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Chapter Perpenetn pede Peat PES 12 Understanding base quis end derived 1.3 Understndngclarondveror quantities 15 Arcysngsclentflc verge ans Tega INTRODUCTION TO PHYSICS ad PENGENALAN KEPADA FIZIK ) | Memahami fk Kuanttifik Pengulran Penviasatan sani Scalar |{ Vector |f Base |{ Derived Sensitivity Consistency quantities |] quantities || quantities || quantities | |“ Kepekaan Kepersisan ‘Kuantii |] Kuantii || Kuantid || -Kuancit skalar || _ vektor ara terbitan Random errors ala wake Systematic rors ‘Raat bere Identify problem or question ‘Mengenal past masala atau persoalan Identify variables Mengenal past pemboleh ubah Forming hypothesis Membentuk hipotesis lan and conduct an experiment Merancang dan menjalankan eksperimen = ese = ess == Merekodkan data ‘Analysing data Menganaliss data Make a conclusion Membuat kesimpulant Learning Objective: 1.4 Understanding physics Identity concepts of phys 1 phenomena Frengeal pact kona fk dalam ek raian dan fname alam ses ad Discussion activity ede 2s In everyday objects and natural 1 The following diagrams show some of the phenomena around us, Write down the related field of study in physiesin the space provided using the answer option given. Rajah yang berikut menunukkan beberapa fenomena di sekeling Kita. Talis bidang Kaan fk yang berkatan dalam ruang yang dlisediakan dengan menggunakan pilhan jawapan yang diberikan. Heat Electricity Waves ‘Nuclear physics Haba Keelekrikan Gelombang Fisk nuklear Force and motion Electronics Light Daya dan gerakan lekeronik Caheya @ Production of energy fom the sun Poughaslan enn dara mata [Nuclear physics / Fizik muklear Aboyiscyclingat the park Seorang dak lela sedag menunggang Dasikal ditaman Force and motion / Daya dan gerakan Ma none TI I Electric motor ofa fan © L a Motor elkarik sebuah kipas ea ip Ege Electricity / Keelektrikan go ee Knowigdige { Suntight ray shining on the park (Cahaya matahari mensinar tama Light / Cohaya ‘Aman is communicating using a mobilephone Seorang leak sedang berkomuniasi ‘dengan menggunakan telefon bimbit Waves / Gelombang ‘A women is using a computer Seorang wanita sedang menggunakan sebuals komputer Electronics / Elekirnik Acup of hot coffee Air kop panas dalam sebuah eawan Heat | Haba PryseaFom 2 (@Aet Sanna Sin ha, (5675) 2. Listdown four phenomena around you, State the field of study in physics for each phenomenon that you have listed. Senaraikanempat nomena di sekelling anda Nyatakan bidangkajian dalam fckuntuksetip fenomena yang telah anda senarikan, Formation of rainbow Pembentukan pelangt ‘A boy is playing a kite ‘Seonang budak lelaki sedang bermain layang-layang Phenomenon ‘Fenomena Light Cahaya Force and motion Daya dan gerakan ‘Mother is heating up a soup {hu sedang memanaskan sup Brother is listening to the radio Electronics Aik sedang mendengar radio Elekironik Field of study in physics ‘Bidang kajian dalam ik Activity List the field of study in physies in the following Circle Map, Senaraianbidang-bidangkajian dalam fk dalam Peta Pulatanberikus, [EE rece mateo ‘Seok thermal came Komen moncat haba each ovr one an Force and motion Daya dan gerakan Electricity Keeleiriban Nuclear physies Frek nublewr Field of study in Physics Bidang ajian dalam Fisik Electronics Blekironik Electromagnetism ‘Keelektromagnetan Inrecnyers. echoes bene oh tse coe hi tac ester forename thar Seekhema canrh ‘atc ated ran sce en unter fepetire formation Wecon a eae ho Ho, eked ere (Copco lao etewenyonet edt he ones ene icariahere bares [Scot esp ton ebony hein Sr teh duonaan sat rem banat Eerie yany ek apt a, {ro a ener oy erat sm or pas pi wt meno