Business Analysis

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Questions 1 is based on the information on Maybank Berhad (Maybank) in Figure 1 below:

Figure 1

Maybank was established in 1960 and currently ranked among the top 500 companies in the Forbes Global 2000
leading companies of the world. Maybank is among the top 5 banks in South East Asia with total assets of
USD165 billion. It has an international network of over 2,400 branches and offices in 20 countries and employing
45,000 employees. The bank is also the largest company by market capitalization on the Malaysian Bourse (Bursa

The Maybank Group offers a comprehensive range of products and services that includes commercial banking,
investment banking, Islamic banking, offshore banking, leasing and hire purchase, insurance, factoring, trustee
services, asset management, stock broking, nominee services, venture capital and Internet banking.

Maybank’s mission is to humanize financial services across Asia, by providing access to financial services to the
people at fair terms and pricing, and to be always at the heart of the community. Its vision and mission are as

Advancing Asia's ambition with you.

We want to humanize financial services by:
 Providing the people with convenient access to financing
 Having fair terms and pricing
 Advising customers based and on their needs
 Being at the heart of community

Question 1
a) Briefly describe ONE (1) element of a good mission statement that is addressed in the
bank’s mission and state ONE (1) element that is NOT mentioned in the statement. (2
Providing the people with convenient access to financing – by providing e-banking

for easy access with internet connection which is user friendly from everywhere.

Element that not mentioned – Comprehensive range of products and services.

b) Propose ONE (1) objective for Maybank for year 2019 based on its vision and mission and
briefly explain how the suggested objective will support the vision and mission. (4

Objective: To Be Digital Bank of Choice by users.

Relation between objective, vision and mission: The progressive expansion of electronic
devices witnessing a breed of digital player invading into the traditional banking business. As
maybank aim for humanize financial services, this will assist maybank to put customer first and
quickly respond to their needs and request.

Question 2

Briefly describe the implication of the following events to the organizations below: (10 marks)
a) Implementation of tourism tax on Hotel Seri Malaysia.

The implementation of the tourism tax on Hotel Seri Malaysia have two major effect:
1) Rising in the hotel prices – add on of tax prices will lead to increase of hotel/room price. This
issues disturb Malaysian whom may need to stay in hotel for certain reason; eg: company
training or home renovation. These additional burdens will only add to unnecessary costs for
tourist and business company.

2) Lead to an uneven playing field between licensed and unlicensed hotel operator - As the
regulations are not finalized yet, the hotelier afraid the rates that go by a per-room-per-night
basis will affect tourist perspective on choosing unlicensed low prices accommodation.

However, government believe the tourist tax will enhance the quality of tourism products and
services, and this will favour the tourists as they will be better assured that the accommodations
are well taken care of.

b) Introduction of PR1MA houses to Gamuda Land.

- Demand for affordable housing by the low-income group will also remain favourable
- Gamuda Bhd owns an automated robotic IBS facility in Sepang that has the capacity to
produce 3,000 apartment units per year. 90% of PR1MA was constructed using the IBS
- The  PR1MA implemented a new end-financing scheme known as Special 1Malaysia
People’s Housing Programme End-Financing (SPEF) beginning Jan 1 2017. Thus, it will
increase first-home homebuyers’ chances of getting a home loan and provide access to a
higher loan amount than they would otherwise be eligible for with conventional loans.
c) Appreciation of Saudi Riyal to Andalusia Travel & Tours.

With the appreciation and acknowledgement, Andalusia will be benefit in term of;
1) Developing their business partnership with Saudi Riyal for tourism to and fro between
Malaysia and Saudi Riyal
2) Expansion of Andalusia label increase assurance and trust by tourist not only to Andalusia
but Malaysia brand.

d) Availability of Traveloka and Agoda to Mayflower Holidays Sdn. Bhd.

1) Traveloka and Agoda promote easy access by the user to search available hotel for tour
agencies such as Mayflower Holidays Sdn. Bhd
2) Give option to mayflower Holidays Sdn. Bhd to monitor and choose accommodation and flight
that achieve their agencies expectation.
3) Offer the Mayflower Holidays Sdn. Bhd to monitor their competitors offering and credibility.

Question 3

Draw IFE and EFE matrices for ONE (1) of the cinemas that you frequently go to. The combined number
of factors in your matrices should be at least THIRTEEN (13). You are not required to explain the factors
in detail but they have to be written in a self-explanatory manner.
(15 marks)


1. Prestige 0.07 3 0.21
2. Fully owned fleet 0.07 4 0.28
3. Classy 0.06 3 0.18
Strong brand recognition - 5 Star
4. 0.09 4 0.36
5. Strong backing of Malaysian Government 0.06 3 0.18
6. Excellent customer service. 0.08 4 0.32
Have strong and well designed
7. 0.07 3 0.21
organizational structure.
1. Trust issue 0.1 1 0.1
2. High operating cost 0.08 2 0.16
3. Relying on movie 0.06 2 0.12
4. Poor marketing 0.06 2 0.12
5. Ticcket cost 0.15 2 0.3
6 7. Retrenchment of employees. 0.05 2 0.1
7. TOTAL 1   2.64


1. Increasing more visitor 0.1 2 0.2
2. Concentrating on the off peak season. 0.8 3 0.24
More rewarding program on Enrich to be
3. 0.1 2 0.2
offered for frequent customer benefit.
4. interaction between customers 0.07 3 0.21
More rewarding program to be offered for
5. 0.2 2 0.4
frequent customer benefit.
1. Increasing competition 0.07 3 0.21
2. tax regulations also big threats 0.08 3 0.24
3. Sabotage 0.07 3 0.21
5. Intense competition in life insurance
5. has also made the survival of Airlines 0.1 2 0.2
Negative public opinions from recen
6. 0.07 3 0.21
7. Changing government policies and
7. 0.06 2 0.12
regulation of regulatory bodies.
8. TOTAL 1   ∑ = 2.44

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