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English for taxi drivers

Welcome to Hungary

Warmer: collect as many words as you know in taxi topic.

T 0.1 Listen and make similar conversations.

John: Hello.
Emma: Hello.
John: What’s your name?
Emma: My name is Emma Black. What’s your name?
John: My name is John Williams.

English for taxi drivers


Numbers are also important. A lot of things contain numbers:

- a telephone number
- a number plate
- a receipt
- a date
- a house number

T 0.2 Repeat the numbers.

0 zero 6 six
1 one 7 seven
2 two 8 eight
3 three 9 nine
4 four 10 ten
5 five
English for taxi drivers

0.3 Say the numbers one by one.

0.4 Match the numbers.

Good to know

+36 1 562 1760 ’oh’ (otherwise it is zero)

+36 1 627 5533 double five double three
+36 1 724 4499 triple four double nine
+36 1 378 2222 double two double two

0.5 Say the following telephone numbers.

+36 1 784 0328 +36 1 423 6765

+36 1 795 3132 +36 20 744 8820
+36 30 951 6637 +36 70 329 2442
+36 20 744 0298 +36 70 555 6317

What’s your telephone number? It’s …...

English for taxi drivers

0.6 Match the words with the pictures.

a mobile a key
a camera a watch a bag
an ID card a magazine

…………………… ………………. ……………………….

………………… ……………………. …………………….. ……………

E.g.: What’s this? It’s a watch.

English for taxi drivers

Grammar spot

Personal pronouns

He / She / It

Indefinite pronouns

Here is a card, an ID card.

0.7 Write a or an.

…… week …… day …… taxi

…… euro …… one-day trip …… bus
…… magazine …… passport …… hour
…… ID card …… key …… forint
…… hotel …… orange …… airport
…… park …… office …… restaurant
…… apple …… underground …… cinema
…… person …… man …… line
…… number …… afternoon …… company

0.8 Greetings and saying goodbye

Time Formal greeting

00.00-12.00 Good morning!

12.00-18.00 Good afternoon!
18.00-00.00 Good evening!

English for taxi drivers

Female ♀ Male ♂
1 madam, miss sir
2,3,4… ladies gentlemen

Polite salutation

Welcome to Budapest!
Welcome to Hungary!
How do you do?1

0.9 Listen to the dialogues.

Taxi driver: Good morning, sir! Welcome to Hungary!
Passenger: Good morning! Thank you.

Taxi driver: Good afternoon, ladies! Welcome to Budapest!

Passengers: Good afternoon, thanks.

0.10 How do you welcome these persons? Make dialogues.

at 10.00 at 17.00 at 19.00

Formailag kérdés, de valójában köszönés, megismerkedéskor. Kb. Üdvözlöm. Erre válaszul megismételjük a
„How do you do” kifejezést.

English for taxi drivers

T 0.11 Listen to the dialogue.

Woman: Hello! How are you?
Man: Fine, thanks. And you?
Woman: Very well, thanks.

Informal greeting Response

Hello! Hi!
Hello, how are you? I’m fine, thank you.
Not bad. And you?
How are you doing? Pretty good.

0.11 Listen to the dialogue and complete the next one.

Taxi driver: Good morning, sir!
Passenger: Good morning!
Taxi driver: How are you today?
Passenger: I’m fine, thank you. And you?
Taxi driver: Pretty good.

Taxi driver:
Passenger: Good morning!
Taxi driver:
Passenger: Not bad, thanks. And you?
Taxi driver:

0.12 Make dialogues with your passengers.

English for taxi drivers


Goodbye, sir! Have a good time in Hungary!

Goodbye, madam! Have a nice day!
Nice to meet you. Have a good stay in Budapest!
Bye-bye. Enjoy your stay in Budapest!
Bye. Have a nice holiday!
Good night!

0.13 Pair work. Read the dialogues.

Taxi driver: Good morning, sir! What’s the destination2?

Passenger: 8 Üllői Street, please.

Taxi driver: Good afternoon, madam! Where can I take you?

Passenger: 3 Péceli Street, please.

Passenger: What’s the telephone number of the taxi company?

Taxi driver: It’s +36 637 8922.
Passenger: Thank you.
Taxi driver: Not at all.

Good to know

What’s = What is

cél, célállomás

English for taxi drivers

0.14 Make dialogues with the following addresses.

- 4 Fehér Street - 7 Budafoki Street

- 8 Fóti Street - 6 Ilka Street
- 9 Ménesi Street - 2 Vörösvári Street

0.15 Answer the questions.

What’s the telephone number of your company?

It’s ………………………………………..
What’s your telephone number?
It’s ……………………………………….
How much time is it to the airport?
It’s ………………………………(10) minutes.

Grammar Spot


More nouns add –s in the plural.

a person → two persons

a taxi → ten taxis
a forint → twenty forints

0. 16 Practice the numbers and the plurals.

E.g.: a minute (10) → ten minutes
a euro (5) → …………………………………
an hour (2) → …………………………………
a day (3) → …………………………………
a mobile (5) → …………………………………
a week (4) → …………………………………
a car (9) → …………………………………

English for taxi drivers

1. 17 Say sentences beginning with…

 How…..?
 Welcome …..
 Have a good ……
 Good …….
 Nice to ……
 Enjoy your ……..

Taxi joke

Two words / expressions I like:

☺ …………………………………… ………………………………….
Two words / expressions I don’t like:
☻ ………………………………….. ………………………………

pedestrian = gyalogos

English for taxi drivers

Unit 1 Hello!

Warmer: Say numbers 0-10 round the class.

T. 1.1 Repeat the numbers.

English for taxi drivers

1.2 Read the dialogues.

Passenger. How much is it?
Taxi driver: It’s 16 euros.
Passenger: Here you are. Keep the change.
Taxi driver: Thank you. Have a nice day!

1.3 Practice the dialogue with the numbers.

20 17 15 19 12 13 14 18 11

1.4 Introduction.

Steve: Hello. I’m Steve.

Jeremy: Hello, Steve. I’m Jeremy.

T 1.5 Listen and repeat the countries

●● ●● ●●● ●●●●
The USA England Brazil Italy Australia
France Poland Japan Hungary
Spain Russia Mexico

English for taxi drivers

T 1.6 Listen and repeat

The USA England Italy

This is Marco. He’s from …………….

This is Emma. She’s from ………………

This is Lisa and Mike. They’re from ………

Grammar Spot

I’m= I am
you’re= you are
he’s=he is
she’s=she is
they’re=they are

English for taxi drivers

1.7 Where are they from? Write the countries from exercise 5.

Grammar Spot

Complete the table with am, is and are

I ………………..
You ……………….
He ………………..
She ………………..
It ………………..
from England.
We ………………..
You ………………….
They ………………….

English for taxi drivers

1.8 Complete the sentences with the correct form of ’to be’.
I ………….. from Poland.
She ……….. 16 years old.
We ………… tourists.
They ………… from Russia.
He …………. a good dispatcher.
You …………. very kind.
It ……… my mobile.
We ………….. students.
She …………. very tall.
They ………….. from Italy.
It ………….. my watch.
We ……. from Spain.
He …. my best friend.

T 1.9 Listen and read about Svetlana. Complete the text about Tiago.

My name’s Svetlana Mariskova and I’m a teacher.

I’m 30. I’m married and I have two children. I live
in a flat in Moscow. I want to learn English for my

My name’s Tiago Costa. I’m a student. I ……….. 18. I’m

not married. I have one ……………. and two brothers. I
………. in a house in Fortaleza, Brazil. I ……… to learn
English because it’s an international language.

English for taxi drivers

T 1.10 Match the words with the pictures. Two objects are missing.
Which ones?

●● ●●● ●●●
a stamp …. an apple …. a dictionary ….. a magazine ….
a bag …. an orange …. a newspaper ….
a key …. a camera …..
a watch …. a ticket ….
a postcard ….
a mobile ….
a letter ….

1. ………………………………… 2.……………………………………

1.14. Talk about these persons in first person singular and plural.
Surname: Carlos Menez
First name: Juan
Country: Spain
Age: 30
Marital status: married with two
Job: taxi driver
Telephone number: 91 547 820
I’m Juan Carlos Menez. I’m from Spain. I’m 30. I’m married. I have two
children. I’m a taxi driver. My telephone number is 91 547 82 00.

English for taxi drivers

Surname: Kampsman
First name: Loenard
Country: Germany
Age: 27
Marital status: single
Job: taxi driver
Telephone number: 77 362 49 82

Surname: Sue and John

First name: Williams
Country: Australia
Age: Sue (25), John (28)
Marital status: married
Job: dispatcher
Telephone number: 62 738 55 92

We’re Sue and John Williams. We’re from Australia. We’re 25 and 28. We’re
married. We’re dispatchers. Our telephone number is 62 738 55 92.

Surname: Anna and Judit

First name: Lukács
Country: Hungary
Age: Anna (23), Judit (48)
Marital status: Anna – single, Judit -
Job: petrol attendant
Telephone number: 06 1 477 2339

English for taxi drivers

1.15 Match the words

to drive in a flat

to drink English

to speak the station

to go to a car

to live water

1.16 Fill in the gaps with the verbs:

drink, have, live, speak, take, want

I …………… in a flat in Budapest.

I ……………. to learn English for my job.
I …………. two childen.
I want to …………… a glass of wine.
I ………….. two languages.
Where can I …………… you?

Two words / expressions I like:

☺ …………………………………… ………………………………….
Two words / expressions I don’t like:
☻ ………………………………….. ………………………………….

English for taxi drivers

Unit 2 To hail a taxi

Warmer: Finish the expressions

Greetings Farewells

Welcome …………………..! Good ………….….!

