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The Metabolodiuretic Promise of Sodium-
Dependent Glucose Cotransporter 2 Inhibition
The Search for the Sweet Spot in Heart Failure
Subodh Verma, MD, Clinical trials often yield surprising results, and in the changes. In addition, it has been speculated that SGLT2
PhD contemporary era, undoubtedly, the Empagliflozin inhibition may serve as a metabolic modulator pro-
Division of Cardiac Removal of Excess of Glucose Outcome (EMPA-REG moting improved cardiac substrate use and overall
Surgery, Department of
OUTCOME) trial stands out as one such example.1,2 No energetics.4,5 Accordingly, SGLT2 inhibition mediated in-
Surgery, St Michael’s
Hospital, University of one could have predicted that a sodium-dependent glu- creases in ketone bodies and may provide a more energy-
Toronto, Toronto, cose cotransporter 2 (SGLT2) inhibitor, which works to efficient source of adenosine triphosphate than other
Ontario, Canada. promote urinary glucose excretion as a treatment ap- conventional substrates. Although no specific data on
proach to hyperglycemia, would cut all-cause mortality measures of left ventricular structure and function are
John J. V. McMurray,
by about one-third in patients with type 2 diabetes. Just available from the EMPA-REG OUTCOME study, such
BSc (Hons), MB ChB
(Hons), MD as surprising were the observations that the reductions studies are currently under way (
British Heart in mortality were possibly driven by a reduction in heart NCT02998970). A small case series also demonstrates
Foundation failure as opposed to atherothrombotic events. De- that short-term treatment caused a marked reduction
Research Centre, spite these salutary clinical effects, the physiological in left ventricular mass index while also improving mea-
University of Glasgow, mechanisms responsible for these benefits are not yet sures of diastolic dysfunction.6
Glasgow, United known. The time frame of the effect precludes a glucose- The putative renal protective effects and their
mediated effect, and furthermore, many other equally biological basis must also be addressed. In EMPA-REG
or more effective antihyperglycemic therapies are not OUTCOME, patients treated with empagliflozin had a
David Z. I. Cherney,
MD, PhD associated with reduced heart failure. The remarkable 39% reduction in the composite renal end point of pro-
Division of Nephrology, renal benefits noted in the trial were also surprising.2 Be- gression to macroalbuminuria, doubling of creatinine
Department of cause the glycosuric effects of SGLT2 inhibition are de- level, renal replacement therapy, or renal death.2 Many
Medicine, Toronto
pendent on the amount of filtered glucose and there- of the physiological changes associated with SGLT2 in-
General Hospital,
University of Toronto, fore diminished in participants with low glomerular hibition may be renal-protective including lowering of
Toronto, Ontario, filtration rate, it was surprising to note that treatment blood pressure, hemoglobin A1c level, and plasma uric
Canada. with empagliflozin resulted in a marked approximately acid level. In addition to these changes outside of the kid-
40% reduction in proteinuria and doubling of serum cre- ney, SGLT2 inhibition is associated with decreases in in-
atinine in the absence of marked differences in glyce- traglomerular pressure and hyperfiltration, likely inde-
mia. While the scientific community struggles to under- pendent of systemic circulatory effects, glycemia, or
stand the biologic basis and clinical implications of these weight. These direct intrarenal hemodynamic effects
observations, several questions related to EMPA-REG have been most widely attributed to vasoconstriction of
OUTCOME have come into focus: can SGLT2 inhibitors the afferent renal arteriole in response to increased so-
be used to treat heart failure as opposed to prevent heart dium chloride delivery to the macula densa, an effect
failure in diabetes? Can SGLT2 inhibitors be a treat- called tubuloglomerular feedback. The decline in glo-
ment for heart failure in patients without type 2 diabe- merular hypertension is also likely to be responsible for
tes? It is also tempting to ask whether SGLT2 inhibitors the antiproteinuric effect of SGLT2 inhibitors because the
will emerge as primary renoprotective strategies irre- 30% to 40% decline in urinary albumin-to-creatinine ra-
spective of glycemic or baseline renal status. tio is mostly independent of changes in blood pressure
Regarding mechanism(s) that might underlie the and hemoglobin A1c level.7
marked reductions in heart failure hospitalizations, the The final issue that requires reflection is whether the
prevailing thought is that these may be mediated at least cardio-renal benefits of these agents can be observed in
in part through effects on volume status.3 It is hypoth- euglycemic individuals without diabetes. The effect of
esized that osmotic diuresis accompanied by sustained SGLT2 inhibition on renal hemodynamic parameters and
natriuresis may result in a reduction in preload and over- hence proteinuria is most closely associated with natri-
Author: Subodh
Verma, MD, PhD, all myocardial strain. The effect of this might be particu- uresis leading to tubuloglomerular feedback, rather than
FRCSC, FAHA, Division larly relevant in the setting of patients with diastolic dys- glycosuria, and the antiproteinuric effects of these agents
of Cardiac Surgery, function who may function on a steeper Frank-Starling are seen across the spectrum of estimated glomerular fil-
Department of Surgery,
St Michael's Hospital,
curve, making them particularly sensitive to changes in tration rate, down to chronic kidney disease stage 4, al-
University of Toronto, intravascular volume. Diabetes is associated with an im- though hemoglobin A1c level–lowering and glycosuria ef-
30 Bond St, Bond paired natriuretic response, diminished atrial natri- fects are attenuated. In addition, other proximal tubular
Wing, Ste 8-003,
uretic peptide, and blunted cyclic guanine mono- diuretic agents, such as acetazolamide, reduce renal hy-
Toronto, ON M5B 1W8,
Canada (vermasu phosphate response to volume expansion, and patients perfiltration in patients without diabetes. This observa- with diabetes are very susceptible to sodium-volume tion suggests that tubuloglomerular feedback is an (Reprinted) JAMA Cardiology Published online June 21, 2017 E1

© 2017 American Medical Association. All rights reserved.

