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Research and Teaching of Physics in the Context of University Education Nitra, June 5 and 6, 2007


Norbert Kecskés

In the article we analyze a simplified model of an oscillatory behavior in physical systems and highlight
the importance of mathematics in modeling or describing different real-life phenomena. This modeling is
made via differential equations, which play a fundamental role in applied problems. In educational
process it is necessary to emphasize that mathematics is not only a set of formal definitions and theorems,
but it also has an immense range of application in many areas.

Key words: differential equation, mathematical model

It is often desirable to describe in mathematical terms the behavior of some real-life system or
phenomenon. The mathematical description of a system or a phenomenon is called a mathematical model.
Construction of such a model usually starts with
• identification of the variables which are responsible for changing of the system. The more
variables we take into account the more precise model we obtain.
• making a set of reasonable assumptions about the system we are trying to describe. This step also
includes any empirical or basic physical laws that might be responsible for changing the system.
Based on this we construct a mathematical model, frequently via differential equations.
• mathematical solution of the model and its interpretation.
Naturally, the model has been created correctly, if and only if it gives results that correspond with
experiment, experience or observation. Note that we are often compelled to introduce various restrictions
on the model in order to facilitate the mathematical solution.

Material and Methods

In proceedings of the international conference “Aplimat 2003” we published a mathematical model
describing jumping on an elastic rope known as bungee jumping. The basic mathematical tool for the
description of this model is a second order linear differential equation. We used the second Newton’s law
of motion and Hook’s law to derive necessary equations. From the physical point of view we can treat
this system as a linear harmonic oscillator. Newton’s second law of motion states that the rate of change
of momentum is equal to the applied forces. Mathematically

d (m v ) n
= ∑ Fi , or (1)
dt i =1

dv d2y
m = m 2 = Fg + Fo + Fv , where (2)
dt dt

Fg denotes the force of gravity, Fo denotes the force due to air resistance, and finally Fv denotes the
pulling force of the rope. Further v denotes the velocity and y denotes the position of the jumper at time t.
We chose the positive direction of the Cartesian coordinate system upward and the end of freely hanging


Research and Teaching of Physics in the Context of University Education Nitra, June 5 and 6, 2007

rope was set to be at the origin. The length of the rope is 160 m and it is attached at 300 m above the
ground. So the vertical coordinate of the ground is –140 m. We specified the acting forces as follows.
Apparently, Fg = −mg , further we assumed a linear dependence between air resistance and the velocity of
the jumper, hence Fo = −a , where a denotes a constant of proportionality. The force Fv was obtained
from Hook’s law. This law states that the restoring force of the rope is directly proportional to the
displacement of the rope and is directed towards an equilibrium position. Based on these assumptions we
derived the following differential equation

d2y dy a k
m 2
= − mg − a − ky , or y ′′ + y′ + y = − g (3)
dt dt m m

This equation is a non-homogenous differential equation of second order with constant coefficients.
The jump has two fazes. Initially Fv = 0 until y ≥ 0 and then Fv = −ky for y < 0. Hence the differential
equation (3) must be split into two parts:

1. y ′′ + y′ = − g

This equation holds for free fall. The corresponding IVP (initial value problem) is y (0 ) = 160
and y ′(0 ) = 0 .
Using standard solution methods we obtained the particular solution

m 2 g − m ⋅t mg m2 g
y=− 2 e − t + 2 + 160 (4)
a a a

2. From the moment when the pulling force of the rope takes action we have to deal with

a k
y ′′ + y′ + y = − g
m m

A solution to this equation is of the form

y = c1 y1 + c 2 y 2 + y p ,

where y1 , y 2 are two linearly independent solutions of the corresponding homogenous equation and y p
denotes any particular solution of the non-homogenous equation. The solution depends on the roots of the
characteristic quadratic equation. This equation is

a k − a ± a 2 − 4km
r2 + r + = 0 and the roots are given by r1, 2 = .
m m 2m


Research and Teaching of Physics in the Context of University Education Nitra, June 5 and 6, 2007

Naturally, if we want to simulate an oscillatory behavior, which is our case under investigation, the roots
must be complex conjugate, or, a 2 − 4km must be negative. In this case the complex form of the solution

y = c1e r1t + c 2 e r2t + y p ,

where r1 , r2 are complex conjugate. We can rewrite this solution in real form as follows

