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Cutting-Edge Technologies
that Could Reshape
HTM and Health IT
Jeff Kabachinski

About the Author Healthcare technology continues to evolve, pharmacy, purchase the medication
affecting how healthcare technology manage- blueprint and chemical compounds, and
Jeff Kabachinski,
MCNE, MS-T, is
ment (HTM) and healthcare information print medication in their homes—in
senior director technology (IT) staff function as it is intro- essence doing “for the discovery and
of technical duced into facilities. This article provides a distribution of prescription drugs what
development glimpse into several eye-opening technolo- Apple did for music.”2
at Independent gies that are positioned to have wide-ranging • Medical models. Researchers are working
effects on HTM and health IT. to recreate tumors from magnetic reso-
Development in Charlotte, NC. Email: nance and computed tomography scans, in
3D Printing in Healthcare order to give surgeons the ability to prepare
Although three-dimensional (3D) printing is for and shorten surgeries. This research
no news flash, here are a few noteworthy also is expected to one day allow for
examples of how it's being used in custom-generated implants.2
• Human tissue and blood vessels. Harvard Others research advancements in bioprint-
University has continued to make progress ing include gaining the ability to print heart
with bioprinting, announcing in March
2016 that it had the ability to print vascular-
ized living thick tissue, as well as to inject
bone growth factors to induce the growth
of bone cells.1
• Custom prosthetics. Low-cost 3D printing
enables more patients to be able to afford
what were typically expensive and labor-
intensive prosthetic devices. These
3D-printed prosthetics also can be custom-
ized easily and delivered to the patient
• Medications. Louisiana Technical Univer-
sity has found success printing bone
cancer medications at the molecular level.
In addition, the University of Glasgow is
looking toward a future where patients can 3D printing has allowed customized prosthetics to be
enter a digital prescription at their online produced quickly and inexpensively.

140 Biomedical Instrumentation & Technology March/April 2017

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valves, ear cartilage, cranium replacements, treatment plans.

synthetic skin, and livers. In addition, “Big data” is being collected from EHR
surgical tools, including hemostats, forceps, systems, and we are beginning to be able to
and clamps, have been 3D printed. These analyze it—a process called clinical informat-
instruments come out of the printer already ics. After deidentifying patient data, clinical
sterile and at 10% of the cost of the typical informatics seeks to evaluate the database to
stainless steel equivalent.3 arrive at usable, actionable information. This
process enables healthcare providers to, for
Nanobots in the Bloodstream example, craft best practices for certain health
Think of it: Tiny robots as big as white blood conditions, trend blood test results across
cells swimming around in your blood with providers, and compare digital microscope
their own sensors and propulsion systems. images for patient care, research, and medical
They’re fighting bacteria, delivering chemo- education. Clinical informatics also is growing
therapy more effectively, carrying oxygen, or into subspecialties such as nursing, nutrition,
repairing cells. Get out your microscope and
microtools to service and repair nanobots! Or
as in the old movie Fantastic Voyage, we could
shrink the HTMs into a miniature subma-
rine in order to complete the preventive Video conferencing over the
maintenance inspections on the robots.4 Internet has broken new ground
in giving patients access to
mHealth physicians, but the privacy and
mHealth (mobile health) technology, includ- security risks inherent in mobile
ing a slew of mobile apps, has given patients health technology underscore
the capability to remotely access health the importance of strong
information and manage appointments, cybersecurity.
prescriptions, and test results. Other
advancements in mHealth include the ability
to communicate with care providers using
video conferencing over the Internet, allow-
ing physician to treat patients who are unable
to schedule an in-person visit. The takeaway
for HTM is that due to the requisite Internet
access—and the inherent privacy and pharmacy, and medical informatics.
security risks present in mHealth—effective An important consideration for HTM and
cybersecurity is paramount.5 health IT professionals is the immediate
effect of big data on the systems needed to
Interoperability and support, store, manage, move, sort, and
Clinical Informatics calculate it. In addition, the interpretation of
If realized, interoperability would be a true big data might vary from one facility to
game changer for healthcare. For full another. Big data might mean a couple of
interoperability to become a reality, health- hundred gigabytes to a few terabytes at one
care systems and devices, including facility. Other facilities might only start to get
disparate electronic health record (EHR) challenged at a couple of hundred terabytes
systems, will need to be able to easily share and forced to consider new data management
and interpret data. This advancement would and storage choices to grow from there.
allow better continuity of care among This quote from the Institute for Opera-
providers, giving them a more complete tions Research and the Management
view of a patient’s past and current health Sciences perhaps sums it up best: “Analytics
and therefore leading to improved out- asset management will emerge as a major
comes. It also would help foster precision challenge … Analytics data, models, findings
medicine, giving clinicians the ability to and recommendations are corporate assets,
provide customized and individualized and these assets require continuous manage-

