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Refineries change crude oil into different petroleum products. There are three
main processes. First the crude oil is separated into different components. Then
the components are converted using heat and pressure. Lastly, chemicals are
added to make the final products. The control room is the centre of the refinery.
Electrical power is provided by the substation. Hazardous materials are stored in
the hazmat area.
Types of materials that are usually refined:

 Metals.
 Petroleum
 Silicon
 Sugar
 Table salt
 Vegetable oil

2. Refining Oil

Oil refining is a process involving fractionation and chemical transformations of

oil to produce marketable products.

Within the theme of refining can to be find several terms which are important to
know. Among them are:

 Compound: a compound is a combination of atoms which are chemically

joined together into molecules, like water (two atoms of Hydrogen and one
of oxigen) or salt.
 Mixture: A mixture combines several different molecules which are not
chemically joined together. Salt water is a mixture of molecules of salt and
 Hydrocarbons: substances made up of molecules formed from hydrogen
and carbon. Crude petroleum is a mixture of several different hydrocarbons.

Refinery: An oil refinery or petroleum refinery is an industrial process plant where

crude oil is processed and refined into more useful products such as petroleum
naphtha, gasoline, diesel fuel, asphalt base, heating oil, kerosene and liquefied
petroleum gas. Oil refineries are typically large, sprawling industrial complexes with
extensive piping running throughout, carrying streams of fluids between large
chemical processing units.

Refineries in Venezuela:

 Paraguana refining complex (CRP) and cardon refineries Amuay.

 El Palito refinery (Carabobo).
 REFINERY Bajo Grande (Zulia).
 REFINERY SAN ROQUE (Anzoategui).

Oil refining processes

Refining processes are varied and differ with others for scientific and
technological concepts that underlie to confirm a chain of events that facilitate
obtaining petroleum few. Among them are:

 Fraction: the amount of each of the different hydrocarbon compounds in a

mixture of crude oil. For example, a fraction of the hydrocarbons makes up
gasolina, and another fraction makes up kerosene. This is also known as a
 Cracking: the process of breaking down the heavy molecules of some
hydrocarbons into lighter molecules.
 Thermal cracking: cracking by the use of heat and pressure.
 Catalytic cracking: cracking with the aid of a catalyst, a substance which
speeds up a chemical change with out undergoing any change itself.
 Distillation: a process of heating a mixture to separate lighter substances
from heavier ones. The lighter ones are changed into vapor or steam by the
heating process. This is the basis for refining oil into comercial products.

3. Petroleum products

 Herbicide, pesticide, insecticide: A herbicide kills weeds; a pesticide kills

pests; an insecticide kills insects. All of these substances are widely used in
modern agriculture.
 gasoline, kerosene, asphalt: commercial products made from petroleum.
gasoline is the lightest, asphalt the heaviest. kerosene was often used as a
source of heat and light in the nineteenth century. asphalt is used primarily
to pave streets.
 Paraffin: The Vaselines raw material for the manufacture of candles and the
like, floor wax, matches, wax paper, pharmaceuticals, among others.
 Polyethylene: raw material for the manufacture of plastics.
 Black smoke: tire manufacturing.

4. Emergency procedures

 Raise the alarm.

 Contact the emergency services.
 Switch off all machinery,
 Proceed upwind to an assembly area.
 Report to the senior person present.

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