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Thrust Stumti, stumimo jega Push (something or Each booster provided

someone) suddenly or about
violently in the 14.7 meganewtons
specified direction. (3,300,000
pounds-force) of thrust
at launch
Suvaržymas a limitation or Because of the tight
Constraints restriction. center of gravity
constraints, the cargo
bay payloads were
placed in the necessary
cargo bay location
Runway Pakilimo/nusileidimo a leveled strip of Management of the
takas smooth ground along Orbiter energy from its
which aircraft take off orbital speed was
and land. critical to allow the
Orbiter to reach its
desired runway target.
Nozzle Purkštuvas a cylindrical or round Due to the high heat
spout at the end of a generated by the
pipe, hose, or tube, engine thrust, each
used to control a jet of engine contained 1,082
gas or liquid. tubes throughout its
entire diameter,
allowing circulation of
liquid hydrogen to cool
the nozzle during
powered flight
Valve Vožtuvas/sklendė a device for controlling The main engines were
the passage of fluid or a complex piece of
air through a pipe, machinery comprised
duct, etc., especially an of high- and low-
automatic device pressure fuel and
allowing movement in oxidizer pumps, engine
one direction only. controllers, valves, etc.
Preclude Neleisti, užkirsti kelią prevent from The engines ran at
happening; make 104.5% performance,
impossible. except when they were
throttled down to
about 72% during first
stage to preclude
having the vehicle
exceed structural limits
Throttle Droselis (gazas) a device controlling the The only manual main
flow of fuel or power engine control
to an engine. capability available to
the crew was the
manual throttle control
Crew Įgula a group of people who which allowed the
work on and operate a crew to decrease
ship, boat, aircraft, engine performance
spacecraft, or train. from 104.5% to a level
of 72% if required for
vehicle control
Cargo/Payload Krovinys goods carried on a it carried the crew
ship, aircraft, or motor members and mission
vehicle. cargo/payload
hardware to orbit
Wingspan Sparnų ilgis the maximum extent The Orbiter was about
across the wings of an 37.1 m (122 ft) long
aircraft, bird, or other with a wingspan of
flying animal, about 23.8 m (78 ft)
measured from tip to
Inclination Polinkis the angle at which a The cargo/payload
straight line or plane is weighed up to 29,000
inclined to another. kg (65,000 pounds),
depending on the
desired orbital
Affixed Pritvirtintas stick, attach, or fasten A set of radiator
(something) to panels, affixed to each
something else. door
Dissipated Išsklaidytas/išskirstytas disperse or scatter. A set of radiator
panels, affixed to each
door, dissipated heat
from the crew cabin
avionic systems.

Implemented Įgyventinta put (a decision, plan, As each Orbiter was

agreement, etc.) into fabricated, the test
effect instrumentation was
deleted and system
changes implemented,
resulting in each
subsequent vehicle
being built lighter.
Flight deck Skrydžio kabina the cockpit of a large The Orbiter crew cabin
aircraft, from which consisted of the flight
the pilot and crew fly deck and the middeck
it. and could be
configured for a
maximum crew size of
seven astronauts
Propellant Raketinis kuras a thing or substance The Orbiter
that causes something configuration (amount
to move or be driven of propellant loaded in
forward or outward, in the forward and aft
particular. propellant tanks,
payload mounting
hardware in the
payload bay, loading of
cryogenic tanks
required for power
generation, crew size,
etc.) was adjusted and
optimized throughout
the pre-mission
Multitude Daugybė a large number the Orbiter deployed a
multitude of satellites
for Earth observation
Interplanetary Tarpplanetinis situated or traveling interplanetary probes
between planets. such as Galileo/Jupiter
spacecraft and
Magellan/Venus Radar
Probe Zondas Spacecraft released to interplanetary probes
the space on its own in such as Galileo/Jupiter
order to collect data spacecraft and
about space. Magellan/Venus Radar
Satellite Palydovas an artificial body Aside from the
placed in orbit around experiments and
the earth or moon or satellite deployments
another planet in order the shuttle performed,
to collect information its most important
or for communication. accomplishment was
the delivery and
assembly of the ISS
Assembly Sudėjimas the action of fitting Aside from the
together the experiments and
component parts of a satellite deployments
machine or other the shuttle performed,
object. its most important
accomplishment was
the delivery and
assembly of the ISS
Jettisoned Numestas throw or drop The SRBs, once
(something) from an jettisoned from the
aircraft or ship. tank, parachuted back
to the ocean where
they were recovered
by special ships and
brought back to KSC.
Boosters Raketinis variklis the first stage of a With their solid
rocket or spacecraft, propellant spent, the
used to give initial boosters were de-
acceleration and then stacked and shipped
jettisoned. back to aerospace and
defense company
Refurbishment Atnaujinimas To renew something With their solid
after using, to its propellant spent, the
previous condition boosters were de-
stacked and shipped
back to aerospace and
defense company
Thiokol in Utah for
refurbishment and
Discard Išmesti get rid of (someone or Any damage found was
something) as no either repaired or the
longer useful or component was
desirable. discarded.
Actuation Paleidimas/Įjungimas the action of causing a Except for manual
machine or device to switch throws for
operate. system power-up and
certain valve
actuations, control of
the Orbiter systems
was through the
general purpose
computers installed in
the forward avionics
bay in the middeck.
Ascent Pakilimas an instance of rising During ascent and re-
through the air. entry—the critical
phases of flight—four
general purpose
computers were used
to control the
Re-Entry Grįžimas į žemę the action or process During ascent and re-
(nusileidimas) of re-entering entry—the critical
something. phases of flight—four
general purpose
computers were used
to control the
Coupled Susiiję Combined, paired Even though simple in
their architecture
compared to today’s
computers, the general
purpose computers
had a complex
management scheme
in which all four
primary computers
were tightly coupled
together and
processed the same
information at the
same time.

