact that we contain a statement of the numbers of parcels
do not here touch our previous holding that of land involved in the distribution in the
Civil Case No. 0009 was filed within the 6- acknowledgment appearing therein. Hence the
month period. We now say that such amount of documentary stamps to be affixed
notwithstanding, and as shown by the facts on thereon should only be P0.30 and not P940.45,
record, the POTC and PHILCOMSAT were not as required by the register of deeds. Neither is
impleaded in the Civil Case. it correct to require appellants to pay the
amount of P430.50 as registration fee.

The Commissioner of Land Registration,

[ G. R. No. L-18216, October 30, 1962 ]
however, entertained a different opinion. He
STOCKHOLDERS OF F. GUANZON AND SONS, concurred in the view expressed by the register
INC., PETITIONERS AND APPELLANTS, VS. of deeds to the effect that the certificate of
REGISTER OF DEEDS OF MANILA, RESPONDENT liquidation in question, tnough it involves a
AND APPELLEE. distribution of the corporation's assets, in the
last analysis represents a transfer of said assets
Facts: On September 19, 1960, the five from the corporation to the stockholders.
stockholders of the F. Guanzon and Sons, Inc. Hence, in substance it is a transfer or
executed a certificate of liquidation of the
assets of the corporation reciting, among other conveyance.
things, that by virtue of a resolution of the
Issue: whether or not that certificate merely
stockholders adopted on September 17, 1960,
involves a distribution of the corporation assets
dissolving the corporation, they have
or should be considered a transfer or
distributed among themselves in proportion to
their shareholdings, as liquidating dividends,
the assets of said corporation, including real Held: A corporation is a juridical person distinct
properties located in Manila. The certificate of from the members composing it. Properties
liquidation, when presented to the Register of registered in the name of the corporation are
Deeds of Manila, was denied registration on owned by it as an entity separate and distinct
seven grounds, of which the following were from its members. While shares of stock
disputed by the stockholders: constitute personal property, they do not
represent property of the corporation. A share
"3. The number of parcels not certified to in the
of stock only typifies an aliquot part of the
corporation's property, or the right to share in
"5. P430.50 Reg. fees need be paid; its proceeds to that extent when distributed
according to law and equity, but its holder is not
"6. P940.45 documentary stamps need be the owner of any part of the capital of the
attached to the document; corporation. Nor is he entitled to the possession
Appellants contend that the certificate of of any definite portion of its property or assets.
liquidation is not a conveyance or transfer but
The stockholder is not a co-owner or tenant in Corp.’s Board of Directors, to dispose of the
common of the corporate property. eight parcels of land. Adams engaged the
services of realtor/broker Lauro G. Marquez so
The act of liquidation made by the stockholders
that the properties could be offered for sale to
of the F. Guanzon and Sons, Inc. of the latter's
prospective buyers.
assets is not and cannot be considered a
partition of community property, but rather a  Marquez offered the parcels of land and
transfer or conveyance of the title of its assets the improvements thereon to Eduardo B.
to the individual stockholders, since the Litonjua, Jr. of the Litonjua & Company, Inc.
purpose of the liquidation, as well as the Marquez declared that he was authorized to sell
distribution of the assets of the corporation, is the properties for P27,000,000.00 and that the
to transfer their title from the corporation to terms of the sale were subject to negotiation.
the stockholders in proportion to their
 Eduardo Litonjua, Jr. responded to the
offer. Marquez showed the property to Eduardo
Litonjua, Jr., and his brother Antonio K. Litonjua.
The Litonjua siblings offered to buy the property
for P20,000,000.00 cash. Marquez apprised
Eduardo Litonjua, Jr. and Antonio Litonjua v. Glanville of the Litonjua siblings’ offer and
Eternit Corp. (now Eterton Multi-Resources relayed the same to Delsaux in Belgium, but the
Corp.), Eteroutremer, S.A. and Far East Bank & latter did not respond. Glanville telexed Delsaux
Trust Co. in Belgium, inquiring on his position/
counterproposal to the offer of the Litonjua
G.R. No. 144805 June 8, 2006 siblings. Delsaux sent a telex to Glanville stating
FACTS: that, based on the “Belgian/Swiss decision,” the
final offer was “US$1,000,000.00 and
 Eternit Corp. is engaged in the P2,500,000.00 to cover all existing obligations
manufacture of roofing materials and pipe prior to final liquidation.
products. Its manufacturing operations were
conducted on 8 parcels of land located in  Litonjua, Jr. accepted the
Mandaluyong City, covered by TCTs with Far counterproposal of Delsaux. Marquez conferred
East Bank & Trust Company, as trustee. 90% of with Glanville, and confirmed that the Litonjua
the shares of stocks of Eternit Corp. were siblings had accepted the counter-proposal of
owned by Eteroutremer S.A. Corporation Delsaux. He also stated that the Litonjua siblings
(ESAC), a corporation organized and registered would confirm full payment within 90 days after
under the laws of Belgium. Jack Glanville, an execution and preparation of all documents of
Australian citizen, was the General Manager sale, together with the necessary governmental
and President of Eternit Corp., while Claude clearances.
Frederick Delsaux was the Regional Director for  The Litonjua brothers deposited the
Asia of ESAC. amount of US$1,000,000.00 with the Security
 In 1986, the management of ESAC grew Bank & Trust Company, Ermita Branch, and
concerned about the political situation in the drafted an Escrow Agreement to expedite the
Philippines and wanted to stop its operations in sale.
the country. The Committee for Asia of ESAC  With the assumption of Corazon Aquino
instructed Michael Adams, a member of Eternit as President of RP, the political situation in the
Philippines had improved. Marquez received a laws or by specific acts of the board of
telephone call from Glanville, advising that the directors. Absent such valid
sale would no longer proceed. Glanville delegation/authorization, the rule is that the
followed it up with a letter, confirming that he declarations of an individual director relating to
had been instructed by his principal to inform the affairs of the corporation, but not in the
Marquez that the decision has been taken at a course of, or connected with, the performance
Board Meeting not to sell the properties on of authorized duties of such director, are not
which Eternit Corp. is situated. binding on the corporation.

 When apprised of this development,  While a corporation may appoint agents

the Litonjuas, through counsel, wrote Eternit to negotiate for the sale of its real properties,
Corp., demanding payment for damages they the final say will have to be with the board of
had suffered on account of the aborted sale. EC, directors through its officers and agents as
however, rejected their demand. authorized by a board resolution or by its by-
laws.30 An unauthorized act of an officer of the
ISSUE: WON Marquez, Glanville, and Delsaux
corporation is not binding on it unless the latter
were authorized by respondent Eternit Corp. to
ratifies the same expressly or impliedly by its
act as its agents relative to the sale of the
board of directors. Any sale of real property of a
properties of Eternit Corp., and if so, what are
corporation by a person purporting to be an
the boundaries of their authority as agents
agent thereof but without written authority
HELD: No. from the corporation is null and void.

 A corporation is a juridical person

separate and distinct from its members or
stockholders and is not affected by the personal
rights, obligations and transactions of the latter.  An agency may be expressed or implied
It may act only through its board of directors or, from the act of the principal, from his silence or
when authorized either by its by-laws or by its lack of action, or his failure to repudiate the
board resolution, through its officers or agents agency knowing that another person is acting
in the normal course of business. The general on his behalf without authority. Acceptance by
principles of agency govern the relation the agent may be expressed, or implied from his
between the corporation and its officers or acts which carry out the agency, or from his
agents, subject to the articles of incorporation, silence or inaction according to the
by-laws, or relevant provisions of law. circumstances. Agency may be oral unless the
law requires a specific form. However, to create
 The property of a corporation is not the
or convey real rights over immovable property,
property of the stockholders or members, and
a special power of attorney is necessary.
as such, may not be sold without express
authority from the board of directors. Physical  The Litonjuas failed to adduce in
acts, like the offering of the properties of the evidence any resolution of the Board of
corporation for sale, or the acceptance of a Directors of Eternit Corp. empowering Marquez,
counter-offer of prospective buyers of such Glanville or Delsaux as its agents, to sell, let
properties and the execution of the deed of sale alone offer for sale, for and in its behalf, the 8
covering such property, can be performed by parcels of land owned by Eternit Corp. including
the corporation only by officers or agents duly the improvements thereon. The bare fact that
authorized for the purpose by corporate by- Delsaux may have been authorized to sell to
Ruperto Tan the shares of stock of respondent properties covered under the Torrens system.
ESAC cannot be used as basis for Litonjua’s On June 11, 1994, Pastor Y. Lim died intestate.
claim that he had likewise been authorized by Herein petitioner, as surviving spouse and duly
Eternit Corp. to sell the parcels of land. represented by her nephew, George Luy filed
on March 17, 1995, a joint petition for the
 While Glanville was the President and
administration of the estate of Pastor Y. Lim
General Manager of Eternit Corp., and Adams
before the Regional Trial Court of Quezon City.
and Delsaux were members of its Board of
Private respondents corporations whose
Directors, the three acted for and in behalf of
properties were included in the inventory of the
respondent ESAC, and not as duly authorized
estate of Pastor Y. Lim, then filed a motion for
agents of Eternit Corp.; a board resolution
the lifting of his pendens an motion for
evincing the grant of such authority is needed
exclusion of certain properties from the estate
to bind Eternit Corp. to any agreement
of the decedent.
regarding the sale of the subject properties.
Such board resolution is not a mere formality ISSUE: May a corporation, in its universality, be
but is a condition sine qua non to bind Eternit the proper subject of and be included in the
Corp. inventory of the estate of a deceased person?