⎛ a 2 − 4km a 2 − 4km ⎞⎟ a 2 − 4km

t ⎜ a
y=e 2m
⎜ c1 cos t + c 2 sin t ⎟ + y p , where − and are
⎜ 2m 2m ⎟ 2m 2m
⎝ ⎠

the real and the imaginary part of the complex numbers r1 or r2 , respectively. It is easy to show that the
particular solution assumes the form y p = − , so the required general solution is

⎛ a 2 − 4km a 2 − 4km ⎞⎟ mg

t ⎜
y=e 2m
⎜ c1 cos t + c 2 sin t⎟ − (5)
⎜ 2m 2m ⎟ k
⎝ ⎠

Now we have to set the IVP for (5). These are y (t 0 ) = 0 , y ′(t 0 ) = v 0 , where t 0 is the time when the jumper
reaches the position y = 0 and can be calculated from (4). This IVP is parametrized by a, m and k. Let’s
set m = 80 kg, k = 50 Ns-2 and a = 20 Ns-1. By inserting these values into (4) we obtain approximately
t 0 ≅ 7,46 s and v0 = −33,16 ms-1. So the IVP for (5) is y (7,46 ) = 0, y ′(7,46 ) = −33,16 . The calculation of
constants c1 , c 2 leads to the equation

y = e −0,125t (− 9,871cos 0,78t − 108,733 sin 0,78t ) − 15,696 (6)

In order to describe the motion, we have to deal with the two equations (4) and (6), whose form is

y = −156,96e −0, 25t − 39,24 t + 316,96 for y≥0 and (7)

y = e −0,125t (− 9,871cos 0,78t − 108,733 sin 0,78t ) − 15,696 for y<0.

Note that the physical meaning of the particular solution y p = − is the height (position) of the jumper
when the oscillations vanish. It also indicates the prolongation of the rope in the static state with the
jumper hanging on it.


Research and Teaching of Physics in the Context of University Education Nitra, June 5 and 6, 2007

The graphical interpretation of these equations is shown in figure 1.

Now, by changing the parameters m , k and a we can make various modifications of the problem. Let’s
hold two of them constant and alter the third. Then naturally the following questions arise:
1. What is the maximal weight of the jumper to survive the jump (avoid hitting the ground)?
2. At what height is the velocity of the jumper maximal?
3. How would change the diagram shown in figure 1, if the jump would have been performed by
persons of different weight?
4. How would change the diagram shown in figure 1, if there were no air.
5. If the jumper’s weight exceeds the maximal weight by 20%, what velocity would he hit the
6. What would happen if the rope were too stiff?
7. What is the maximal elasticity of the rope that enables the jumper of given weight to survive?
8. How is changing the kinetic and the potential energy of the jumper?
9. What mass should the jumper pick up in his first lowest position to stop his motion?

Answers to these questions may be found by discussing, differentiating and solving the equations (4) and
(5) after altering the given parameters, respectively, and may be a good exercise to understand the
physical aspect of the behavior of this system.
Of course our model safely ignores many things, such as quadratic dependence of air resistance on the
velocity, dimensions of the jumper, and possible fluctuations of the rope from vertical position, which,
together with the dynamics of the rope prolongation and shortening, would have led to much more
complicated partial differential equations and would have significantly complicated our calculations.

This model has been created using Newton’s second law of motion and Hook’s law. Our aim has been to
show the great applicability of differential equations in construction of mathematical models and to show


Research and Teaching of Physics in the Context of University Education Nitra, June 5 and 6, 2007

the connection of mathematics with real-life situations. In our opinion it is necessary to emphasize this in
the process of education.
Final note: This article has been induced by the simple question of one student. The question was: What
are differential equations good for?

1. Zill, D. – Cullen, M.: Differential Equations with Boundary - Value Problems. Brooks/Cole Publishing
Company, California, 1986, ISBN: 053495580-0
2. Kecskés, N.: Matematický model Bungee Jumpingu. Bratislava, Aplimat, 2003. ISBN:80-227-1996-X

Contact Address
Mgr. Norbert Kecskés
Faculty of Economics and Management, Slovak Agricultural University
Tr. A. Hlinku 2
949 76 Nitra, Slovak Republic

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