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Eat good,Feel good and Look good.

In order for a human being to be healthy and stay healthy, they have to exercise daily, eat the right
kinds of food, staying clean, and that person would feel good about themselves in the inside and
outside. In the inside they will feel good about themselves. In outside,That person won’t be worrying
about their weight or how their appearance may look like because they feel beautiful in the inside just
by staying healthy. In the outside, the person will feel good and strong. They will have a positive self-
esteem about themselves.

Did you realize that the causes of the worlds killing conditions are related to poor eating habits?

Dangers that come with not eating healthy food, will put you in trauma and then you will look for foods
with nutrients and low calories. There are many benefits to eating healthy without depleting your
resources. Most of the healthy and nutritious foods are easy to prepare and are cheaper. Eating healthy
can guarantee you not only good health but also a healthy mind for good performance in your
academics.most scientist and people with good mind eat healthy food.

You should eat good and a balanced diet.A balanced diet is one that gives your body the nutrients it
needs to function correctly. A balanced diet is important because your organs and tissues need proper
nutrition to work effectively. Without good nutrition, your body is more prone to disease, infection,
fatigue, and poor performance. Children with a poor diet run the risk of growth and developmental
problems and poor academic performance, and bad eating habits can persist for the rest of their lives.

Just don't eat for the taste because it doesn't lasts more than five minutes instead of it eat for your body
nutrition. Filling your plate with plant foods like vegetables, fruits, legumes, nuts, seeds, and whole
grains will help protect your body against chronic disease, including heart disease and diabetes. Avoid
fat diets, which are short-lived and unsustainable.

“Our body’s mission is to keep us alive,” says Heller. So just eat the amount necessary for your body to
alive and healthy.

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