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Alaiza Ruiz

ERWC/Period 2

Ms. Schenck

December 12, 2019

Into the Wild

In May of 1990, newly college graduate, 22 year old Christopher McCandless would

announced he would be leaving for the alaskan wilderness. In August of 1992, he would be

found dead in an abandoned bus on the Alaskan Stampede Trail. Although he died alone, cold

and starving, Chris did not regret his decision to live his life as a lonely wanderer. Chris enjoyed

his life on the road however that doesn’t mean everyone can take pleasure in this decision. Not

everyone is suited for life on the road. This kind of lifestyle requires a strong mentality, a drive

that keeps you on the road and a desire for staying alive and taking risks to live life to the fullest.

Living life on the road you have to be prepared for a variety of obstacles and some people just

don’t have the mindset for that life. The decision to live this life all depends on the individual.

Throughout Chris’ adventure, he bonded with many different individuals and groups.

Although throughout his journey he made multiple new acquaintances, during many points of his

adventure he was also alone and isolated from civilization for long periods of time. To live life on

the road you must have the ability to endure periods of time where you are secluded from other

people. Social isolation has proved to have many negative effects on the mind and body

therefore you must have a strong mind to endure it. Human Beings are naturally social species,

our connections with others is what enables us to thrive and live and some people just can’t live
without that. I know that I wouldn’t be able to go a week without interacting with people, I would

go insane trying to survive on my own in the alaskan wilderness.

Living life on the road also requires skill, a multitude of abilities and common sense.

Chris McCandless was foolish and a bit reckless at times but he was said to be also an

intelligent young man by many of his peers and those he met on the road. A friend of

McCandless, Wayne Westerburg describe McCandless as intelligent, hardworking and

determined. He excelled in school and was a talented student in college and those traits is what

is needed for living in the wild. You have to be agile, and knowledgeable of the problems you

will face when traveling alone with little tools available. In a ted talk, Carine McCandless talks

about how in the wild you must learn how to rely on yourself. McCandless may have not been

taught all the skills needed to survive in the wild however he took advantage of the abilities he

had already learned and that is why he lasted so long alone.

Everyone has a will, a desire or passion. For Chris McCandless, he had a fascination

For the harsh characteristics of nature. I believe if Chris wasn’t interested in nature or didn’t

have a passion for living life on the road then he would’ve returned home but it was obvious that

during his time of traveling through the United States with little supplies that he greatly enjoyed

his life. Carine McCandless states in her ted talk that “the greatest experiences in life are far

outside our comfort zones” and Chris had clearly enjoyed living a life full of risks and

unexpected turns. I know for sure that risks aren’t exactly everyone’s forte, not everyone is

willing to face the consequences of abandoning all they know to travel into the wild and that’s

fine. I know a personal friend of mine who had left their home and their family that way they can

pursue a life without anyone holding them down and to travel wherever they desire, jumping
from destination to destination with nothing but a car and a couple of dollars in their wallet.

However, some people can’t live like that, others prefer a life of organization and cleanliness, it

all depends on personal preference.

In conclusion, no, life on the road is not suited for everyone. Living on little funds,

tools and supplies and little to no connections is difficult and something that just not everybody

can enjoy. To live life as a wanderer or pilgrim, you must be willing to sacrifice being surrounded

by others 24/7. You also have to be aware of what you will be facing in the events ahead and

have the common knowledge to survive on your own. The desire to keep moving forward and

the happiness you gain on your adventure is what will keep you from returning home and lead

you on this road that you have chosen and if your deprive no pleasure from taking these risks or

living as a lonely wanderer then this life simply isn’t for you.

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