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6 Citations 107 References

· January 2006 with 109,120 Reads 
ement: International Perspectives, Edition: 1st, Chapter: 7, Publisher: Vijay Nicole Publishing, Chennai (India), pp.81-98 HR policy improvements tha

niversité de Fribourg

HR policy improvements t
e of marketing have broadened considerably, from an emphasis on marketing as a functional management issue, to a wider researchers to work for yo
role of marketing in overall corporate strategy (e.g., Kotler, 2000; Sudharshan, 1995). This broadening of the marketing
rategic as well as operational decisions, has resulted in an overlap between marketing and strategic management. Managers
recognizing the increasing importance for the firm to develop marketing strategies to compete effectively in worldwide
nce of a more open world economy, the globalization of consumers’ tastes, and the development of a worldwide commercial
d the interdependency and interconnections of markets across the globe. In such a global environment, firms should develop
gy around three key dimensions (Zou and Cavusgil, 2002): (1) standardization-adaptation, (2) configuration-coordination, and
on. Following Sudharshan (1995), we define a firm’s marketing strategy as the development of and decisions about a firm’s
key stakeholders, its offerings, resource allocation, and timing.



livier Furrer Author content Download full-text PDF

t to copyright.


Olivier Furrer, Radboud University Nijmegen (The Netherlands)


study and practice of marketing have broadened considerably, from an emphasis on

keting as a functional management issue, to a wider focus on the strategic role of
keting in overall corporate strategy (e.g., Kotler, 2000; Sudharshan, 1995). This
dening of the marketing concept, to include strategic as well as operational decisions, has
lted in an overlap between marketing and strategic management. Managers around the
e are recognizing the increasing importance for the firm to develop marketing strategies
ompete effectively in worldwide markets. The emergence of a more open world economy,
globalization of consumers’ tastes, and the development of a worldwide commercial web
ave increased the interdependency and interconnections of markets across the globe. In
a global environment, firms should develop their marketing strategy around three key-
ensions (Zou and Cavusgil, 2002): (1) standardization-adaptation, (2) configuration-
dination, and (3) strategic integration. Following Sudharshan (1995), we define a firm’s
keting strategy as the development of and decisions about a firm’s relationships with its
stakeholders, its offerings, resource allocation, and timing.

first, and perhaps the most important dimension of a multinational corporation1 (MNC)’s
dwide marketing strategy is related to the standardization or adaptation of marketing
rams, such as product offering, promotional mix, price, and channel structure, across
erent countries (Jain, 1989; Keegan, 2000; Laroche et al., 2001; Levitt, 1983; Ohmae,
9; Samiee and Roth, 1992; Szymanski, Bharadwaj and Varadarajan, 1993; Yip, 2003; Zou
Cavusgil, 1996). The second dimension of a worldwide marketing strategy focuses on
iguration and coordination of a firm’s value chain activities across countries (Craig and
glas, 2000; Hout, Porter and Rudden, 1982; Porter, 1986, 1990; Roth, Schweiger and
rison, 1991). Finally, the third dimension is the strategic integration dimension, which is
cerned with how a MNC’s competitive battles are planned and executed across country

l tinational corporations or MNCs are defin ed, fo llowing Dunning (1992) as firms tha t own and con trol
-adding a ctivities in more than one coun try.

eferences (107)

ssion somewhat further, research conducted by Barlett and Ghosal and associates (as cited in Furrer, 2009) , which resulted in
strategies, is particularly relevant here. These four strategies are: international, in which strategic and operational decisions
ome country and later transferred to other countries for adaptation there, multinational or multidomestic, in which strategic
ns are decentralized to a strategic business unit in each country, and that unit adapts the products to the local market,
ffer standardized products across markets in other countries, with the home office dictating the competitive strategy, and
firms coordinate and integrate activities across countries in order to achieve global efficiency and local responsiveness (Furrer,

ssion somewhat further, research conducted by Barlett and Ghosal and associates (as cited in Furrer, 2009), which resulted in
strategies, is particularly relevant here. These four strategies are: international, in which strategic and operational decisions
ome country and later transferred to other countries for adaptation there, multinational or multidomestic, in which strategic
ns are decentralized to a strategic business unit in each country, and that unit adapts the products to the local market,
ffer standardized products across markets in other countries, with the home office dictating the competitive strategy, and
firms coordinate and integrate activities across countries in order to achieve global efficiency and local responsiveness

Malik Elhaj

rategy is shaped by its current external environment and its past internal management biases (Furrer, 2006) . Newman and
ort that business performance is better when management practices are congruent with national culture. ...

e on group decision making: A comparative study between Thailand and other Asian countries

hi · Nopadol Rompho · Chiaki Iwai · Mitsuru Morita

rategy is shaped by its current external environment and its past internal management biases (Furrer, 2006) . Newman and
ort that business performance is better when management practices are congruent with national culture. ...

e on group decision making: a comparative study between Thailand and other Asian countries

Iwai · Monvika Phadoongsitthi · Nopadol Rompho

ional marketing strategy is concerned with setting a strategy 100 which is global in terms of scope and coordination. So the
ion of each element of this strategy will be depended on the 102 organization's transnational strategy and customers needs
Sirkeci also asserts that, with the help of 108 reduced costs of international transactions and transportation of today's more
market, people around the world are reaching beyond 110 national borders and more connected than ever. ...

en travelling abroad: shopping and Transnationalisation


ğerli · Alper Degerli · Ebru Gozukara

f the Food Grain Market in Adamawa State, Nigeria


d energy procurement strategies for a retailer in an electricity market

ein Seifi · Mohammad Kazem Sheikholeslami

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