ns ihe hat en meer ‘tomas dormancy favre at erie earn ronccgdpercrindrpo ehdovnenynpona eps mast ee ‘tle bch nrg pape pepnn tal penta neta tem megs an nen ene en gat ceed onsen eager omsabans nomena oekcea mee ashi @nar sankng Sen ona (167865) 3 i H é ery Srey Learning Objective: 1.2 Understanding base quate and dred quantes Base quantitios and derived quantitios, ) Kant asas dan kunt terbtan | 1. Differentiate between base and derived quantities. ‘Bezakan antarakuantit asas dengan uattiterbitan ee eae ed (@)_ Base quanttiesare physical quantitiesthat__a8not be defined in terms of other quantities Kuan asasialah tua tidak boleh dtakeifkan dalam sebusan kant kant fk yang lan ang, through (0) Derived quantities are physical quantities __ derived from the combinations of base quan multiplication or division or both ‘Kuan erbitan alah kuantt fk yang derbitkan darpada gabungan kuantt:kuanttasas melalui pendaraban atau pembahagian aau kedua-duar 2 Complete the following table, Lengkapkan jadualyang beri ase quant Quanity symbol Stan unt ans Sin unt ast Length Pron 1 mire » Towa Mas Jim mn Koes ke Time / Masa 1 second s Tu Kevin Temperature / i r Ket K Electric current / Arus elekarik T ames A tee Derivation from base Quantity symbot aria stunit Sind! ban eben daripade thst sect at as Areas 4 it ™ Volume pa y Ixia 2 Density Kenmpatan ° hem Velocity ata » 4 ms Acceleration /Petan ° a Momentum / Momentum » kems? Physica Form 4 4 Derivation from base Derived quantity Quantity symbol ‘quantities STunit ‘Kuan terbitan ‘Simbolkuantiti ‘erbitan daripada Unie st euantiuantiti ass Force / Daya F ma kgms? 2 FI A i ; Flim GJ Pressure /Tekanan P ache Work | Kea w 1 or j atau or aan Fxsamxoxt Energy / Penaga E , lectrical charges / Cas elekik @ I “ ical charges / Cas a ‘coulomb (C) Discussion activity oa y Prefixes and standard form ) Impuban dan bentukpiawsi 1 Whatismeant by prefixes andstandard form? Apakah yang dimaksudkan denganimbuhan dan bentukpiawai? (0) Profixesareusedto__ simplify the description of a physical quantity that is too big oF too small Imbuandigunakan untuk ___"erudatkan pentaksiran sesuat Ruan fk yang teal Besar ata tea ecil (©) Scientific notation (standard form) is used to ©3056 ag i ples way i he Form ofA A where 5 A < 10 and isan integer Tatatanda seine bentupiawai) diganakan untak___mevakili magnitud dalam bent yang lebih muda itu A X 10, di mana 5A -< 10 dan mala satu integer 2 Suggesta suitable prefixunit to measure: Cadanghan nit tumbulan yong sesua untuk mengusur () Eanbis diameter (6) Mass of grain of sand Diameter buns isin ser pair. nat Sarvng Sen Bh (187565) 5 Pry Farm 3. Table show some ofthe prefixes that is usually used. Tadual menanukkan beberapa man yang acim digunakan. Prefix ‘Symbol Value Imbuhan ‘Simbot Ni nano / nano 2 10" a i micro / kro H 10° 3 Hy mill / alt ™ 1 > ‘cent / sent © 10" deci / desi a 0 kilo kilo kK 10) mega /mega| M 10 siga / gga G 10" Using the table above as guidance, convert the following units. _Menggunakanjacial datas sebagai panduan,rakarkanunityang erika () s00Kg=__S00000 (6) 0.00064 mm = 0.00064 mm 500 ke = 500 x 10° g, = 64 x 107% 10 m = 5.0% 10's = 500-000 40 510% m (© 08wA = 0.000008 A (4) 800 000 000 W so0__ MW OWA = 0.8 * 107A, p= 10" 800.000 000 W = 800 x 10°;W 80x 10°A 800 MW 0.000 0008. 