Good …………..……! Have a ………………..!
How …………..…? Enjoy your ………………..!
How do ………………….? Nice to ………………………!
……………………………. holiday!

2.1 Talk abour yourself.





Marital status:


Telephone number:

A lot of tourists stop a taxi in the street, it means they hail a taxi.

English for taxi drivers

Passenger: Good afternoon! Is your taxi free?

Taxi driver: Yes, sir. Get in. What’s the address?
Passengers: It’s 19 Kerepesi Street.

Passenger Taxi driver

Excuse me. Are you free? No, I’m not. Sorry. / Yes, I am.
Excuse me. Is your taxi free? Yes, get in.
Are you engaged? Yes, I am./ No, I’m not.
Can / Could you take me to……? No, it isn’t. / Yes, it is.
Can / Could you drive me to ….? Yes, sure. Hop in.
I / We want to go to …… Yes, of course.
Yes, get in.
OK. Hop in.
Can / Could you take four of us? Yes, just hop in. How many bags do
you have?
Can / Could you take five persons? Unfortunately not. I’ll call another
taxi for you.

Taxi driver Passsenger

Where to, sir? I’d like to go to……, please.

Where can I take / drive you? I want to go to ……….
What’s the address / destination? It’s 17 Thököly Street.

2.2 Make dialogues with the tourists who hailed your taxi.

-ask where he is from - ask about the number of bags - ask how she is

English for taxi drivers

2.3 Public places

2. 4 Make dialogues in which passengers want to go to the following


- Ritz Hotel - Matthias Church

- Liszt Ferenc Airport - Puskin Cinema
- the nearest3 hospital - City Park4
- Nyugati railway station - the nearest post office

T 2.5 Read and listen to the telephone numbers. Read them aloud

682 947 six eight two – nine four seven

07700 900318 ’oh’ double seven double ’oh’ – nine double ’oh’ three one

a legközelebbi

English for taxi drivers

00 1 212 799 7050 double ’oh’ – one-two one two – seven double nine –
seven ’oh’ five ’oh’

T. 2.6 Listen and write the numbers you hear.

1)…………………….. 2)………………………… 3)…………………………….
4)…………………….. 5)………………………… 6)…………………………….

2.7 Ask and answer question with each other.

What’s your mobile

number / home My mobile number is
70 566 0398

T 2.8 Listen and repeat


English for taxi drivers

Good to know

Numbers after 20 is written with a hyphen (-)

E.g.: 21 twenty-one

2.9 Practice the numbers:

11 / 20 / 34 / 89 / 46 / 52 / 93 / 81 / 27 / 74 / 100 / 65 / 54 / 23 / 33 /
86 / 95 / 47 / 85

Grammar Spot


a person → two persons

a taxi → ten taxis
a forint → twenty forints

If the noun end is –s, -ss, -sh, -ch, -o, -x get an –es inflecion.

a bus → ten buses

a box → fifty boxes

Nouns end in a consonant + y, the –y changes to-ies.

a country → countries

If nouns end in a vowel + y, the –y doesn’t change.

a day → days a key →keys

2.10 How do you say:

E.g.: bus (80) → eighty buses
church (2) → match5 (55) →

meccs, mérkőzés

English for taxi drivers

peach6 (12) → boss (3) →

address (3) → cross7 (4) →
city (4) → boy (16) →
country (26) → bridge (15) →

2.11 Here is an ID card. Look at it. What information can you get?

What’s your name?

My name is Alexandr
Where are you from?
I’m from Russia.
What’s your address?
My address is 17 Mohovaya
Street, St. Petersburg.
How old are you?
I’m …. (years old).

Ask questions about the persons?


English for taxi drivers

T 2.12 Read and listen.

A Hello. My name is Marco. What’s your name?

B Emma.
A Where are you from, Emma?
B I’m from London.

Grammar Spot

name’s=name is
what’s=what is
I’m=I am

T 2.13 Write the conversation. Then listen and check.

A Hello. My ……………….. Lisa. What’s ………….. name?

B Mike.
A ………….. are you from, Mike?
B ………….. from Boston. Where ………… your from?
A ………….. ……………. Boston, too!

English for taxi drivers

2.14 Make sentences:

E.g.: I’m from Italy but I live in the USA.

2.15 AND or BUT?

 I’m fine. ………. you?
 Thank you ……… have a nice day!
 I’m from Poland …….. I live in England.
 Here you are. ………….. keep the change.
 I’m not married …………. I have two children.
 My name is Sam Taylor …………… I’m a dispatcher.

2. 16 Read the countries and nationalities and make dialogues.

Country Nationality
Hungary Hungarian
Italy Italian
Germany German
Spain Spanish
France French
Ireland Irish
The USA American
Austria Austrian
Sweden Swedish
Poland Polish
Russia Russian

English for taxi drivers

 German?
Do you speak German? √ Yes, I do.
X (French) No, I don’t. I speak French.

 Italian? √
Do you speak Italian? Yes, I do.

 Polish? X German.
Do you speak Polish? No, I don’t. I speak German.

 Hungarian? X German
 Swedish? X English
 Spanish? √
 Portuguese? X French
 German? X Italian
 Croatian? X Russian
 Italian? √
 German? √
 English? √
 French? X Italian
 Spanish? X Russian
 Hungarian? √
 English? X German

2. 17 Which letters are not pronounced?

E.g.: watch

 receipt
 eight
 number
 hour
 park
 morning
English for taxi drivers

2.18 Country quiz

E.g.: What is number 32?
It’s Hungary.

English for taxi drivers

2.19 What do you have in your taxi?

- ID card - a bottle of wine

- driving licence - an apple
- a watch - a camera
- a mobile - keys
- a magazine - a bag

2.20 Put the sentences into the right order.

Hi, Nice to meet you!

Fine, thanks.

Good bye!

Nice to meet you, too.


How are You?

Ok, see you later!

English for taxi drivers

Taxi joke

English for taxi drivers

Unit 3 Do you need a taxi?

Warmer: Match the numbers and the words.

T 3.1 Listen and repeat

Numbers from 100-1000

Good to know

101 one hundred and one

110 one hundred and ten
257 two hundred and fifty-seven

English for taxi drivers

How much does a glass of beer cost in Budapest? It’s …………….. forints.
How much does a bottle of water cost in a supermarket? It’s ………………..
How much does a kilo of bread cost in a supermarket? It’s ………………..
How much does a glass of wine cost in a bar? It’s ………………..
How much does a bottle of wine cost in a supermarket? It’s …………………

How much is the base fare?

It’s ………………………………………. forints.
How much is the time-based fare unit?
It’s ………………………………………… forints/minutes.
How much is the distance-based fare unit?
It’s ………………………………………… forints/kilometres.

English for taxi drivers

3.2 Look at the tariff table of a taxi company and answer the

Type / Description Basic Charge Km charge Waiting charge

1 / BUDAPEST 450,-HUF 280,-HUF/km 70,-HUF/min.

2 / PROVINCIAL 450,-HUF 300,-HUF/km 70,-HUF/min.

How much is the basic charge in Budapest? It’s …………………….

How much is the km charge in Budapest? It’s ……………………..
How much is the basic charge in the provinces? It’s ……………………..
How much is the waiting charge in Budapest? It’s ………………………
How much is the km charge in the provinces? It’s ………………………

Sometimes taxi drivers can offer their transport services to the passengers.

3.3 Read the dialogue.

Taxi driver: Excuse me. Would you like a taxi?

Passenger: Oh, yes. That’s great. Can you drive me to the city centre8?
Taxi driver: Sure. Get in. Where are you from?
Passenger: I’m from Spain. From Alicante.
Taxi driver: Oh, it’s beautiful.


English for taxi drivers

Taxi driver Passenger

Excuse me, would you like a taxi, Yes, thank you.

Excuse me, do you need a taxi? Oh, yes. That’s great. Can you take
me to ….?
Excuse me. Are you looking for a Yes, I am. I’m going to the bus
taxi? station.

3.4 Create conversations with the details below

o six passengers from Austria hail your taxi, you will call another taxi.
o taxi driver offers the transport to a passenger from Sweden. Ask where
he is from.
o passenger from Holland hails a taxi and ask where he is from.

3.5 Listen and repeat

Country Nationality

Portugal Portuguese
Italy Italian
Australia Australian
Croatia Croatian
Belgium Belgian
Russia Russian
Slovenia Slovenian
England English
Norway Norwegian
Spain Spanish
Denmark Danish
France French
The Netherlands / Holland Dutch

3.6 Read the conversation and make as in the example.

A: Are you from France?

B1: Yes, I am.
B2: No, I’m not. I’m from Portugal.

English for taxi drivers

o France Portugal
o Poland Croatia
o Sweden Austria
o Germany The Netherlands
o England Canada
o Russia Slovenia
o Italy Spain
o Austria Germany

3.7 Grammar of „to be”.

Grammar spot

Affirmative Negative

Complete the table with am, is and

I ……
I …… He ……
He …… She ……
She …… It ……
It …… not from England.
from England. We ……
We …… You ……
You …… They ……
They ……

Short forms

I am = I’m
you are= you’re
she is = she’s
he is = he’s
it is =it’s
we are =we’re
you are = you’re
they are = they’re

English for taxi drivers

3.8 Make the sentences negative.

E.g. I’m from Germany. → I’m not from Germany.
She’s a tourist. →
We’re 28. →
He’s a dispatcher. →
It’s from China. →
You are very kind. →
They’re in the city centre.→
I’m a businessman. →
He’s at the airport. →
They’re from Japan. →

3.9 Match the pictures with the words

a bottle of water, a charger, a cigar, a lighter, a map, sunglasses,

……………. …………………. ………….. ……………….

…………………….. ……………………..

