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Forces and Motion Daya dan Gerakan Learning Objectives ‘Arig ines notin Arsysngmotonanats Unseretaninginera ‘Areiyng moment Understanding the eects force ‘Araya nplseand mp ‘sing anere of re rend for safety Fstresinvehiles Understanding aay ‘Arsyengtercerneiis Lnerstanngwark energy, omerardeffcency ‘Averett mporaen of manning the een of esces Understaning elasticity FORCES AND MOTION Pema arg DAYA DAN GERAKAN Linear motion Inertia Momentum Fore =| Work Elasticity Geran near Ineria ‘Momentum Daya Kerja Kekeryalun Equations of | (_ Graphs of Principle of Gravity Energy Hook's law motion motion conservation Gro Tenaga Hub Hooke Persamaan Gnf of momentum eran eran Prinspkeabadian ‘momentum Weight Berat 1 Power Potential Impulsive Impuse |] Rese Kempen ss force me Daya impuls Kinetic Kinetic Gravitational |{ Elastic potential potential energy energy ‘Tenaga Tenaga eupavaan eupayaan grav lastik Leaming Objective: 21 Anaysing nea maton . Distance, displacement, speed and velocity ) erak,sesaran, liu dan helix _ 1 Fillinthe blanks o distinguish between distance, displacement, average speed and average velocity. [sitempatkosong untuk membezakanantarajara,sesaran, lax purata dan halajupurata, (2) Distance isthe _10'sllensth ofthe path traveled by an object from one location to another, Ihisa_ SA! quantity, Jara alah rll paniang sar yang dla oleh suat objek dar satu tempat ke tempat yang lain Jarokilah suatu evansit_4 Discussion activity rbincangar (©) Displacement ofan objectisthe distance measured inthe _ DO" _path fromthe starting pointo the ending pointofthe motion ofthe object. Itisa_Y°'0! quantity Sesaran suatu bj alah ork yang aku dala Hasan P24 DK dar ik maa ke tik air gerakan objet Sesaran ita sate uantii_ 80" (©) Diagram I shows the path travelled by Fatin from her house to Maju Condominium. Rajah \merunjulhanlaluan yang dilali oleh Fatin dari rumaltnya ke Kondominium Maju ers Police station ala pos 12km | Fatins house ‘Rumah Fain 17k Maju Condominium ‘Rondominium Maj Diagram 1 / Rak 1 Basedon Diagram 1, Berdasarkan Rajah, (3) whatisthe distance travelled by Fatin? Masa (s) Length nie fm) t, A Deseases Negative 5 Berkurang ‘Negatif A rine | i > Masa (s) Length nem) Uniform Zero Seman Siar Tine > Ma 6) Sereer, when am object moves with _SS'68i58 velocity the abot xperioness_sseleaton Conversely, if the object moves with velocity, the object experiences negative acceleration deceleration decreasing Apabia suatu objek-bergerak dengan halajuyangsemakin_beriambal,objekitumengalami Pecan Sebalnya, jika objek ia bergerak dengan halaiu yang semakin _pecutan negatif ryahpeetan berkurane_, objek itu mengalami Leaming Objective: 2.2 Analysing mation graphs Motion graphs Grat gorakan 1. Graph can be useful when studying motion, Name two types of linear motion graph. Graf sans berguna apabilabelajarientang erakan. Namakan duajenis graf geakan linear pene | \ J Soe = (\ Vel oh ) © evince | \ J @ar sankng Sen Boa (167865) 33 2. Describe andinterpret the linear motion graph below. ‘Teranghan dan taka graf graf gerakan linear di baa, r > (Displacement-time graph / Gra sesaranmasa L J @ Displacement (m Displacement (m) ‘The placementof he object rm afied pont isconstant, + Sesaran jek darsattith tap alah malar Gradient of the graph = velocity Kecerunan graf = halaju Therefore, the velocity ofthe object is_ 2210 Maka, hal obj ital Time (6) asa © Displacement _iN°%°3S¢S uniformly. Displacement (m) Sesaran_berambali dengan seragam. Sesaran ’ Gradient of the graph = velocity ecenanan graf = hale Gradient of the graph is__constant Kecerunan graf adalah Time(s) | Therefore, thevelocityfthe objectis__ constant ‘Masa Oleh itu, halaju objek adalah sale © Graphin the form of quadratic. Displacement (m) Grafberbentuk aati Setaran . Displacement increases with ime Sesaran betambah dengan masa. L The gradient ofthe graph increases uniformly ecerunan raf benamboh dengan sergem. Therefore, velocity of an object which is Time(s) | experiencingeonstant acceleration Mase Oleh itu, halaju objek semakin __er'ambsh jain mengalami pecutan seragam @ Graph in the form of quadrati. Graf berbenut uadrae Displacement (m) Sesarn Displacement inereases with time rn Sestran bertambah dengan masa The gradient ofthe graph decreases uniformly. Kecerunan graf berkurang dengan erga Therefore, velocity of an object decreases or with uniform Time(s) | deceleration Masa (Oleh it, hala abjek semakin berkurang atau mengalami nyahpecutan seragam. 34 c > Velocity-time graph / Grafhalaju-masa eee © Vetocity (ms) ‘The object is moving with uniform velocity. Hola Time (3) ass at Objekt Boer eng al sagem. * Gratiot of the graph = accleration Kecennan af = pean Gradient ofthe graph is__s10_, Kecenunan grafialah ‘Area under the graph represent displacement, rime) | Daas woh rman ean —— hase savxe o , Velocity nica wife ‘Velocity (ms) ty. iy Tae Hatau_Doarih dengan seragom. * Gradient ofthe graph = acceleration ecernan af = pecan Gradient ofthe graph is uniform, ecenoun all soagam ‘Area unde the graph represent displacement, Za bash a mova ssa Time () " i s=4@xo (© Saeco Velocity acca niformly Halaju_beravane dengan seragam. Gradient of the graph = deceleration Kecerunan graf = nyahpecutan Gradient of the graph is constant and negative Kecerunan graf adalah mala dan negtif. ‘Therefore, the object moving with uniform deceleration. Oleh, objek ergrak dengan nyahpecutan seragar. @ Weaver) Hui 4 d Time (s) Graph in the form of quadrati. Graf berbentuk kauadratk Velocity inereases with time, Holaj Berambak dengan mast. ‘The gradient