Biomedical Instrumentation & Technology March/April 2017 141

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ment in order to deliver a stable source of With OpenFlow, it looks for the packet’s
financial return for firms.”6 And that’s where destination address and defines a table entry
HTM comes in. with associated attributes that can create a
particular path or flow through the network,
SDN in Health IT which the packet and subsequent packets are
Software-defined networking (SDN) is a to follow. The table becomes a flow listing,
concept to virtualize network devices, such as where a flow defines end points and the path
switches and routers.7 As in most things or some other action to take. It can do this
electronic, the operating network has two because it knows the entire network map and
main aspects. First is the hardware portion, can plan it out in advance. A new router
from wires and antenna through chipsets to would get this as a set of rules that will
the speaker on your phone. Called the data configure the device. Each device would use
plane, it boils down to the set of devices and the information according to its type. A
functions that forward packets to the right router will update its IP access lists, a switch
places at the right time. The second aspect is would see and use the MAC address tables,
the control plane (or software portion), where and a firewall would update its rules.
This allows programmers to program the
machine code of network control software in
OpenFlow is a protocol, or application programming interface, high-level languages like Python. This leads
that modifies forwarding tables in network switches. Like the to the next level, where central processing
hypervisor, OpenFlow fits between the switch hardware and its units and systems can reconfigure them-
controlling software. selves on the fly to best suit the task at
hand—accurately called a framework for
all the decisions are made as to how, when, “The benefits of SDN are especially
and where to forward the packets. This is a valuable to healthcare organizations because
fundamental model of hardware and soft- [they address] their needs for nimble applica-
ware working together. tions development, reduced management
Virtualization separates the hardware and complexity, enhanced security and simplified
software connection with what is known as a compliance, among others,” according to
hypervisor. The hypervisor controls the Nuage Networks. “This makes it much
communication between the data plane and simpler for the IT organization to satisfy
control plane. In this way, the data plane can government compliance requirements, such
be shared by several control planes. Each as those mandated by the Affordable Care
control plane assumes it has sole control of Act.”8
the data plane and is unaware of other
control planes sharing the data plane. Solid-State Memory
In alignment with the virtualization wave, Will solid-state drives (SSDs) ever completely
what if we could run the control plane and replace hard disk drives (HDDs)? Other than
some of the data plane in software? Let’s cost, SSDs have everything going for them.
separate the control and data planes from the Most notably, unlike HDDs, they don’t have
network devices themselves. This idea has mechanical parts that can wear out. In
been getting more widespread promotion addition, because of the lack of moving parts,
since the advent of the open-sourced Open- SSDs are quiet, are more physically robust,
Flow Switch Specification. OpenFlow is a are much smaller, and use less power. The
protocol, or application programming biggest advantage of SSDs is that they allow
interface, that modifies forwarding tables in for ultrafast data transfer while maintaining
network switches. Like the hypervisor, random accessibility.9 On-chip densities also
OpenFlow fits between the switch hardware are getting higher. For example, Intel
and its controlling software. announced that in 2013 it was building chips
SDN also applies these concepts to net- on 14-nm technology and that they were
work function; for example, it can be applied planning to ship 10-nm technology in 2015
to an unprogrammed network router box. and 7-nm technology in 2017. In terms of

