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Anime: Japanese for "animation.

" In American fandom however, it's used to refer to any form of animation
produced in Japan. Anime comes in the form of animated TV series' or movies, video games, and comic books(see
Anime: bahasa Jepang “animasi”. Berasal dari kata “animeeshon”. Bahkan di Amerika digunakan untuk menyebut
produksi animasi apapun dari Jepang. Anime tampil dalam bentuk serial TV atau movie, video games, dan komik

Baka: Japanese for "stupid," "idiot," or "fool." One of the most common Japanese words used by many American
fans to describe people who are, well, bakas!
Baka: bahasa Jepang dari “bodoh”, “ideot”, atau “konyol”.

BGM: stands for "background music." This refers to the background music of an anime TV series, video game, or
movie. They're usually fairly common and popular tracks among many anime soundtrack CDs.
BGM: kepanjangan dari “background music” (musik latar/background.).

Bish-: a prefix denoting beauty. A "bishoujo" is a young and beautiful girl and a "bishonen" is an attractive and
often effeminate boy.
Bish-: merupakan denotasi kecantikan. “Bishoujo” yaitu cewek cantik, dan “bishounen” yaitu cowok yang menarik
atau cowok cantik.

CG: Computer Graphics. Usually this referrs to 3D animation (or backgrounds rendered from 3D models) done
with computers, which is becoming common in newer anime productions. It can also be used to describe art drawn
on a computer, including traditional-looking animation, but that is less common.

Chibi(CB): Japanese for "small," "little," or "young." A "chibi" style drawing of an anime character usually depicts
them as being baby-like, with smaller, chubbier bodies, larger eyes and head, and shorter arms and legs. Chibi
characters are usually made to be extremely cute and endearing, and it's not uncommon for even villainous
characters to be drawn as such. CB is an acronym for Child Body, and is a prefix indicating a chibi style. Artists
draw their characters like this from time to time as a sort of "self-parody."(fans love them as well)
Chibi(CB): bahasa Jepang untuk “kecil”. Gaya menggambar karakter anime Chibi, menggambarkan seperti bayi,
dengan tubuh yang lebih kecil dan montok. Karakter Chibi biasanya dibuat sangat lucu dan menggemaskan. CB
merupakan akronim dari Child Body.

CLAMP: an extremely famous and popular all-female manga creating team made up of Nanase Ohkawa, Mokona
Apapa, Mick Nekoi, and Satsuki Igarashi. Some of their most famous works include Magic Knight Rayearth(which
was their first breakthrough hit), Cardcaptor Sakura(which became the #1 shoujo manga series in Japan in 1996),
Clover, Angelic Layer, and Chobits. All of their works are focused mainly on the characters' relationships and inner
conflicts, and the sheer beauty of their stories show that you don't need tons of fighting and action to get an
impacting message across.
CLAMP: kelompok mangaka yang semuanya cewek dan sangat terkenal, terdiri dari Nanase Ohkawa, Mokona
Apapa, Mick Nekoi, dan Satsuki Igarashi. Beberapa karya terkenal mereka termasuk Magic Knight Rayearth
(adalah terobosan pertama mereka). Cardcaptor Sakura (yang menjadi #1 manga shoujo di Jepang pada 1996),
Clover, Angelic Layer, dan Chobits. Semuanya adalah karya mereka yang difokuskan pada hubungan dan konflik
dalam sang tokoh. Cerita belaka yang indah menunjukkan jika kita tidak perlu banyak perkelahian dan aksi untuk
menjelaskan suatu pesan.

Con: Short for convention--an official gathering of anime vendors and fans. These range from relatively small
regional affairs to massive gatherings of thousands of fans from all over the country; standard features include
anime viewing rooms, autograph sessions and talks by special guests (at large cons these are usually Japanese
comic artists and voice actors), cosplay areas (see below), and vendor rooms in which anime goods of all sorts can
be bought.

Cosplay: short for "costume play." Cosplay is the act of dressing up as an anime character. Many fans tend to do
this at big anime conventions such as Anime Expo.
Cosplay: kepanjangan dari “costume play”. Cosplay adalah bergaya, berpakaian, sebagai karakter anime. Banyak
penggemar melakukannya pada saat perayaan besar anime, seperti Anime Expo.

Doujinshi: Japanese for "fanzine." Doujinshi refers to manga produced by fans of anime and manga(drawn in
manga style.) These fan-made stories can use already existing anime and manga characters, or original ones.
Doujinshi: Bahasa Jepang dari “majalah penggemar/fans”. Doujinshi berarti manga yang diproduksi oleh para
penggemar anime atau manga (dalam gambaran gaya manga). Cerita buatan para penggemar ini dapat memakai
anime dan manga yang telah ada (yang asli).
Dub: refers to editing out the original dialogue of a foreign TV show or movie and replacing it with dialogue of a
different language. In the anime world, a "dub" is the English language version of an anime.
Dub :Berarti mengedit dialog asli dari TV luar negeri atau movie dan menggantinya dengan bahasa yang berbeda.
Di dunia anime, “dub” adalah versi bahasa Inggris dari sebuah anime.