4. Scientific notation or standard form is used to express magnitude in a simpler way. In scientific notation, a numerical magnitude canbe written as: Tatatanda saint atau bentuk piawai digunakan untuk menjelaskan magnitud dengan lb ringkas. Dalam tatatanda sain, ‘magpitud berangka boleh dls sebagai: Ax 10", where $A < 10 and is an integer, AX 10, dimana 1.543 em, 1.SALem 2.5.45 em 2.5.45 em 3.5.470m 3.5500m 4,546 em 4,556em 5.5.45 em \ J / Ifthe actual value of the diameter ofa glass is 5.24 cm, complete the statements below on the ‘consistency and accuracy of the measurement. Tika rita sebenar diameter sbi elas ala 5.24 em, lengkapkan pernyataan di bawah tentang kepersisan ddr Kjituan ukuran it (a) Set A has a higher consistency because the measurement values are lose tocach other compare to measurement aluesin set B, Set A mempuryad —_Mnersivanyanslebi tines! ferana nilabnilat yong diukur adalah rapat nara sar sama lain berbanding dengan nla ukuran dalam set B (b) Seta and set B have _"° 86°04) _ in the measurement values. This is because the measurementvaluesare far ___fromthe actual value. SetA dan set B mempuryaiilaiukuran yang 80808 Ini kerana,nilaiyang diukur adalah Just dariniaiyangsebenar onetnon ability to record almost the same readings that are consistent with litle or ‘esinpuon / a—_eons«s=s”ereeweooomwwr0ee0 zo relative deviation among the various readings ofthe same ph Consistency ye quantity obtained, Kepersisan JF keupayuan merckod bacaun yang hampir sama yang konssten dengan sedikit taut dada shan relat dalam kalngan pelbagaibacean land fk yang sana yang perterna Acarcy yt sb oreo eating cts fo ts et le Kejiuan ‘kebolehan untuk merekod suatu bacaan yang hampir dengan nila sebenar. >) Sensitivity © fepetaan A Prinvesiat sensitiv Mersasarkepehaan Frobem sate" What is mcant by sensitivity? Apakah yang dimaksulkan dengan kepekaan? Apparatus fans Micrometer screw gauge and metre rule Tolokskre mikrometer dan pembars meter Maeve _ pat pering and 2 wooden blocks, Alas bebola dan 2 bongkah kaye PryseaFom 1“ (@Aet Sanna Sin ha, (5675) Procedure Anvil Spindle rosea ‘Andas Spindel, é5 iP Matdrate Maite Tate Rahs a Pathak at baie arte Wooden tock Donat a imm2 3 5) sevens poem 1 Measure the diameter of a ball bearing using a micrometer screw gauge, Record the measurements, Uaurdiameteralas bebota dengan menggunakan tolok sku mikrometer Catatkanuluran 2 Setup the apparatus as shown. Measure the distance between the two wooden blocks, which is the diameter ofthe ballbearing, using a metre rule, Record the measurements ‘Susur radassepert yang ditunjukkan. Ukr jarak di ansara dua bongkah kay, date diameter alas bebo, ‘menggunakan pembaris meter Catatkan ukuran itu Kapuisan /——— Measurement fool Diameter readings ofthe ball bearing Alt pengukuran ‘Bacaan diameter alas bebole Micrometer serew gauge Tolok skru mikrometer eh Metre rule seam Pembaris meter Pororenmin /——— Micrometer sorew gauge is smaller change in length, Took sku mikrometer more sensitive lebih peka _perubahanyang lebih keci dalam panjang. than the metre rule because it can sense a berbanding dengan pembaris meter kerana dapat mengesan eee — ssensitiviy ofa measuring instrumentisits ability to detect quiekly a ll chst8®_inthe physical quantity measured, -Kepekaa lat peng al kebolhan at tu untuk mengesan dengon cept terkadap 7 Keil dalam Kuan ficikalyang duke (p) Extors in measurements \D) kata datam pengaturan Aim Aim ‘To study the types of experimental error. ‘Menghaj jens jens alt eksperimen: Probi satemer what are the types of experimental error? Apakahjenisjenis ala dalam eksperimen? @ar sankng Sen Boa (167865) 15 Discussion Paster /———— Errors may oceur when taking measurements. Errors cause the differences between the ‘measurement values with the actual values asin the diagram below, Identify the type of error involved based on given statement. Falat munghin berlaku apabila melakukan pengudwan, Ral menyebabkan berlakunya perbezaan antara nila pengauran dengan nilai sebenar seperti