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Name : Ersita Noor Mahliga

NIM : 170211604548

Children of Gawai Victims, Similar to Drug Addicts

WHY can you be here? Ask a psychiatrist about one of the high school age children. Because
gadgets, welcome the child! Maybe there will be people who think, changing children who are
addicted to Gawai, such as mental damage that occurs in drug addicts! The AIMAN program
covers it completely! I will go to the Mental Hospital in Bandung, West Java. I decided to raise
the topic of a new phenomenon in Indonesia. Not many are aware, but the victims, children
continue to grow. Also read: Overcoming Children Addicted to Gawai, Indonesia Must Study in
Japan Do you know the number of children who come and some are hospitalized due to
environmental difficulties due to "Opium Gawai"? The data was shocked Two children per week
does not work. Constant two to three children per week. Hoping that there are hundreds of
children who have succeeded in overcoming serious problems and all have been confirmed to be
addicted to devices. I dare say this is a serious thing and because only children who have been
transferred are being taken to a mental hospital.
Of course, children who are addicted to gadgets are far more likely to have an iceberg
phenomenon, and are not taken to a mental hospital. Also read: 200 Academics from 7 Countries
Discuss Solutions to Overcome Children Addicted to Gawai But what was detected was only
really a small part. What article? Only children who are in serious stages, are willing to be taken
to the Mental Hospital (RSJ) by their families, the rest are not! Normally, there is a reluctance
for families to bring other family members let alone children to the Mental Hospital, because of
the negative stigma after the arrival there. AIMAN Search AIMAN came when the ambulance
brought the child to be disturbed by the soul due to the device. Incidentally, when I was in the
AIMAN program, I found that there was one child who had just been referred to the mental
hospital to get intensive treatment due to addiction to the game given by his parents. The thing
that surprised the child previously classified as achieving, came from a well-known school in the
city of Bandung, West Java. There are even other children who experience mental disorders due
to gadgets, previously the participants who passed the Math Olympiad selection at their school.
But everything has changed! This child shows a lot of hostility to his environment after being
banned from using his gadget. They are the average smart kids. There are people who are in their
middle school can steal and break into ATMs owned by their parents. "The money is used to
buy" diamonds ", aka electronic money that can be used in online games," said doctor Lina
Budiyanti, a Psychiatric Specialist who specializes in treating pediatric and adolescent patients
due to addiction to devices. Now some of them must be cared for at Cisarua Mental Hospital,
Bandung, West Java. Not only in Bandung, it turns out that this phenomenon occurs evenly
throughout most of Indonesia. From the island of Sumatra to Eastern Indonesia. Also read:
Treating Gawai Addiction Victims Only those recorded, the first most in West Java, followed by
Central Java who were treated at Surakarta Mental Hospital, which on average every day there
are 1 to 2 pediatric patients coming, due to mental disorders due to gadgets. These are the rules
to the limit. There are important things parents must do so that nothing similar happens. No child
to adolescent under the age of 18 becomes a device addict. Even though adults. Although normal
adults, tend to be able to master and make decisions after they are exposed to excessive devices.
The forebrain in charge of analyzing and making decisions tends to be able to regulate and
ultimately dominate the adult figure. "But not with children and adolescents. Their front brains
are not yet fully formed, so when they get pleasure, they will continue to collect and collect it,"
said doctor Elly Marliyani, Managing Director of the West Java Provincial Mental Hospital.
Limit the use of devices in children, in two ways: first, never give a device to a child, but lend it.
So that from the beginning he realized that the device was not his, and could be withdrawn at any
time by parental control. Second, limit the use of devices in children, a maximum of only 2 hours
per day. Should not be more! And most important of all, what is done and accessed by the child,
parents should not be careless. In fact, everything stands on its portion. That is the essence of
justice in the life of the world. I am Aiman Witjaksono, Greetings!

Witjaksono, Aiman. 2019. Anak Korban Gawai, Mirip Pecandu Narkoba.
narkoba?page=all#page2. [daring], diakses pada tanggal 11 November 2019)
I think gadget is toxic for children. Addiction of gadget is the important problem. It will be
serious when children feel can't life or breathe without gadget. Gadget is the result of
technological in this area. Everyone can use it including children. Gadget can reduce workload
and save the time if we have business with other people. We just type to convey the message and
we don’t need to meet (eye to eye) the other people. Gadget also can reduce paper usage as effort
to reduce the amount of tree felling. For student gadget can help their homework. They just type
the question and “Google” will answer it. But we have ever been to think about soul? Gadget
have a million benefits for users but indirectly gadget can damage our soul slowly.
From the above problem we can see that gadget can damage our psychiatric. It's serious
problem. Children should enjoy the childhood play with their friends must face the serious
problem. They don’t know what is good or bad for themselves. They only know something they
love/can entertaint themselves. And they don’t know about portion of using a gadget. Effect of
excessive use of gadget is for healthy and social. Many kids already using glasses because
overuse of gadget. Handphone screen can damage eye health. In social, many kids rarely talk
with their siblings because too busy with their gadget. And more severe problems they dont
know who come to their house because they prefer to play their gadget in their room.
My suggest about this problem is the role of parents on supervise children play their
gadget. Children who are not old enough don’t need to use gadget. It’s better if parents buy many
toys to help the development and knowledge of children or take children to walk or travelling so
they are know about objects or beautifull place around them. So, they are not only know from
“Google” or social media and can only imagination about objects or beatifull place.
If children should have the gadget to help their homework, parents must keep supervise.
Make sure they just use the gadget for their homework not for the others. It’s better when they
use laptop or computer to help their homework. Parents can make the rules of use the gadget. For
the example parents give an hour for children to play their gadget like playing games or just
watching video on youtube. Make sure they do not access the pornographic website. Parents
must always check their history browse.
Many ways to avoid the above problem, the role of parents and teachers can reduce the
psychiatric disorder through strict guidance and supervision. Give understanding to children
about negative effect from overuse of gadget. The school should provide activities to increase
their skill and hobby. Extracurricular like football, singing, dancing, etc can make they are forgot
their gadget because they are too busy with their schedule at the school. Therefore their time to
use the gadget is just for help their homework and just for contact their friends and parents.

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