Ecchi: derived from the Japanese pronunciation of the letter "H"(from the Japanese word "hentai," which means
"pervert.") It refers to anime with an amount of sometimes humorous indecency, usually involving gratituous
nudity and sexual situations. However, it's milder than hentai(see Hentai.)

Ending Theme: also called an "ending song." Refers to the song sung at the end of every episode of an anime series
while the end credits role, along with a sequence of animation that usually flows with the words of the song.
Almost every anime has an ending theme that usually changes every 20 episodes or so(or if the anime's plot
changes significantly.) The ending theme is almost always followed by a preview of the anime's next episode, and
is usually more calm, slow, and gentle than the opening theme.

Eyecatch: a quick animation sequence shown in the middle of practically every single anime episode to signify the
beginning and ending of a commercial break. The eyecatch is different with each anime, but it usually includes the
anime's logo as well.

Fandub: like a fansub(see Fansub), except rather than adding subtitles, the Japanese dialogue is edited out and
replaced with a fan-made English dialogue. Fandubs are much rarer than fansubs.

Fansub: refers to an anime episode or movie with subtitles made by fans themselves, and not by official companies.
They are distributed among the anime market mostly via the Internet. They are very popular among anime fans
because many fansubs are made for episodes or movies of animes that haven't yet been officially released and
dubbed/subtitled by American companies. Depending on who you ask, they could be considered somewhat illegal,
but so far they're generally tolerated since most fansub makers do so purely out of passion and not to make a profit.
Also, fansubs help promote the anime market and they open opportunities for American companies to aquire the
rights to animes that are currently popular fansubs.

Fanfic: short for "fan fiction." Refers to original stories written by fans using already existing anime/manga
characters and plot lines.

Fan Art: art made by fans depicting characters from an anime or manga. Original characters drawn in anime/manga
style are also considered a kind of fan art.

Fan Service: usually used to refer to scenes in anime that don't have much purpose, but are there mainly to please
any adolesent male viewers. Such scenes include a female character taking a shower or bath, having her panties
show, etc. On a more positive note, fan service could also refer to anything shown in an anime that is unrelated to
the story but is pleasing to the fans, such as cute animals, flashy outfits, cool looking robots, etc.

Filler Episode: refers to an episode of an anime series that does not occur in the series' original manga(and thus, not
created by the original author.) The purpose of filler episodes is to give the manga time to catch up with the anime
or to make the anime last longer than the manga. Since the stories of filler episodes are not made by the series'
original creator, they usually involve events in which nothing extremely significant is done or accomplished that
affects the actual main story line. Instead, these episodes usually focus more on character develpoment, or they
could just be randomly funny or cute episodes in an otherwise serious or action-packed anime series.

Graphic Novel: a manga book. They're usually around 150 - 200 pages long. Most manga is originally sold in a
series of short, weekly issues. About 5 of these issues make up a graphic novel(divided by each chapter of the
graphic novel.)

Hentai: Japanese for "pervert." Hentai is an actual genre of anime that includes major nudity and sexual situations.

Hiragana: Japanese characters/letters used for words of Japanese origin only or words without a based Chinese
kanji reading. Japanese grammar particles and certain Japanese names are also written in hiragana.

Image Song: a song from an anime sung by one of its characters, usually about his/her feelings and conflicts. These
songs are usually only heard on the anime's soundtrack CDs and are always sung by the actual voice actor/actress
of the characters.
J - Pop: refers to Japanese popular music, similar to English pop but with its own unique sound. A lot of animes use
existing songs and almost all of them have an available soundtrack CD.

Japanime(tion): an old Americanized word used to refer to Japanese animation(see anime.)

Kanji: Japanese characters/letters based directly on Chinese writing. Each kanji usually has a specific meaning and
several readings.

Katakana: Japanese characters/letters used to write words of a foreign origin. Fantasy-based words, sound effects,
and some characters' names are written in katakana.

Kawaii: Japanese for "cute." A very popular word used among American anime fans used to descibe characters that
are, well, cute.

Manga: Japanese for "comics." In American fandom, it's used to refer to Japanese comics. Almost all animes have
a manga series that they're based on.

Mecha: a genre of anime/manga that involves giant, often anthropomorphic robots that are usually piloted by a
human. Examples of mecha animes include Neon Genesis Evangelion, Gundam Wing, and Robotech.