Requisites of an agency by estoppels: (1) the HELD: No. Inasmuch as the real properties
principal manifested a representation of the included in the inventory of the estate of the
agent’s authority or knowingly allowed the late Pastor Y. Lim are in the possession of and
agent to assume such authority; (2) the third are registered in the name of private
person, in good faith, relied upon such respondent corporations, which under the law
representation; (3) relying upon such possess a personality separate and distinct from
representation, such third person has changed their stockholders, and in the absence of any
his position to his detriment. cogency to shred the veil of corporate fiction,
the presumption of conclusiveness of said titles
in favor of private respondents should stand

Lim vs Court of Appeals It is settled that a corporation is clothed with

personality separate and distinct from that of
323 SCRA 102 [GR No. 124715 January 24, the persons composing it. It may not generally
2000] be held liable for that of the persons composing
Facts: Petitioner Rufina Luy Lim is the surviving it. It may not be held liable for the personal
spouse of late Pastor Y. Lim whose estate is the indebtedness of its stockholders or those of the
subject of probate proceedings in special entities connected with it.
proceedings Q-95-23334 entitled, “In re: Piercing the veil of corporate entity requires the
Intestate Estate Of Pastor Y. Lim Rufina Luy Lim, court to see through the protective shroud
represented by George Luy, petitioner.” Private which exempts its stockholders from liabilities
respondents auto truck corporation, alliance that ordinarily, they could be subject to, or
marketing corporation, speed distributing inc, distinguishes one corporation from a seemingly
active distributing inc, and action company are separate one, were it not for the existing
corporations formed, organized and existing corporate fiction. [30]
under Philippine laws and which owned real
The corporate mask may be lifted and the affiants were not at all presented during the
corporate veil may be pierced when a course of the proceedings in the lower court.
corporation is just but the alter ego of a person
or of another corporation. Where badges of
fraud exist, where public convenience is G.R. No. 152347 June 21, 2006
defeated; where a wrong is sought to be
justified thereby, the corporate fiction or the UNION BANK OF THE PHILIPPINES, Petitioner,
notion of legal entity should come to naught. vs.SPS. ALFREDO ONG AND SUSANA ONG and
[31] JACKSON LEE, Respondents.

Further, the test in determining the applicability Facts: Spouses Alfredo Ong and Susana Ong
of the doctrine of piercing the veil of corporate own the majority capital stock of Baliwag
fiction is as follows: 1) Control, not mere Mahogany Corporation (BMC). On October 10,
majority or complete stock control, but 1990, the spouses executed a Continuing Surety
complete domination, not only of finances but Agreement in favor of Union Bank to secure a
of policy and business practice in respect to the P40,000,000.00-credit line facility made
transaction attacked so that the corporate available to BMC. The agreement expressly
entity as to this transaction had at the time no stipulated a solidary liability undertaking.
separate mind, will or existence of its own; (2) On October 22, 1991, the spouses Ong, for
Such control must have been used by the P12,500,000.00, sold their 974-square meter lot
defendant to commit fraud or wrong, to located in Greenhills, San Juan, Metro Manila,
perpetuate the violation of a statutory or other together with the house and other
positive legal duty, or dishonest and unjust act improvements standing thereon, to their co-
in contravention of plaintiffs legal right; and (3) respondent, Jackson Lee. The following day, Lee
The aforesaid control and breach of duty must registered the sale and was then issued Transfer
proximately cause the injury or unjust loss Certificate of Title (TCT) No. 4746-R. At about
complained of. The absence of any of these this time, BMC had already availed itself of the
elements prevent "piercing the corporate veil". credit facilities, and had in fact executed a total
[32] of twenty-two (22) promissory notes in favor of
Mere ownership by a single stockholder or by Union Bank.
another corporation of all or nearly all of the On November 22, 1991, BMC filed a Petition for
capital stock of a corporation is not of itself a Rehabilitation and for Declaration of Suspension
sufficient reason for disregarding the fiction of of Payments with the Securities and Exchange
separate corporate personalities. Commission (SEC). To protect its interest, Union
Petitioner failed to adduce competent evidence Bank lost no time in filing with the RTC of Pasig
that would have justified the court to impale City an action for rescission of the sale between
the veil of corporate fiction. Truly, the reliance the spouses Ong and Jackson Lee for
reposed by petitioner on the affidavits executed purportedly being in fraud of creditors.
by Teresa Lim and Lani Wenceslao is unavailing Issue: whether or not the Ong-Lee contract of
considering that the aforementioned sale partakes of a conveyance to defraud Union
documents possess no weighty probative value Bank.
pursuant to the hearsay rule. Besides it is
imperative for us to stress that such affidavits Ruling: Contracts in fraud of creditors are those
are inadmissible in evidence inasmuch as the executed with the intention to prejudice the
rights of creditors. They should not be confused transaction in question. Insofar as pertinent,
with those entered into without such mal- Section 70 of the Insolvency Law provides:
intent, even if, as a direct consequence thereof,
Sec. 70. If any debtor, being insolvent, or in
the creditor may suffer some damage. In
contemplation of insolvency, within thirty days
determining whether or not a certain conveying
before the filing of a petition by or against him,
contract is fraudulent, what comes to mind first
with a view to giving a preference to any
is the question of whether the conveyance was
creditor or person having a claim against him
a bona fide transaction or a trick and
xxx makes any xxx sale or conveyance of any
contrivance to defeat creditors.
part of his property, xxx such xxx sale,
In the present case, respondent spouses Ong, as assignment or conveyance is void, and the
the CA had determined, had sufficiently assignee, or the receiver, may recover the
established the validity and legitimacy of the property or the value thereof, as assets of such
sale in question. The conveying deed, a duly insolvent debtor. xxx. Any payment, pledge,
notarized document, carries with it the mortgage, conveyance, sale, assignment, or
presumption of validity and regularity. Too, the transfer of property of whatever character
sale was duly recorded and annotated on the made by the insolvent within one (1) month
title of the property owners, the spouses Ong. before the filing of a petition in insolvency by or
As the transferee of said property, respondent against him, except for a valuable pecuniary
Lee caused the transfer of title to his name. consideration made in good faith shall be void.
There can be no quibbling about the transaction xxx. (Emphasis added)
being supported by a valid and sufficient
Petitioner avers that the Ong-Lee sales contract
partakes of a fraudulent transfer and is null and
For a contract to be rescinded for being in fraud void in contemplation of the aforequoted
of creditors, both contracting parties must be provision, the sale having occurred on October
shown to have acted maliciously so as to 22, 1991 or within thirty (30) days before BMC
prejudice the creditors who were prevented filed a petition for suspension of payments on
from collecting their claims. Again, in this case, November 22, 1991.
there is no evidence tending to prove that the
Petitioner's reliance on the afore-quoted
spouses Ong and Lee were conniving cheats. It
provision is misplaced for the following reasons:
cannot be overemphasized that rescission is
generally unavailing should a third person, First, Section 70, supra, of the Insolvency Law
acting in good faith, is in lawful possession of specifically makes reference to conveyance of
the property, that is to say, he is protected by properties made by a debtor or by an insolvent
law against a suit for rescission by the who filed a petition, or against whom a petition
registration of the transfer to him in the for insolvency has been filed. Respondent
registry. spouses Ong have doubtlessly not filed a
petition for a declaration of their own
In a last-ditch attempt to resuscitate a feeble
insolvency. Neither has one been filed against
cause, petitioner cites Section 70 of the
them. And as the CA aptly observed, it was
Insolvency Law which, unlike the invoked Article
never proven that respondent spouses are
1381 of the Civil Code that deals with a valid but
likewise insolvent, petitioner having failed to
rescissible contract, treats of a contractual
show that they were down to their Greenhills
infirmity resulting in nullity no less of the
property as their only asset.
It may be that BMC had filed a petition for VIRGILIO S. DELIMA, petitioner, vs. SUSAN
rehabilitation and suspension of payments with MERCAIDA GOIS, respondent.
the SEC. The nagging fact, however is that BMC
FACTS: A case for illegal dismissal was filed by
is a different juridical person from the
petitioner Virgilio S. Delima against Golden
respondent spouses. Their seventy percent
Union Aquamarine Corporation (Golden),
(70%) ownership of BMCs capital stock does not
Prospero Gois and herein respondent Susan
change the legal situation. Accordingly, the
Mercaida Gois before the Regional Arbitration
alleged insolvency of BMC cannot, as petitioner
Branch No. VIII of the National Labor Relations
postulates, extend to the respondent spouses
Commission on October 29, 2004. Respondent
such that transaction of the latter comes within
Gois filed an Affidavit of Third Party Claim
the purview of Section 70 of the Insolvency Law.
claiming that the attachment of the vehicle was
Second, the real debtor of petitioner bank in irregular because said vehicle was registered in
this case is BMC. The fact that the respondent her name and not Golden’s; and that she was
spouses bound themselves to answer for BMCs not a party to the illegal dismissal case filed by
indebtedness under the surety agreement Delima against Golden.
referred to at the outset is not reason enough
On December 21, 2006, the appellate court
to conclude that the spouses are themselves
rendered a Decision in favor of respondent,
debtors of petitioner bank. We have already
which reads in part:
passed upon the simple reason for this
proposition. We refer to the basic precept in In the decision dated April 29, 2005 rendered by
this jurisdiction that a corporation, upon coming Labor Arbiter Montaces, the dispositive portion
into existence, is invested by law with a confined itself in directing Golden Union
personality separate and distinct from those of Aquamarine Corporation only, no more and no
the persons composing it. [24] Mere ownership less, to pay private respondent the award
by a single or small group of stockholders of stated therein, but did not mention that the
nearly all of the capital stock of the corporation liability is joint and solidary with petitioner
is not, without more, sufficient to disregard the Susan Gois although the complaint filed by the
fiction of separate corporate personality. [25] private respondent included petitioner as
among the respondents therein.
Third, Section 70 of the Insolvency Law
considers transfers made within a month after
the date of cleavage void, except those made in
good faith and for valuable pecuniary ISSUE: Whether or not the CA is correct
consideration. The twin elements of good faith HELD: YES. A corporation has a personality
and valuable and sufficient consideration have distinct and separate from its individual
been duly established. Given the validity and stockholders or members and from that of its
the basic legitimacy of the sale in question, officers who manage and run its affairs. The rule
there is simply no occasion to apply Section 70 is that obligations incurred by the corporation,
of the Insolvency Law to nullify the transaction acting through its directors, officers and
subject of the instant case. employees, are its sole liabilities. Thus, property
belonging to a corporation cannot be attached
to satisfy the debt of a stockholder and vice
G.R. No. 178352 June 17, 2008 versa, the latter having only an indirect interest
in the assets and business of the former.
Since the Decision of the Labor Arbiter dated shareholdings and 31.44% indirect
April 29, 2005 directed only Golden to pay the shareholdings1 in PIATCO.
petitioner the sum of P115,561.05 and the
Issue: Whether or not MHC can intervene
same was not joint and solidary obligation with
Gois, then the latter could not be held Ruling: MHC asserts that because of its
personally liable since Golden has a separate substantial stockholdings in PIATCO, it has a
and distinct personality of its own. It remains legal interest in the matter in litigation.
undisputed that the subject vehicle was owned However, it conveniently fails to state its legal
by Gois, hence it should not be attached to basis for the intervention.
answer for the liabilities of the corporation.
The interest contemplated by law must be
Unless they have exceeded their authority, actual, substantial, material, direct and
corporate officers are, as a general rule, not immediate, and not simply contingent or
personally liable for their official acts, because a expectant. It must be of such direct and
corporation, by legal fiction, has a personality immediate character that the intervenor will
separate and distinct from its officers, either gain or lose by the direct legal operation
stockholders and members. No evidence was and effect of the judgment. While a share of
presented to show that the termination of the stock represents a proportionate or aliquot
petitioner was done with malice or in bad faith interest in the property of the corporation, it
for it to hold the corporate officers, such as does not vest the owner thereof with any legal
Gois, solidarily liable with the corporation. right or title to any of the property, his interest
in the corporate property being equitable or
beneficial in nature. Shareholders are in no legal
sense the owners of corporate property, which
is owned by the corporation as a distinct legal
petitioner, vs. DOTC, respondents.
In this case, the matter in controversy is the
Facts: For our resolution are the (1) "motion for
NAIA IPT III. MHC has no connection at all to
leave of court to intervene and to admit the
this structure. It is merely a stockholder of
attached answer-in-intervention with prayer for
PIATCO, the builder of NAIA IPT III. Its interest, if
alternative compliance of the December 19,
any, is indirect, contingent and inchoate.
2005 decision" and (2) "answer-in-intervention"
PIATCO has a legal personality separate and
of Manila Hotel Corporation (MHC) filed on
distinct from that of its stockholders, including
February 22, 2008. MHC seeks to intervene in
MHC. It has rights and obligations which pertain
the consolidated cases of G.R. Nos. 169914 and
solely to itself, not to any of its component
174166 alleging that it has a legal interest in the
members (i.e., its stockholders).
matter in litigation. It avers that it purchased
20% of PIATCO’s shares from the latter’s two
stockholders, namely, SB Airport Investments,
Secosa vs. Heirs of Erwin Suarez Francisco
Inc. and Sojitz Corporation on August 23, 2005
and August 24, 2005, respectively. On August (433 SCRA 273 [2004])
26, 2005, it also entered into an agreement
with Fraport AG Frankfurt Airport Services Facts:
Worldwide to purchase the latter’s 30% direct
Francisco, an 18 year old 3rd year physical separate and distinct the affairs of a corporation
therapy student was riding a motorcycle. A sand and its officers and stockholders. As a rule, a
and gravel truck was traveling behind the corporation will be looked upon as a legal
motorcycle, which in turn was being tailed by entity, unless and until sufficient reason to the
the Isuzu truck driven by Secosa. The Isuzu contrary appears. When the notion of legal
cargo truck was owned by Dassad Warehousing entity is used to defeat public convenience,
and Port Services, Inc..The three vehicles were justify wrong, protect fraud, or defend crime,
traversing the southbound lane at a fairly high the law will regard the corporation as an
speed. When Secosa overtook the sand and association of persons. Also, the corporate
gravel truck, he bumped the motorcycle causing entity may be disregarded in the interest of
Francisco to fall. The rear wheels of the Isuzu justice in such cases as fraud that may work
truck then ran over Francisco, which resulted in inequities among members of the corporation
his instantaneous death. Secosa left his truck internally, involving no rights of the public or
and fled the scene of the collision. third persons. In both instances, there must
have been fraud and proof of it.
The parents of Francisco, respondents herein,
filed an action for damages against Secosa, The records of the case does not point toward
Dassad Warehousing and Port Services, Inc. and the presence of any grounds enumerated above
Dassad’s president, El BuenasucensoSy. that will justify the piercing of the veil of
corporate entity such as to hold Sy, the
The court a quo rendered a decision in favor of
president of Dassad Warehousing and Port
herein respondents; thus petitioners appealed
Services, Inc., solidarily liable with it.
the decision to the Court of Appeals, which
unfortunately affirmed the appealed decision in
toto. Hence, the present petition.
Furthermore, the Isuzu cargo truck which ran
Issues: over Francisco was registered in the name of
Dassad and not in the name of Sy. Secosa is an
Whether or not Dassad’s president, El
employee of Dassad and not of Sy. These facts
BuenasucensoSy, can be held solidary liable
showed Sy’s exclusion from liability for damages
with co-petitioners.
arising from the death of Francisco.