English for taxi drivers

Grammar Spot

a person → two persons
a taxi → ten taxis
a forint → twenty forints

If the noun end is –s, -ss, -sh, -ch, -o, -x get an –es inflecion.

a bus → ten ……………

a box → fifty …………..

Nouns end in a consonant + y, the –y changes to-ies.

a country → ………………

If nouns end in a vowel + y, the –y doesn’t change.

a day → ………. a key →……….

Some nouns are irregular

child → …………… man→……… woman → ………… person→…………..

3.10 Write the plural forms of these nouns

English for taxi drivers

3.11 Match the words with the pictures.

You can buy some bread at the ……………………..

You can watch a film at the ………………………….
You can buy a train ticket at the ……………………
You can go swimming at the …………………………..
You can buy a lot of things at the …………………………..
You can walk and relax in a ………………………….

English for taxi drivers

3.13 What is it?

E.g.: It’s a dictionary. It’s an old dictionary.

old, new, important, tasty

3.14 Put the words into the sentences.

buy, call, drink, drive, go, have, live, need, relax, speak,

1. Where can I ………….. you?

2. I’ll …………. another taxi for you.
3. Do you …………….English?
4. Do you …………….. a taxi?
5. We would like to ……….. to the Operahouse.
6. You can ……………. a lot of souvenirs in the Váci Street.
7. You can ……………. in the City Park.
8. I ……………. in a flat in Budapest.
9. I ……………. a brother and a sister.
10. I would like to ………………. a glass of good red wine.

English for taxi drivers

3.15 Budapest sights

E.g.: What’s this? This is the Matthias Church. It’s wonderful.

Aquincum Museum …… Geological Museum …… Hungarian National

Museum ……. Museum of Hungarian Agriculture ……. Museum of Fine
Arts ……. Museum of Applied Arts …….

amazing, beautiful, magnificent, marvelous, wonderful,

1. 2.

3. 4.

5. 6.

English for taxi drivers

Unit 4 Revision 1

Warmer: Say the following taxi company numbers:

Tourist: What’s the telephone number of your company?

Driver: It’s ………………..

36 1 666 6666 36 1 444 4444 36 1 777 7777 36 1 333 2222

36 1 555 3333

4.1 Greetings

Time Formal greeting

00.00-12.00 Good m……………..!

12.00-18.00 Good a………………!
18.00-00.00 Good e………………!

Female ♀ Male ♂
1 m……….., m……….. s……….
2,3,4… l…………. g…………..

Polite salutation

Welcome to B…………..!
Welcome to H………….!
How do you ………?9

Formailag kérdés, de valójában köszönés, megismerkedéskor. Kb. Üdvözlöm. Erre válaszul megismételjük a
„How do you do” kifejezést.

English for taxi drivers

4.2 How do you welcome these persons? Make mini-dialogues.

at 11.00 at 20.00 at 16.00

4.3 Informal greetings and farewells

Informal greeting Response

Hello! Hi!
Hello, how ……………? I’m …………, thank you.
Not bad. And you?
How are you …………..? Pretty …………...


Goodbye, sir! Have a good s………….. in Hungary!

Goodbye, madam! Have a nice d……………!
Nice to m……… you. Have a g……….. stay in Budapest!
Bye-bye. Enjoy your stay in Budapest!
Bye. Have a nice h……………….!
Good n…………….!

4.4 Match the same sentences.

Are you free? I would like to go to the station.

Can you take me to the airport? Can you take five of us?
I want to go to the station. Of course.
Can you take five persons? Get in.
Sure. Is your taxi free?
Just hop in. Could you drive me to the airport?

English for taxi drivers

4.5 Match the questions with the answers

Excuse me. Are you free? Yes, it is.

Excuse me. Is your taxi free? Yes, I am.
Excuse me. Are you engaged? Unfortunately not. I’ll call another
Can you take me to the airport? taxi for you.
Can you take five of us? No, I’m not.
Yes, sure. Hop in.

Taxi driver Passsenger

Where …, sir? I’d like to go to……, please.

Where can I …….. / …….. you? I want to go to ……….
What’s the ……… / destination? It’s 17 Thököly Street.

4.6 Say the numbers

753 412 823 562 207 329 1000

How much does a bus ticket cost in Budapest? It’s …………….. forints.
How much does a litre of fule cost in Budapest? It’s ………………..
How much does a kilo of apples cost in a supermarket? It’s ………………..
How much does a cocktail cost in a bar? It’s ………………..
How much does a litre of milk cost in a supermarket? It’s ………………

English for taxi drivers

4.7 Complete the sentences.

Taxi driver Passenger

Excuse me, would you ……… a taxi, Yes, thank you.

Excuse me, do you …………. a taxi? Oh, yes. That’s great. Can you take
me to ….?
Excuse me. Are you ……….. for a Yes, I am. I’m going to the bus
taxi? station.

T 4.8 Complete the dialogue.

(At the airport)
TD: Good morning. Would you ………….. a taxi?
P: Yes, please.
TD: Let me take your ………. for you.
P: Thank you very much.
TD: So, ………………….?
P: Premier Inn on New Street, please.
TD: No problem. ………………………. The Premier Inn.
P: Thank you. How much is that?
TD: That’s seven pounds …………….. please.
P: Thanks very much. Here’s ten pounds. Please, keep the change.
TD: Thank you ……………… I’ll take your bags to the reception.
P: That’s very kind of you, thank you.

T 4.9 The Alphabet


4.10 Practice the conversation.

Officer: What’s your first name?
Motorist: Paul.

English for taxi drivers

Officer: What’s your surname?

Motorist: Hewson.
Officer: Can you spell it?
Motorist: Of course. H-E-W-S-O-N.
Officer: Thank you.

4.11 Now with your own name.

Spell the following e-mail addresses:

4.12 What’s this? It’s a ………

…………………… ………………. ……………………….

………………… ……………………. …………………….. ……………

English for taxi drivers

……………. …………………. ………….. ……………….

…………………….. ……………………..

4.12 Make dialogues.


 German?
Do you speak German? √ Yes, I do.
X (French) No, I don’t. I speak French.

 Hungarian? X German
 Swedish? X Danish
 Spanish? √
 Portuguese? X French
 German? X Dutch
 Croatian? X Russian
 Italian? √

Cooler: Make sentences about yourself using these words:

surname, taxi driver, live, married, years old

English for taxi drivers

Unit 5 To order a taxi

Warmer: Two truths and one lie.

1. I’m a petrol attendant. X 1. ……………………………………….
2. I’m married. √ 2…………………………………………
3. I’m 36 years old. X 3…………………………………………

Sometimes passengers order a taxi on the phone or online.

Passsenger Dispatcher

Good afternoon! I’d like to order a Yes. Where from?

taxi, please.
Hi. Could you send me a taxi? Yes, sure. Where are you now?
And for how many person?
How much luggage do you have?
How many bags do you have?

5.1 Read the dialogue

Dispatcher: Good morning! Diamond Taxi, can I help you?
Passenger: Good morning! I’d like to order a taxi.
Dispatcher: Yes. Where from?
Passenger: From the railway station.
Dispatcher: Which railway station?
Passenger: From Nyugati railway station.
Dispatcher: For how many persons?
Passenger: For five persons.
Dispatcher: Can I have your name, please?

English for taxi drivers

Passenger: My name is Mike Randall.

Dispatcher: Can you spell it?
Passenger: M-I-K-E R-A-N-D-A-double L.
Dispatcher: All right, I’ll send you a big car. And what’s your destination?
Passenger: We’re going to the Sziget Festival.
Dispatcher: All right. The taxi will arrive in 10 minutes.
Passenger: Thanks a lot. Bye.

5.2 Make your own conversation.

Dispatcher: Good morning! Can I …………….?

Passenger: Good morning! I’d like to order a taxi.
Dispatcher: Yes. Where from?
Passenger: From ……………………….
Dispatcher: For how many persons?
Passenger: For …………. persons.
Dispatcher: Can I have your name, please?
Passenger: My name is ……………………..
Dispatcher: Can you spell it?
Passenger: …………………………………
Dispatcher: All right. And what’s your …………………… ?
Passenger: We’re going to ……………………………….
Dispatcher: All right. The taxi will arrive in ………… minutes.
Passenger: Thanks a lot. Bye.

English for taxi drivers

5.3 If the passenger ordered your taxi, on arrival you have to identify
her/ him.
Taxi driver: Are you Mr. Grabovsky?
Passenger: Yes, I am.
Taxi driver: All right. Get in. To the Holiday Inn, isn’t it?
Passenger: Yes. Thank you.

Grammar Spot

Affirmative Negative Question

I’m I’m Am I
You’re You’re Are you
He’s He’s Is he
She’s She’s Is she
It’s It’s Is it from England?
from England. not from England. Are we
We’re We’re Are you
You’re You’re Are they
They’re They’re

5.4 Make questions.

Are you from Slovenia? Yes, I am. / No, I’m not.

Are you a dispatcher? ……………………………..
Are you a taxi driver? ……………………………..
Are you German? ……………………………...
Are you Hungarian? ………………………………
Are you in your thirties? ………………………………
Are you in your forties? ………………………………
Are you from Budapest? ………………………………
Are you single? ………………………………
Are you a vet? ………………………………
Are you a petrol attendant? ………………………………
Are you 52? ………………………………

English for taxi drivers

Are you a police officer? ………………………………

Are you married? ………………………………

5.5 Read the text and answer the questions.

My name’s Svetlana Mariskova and I’m a teacher.
I’m 30. I’m married and I have two children. I live
in a flat in Moscow. I want to learn English for my

Is she Irina? ……………………… Is she Svetlana? …………………

Is she a doctor? ……………………… Is she a teacher? ………………...
Is she 30? ……………………… Is she single? ………………….

Ask and answer Yes / No questions about Tiago and Sue and John.