dalam rajah dibawah. Kenal past jntsralat yang terbat berdasarkan perataan yang diberikan @ Exrorin measurement of current asthe pointer of voltmeter docs not point to reading of 0 when no current is flowing through the meter. Ralat dalam pengukuran arus apabila jarum volimeter tidak ‘menunjuk pada bacaan 0 apabia tiada anus mengair melalui meter Zero ertor. ‘ala far * Error resulting from the wrong positioning ofthe eye when reading the scale of a measuring cylinder. Ralat dsebabhan oleh kedudukan mata yang salah semsasa membaca skata pada tinder perukat. Parallax error. ‘alot paralake © Astopwatch always gives a slower time because of the faulty in mechanistn, Jam randik sentiasa memberi bacaan masa yang lebih lambat disebabkan oleh kesalahan dalam mekanisme ‘Systematic error ‘ala bersisem, 2. Fillinblanksto explain how the errors mentioned in Question I can be eliminated, {sitempatkosong bagimenerangkan agaimana ralt yang dinyatakanpada Soalan 1 boleh dielakkan. (8) Correctthe observed reading bysubtractingoraddingthe_ 10 ero erulkanbacaan yan diperhatikan dengan menolak atau menambah_ ear (0) Holdtheruler__'?risht while measuring the length./_R Minute [ctor quantity |Seaar quant Minit Kuanitvetor | Kent ser a=) |Has direction | Has magnitude | 4 Which of the following is derived 4 only ony quantities? tempuryai | Menu ‘Antara yang berikut, yang manakah jarah sahaja Lmagitid sahaja want terbitan? [Has magnitude| Has direction A Electriccurent/Ans ek ny only B Length/ Panjang B \ Me M tempos | emp Force Daya Insert shee art seaje Temperature /Su Giocdvecnon [Hawai : and magnitudel oat 5 Which of the value is equal to b : a Oat a enpunal 5800000 W? JMenpuoe aeh| Menpane ‘Nilai manakah yang sama dengan —_— pnngnibad sohehs 5800000 W? |Has magnitude] Has direction A 58x 10'W p [oy [and magnitude | (B58 x 10W Iempunyet | Mena rah © 58x 10'W bagi] dom mapa D 58x 10'W Tt Emm enn @ar sankng Sen Boa (167865) a 9 Which of the following is a scalar quantity? Antara yang erik, yang monakok Suan skalar? A Force/ Daya B_ Momentum / Momentum speed D Displacement /Sesaran 10 Which quantity represent a vector quantity? ua manalah yg merpatan ae Jaunttvtor? @ Displacement/Sesarn Mass in © Time/Mase D Speed zaje (EE eors} 1 Thestatementbelow referto Pempateandibenah erst epada JAbility of the instrument in| measuring a quantity ina consistent manner with only small relative deviation between readings. keupayaan peratatan dalam mengukur fant secara konsisten dengan hanya ledikit penyelarasan relaif antara embacaen. A Accuracy € Efficiency Kejwan Kecekapan Consistency D_ Sensitivity Kepersisan Kepekaan Eons 12 Which measuring instrument isthe most suitable to measure the thickness ofacoin? lat pengukur manakah yang paling sesuai untuk mengukur tebal sekeping ddutsiing? A c 13 Diagram 1 shows the position of a vernier scale on a main scale of a vernier caliper, Raja memunjukkan Reda suate sala vernier pada ska utama sebuah setae vaca obit fh hy Whatisthevalcof? empath? A Otsem. € 0SSem Ouse D O88 en 14 Table below shows the number of ‘goals scored by players A,B, Cand Dinthree matches Jadual di bavah menunjubkan bilangan {gol yang dijaringkan oleh pemain A, B, ‘CdanD dalam tiga prlawannan “Matches /Perlawenan 1[2 [3 2 {1 [2 i [3 [2 ofa [2 3 fifa Diagrams 27 Rajah Among the players A, B, C or D, which players showed high consistency? Antara pemain A,B, C atau D, pemain ‘manakah menunjukkan kepersisan pansies! e013) 15 Which method can incase the servi ofamceurythemomete? Kecdeh manakah yong. Poteh mnenababan epelaontermomeser, rma 1 Tnrcasing the diameter of the copillarytbe Menambahtan dumeter tb tap (Decreasing