Miyazaki, Hayao: One of the best and most well-known anime movie directors of all time. Along with his friend
Isao Takahata, he founded his own animation studio, Studio Ghibli, and has produced many well-loved films.
Some of his most famous works include My Neighbor Totoro, Kiki's Delivery Service, Princess Mononoke,
Laputa: the Castle in the Sky, and Spirited Away. All of his films have a universal feel to them, involving
characters and situations that anyone could relate to. As Miyazaki once said, his movies are for "those who will be
ten years old and those who have been ten years old."

OAV or OVA: stands for Original Animation Video or Original Video Animation. OAVs are usually a series of
anime episodes made exclusively for home video release and not for TV or cinema. OAV's usually have longer and
better episodes(since they don't have to worry about TV censorship), and better animation. An OAV could be based
on an already existing anime TV series or it could be a totally original story.

Opening Theme: also called an "opening song". Refers to the song sung at the start of every episode of an anime
series while the beginning credits role, much like the "theme songs" of many American TV shows. However, the
songs of anime opening themes are usally much more deep and symbolic, and they're made to flow specifically
with the animation being shown. Almost every anime has an opening theme that usually changes every 20 episodes
or so(or if the anime's plot changes significantly.) The opening theme is usually more fast-paced, exciting, and
enticing than the ending theme.

OST: stands for Original Sound Track. An OST is a music CD including all of the major background music and
songs from a given anime series.

Otaku: a derogatory Japanese word used to refer to anyone who's totally obsessed with any one thing. In American
anime fandom however, it's less derogatory and is used to refer to someone who's obsessed with anime and manga.

Ronin: The Japanese term for a samurai without a master. Basically, they wandered around looking for work as a
hired sword, and have a sort of cool, "lone gunslinger" image--think Clint Eastwood. The most popular instance
along those lines is probably the movie "Yojimbo," but there are many others, including plenty in anime.

Scanlation: Like a fansub, except for manga instead of anime. A scanlation of a manga is when the original
Japanese writing is edited out and replaced with a fan's translation

SD: acronym for "super deformed." Similar to chibi(see Chibi) but even more smaller and chubbier.

Seiyuu: Japanese for "voice actor/actess." American anime fans use it to refer to the Japanese people who do the
voices for anime characters.

Side Story: a story set in the same world as an already existing anime/manga but focusing on different subjects,
such as minor characters, new characters, or subtle plots that aren't really talked about in the actual series.

Shoujo: Japanese for "girl" but it's also an anime/manga genre. Shoujo animes/mangas usually have a target
audience of young girls and involve a lot of emotional female characters and effeminate, attractive male characters.
They're drawn in a pretty, flowery, romantic style and the plots are mainly focused on character relationships and
interpersonal conflicts. Examples of shoujo animes/mangas include Fushigi Yugi, Revolutionary Girl Utena, and
Sailor Moon.

Shoujo - Ai: (see Yuri)

Shounen: Japanese for "boy" but it's also an anime/manga genre. Shounen animes/mangas usually have a target
audience of young boys and involve mostly fiery male characters(who usually have super powers of some kind)
and evil, villainous characters(many of which eventually become good guys.) They're drawn in a sharp, hard-core
style and are mainly focused on fast-paced but often complex plot lines, with a lot of battling and action. Examples
of shounen animes/mangas include Dragon Ball Z, Yu Yu Hakusho, Shaman King, and Naruto.

Shounen - Ai: (see Yaoi)

Sub: short for "subtitled." Refers to an anime in the original Japanese dialogue with subtitles in another
language(usually English.)

Takahashi, Rumiko: considered by many to be the best manga artist of all, she's made tons of different manga
series', all of which have become extremely popular both in Japan and America. Some of her most well known
titles include Inuyasha, Ranma 1/2, Maison Ikkoku, and Urusei Yatsura. A key to many of her stories' popularity is
that they involve very complex relationships, ongoing plot lines, and clever humor.

Tankouban: Japanese word for a volume or graphic novel of a manga series.

Tezuka, Osamu: considered the "father of anime," almost all modern animes are based on his drawing style(which
was greatly inspired by Walt Disney) and he practically invented Japan's modern manga industry during the 1950s.
A couple of his most famous works include Astro Boy, which is considered the very first modern-style anime(and
the first to be released in America) and Jungle Emperor Leo, which aired in America during the 1960s under the
name Kimba the White Lion.

Yaoi: an anime/manga story in which the plot is centered around a romance relationship between two male
characters, usually at least one of them being very effeminate. There is a good amount of yaoi in many actual
anime/manga series', but yaoi is mostly seen in the world of anime fan art and fanfics, in which the fans(usually
girls) take the male characters of a particular anime/manga series and put them in gay relationships. Yaoi
relationships are also refered to as "shonen-ai," meaning "boy's love."

Yuri: the same as yaoi(see Yaoi above), but with the romance relationship being between two female characters.
Yuri relationships are also refered to as "shoujo-ai," meaning "girl's love."

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