My name’s Tiago Costa. I’m a student. I am 18. I’m not

married. I have one sister and two brothers. I live in a
house in Fortaleza, Brazil. I want to learn English
because it’s an international language.

Juan? / Tiago? / a football player? / a student? / 21? / 19? / 18? /single? /

Surname: Sue and John
First name: Williams
Country: Australia
Age: Sue (25), John (28)
Marital status: married
Job: dispatcher

English for taxi drivers

from Canada? / from Australia? / in their thirties? / in their twenties? /

single? / travel agents? dispatchers?
Numbers 1000-

Good to know

1250 one thousand two hundred and fifty

2000 two thousand
2001 two thousand and one

5.6 Say the following numbers

 2500 3600 4700
 6200 7100 8350
 9380 10450 11080
 12700 13890 16900

5.7 Make sentences as in the example.

This is a camera and that is a mobile.

Make sentences and be mind „a” or „an”.

English for taxi drivers





5.8 Match the adjectives (opposites →← )

big high
young white
low small
black old

T 5.9 Listen and repeat.

English for taxi drivers

Ordinal numbers from 1 to 31

5.10 Answer the questions.

Where is the Parliament? It’s in the fifth district.

Where is the Liszt Ferenc Airport? It’s in the ………………………………
Where is the Széchenyi Thermal Bath? It’s in the ………………………………
Where is the Kútvölgyi Hospital? It’s in the ……………………………..
Where is the Nyugati Railway Station? It’s in the ……………………………..

English for taxi drivers

Where is the Matthias Church? It’s in the ……………………………..

Where is the Urania Cinema? It’s in the ………………………………
Where is the Hotel Intercontinental? It’s in the ………………………………

5.11 Make sentences with the following words.

park, this, bags, from, destination, address, where

5.12 Make sentences as in the example:

Taxi driver: Don’t forget your passport, sir.

Passenger: Oh, thanks a lot.
Taxi driver: You’re welcome.

English for taxi drivers

5.13 Match the words with the pictures.

English for taxi drivers

5.14 Match the numbers and the words.

5.15 Finish the questions.

 For how many ……?
 How many bags ….?
 Where are you ….:
 What’s the ….?
 Where can I …..?
 Would you like a ….?
 Are you looking for a ….?
 How old….?

English for taxi drivers

Unit 6 I’m in a hurry!

Warmer: T Listen to the questions and answers. Complete the


Ask and Answer questions about yourself.

6.1 Put the words into an order:

a week a second

a day a decade

a minute a century

a year an hour

English for taxi drivers

What’s the time?

What time is it?

6.2 Say the time

English for taxi drivers

What’s the time? It’s five o’clock.

What time does your bus start? At ten o’clock.
When does your bus start? At ten a.m. / At ten in the
When does your train start? At seven p.m. / At six in the

AM = ante meridien
PM = post meridien

6.3 When does your train start?

18.00 20.30 09.15
11.30 08.45 15.50
19.10 16.30 12.00

6.4 Read the dialogues.

A) Taxi driver: Are you in a hurry, madam?

Passenger: Yes. Can we get to the Parliament by 10 o’clock?
Taxi driver: Yes, of course. I’ll do my best.
Passenger: Thank you, that’s good.

English for taxi drivers

B) Taxi driver: Are you in a hurry, sir?

Passenger: Yes, I am. How much time is it to port?
Taxi driver: It’s about 15 minutes. I’ll do my best.
Passenger: Great. Thank you.

Passenger Taxi driver

How long will it take to the airport? It’s 40 minutes.

How much time is the journey to the It’s about 20 minutes.
How much time is it to the museum?
How much time will it take to get to
the Opera?

Can we get to the airport in 30 Sure, we can. I’ll do my best

minutes? Of course. No problem, sir.
Shall we arrive at the theatre by 6

I’m in a hurry. Can we get to the Yes, sir. We can do it.

railway station in 20 minutes?
I’m a bit late. Can we get to the Opera Yes, sir. I’ll do my best.
by 7?

Can / could you pick me up here at 7 Yes, sure. I’ll be here.


6.5 Make conversations

6.6 Collect the question words you know


English for taxi drivers

Grammar Spot

Affirmative Negative Question

I’m I’m am I
You’re You’re are you
He’s He’s is he /she/ it?
She’s She’s Where
It’s It’s are we
from not from are you
England. England. are they
We’re We’re
You’re You’re
They’re They’re

6.7 Ask the questions for the answers.

Where is she? She is at the post office.
Where are you? I’m at the park.
…………………………………? We’re at the supermarket.
…………………………………? He’s at the hospital.
…………………………………? It’s in the boot.
…………………………………? They’re at the police station.
…………………………………? Kelly is at the cinema.
……………………………? John and Jane are at the railway station.
………………………………….? We’re at the garage.

6.8 Complete the dialogue with question words (what, when, where).

O: Good morning. ………….. is your name?

C: My name is Sam Smith.
O: ………………… are you from?
C: I’m from England.
O: ………………. is your address?
C: My address is 58 Luton Street.

English for taxi drivers

O: ……………… is your telephone number?

C: It’s 7823 29134.
O: …………………is your job?
C: I’m a pilot.
O: ……………….. does your plane take off?10
C: At 18.00
O: ………………. do you live?
C: I live in London.

6.9 Read the sentences with the possessive adjectives.

I have a car. This is my car.
You have a bike. This is your bike.
She / he has a flat. This is her / his flat.
It has a new engine. This is its new engine.
We have a big garden. This is our garden.
They have a small luggage. This is their small luggage.

felszáll (repülő)

English for taxi drivers

6.10 Put my, your, her into the sentences.

Hello. What’s ………….. name?

Hi. ……………. name is Sue. And what’s …………… name?
………….. name is Mitch. Have you got a brother or a sister?
Yes, I have. I have a sister. ………………. name is Meg.
I also have a sister. ……………. name is Julie.

6.11 Here is an Australian driving licence.

Answer the questions and create dialogues with the cards below.
What’s her name?
What’s her address?
Where is she from?
How old is she?

What’s her licence number? ……………………

Is it valid? ……………………

valid = érvényes
to expire = lejár
expiry date = lejárat dátuma

English for taxi drivers

6. 12 Make dialogues with passengers.

 two Polish tourists are standing at the airport. You ask them.
 three American pensioners11 are hailing your taxi.
 two Slovenian ladies are hailing your taxi, they are in a hurry.
 three young boys are standing at the bus station. You ask them.
 a Japanese man is hailing your taxi. He’s a bit late for the


English for taxi drivers

6.13 Make dialogues.

Taxi driver: Don’t forget your mobile!

Tourist: Oh, thanks a lot.

T 6. 14 First fill in the chart and then answer the questions.

First name:
Telephone number:
Date of birth:
Married: Yes / No

T 6.15 Answer the questions. Circle the answers.

3. Yes, I am. / No, I’m not.

4. Yes, I am. / No, I’m not.
5. Yes, she is. / No, she isn’t.
6. Yes, it is. / No, it isn’t.
7. Yes, it is. / No, it isn’t.
8. Yes, I am. / No, I’m not.
9. Yes, I am. / No, I’m not.
10. Yes, they are. / No, they aren’t.

English for taxi drivers

Taxi jokes

English for taxi drivers

Unit 7 Revision 1

Warmer: flag game

7.1 Complete the dialogues.

Passenger: Hello! Are you free?

Taxi driver:
Passenger: I’m going to Holiday Inn Hotel.
Taxi driver:
Passenger: I’m from Switzerland.
Taxi driver:
Passenger: Pretty good.

Taxi driver:
Passenger: Yes, that’s great. I’ going to Hemingway Restaurant. How much is
it to the restaurant?
Taxi driver:
Passenger: How long will it take to the restaurant?
Taxi driver:
Passenger: No, I’m not in a hurry.
Taxi driver:

7.2 Put the sentences in the correct order.

……. As soon as you can, please.

……. Hello! Could you send a taxi to 12 Rose Street, please?
……. Thank you.
……. New Taxi Company. Can I help you?
……. You’re welcome.
……. When do you need it?
……. All right. There will be a taxi there in ten minutes.

English for taxi drivers

7.3 Put the missing words (how much, morning, help, send, thank you,

D: New Taxi Company. Can I ………… you?

T: Hello! I'd like to order a taxi for tomorrow. Would you please …….. a taxi
to 25 Pine Street at nine o'clock tomorrow morning?

D: ……….. will you be going?

T: Greenwood Airport.

D: All right. Nine o'clock tomorrow ………….. at 25 Pine Street.

T: Approximately12 ………………. will the fare be?

D: About thirty-five dollars.

T: …………... Goodbye.

T 7.4 Complete the text.

Taxi driver: Where can I …………. you?

Passenger: To the West Hotel, please.
Taxi driver: ………………… bags do you have?
Passenger: Just ………….
Taxi driver: I’ll put it in the trunk.
Passenger: Thank you very much.
Taxi driver: Are you in a …………..?
Passenger: Yes, I am, Thank you.
Taxi driver: It’s rush hour so it might take about ……………… minutes.
Passenger: Ok. Do your best.
Taxi driver: Here we are.
Passenger: Thank you.
Taxi driver: That will be $..................


English for taxi drivers

Passenger: Keep the change.

Taxi driver: ……………… for the tip.
Passenger: You’re welcome.

7.5 Put the words into the right place.

Austria, Iceland, Italy, the Netherlands, Portugal,


E.g.: Budapest is in Hungary.

Lisbon is in …………………… Venice is in ………………
Wien is in …………………….. Rejkjavik is in ……………
Barcelona is in ………………. Amsterdam is in ……………

Czech Republic, Finland, France, Greece, Russia.