of the graph inereases uniformly Kecerunan graf betambah dengan seragam ‘Therefore, acceleration of an object bertambah (Oh ite, pecutanobjek semakin (©) Velocity (me) Hala 4 Time (8) ‘Graph in the form of quadratic. Graf berbentuk kuadratk Velocity increases with time. Halaju benambak dengan masa. ‘The gradient of the graph decreases uniformly. Kecerunan graf berkurang dengan seragam. ‘Therefore, acceleration of an object decreases (Otek tw, pecan objeksemakin berkurang. @ar sankng Sen Boa (167865) 35 ery 3. The displacement-time graph below shows the motion ofan object, Graf sesaran-masadibawah menunjukangerakan satu objek (a) Complete the statements below to describe the motion of the object represented by AB, BC, CDand DE. Lenghapkan peryataan dibawah bagimenerangkan secararingkas erakan objek yang diwakil oleh AB, BC, CDdan DE. s(m) 4 D 1) ee) | | ‘he objet at rest 20 m from the starting point Objek bergerak 40 me belakang dengan halajunegaifdan kembalike tik mala, AB | Objek dalam keadaan rea 20m dar ik mula | ‘ae. || The object moved s m forward with postive velocity. Objek ergerok Sm ke hadapan dengan hala posi cp || The object moved another 15 m forward with postive velocity | Obje bergerak 15 m lagi ke hadapan dengan hala post Th object moved 4m backward ith negative velo andretunedtoissarting point | " | 4 The velocity-time graph below shows the motion ofan object. Grathalaju-masa di bawah menunjukkan gerakan suatuobjek vans’) 16) Physica Form 4 36 (©nnt saning Sen. ha (516758) (a) Find thevelocitywhen Carilaivapabita @ 16s (i) 1=208 Velocity = reading at y-axis ealj, » = bacaan pada paksiy ve isms! ome (6) Find the displacement at time intervals Cariseseranpadaselangmasa @ Os-6s (i) 65-148 Displacements = area underthe graph Sesaran, = luasdibawahgraf 5= (4-9 x 9-0) 2x9) 227m ery Gi) 145-208 (iv) 278-378 Sim 1 Sax Gx O48 = $x 10% 18=90m (6) Find the acceleration ofthe object at CCaripecutanobjek pada @ 1=28 (i) 188 Acceleration, a = gradient ofthe graph Pecutan, a= kecorunan graf feoms! 8 - a=derisms (i) 1305 5 Complete the sentences below with the correct answer. Lengkapkan ayat di bawah dengan jawapan ang pat (@) Gradient ofa graph ofsaguinst gives the YI ofan object. Kecerunan grafsmelawan tmemberikan lol ouatu objek, (b) Gradient ofa graph of v against r gives the s°eeleration of an object Kecerunan grafv melawan tmemberikan 00" guar obj, (©) Area under a graph of y against t gives the “Placement __of an object. Luas di bawah graf lawan t memberi S02 yang dll ooh suat obj: » 37 Pry Farm = Learning Objective: 23 Undorsiansing nea Study the situationbelow. Al 2015 Paper SEC. 8,03 Kajisimasid bawah. This little car is easier to push than abig truck, That is right. Kereta kecil ni leit mudahdiolak Bend nu berbandingtvakyangbesar ae i Based on the information given above, slate one suitable inference and state one appropriate hypothesis that could be investigated. Berdasarkan maklumatyangdiberikan di tas, nyatakan satuinfrensyangsesuai dan satuhipotesisyangsewajarmyauntuledikaj ference Inertia of an object depends on the mass ofthe objet Tera seat objekbergantung Kepada sr ob Mypotesis “The inertia ofthe object increases asthe mass increases, Tnersia objek meningkat apabila jisim meninghkat. Carry out an experiment to test your hypothesis, alana sate eksperimen untuk menguj hipotsis anda aim ‘To study the relationship between inertia and mass. ‘Trituk mengkaji hubungan antara inersia dan jisim. Problem statement _ What will happen (othe period of oscillation of an object when the mass is increases? Parpteonmasaist / spahai yang akan erjad epadatempoh aynan sesuatu objek apabia jsimnya semakin betambah? Mass of plasticine, m (@) Manipulated /Dimanipulasikan isi pasts m (b) Responding/Beperkbalas ; Period of oxillation, T Tempoh ayunan, T (©) Constant/Dimalarkan ‘Type of jigsaw blade “Tenis ila gereatig Operational detintion 1 _Period of oscillation, Tof inertia balance indicate the inertia of an object. “Tempoh ayunan, Tbaginerace inersia menunjukkan icra bgivesnatobick time for 10 oscillations / masa untuk 10 ayunan 70 PryseaFom 38 (@Aet Sanna Sin ha, (5675) ‘Apparatus and material Fades dan tan Procedure Proseaw {~~ Jigsaw blade, G-clamp, stopwatch and plasticine. = Plasticine Re Plastin sigs bade Setup the apparatus as shown in the diagram, ‘Susu radas sepertivangdiaunjutken dalans raja Clamp a piece of jigsaw blade at one end tightly and fix a plasticine bal of mass 10.0 g at the other end, Apitkan sebilahgergai jig dengaketa pada satu hujung dan ekarhan seketlplstisin yang erisim 10.0 ‘pada satu hujung yang an Displace the jigsaw blade horizontally atone side and release it Sesarkan blah gergaijigsccara mengufukeepidan lepaskanrya Determine and record the time taken for 10 complete oscillations. Repeat the procedure for ery another reading Tenukan dan cata masa untuk 1Dayunan lengap, 1, Ulangprsedurtesebut untuk stu lagibacoant, Calculate the average time for 10 complete oscillations and determine the period of oscillation, 7 Hinungmasepurata bagi Wayunan yang lengkap dan tentukan empoh aura, Repeat the experiment using plastcine balls with massof 20.0, 30.0g, 40.0 gand50.03, lang elsperimen dengan mengunakan Ketan plastsn yg bejsin 20.0, 3003400 gdan S003. ‘Tabulatethedata and plota graph of 7” against. Jaduatkan data dan plo graf Tawar “Time for 10 oscillations Period of oscillation Masa untuk 1 ayunan (9) Tempoh ayunan Mass /Jisim oe ie mg) 4 5 ® “ 1 fo ri) 100 28 28 28 0.28 0.0784 200 35 35 3s 038 o2s 300 42 4a 4s oais 0.172225 400 49 49 49 049 0.2401 so. 56 56 56 056 03136 nat Sarvng Sen Bh (187565) 39 Pry Farm ee) Discussion Patinangan /———— Plot a graph of 7” against. Plotkan graf Tlaware * 1 From the graph, state the relationshipbetween Daripada graf, nyiakan hubwngan anara (a) period of oscillation and mass of object. fempoh ayunan dengan jim objek. ‘The bigger the mass of an object, the longer the period of oscil ‘Semakin Besar js objek, somakin lama tempol ayunanrya (b) inertia ofan object anditsmass. Inersa suatu objek dan jim ‘The bigger the mass of an object, the bigger the inertia of the object. conclusion — eee ‘The inertia of the object increases as the mass increases ners suas obek meningkat apabila sim mening. Precaution Larson befegetage /— 1__The jigsaw blade must be displaced and oscillated horizontally to avoid gravitational pull “Blah gergaijigmest disesarkan dan diayunkan secara mengufukuntukmengelakkan tarkan ravi Physica Form 4 40 (©nnt saning Sen. ha (516758) Discussion activity 25 aed i Leaming Objective: 24 Analysing momentum Momentum Momentum Diagram (2) shows a bieycle and a car travelling at 20 ms“, Diagram (b) shows a child and a proffesional footballer kicking a football, Rajah (a) menunjukkan sebuah baskal dan sebuah keeta yang bergerak dengan halaju 20S” Raja (0) menunjukkan seorang budak ddan seorangpemain bola sepak profesional sedang menendangsebijibolasepak, So 20ms 20m — — Diagram (a) Rah (2) Diagram (b)/ Rajah &) (a) Whatismeantby momentum? Apakahyangdimaksudkan dengan momentun? Momentum isthe produet of mass and veloc lis unit is kg ms" and its a veetor quantity. Momentur alah hail drab jin dengan haji, Uninya alah kgm dan momenta ila Ruan vekior (b) Based on Diagram (a), explain the difference between being hit by a bicycle travelling at 20m s"and being hit by a car travelling at the same veloc Berdasarkan Rajah (8), terangkan perbezaan antarahentaman oleh sebuah basikal yang bergeak dengan halaju 20.) "dengan hentaman oleh sebuah kereta yang bergerak dengan hala yang sama, ‘The mass of the ears greater than the mass of the bieycle, Therefore, the momentum ofthe car is greater than the ‘momentum ofthe bieyele, Being hit bya car wil eause seriousinjury or damage compare to being hitby the bieyele. “isi kereta adalah lebih evar daripada sim basikal Maka, momentum Kereta adalah lebih evar daripada momentum baskal rata oT rata aa eeu Kan Reeder is er osaKaM Vag IBI rs BePbanding eran aaa TEN TAL, (©) Basedon Diagram (b) explain the difference between the distance travelled by the football kicked by the child and the distance travelled by the football kicked by the professional footballer. ‘erdasarkan Rajah (0), trangkan perbezaan antara jarck yang dill oleh bola sepak yang ditendang oleh budak tu dengan jarak yang dll ole Bolasepak yang dtendang oeh pemain boa sepak profesional it ‘The speed of the football kicked by the professional footballer is faster because the professional footballe's leg is Stronger. Hence, the momentum of the football is greater and the ball travels alonger distance compared tothe ball Kicked by the child ‘Bola sepak yang diendang oleh pemain botasepak profesional itu adalah lebih aj kerana Kaki pemain bola sepak profesional ta ‘adalah leit kuat. Maka, momentum bola sepak itu bil besa dan bola sepak akan bergerak cbs jauh berbandlng dengan bola ‘jung disepakoleh dak @ar sankng Sen Boa (167865) a ers ee) RELIC 2.6 / Principle of conservation of momentum Eee i PPrinsip keabadian momentum iL 236 Pagar? SES. 6.11 Elastic collision Perlanggaran hens oy ‘To study the principle of conservation of momentum in the case of a collision. Froblem statement __ Ts the total momentum in a closed system conserved? Pamyaten maeith_ Adakah jumlah momentum dalam sistem tertutup diabadikan? Men ‘The total momentum before collision is equal tothe total momentum after colisionif there ism external force acting on the system of clastic colliding objects. Pomosth tap /—— (@) Manipulated/Dimanipulasikan : Mass of trolley, mt im rom Velocty.y (b)_ Responding ergrakbalas Halaju,v (©) Constant/Dimalarkan Same friction compensated runway TLandasan terpampasgeseran yang sama Operational detnton The velocity ofeach trolley is measured by analysing the ticker tape obtained. see ‘Halaju setiap troli diukur dengan menganalisis pita detik yang diperolehi. Length of ticker tape / Panjang ita dete Velocity mie taken for the movement / Masa diambil wnnkgerakant Halas Apparatus ‘Ticker timer, 12 V ac power supply, 4 identical trolleys, metre rule and wooden blocks mas Jangka masa detk, bekalan kuasa a. 12 V, 4 troliserupa, pembaris meter dan bongkal kay Mates Fourstrps of ticker tape, cellophane tape and psticne. Sater _/ mp jr pita det, pita selofan dan passin Ticker ape ross —— Ticersimer wae nga maa dk Magnet et A ‘Trolley B Tol = eH Friction-compensated runway Landasan papas peseran 12 Vac. power supply ekalankuasa 12V PryseaFom 42 (@Aet Sanna Sin ha, (5675) Arrange the apparatusas shown in the diagram. ‘Susu radas sepetiyang dunt dalam aia, Raise the runway toa maximum height at which the trolleys remains stationary on the runway. Tinggikanlandasan kepada ingiyang maksimuyn dengan troldalam Keadaan rehat diataslandasan Determine and record the masses of trolley A and trolley B. Arrange the trolley as shown in the diagram, ‘Fentukar dan rekodkan isi rol Adan rol B, Susur troll seperti yang ditunjekkan dalam rajah. Fit the horseshoe magnets to the ends of the two trolleys so that they repel without direct impact. Lekatkan magnet ladam kepada Iugjung dua ol itu supaya troll itu memolak sama sendin tanpa dentaman ter Place trolley B atthe centre of the runway. Switch on the