the diameter othe capillary tbe Monguranghen diameter tiv hep Increasing the length of the capillary tbe Mevanbebon paranoia Decreasing the fength of the capillary tbe Mennngan poop 16 Diagram 3 shows the method of measuring diameter of abead. ‘Rajah 3 menunjukan kaedah mengukur diameter sebijimanik Beads Mani Ruler rman Diagram 3/3 Whatis the diameter ofabead? Berapokah diameersebimanie? A 03em B)osem © Lem D 42cm me) 17 Which bypothess is not suitable forasciemificinvestigation? Hipotsi yang manakah yang tidak sesuaibaisuatuperyasatansaintifk? ‘A The higher the temperature, the shorter the time taken to boil Semakin tinggt suhu, semakin fingkat masa diambil untuk imendidh The velocty ofa movement f dependent on the angle of inclination Hala gertan berganung. pada sudit condong € Thebiggerthe mass, the smaller the acceleration Semakin besar jim, semakin heel ecutan D Thebigger the surface area, the fasterthe rate ofheating Semakin besar las. permukaan, 19 Which of the following graph shows that inereases linearly withx? Antara graf berikus, yang manakah ‘menunjubhan yberamibahsecara linear 0 denganx? AQ ) 4. resistance of Eames Diagram 5 shows an electric circuits used to investigate the relationship between cross-sectional area and conductor. ‘Rajah S menunukkan stu liar elekrk yang digunakan untuk mengkaji Fubungan aniara twas Keraan renas ddan rintangan suateKondukton 1 Diagram 5 /Rauh Which of the following variable is Antara berikut, pemboleh ubah ‘manakah yangbetul? seman cpa aderpenancan cons an sa ssc 18 Diagram 4 shows 2 graph of T low Rajah 4menunjukkan graf T melawan pa inter Ves hrm wn [en 25] BY] Curent [conductor 1 PRS, feat an nese : fe os oo 01 02 03 04 05 lim “ane frnsas Diagram $ Rajah 4 2 (©nnt saning Sen. ha (516758) Paper2/Kertas2 Section A/Bahagian A Instruction + Answerall questions Arakan aah semua soalan. 1. Diagram 1.1 shows an uncalibrated mercury thermometer placed in a beaker containing ice cubes and water at 0°C ‘The length of mercury column,1 = Sem. Rajah | menunjukan satu termometermerkur yang belum dtenukurdiletakkan di dalam sebuah bikaryang mengandungikiub-kiub ais dan airpada °C Panjangturus merkur = Som. Diagram 1.2 shows the length of mercury column, = 25 em when the ice cubes and water in the beaker are boiled until rove. ‘Rajah 1 2menunjuckanpanjang tures merkur\ = 25 cmapabila kiub-kulb ais dan air dalam bikar tu dididhkansehingga 10°C. Diagram 1.3 shows the length of mercury column, | = 20 em when the thermometer is placed i a hot liquid with temperature, °C, Rajah 1.3 menunjukan panjang tur merkuri, | oC, EXE 010) 10 cm apabilaermometer i diletakkan di dalam satu cecair panas dengan sul, Thermometer - = 25 em Distilled water em Iee/ais Wire gauze Ttesuing 2 1 asa dave * sane Bunsen burner || _— tipodstane Water Penuna Busen trek atten a Diagram 1.2 Raoh 12 Diagram 1.3 / Rajah 23 (2) Tick (¥) for the correct quantity of physics in the box provided. Tandakan (9) bag kuant fk yang betul dalam kotak yang dsediakan ‘Temperature |_Base quantity / Kuan asar Suku Derived quantity / Kuan terbiton [1 mark /1 mark] (b) (Based on Diagram 1.1 and Diagram 1,2, determine the difference in length of mercury columas, erdasarkan Rajah 1.1 dan Raja 1.2, tentukan perbezaan bai panjangturus merkur [mark /1 maka] (ii) Based on Diagram 1.3 and answer in 1(6)(), calculate the temperature, 8 of the hot liquid. Berdasarkan Rajah 1.3 dan javapan dalam: 1(b)(),hitunghan sub, 0 bagi cecair panastersebut [2 marks /2 markat] (Gi) What will happen to the boiling point of the water if itis boiled on the top of a mountain? Apakah yang akan berlaku kepada tat didih air opabiladididihtan