Prague is the capital of ……………… Athens is the capital of ……………

Paris is the capital of ………………… Moscow is the capital of …………
Helsinki is the capital of ……………

7.6 Match the expressions.

to keep some wine
to order in the capital
to drink another taxi
to look for German
to live the change
to speak a good restaurant

7.7 Complete with other words:

 to drink…….
 to live ….
 to speak ….

English for taxi drivers

 to look for …..

 to buy ……….
 to drive ……
 to order …..
 to go ……

7.8 You drive through Andrássy Avenue. Guide your passenger.

Use: This / that is …… (on the left / right.)

E.g.: This is the Ferenc Hopp Museum of Asiatic Arts on the left.
Kodály körönd Budapest Puppet Theatre
Liszt Ferenc Memorial Museum House of Terror Museum
Thalia Theatre National Opera House
Hello Baby disco Avenue Youth Hostel
Club Aquarium

7.9 Match the items.

luggage, handbag (for woman, wallett (for man), backpack

………………… …………… …………… …………………

Taxi driver: Your wallet, sir!
Passenger: Oh, thanks a lot.
Taxi driver: You’re welcome. Have a good stay in Budapest!
Passenger: Thanks, goodbye.
Taxi driver: Goodbye

English for taxi drivers

7.10 Use the sample to make similar dialogues:

 a girl leaves13 her mobile in the car

 a pensioner14 leaves his backpack in the car
 a lady leaves her handbag in the car
 a young boy leaves his camera in the car

You’re welcome.
Not at all.

a good stay stay
a good / holiday / weekend
/holiday in Hungary!
/ weekend in Hungary!
Enjoy your stay in Budapest!

7.11 Answer the questions.

How many taxi companies are there is Budapest?
How many taxi drivers are there in Budapest?
Is it a dangerous job?
Is is an exciting job?
When do you start work?
When do you finish work?
7.12 Make dialogues and use the following expressions:
 Welcome to Budapest
 How are you, today?
 Yes, get in.
 Where can I take you?
 I’ll do my best.
 I’ll call another taxi for you.


English for taxi drivers

7.13 Match the adjectives with their opposites.

English for taxi drivers

7.14 Match the pictures and the descriptions.

Central Market …. National Opera House ….

Chain Bridge …. St. Stephens Basilica ….

1) It is near the Liberty Bridge. 2) It is 375 meters long and 16

Here you can buy souvenirs. meters wide. It is the symbol
of independence.

3) It is named after the first king 4) It is on Andrássy Avenue. It is

of Hungary. It is the third the second largest opera
largest church in Hungary. house in Budapest and in

7. 15 Types of roads in English

avenue sugárút lane sáv
road út(test) boulevard körút, sugárút
cul-de-sac zsákutca street utca
motorway/ highway autópálya square tér

English for taxi drivers

Unit 8 How much is the fare?

Warmer: Collect as many words in connection with money as you can:

At the end of the journey, the passenger pays for the service.

Taxi driver Passenger Taxi driver

Here we are. How much?

Here you are. How much is it / that? It’s 5500 forints.
This is the hotel. How much is the fare? It’s 4900 forints.
This is the How much does it cost?
entrance15. What does the taximeter

Passenger Taxi driver Passenger Taxi driver

Can I pay with Yes, you can. Here you are. Thank you for
credit card? No, you can’t. Keep the change. the tip.
Can I pay with Only with cash / Here’s a tip. Have a nice
euro? forints. May I have the weekend!
Do you accept Sorry, the receipt? Here you are.
credit card? terminal is out of Would you write
order. your name /
company’s name


English for taxi drivers

8.1 Make conversation at the end of the trip.

 A Spanish couple16 arrived at the hotel. They want to pay with credit
card, but your terminal is out of order. The fare is 6800 HUF.
 A businessman arrived at the airport. He pays with cash and gives a
tip. He asks for the receipt. The fare is 8950 HUF
 Three young tourists arrived at the youth hostel. They want to pay
with credit card, but they cannot. The fare is 5890 forints. They give a
 Two passengers arrived at the Thália Theatre. The fare is 7800 forints.
They pay with cash and they give a tip. They want a receipt.

pár (emberek)

English for taxi drivers

These and those

English for taxi drivers

This is a camera and that is a mobile.

These are cameras and those are mobiles.

8. 2 Rewite the sentences into plural:

This is a handbag and that is a wallet.

This is a key and that is a ticket.
This is an apple and that is a peach.
This is a garden and that is a park.
This is a fire station and that is a hotel.
This is a pen and that is a key.
This a hotel and that is a museum.

What is the day today?

T 8.3 Listen and repeat

English for taxi drivers

8.4 Make sentences.

Today is… Yesterday was…








Grammar Spot

was /were

I was
You were
He / She / It was
We were
You were
They were


bus driver taxi driver

English for taxi drivers

8.5 Make sentences using the present and past of ’to be’.

E.g.: I (taxi driver  bus driver) I’m a taxi driver now but I was a bus driver.

She (vet  nurse) He (petrol attendant  student)

I (married  single) They (single  married)
You (famous  nobody) My mobile (old  modern)
My car (slow  fast) These restaurants (expensive  cheap)
These roads (good  bad)

8.6 Tell where the stewardesses were last week.

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Gwen London Rome Barcelona Amsterdam Venice
Susan Madrid Berlin Athens Brussels Oslo
Missy Dublin Helsinki Warsaw Moscow Paris

On Monday I was in London.

8.7 Talk about Mary.

Last year This year

- 23 years old - 24 years old

- a student - a dispatcher
- single -married
- sad - happy

English for taxi drivers

T 8.8 Song of Melanie Fiona Hallim

8.9 What’s the date?

Good to know

1900 nineteen hundred

1905 nineteen oh five
1980 nineteen eighty
2001 two thousand and one
2012 two thousand and twleve or twenty twlelve

We write: 3 April 1999

We say: the third of April nineteen ninety-nine
or April the third, nineteen ninety-nine

When were you born? I was born in 1977.

8.10 Say numbers in the sentences about the World Heritage Sites.

The Millenium Underground was opened in 1896 and

it became a World Heritage Site in 2002.

The historic Matthias Church is over 700

years old. The central part of the church
was built around 1400.

Gellért Hill became a World Heritage Site

in 1987.

English for taxi drivers

8. 11 If you don’t understand the passenger…

Passenger: Do you speak English?

Taxi driver: Yes, a bit.
Passenger: Could you take me to the Seshiany square?
Taxi driver: Sorry, I don’t understand. Can you show me on the map?

Passenger: Do you speak English?

Taxi driver: Yes, I do.
Passenger: CouldyoutakemetothehotelAquincum?
Taxi driver: Speak slowly, please.

Taxi driver

Sorry, I don’t understand.

Can you show me on the map?
Speak slowly, please.
Could you write it down?

Practice with situations:

 A Chinese tourist would like to go to a hotel.
 A Polish couple would like to go to a square.
 Two Dutch tourists would like to go to a restaurant.
 A Japanese man would like to go to a bar.

8. 12 Make sentences. More solutions are possible.

new, difficult, lovely, hot, expensive, fast, cheap, terrible, old, slow, cold

This is a …………… car. That is a …………… hotel.

This is a …………. day. That a a ………….. restaurant.
That is a …………. supermarket. That is a ………….. bar.

English for taxi drivers

T 8. 13 Joshi Ishigawa is on business in New York. Talk about him.

Listen to him what’s in his briefcase. Tick (√) the things

Surname: Ishigawa
Firstname: Joshi
Country: Japan
Age: 42
Job: businessman
Marital status: married
with a daughter

o a newspaper
o a dictionary
o a sandwich
o pens
o a notebook
o keys
o a bus ticket
o photos
o a letter
o a mobile
o stamps
o an address book

English for taxi drivers

Unit 8 Which is the best….?

Warmer: Say the dates.

E.g.: The Megyeri Bridge was opened in 2008.
Megyeri Bridge (2008) Árpád Bridge (1950)

Margaret Bridge (1876) Chain Bridge (1849)

Elizabeth Bridge (1964) Liberty Bridge (1894)

Petőfi Bridge (1937) Rákóczi Bridge (1995)

There are some names of places which are difficult to translate. Let’s try it.
Nagykörút Andrássy Avenue
Városliget Inner Ring / Small Boulevard
Andrássy út City (Woodland) Park
Gellért Fürdő Outer Ring / Grand Boulevard
Kiskörút Gellért Bath

English for taxi drivers

9.1 Rank the five Budapest attractions.

………. The impressive Heroes’ Square

……… The Panoramic Gellért Hill

……… The Spectacular Castle Hill

……… The Magnificent Margaret Island

……… The Beautiful Parliament

English for taxi drivers

9. 2 The passengers may inquire about local facilities such as bars,

pubs, restaurants, baths…

Passenger Taxi driver

Can you tell me which is the best Yes, it 5 minutes from here. The
restaurant in this area? Onyx Restaurant. Shall I take you
Which is the best Hungarian The Halászbástya Restaurant is
restaurant in this district? quite famous. Would you like to go
Which is the most famous bath in The Széchenyi Bath is magnificent.

Which is the best popular.

party place /pub quite famous.
in the inner city / The ……… is very well-known.
city centre? friendly.

9.3 Make dialogues.

pub in Buda restaurant near Heroes’ Square
museum for children in Budapest traditional Hungarian restaurant in Pest
best bath in Budapest best party place in Buda
restaurant in the 5th district swimming pool in Budapest

9.4 Match the opposites and write „a” or „an’

….. easy situation ….. slow car

….. expensive restaurant ….. cold day
….. hot day ….. difficult situation
….. new mobile ….. cheap restaurant
….. fast car ….. old mobile

9.5 Put the expressions into the sentenes.

It’s …………………………….. It’s more than 37ºC.

