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Department of Management

Programme : PG (MBA) Semester : 4 th

Course Code :17IMG24GH2 Course Title : Strategic HRM
Course Coordinator/Teacher : Rashika
Assignment – I (20 Marks)

Q. Question RBT level Course Marks

No Outcom
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Q1 Define human resource planning. Describe the interaction REMEMBERING(L1 5
between strategic planning and HR planning. ) CO1

Q2 Describe the challenges confronted in the measurement of UNDERSTANDING 5

Strategic HRM? (L2) CO2

Assignment – II (20 Marks)

Q. Question RBT level Course Marks

No Outcom
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Q1 Interpret changes have occurred in the business environment APPLYING(L3) 5
after Liberalization and Deregulation of LPG. CO1

Q2 Appraise the term Benchmarking. What purposes are secured by ANALYSING(L4I) 5

Benchmarking of HR practices? CO2

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