142 Biomedical Instrumentation & Technology March/April 2017

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SSD, this can only mean higher densities and operating system and drive controller are
more memory in smaller, less-power-hungry using TRIM. 3) If you’re a defragger, resist
formats at a lower cost.10 It can be difficult to the urge to defrag your SSD. It’s a useless
imagine how small a nanometer really is. For effort in SSD and you’re ultimately using up
comparison, if the earth represented a meter, read/write cycles.
a nanometer would be the size of a marble.11
Mind Transfer and Head Transplants
The Flash Durability Issue Yes, you read it right. Research is in progress
Over time, with many read/erase/write for downloading an entire brain’s worth of
cycles, the oxide layer in the logic (individual information—only 20,000 TB—including the
transistors) starts to degrade from spurious connection patterns of a thousand or so
electrons that are cast off during a read, synapses. However, due to the many varia-
erase, or write operation. Is this a cause of tions in brain function and the mapping of
concern? In the author’s opinion, too much the 85-billion neurons, human brain simula- Staying in the Know:
Suggested Websites
is made of degradation. It’s related to how tion will most likely need to wait for super
many read/write cycles the transistors can computers to get more super. •
handle before the oxide layer degrades to a Researchers also think it’s possible to •
point where the memory cell holding elec- remove someone’s head and connect it to a •
trons becomes unreliable. Called a program/ decapitated body of another person. Then, •
erase (P/E) cycle, the maximum number of simply reanimate the new head to the new •
cycles can be as low as 2,500. Intel rates its body. Researchers think this will be possible •
flash memory based on 10 GB being erased in two years! However, I have not been able
and rewritten every 24 hours for 365 days. to determine if it’s Dr. Frankenstein in
This equates to about 22 total P/E cycles per Transylvania leading the research.4
year. Therefore, 2,500 cycles divided by 22
cycles per year works out to 113 years. Even at Will FIDO Eliminate Passwords?
more than doubling this rate (48 cycles per Fast IDentity Online (FIDO) is a way to do
year), it’s still a 52-year lifespan.12 Will SSDs away with passwords. FIDO is a standards-
degrade and wear out? The answer is “yes,” based open protocol supported by an alliance
but it appears to be much longer than the of companies that will
mechanical life span of HDDs (usually 4–5 eschew the antiquated
years). password process in lieu of Due to the many variations in brain
One important utility to mention is TRIM. the FIDO authentication function and the mapping of the
You should look to see if the SSD you’re process13 “Down with 85-billion neurons, human brain
thinking about buying uses TRIM. TRIM passwords” is the battle cry of simulation will most likely need to
manages file deletion efficiency somewhat the Petition Against
like garbage collection—but on the fly. If you
wait for super computers to get
Passwords group. Its objec-
delete a file at the user level, it affects many tive is to bring awareness that more super.
pages spread around memory blocks. TRIM the system of hashed pass-
will take any remaining pages from an words is outdated and can be
affected block and temporarily store them in easily hacked. The group also encourages
cache, then go back to purge the entire block. plans and proposals for the next generation
Once cleaned out, TRIM recovers the other of passwordless authentication options.14
pages from cache and orderly puts them back One of the main aspects of the process is
in the same block, allowing the rest of the the authenticator device on your PC or
system to efficiently add new pages. This smartphone that has the FIDO-specific
process helps to maintain maximum effec- “secret” that’s part of the nonspoofable
tiveness and data transfer speeds.9 identifier. Your authenticator is verified by
Finally, here are a couple tips for preserv- the FIDO-compliant relying party or website
ing your SSD. 1) Turn off indexing. There’s where you have an account. For most
no need for constant surveillance in reading/ websites, this single-factor authentication
tracking what’s in memory, as we’re already will be all that’s needed—you’re logged in
running at incredible speeds. 2) Ensure your normally at this point. Two-factor authentica-

Biomedical Instrumentation & Technology March/April 2017 143

© Copyright AAMI 2017. Single user license only. Copying, networking, and distribution prohibited.

