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Gestalt Theory:


 Its main predecessors of gestalt

theory are philosophers:
 Thinkers such as Kant, Descartes or Husserl developed the theoretic
basis on which this school developed. The psychologists belonging to
this current were able to take their ideas to the laboratory and obtain
amazing results.

 We must treat people as a whole:

 We cannot explore the different dimensions that shape us in isolation.
A holistic approach is needed when speaking about mental health. The
complexity of the human mind cannot be
reduced. Gestalt theory explores the dynamic relationships that
connect the various elements of reality. Gestalt theory does not
conceive separating processes such as learning from memory.

 We are active in understanding

 We do not all perceive reality, in the same way, we have our own
vision. Each one structures the information they receive according to
their previous experiences. Our mental representations do
not correspond completely with those that exist in
reality, we construct them ourselves. We are also able to
adapt our mental processes and contents as new situations arise.

 They opposed the predominant

schools in their time:
 Gestalt theory psychologists did not agree with approaches such as
Behaviorism, which limits human behavior to associations between
stigmas and responses. This perspective leaves Mental Processes aside
and does not contemplate the potential of human intelligence. On the
other hand, they did not adhere to psychoanalysts either, seeing
people as passive agents without Willpower..

 Gestalt theory’s main study area is

Gestalt theorist focused especially on seeking simple and natural
explanations that could be adapted to our natural way of perceiving
reality. Through perception, we are able to acquire
knowledge of the world, interact with it and connect
with others.

Our senses and mental processes interact to allow us to perform tasks as

varied as removing the hand from a burning surface or notice that the
person speaking to us is upset by their frowning. Gestalt theory
focuses on visual perception. However, their ideas have been
adapted to fields such as music.

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