ticker timer and release trolley A so thatit moves down the runway. Letakkan tot B di tengah-tengoh landasan.Pasang sue jangka masa detik dan lepaskan trol A supaya bergerak menu landasan. “The motion ofthe trolleys before and after the impacts recorded on the tape. Calculate the speed of rolley A before collision and the common speed of trolley A and trolley Balter collision, Gerakan trot sebelum dan selepas prlanggaran dicatathan pada pita dt. Hitung aj rl sebelum _perlanggaran da lajusepurya trol Adan trol Bselepasperanggaran. ‘Repeat the experiment withtwo trolleys A and three trolley A. lang eksperimen dengan duatroli Adan tia tol A. Tabulate your resultsin he table below, Jaduatkan keputusan anda dalam jada dbawah. ers fomer Before collision | eblum perlangaran “After collision Sepa perangaran Mass of ‘Momentum trolley (kg) um. (ems) yams’) (gms?) sim ol) mm | me | | mactma |v | | mati 1 [1 [1 fo 10 o | 10 10 2 | 1 [os | o x60 | o27 | 107 161 a fa 0 165 | 028 | oss 167 cmon 1 mnancasiccolision, to objextsclideand _9 "after thecolion, Dalam sau perlanggaran kenya, dua obek berlanggardan Dera berasn_ selepas peranggaran, Total momentum of objects before and after collision is _ aval urna momentum objek sebelum dan selepas perlanggaran adalah Total energy for both objects is _ conserved uml nage kad obj aban ‘What isthe purpose of making the runway friction-compensated? Apa tujuan menjadikan landasan itu terpampasgeseran? / Supaya trol bergerak dengan halju seragam. So that the trolley moves with uniform veloc State the principle of conservation of momentum. [Nyatakan prinsip keabadian momentum. “The total momentum ofa closed system is always conserved ifno external net force acts on the @ar sankng Sen Boa (167865) a Pry Farm ee) (® Iasi colision Perlanggaran th henge onus Ticker tape fect Ticker timer naueuk Jengkamesadeak Cork ‘Tolley A Gets ‘Tolley B 12 Vac. power supply ekalankuasa 12V ae 1. Arrange the apparatus as shown in the diagram above. ‘Susu rada seperiyangdtunjukan dalam rajah di tas 2. Raise one end of the runway so that its friction-compensated, ‘Tinggikan sau jung landasan supayaterpampasgeseran. 3. Determine and record the masses of trolley A and trolley B. Arrange the trolley as shown in the diagram. ‘Tentukan dan rekodkan sim oli Adan rol B. Susu ol-rolsepertyangditanjukkan dalam rajah. 5. Fixapintooneendoftrolley A and. cork to one end of trolley B. “Lekatkan sebatag pn pada hujung oli Adan sebuah gabus pada hujungirol 6 Switch on the ticker timer and push trolley A into trolley B. The pin pierces the cork so that trolley A and trolley B move together. -Pasang sul jangha masa detk dan tolak tol A ke rol. Pn itu akan menembusi gas supava oli dan ‘rol Bbergerak ersama-sama, 7 The motion of the trolleys before and after the collision is recorded on the tape. Calculate the speed of trolley A before collision and the common speed of trolley A and trolley B after collision, Gerakan tolstoisehelum dan selepas perlanggaran dicatatkan pada pita detik Hing lai tol sebelum erlanggaran dan aj sepurya tol Adan trot selepas perlangsaran. 8 Repeatthe experiment with two trolleys A andthree trolley A. lang eksperimen dengan dua oli A dan tiga oli. 9 Tabulateyour resultsinthe table below. Tadualkan keputusananda dalam jadual baw, Before colision/ Seblum periongaran [After collision / Seles perlangoren Kinetic | Mass of Kinetic trolley A) Masel ce) | me, | SM | “ona | OED | | cnerey trotey A | sma | tines | AEB retey | mY) Tage Kimest| Tobey | am) | Hk | ne ee nt a Sima | omc m) Todo Lamy wo (kg) 1 | 100 | 100 f oso | 2 | oso | 100 | o2s 2 | os | is | os | 3 | oss | 159 | os 3 | oss | aos | oss | 4 | oa J roe | oat Physica Form 4 44 (©nnt saning Sen. ha (516758) Pac / 1 Inaninelasticcollision, woobjectscollide and_"0ve loxether _afterthe collision, Dalam satu perangearan tak kenya, dua objek berlanggardan___Wenerak borane selepas perlanggaran TT 2 Total momentum of objects before and after collision is_ ©! LJumiah momentum objek sebelum dan selepas perlanggaran adalah sa 3 Total energy for both objects is _ conserved’ Jumiah tenaga kedua-dua objek__diabadihan 4 Kineticenergyis_10! conserved|_ Kineticenergy of objectsafter collision is_I°%S than that of before collision. Tenaga inet ‘lo dishodbon Juma tenaga Knee objck selepas peranggaran adalah 0a _daripada juni tenga Kinetic obek sebum prlangzaran y 5 Compare the total momentum and kinetic energy ofthe trolleys before collision and after [PY collision. £ ‘Bandingkanjurlah momentum dan julah tenaga inci ols sebum perlangaran dan selepas FS pevlagaran cs Tn an ‘momentum is conserved, 6 Write an equation to show the conservation of momentum in an inelastic collision. Tals satupersamaan untuk menunjukkan keabadian momentum dalam peranggaran tak kenval @ Ealosion © ssi ‘To study the principle of conservation of momentum in the case of an explosion, ‘Menghajlprinsip Feabadian momentuon dalam Kes Teupan, Problem statement Pemyatan mosish /— Is the total momentum in a closed system conserved in an explosion? Adakah jumlah momentum dalam sistem terutupdiabadikan dalam swat letupan? Hypothesis ‘The total momentum before explosion i equal to the total momentum after explosion, ‘ritesis exp at I a (b) Responding /Bergerakbalas —: Vel0eity.v nat Sarvng Sen Bh (187565) 45 Pry Farm ee) Apparatus pene Three identical trolleys, 2 wooden blocks, mallet, and ruler. Procedure Prete _/— epausan [~~ “Tiga bah roi yang serupa,2bonpkak kay, penukul dan pembaris Wooden block Trolley B Bonga kay Trolley A iva gota [ton inal ‘Starting point Tui permulaan Place two wooden blocks from