It’s …………………………….. A soup costs 1700 forints.

English for taxi drivers

Is it yours? No, it’s ………………… My mobile is a new one.

Is there …………………… near here? Yes, there is. There prices are quite low.
It’s …………………………., it’s a Ferrari.

9.6 The passengers may inquire about facilities such as post office,
police station, chemist, supermarket…

Passenger Taxi driver

Is there a supermarket near here? Yes, over there.

Is there a bank near here? Yes, it’s two minutes.
Is there a chemist near here? Yes, there is one on the left.

Is there a restaurant near here? Yes, there is a good restaurant.

Yes, there is a good one.
Yes, there’s a cheap one.

Is there a bath near here? (famous) Yes, there’s famous one.

Is there a bar near here? popular
Is there a pub near here? popular
Is there a restaurant near here? famous
Is there a supermarket near here? cheap
Is there a park near here? beautiful

English for taxi drivers

9. 7 Write the correct vowels : a,e,i,o,u

M __ N D __ Y T __ __ S D __ Y
W __ D N __ S D __ Y T H __ R S D __ Y
F R __ D __ Y S __ T __ R D __ Y
S __ N D __

9.8 Look at the examples and talk about the boys’ timetable.

I work on Monday, on Tuesday and on Friday.

I don’t work on Wednesday and on Thursday.
I work on Monday, on Tuesday, on Wednesday, on Thursday, on Friday,
on Saturday and on Sunday= I work every day.

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

work work work go to the work go fishing
Josh play cards
visit my work work work work with my
parents friends
Sam play
work work work work football
with relax
work go to the work work relax work

9.9 Look at the pictures of the hotel. Create sentences using ’is’
E.g.: Last year the hotel was old, but this year it is modern.

English for taxi drivers

Last year This year

- old - modern
- small - big
- horrible - lovely
- cheap -expensive
- dangerous -safe
- dark -light
- low -high

Grammar Spot

Was /were

I was I wasn’t Was I

You were Your weren’t Were you
He / She / It was He / She / It wasn’t Was he / she / it….?
We were We weren’t Were we
You were You weren’t Were you
They were They weren’t Were they

9. 10 Say sentences from the previous exercise

It wasn’t modern, it was old….

9. 11 Your nosy wife is asking you questions about your day.:)

English for taxi drivers

Time Place

at 8 o’clock at the railway station

at 9 o’clock at the Parliament
at 10 o’clock at the Chain Bridge
at 11 o’clock at the airport
at 12 o’clock at Hotel Hilton
at 3 o’clock at the Zoo
at 4 o’clock at the Spoon Restaurant
at 5 o’clock at the Széchenyi Bath
at 6 o’clock at the City Park

Where were you at 9 o’clock? I was at the Parliament.

Taxi joke

English for taxi drivers

Unit 10 The polite driver

Warmer: Name five:

 public places
 jobs
 countries
 adjectives
 items from your wallet

Excuse me!
I’m sorry. Bless you!
Thank you. No problem.

10.1 Put these words into the sentences.

Passenger: Here you are. Keep the change.

Taxi driver: ………………... Have a nice day!

Passenger: Is your taxi free?

Taxi driver: Not, it isn’t. …………………….

Passenger: Can we get to the airport in 30 minutes?

Taxi driver: Of course. ………………………..

Taxi driver: ……………………….. Do you need a taxi?

Passenger: Oh, yes. That’s great. Can you take me to Deák Square?

English for taxi drivers

10.2 Practice the dialogues

Taxi driver: Would you like some sweets / chocolate / fudge?

Passenger: Oh, yes. Thank you.

Taxi driver Passenger

Would you like some sweets / Oh, thank you.

chocolate / fudge?

May I open the window? Yes, please.

Is it OK if I open the window? Yes, of course.
May I turn on the air-condition? No, it’s OK. Thanks.
May I turn off the air-condition? Yes, please.
Could you fasten your seat-belts, Yes, sure.

Passenger Taxi driver

May I smoke here? No problem.

Can I smoke a cigarette? No, sir. It’s a non smoking taxi.
Do you mind if I smoke? Sorry madam. You cannot smoke in
the taxi.
Bless you!

English for taxi drivers

10.3 Practice the seasons

10. 4 Look at the list of festivals and say when they will be.

E.g.: When is the Mangalica Festival?

It’s in winter.
Where is it?
It’s at Szabadság Square.

Budapest International Circus Festival 7-11 January, Capital Circus Budapest

Wedding Exhibition 30-31 January, Papp László Sports Arena
Torkos Csütörtök ("Fat Thursday" in Hungarian) 11 February, restaurants
Mangalica Festival 12-14 February, Szabadság Square
Travel Exhibition 3-6 March, Hungexpo Budapest Fair Center

Titanic International Film Festival 7-16 April, cinemas

English for taxi drivers

International Book Festival Budapest 21-24 April, Millenáris Park

Night of the Museums 25 June, museums

Formula 1 Hungarian Grand Prix 22-24 July, Hungaroring
Sziget Festival 10-17 August, Óbuda Island
Budapest Wine Festival 8-11 September 2015, Buda Castle

Budapest Pálinka and Sausage Festival October (date to be announced), Buda Castle

T. 10.5 Listen and repeat

English for taxi drivers

10.6 Underline where the stress is.

January February March

April May June
July August September
October November December


We write: 3 April 1999

We say: the third of April, nineteen ninety-nine
April the third, nineteen ninety-nine

T 10.7 Practice saying these dates

1 April 2 March 17 September

19 November 23 June 29 / 2 / 1976

19 December 1983 3 October 1999

31 / 5 / 2000 15 / 7 / 2007

10.8 Say the dates.

When is the Torkos Csütörtök?

It’s on the eleventh of February.

Farsang (Hungarian Carnival) 6 January - Ash Wednesday

Zúzmara Winter Half-marathon 17 January, Hungexpo Budapest Fair Center
Shakespeare Ball 6 February, Hungarian State Opera
Torkos Csütörtök ("Fat Thursday" in Hungarian) 11 February, restaurants

Ball of Hungarian Wines 27 February, InterContinental Hotel Budapest

Coca-Cola Wake Your Body Women’s Run 22 May, City Park

English for taxi drivers

Total Dance Festival 4 June, Budapest Park

Night of the Museums 25 June, museums

Wizz Air Budapest Half-marathon 11 September, City Park
Budapest Pálinka and Sausage Festival 25 October (date to be announced), Buda Castle

10.9 Write the dates

English for taxi drivers

10.10 Answer the questions.

E.g.: Where’s the Croatian Embassy? It’s in the sixth district.
 Great Britain (5)
 France (6)
 Italy (14)
 The USA (5)
 Canada (2)
 Japan (12)


Good to know

Hungary is famous for thermal baths.

Italy is famous for pasta.
France is famous for fashion.

Russia / vodka Germany / automobiles

Japan / electronics Austria / classical music
Spain / Flamenco Holland / windmills
Cuba / cigars China / pandas

10.12 Cross out the silent letter in these words.

park eight
work hour
mother father
clever well-known
nurse start

English for taxi drivers

Taxi joke

English for taxi drivers

Unit 11 Problems on the way

T 11.1 Listen and write the dates you hear:

1)……………………………. 2) …………………………
3)……………………………. 4)………………………………..
5)……………………………. 6)………………………………..

10. 2 Read the dialogues

Passenger: What happened?

Taxi driver: Some kind of construcion. We’ll get out soon.
Passenger: Oh, that’s good.

Passenger: What happened?

Taxi driver: Some kind of crash.
Passenger: Oh my God!

English for taxi drivers

10. 3 Match the pictures with the words.


road diversion


road construcion

collision / crash

English for taxi drivers

Taxi driver Passenger Taxi driver

There’s a lot of traffic today. Oh, what happened? I don’t know.

There’s a traffic jam. Why? There are road
Traffic is horrible right now. constructions.
I think we are stuck. It’s rush hour / peak Oh.
This road is stuck, I’ll go Is it faster? Yes, it is.
another way.
There’s a collision / crash Can we avoid the I’ll do my best.
in this street. traffic jam?

10.4 Match the synonyms.

traffic jam road works
crash terrible
construction collision
rush hour traffic congestion
horrible peak hour

10. 6 Interesting facts about Budapest

1.The first continental subway-line was built in Budapest in 1896. It’s

called the Millenium Line.

English for taxi drivers

0. The world's largest panoramic image was taken in Budapest from the
top of Gellért Hill.

1. The Dohány Synagogue of Budapest is Europe's largest synagogue. It

is also second largest in the world after New York's Temple Emanu-El.

2. The Széchenyi Thermal Bath is the largest spa complex in Europe.

English for taxi drivers

T 10.7 Listen and read about István and Pamela.

István Kis
István is a music professor. He
comes from Budapest in Hungary,
but now he lives in the USA. He
works four days a week at the
University of Texas, Austin. He
speaks three languages:
Hungarian, English and German.
He’s married to an American and
has a daughter. He likes playing
tennis in his free time.

Pamela Green
Pamela is a doctor. She’s
Canadian, but now she lives in a
small town near Nairobi, Kenya, in
East Africa. She isn’t an ordinary
doctor, she’s a flying doctor. Every
day from 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. she
speaks to people on her radio,
then she flies to help them. She
works 16 hours a day non-stop,
but she loves her job. She isn’t
married She has no free time.

T 10. 8 Complete the sentences about István and Pamela.

István’s a music professor. Pamela _______ _________ doctor.

He comes from Hungary. She _________ ___________ Canada.
He lives in a big city, but she _________ in a __________ town.
He __________ four days ________ week. She _________ 16 hours a day _______.
He __________ three languages. She _________ to sick people on her radio.
He loves his job and she _________ __________ __________, too.
He ________ ________ daughter. She _______ married.
He __________ playing tennis is his free time. She never _______ free time.