Keller & Co. Ltd vs COB Group Marketing Inc.
No. Sy cannot be held solidarily liable with his
141 SCRA 86 [GR No. L-68097 January 16, 1986]
co-petitioners. While it may be true that Sy is
the president of Dassad Warehousing and Port Facts: Edward A. Keller & Co. Ltd appointed COB
Services, Inc., such fact is not by itself sufficient Group Marketing Inc. as exclusive distributor of
to hold him solidarily liable for the liabilities its household products, Brite and Nuvan in
adjudged against his co-petitioners. Panay and Negros, as shown in the sales
agreement dated March 14, 1970. Under that
agreement sold by Keller on credit its products
A corporation has a personality separate from to COB Group Marketing. As security for COB
that of its stockholders or members. The Group Marketing’s credit, purchases up to
doctrine of ‘veil of corporation’ treats as amount of Php35,000, one Asuncion Manahan
mortgaged her land to Keller. Manahan COB Group Marketing, Inc. is ordered to pay
assumed solidarity with COB Group the faithful Edward A. Keller & Co., Ltd. the sum of
performance of all terms and conditions of the P182,994.60 with 12% interest per annum from
sales agreement. In July 1970 the parties August 1, 1971 up to the date of payment plus
executed a second sales agreement whereby P20,000 as attorney's fees.
COB Group Marketing’s territory was extended
Asuncion Manahan and Tomas C. Lorenzo, Jr.
to Northern and Southern Luzon. As security for
are ordered to pay solidarily with COB Group
the credit purchases up to Php25,000 of COB
Marketing the sums of P35,000 and P25,000,
Group Marketing for that area, Tomas C.
Lorenzo Jr. and his father executed a mortgage
on their land in Nueva Ecija. Like Manahan, the The following respondents are solidarily liable
Lorenzos were solidarily liable with COB Group with COB Group Marketing up to the amounts
Marketing for its obligations under the sales of their unpaid subscription to be applied to the
agreement. The credit purchases of COB Group company's liability herein: Jose E. Bax, P36,000;
Marketing, which started on October 15, 1969, Francisco C. de Castro, P36,000; Johnny de la
limited up to January 22, 1971. On May 8, the Fuente, P12,000; Sergio C. Ordoñez, P12,000;
board of directors of COB Group Marketing Trinidad C. Ordoñez, P3,000; Magno C.
where apprised by Jose E. Bax, the firm’s Ordoñez, P3,000; Adoracion C. Ordoñez,
president and general manager, that the firm P3,000; Tomas C. Lorenzo, Jr., P3,000 and Luz
owed Keller about Php179,000. Bax was M. Aguilar-Adao, P6,000.
authorized to negotiate with Keller for the
settlement of his firm’s liability.

Issue: Whether or not the stockholders of COB G.R. No. 166282, 13 February 2013 (690 SCRA
Group Marketing can be held personally liable 519)
for the credit. Heirs of Fe Tan Uy v. International Exchange
Held: As to the liability of the stockholders, it is Bank
settled that a stockholder is personally liable for Mendoza, J.:
the financial obligations of a corporation to the
extent of his unpaid subscription (Vda. de FACTS:
Salvatierra vs. Garlitos, 103 Phil. 757, 763; 18 Respondent International Exchange Bank
CJS 1311-2). (iBank), granted loans to Hammer Garments
Corporation (Hammer), covered by promissory
notes and deeds of assignment. The loans were
While the evidence shows that, the amount due likewise secured by a P 9 Million-Peso Real
from COB Group Marketing is P184,509.60 as of Estate Mortgage executed by Goldkey
July 31, 1971 or P186,354.70 as of August 31, Development Corporation (Goldkey) over
1971 (Exh. JJ), the amount prayed for in Keller's several of its properties and a P 25 Million-Peso
complaint is P182,994.60 as of July 31, 1971 Surety Agreement signed by Chua and his wife,
(18-19 Record on Appeal). This latter amount Fe Tan Uy (Uy).
should be the one awarded to Keller because a
judgment entered against a party in default However, Hammer defaulted in the payment of
cannot exceed the amount prayed for (Sec. 5, its loans, prompting iBank to foreclose on
Rule 18, Rules of Court). Goldkey’s third-party Real Estate Mortgage. The
mortgaged properties were sold for P 12 million Hence, the present petitions filed separately by
during the foreclosure sale, leaving an unpaid the heirs of Uy and Goldkey which later on
balance of P 13,420,177.62.9. For failure of consolidated by this Court.
Hammer to pay the deficiency, iBank filed a
ISSUE: Whether or not the doctrine of piercing
Complaint for sum of money on December 16,
the corporate veil should apply in this case?
1997 against Hammer, Chua, Uy, and Goldkey
before the Regional Trial Court, Makati City RULING: NO. Basic is the rule in corporation law
(RTC). that a corporation is a juridical entity which is
vested with a legal personality separate and
Hammer did not file any Answer, thus it was
distinct from those acting for and in its behalf
held in default. On the other hand, Uy claimed
and, in general, from the people comprising it.
that she was not liable to iBank because she
Following this principle, obligations incurred by
never executed a surety agreement in favor of
the corporation, acting through its directors,
iBank. Goldkey also denies liability, averring
officers and employees, are its sole liabilities. A
that it acted only as a third-party mortgagor and
director, officer or employee of a corporation is
that it was a corporation separate and distinct
generally not held personally liable for
from Hammer.
obligations incurred by the corporation.
RTC decision: ruled in favor of iBank. The lower
Nevertheless, this legal fiction may be
court said that while it made the
disregarded if it is used as a means to
pronouncement that the signature of Uy on the
perpetrate fraud or an illegal act, or as a vehicle
Surety Agreement was a forgery, it nevertheless
for the evasion of an existing obligation, the
held her liable for the outstanding obligation of
circumvention of statutes, or to confuse
Hammer because she was an officer and
legitimate issues.
stockholder of the said corporation. The RTC
agreed with Goldkey that as a third-party In this case, petitioners are correct to argue that
mortgagor, its liability was limited to the it was not alleged, much less proven, that Uy
properties mortgaged. It came to the committed an act as an officer of Hammer that
conclusion, however, that Goldkey and Hammer would permit the piercing of the corporate veil.
were one and the same entity. A reading of the complaint reveals that with
regard to Uy, iBank did not demand that she be
Aggrieved, the heirs of Uy and Goldkey
held liable for the obligations of Hammer
(petitioners) elevated the case to the CA.
because she was a corporate officer who
CA decision: affirming the findings of the RTC. committed bad faith or gross negligence in the
The CA found that iBank was not negligent in performance of her duties such that the lifting
evaluating the financial stability of Hammer. of the corporate mask would be merited. What
According to the appellate court, iBank was the complaint simply stated is that she,
induced to grant the loan because petitioners, together with her errant husband Chua, acted
with intent to defraud the bank, submitted a as surety of Hammer, as evidenced by her
falsified Financial Report for 1996 which signature on the Surety Agreement which was
incorrectly declared the assets and cashflow of later found by the RTC to have been forged.
Hammer. Because petitioners acted maliciously
The Court emphasized that the application of
and in bad faith and used the corporate fiction
the doctrine of piercing the corporate veil
to defraud iBank, they should be treated as one
should be done with caution. A court should be
and the same as Hammer.
mindful of the milieu where it is to be applied. It
must be certain that the corporate fiction was Under a variation of the doctrine of piercing the
misused to such an extent that injustice, fraud, veil of corporate fiction, when two business
or crime was committed against another, in enterprises are owned, conducted and
disregard of its rights. The wrongdoing must be controlled by the same parties, both law and
clearly and convincingly established; it cannot equity will, when necessary to protect the rights
be presumed. Otherwise, an injustice that was of third parties, disregard the legal fiction that
never unintended may result from an erroneous two corporations are distinct entities and treat
application. them as identical or one and the same.

