Presented By: Intikhab

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Industrial Safety

of Events

To Protect its

Objectives of Industrial Safety

 To check all the possible chances of accidents

 To eliminate accidents causing work stoppage and
production loss
 To prevent accidents in industry by reducing hazard
 To reduce cost related to accident
 Better morale of industrial employees
 To educate all the members regarding safety
Industrial Accidents

“Sudden & unexpected occurrence”

Depending upon severity, durability and degree of injury

 Major Injury

 Minor Injury

 External Injury
Causes of Industrial Accidents

 Unsafe conditions
1)The job itself
2)Work schedules
3)Psychological conditions
4)Machinery & Equipment
 Unsafe Acts
 Miscellaneous Causes
Measurement & Records of Accidents

Two main ratios used to measure accidents are

 Accident Frequency Rate

AFC=No. of injuries*10,00,000/Total no. of man
hours worked
 Accident Severity Rate
ASR=No. of man day lost*10,00,000/Total no. of
man hours worked
Reasons for Preventing Accidents

Human-No one comes to work to be injured or killed

Cost-Accidents cost organisations money
Legislation-Organisations have a legal obligation
Industrial Hazards

Danger Tag Caution Tag Warning Tag

Safety Programme

The basic principles are:-

 To identify potential hazards,
provide effective safety
equipment and facilities

 To develop safety policies

 To train and educate

Advantages of Safety Programmes

 Cost Saving

 Increased Productivity

 Moral

 Legal
Measures to ensure Industrial Safety

1) Reduction in Unsafe Condition

2) Safety Committee

3) Safety Education & Training


5) Role of Government

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