datas puncak sebuah gunug? [1 mark /1 markat] (©) Diagram 1.4 shows design of a thermometer which can be used to determine the body temperature of a patient Rajah 14 menunukhan reka ent satu termometr yang dapat digunakan untuk menentukan su badan seorang pesokit Diagram 1.4 / Rajah 14 @ar sankng Sen Boa (167865) 23 Pry Farm Table 1.1 shows several characteristics of different thermometers Jadual 1.1 menunjutkan beberapa cir bag termometer yang berbeza ‘Thermometer | Range, CC) | Diameter of capillary tube ‘Accuracy, °C) Termometer Salat, °C) Diameter tub kepilari Kejtuan, CC) J 30-45 Big / Besar 1 K 0-100 ‘Small / Keil ol L 30-45 Small / Keil ol M 0-100 Big Besar 1 Based on Table 1.1, Berdasarkan Jadual 1. able 1.1 [Jada 1.1 (Choose the suitable range of thermometer to measure the body temperature ofthe patient Pils julattermometeryang sesuai untuk mengulur sul badan pesakit Gi) Give onereason for the answerin1(0)(i). ‘eri satu sebab bagjawapan dalam X(o)() (Gil). Choose the suitable diameter of epillary tube ofthe thermometer. Pilih diameter tub kapilartermometeryang ssa (jv). Give one reason for the answer in 1(¢)(ii). ‘Beri satusebab bat jawapan dalam 1((i)- (¥) Choose the suitable accuracy ofthe thermometer ils ejituantermometeryagsesual (i). Give onereason for the answer in 1(6)(¥). ‘Beri satusebab bag jawapan dalam (es) (1 emark / markoh] [1 mark / merkat] [1 mark / markat] [1 mark / markt] [1 mark / markas] [1 mark / markt] (vil) Based on the answer in 1(c)(i), (6) (ii) and 1(€)(¥), choose the most suitable thermometer which canbe used to determine the body temperature of the patient. erdasarkan jawapan di 1(e)i), Acid) dan 1(c}t), pith termometer yang paling sesuai yang boleh digunakan untuk ‘menentukan shu badanpesakit. 24 [1 mark / markoh] (©nnt saning Sen. ha (516758) Section B Bahagian B 2 Diagram 2shows two instruments used by a group of students for measuring the thickness ofan object in an experiment. Rajah 2d bawah menunjukkan dua ala yang digunakan ole sekumpiuan mari untuk mengukurketehalan swat objek dalam swat eksperimen Vernier callipers /Anghap vemier Micrometer serew gauge / Tok sku mikrometer Diagram 2 / Rajah 2 (a) Explain the meaning of accuracy in measurement. Terangkan maksud kejituan dalam pengulwan. [L mark /1 markal) (b) (Write down the readings of each measuring instruments as shown above. Tulskan bacaan setiap penguuran bagi alt pengukuran yang ditunjukkan dats. [2:marks /2markoh] (ii) Gives the readings of accuracy for vernier calipers and micrometer screw gauge. Berikan bacaan ketepatan bagi anghup verter dan tolok sku mikeometer [2 marks (2 markah] (ii) State the funetion of verniercallipers and micrometer screw gauge. yaaa fangs angup venir dan tolok skra muikrometer [2 marks /2markoh] (©) Based on both of the instruments above, which one is suitable to be used to measure the internal and outer diameter ofa pipe? Give reason for your answer. Berdasarkan Kedua dua lat datas, yang manakah sesua digunakan wrk mengukur diameter dalam dan lar sebatangpaip? Berikan aasan bai jawapan and [3marks/3markah] (@ You are given a rectangular wooden block and a stone. Explain the method to determine the volume of each object. Inyour description, state the physical quantities needed. Anda diberi Blok kay sexi empattepat dan seketul bat. Trangkan kaedah untuk menentukan isi padu setiap objektesebut ‘Dalam penerangar andi, nyatakan Kuan fiikalyanediperlukan, [10marks 10 markoh] Section € /Bahagian C 3 (a) Diagram3 shows acylinderwhich contains moles ofa gasat volume V, pressure, Pandabsolute temperature T. ‘Rajah 3menunjukkan sebuah silnder yang mengandunginmolgas pada is