each other on the even surface of table, “Letakkan dua bonghals kay diantara satu denganyang lind ataspermukaan mejayangrata Place two trolleys, A and B in contact with each other as shown in the diagram and mark the starting point foreach trolley. Letakkan dua tot, Adan B supaya bersentuhan sepert yang dtunjukkan dalam raja dan tandakan ie permalaan untuk stip trol Knock the trigger of trolley A to release the rod that is attached to a spring to create an "explosion" Kerukpiou pada rol A ntuk melepaskan rod berspring bagi menghasilkan sata"letupan Adjust the wooden blocks in order for both the trolleys to hit the blocks at the same time. Measure and record the distance travelled by the trolleys asd, and, Laraskan kedudukan bongkak: bongkah kay ite supaya kedua-dua trol akan melangear Dongka:bongkah -aywiapada masa yang sama. Ukur dan cattkan jarak yang dial oleh kedua-dua roi sehagaid, and, Repeat the procedure with two trolleysstacked together in contact with another trolley. lang prosedur dengan menggunakan dua buak troi yang disusun secara bertingkat dam bersentuhan dengan sebuah toyang ain ‘otal momentum ‘Total momentum ‘Trolley system, before explosion after explosion Sistem trol umiah momentum utah momentum sebelum letapan selepasletupan trolley in contact with 1 tolley Lol berentuhan |) FXO) dengan 1 tol [n= em ( 2 trolleys in contact with 1 trolley joo) one 2troli bersentuhan (2m % 0) + (om x 0) dengan trot fom ()] +b =(%)] 48 (©nnt saning Sen. ha (516758) Best 1 comparete momentumaf tle Ande momentumattalleyBinermat odcenmamenton mt dg nner at (a) the magnitude /magninud Manito moment rly A agnitude of momentum trolley B, magitud momentum tol (©) thedirection/arak Momentum trolley A and momentum trolley B are not the same because trolley A and 2. Write an equation to show the conservation of momentum of the trolley. Tadissatu persamaan untuk menunyutkan keabaclan momentum bag tol tersebut jem ers Precaution Trolley A is straightened before being released in order fort to collide with trolley B, Both trolley Langton boa 08 ‘will move inastraightline, ‘Complete the map below. Learn “(E) 7 (oa energy is \ { cxcariszer conserved Momentum \ {conserved \ Tenaga Kinet { iscomsered \, renga tines] Momentum tidak diabadikan, \ aban Inclastic Collision Perlanggaran Tak Kenyal Elastic Collision Perlanggaran Kensal NY is conserved (oes 7 comsne \ ferent way una enaga { aftercollsion ) == { aftercollsion |} {Berger secara iY | Bercantur seeps} erasngan slepas \ perangearan perlangara nat Sarvng Sen Bh (187565) 47 Pry Farm Learning Objective: 25 Undorsiansing the elect of force Discussion activity 2.7 [ Thenttocts of a force ) ede Kesan-kosan suatu daya = 1 Thediagram shows a present boxrestingon a table, Rajah berikut menunjukan sebuah Kotak hadiah yangteitak li atasmeja Normal reaction de er nama RABY t TA Tice howe (a) Label two forees acting om the present box. /Labelkan dua daya yang bertndak terhadap kota hadiah i (b)_ Compare the values ofthe forces. /Bandingkan nila daya-daya it ‘Weight = Normal reaction / Herat = Tindak balas normal 2. The following diagram shows wo horizontal forces acting ona box on a smooth surface. Rajah yang berkut menunjukkan dua daya mengufueyang berindak terhadap sebuah kotk datas penmukaan yang cin, >F, f Describe the forces, F,andF,, acting on the box when the box is Terangkan daya, F,dan F, yang berindak pada kotak it apabila kota it A ~, (a) at rest dalam keadaan rehat (b)_ movingatconstant velocity beer dengan haljumalar Fy F,because a = 0/ F\= Fykerana a = 0 (©) accelerating to the right | memecut ke sebelah kanan, = FoF, (@) accelerating to the left / memecut ke sebelah kir, 3 The following diagram shows two horizontal forces acting on.a trolley ona frictionless runway. ‘Rajah yang berkut menunjukan dua daya mengufukyangbertindak pada sebuah vol datas landasan yanlicin. 6 >5N —__o—-o" A third horizontal force, F, also acts on the trolley. Find the magnitude and direction of F when the trolley is Sane daya mengufuk yang ketga juga berindak pada vol iw. Cari magnitud dan arah bagi P apabil oli (@) at rest dalam keaduan rehat _2.N t0 the left | 2 berindak ke kit (b) moving to the ight with aconstantspeedof 9 ms /bergerakekanan dengan ljumalar 9a" 2N to the left /2N bernda ke ir (©) accelerating to the left / memecut ke kri_F > 2.N to the left /F > 2N bertindak ke kr PryseaFom 48 (@Aet Sanna Sin ha, (5675) Relationship between acceleration and mass when force UE 2. / Rilatonshi Eee Hubungan antarspecuten dn jsim apis dey adsiah malar Kamal throws two different bowling balls as in diagram above with the same throwing technique. He notices that the blue colourbowling ball accelerates faster than the black colour bowling ball Kamal membating dua bola boing yang berbera seperti dalam raja di atas dengan teknikbalingan yang sama, Dia mendapati bahawa bola boling berwama bru memecut dengan lebih cepat herbanding bola boing berwarna ita. Based on the information given, make one suitable inference and state one appropriate hypothesis that could be investigated, erdasarkan maklumat yang diber, bina satuinferen ang sesua dan yatakan satwhipotess yang senajaria untuk dik ery Problem statement Pomasusmesaan/— Does the acceleration of an object depends on the mass of the object? Adakah pecutansuatu obek begantung kepada jis obek itu? Hypothesis feet ‘The acceleration ofan objectincreasesas the mass of the object decreases, Pantocrator /———— (@) Manipulate /Dimanipuasitan Mass of trolley, m Tisim tom (©) Responding/Bererakboas —; Acceleration, Feature a (©) Constant/Dimalarkan Force, F Days? 1_The