Redundancy Dubliavimas a condition created Even though simple in

within a database or their architecture
data storage compared to today’s
technology in which computers, the general
the same piece of data purpose computers
is held in two separate had a complex
places redundancy
management scheme
in which all four
primary computers
were tightly coupled
together and
processed the same
information at the
same time.
Cross-check Patikrinimas verify (figures or This tight coupling was
information) by using achieved through
an alternative source synchronization steps
or method. and cross-check results
of their processes
about 440 times per

Oversight Priežiūra the action of The Backup Flight

overseeing/taking care System could be
of something engaged at any
moment only by
manual crew
command, and it also
performed oversight
and management of
Orbiter noncritical
Transducer Keitiklis a device that converts All re-entry critical
variations in a physical avionics functions, such
quantity, such as as general purpose
pressure or brightness, computers, aero
into an electrical surface actuators, rate
signal, or vice versa. gyro assemblies,
assemblies, air data
Subsequently Vėliau, paskui after a particular thing The loss of the second
has happened; box still allowed the
afterward. function to work
properly with only two
remaining boxes, which
subsequently allowed
for safe re-entry and
landing of the Orbiter.
Execute Įvykdyti, atlikti carry out or put into This scheme was to
effect (a plan, order, or select the middle value
course of action). of the avionics
components when the
systems had three or
four avionics boxes
executing the same
Rendezvous Susitikimas a meeting at an agreed The first rendezvous
time and place missions targeted
satellite objects less
massive than the
shuttle and grappled
these objects with its
robotic arm

Docking Dokavimas (of a ship) tie up at a The crew then

(Švartavimasis) dock, especially in transitioned to manual
order to load or unload control and used the
passengers or cargo. translational hand
controller to delicately
guide the Orbiter in for
docking or grappling
Celestial Esantis danguje positioned in or the Orbiter could
relating to the sky, or provide a pointing
outer space as capability to any part
observed in of the celestial sky as
astronomy. required to accomplish
its mission objectives
Diverse Įvairus showing a great deal of The shuttle docked to,
variety; very different. grappled, deployed,
retrieved, and
otherwise serviced a
more diverse set of
orbiting objects than
any other spacecraft in
Proximity Artumas/artybė nearness in space, A rendezvous period
time, or relationship. lasted up to 4 days and
could be divided into
three phases: ground
targeted; on-board
targeted; and human-
piloted proximity
Lagging Atsilikimas, sulaikymas showing a delayed The first phase began
effect. with launch into a
lower orbit, which
lagged the target
Compute Apskaičiuoti calculate or reckon (a Mission Control at
figure or amount). Johnson Space Center
tracked the shuttle via
ground assets and
computed orbital burn

Fidelity Tikslumas/patikimumas faithfulness to a During proximity

person, cause, or operations, the crew
belief, demonstrated used their highest
by continuing loyalty fidelity sensors (laser,
and support. radar, or direct
measurement out the
window with a camera)
to obtain the target
vehicle’s relative
Delicately Subtiliai, atsargiai in a very careful or The crew then
finely judged manner; transitioned to manual
gently. control and used the
translational hand
controller to delicately
guide the Orbiter in for
docking or grappling
Grapple Griebti, suimti seize or hold with a The first rendezvous
grapnel. missions targeted
satellite objects less
massive than the
shuttle and grappled
these objects with its
robotic arm
Applicable Tinkamas relevant or This method proved
appropriate. highly reliable and
applicable to a wide
array of rendezvous
Guidance Valdymas the directing of the The laser was mounted
motion or position of in the payload bay and
something, especially a its data were routed
missile or space ship into the shuttle cabin
but could not be
incorporated directly
into the shuttle
guidance, navigation,
and control software.
Extensively Plačiai to a large or detailed This display was used
degree. extensively by the
commander to
manually fly the vehicle
from 610 m (2,000 ft)
to docking.
Closing rate Artėjimo greitis The speed of getting The Orbiter had to
closer to something maintain a 7.62-cm (3-
(for example docking) in.) lateral alignment
cylinder and the closing
rate had to be
controlled to within
0.02 m/sec (0.06
Berthed Prišvartuotas moor (a ship) in its The next day, Shuttle
allotted place. Robotic Arm operator
Terry Hart grappled
and berthed the
satellite—a procedure
that flight controllers
felt was too risky
Override Perkrova, kai yra extend over; overlap. Payload designers
nepasisomos ribos could now include
manual EVA overrides
on deployable systems
such as antennas and
solar arrays
Contingency Atsitiktinumas a future event or Engineers used several
circumstance that is training platforms to
possible but cannot be measure forces and
predicted with moments from many
certainty. different crew
members to gain a
representative set of
both normal and
contingency EVA tasks
Hamper Trukdyti hinder or impede the the ISS Quest airlock
movement or progress was activated,
of. respectively—the
shuttle crews were
hampered by a short-
term geometry

