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Name: Maliha Fatima

ID: 20191-26547

Date: 15/4/2020

Death Penalty
Doesn’t the death penalty deter crime, especially murder? There are numerous debates
about death penalty as the opinion of this decision differ in various countries of the world. Most
of the countries have abolished death penalty but it is still being used in many countries. There
is no credible evidence that the death penalty deter crime more effectively than long terms of
imprisonment. States that have death penalty laws do not have lower crime rates or murder
rates than states without such laws. And states that have abolished the capital punishment
shows no significant changes in crime or murder rates.
The main goal of the death penalty is to decrease the number of abhorrent crime in the world.
However, the statistics shows that its effect is not as positive as it should be. For instance,
among the 25 states of the US with the highest crime rate, the death penalty is at least legal in
20 of them. If the death penalty was such an effective measure for the decrease in crime rate
than the statistics would have shown that states with death penalty have lower crime rate.
However, the statistics shows the opposite result, which means that it doesn’t have high
effectiveness. Today, the capital system has only one goal in mind that is revenge. That is why,
number of people are against this type of punishment.
There is no evidence that the death penalty is effective for the prevention of criminal acts.
However, it is proven that there are numerous disadvantage when it comes to this type of
punishment. For instance, there is always a possibility that the innocent person can become a
victim to death penalty. The statistics shows that there were 137 prison inmates who were
released because of their innocence. There is no statistical data about the number of people
who were killed because of their criminal acts. But there is always a possibility that an innocent
person can become a victim to death penalty. There is information that 4% of the people who
received death penalty were innocent and therefore, it is important to abolish this system in
almost all the countries of the world in order to prevent the cases of killing innocent people.
Most people in our society would agree that having the death penalty is a good thing. It's
important for preserving law and order. The death penalty is supposed to discourage people
from committing crimes and it’s less costly. However, the death penalty has no deterrent
effect. Claims that each execution deters a certain number of crime have been thoroughly
discredited by social science research. People commit murders largely in the heat of passion,
under the influence of alcohol or drugs, or because they are mentally ill, giving little or no
thought to the possible consequences of their acts.
The death penalty is one of the cruelest type of punishment which includes hanging,
electrocution and lethal injections. It would have been possible for us to say that the death
penalty has been an effective measure in the prevention of abhorrent crime, if the statistics
show that it has decreased crime rate. However, there is no evidence of the effectiveness of
this type of punishment yet there are numerous disadvantage to this process.

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