However, the Court finds Goldkey liable for it is

a mere alter ego of Hammer.

Goldkey contends, among others, that iBank is

estopped from expanding Goldkey’s liability
beyond the real estate mortgage. It adds that it CAPITAL FINANCE CORPORATION), petitioner,
did not authorize the execution of the said vs.
mortgage. Finally, it passes the blame on to
iBank for failing to exercise the requisite due ALSONS DEVELOPMENT and INVESTMENT
diligence in properly evaluating Hammer’s CORPORATION and CCC EQUITY
creditworthiness before it was extended an CORPORATION,
omnibus line.
The Court disagrees.
Facts: Petitioner General Credit Corporation
Goldkey’s argument, that iBank is barred from (GCC), formerly known as Commercial Credit
pursuing Goldkey for the satisfaction of the Corporation (CCC), established CCC franchise
unpaid obligation of Hammer because it had companies in urban areas around the country.
already limited its liability to the real estate To further its business, it secured a license
mortgage, is completely absurd. Goldkey needs before the Central Bank (CB) and the Securities
to be reminded that it is being sued not as a and Exchange Commission (SEC) to also engage
consequence of the real estate mortgage, but in quasi-banking activities. On the other hand,
rather, because it acted as an alter ego of respondent CCC Equity Corporation (Equity) was
Hammer. Accordingly, they must be treated as established by GCC to take over the operations
one and the same entity, making Goldkey of their franchises. Meanwhile, respondent
accountable for the debts of Hammer. Alsons Development (Alsons) and the Alcantara
Similarly, Goldkey is undoubtedly mistaken in family owned a total of 101,953 shares of GCC
claiming that iBank is seeking to enforce an franchises. The Alcantara family assigned its
obligation of Chua. The records clearly show rights and interests of its shares to Alsons,
that it was Hammer, of which Chua was the making the latter the sole owner of the total
president and a stockholder, which contracted a shares.
loan from iBank. What iBank sought was redress Eventually, Alsons decided to sell these shares
from Goldkey by demanding that the veil of to Equity, which the latter promised to pay.
corporate fiction be lifted so that it could not Because of Equity’s failure to pay, Alsons then
raise the defense of having a separate juridical filed a complaint for sums of
personality to evade liability for the obligations
of Hammer.
money against Equity and GCC. Equity claims defeated public convenience when it
that GCC should be liable for the payment of established Equity to extend credit to its
shares since it has always been dependent on
investors which in turn is not allowed by the
GCC on its business operations. However, GCC
law; it justified a wrong by
claims that it has no liability on the payment of
stocks, being a separate entity from Equity. fraudulently evading the Anti-Usury Law
established by the Central Bank to

quasi-banking businesses, and lastly, Equity was

Issue: The issue in this case is whether or not
but a mere instrumentality of
the doctrine of piercing the veil of corporate
fiction be applied to Equity Corporation? Or in GCC for it to get away with its obligations.
other words, whether Equity and GCC should
both be regarded merely as an aggregate of
persons doing business enterprise? Manacop v Equitable PCI Bank
Ruling: The Court held that the corporate veil of Facts: Respondent Lavine Loungewear
Equity Corporation be pierced. Manufacturing, Inc. (Lavine) insured its
The Court cites three basic areas where piercing buildings and supplies against fire with
the veil of corporate fiction is allowed. First, Philippine Fire and Marine Insurance
when it is used to defeat public convenience to Corporation (PhilFire), Rizal Surety and
evade existing operations or “equity piercing”; Insurance Company (Rizal Surety), Tabacalera
second, in fraud cases where it is used to justify Insurance Company (TICO), First Lepanto-Taisho
a wrong or “fraud piercing” and third, in alter Insurance Corporation (First Lepanto), Equitable
ego cases where the corporation is organized as Insurance Corporation (Equitable Insurance),
to make it merely an instrumentality agency. and Reliance Insurance Corporation (Reliance
Insurance). Except for Policy No. 13798 issued
In this case, the Court has the right to pierce by First Lepanto, all the policies provide that:
GCC’s corporate veil because evidence point to
the following facts: first, Equity is but an Loss, if any, under this policy is payable to
instrumentality of GCC and has always been Equitable Banking Corporation-Greenhills
dependent on the latter for its operations, Branch, as their interest may appear subject to
second, the commonality of directors, the terms, conditions, clauses and warranties
stockholders and sharing of office between the under this policy. (Underscoring supplied)
two companies shows that they should clearly On August 1, 1998, a fire gutted Lavines
be regarded merely as an aggregate of persons buildings and their contents thus claims were
in a business enterprise; third, the made against the policies. As found by the
establishment of Equity is primarily for GCC to Office of the Insurance Commission, the
circumvent Central Bank rules specifically the insurance proceeds payable to Lavine is
Anti-Usury Law, using it as a conduit to its non- P112,245,324.34.
quasi bank affiliates; and lastly, the funds
invested by Equity to GCC franchises are from On April 3, 2002, the intervenors filed a Motion
GCC funds as well. for Execution Pending Appeal on the following
grounds: (a) TICO was on the brink of
Applying the three basic areas of corporate veil insolvency; (b) Lavine was in imminent danger
piercing, GCC clearly
of extinction; and (c) any appeal from the trial
courts judgment would be merely dilatory.
Lanuza Jr and Obles v BF Corp, Shangri-La
Issue: Whether or not execution pending appeal Properties Inc, Ramos, Colayco, Licauco III and
is proper Ramos

Ruling: The general rule is that only judgments Doctrine: Corporate representatives may be
which have become final and executory may be compelled to submit to arbitration proceedings
executed. However, discretionary execution of pursuant to a contract entered into by the
appealed judgments may be allowed under corporation they represent if there are
Section 2 (a) of Rule 39 of the Revised Rules of allegations of bad faith or malice in their acts
Civil Procedure upon concurrence of the representing the corporation.
following requisites: (a) there must be a motion
Facts: Controversy arose from agreements by
by the prevailing party with notice to the
the two corporations where BF Corp undertook
adverse party; (b) there must be a good reason
to construct Shangri-La mall and a multilevel
for execution pending appeal; and (c) the good
parking structure along EDSA, 1989 and 1991
reason must be stated in a special order. The
respectively. Shangri-La had been consistent in
yardstick remains the presence or the absence
paying but after a while, it defaulted.
of good reasons consisting of exceptional
circumstances of such urgency as to outweigh 1993, BF Corp filed a complaint against Shangri-
the injury or damage that the losing party may La and its board of directors members
suffer, should the appealed judgment be (individual petitioners and respondents in case
reversed later. Since the execution of a style). BF Corp alleged that Shangri-La
judgment pending appeal is an exception to the misrepresented it had funds to pay and that it
general rule, the existence of good reasons is was simply a matter of delayed processing of
essential. BF’s progress billing statements.
Lastly, petitioners assert that Lavines financial Construction eventually was completed but
distress is sufficient reason to order execution despite demands, Shangri-La refused to pay the
pending appeal. Citing Borja v. Court of Appeals, balance. BF also alleged that Shangri-La’s
they claim that execution pending appeal may directors were in bad faith so they should be
be granted if the prevailing party is already of held jointly and severally liable with Shangri-La.
advanced age and in danger of extinction.
Shangri-La and respondent board members
Borja is not applicable to the case at bar filed a motion to suspend the proceedings in
because its factual milieu is different. In Borja, view of BF’s failure to submit its dispute to
the prevailing party was a natural person who, arbitration (in accordance with arbitration
at 76 years of age, may no longer enjoy the fruit clause provided in the contract).
of the judgment before he finally passes away.
Lavine, on the other hand, is a juridical entity RTC denied the motion, however. Petitioners
whose existence cannot be likened to a natural filed an answer saying they are resigned
person. Its precarious financial condition is not members of the board since 1991. Shangri-La
by itself a compelling circumstance warranting and respondents then filed certiorari with CA
immediate execution and does not outweigh which granted their petition and ordered
the long standing general policy of enforcing submission to arbitration.
only final and executory judgments.
The two corporations failed to agree to what General Rule: corporation's representative who
law would apply but the trial court ordered that did not personally bind himself or herself to an
it should be RA 876. Both corporations then arbitration agreement cannot be forced to
wanted to clarify the term “parties” and participate in arbitration proceedings made
whether Shangri-La’s directors should be pursuant to an agreement entered into by the
included in the arbitration proceedings. The corporation.
trial court then opined that the directors were
- He or she is generally not considered a
interested parties and thus should be served
party to that agreement.
with a demand for arbitration.
Exception: piercing the veil of corporate fiction.
Petitioners filed a petition for certiorari with CA
but the latter dismissed it. - There are instances when the
distinction between personalities of directors,
Issue: W/N petitioners should be made parties
officers, and representatives, and of the
to the arbitration proceedings pursuant to the
corporation, are disregarded;
arbitration clause provided in the contract
between BF Corp and Shangri-La. - Section 31 of the Corporation Code
provides the instances when directors, trustees,
Ruling: Yes. Petitioners: they are third parties
or officers may become liable for corporate acts
to the contract between BF Corporation and
Shangri-La - The courts or tribunals must first
determine whether circumstances exist to
- They say that provisions including
warrant the courts or tribunals to disregard the
arbitration stipulations should bind only the
distinction between the corporation and the
parties. Based on our arbitration laws, parties
persons representing it.
who are strangers to an agreement cannot be
compelled to arbitrate; - The determination of these
circumstances must be made by one tribunal or
BF Corp: while petitioners were not parties to
court in a proceeding participated in by all
the agreement, they were still impleaded under
parties involved, including current
Section 31 of the Corporation Code.
representatives of the corporation, and those
- Section 31 makes directors solidarity persons whose personalities are impliedly the
liable for fraud, gross negligence, and bad faith; same as the corporation.