Intravehicular Viduje mašinos Within a vehicle. On assembly flight 7A

(STS-104), the addition
of the joint airlock
Quest allowed shuttle
crews to work in
conditions while their
EVA members worked
Shuttle Kosminis laivas a rocket-launched As a shuttle
spacecraft, able to land experienced periodic
like an unpowered delays of weeks or
aircraft, used to make even months from its
repeated journeys original flight plan, it
between the earth and was necessary to
earth orbit. replan the activities of
ISS crews who were
expecting a different
crew makeup.
Tertiary Tretinis, trečias pagal third in order or level. White Sands Space
pasirinkimą Harbor in New Mexico
was the primary shuttle
pilot training site and a
tertiary landing site in
case of unacceptable
weather conditions at
the other locations.
Propulsion Stūmimas, varymas į the action of driving or Unlike conventional
priekį pushing forward. aircraft, the Orbiter
had to land perfectly
the first time since it
lacked propulsion and
landed in a high-speed
glide at 343 to 364
km/hr (213 to 226
Converge Susirinkimas vienoje (of several people or Following shuttle
vietoje things) come together landing, a convoy of
from different some 25 specially
directions so as designed vehicles or
eventually to meet. units and a team of
about 150 trained
personnel converged
on the runway

Sophisticated Išmanus, sudėtingas, (of a machine, system, The Orbiter Processing

rafinuotas or technique) Facility was a
developed to a high sophisticated aircraft
degree of complexity. hangar (about 2,700
m2 [29,000 ft2]) with
three separate
buildings or bays
Residual Likęs, likutis remaining after the Technicians drained
greater part or residual fuels and
quantity has gone. removed remaining
payload elements or
support equipment
Breadboard Bandomasis daiktas a high-fidelity replica The shuttle
(tiriamojo daikto itin breadboard, a high-
artima kopija) fidelity replica of the
shuttle electrical power
distribution and
control subsystem, was
used early in the
program for equipment
development testing
Overhaul Kapitalinis remontas, take apart (a piece of Capability included all
nuodugni peržiūra machinery or aspects of
(kai išardomas visas equipment) in order to maintenance, repair,
daiktas ir ieškoma examine it and repair it and overhaul activities
problemų) if necessary.
Silica Kvarcas/Silicio dioksidas a hard, unreactive, Following shuttle
colorless compound landing, the Thermal
that occurs as the Protection System—
mineral quartz and as a about 24,000 silica tiles
principal constituent of and about 8,000
sandstone and other thermal blankets—was
rocks. visually inspected in
the Orbiter Processing
Cavity Ertmė an empty space within Engineers used the
a solid object, in automotive industry
particular the human tool Optigo™ to take
body. measurements in tile
cavities. O

Bonding Klijavimas join or be joined Tile and external

securely to something blanket repair and
else, typically by replacement
means of an adhesive processing included:
substance, heat, or removal of damaged
pressure. tile and preparation of
the cavity; machining,
coating, and firing the
replacement tile; and
bonding, and verifying
the bond.
Refurbish Atnaujinti renovate and The SRBs were
redecorate repaired, refurbished,
(something, especially and reused for future
a building). missions
Casting Liejimas shape (metal or other After refurbishment,
material) by pouring it the motor cases were
into a mold while prepared for casting.
Contamination Užteršimas the action or state of For all payloads,
making or being made contamination by even
impure by polluting or the smallest particles
poisoning. could impair their
function in the space
Insulating Izoliuojantis/Izoliacinis protect (something) by insulating material
interposing material capable of
that prevents the loss withstanding
of heat or the intrusion temperatures reaching
of sound. 3,300°C (6,000°F).
Rehearsal Repeticija a practice or trial The complexity of the
performance of a play shuttle required new
or other work for later approaches to launch
public performance. team training. During
Mercury, Gemini, and
Apollo, a launch-day
rehearsal involving the
launch vehicle, flight
crew, and launch
control was adequate
to prepare for launch

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