English for taxi drivers

10. 9 Talk about Phillipe.

10. 10 Read and listen. Complete the answers.

1. Where does István come from? Budapest, ________ Hungary.
2. What does he do? He’s ____ music professor.
3. Does he speak German? _____, he does.
4. Does he speak Spanish? _____, he doesn’t. He doesn’t.
speak Spanish or French.

Grammar spot

1. What does he/she do?=What’s his/her job?

2. Complete these sentences with the correct form of come.

Positive He ________ from Hungary.

Negative He _______ _______ from Poland.
Question Where ______ he _______ from?

The Present Simple expresses:

 a fact which is always true, or true for a long time
 a habit

He comes from Sweden.

She goes skiing in winter.

English for taxi drivers


He / she / it lives in Australia.


He / she / it doesn’t live in France.


Where does he / she / it live?

Does he / she / it live in Italy?

Spelling rules:

Most verbs add –s int he third person singular.

live→lives drive→drives speak→speaks

But go and do are different:

go→goes do→does

If a verbs ends in –s, -ss, -sh, -ch, -x-, -o add –es

finish→finishes watch→watches

If the verb ends in a consonant + y, the –y changes to –ies

fly→flies study→studies

If the verb end sin a vowel +y, the –y does not change


Irregular: have→has

10. 12 Change the sentences into negative.

Olivier comes from Belgium. Sandra works in a school.

Billy speaks Japanese. My sister has two children.
Lucy goes to Greece every year. Peter gets up early every morning.

English for taxi drivers

10.13 Talk about the stars

Name: Christopher Anton Rea

Born: 1951
Origin: England
Jobs: musician, singer-songwriter
Live: London
Married: yes (two daughters)
Free time: motor racing, football

Name: Céline Marie Claudette Dion

Born: 1968
Origin: Canada
Job: singer, singwriter, actress
Live: Montreal
Languages: English, French
Family: widow, three sons

10.14 Do you …?

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

work work work go to the work go fishing
Josh play cards
visit my work work work work with my
parents friends
Sam play
work work work work football
with relax
work go to the work work relax work

Hi, Mike! Do you work on Monday? Yes, I do.

Do you work on Thursday? No, I don’t.

English for taxi drivers

Unit 11 Budapest sights

11.1 Make sentences beginning with the words:

 Where …?
 Are you….?
 What’s your …..?
 How….?
 How much…?
 Is there… ?

Grammar Spot

Complete the table for the Present Simple

Positive Negative
I work don’t work
He / She / It

Complete the questions and answers

Where ________ you work?

Where_________ she work?

______ you work in Budapest? Yes, I _______.

______ he work in Győr? No, he _______.

Find the words in the text:

always, usually, often, sometimes, never

100% 50% 0%

11.9 Say true sentences about yourself using always, usually, often,
sometimes, never

English for taxi drivers

I ……………… start a day with a coffee. I ……………. work on Sundays.

I ……………….wear a cap. I ……………. watch a DVD.
I ………………. get up early. I ……………. go running.
I……………….. cook for my friends. I ……………. play football.
I ……………… play cards. I ………... have breakfast at home.

11. 10 Magnificent Budapest: City Park

What can we find in the City Park?

1. – Gundel Restaurant
2. – Zoo and Botanical Garden
3. – Grand Circus
4. – Amusement Park
5. – Széchenyi Thermal Baths
and Swimming Pool
6. – Vajdahunyad Castle
7. – Petőfi Hall
8. – Transport Museum
9. – Heroes' Square
10. – Museum of Fine
11. – Palace of Art

11.11 Match the numbers with the descriptions:

1. It is the oldest zoo park in Hungary and one of the oldest in the
world. More than 1000 species live here. →

English for taxi drivers

2. It was built in 1896. Originally, it was made from cardboard17 and

wood18, but it became so popular that it was rebuilt from stone19 and
brick20 between 1904 and 1908. Today, it houses the Museum of
Hungarian Agriculture21, the biggest agricultural museum in Europe. →
3. It is a leasuire center22 and concert hall in Budapest. It is a famous for23
concerts, cultural programs, exhibitions and fan clubs. →
4. It opened in 1904 by Károly Gundel. One of his famous dishes24 is the
Gundel palacsinta, a crepe25 with a filling made from rum, raisin26,
walnuts27, and lemon zest28, served with a chocolate sauce. →

11.12 What can I do in the City Park?

You can row in summer and skate in winter in the lake near the ………………
You can visit a flea market at the weekends at the ………………….
You can have a good lunch at the …………………….
You can have fun with children at the ……………………
You can see old trains, motorcycles at the …………………. It is interesting for
children as well.


szabadidős központ
hires vmiről

English for taxi drivers

Unit 12 Revision 2

Warmer: Guessing game. Number quiz.

What is the speed record of the TGV? (574,8 km/h)

How high is the Eiffel Tower? 3000 metres.
What is the world record of Usain Bolt in 100 metres? 9,58.
How many districts are there is Budapest? 23
How many astronauts have walked on the moon? 12

Warmer: T 12.1 Look at the tour and comment on:

beautiful, famous, popular, magnificent, romantic, impressive

lake, statue, bridge, bar, restaurant

Museum of Fine Arts, Heroes’ Square, Palace of Art, Vajdahunyad Castle,

Statue of Anonymus, Jak Chapel, Museum of Agriculture

12.2 Talk about Sally’s week. Write it down.

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

6.00 get up get up
6.30 gym gym
8.00 start work start work start work start work start work
18.00 swimming
20.00 friends

English for taxi drivers

12.3 Read about the Széchenyi Thermal Bath and Swimming Pool.

The Széchenyi Thermal Bath is one of the largest spa complexes in Europe. It's also the first
thermal bath of Pest. The Széchenyi Thermal Bath was built in 1913 on the basis of plans
composed by Gyozo Czigler. The Bath was expanded in 1927 with a public bathing department
for gentlemen and ladies and a beach site. The hippo of the Zoo gets his water from one of the
spring of Széchényi Bath because it’s similar to the water of the Nile.

The outdoor swimming pools

Opening times open at …….. and close at ….

Outdoor swimming pools 6 am to 10 pm The steam department opens

Steam department 6 am to 10 pm at …. and closes at …
Thermal department 6 am to 7 pm
The thermal department opens
at …. and closes at …


Daily tickets Weekdays and holidays

Daily ticket with cabin usage 5 200 Ft 5 400 Ft

Daily ticket with locker usage 4 700 Ft 4 900 Ft

Morning ticket with cabin usage for 2 hours (6-8 am) 4 900 Ft 5 100 Ft

Morning ticket with locker usage for 2 hours (6-8 am) 4 400 Ft 4 600 Ft
Afternoon ticket with cabin usage (from 5 pm to thermal
section, from 7 pm to swimming pool section) 4 900 Ft 5 100 Ft
Afternoon ticket with locker usage (from 5 pm to thermal
section, from 7 pm to swimming pool section) 4 400 Ft 4 600 Ft

How much is a ticket with cabin use on weekdays?

English for taxi drivers

How much is a ticket with locker use at weekends?

How much is an afternoon ticket with cabin use on Saturdays?
How much is a morning ticket with locker use on Fridays?
How much is a ticket with locker use on Mondays?

T 12. 4 Which Budapest attractions did you see? Range them from 5 to
……. Buda Castle ……. Gellért Bath
……. Church of Our Lady ……. Heroes’ Square
……. Citadella ……. Fisherman’s Bastion
……. Chain Bridge ……. Budapest Parliament

12.5 Collect adjectives:


Comparative and Superlative of adjectives

English for taxi drivers

Positive Comparative Superlative

One syllable big bigger the biggest

Adjectives ending noisy noisier the noisiest
in -y
Adjectives with beautiful more beautiful the most
two or more beautiful
Irregular good better the best
adjectives bad worse the worst

12.6 Put the adjectives into the superlative.

The superlatives of Budapest

……………………. (high) place in Budapest is the János Hill with 529

metres over the sea-level.

…………………….. (long) street in the city is the Üllői Street. It’s about 15
km long.

……………….. (long) bridge is the Megyeri Bridge.

…………………. (old) bridge is the Chain Bridge.

……………………. (old) building in Budapest is the Vörös Sün Ház (Red

Hedgehog House). It’s over 750 years old.

………………………. (big) church is the Basilica.

………………………… (well-known) tourist destination is the Váci Street.

………………………. (cheap) restaurant is the Ruben.

One of ……………………. (popular) party place is the Budapest Park.

English for taxi drivers

T 12.7 Look at the questionnaire about Kurt and Gloria. Listen and tick
the boxes.
Does he / she…? Kurt Gloria

live in a city □ □
speak a foreign
□ □
have a dog
□ □
□ □
like listening to music
□ □
like his / her job

12. 8 Write short answers about Kurt.

Does Kurt live in a city? Yes, he does.
Does he speak a foreign language?
Does he have a dog?
Does he like listening to music?
Does he like his job?

12.9 Ask questions about Gloria.

Does she live in a city? No, she doesn’t. She lives in an old town.
…………………………… Yes, she does. She speaks English, French and
…………………………… No, she doesn’t. But she has a cat.
…………………………… Yes, she does.
…………………………… Yes, she does. She’s a tourist guide.

English for taxi drivers

Unit 13 It’s raining cats and dogs

Warmer: Odd one out

A. spring autumn petrol winter

B. rush hour demonstation chemist construction
C. famous popular well-known cheap
D. terrible panoramic magnificent impressive
E. wallet handbag luggage fudge
F. married daughter single divorced

T 13.1 Today we’re going to talk about the weather.

What’s the weather like today?

English for taxi drivers

What’s the weather like today?

It’s rainy and wet.