- Also, because petitioners were - Hence, when the directors, as in this

impleaded for their solidary liability, they are case, are impleaded in a case against a
necessary parties to the arbitration corporation, alleging malice or bad faith on
proceedings; their part in directing the affairs of the
corporation, complainants are effectively
Petitioners may be compelled to submit to the
alleging that the directors and the corporation
arbitration proceedings in accordance with
are not acting as separate entities
Shangri-La and BF Corporation's agreement, in
order to determine if the distinction between
Shangri-La's personality and their personalities
should be disregarded

(Reyes J./ 1963)

Facts: On Oct. 10, 1956, Trinidad Francisco, in RULING: YES, a person who knows that the
consideration of a loan extended to it, officer or agent of the corporation habitually
mortgaged to GSIS a parcel of land known as transacts certain kinds of business for such
VIC-MARI compound. On Jan. 6, 1959 the corporation under circumstances which
mortgage was extrajudicially foreclosed. GSIS necessarily show knowledge on the part of
acquired ownership of the land those charged with the conduct of the
corporate business assumes, as he has the right
Vicente Francisco, Trinidad’s father, sent a
to assume, that such agent or officer is acting
letter dated Feb. 20, 1959 to GSIS proposing a
within the scope of his authority. If a private
redemption of the property. He later received a
corporation intentionally or negligently clothes
telegram from the General Manager Andal
its officers or agents with apparent power to
saying that GSIS approved redemption. After
perform acts for it, the corporation will be
the redemption had already concluded and all
estopped to deny that such apparent authority
of the arrearages have been paid.
is real, as to innocent third persons dealing in
On Jan. 1960, Trinidad, thinking that she had good faith with such officers or agents.
already redeemed the property suddenly
In this case, the telegram was within Andal’s
received letters from the GSIS the General
apparent authority. Assuming that it was sent
Manager Andal asking for the “proposal for the
by the Board Secretary in his name but without
payment of her indebtedness”. Francisco’s
his knowledge, third persons are not duty
father protested claiming that he had already
bound to disbelieve the acts of a corporation’s
redeemed the property as per the letter he sent
officers, especially when it appears regular on
its face.
Nevertheless, GSIS continued to demand
Furthermore, the Civil Code provides for
foreclosure. They claimed that the telegram
ratification, wherein a party with knowledge of
assenting to the proposal letter of Francisco’s
the reason which renders the contract voidable
father should be disregarded as it failed to
and such reason having ceased, the person who
express the contents of the board resolution
has a right to invoke it executes an act which
due to the error of its minor employees in
necessarily implies an intention to waive his
couching the correct wording of the telegram.
The board resolution approving the letter
contained the condition that Francisco’s father In this case, GSIS ratified its acceptance of
should also pay the expenses in the foreclosure Vicente Francisco’s offer when it failed to refute
of the mortgage. The remittances already made it in the letter sent by Trinidad Francisco to Mr.
by him were not sufficient to cover this. Andal which quoted verbatim the telegram of
acceptance. This was in itself notice to the
Trindad thus instituted the present suit.
corporation of the terms of the allegedly
The trial court ruled in favor of Trinidad. It unauthorized telegram.
found that the letter dated Feb. 20, 1959 had
Since a corporation cannot see, or know,
been unqualifiedly accepted and was binding
anything except through its officers, knowledge
and the plaintiff need not pay the extra charges
of facts acquired or possessed by an officer or
being demanded.
agent of a corporation in the course of his
ISSUE: WON the offer by Vicente Francisco was employment, and in relation to matters within
accepted by the corporation? the scope of his authority, is notice to the
corporation, whether he communicates such NOTE: The filing of the FTAA application is a
knowledge or not. clear admission that the resps are not capable
of conducting a large scale mining operation
GSIS pocketed the amount and kept silent
and that they need the financial and technical
about the telegram. This silence, taken together
assistance of a foreign entity in their operation
with the unconditional acceptance of three
that is why they sought the participation of
other subsequent remittances from plaintiff,
MBMI Resources, Inc. The participation of
constitutes in itself a binding ratification of the
MBMI in the corporation only proves the fact
original agreement
that it is the Canadian company that will
provide the finances and the resources to
operate the mining areas for the greater benefit
Narra Nickel Mining vs Redmont and interest of the same and not the Fil
FACTS: Redmont is a domestic corporation stockholders who only have a less substantial
interested in the mining and exploration of financial stake in the corporation.
some areas in Palawan. Upon learning that The filing of the FTAA application on during the
those areas were covered by MPSA applications pendency of the case only demonstrate the
of other three (allegedly Filipino) corporations – violations and lack of qualification of the resp
Narra, Tesoro, and MacArthur, it filed a petition corps to engage in mining. The filing of the FTAA
before the Panel of Arbitrators of DENR seeking application conversion which is allowed foreign
to deny their permits on the ground that these corporation of the earlier MPSA is an admission
corporations are in reality foreign-owned. that indeed the resp is not Fil but rather of
MBMI, a 100% Canadian corporation, owns 40% foreign nationality who is disqualified under the
of the shares of PLMC (which owns 5,997 shares laws. Corporate docs of MBMI Resources, Inc.
of Narra), 40% of the shares of MMC (which furnished its stockholders in their head office in
owns 5,997 shares of McArthur) and 40% of the Canada suggest that they are conducting
shares of SLMC (which, in turn, owns 5,997 operation only through their local counterparts.
shares of Tesoro).
Grandfather test
Aside from the MPSA, the three corporations
also applied for FTAA with the Office of the In their previous petitions, they had been
President. In their answer, they countered that adamant in insisting that they were Filipino
(1) the liberal Control Test must be used in corporations, until they submitted their
determining the nationality of a corporation as Manifestation and Submission dated October
based on Sec 3 of the Foreign Investment Act – 19, 2012 where they stated the alleged change
which as they claimed admits of corporate of corporate ownership to reflect their Filipino
layering schemes, and that (2) the nationality ownership. Thus, there is a need to determine
question is no longer material because of their the nationality of petitioner corporations.
subsequent application for FTAA.
Basically, there are two acknowledged tests in
ISSUE: determining the nationality of a corporation:
the control test and the grandfather rule.
The main issue in this case is centered on the Paragraph 7 of DOJ Opinion No. 020, Series of
issue of petitioners’ nationality, whether 2005, adopting the 1967 SEC Rules which
Filipino or foreign. implemented the requirement of the
Constitution and other laws pertaining to the
controlling interests in enterprises engaged in ownership is in doubt. Doubt is present in the
the exploitation of natural resources owned by Filipino equity ownership of Narra, Tesoro, and
Filipino citizens, provides: MacArthur since their common investor, the
100% Canadian-owned corporation – MBMI,
Shares belonging to corporations or
funded them.
partnerships at least 60% of the capital of which
is owned by Filipino citizens shall be considered Under the Grandfather Rule, it is not enough
as of Philippine nationality, but if the that the corporation does have the required
percentage of Filipino ownership in the 60% Filipino stockholdings at face value.
corporation or partnership is less than 60%,
To determine the percentage of the ultimate
only the number of shares corresponding to
Filipino ownership, it must first be traced to the
such percentage shall be counted as of
level of the investing corporation and added to
Philippine nationality.
the shares directly owned in the investee
Thus, if 100,000 shares are registered in the corporation.
name of a corporation or partnership at least
Applying this rule, it turns out that the Canadian
60% of the capital stock or capital, respectively,
corporation owns more than 60% of the equity
of which belong to Filipino citizens, all of the
interests of Narra, Tesoro and MacArthur.
shares shall be recorded as owned by Filipinos.
But if less than 60%, or say, 50% of the capital Hence, the latter are disqualified to participate
stock or capital of the corporation or in the exploration, development and utilization
partnership, respectively, belongs to Filipino of the Philippine’s natural resources.
citizens, only 50,000 shares shall be counted as
owned by Filipinos and the other 50,000 shall 1 DOJ Opinion No. 020 Series of 2005
be recorded as belonging to aliens. (paragraph 7)

Issue 1: W/N the Grandfather Rule must be 2 SEC Opinion May 13, 1990
applied in this case NOTE:
Yes. It is the intention of the framers of the the Court finds that this case calls for the
Constitution to apply the Grandfather Rule in application of the grandfather rule since, as
cases where corporate layering is present. ruled by the POA and affirmed by the OP, doubt
First, as a rule in statutory construction, when prevails and persists in the corporate ownership
there is conflict between the Constitution and a of petitioners. Also, as found by the CA, doubt is
statute, the Constitution will prevail. In this present in the 60-40 Filipino equity ownership
instance, specifically pertaining to the of petitioners Narra, McArthur and Tesoro,
provisions under Art. XII of the Constitution on since their common investor, the 100%
National Economy and Patrimony, Sec. 3 of the Canadian corporation––MBMI, funded them.
FIA will have no place of application. Corporate However, petitioners also claim that there is
layering is admittedly allowed by the FIA, but if "doubt" only when the stockholdings of
it is used to circumvent the Constitution and Filipinos are less than 60%.
other pertinent laws, then it becomes illegal.