acceleration, a iscalculated from the equation and the ticker tape chart, Apparatus ere Ticker timer, ticker tape, elastic cord, trolleys, runway, 12 V ac. power supply. Jangka masa det, pita det, tli kenyal, ol, landasan, bekalan kuasa 12 V au Ticker timer 12Vac ——Jongkrmase Ticker tape Fi eosate laste cord ricton-compensated Powersupply de Piadeie lation inclined plane Fetal uaa al Ss _ Salah condone aes a cy L » 49 Pry Farm ee) Procedure trode dere when ‘hen of he aly ent PryseaFom ‘Mass of trolley, m (ke) a) ‘Acceleration, a (em s™) isi toi, mh) m Peeutanya (em 8”) 1 1.00 1100 2 050 550 Nise 3 033 360 1. Setupthe shown inthe diagram, ‘Susun radas seperti yang dtunjuckan dalam aia 2 Adjustthe height ofthe runway so that itis friction-compensated, Selavaskan ketinggianlandasan supayalandasan terpampasgeseran 3. Attach the ticker tape tothe trolley and pass the tape through the ticker-timer. “Lekatkan pita det pada irolidan fatukan pita ita melalui jangka masa detk. 4 Pall the trolley backwards against the clastic cord so that the elastic cord is stretched with fixed extension, ‘ark ott ke belakang, menentang al kenya supaya tai kenya dieganghan sehingga sat pemanjangan yangteap. 5 Release the trolleyso thatthe trolley slides down the runway. Lepaskan oti supaya voli menggelongsor menur landasan 6 Cutthe ticker tape into S-ticks strpsand make a tape chart Potongpitadetikhepaa heratan-keratan dengan Sdeti dan bina satwcarapta 7 Calculate the acceleration of the trolley. Hitungpecutan roi 8 Repeat the experiment with two trolleys and three trolleys. lang eksperimen dengan mengeunaken dua trol dan tiga tro 9 Ttuteherestsandplotagraphots against Jadu kpsonanda dan plo grfalavan 50 (©nnt saning Sen. ha (516758) Eee Hubuagan aniaradaye dongan pecutan agabia iin adalah malar Aim Probiem statement Hypothesis Se ae Varia Peni tar /——~ Apparatus fees 2 ae ‘To study the relationship between force and acceleration of an object when its mass is constant, “Meng bangs antara aya dan pecan sure objekapabila isi objek a adalah malar If the force acting on an abject increases, will the acceleration of the object also increases? Jka daya yang dikenakan ke atassuatu objek meninglat, adakah pecutan objek itu meningkat? “The force acting on an objects directly proportional tothe acceleration af the object of constant mass Daya yang bertindak ke ats objek adalah berkadar teas dengan pecutan suatu objek yang berm tetap. (2) Manipulated/Dimanipuaskan : Force. i Daye, F i (©) Responding /egerkbelas _; Acseleration of object a H Pecan och @ i (6) Constant /Dimaarkan Mass of object, m “isi jek Ticker timer, ticker tape, elastic cord, trolleys, runway, 12 V ac. power supply. Jangka masa det, pita det, tli Renal, ol, landasan, bekalan uasa 12 V a. Ticker timer Jang masa dee Blastic eord vas power supply [P= ekalenkuasa 1. Setup the apparatusas shown inthe diagram. Susun radas sepetiyang diunjukkan dalam rajah 2. Raise the runway othatitisfriction-compensated. Tinggikanlandasan supayalandasan erpampas geseran. 3. Attach the ticker tape to the trolley and pass the tape through the ticker timer. Lekathan pita denk pada rol dan lalukan pita itmelalljangha masa dei. 4 Fixanclasticcord to two nails across the runway. asangkan sewas tal kenya pada dua batangpaku merentasilandasan, 5 Hookthe trolley atthe middle of the elastic cord and pulled backwards with an extension of 4m. ang rol pada engah-tengah al kenya dan trike belakang dengan pemanjangan 4L © M>K @M-K DMcK 10 Diagram 7 shows a box of mass 100 gis placedon the slippery surface Rajah 7 menurjukkan sebuah Kotak bers 100 kg iletaekan datas arta yan icin, 100 kg 200N4 ‘Slippery surface Permian yong iin Diagram 7 / Rajah 7 ‘What is the acceleration ofthe box? Apnkah peewa kotak ersebut? D sms" 1 Diagram 8 shows a car mass 850 kg accelerating on aroad. Faigh § menoyutkan sebuah Kereta ‘enisim 850 ky sedang memecut datas jalan raya 10.000N Sa a5 5 000N Diagram 8 Rajah ‘Whats the acceleration ofthe ar? Apakah peewan eretatervebul? 235ms* BoOA2ms* © 176ms" D 21.18ms" co) 12 Anathlete with mass of 55 kg lands comp. attress in a high jump on, He hits the mattress ata velocity of 12 m s” and stop after 05s ‘Whats the magnitude of impulsive force? Seorang et bes SS kg mendarat di ‘alas. seb wah tila dalam suanu pertandingan lompat tinggi. Dia smenghenta ddan been Apa me a tlm pada ala 12 m slp 058 grid cay impals? n 13 The crumple zone in front of the cari important for safety because iteould reduce Zon mudah mk pada bahia eet uaa pein unt keselamatan kena iadapatmenguangkan ‘A thedamage onengine Aeraschan padacn B gravitational potential energy Tenaga kenpayten grav the impulsive force dye impuls D thetimeofimpact mmasahentaman 14 Diagram 9 showstwo identical eggs was dropped from the same height, fon two different surfaces which are cementfloor and sponge. Rajah 9 menunjubkan dua bi tlur dung serpa dijatubon dariketinggan dang sama, Ke aas dua permukaan Eee Q) Ter P A Brokenegg | Not broken egg Thr |, Ter ttak peak 2O% peat Cement floor Sponge ania sien Span Diagram 9 Raj 9 Whichinerencearecoree? ines manaahyang deal? 1 impulsive force depends onthe velociyofegs Days Dapeng pad alae vee @ Impulsive force depends on the ‘Dao imparting pad masa hewn € Impulsive force depends on the helehtofegas Daye impaberguntung pada fener D Impulsive fore depends on the saviyforce Diya ipa Pergantn pada dana ravi oo ers 15 Whichsituation shows forcesarein 16 Diagram 10 shows three springs Which comparison of the length of equilibrium? arrangements, 5, T-All springs spring arrangements, R, Sand Tis Siuasi manakoh