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The Legend of Sura and Baya

A long time ago, there were two animals, Sura and Baya. Sura was a shark and Baya was a crocodile. They
lived in an ocean.

When Sura and Baya were hungry, Baya saw a goat.

“Yummy, this is my food,” said Baya.

“No! This is my food.” said Sura.

Then, they fought.

Then they stop because they were tired. They did not want to fight.

They shared places to live. Sura lived in the water and Baya lived in the land.

One day, Sura was hungry and looked for food not in the ocean. Baya was angry. Sura broke the promise. They
fought again. They both hit one another. Sura bit Baya’s tail. Baya bit Sura’s tail. Baya bit hard until Sura
surrendered and went back to the ocean. Baya was happy.


Pada jaman dahulu, ada 2 binatang, Sura dan Baya. Sura adalah seekor hiu dan Baya adalah seekor buaya. Mereka hidup
di laut.

Ketika Sura dan Baya lapar, Baya melihat seekor kambing.

“Uenak, itu makananku.” Kata Baya.

“Tidak! Itu makananku,” Kata Sura.

Kemudian mereka berkelahi

Kemudian mereka berhenti karena kecapekan. Mereka tidak ingin berkelahi.

Mereka berbagi tempat tinggal. Sura tinggal di air dan Baya tinggal di darat.

Suatu hari, Sura lapar dan mencari makanan di laut. Baya marah. Sura melanggar sumpah. Mereka berkelahi lagi.

Mereka memukul satu sama lain. Sura mengigit ekornya Baya. Baya menggigit ekornya Sura. Baya menggigit ekornya
Sura dengan kuat sampai Sura menyerah dan kembali ke laut. Baya senang karena menang.

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