Second, under the SEC Rule1 and DOJ Obviously, the instant case presents a situation
Opinion2 , the Grandfather Rule must be which exhibits a scheme employed by
applied when the 60-40 Filipino-foreign equity stockholders to circumvent the law, creating a
cloud of doubt in the Court’s mind. To from the personality of their officers, directors
determine, therefore, the actual participation, and stockholders. The legality of a seizure can
direct or indirect, of MBMI, the grandfather rule be contested only by the party whose rights
must be used. have been impaired, the objection to an
unlawful search and seizure purely being
personal cannot be availed by third parties. As
Stonehill v Diokno to the second major group, two important
questions need be settled: (1) whether the
Facts: Forty-two (42) search warrants were search warrants in question, and the searches
issued at different dates against petitioners and and seizures made under authority thereof, are
the corporations of which they were officers. valid or not; and (2) if the answer is no, whether
Peace officers were directed to search the said documents, papers and things may be used
persons of the petitioners and/or their premises in evidence against petitioners.
of their offices, warehouses and/or residences.
Books of accounts, financial records, vouchers, The Constitution protects the rights of the
correspondence, receipts, ledgers, journals, people from unreasonable searches and
portfolios, credit journals, typewriters, and seizure. Two points must be stressed in
other documents and/or papers showing all connection to this constitutional mandate: (1)
business transactions including disbursements no warrant shall be issued except if based upon
receipts, balance sheets, and profit and loss probable cause determined personally by the
statements and Bobbins were to be seized. judge by the manner set in the provision; and
(2) the warrant shall describe the things to be
Petitioner contends that the issued search seized with particularly. In the present case, no
warrants were null and void as having specific offense has been alleged in the
contravened the Constitution and the Rules of warrant’s application. The averments of the
Court for, among others, it did not describe the offenses committed were abstract and
documents, books and things to be seized therefore, would make it impossible for judges
PARTICULARLY. to determine the existence of probable cause.
Issue: Such impossibility of such determination
naturally hinders the issuance of a valid search
Whether or not the search warrant has been warrant.
validly issued.
The Constitution also requires the things to be
Whether or not the seized articles may be seized described with particularity. This is to
admitted in court. eliminate general warrants.
Held: The authority of the warrants in question The Court held that the warrants issued for the
may be split in two major groups: (a) those search of three residences of petitioners are
found and seized in the offices of the null and void.
corporations; and (b) those found and seized in
the residences of the petitioners.

The petitioners have no cause of action against Bataan Shipyard Engineering Co., Inc. vs. PCGG
the contested warrants on the first major (G.R. No. 75885 May 27, 1987)
group. This is because corporations have their
respective personalities, separate and distinct
Re: Business Organization – Corporation Law – takeover order of July 14, 1986 and the
A Corporation Cannot Invoke the Right Against termination of the services of the BASECO
Self-Incrimination executives.

Facts: Challenged in this special civil action of Issue: Whether or not BASECO’s right against
certiorari and prohibition by a private self-incrimination and unreasonable searches
corporation known as the Bataan Shipyard and and seizures was violated.
Engineering Co., Inc. are: (1) Executive Orders
Held: No. The order to produce documents was
Numbered 1 and 2, promulgated by President
issued upon the authority of Section 3 (e) of
Corazon C. Aquino on February 28, 1986 and
Executive Order No. 1, treating of the PCGG's
March 12, 1986, respectively, and (2) the
power to "issue subpoenas requiring * * the
sequestration, takeover, and other orders
production of such books, papers, contracts,
issued, and acts done, in accordance with said
records, statements of accounts and other
executive orders by the Presidential
documents as may be material to the
Commission on Good Government and/or its
investigation conducted by the Commission. It is
Commissioners and agents, affecting said
elementary that the right against self-
corporation. The sequestration order issued on
incrimination has no application to juridical
April 14, 1986 was addressed to three of the
persons. While an individual may lawfully refuse
agents of the Commission, ordering them to
to answer incriminating questions unless
sequester several companies among which is
protected by an immunity statute, it does not
Bataan Shipyard and Engineering Co., Inc. On
follow that a corporation, vested with special
the strength of the above sequestration order,
privileges and franchises, may refuse to show its
several letters were sent to BASECO among
hand when charged with an abuse of such
which is that from Mr. Jose M. Balde, acting for
the PCGG, addressed a letter dated April 18,
1986 to the President and other officers of Corporations are not entitled to all of the
petitioner firm, reiterating an earlier request for constitutional protections, which private
the production of certain documents. individuals have. They are not at all within the
privilege against self-incrimination; although
The letter closed with the warning that if the
this court more than once has said that the
documents were not submitted within five days,
privilege runs very closely with the 4th
the officers would be cited for "contempt in
Amendment's Search and Seizure provisions. It
pursuance with Presidential Executive Order
is also settled that an officer of the company
Nos. 1 and 2." BASECO contends that its right
cannot refuse to produce its records in its
against self-incrimination and unreasonable
possession upon the plea that they will either
searches and seizures had been transgressed by
incriminate him or may incriminate it." The
the Order of April 18, 1986 which required it "to
corporation is a creature of the state. It is
produce corporate records from 1973 to 1986
presumed to be incorporated for the benefit of
under pain of contempt of the Commission if it
the public. It received certain special privileges
fails to do so." BASECO prays that the Court 1)
and franchises, and holds them subject to the
declare unconstitutional and void Executive
laws of the state and the limitations of its
Orders Numbered 1 and 2; 2) annul the
charter. It’s powers are limited by law. It can
sequestration order dated April- 14, 1986, and
make no contract not authorized by its charter.
all other orders subsequently issued and acts
Its rights to act as a corporation are only
done on the basis thereof, inclusive of the
preserved to it so long as it obeys the laws of its
creation. There is a reserve right in the Upon petitioner's posting a bond of P1,000.00,
legislature to investigate its contracts and find this Court, as prayed for, ordered, on 15 April
out whether it has exceeded its powers. It 1968, the issuance of a writ of preliminary
would be a strange anomaly to hold that a injunction.
state, having chartered a corporation to make
The petition alleges that petitioner Time, Inc.,
use of certain franchises, could not, in the
[1] is an American corporation with principal
exercise of sovereignty, inquire how these
offices at Rockefeller Center, New York City,
franchises had been employed, and whether
N.Y., and is the publisher of "Time," a weekly
they had been abused, and demand the
news magazine; the petition, however, does not
production of the corporate books and papers
allege the petitioner's legal capacity to sue in
for that purpose.
the courts of the Philippines.[2]
The defense amounts to this, that an officer of
In the aforesaid Civil Case No. 10403, therein
the corporation which is charged with a criminal
plaintiffs (herein respondents) Antonio J,
violation of the statute may plead the
Villegas and Juan Ponce Enrile seek to recover
criminality of such corporation as a refusal to
from the herein petitioner damages upon an
produce its books. To state this proposition is to
alleged libel arising from a publication of Time
answer it. While an individual may lawfully
(Asia Edition) magazine, in its issue of 18 August
refuse to answer incriminating questions unless
1967, of an essay, entitled "Corruption in Asia,"
protected by an immunity statute, it does not
follow that a corporation, vested with special ISSUE: Whether the petition should be
privileges and franchises may refuse to show its dismissed
hand when charged with an abuse of such
privileges. (Wilson v. United States, 55 Law Ed., HELD: The dismissal of the present petition is
771, 780 [emphasis, the Solicitor General's]) asked on the ground that the petitioner foreign
The constitutional safeguard against corporation failed to allege its capacity to sue in
unreasonable searches and seizures finds no the courts of the Philippines. Respondents rely
application to the case at bar either. There has on Section 69 of the Corporation Law, which
been no search undertaken by any agent or provides:
representative of the PCGG, and of course no "SEC. 69. No foreign corporation or
seizure on the occasion thereof. corporations formed, organized, or existing
under any laws other than those of the
Philippines shall be permitted to... maintain by
TIME v. ANDRES REYES itself or assignee any suit for the recovery of
any debt, claim, or demand whatever, unless it
FACTS: Petition for certiorari and
shall have the license prescribed in the section
prohibition/with preliminary injunction, to
immediately preceding...."...;
annul certain orders of the respondent Court of
First Instance of Rizal, issued in its Civil Case No. They also invoke the ruling in Marshall-Wells
10403, entitled "Antonio J. Villegas and Juan Co. vs. Elser & Co., Inc.[7] that no foreign
Ponce Enrile vs. Time, Inc., and Time-Life corporation may be permitted to maintain any
International, Publisher of 'Time' Magazine suit in the local courts unless it shall have the
(Asia Edition)," and to prohibit the said court license required by the law, and the ruling in
from further proceeding with the said civil case. Atlantic Mutual Ins. Co., Inc. vs. Cebu
Stevedoring Co., Inc.[8] that "where... the law
denies to a foreign corporation the right to The case of People vs. Tan Boon Kong
maintain suit unless it has previously complied (54 Phil. 607) provides for the general principle
with a certain requirement, then such that for crimes committed by a corporation, the
compliance or the fact that the suing responsible officers thereof would personally
corporation is exempt therefrom, becomes a bear the criminal liability as a corporation is an
necessary averment in the complaint." We fail artificial person, an abstract being. However,
to see how these doctrines can be a propos in the Court ruled that such principle is not
the case at bar, since the petitioner is not applicable in this case because the act alleged
"maintaining any suit" but is merely defending to be a crime is not in the performance of an act
one against itself; it did not file any complaint directly ordained by law to be performed by the
but only a corollary defensive petition to corporation. The act is imposed by agreement
prohibit the lower court from further of parties, as a practice observed in the usual
proceeding with a suit that it had no jurisdiction pursuit of a business or a commercial
to entertain. transaction. The offense may arise, if at all, from
the peculiar terms and condition agreed upon
Petitioner's failure to aver its legal capacity to
by the parties to the transaction, not by direct
institute the present petition is not fatal, for . . .
provision of the law. In the absence of an
"A foreign corporation may, by writ of express provision of law making the petitioner
prohibition, seek relief against the wrongful liable for the criminal offense committed by the
assumption of jurisdiction. And a foreign corporation of which he is a president as in fact
corporation seeking a writ of prohibition against there is no such provisions in the Revised Penal
further maintenance of a suit, on the ground of Code under which petitioner is being
want of jurisdiction, is not bound by the ruling prosecuted, the existence of a criminal liability
of the court in which the suit was brought, on a on his part may not be said to be beyond any
motion to quash service of summons, that it has doubt. In all criminal prosecutions, the
jurisdiction. existence of criminal liability for which the
accused is made answerable must be clear and
certain. Further, the civil liability imposed by
JOSE O. SIA v. PEOPLE the trust receipt is exclusively on the Metal
Company. Speaking of such liability alone, the
FACTS: Petitioner, Jose O. Sia, was the petitioner was never intended to be equally
president and general manager of Metal liable as the corporation. Without being made
Manufacturing of the Philippines (MEMAP). He so liable personally as the corporation is, there
was convicted of estafa for his failure to return would then be no basis for holding him
the cold rolled steel sheets or account for the criminally liable, for any violation of the trust
proceeds of those which were sold, to receipt.
Continental Bank, herein complainant.
Petitioner contended that he cannot be made
liable for the crime charged as he only acted for Corporation Code (BP Blg. 68)
and in behalf of MEMAP as its president.
Sec. 1. Title of the Code- This Code shall be
ISSUE: Whether petitioner could be held liable known as “The Corporation Code of the
for estafa. Philippine”
RULING: The Court ruled in the negative.
- Repealed Act No. 1459; took effect - A corporation as known to
on May 1, 1980 Philippine Jurisprudence is a
creature without any existence until
it has received the imprimatur of
a. Defining the area within which the the State acting according to law.
parties are free to allocate risk, control,
Realist or Inherence Theory- a corporation
and profit as they wish
under this theory is the legal recognition of
b. Prescribe the allocation of these
group interests that, as a practical matter,
elements in the absence of express
already exists.
- This theory tends to view the
Corporation Code Applies Suppletorily
corporation as a group whose
General Rule: The Corporation Code is the activities are such as to require
primary law that should be applied in the separate legal recognition, with
regulation of corporations. many of the attributes of a natural
person, and by its focus on the
EXC: voluntary associational activities of
1. General Banking Laws and the New individuals provides a basis for
Central Bank Act are the primary laws invoking the usual constitutional
on Banks. The Corporation Code applies and other legal protection for
suppletorily. individuals.
2. Insurance Code of the Philippines Enterprise Theory- stresses the underlying
applies to insurance corporations. commercial enterprise without emphasis on
entity-aggregate distinctions of the components