What’s the weather like todayin Sydney?

It’s couldy and rainy in Sydney.

English for taxi drivers

English for taxi drivers

13.2 What’s the weather like todayin Stockholm?

It’s cloudy and sometimes sunny. It’s 11ºC (degrees).

Passenger: It’s very rainy today.

Taxi driver: Yes, but tomorrow it will be sunny.

Passenger: It’s very hot today.

Taxi driver: Yes, but tomorrow it will be rainy.

Grammar Spot

Past Present Future

it was it is it ……………

Yesterday Today Tomorrow

cloudy sunny rainy
stormy cool snowy
windy rainy clear
warm hot cloudy
icy stormy cold

English for taxi drivers

13.3 Match the pictures and the descriptions

Megyeri Bridge Árpád Bridge

….. …..
Margaret Bridge Chain Bridge

….. …..
Elizabeth Bridge Liberty Bridge

….. …..
Petőfi Bridge Rákóczi Bridge

….. …..

1. 2. 3.
It’s the third and the It’s named after a well- It’s the second longest
shortest bridge of known Hungarian poet. and the most congested
Budapest. It was It was opened in 1937. bridge in Budapest. It
opened in 1896. It was blown up29 in was opened in 1950.
Originally it was named WW2 in 1945, but was
Fővám Square Bridge. renovated in 1952.


English for taxi drivers

4. 5. 6.
It was opened in 1903. It’s a modern bridge. It was the first
It was blown up in It’s the longest and the permanent30 stone-
WW2 in 1945, but was newest bridge of the bridge connecting Pest
renovated in 1964. capital. and Buda. It is one of
the symbolic buildings
of Budapest.

7. 8.
It is the second It is the most southern
permanent bridge of Danube bridge of
Budapest. Its Budapest. It connects
construction was Könyves Kálmán
started twenty years Boulevard to the south
after the inauguration31 Buda.
of the Chain Bridge. It
connects Szent István
Boulevard and Margit

13.4 Public transport in Budapest

Match the words with the pictures

trolleybus, tram, underground trains, suburban train


English for taxi drivers

13.5 Talk about the Chairlift and the Funicular

 When is it open?
 How much does a ticket cost?
 Can you pay with bank card?

English for taxi drivers

English for taxi drivers

T13.7 Listen and fill in the dialogue

Passenger: The American …………………., please. I have to be there by 11.10
Taxi driver: I can’t promise, but I’ll do my ……………
Taxi driver: You’re just in ………….. 6 pounds 30, please.
Passenger: Thanks a lot, here’s seven pounds. You can keep the ………………

Passenger: Do you think you can get me to Victoria by half past.
Taxi driver:

English for taxi drivers


Warmer: quizz
How many million people live in…

English for taxi drivers

 Austria?
 Portugal?
 Sweden?
 Greece?
 Poland?
 Switzerland?

2.8 Look at the picture and answer the questions.

1.12 Talk about yourself. Make notes about your mates.

Teacher Classmate 1 Classmate 1 Classmate 3


English for taxi drivers

11. 9 Roleplay. One of you is Ceri. Ask and answer questions about your

 Where …. you live/ work?

 Are …… married?
 What …. job?
 ….like your job?
 What time …. get up on Tuesday mornings?
 Why … get up at….? Because I …..
 …. like swimming / cooking?
 Who …. visit in Fridays?
 Where ….. your sister live?
 ….. go out on Saturday evenings? Why not?
…. have a busy life?

English for taxi drivers

Interesting Facts about Budapest

English for taxi drivers

1. Interesting fact: The first subway line of continental Europe was built in Budapest. It is called
the Millennium Line as it was constructed for the Millennium Celebration of 1896, commemorating the
Hungarian Conquest of 896.

2. Fun fact: 123 thermal springs can be found in Budapest pouring out over 80m litres of the thermal
water every day.

3. Impressive fact: The world's largest panoramic image was taken in Budapest from the top of Gellért
Hill. It has broken two world records, doubling the previous one.

4. Random fact: The "biro" or ballpoint pen was invented by a Hungarian, Sir Biro László József, born
in Budapest. His former home under 24 Nagymező Street now houses the Thália Theatre.

5. Interesting fact: The Dohány Synagogue of Budapest is Europe's largest synagogue. It is also
second largest in the world after New York's Temple Emanu-El.

6. Fun fact for the superstitious: Touching the pen held by the Statue of Anonymousmakes you a
better writier!

7. Exciting fact: The world's largest geothermic cave system can be found under Budapest. In addition,
the largest underground lake of Europe, one of the largest in the world, has recently been discovered
under Gellért Hill.

8. Interesting fact: The largest spa complex of Europe, the Széchényi Thermal Bathis located in
Budapest. The city is famous for its bath culture dating back to the Romans times and later greatly
influenced by the Turks.

9. Fun fact: Budapest used to be not two, but three cities before 1873: Buda, Pest, and Óbuda. These
three settlements were united by the Habsburg rule.

10. Random fact: The Western Railway Station (Nyugati Pályaudvar) was built by the Eiffel Company.

11. Impressive fact: Budapest has been entitled the "Pearl of the Danube." To see why check out the
view from the top of Gellért Hill.

12. Factual fact: Several world heritage sights can be found in Budapest: the Castle District, Andrássy
Avenue, Hero's Square and both banks of the River Danube between the Elizabeth and Margaret

This page from the EnglishClub English for Work series covers language that
is useful for taxi drivers speaking in English.

 Example Phrases
 Wordchecker
 Sample Conversation

English for taxi drivers

Example Phrases
Phrases that taxi drivers can use with English-speaking passengers.



 Where can I take you?

 Where are you going?
 What's your destination?
 I don't know that place. Do you have a map?
 Can you show me on this map?
 Are you in a hurry?
 It is very close.
 It is pretty far away.
 It will take about 15 minutes.
 It takes about one hour to get there.
 It is faster to take the expressway but you have to pay the toll.

Understanding the passenger

 Speak slowly, please.

 Sorry, I don't understand.
 Yes, I understand. I'll take you there.
 Please ask someone to write it in Thai / Chinese / etc.
 No problem.

Special instructions / requests

 I'll put your luggage in the boot / trunk.

 Put on your seat belt, please.
 Is it okay if I open a window?

English for taxi drivers

 Is the air-conditioning okay?

 Please don't eat in the car.
 No smoking, please.
 Do you want me to wait?
 I have to get some gas.

Traffic conditions

 It's rush hour.

 There's a traffic jam.
 The traffic is bad over there. You'll get there faster if you walk from
 I think there's been an accident.
 I'll try a different way.

Fare and fees

 The total price is $10.

 Thank you for the tip.
 Do you have smaller notes/bills?
 I don't have any change.
 The customer pays for the expressway, OK?
 You in a hurry? Take the expressway?
 There is a tollway fee. You pay the fee, ok?

Small talk

 Have you been here before?

 Are you from around here?
 How do you like Bangkok / Beijing / etc?
 Are you here on business?
 Are you staying long?
 Good weather, huh? Not too hot, not too cold.
 I hope the weather gets better for you.

Things a passenger could say

 Can I get a ride?

 How many people can you fit?
 How long will it take?
 Please wait for me.

English for taxi drivers

 You can keep the meter running.

 Do you have a flat fee to the airport?
 I'm in a bit of a rush.
 Can we get there by 10 o'clock / noon / 4pm / etc?
 Could you slow down, please?
 Is this the quickest way?
 Do you take credit cards?
 Do you have change?
 Keep the change.
 Thanks for the ride / lift.

passenger: person travelling in car, bus, train (not the driver)

destination: place where you want to go

map: diagram or picture showing streets and roads

in a hurry: rushed; need to go fast

expressway / motorway: fast road

tollway: fast road with fee

toll: charge; fee

boot / trunk: box at back of car for luggage, cases etc

seat belt: strap to hold somebody in their seat in a car or airplane

accident: crash; a car hitting another car or a person

fee: price; charge

note/bill: paper money

boundaries: limits

fare: price for taxi; passenger

flat fee: fixed price

in a rush: in a hurrry; late; want to go fast

English for taxi drivers

order a taxi:
T. 0.1 T2
T 0.2
T 0.11 T1
T 1.1

T 1.5 Headway EL SB 05
T 1.6 Headway ELT SB 04
T 1.9 Headway EL T SB 07 and 08
T 1.10 Headway EL SB 10
T 2.5 Headway EL SB 11
T 2.6 Headway EL SB 12
T 2.8
T 2.12 Headway EL SB 02
T 2.13 Headway EL SB 03
T 3.1

T 4.8

T 4.9
T 5.9

Warmer 6. Headway EL WB 10
T 6.14 Headway EL WB 11
T 6.15 Headway EL WB 12

T 7.4

English for taxi drivers

 take
 how many
 one
 hurry
 20
 22.50
 Thanks
T 8. 3
T 7.8
T 8.13 HW EL SB 53
T 10.5

T 10.7 HW EL SB 80
T 10.1 HW EL 81
T 10.7 HW EL SB 27
T 10.9 HW EL SB 29
T 10.10 HW EL SB 30
T 11.6 (HW EL 40)
T 11.8 (HW EL 41)
T 12.1
T 12.4

T 12.4 HW EL WB 17
T 13.1
Today we’re going to talk about the weather
What’s the weather like today?
It’s windy – windy
It’s rainy – rainy
It’s sunny –sunny
It’s hot – hot
It’s cold – cold
It’s snowy –snowy

English for taxi drivers

It’s couldy- cloudy

wet –wet
dry- dry
It’s dry. The weather is dry.
It’s wet. Wet.
What’s the weather like today?
It’s rainy and wet.
What’s the weather like today in Sydney?
It’s cloudy and rainy in Sydney.

Teacher’s guide:


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