padu ¥tekanan, Pdan su muta Load / Behan Piston / Omboh Gas molecules Molt us s [90.0000 0] o0000 —— optinder sider Diagram 3/ Rai 3 nat Sarvng Sen Bh (187565) 25 Pry Farm Peery ‘The quantities mentioned varies as extra load is added to the eylinder. The quantities above can be related by the {following equation: ‘Kuan yang dsebutkan berubak:-ubah apabilabeban tambahan ditambah kepada slnder Kuantt datas boleh dihuburghan ole persamaan berikut PY =nkT where R is a constant. dimana Radslah pemalar () Whatismeantby derived quantity? Apakah yang dimaksudkan dengan kuantittrbitan? [1 mark 1 markah] Gi) Whatismeantby Apakah yangdimaksudkan dengan scalar quantity, vant skal veotor quantity? evant vektor? Give one example for each quantity Beri satuconto untuk setiapkuantistersebut [4marks/4markah] (b)_ Determine the unitforP, Yn and Tin terms of base units and subsequently derive a unit for R. ‘Tentakan unicuntub P Yn dan T dalam bentuk unitasas dan seterasnyaerbtkan sanuunituntub R, [Smarks/Smarkah] (©) Youare given constantan wie, Describe an experiment to determine the density ofthe constantan wire Inyour description, state the physical quantities needed, types of measuring instruments used and the numberof decimal places ough tobe taken for the quantities, Anda der wayarkontantan, Harika sate ebsperimen untuk menentukan keumpatan wayorkonstantan, Dalam penerangon ‘and, myatakan Kuan fetal yang diperakan,ensensaatpengukur yang digunakan dan judas tempat perplahan pera iain kuanttitersebu [10 marks / markat] Paper3/Kertas3 Instruction : Answerall questions, Arahan + Jawabsemuasoalan. 1. One evening, Priya went cycling atthe recreation park. She saw her two classmates, Rahim and Kent of similar body size were playing on the swings with different length of chain as shown in Diagram 1. She noticed that her two friends ‘wungat different speeds. Pada suatpetang Priva peg berbasikal di taman rekreas. Dia ternampak dua rakan sekelasnya, Rahim dan Kent dengan saz badan ‘yang sama sedang hermain datas buaion dengan panjang ranta yang berbeza sper yang diunjuskan dala Rajah I. Dia mendapati aaa kedua dua rakaroyaberayun pada kelajuan yang berbeza, iran 1 Ajoh 1 Physica Form 4 26 (©nnt saning Sen. ha (516758) Basedon the information and your observation: Berdasarkan maklumat dan pemerhatian anda: (a) State one suitable inference. Nymakan satainfrensyang ses [1 mark/1 mara} (©) State onesuitable hypothesis tan satu hipotess yang sesua [mark /tmarkan] i ry (©) With the use of apparatus such as pendulum bob, a string, a stopwatch and other apparatus, describe one [FY experiment (o investigate the hypothesis stated in 1(b), fa Dengan menggunakan radas seperti ladung, tal, jam randik dan lin-lain rads, trangkan satweksperimen untuk menyiasat potest yang dinyatakan di1(), Inyour description, clearly state the following: alam penerangan anda, yatakan dengan elas perkara erika () Theaimotthe experiment. ‘Tajuaneksperimen. ii) ‘Thevariablesin the experiment. Pemboichubal dalam eksperimen (ii) ‘Thelistofapparatusand materials. Senarairadasdan bohan, (iv) Thearrangementofthe apparatus. Susunan radas (W) The procedure of the experiment which include one method of controlling the manipulated variable and ‘one method of measuring the responding variable. Prosedur eksperimen termasuk satu keedah menawal pembolch ubah dimanipulasikan dan sata kaedah mengukur pembolei ubah bergerak balas. (vi) ‘Thewaytotabulate the data Cara untuk menjadualkan data. (i). The way to analyse the data. Carauntuk menganalisi data [20 marks / 10 markat] @ @ar sankng Sen Boa (167865) 2 Pry Farm

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