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Origin of Rome

The city of Rome was founded in __________ b.c. by _______________ and _____________.
(Twin son of the god Mars and a latin princess)

Rome’s Geography
Rolling hills at a curve on the __________ river.
Midway between ________ and _________ southerners tips.

The First Rome
-Italian peninsula
-prehistoric time
- inhabits the region and battle for control.
- the people were
Latin Greek Etruscans
- - -
- - -
- - -
- - -
- -
- Between 750~600 b.c. -
Greeks established
- colonies alone southern -
Italy and Sicily.

- palatine Hill.
- close contract with Greek civilizations
-Rome adapt the writing alphabets.

The Early republic
-The ___________ became king of Rome.
The various kings ordered the constitution of Romes first remakes public centers- the most famous of
which was the ______________, the heart of Roman political life

-the Last king of Rome was ___________ the proud.
A harsh tyrant , the Roman declare they would never again be ruled by a king. The established, a republic form the Latin
phrases ________ _________________________.
- Public affairs
- Patricians and Plebeians

Patricians Plebeians

The Romans leaders allowed the___________ to form their own assembly and elect representative
called ________________.
The Twelve tables

Government under the republic
Roman writers boasted that Rome had achieved a balanced government.
What they meant was that their government had taken the best features of a

Rome had two officials

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