tions are when FIDO asks you to perform an action to verify 4. Referral MD. Biggest Innovations in Health Care Technology in
that you’re the owner of the authenticator device. This can be 2015. Available at:
a personal identification number (PIN) or fingerprint scan. innovations-in-health-care. Accessed Sept. 8, 2016.
The two factors include something you know (e.g., PIN), 5. University of San Diego. 8 Technologies That Are Changing Health-
something you have (e.g., the token or authenticator device), care. Available at:
or something you are (e.g., your fingerprint or another gies-changing-healthcare. Accessed Sept. 8, 2016.
biometric). Again, all of this is performed locally rather than
negotiated online. 6. Analytics Magazine. 2012 predictions: banner year for big data,
healthcare analytics. Available at: http://analytics-magazine.
Holographic Images org/2012-predictions-banner-year-for-big-data-healthcare-analytics.
Accessed Dec. 7, 2016.
The EHR is becoming more common, to the point that
physicians are spending as much time during a patient visit 7. Lippis N. Lippis Report 173: Software Defined Networking The
typing into the record as they do in direct patient care. A OpenFlow Way, Grabs Industry Attention. Available at: http://lip-
holographic image of a keyboard allows the healthcare
provider to retain clean practices when treating patients, ing-the-openflow-way-grabs-industry-attention. Accessed Dec. 7,
reducing infections from unclean surfaces like keyboards. 2016.
Other uses of holographic images are in recreating patients’
8. Nuage Networks. Frequently Asked Questions: Understanding the
organs. For example, holographic images of a patient’s heart
Benefits of SDN in Healthcare. Available at
could help surgeons plan surgical procedures, resulting in
Accessed Sept. 15, 2016.
faster and more efficient surgery.4
9. Fitzpatrick J. What’s a Solid State Drive (SSD), and Do I Need One?
Summary Available at:
Data storage costs are continuing to decrease and analytic a-solid-state-drive-and-what-do-i-need-to-know. Accessed Sept. 15,
tools are proliferating rapidly. These trends will result in new 2016.
methods for dealing with a number of developments 10. Mujtaba H. IDF13: Intel Showcases 14nm Broadwell CPU Powered
described here—big data, SDN, mHealth, interoperability, Laptop and Haswell-Y-Broadwell Chips to Ship by End of 2013. Avail-
and FIDO—as well as make better use of faster and more able at:
robust memory. cpu-powered-laptop-haswelly-broadwell-chips-ship-2013. Accessed
In no way does this article address all of the new technol- Sept. 15, 2016.
ogy that will be descending upon HTM and health IT.
Readers are encouraged to set routine appointments to 11. Newton H. Newton’s Telecomm Dictionary. New York: Flatiron
Publishing; 2011.
explore the websites listed in the sidebar. By keeping an eye
on emerging technologies, we can be ready when they land 12. Wikipedia. Flash memory: NAND memories. Available at: https://
on our doorstep. n Accessed
Sept. 15, 2016.
13. Leddy W. Run, FIDO, Run: Alliance Works on Non-Proprietary
1. Harvard John A. Paulson School of Engineering and Applied Scienc-
Authentication. Available at:
es. Scaling up tissue engineering. Available at: www.seas.harvard.
edu/news/2016/03/scaling-up-tissue-engineering. Accessed Dec. 7,
cation.htm. Accessed Sept. 15, 2016.
14. Higgins KJ. Campaign Launched to Kill Off The Password.
2. Meskó B. 12 Things We Can 3D Print in Medicine Right Now. Avail-
Available at:
able at:
print-in-medicine-right-now-42867. Accessed Sept. 8, 2016.
ly_240158879&elq=5d37e58ab39d4936ab810f59bfae7927. Accessed
3. The Future of Things. 7 Major Advancements 3D Printing Is Making Sept. 15, 2016.
in the Medical Field. Available at:
Accessed Sept. 8, 2016.

144 Biomedical Instrumentation & Technology March/April 2017

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