menunjutkan daye- —ysedare identical correct when weight of 1 kg is daya dalam keseimbangan? Rajah 10 menunjukkan tiga susunan hung? A Acarspeeding upon highway ging R, S dam 7. Semua spring yang Perbandingan_ bagi pemanjangan Kertamerngkarkankelsuanadi —igaakan adalah scrap. susan spring, R,'S dan T manatch lebuh raya R s Tr ‘yung etal apabila beban I kg digantung? GBA motorcycle moving with — aajuae ugune asa (ARO SS uniform velocity g E EE E B00 BRDSST Movil beer dengan hala CT>R>S seagam € L Drs © An aeroplane takeott on ef e €6 oe runway a landasan co D Aaxclist slowing downhisbioyte Diagram 10 / Rj 10 Poungoe asia! morpedsankan bene Paper2/Keras2 Section A Bahagian Instruction : Answer all questions Arahan + Jawabsemuasoalan 1 Diagram 1.1 shows a 70 kg cupboards pushed by a man with a force 400.N, The cupboard moved with a constant velocity aja 11 menunjukdan san amar’ TO kgditolak oleh seorang lela dengan sane daya 400. Alar itu bergerak dengan halajuseragam. Emm oe A L ] Diagram 1.1 / jah 1 (a) Whatisthe meaning of force? Apakahyangdimaksudban dengan daya? [1 mark /1 markat] (©) (@_— Whatisthe frictional foree actingon the cupboard? Rerapakahdaya eseran yang bertindak pada almariitu? [1 mark /1 markak] i) Sketch displacement-time graph for the motion of the cupboard in Diagram 1.2. Lakar sa graf sesaran-masa untuk pergerakanalmar ita dalam Rajah 1.2. Displacement (m) Sestran (ct) Time (6) Mase (5) Diagram 1.2 Rajah 12 {umask /1 mats] PryseaFom 2 (@Aet Sanna Sin ha, (5675) (e)Thepushing force of the cupboards increased to 450N. pushing ik aya tolakar otaku dtambah kepada 4S0N, Caleulate /Hitune (_theresultant orceacting on the cupboard, day paduan yang bertndak ke tas abmar‘itu, [2marks/2markah] (ii) theacceleration ofthe cupboard, pecutanalmariit ([2marks/2markah] 2. Diagram 2.1 shows two cyclists eyeing the bieyele and reached the distance shown in 3seconds. ‘Rajah 21 menuoyjudtkan dua penunggang mengayul basikl dan tba pada jarakyang dtunuekan dalam masa sat Diagram 2.2 shows only one ofthe eyclists cycling the bicycle and reached the same distanceiin 7seconds. Raja 2.2 menunjukkan hanya seorang penunggang sedang mengayuh basal dan tba pada jarakyang sama dalam masa saa Diagram 21 / ooh 21 Diagram 2.2/ Rajah 22 (a) Name the force which acted between the bicycle tyre and the road. Namakan daya yang bertindak antara tayarbasikal dengan jalan raya. [1 mark / 1 markah] (b) Observe Diagram 2.1 and Diagram 2.2 Perhatikan Rajah 2.1 dan Rajah 2.2 (Compare the forces applied by the eyclists that cause the bicycle to move forward. Bandinghan daya yang dikenakan oleh penunggang basal yang menyebabkan basikalbergerak ke hadapan. [1 mark / 1 markah] (i) Compare the time taken to travel the same distance, Bandingkan masa yang diambil untuk bergerak pada jarak yang sama, [1 mark / 1 markah] (iil) Basedon the answer in2(b)(i), compare the acceleration ofthe bicycle. Berdasarkan jawapan di 2(b)i, bandingkan pecwtanbasikal it [1 evark / 1 markah) (@) Relate the forces applied by the cyclists to the acceleration of the bicycle. Hubunghait daya yang dikenakan oleh penunggang baskal dengan pecutan basal in. [1 mark / 1 markah] (©) Name the physies law involved in 2(b)(iv). Namakan buku fk yang teribat di 2(0)(). [1 mark / 1 markah] (@ (@ _ Whathappento the acceleration ofbieyelein Diagram 2.1 when both cyclists bend theirbodies forward? Apekah yang tejadi pada pecutan baskal dalam Rajah 2.1 apabila kedua-dua penunggang basikal itu membongkok ke hhadapan? [1 mark / 1 markah] i) Give one reason for your answer in 2(4)(i). Beri satu sebab bag jawapan anda di 2(8)i)- [1 mark / 1 markah] nat Sarvng Sen Bh (187565) B Pry Farm ers Seotion B / Bahagian B 3 Diagram 3.1 shows a stroboscopic photograph of an axe cutting a wood. The photograph is taken using a stroboscope ‘and camera, Rajah 3.1 menunjuban fotograf stroboskop bagi sebilah Kapak yang sedang memotong kay. Fotograf sroboskop ine diambil ‘menggunakansroboskop dan kamera. ee) Diagram 3.1 / Rajah 3. Diagram 3.2 shows another stroboscopic photograph of the same axe cutting. similar wood with different force. ‘Rajah 32 menuojukan satu lagi ftograf sirobaskop bag sebilah kapak yang sama yang sedang memotong kay yang serupa dengan dayayangberbeza Diagram 3.2 Rah 3.2 (a) State the function ofa stroboscope. ‘Nyatakan fungi stroboskop. [1 mark / 1 market] (b) Using Diagram 3.1 and Diagram3.2, Menggunakan Rajah 3.1 dan Rajah 32 (compare the distance between the two consequence images and the depth of axes that penetrate into the ‘wooden block. bandingkan arakantara dua imejyang berurtan dengan kedalaman kapakyang menembusi bok kay. [2 marks /2 markat] (ii) _ relate the distance between the two consecutive images with the velocity of the ax. burg kat jarak antara dua ime yang berturatan dengan hala kapak. [1 mark / 1 market) (iii) relate the depth of an axe that penetrates into the wooden block with the force exerted on the wood, burg ait kedalaman hapak yang menembuas blk hau dengan daya yang dikenakan ke ata kay it [1 mark / 1 mark) Physica Form 4 14 (©nnt saning Sen. ha (516758) (iv) deduce arelationship between the velocity of the axe and the force exerted on the wood, simpulkan hubuanganantarahalajkapak dengun daya yang dikenakan ke ata kay (Imark/1markat] (©) Diagram3.3 shows Taekwondo exponent smashing a wooden block using his feet, Rajah 33 menunukkan seorang ahi Taekwondo memecalkan blok kayu mengeunakan kakinya a i Diagram 3.3 /Raoh 33, Explain how the wooden block issmashed by the Taekwondo exponent. Terangkan bagaimana blokkayuitu dipecahkan oleh abt Taekwondo itu [marks /4markah] ers (@)_ Diagram 3.4shows an archer aiming an arrow toa target board. Rajah 34 menunukkan seorang pemanah sedang mengacu anak panah pada papan sasaran. ‘Target board Papa reson Bowstring Taber Diagram 3.4 Rajah 34 Using appropriate physics concept, explain the use of suitable equipments performance, ‘Your answer should include the following aspects Menguakan konsep fic yangsesua,erangkan penggunaan pealatan dan tekni yang sesua untuk memperbaikipeneapatanrya Javapan anda hendaklah merangkumiaspek-agpekberikt id techniques to improve his ( massofthearrow (@) strength of the bow ism anakpanah ekuatan bus shape ofthe arrow (¥) _ position ofthe aiming arrow compared tothe centre of the bentukanak panah target board, kedudukan anak panah yang diacskan berbanding kepada pusat Gil) elasticity ofthe bowstring papan sasaran Aekenyalantalibusur [10 marks / 10 markat] @ar sankng Sen Boa (167865) 5 Pry Farm Sect C Baagian 4) Diagram 4.1 shows the structure ofa rocket. The rocket works according othe principle of conservation of momentum, ‘Rajah 4.1 menuoyjutkan suk sebuah roket,Roket bkerja berdasarkan prinsp keabadian momentum. ESET «0 Liquid hydrogen Ceeairhiarogen | f\ 1 Liquid oxygen Cecniresipen Diagram 4.1 / Rajah 1 (a) (@_ State the principle of eonservation of momentum, Nyatakan pinsip keabadian momentum. [1 mark (1 markan] (Gi). Explain in terms of the principle of conservation of momentum, how the rocket is launched, Terangkan dalam konteksprinsip keabadlian momentum, bagaimana roket ita dilancarkan. [a marks /4 markak] (b) Diagram 4.2 shows the design and the specifications of four different jet engines, , K, L and M. Study the specifications ofall four jet engines. Explain the suitability of each design and its specifications. Determine the most suitable jet engine to be used in the aircraft. Give reasons for your answer. ‘Rajah 4.2 menunjukkan reka bentuk dan spesifikas bagi empatenjin et yang berbeza, JK, L. dan M. Kaji spesifikasikeempat-empat enjn jet terse. Terangkan kesesuaian bai stip reka bentuk dan spsifikasiny, Tentukan enjn jt yang paling sesuaidigunakan sebagai pesawat udara, Ber sebab untuk pilhan anda (10 marks / 10 markah] Tet engine Specifications Ewin Spe Airinakeroush big opening s ge Sis, Exhaust gases through small opening ; a ns mea Galan cla dn ec aD eter er Iron indes Big combuation chamber [iuh tet eb pobataon er Rema seullopening | 3 shunt ass hough big oping K Grandmas CSW pe Gs cas eal ba er Iron iadca Small combustion camber ub Ae pontoon bet ‘A ake ugh = tic opening SG st aes rough sal pening L Caen mena ct ote Gare mei ao be an er ee itasiom aes Bicombusin chamber ian Rt pombe br iSong - ‘small opening pe mall opening bs. ‘= Exhaust gases through big opening M a mas eas = Gaetan cet bo bor “Tianiniades Smal combustion chamber loki _Rt pontarect Dingram 2 nah 2 76 (©nnt saning Sen. ha (516758) (©) Anaireraft has a forward thrust of 1.0 X 10°N. The mass of the aircraft is 4.0 x 10° kg. Sebuah pesawat dara mempunyaltjah ke depan 1.0 x 10" N. Jism pesawat udara ita adalah 40 % 10° Kg (Caleulate the acceleration of the aircraft Hong pecutan pesawatudara it [2 marks /2marka] (i) Theaircraft mustreach aspeed of 85 ms" totake of. Calculate the minimum length of runway needed for this aircraft Pesawatudara itemestimencapaikelajuan 8S untuk membolekkannge berlepas, Hitungpanjang minimum landasan yang diperiukan untuk pesonat dara it [S marks /3 markat] ers @ar sankng Sen Boa (167865) 7 Pry Farm Paper /Kertas3 Instruction : Answerall questions. Arahan + Jawabsemuasoalan 1. Diagram 1.1 shows Encik Amin pushing a stroller with his twin daughters in the stroller. Diagram 1.2 shows Encik Amin pushing the same stroller with one of his daughter init, He noticed that it is ore difficult to move and to stop the stroller, when pushing two child Rajah 1.1 menunjukkan Encik Amin menolak kereta sorong bayi dengan anak kembar perempuanny di dalam. Rajah 1.2 ‘meruniukkan Encik Amin menolak Kereta sorong bayi yang sama dengan seorang anak perempuan di dalamya. Beis mendapatt lebih sukar untuk menggerakkan dan memberkerikan kerctasorong basi tersebut pabila menolak dua oranganakra Diagram 1 Rajah Diagram 1.2/ Rajah 12 Based on the information and your observation: erdasarkan maklumat dan pemerhatian anda (a) State one suitable inference, Nyatakan satunferensyangsesua [1 mark markal] (b)_ State onesuitable hypothesis Njmiakan satuhipotesis yang ses [1 mark! markah] (©) With the use of apparatus such as hacksaw blade, G-clamp, plasticine and other apparatus, describe one experiment to investigate the hypothesis tated in 1(b). Dengan menggunakan radas seperti bila sergaj, pengapit-G, plastisn dan fin-lainradas, terangkan satu elsperimen untuk ‘menyasat hipotesis yang dinyatakan di \(), Inyour description, state clearly the following: ‘alam penerangan anda natakan dengan elas perkara erik: ()Theaimofthe experiment Tujuan esperimen. Gi) ‘Thevariablesin the experiment. Pemboleh ubah dalam eksperimen (ii) The list ofapparatus and materials, Senarairadas dan bahar (iv) Thearrangement ofthe apparatus. Susunan radas. (®) The procedure of the experiment which include one method of controlling the manipulated variable and ‘one method of measuring the responding variable. Prosedureksperimen termasuk satu kaedah mengawal pemboleh ubak dimanipulasikan dan sata kaedah mengukur pembolehubah bergerakbalas. (vi) Theway to tabulate the data. os (vi) Theway to analyse the data. Cara untuk menganaliis data (10 marks / 10 markah] PryseaFom 78 (@Aet Sanna Sin ha, (5675)

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