Sec. 2. Corporation defined- A corporation is Symbol Theory- Under this theory, a

an artificial being created by operation of law, corporation is a symbol for the aggregate of the
having the right of succession and the powers, associates in their group personalities.
attributes and properties expressly authorized Franchise- A corporation is granted by the State
by law or incident to its existence. the right to exist by virtue of a primary franchise
Attributes: - Special privilege conferred by
1. It is an artificial being governmental authority, and which
2. It is created by operation of law does not belong to citizens of the
3. It has the right of succession country generally as a matter of
4. It has the powers, attributes and common right.
properties expressly authorized by law
or incident to its existence.

Concession Theory – the corporation is an

artificial being created by operation of law, Kinds of Franchise
it owes its life to the State and its birth is
1. Corporate or General Franchise- right to
purely dependent on the State’s will.
exist as a corporation, vested in the
individuals who compose the
corporation and not in the corporation shareholders and members and officers and
itself, and cannot be conveyed in the vice versa.
absence of legislative authority to do
Limited Liability Rule – a stockholder is
personally liable for the financial obligations of
2. Special or Secondary Franchise- certain
the corporation to the extent of his unpaid
rights and privileges conferred upon
existing corporations, such as the right
to use the streets of a municipalities to - Reasons for limited liability
lay pipes of tracks, erect poles or string 1. Investment in shares is
wires. encouraged because the task of
evaluating equity investment is
Creation by Special Law- Only government-
greatly simplified considering
owned and controlled corporations may be
that the low-probability even of
created by special law.
insolvency and the financial
Contract Theory- incorporation is deemed to condition of other investors can
involve contracts among the members, already be ignored
between the members and the corporation, and 2. Investment in risky ventures is
between the members or the corporation and encouraged
the state. There is also a contract between the 3. Banks and other financial
corporation ant its stockholders or members intermediaries who are
considered experts are
- Corporations are entitled to the
encouraged to monitor
right against impairment of
corporate debtors more closely.
Remedy- a stockholder who are sought to be
Doctrine of Separate Personality- a corporation
made liable for their unpaid subscription should
has a personality seperate and distinct from its
be impleaded. If the stock holders are not
members. Because of the separate personality
impleaded as defendants, a separate action
of the corporation, the properties of the
should be filed against them to enforce any
corporation are not the properties of its
judgement obligation.
shareholders, members or officers and vice
versa. Properties registered in the name of the Doctrine of Piercing the Veil of Corporate
corporation are owned by it as an entity Fiction- the corporation’s separate personality
separate and distinct from those who compose may be disregarded when the corporate
it. identity is used to defeat public convenience,
justify wrong, protect fraud, or defend crime.
Nature of Stockholders’ Interest in Corporate
Also, where the corporation is a mere alter ego
Properties – indirect, contingent and inchoate.
or business conduit of a natural person or
The interest of the share holder on a particular
persons, or where the corporation is so
property becomes actual, direct and existing
organized and controlled and its affairs are so
only upon liquidation of the assets of the
conducted as to make it merely an
corporation and the same property is assigned
instrumentality, agency, conduit or adjunct of
to the shareholder concerned.
another corporation.
Separate Obligations – the obligations of the
Theory of Enterprise Entity- the corporate
corporation are not the obligations of its
entity takes its being from the reality of the
underlying enterprise, formed or in formation. one corporation for the benefit of the whole
That the state’s approval of the corporate form enterprise.
sets up a prima facie case that assets, liabilities
Alter Ego Doctrine- there is unity of interest
and operations of the corporation are those of
and ownership that the separate personalities
the enterprise. But where the corporate entity
of the corporation and the individual no longer
is defective or otherwise challenged, its
exists and that if the acts are treated as those of
existence, extent and operations of the
the corporation alone, an inequitable result will
underlying enterprise, which by these very
qualities acquires an entity of its own,
recognized by law. Totality of Circumstances Test – the totality of
the circumstances and each case must be
Instrumentality Rule – the courts are called
decided on its own set of facts.
upon to apply the “three-pronged control test”
that is to determine the presence of three Reverse Piercing- a corporation can be made
factors: liable for the obligations of the stockholders or
corporate insider in case the latter may have
1. Control- not merely in the majority or
incorporated the subject corporation to evade a
complete stock control, but complete
legal obligation of the stockholders.
domination on policy and business
practice in respect to the transaction Primary Rules of Attribution – Due to the
attacked so that the corporate entity as artificial nature of the existence of corporations,
to this transaction had at the time no corporations can perform physical acts or
separate mind, will or existence of its commit omissions only through natural persons.
2. Such control must have been used by - The action of the Board of Directors
the defendant to commit fraud or will be treated as the action of the
wrong, to perpetuate the violation of a corporation.
statutory or other positive legal duty, or Attribution of Knowledge - knowledge of facts
dishonest and unjust act in acquired or possessed by an officer or agent of
contravention of plaintiff’s legal right the corporation in the course of his
3. The aforesaid control and breach of employment, in relation to matters within the
duty must proximately cause the injury scope of his authority, is notice to the
or unjust loss complained of. corporation, whether he communicates such
The absence of any of these elements will knowledge o not since a corporation cannot
prevent the application of the doctrine see, or know anything except through its
piercing the corporate veil. officers.

Identity Doctrine- if the plaintiff can show that Test in determining Nationality of Corporation
there was such a unity of interest and 1. Aggregate Test- requires looking into
ownership that the independence of the the nationality, domicile, or residence
corporations had in effect ceased or had never of the individuals who control the
begun, and adherence to the fiction of separate corporation
identity would serve only defeat justice and 2. Entity Test/Place of Incorporation Test-
equity by permitting the economic entity to looks into the nation where the
escape liability arising out of an operation of corporation was incorporated.
Wartime Control Test- The place of Corporate Negligence Doctrine- imposes
incorporation may be disregarded in times of several duties on a hospital
1. To use reasonable care in the
- The court will look into the maintenance and adequate facilities
nationality of the controlling and equipment
stockholders in wartime. If the 2. To select and retain only competent
controlling stockholders are citizens physicians
of the enemy state, then the 3. To oversee as to patient care all persons
corporation will also be deemed as who practice medicine within its walls
public enemy corporation. 4. To formulate, adopt, and enforce
adequate rules and policies to ensure
Grandfather Test- the Grandfather test was
quality care for its patients
originally intended to look into the citizenship
of the individuals who ultimately own and Right to Moral Damages – generally, award for
control the shares of stock of a corporation for moral damages cannot be granted in favor of a
purposes of determining compliance with the corporation, being an artificial person and
constitutional requirement of Filipino having existence only in legal contemplation. It
ownership”. cannot, therefore, experience physical suffering
and mental anguish. Courts may still award
The shareholdings should ideally be traced (i.e.
damages in favor of a corporation if they found
grandfathered) to the point where natural
that the reputation of the corporation was
persons hold the shares.
besmirched however these damages cannot
The Court further discussed that the include moral damages but must be limited to
Grandfather Rule applies only when the 60-40 actual, nominal, temperate, exemplary
Filipino-foreign ownership is in doubt or where damages and attorney’s fees.
there is reason to believe that there is non-
Constitutional Right- as an artificial being and
compliance with the provisions of the
as a mere creature of law, a corporation cannot
Constitution on the nationality restriction.
exercise Constitutional rights that are not
Residence- a corporation in a metaphysical consistent with its nature as a mere artificial
sense a resident of the place where its principal being or rights that are not available because
office is located as stated in the Articles of the corporation’s life is just a concession of the
Incorporation. State

Tort Liability- the liability of a corporation may Criminal Liability – a corporation cannot
either be vicarious or direct personal obligation commit felonies described under the RPC
and may arise out of different sources of because artificial beings are incapable of intent.
obligation (see primary rules of attribution) Neither can it perform any overt act.