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Opinion Viewpoint

Figure. Proposed Mechanism of Cardiorenal Protection With Sodium-Dependent Glucose

Cotransporter 2 (SGLT2) Inhibitors

arteriole Normal

ATP Efferent

Myocardial Afferent arteriolar dilatation

β-hydroxybutyrate Intraglomerular pressure
(ketone body) Na+/glucose cotransport At the level of the kidney, SGLT2
inhibition promotes glycosuria and
natriuresis. It also promotes afferent
arterioral constriction resulting in a
decrease in intraglomerular pressure.
Afterload A reduction in preload and resultant
left ventricular (LV) wall stress
SGLT2 inhibitors cause improves overall LV filling conditions.
afferent arteriolar
Additionally, metabolic effects of
SGLT2 inhibition to improve
LV wall myocardial energetics and reduce
stress afterload have also been proposed as
cardioprotective mechanisms.
ATP indicates adenosine
Diuresis triphosphate.
Preload Glycosuria This figure was specifically
Proteinuria commissioned for this article and has
not been reproduced in any form in
any media format. Figure created by
M. Gail Rudakevich, BSc, MScBMC.

important regulator of glomerular filtration rate and renal risk, regard- tients who have heart failure with reduced and preserved ejection
less of ambient glucose levels. For cardiovascular benefits, natriuresis fraction. Similarly, dapagliflozin is being studied in dedicated stud-
leading to contraction of plasma volume, rather than glycosuria, is a ies to evaluate efficacy in heart failure (
strong candidate that may mediate the reduction of hospitalizations NCT01730534) and renal preservation (
for heart failure. Because sodium, rather than glucose, is likely to be an NCT03036150). It is important to emphasize that whereas the
important physiological factor that is common to both renal and car- hypothesis emerged in the potential prevention of heart failure in pa-
diovascularbenefitswithSGLT2inhibition,itishasbeensuggestedthat tients with diabetes, whether an osmotic diuretic will work in the
cardiorenal benefits with SGLT2 inhibitors may extend to patients who treatment of established heart failure, who will be treated with
do not have diabetes.7 loop diuretics remains to be seen. As we await the results of these
Whether SGLT2 inhibitors will be used in the treatment of heart trials, we need to develop appropriate terminology to describe
failure and renal disease remains to be seen, but large, ongoing out- this class of agents. Accordingly, based on physiological data, we
come trials in these populations will inform us whether we have hit suggest that SGLT2 inhibitors be considered as metabolodiuretic
the “sweet spot” or not. Indeed, empagliflozin is being studied in pa- agents (Figure).

ARTICLE INFORMATION boards organized by Novartis and Sanofi-Aventis. and progression of kidney disease in type 2
Published Online: June 21, 2017. Dr Cherney has received consulting and/or diabetes. N Engl J Med. 2016;375(4):323-334.
doi:10.1001/jamacardio.2017.1891 speaker's honoraria from AstraZeneca, Boehringer 3. Sattar N, McLaren J, Kristensen SL, Preiss D,
Ingelheim, Eli Lilly, Janssen, Sanofi, Merck, and McMurray JJ. SGLT2 Inhibition and cardiovascular
Conflict of Interest Disclosures: All authors have Mitsubishi-Tanabe and research support from events. Diabetologia. 2016;59(7):1333-1339.
completed and submitted the ICMJE Form for Merck, AstraZeneca, and Boehringer Ingelheim.
Disclosure of Potential Conflicts of Interest. Dr 4. Ferrannini E, Mark M, Mayoux E. CV protection
Verma has received speaker’s honoraria from Additional Contributions: We thank Hwee Teoh, in the EMPA-REG OUTCOME trial. Diabetes Care.
AstraZeneca, Boehringer Ingelheim, Eli Lilly, and PhD, St Michael’s Hospital, for assisting with 2016;39(7):1108-1114.
Janssen and research support from AstraZeneca editing. No compensation was received for such 5. Lopaschuk GD, Verma S. Empagliflozin’s fuel
and Boehringer Ingelheim. Dr McMurray reports contributions. hypothesis. Cell Metab. 2016;24(2):200-202.
that his employer, Glasgow University, paid for his 6. Verma S, Garg A, Yan AT, et al. Effect of
participation in clinical trial committees by Abbvie, REFERENCES
empagliflozin on left ventricular mass and diastolic
AstraZeneca, Amgen, Bayer, Bristol-Myers Squibb, 1. Zinman B, Wanner C, Lachin JM, et al; EMPA-REG function in individuals with diabetes Diabetes Care.
Dalcor, GlaxoSmithKline, Merck, Novartis, OUTCOME Investigators. Empagliflozin, 2016;39(12):e212-e213.
Resverlogix, Stealth, and Theracos. In addition, his cardiovascular outcomes, and mortality in type 2 7. Cherney D, Lund SS, Perkins BA, et al. The effect
travel and accommodation have been paid to diabetes. N Engl J Med. 2015;373(22):2117-2128. of sodium glucose cotransporter 2 inhibition with
attend meetings related to some of the clinical trials 2. Wanner C, Inzucchi SE, Lachin JM, et al; empagliflozin on microalbuminuria and
funded by these sponsors. Dr McMurray’s employer EMPA-REG OUTCOME Investigators. Empagliflozin macroalbuminuria in patients with type 2 diabetes.
has also been paid for his attendance at advisory Diabetologia. 2016;59(9):1860-1870.

E2 JAMA Cardiology Published online June 21, 2017 (Reprinted)

© 2017 American Medical Association. All rights reserved.

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