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Author 1. Deepali B Gangurde Author 2. Dr. Pravin B. Rayate

Research Scholar, Assistant Professor & Research Guide
MVP’s IMRT, Nashik MVP’s IMRT, Nashik
Email :
9764800058/8329926759 9850043672

Multinational companies are in recent times engaged in women empowerment in rural areas.
Empowerment can facilitate women to contribute, as equal citizens, in the economic, political
and social sustainable development of the rural communities. Empowerment in real sense can
come if the rural women are economically self-determining which would also bring development
in other areas. Multinationals play a momentous role in empowering women through social
entrepreneurship and income generation activities improving women's human capital. The
concept of corporate social responsibility (CSR) and social entrepreneurship have come into
sight on the same context (Sustainable Development), which is to promote the accomplishment
of societal goals and sustainability. The present paper is an attempt to analyze the status of CSR
& Social entrepreneurship in empowering Rural women in India using various pointers based on
data from secondary sources. This study divulges that women of India are relatively
disempowered. Gender gap exists regarding admission to education and employment. Domestic
decision making power and freedom of association of women differ considerably with their age,
education and employment status. It is also observed that rural women are more prone to
domestic violence than that of urban women. The current research becomes pertinent from the
point of view that CSR linkage with women empowerment has now been given more attention in
research areas. The findings suggest there has been an improvement in the income sources of the
rural women by the social entrepreneurship approach of the company through SHG, appealing in
income generation activities. The financial independence of rural women had brought a
analogous increase in the decision making capacity at domestic level and overall enhancement in
status at community level. The findings of this investigation can assist rural developers in the
implementation of community development policies based on empowerment of rural women.

CSR, Entrepreneurship, Women Empowerment, Rural India

Since the 1980’s women have been recognized as key agents of sustainable community
development and women’s parity and empowerment are seen as central to a more holistic
approach towards establishing new patterns and processes of development that are sustainable
(Handy & Kassam, 2004). In the last five decades, the concept of women empowerment has
undergone a sea change from welfare tilting approach to impartiality approach. The World
Bank has suggested that empowerment of women should be a key aspect of all social
development programs(Bank, 2001). Empowerment particularly includes control over
resources and philosophy. According to Sen and Batliwala (2000) it leads to a growing intrinsic
capability greater self confidence, and an inner transformation of one’s consciousness that
enables one to overcome external barrier. This view mainly highlights on two important
aspects. Firstly, it is a power to achieve preferred goals but not a control over others. Secondly,
idea of empowerment is more pertinent to those who are powerless- whether they are male or
female, or group of individuals, class or caste. The term 'empowerment' is a contested concept
which connotes different meanings depending on different perspectives of looking at it
(Asnarulkhadi & Aref, 2009). The empowerment of women means for them to have the
essential ability to carry out a number of tasks either individually or in groups, so that they
have additional access to and control of society resources. Empowerment is acknowledged as
an essential strategy to strengthen the well-being of individuals, families and communities,
government and non government agencies (Aref, 2010).
Though concept of empowerment is not specific to women, yet it is unique in that and it cuts
crosswise all types of class and caste and also within families and households (Malhotra et al,
2002). Women empowerment is also defined as a change in the context of a women’s life,
which enables her increased capacity for leading a fulfilling human life.

Review of Literature

A number of studies have been embarked on women empowerment at the worldwide

level and in India. Some studies dealt on procedural issues, some on pragmatic analysis and
some others on the measures and tools of empowerment. We have presented in this section first
some of the important studies which were undertaken at the international level followed by other
studies conducted in India. Moser (1993) focused on the interrelationship between gender and
development, the formulation of gender policy and the implementation of gender planning and
practices. The work of Shields (1995) provided an exploratory framework to understand and
develop the concept of empowerment both from a theoretical and practical perspective with a
particular focus on women’s observation of the meaning of empowerment in their lives. Anand
and Sen (1995) tried to develop a measure of gender inequality.
Types of women’ empowerment

ness and understanding of issues Skills,

a voice
and competence
and being listened
to Participating
friendship andininspiration
policy making
Taking action
in group
to change
the community Networ
Changing stereotypes about rural women

Community empowerment Political empowerment

Organizational empowerment Psychological empowerment

of rural organization Awareness about role of agricultural

Self confidence
self esteem
to technical
more valued
of organizations
and respected Motivation, interest and enthus
Freedom to do things or express yourself Feelings of belonging

The major types of empowerment can be summarized into four groups (Lennie, 2002).
Community empowerment: Admission to new and useful knowledge and awareness,
Developing new skills, abilities, confidence and competence, obtaining the friendship and
support of other women, participating in various activities with other women.
Organizational empowerment: Innovative knowledge and awareness about new
benefits of technology for rural development through rural tourism development or development
of agriculture cooperatives

Political empowerment: Authorizing other government policies and decisions that affect
on rural communities, changing town-based people’s beliefs, networking with people in
government and industry and other women to discuss issues affecting rural women and rural

Psychological empowerment: An increase in self-confidence and self-esteem, Greater

enthusiasm, encouragement, eagerness and curiosity to develop new skills and knowledge, to
keep pushing for better services for rural people, feelings of belonging related to participation in
the online groups in particular (Lennie, 2002).

Challenges in Rural women empowerment

The supreme challenge in women empowerment is the psychology of the male conquered
society. Repression, act of violence against woman everything is just a catalyst for the problems
of the women empowerment. Once the mindset of the neighboring society is changed women
can be more fast paced in doing what the world needs. Often it is fear of refusal that curbs the
growth of woman. Giving them the guarantee they need and stabbing through this so called male
subjugated society will be helpful for empowering woman.

The deflation of women labor in employment market also hinders women right. The things
should consider for the development of women empowerment in India are as below:

• To understand the significance about the role of women in the development of the society.
• To know the blockages and the causes of obstacles.
• To know the obstacles women face in the ground of work.
• To know the social approach towards women’s independence.

The dignity of women, socio-economic and political developments are considered in reflecting
their empowerment.


The result of this study is appropriate for the empowerment of rural women for take control of
the management of restricted development in their villages. This paper is an try to bring the
importance of the women economic empowerment. Development of women is the progress of a
home, society and nation. Because with the empowerment of women, the elimination of
gender discrimination and the creation of a balance of power between men and women, will not
only be advantageous to women, but society as a whole shall benefit politically, economically
and culturally. The results of this review recommended a range of strategies that could develop
rural women’s empowerment, including the use of agricultural cooperatives in this process.
Organizational empowerment through agricultural cooperatives was recognized as a significant
approach to achieving the rural development.
There is a lot of potential, knowledge, skill, seriousness and commitment which will yield
better resuls. The government should take necessary initiations to protect, support and guide in
their part.


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