Doctrine of Corporate Responsibility- applied - Although the performance of an act

in hospital liability. The hospital the duty to is an obligation directly imposed on
make reasonable effort to monitor and oversee a corporation, the responsible
the treatment prescribed ad administered by officer who actually performed the
the physicians practicing in its premises act must of necessity be the one to
assume criminal liability, otherwise,
this liability as created by the law
would be illusory and the deterrent portion of a State for the purpose of
effect of the law will be negated. serving general good and welfare
2. Private Corporation – formed for
Contempt- Corporations may be punished for
some private purpose, benefit, aim
contempt. A corporation and those who are
or end. May be stock or non-stock
officially responsible for the conduct of its
affairs may be punished for contempt in
c. As to the manner of creation
disobeying judgements, decrees, or orders for a
1. Corporation created by special law
court made in a case within its jurisdiction.
– a corporation directly created by
Theory of Special or Limited Capacities – the congress through a special law i.e.,
powers of the corporation are only those that GOCCs
expressly provided for, implied powers, and 2. Corporation created under a
incidental powers. general law- A corporation created
under the Corporation Code or the
Old Corporation Law
Sec. 3. Classes of corporations. - Corporations 3. Corporation by prescription- A
formed or organized under this Code may be corporation that was not formally
stock or non-stock corporations. Corporations organized as such byt has been duly
which have capital stock divided into shares recognized by immemorial usage as
and are authorized to distribute to the holders a corporation, with rights and
of such shares dividends or allotments of the duties enforceable under the law
surplus profits on the basis of the shares held d. As to legal status
are stock corporations. All other corporations 1. De jure corporation- a corporation
are non-stock corporations. organized in accordance with
requirements of law
Sec. 4. Corporations created by special laws or 2. De facto corporation- a corporation
charters. - Corporations created by special that is formed where there exists a
laws or charters shall be governed primarily by flaw in its incorporation but there is
the provisions of the special law or charter colorable compliance with the
creating them or applicable to them, requirements of law
supplemented by the provisions of this Code, 3. Corporation by estoppel – a group
insofar as they are applicable. of persons which holds itself out as
Classifications of Corporations a corporation and enters into a
contract with a third person on the
a. As to number of components strength of such appearance ancd
1. Aggregate Corporation- a cannot be permitted to deny its
corporation consisting of more than existence in an action under said
one member. contract.
2. Corporation sole- a corporation e. As to existence of stocks
consisting of only one person or 1. Stock Corporation- a corporation
member with capital stock is divided into
b. As to Function shares and is authorized to
1. Public Corporation – organized for distribute to holders thereof of such
the government a portion of a share dividends or allotments of the
surplus profits on the basis of the deacons, and the like and are
shares held. established for the furtherance of
2. Non-stock Corporation- a religion and for perpetuating the
corporation that does not distribute rights of the church
dividends to their members 2. Lay corporation- all corporations
f. As to laws of incorporation other than ecclesiastical
1. Domestic corporation- corporation corporations.
formed, organized, and existing i. Eleemosynary and Civil Corporation
under Philippine Laws 1. Eleemosynary or Charitable
2. Foreign Corporations – corporation Corporation – created not for
formed, organized or existing under private gain or profit but for
any laws other than those of the charitable purposes for the
Philippines and whose laws allow administration of charitable trust.
Filipino citizens and corporations to 2. Civil Corporation – a corporation
do business in its own country or not for the purpose of charity but
state for the benefit, pecuniary or
g. Special Types of Corporations under otherwise
the Corporation Code j. As to relationship
1. Close corporation- a corporation 1. Subsidiary – aa corporation more
whose articles of incorporation than 50% of the voting stock of
provide that which is owned or controlled
a. All the corporation’s issued directly or indirectly through one or
stock of all classes, exclusive of more intermediaries by another
treasury shares shall be held of corporation, which thereby become
record by not more than a a parent company
specified number of persons, 2. Affiliate – a corporation that
not exceeding 20 directly or indirectly, through one
b. All issued stock of all classes or more intermediaries, is
shall be subject to one or more controlled by, or is under control of
specified restrictions on another corporation, which thereby
transfer permitted by Title XII of becomes its parent company
the Corp Code 3. Parent Corporation- a corporation
c. The corporation shall not list in that has control over another
any stock exchange or make corporation directly or indirectly
any public offering of any of its through one or more
stock of any class. intermediaries. It is the corporation
2. Special Corporation – a type of that owns all or substantially all or
corporation that includes an the controlling shares in the
educational corporation and a subsidiary.
religious corporation.
Going Public – a corporation is deemed to be
h. Ecclesiastical and Lay Corporation
going public when it decides to list its shares in
1. Ecclesiastical Corporation –
the stock exchange including corporation that
corporations composing entirely of
will make initial public offering of its shares
spiritual persons like bishops,
- Also, any corporation with assets in into classes or series of shares, or both, any of
excess of P50,000,000 and having which classes or series of shares may have
200 or more holders, at least 200 of such rights, privileges or restrictions as may be
which are holding at least 100 stated in the articles of incorporation:
shares of a class of its equity Provided, That no share may be deprived of
securities are considered public voting rights except those classified and issued
companies as "preferred" or "redeemable" shares, unless
otherwise provided in this Code: Provided,
Going Private- when a corporation restrict the
further, That there shall always be a class or
shareholders to a certain group. i.e., closed or
series of shares which have complete voting
closely held corporations.
rights. Any or all of the shares or series of
Sec. 5. Corporators and incorporators, shares may have a par value or have no par
stockholders and members. - Corporators are value as may be provided for in the articles of
those who compose a corporation, whether as incorporation: Provided, however, That banks,
stockholders or as members. Incorporators are trust companies, insurance companies, public
those stockholders or members mentioned in utilities, and building and loan associations
the articles of incorporation as originally shall not be permitted to issue no-par value
forming and composing the corporation and shares of stock.
who are signatories thereof.
Preferred shares of stock issued by any
Corporators in a stock corporation are called corporation may be given preference in the
stockholders or shareholders. Corporators in a distribution of the assets of the corporation in
non-stock corporation are called members. case of liquidation and in the distribution of
dividends, or such other preferences as may be
Components stated in the articles of incorporation which
1. Shareholders or members are not violative of the provisions of this Code:
2. Directors or trustees Provided, That preferred shares of stock may
3. Officers be issued only with a stated par value. The
board of directors, where authorized in the
Incorporators- stockholders or members articles of incorporation, may fix the terms and
mentioned in the Articles of Incorporation as conditions of preferred shares of stock or any
originally forming and composing the series thereof: Provided, That such terms and
corporation and who are signatories thereof conditions shall be effective upon the filing of a
- There is only one set of certificate thereof with the Securities and
incorporators. They shall remain Exchange Commission.
incorporators up to the termination Shares of capital stock issued without par
of the life of the corporation. value shall be deemed fully paid and non-
Shareholders – holders of shares in a assessable and the holder of such shares shall
corporation with interest over the management not be liable to the corporation or to its
(control), income (dividends) and assets (share creditors in respect thereto: Provided; That
upon liquidation) of the corporation shares without par value may not be issued for
a consideration less than the value of five
Sec. 6. Classification of shares. - The shares of (P5.00) pesos per share: Provided, further,
stock of stock corporations may be divided That the entire consideration received by the
corporation for its no-par value shares shall be Concept of Shares- intangible interest or right
treated as capital and shall not be available for which an owner has in the management, profit
distribution as dividends. and assets of the corporation.

A corporation may, furthermore, classify its Capital stock- consists of all classes of shares
shares for the purpose of insuring compliance issued to stockholders, that is, common shares
with constitutional or legal requirements. as well as preferred shares, which may have
different rights, privileges or restrictions as
Except as otherwise provided in the articles of
stated in the articles of incorporation.
incorporation and stated in the certificate of
stock, each share shall be equal in all respects Kinds of Shares- may be classified into:
to every other share.
1. Common or preferred shares
Where the articles of incorporation provide for a. common – shares or stocks
non-voting shares in the cases allowed by this represent the residual ownership
Code, the holders of such shares shall interest in the corporation. It is a
nevertheless be entitled to vote on the basic class of stock ordinarily issued
following matters: without extraordinary rights or
1. Amendment of the articles of incorporation;
b. preferred – are shares that entitles
2. Adoption and amendment of by-laws; the shareholder to some priority on
dividends and/or asset distribution
3. Sale, lease, exchange, mortgage, pledge or
other disposition of all or substantially all of 2. voting or non-voting shares,
the corporate property;
3. Par value or no par value shares,
4. Incurring, creating or increasing bonded
4. Treasury shares,
5. Redeemable shares, and
5. Increase or decrease of capital stock;
6. Founder’s shares
6. Merger or consolidation of the corporation
with another corporation or other Doctrine of Equality of Shares- all stocks issued
corporations; by the corporation are presumed to be equal
with the same privileges and liabilities, provided
7. Investment of corporate funds in another
that the AOI is silent on such differences
corporation or business in accordance with this
Code; and Values that are commonly associated with
8. Dissolution of the corporation.
1. Market value- price at which the shares
Except as provided in the immediately
of capital stock is bought and sold by
preceding paragraph, the vote necessary to
investors in the market.
approve a particular corporate act as provided
2. Book value- amount per share that each
in this Code shall be deemed to refer only to
shareholder would receive if the
stocks with voting rights.
corporation were liquidated without
incurring any further expenses and if
assets were sold and liabilities directors is granted, it must be for a limited
liquidated at their recorded amounts period not to exceed five (5) years subject to
3. Liquidation value- the amount a the approval of the Securities and Exchange
stockholder would receive upon the Commission. The five-year period shall
dissolution and liquidation of the commence from the date of the aforesaid
corporation approval by the Securities and Exchange
4. Redemption value- the price per share Commission.
at which the corporation may redeem
Sec. 8. Redeemable shares. - Redeemable
its share
shares may be issued by the corporation when
5. Issued value- the selling price of the
expressly so provided in the articles of
shares fixed by the Board or in the AOI
incorporation. They may be purchased or
Holders of non-voting shares may still vote on taken up by the corporation upon the
the following matter: expiration of a fixed period, regardless of the
existence of unrestricted retained earnings in
1. Amendment of the articles of incorporation;
the books of the corporation, and upon such
2. Adoption and amendment of by-laws; other terms and conditions as may be stated in
the articles of incorporation, which terms and
3. Sale, lease, exchange, mortgage, pledge or conditions must also be stated in the
other disposition of all or substantially all of the certificate of stock representing said shares
corporate property;
Sec. 9. Treasury shares. - Treasury shares are
4. Incurring, creating or increasing bonded shares of stock which have been issued and
indebtedness; fully paid for, but subsequently reacquired by
5. Increase or decrease of capital stock; the issuing corporation by purchase,
redemption, donation or through some other
6. Merger or consolidation of the corporation lawful means. Such shares may again be
with another corporation or other corporations; disposed of for a reasonable price fixed by the
7. Investment of corporate funds in another board of directors
corporation or business in accordance with this CASES:
Code; and

8. Dissolution of the corporation.

Escrow Shares- result by virtue of a transaction

to place shares in escrow until the happening of
an event or fulfillment of a specified condition
like payment of the subscription price to the
corporation or purchase price to a shareholder

Sec. 7. Founders' shares. - Founders' shares

classified as such in the articles of
incorporation may be given certain rights and
privileges not enjoyed by the owners of other
stocks, provided that where the exclusive right
to vote and be voted for in the election of

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